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Completed Chapter II: Blades in Motion

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Dina Ailsa

"Dina, please call me Dina. I have some experience with a dagger. Medical purposes mostly." and cutting herbs and peeling vegetables. Dina answered him in a dreamy voice. She wished she could stay here a little longer, not just pass by all this beauty. She took a few deep breaths. "Never really had a killer instinct, but I would dare say that I'm a good medic." my mother used to do the hunting, I felt bad and just couldn't bring myself to do it. She turned around them, her eyes half closed, and smiled at the dwarf. She couldn't figure out why, but surrounded by this beautiful nature she felt beautiful herself.
Laurolf Fangür

The Dwarf hemmed, "Pardon me, lass, it just ain' the Dwarven way to be calling a lady by 'er first name, hm? Especially when she be, royalty." Laurolf lowered his voice a little towards the end of his sentence, not all that trusting of the forest that surrounded them. He then smiled and looked at the human, "Our beards may sometimes be rugged, and we may often smell like ale- But we Dwarves are quite the gents, when ye' get right down to it. But, I suppose if milady insists, I shall be calling ye' Dina." He nodded his head and turned his eyes back to the road, while digging out his wooden pipe from the satchel. As he started filling the pipe with some kind of dry weed of a reddish color, the Dwarf continued to speak, "Now, the only reason I be askin' about yer' combat experience, is that there may come a time none of us skilled with a blade or an axe, can be helping to defend ye'." He lit the pipe and placed it in between his lips, "A dagger is a weapon of defense against a bandit or a drunken lad, sure- But it won't be keeping a horde of demons away. Nay, for that ye' be needing a real weapon." Laurolf hemmed, blowing out a ring of smoke. "I reckon it'd be wise of ye', to learn how to wield a blade. Perhaps Eltheron or ser Meric could be teaching ye'.. And, if we be having the time, I could be forgin' a sword suited perfectly for a lass such as yeself, hm? I could be trying to craft a rune for it as well, to embed yer' power of nature into the blade, for as beautiful as yer flowers n' bushes may be- They can also be twice as deadly."
Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen


"Y...your forestry skills are...ah...most commendable, my dear...friend..."

The trip had taken a great deal of the oomph out of Henvei, and the break that followed the arduous trip came to him as one of the finer things in life. Still, he was barely able to stand, let alone continue further. His tongue, however, did not seem to be on the same circuit as his legs. "Certainly...I would have enjoyed this trip, as well, with such a fine tour guide...your eye for beauty is exceptional." Henvei supposed that any path would have had the same lovely look to it, but left that matter alone. Opening his palm in a careful spasm, he sent a fine mist of conjured water floating across his face, sighing contentedly at the cooling effect. "All the same, my thanks."

Henvei opened one eye and regarded Eltheron. "Looks like I owe you one." He quipped, in an oddly honest way. But then, it was back to business. "I suspect we are close to the goal. This is good. I'm sure you are aware of the necessity of me reaching the Library first...with all due respect to our friends, there's no telling what they'll do to its walls. Or its books." Henvei shifted his hands, urgently. "Do you know the way?"

Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron was standing a few feet ahead of Henvei as the man - as he often did - rambled on. When the air became silent once more Eltheron realized the strange man had stopped his ramblings, and he turned to him, "Think not of it Henvei, and yes, I should remember the way. However I did tell Dina I'd wait for them at the cities edge." Eltheron gave the man a once over, why is he so bent on getting there first... better to keep an eye on the man he figured, besides, perhaps this Library held some knowledge for him as well, something pertaining to this new... ability... he had gained. "I suppose they can meet us at the Library though."
Dina Ailsa

Well it looks like I'm going to have to develop that killer instinct. I must think of my own survival. Dina thought, not so fond of the idea. But in the end, the dwarf was right. As the heir to the throne it is required of her to know her way with weapons. "That is a wonderful offer and I would be delighted if you would do so. Though I would rather you craft the rune that would keep the blade from leaving my side even when I'm forced to let go of it. I'm content with my power as it is and I would not risk someone else preempting it by stealing the sword." she said. The thought of the blade crafted just for her was really appealing. The blade would be lighter and easier for her to use, that's for sure. There might not be enough time even to tutor you though, don't get your hopes up. She reminded herself harshly. This whole business involved some minor and major changes of her character, her pose and variety of her skills. And those had to be carried through if she was to become worthy of her heritage. There was no time for weakness, but Dina knew that she had a bucket full of them. She had to attend to them and fast, even at this very moment. Those thoughts were discouraging and the concern mush have been written all over her face. There was so mush to do, so little time. "I have to change my whole self to become what I should be." she whispered thinking out loud.
Laurolf Fangür

"Hmm, hmm - A blade that wouldn't be leaving it's master's side.." The Dwarf mumbled, appearing to now be deep in thought. "Light.. elven steel, aye.. aye.. It be sharp and light.." Laurolf thought, blowing out some smoke. "Golden grip, for balance.. Hmm, aye it'd work. If only I could use the Knalgan forges.." He could already see himself forging the sword, all the parts formed inside his head as he imagined what the sword would look like. Threatening, and yet fit for a Queen, "A royal blade." However, making the sword was the easy part - Embedding it with the loyalty only to serve Dina, was the difficult part, though he could make it so that the blade would harm anyone else who touched it, he wasn't yet quite sure how to make it 'attached' to the human.

After a few minutes of silence, deep thoughts and smoking- The Dwarf nodded his head, "Aye!" He looked at Dina, "I will be making ye' a fine blade, hm! Perhaps some armor as well.."
Dina Ailsa

Dina was torn from her thoughts the moment the dwarf spoke again. Her eyes sparkled. She never imagined that she would be excited over a blade, but hey, she had to wield one anyway. Why not wield a special one while at it? "That would be wonderful." she spoke in a voice girls used when talking about jewelry. She smiled, it was a truly brilliant smile this time around.
The agreement between the young queen-to-be and the dwarven runemaster was an interesting one, especially given how they had first started off on a relatively bad foot. A sword fit for royalty... And enchanted nonetheless. Well, if one considered runes to be enchantments, that is. Laurolf's concerns on the matter were justified, but it was perfectly possible. Not something that he had ever seen before, let alone done himself, this rune of loyalty. But was this a truly selfless act? Perhaps. He already made a deal with Dina to gain what he truly wanted - a free dwarven kingdom in exchange for his assistance in the war. He would follow the heir to the throne, he would fight for her, and in the end it were his own people that would prosper for it. The proud kingdom of dwarves would stood erect once more, as it hadn't since the First Age.

He certainly had his motivation, and if Dina was to be queen of Asgard restored to its former glory, it was all the better to remain on good terms with her. An equal alliance with Asgard would be worth more than remaining on neutral terms and possibly having to watch his back in the future. A sword it would be, but how? The dwarves were the most skilled blacksmiths in the known world, and the forges of Knalga were the birthplace of some of the world's most famous and deadliest weapons ever produced. But Knalga was under Ilhirel's rule. Should they risk a trip to Laurolf's homeland just for access to the forge? Laurolf immediately knew that there was another choice. The skill of the drakkar was next in line after the dwarves when it came to hitting steel, but it certainly wasn't for worse tools. The desert forges would serve the purpose almost equally as well with the right dwarf set to the task, and Daskárd, though also under Ilhirel's rule, was a distant and wild land. Aside from the capital, the Sorceress never showed much interest for it. It would be an easier target.

Meanwhile, Henvei and Eltheron had exited the forest. Before them stood the sight of Aboran, perhaps a mile off to the east, and the blueness of the Shallow Sea. The town's stone walls were bright in the high sun. There were people moving along the main road that trailed off north to Reindir, and south along the coastline. The dirt road they took from the village through the forest would lead them through the outlying village with its fields of corn, vegetables and grapes. The area ahead was flat, perfect for farming. The sky overhead was a clear blue, cloudless.
Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen


"W..Wonderful scenery, yes?"

Henvei still found breathing a laborious task. This bothered him. "How much further?" The Folk inquired, pacing about impatiently despite his evident exhaustion. "Surely we are almost to the Library, with such a speed? I take it you are familiar with these parts?"

The Folk suddenly stumbled, tripped, and fell over a small divet on the ground, landing in an unceremonious pile on the side of the road. It took some time for him to extract himself from the pile, but thankfully the tall grass growing there had kept him in one piece. "Or...perhaps a rest would be in order." He decided, taking Fate's cue.

Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron just looked at the man as he laid on the ground, shaking his head letting out a sigh. "Get up Henvei, we haven't the time, and we needn't draw attention to ourselves. Her soldiers are here and we need to be swift, now get up and let's keep on our way."

Eltheron walked past Henvei as he laid sprawled out on the ground, pulling his hood a little lower, and his cloak tighter around himself. "Come along Messer vech Daltzen."
Meric King

Meric, glancing at the dwarf, said "Dwarf, if you could spare some time, could you rune my sword and bow?" Meric then looked at Dina, "If you have no training with the sword, I offer my training. I am willing to part with the King techniques if it allows us to kill the Sorceress."

Despite some difficulties, at some point Eltheron and Henvei had finally reached Aboran's main and only gates. There weren't alot of people coming and going, and there were only two guards posted with halberds under the raised portcullis. They were elves, and didn't give a second glance as Eltheron and Henvei passed by them. The main street beyond was paved with cobblestone, but other less important streets that branched off now and then were only stomped dirt. The elf knew that the Great Library was located at the far side of town.

It was nearing noon, and the main street was busy. The air was filled with the scent of fresh bread, spices, and the sea. The first major turn held the extension of the main street that led to the docks, and that way was also paved. However, our Chosens' destination was further up along the main street.

Meanwhile, the rest of the fellowship was nearing the exit from the forest. They could have noticed the way trees became somewhat scarcer, more apart. The path was less winding and more straight, and more and more light fell upon it through gaps in the treetops. It wouldn't be long before they broke out to gaze at the outskirts of Aboran.
Laurolf Fangür

"Mmm, hmm.." Laurolf hemmed, enjoying his pipe and listening to the other shadow elf. "Aye, aye, I can be doing that." He blew out some smoke, "Once we be havin' the time, though first I must be practicin' this skill the spectres granted me. After all, wouldn't be wantin' me runes to make yer weapons go bonkers in the heat of battle, eh?" While Laurolf was confident, he knew to be careful- Magic was a thing one shouldn't meddle with lightheartedly. Plus, he had never actually made runes, only heard and read about them.. The 'Runemasters' of Knalga had stopped being masters of magical runes a long time ago, Laurolf's great great grand father had been among the last of them, so there was a lot of knowledge about the art in his family.. Just nothing practical.

As the end of their long trek loomed before them, Laurolf hemmed. Though he didn't show it, the matter of forging a good blade was weighing on his mind. To fight Ilhirel, they needed the best- The best people, the best skills and the best weapons. Elven steel he could get almost anywhere in Eldshaw, but for "Her to be Majesty's" blade to be the best, Laurolf needed a good- nay- a Knalgan forge. Many nowadays didn't believe a forge had anything to do with the quality of the product, but it did. The Knalgan forges were ancient and their fires had been burning hotter than the depths of the demonic realms, for centuries. "There be another option.." Laurolf thought, dislike in his mind. "But travel through Hyerald.. No, it'd take too bloody long."

The Dwarf sighed, at the same time blowing out a ring of smoke. "So tell me, master Meric" He said, looking up at the elf, "These be yer lands, so perhaps ye' be knowin', if we could get a ship in Aboran, hm?" Laurolf had come to the conclusion, that they would have to cross the Shallow Sea, if they were to travel all the way to the 'Drakesands' with time on their side.
Dina Ailsa

Dina nodded. "We'll get to training as soon as we can." She said shortly. Soon they'll be in that grand library where other things needed to be done.

Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen

"Aha! Ahahaha~! Ahahahahaha...haha..ha..."

The laugh was part evil genius, part man who had walked far too long for his liking. Henvei kept his hands busy by shuffling a small deck of metal cards.

"A good trip, yes. Your fellows are most superb in the field of warm welcomes, I must say." Henvei cast a skeptical eye at the nearest group of Elves, but left it at that. "Perhaps it is for the better, however. I suppose that to have a scholar of my magnitude, shuffling about in such a great place, would have the whole city in arms. Hah! I jest; I suspect my legacy has hardly spread anywhere near these parts. And perhaps that is, again, for the better. No doubt you are twice as famous here as I could ever be."

Henvei fingered one of the blank cards, one in a set of twenty or so. "Well...perhaps that will change. Certainly I hope I have the opportunity to study here sometime, when all of this has passed."

Eltheron Delioss

"I doubt I have any legacy in these parts, I was but a small child last I was here, to my people, I'm still rather young. Those who knew my father may recognize me, but my blood line wasn't exactly famous, not in our line of work." Eltheron kept his hood low no matter.

As Eltheron lead them over a small bridge along the main road through town, the Library came into view a short distance away, Here again... Memories flashed through Eltheron's mind, his last visit here, before the war with Ilhirel, before his parents were killed... a better time.

"Hurry along Henvei, we haven't long before the other catch up." Elther still had no idea what to make of the strange man, he didn't dislike him, but he wasn't sure he could trust a man so... eccentric.
If the scholar, Henvei, had imagined the Great Library as a grand old building made of worn, grey stone, fractured and mossy in some places, he was correct. The structure looked as ancient as it was, mostly due to years of neglect. It was a high two-story building with tall columns holding up the part of the roof which extended well over the entrance - heavy, wooden double doors under an archway of white marble upon which was set a carved book open at the middle.

The library was located in the oldest part of Aboran, and despite its street being just off the main street, there was little to no traffic here. The ground was old cobblestone, polished smooth from the centuries of foosteps. As Henvei and Eltheron approached the place, there was no one around except for two elven soldiers standing guard at the library entrance. They were clearly not part of Aboran's City Watch. Their armor was noticeably different, and if that wasn't enough, the insignia on their chest was that of Reindir - the elven capital of Eldshaw. Having been born and raised in the capital city, Eltheron knew this just as well as he knew for a fact that they were not ordinary guards, but knights in service of the bann - the ruler of Eldshaw in the name of the Crown; which is to say, in the name of Ilhirel.

The knights were able to see the two characters approaching but took no apparent notice of them.

Dina Ailsa


Trees scarcer, sunlight brighter. Well, not brighter, but it seemed so because of the amount that flew around them at that moment. Yes, we'll be there soon and hopefully not too late. Unaware of it herself, Dina quickened her pace. Suddenly she felt like she had felt that day... The sense of wrongness overcame her, she was pacing through the woods. Herbs in her basket, fright in her eyes as she approached the house she grew up in. It was awfully silent. Few silhouettes leaving through the ajar door, one limping while at it. She finally reached the door and saw it. Her mother laying in the pool of blood, one lonely figure crouching beside her. He raised his head as Dina walked in. "I'm soo sorry." he said, bloody as well. At that point Dina ran to their side just like she was now running in reality. The wounded soldier told her what happened, apologizing again and again. Dina knew him, he was here before, wounded and pleading help. In her heart Dina knew that he did everything he could. When her mother regained consciousness she sent him away, she wanted to talk to her daughter, just the two of them. Dina was caught off-guard, confused and feeling betrayed. Her whole life was a lie. She was the king's bastard. And now she was alone. Her mother let out her last breath as soon as she finished her telling. A young girl, a gifted healed who had the honor of treating her king was gone. Dina was what she felt behind. The result of a beautiful night in the castle gardens. Dina felt her eyes sting with tears. She had great respect for her mother, and always went to her for advice and comfort. But she was gone, she'll never be there for her again. The edge of the woods grew closer as Dina sprinted. She fought her tears back, she slowed down again. The rest of the group was catching up with her. There, overlooking the city, she lost that final fight and finally broke into tears.
Meanwhile, through the tears and shadows of her past, the girl Dina made it to the end of the forest. The rest of the company was left behind for a short while, but they were already catching up to her as she stood on the forest's edge. Before them lay the outskirts of Aboran, with the town itself in the background. The Sun was already high up in the sky.

Eltheron and Henvei were nowhere in sight and it was safe to assume they must have already reached the town, if not the library as well.
Eltheron Delioss

As Eltheron and Henvei were approaching the Library, he noticed immediately just who and what these soldiers were, slowing his pace, to fall in line beside Henvei. Eltheron said to him, his voice hushed as not to be overheard, "Knights of Eldshaw guard the entrance, Ilhirel's rabble is no doubt inside. If they block our path don't make a fuss, we needn't the attention right now. Let us see if they're barring all access to the building however."

As they approached Eltheron's cloak covered him fully, clasped below the neck the heavy material concealed his armored body, and his hands lightly grasping the hilts of his blades.
When the two companions turned and headed for the entrance, they immediately became the focus of the guards' attention. The one to the left extended his weapon: a vicious-looking, curved elven longsword, and forced them to stop a dozen feet away. The other one rested his hand on the hilt of his own blade. Their quick movements and the sole fact that one of them unsheathed his weapon without any apparent reason could only mean that they were on really important duty. Were they expecting trouble?

"Halt!" shouted the knight with the drawn blade. "The library is off limits, elf. Take your friend and go somewhere else."
Laurolf Fangür

"Oh bloody hell." Laurolf thought, when the rest of the lot caught up with Dina, who had suddenly burst into tears at the end of the forest path. Without a second thought, though, he dug into his satchel and tore off a piece of cloth, from a small roll he had in case his cloak was ever torn. With a puff of smoke from his pipe, he walked over to the human and offered the bit of cloth- It may have not been a real handkerchief, but it would've had to do. "Come now, young lass." He said, as soothingly as a rugged Dwarven warrior could, "Gather yerself' and leave the weeping for another day, hm! There be time to mourn whatever ye' be mourning, later on. Right now, we ought' to be keepin' our minds on the task at hand, eh? Aboran be, but a few footsteps away now."

Dina Ailsa


Dina accepted the cloth-handkerchief with a muffled "Thank you". She whipped her tears hastily. She was shaking slightly. She couldn't help this...explosion of emotions, the path was so like the one she choose that day. Dina raised her head. The gates of the city were visible from where she stood. After a few deep breaths she regained her posture. Now she felt the need to hurry more than ever. She was to late to help her mom, but right now she might be in time to do something bigger, something essential for this world. "Right you are, master dwarf. We must hurry." Dina said. She looked back at the rest of them, eyes still red from crying. "Make haste, we're almost there!" and with that she started for the gate. Expecting them to follow aren't you? Some part of her conscience pointed out.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron stopped abruptly when the Elven Knight spoke, he knew their kind, knew they were faster to action than words most days. He extended an arm to obstruct Henvei's path and keep him back, the man may have been annoying at times, but he didn't wish death upon him. As his arm extended what lay beneath his cloak was exposed for just a second before the cloak fell back into place. "Hold there Messer, these Knights are quicker to kill than issue warnings. Come with me." Eltheron turned as he spoke, a quiet tone, that only Henvei could hear.

Eltheron turned and made for the small alley near by, "Take this route and circle back the way we came, find the others and tell them that Ilhirel's Elven puppets are already inside the Library and blocking passage. Wait for my return before you all go on a war path through the library, I plan on finding how many of them are within, I'll be quick. Now go!" Elteron gestured down the alley away from the guards as to not draw their attention a second time.

Eltheron crouched down on one knee, focusing his mind, trying to find the right method to activate this Shadow power bestowed upon him, and hoping it wasn't in vain.
The guards were apparently content with this and had returned to their usual state of watchfulness.

After sending Henvei off without bothering to actually watch him leave, it didn't take long for Eltheron to achieve his goal. Nothing happened for the first several seconds. Then there was a brief tingling sensation, soon gone, ending in shivers across his spine. A sense of detachment followed, increasing up to a point that he felt like he was fading out of the world. His eyelids fell shut at some point and when the elf reopened them he saw that it might as well have been the world that faded, not him.

He was undoubtedly in the same place, no matter how different it looked. The world had been reduced to a shadow of its former self, devoid of color, only blurry shades of gray.

He was in the Shadow Realm.
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