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All right my loves, got some random matchups for you!!! Since Three and Eight are already a pair, it'll be:

Nine vs. One
Five vs. Twelve
Seven vs. Eleven
yess! one is exactly the type of char who could get on nine's nerves. i'd like to see how their dynamic pans out.

aside from the fights, im gonna make it a personal task to read over this entire thread and all the char sheets so ik whats going on rip
i'll be fr and say i think one would win between him and nine, but i think it would only be a close match if nine somehow had bearings on one's insecuriries or weaknesses. do you think one and nine would be close, apart from using their powers?

personally, i do believe nine would be a bit of a big brother to everyone, and seldom use his powers unless he thinks it's necessary (which isn't always right). mb nine has helped one carry out pranks and schemes by manipulating guards and nurses in the past for keys or cards. maybe nine and one bond over pranks. wdyt?
i'll be fr and say i think one would win between him and nine, but i think it would only be a close match if nine somehow had bearings on one's insecuriries or weaknesses. do you think one and nine would be close, apart from using their powers?

personally, i do believe nine would be a bit of a big brother to everyone, and seldom use his powers unless he thinks it's necessary (which isn't always right). mb nine has helped one carry out pranks and schemes by manipulating guards and nurses in the past for keys or cards. maybe nine and one bond over pranks. wdyt?
One isn’t really the type to pull pranks and schemes.

Honestly, I think between the two of them, it would be really close. Nine’s ability could definitely hurt One, but in trying to take him down, Nine might accidentally make him angry enough to where One just wrecks Nine.

Idk tho.
Hey hey y'all, how are you guys doing? Since the RP thread has been up for a few days now, does anyone feel ready to attempt an RP post? If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask! I'm sure that I will adore your RP posts every bit as much as your character sheets. 💜
Hey hey y'all, how are you guys doing? Since the RP thread has been up for a few days now, does anyone feel ready to attempt an RP post? If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask! I'm sure that I will adore your RP posts every bit as much as your character sheets. 💜
I’ll try to attempt one. GMing an rp of my own at the moment.
Hey hey y'all, how are you guys doing? Since the RP thread has been up for a few days now, does anyone feel ready to attempt an RP post? If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask! I'm sure that I will adore your RP posts every bit as much as your character sheets. 💜
I'm posting for Laurel tomorrow
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Hey hey y'all, how are you guys doing? Since the RP thread has been up for a few days now, does anyone feel ready to attempt an RP post? If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask! I'm sure that I will adore your RP posts every bit as much as your character sheets. 💜
I will be posting tonight!!! Drew will be sharing her notes with the student in need and Seven will be doing her best not to shred her opponent to pieces with metal. 😁
Hey hey, my loves! The RP posts so far are gorgeous and I can't wait to read more of y'all's brilliant writing! For everyone who hasn't already, please try to reply to the RP thread today or tomorrow so that we can get started on the next round of RP posts and interact with your beautiful characters. Walliver Walliver SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles Svnny Svnny cyberzkull cyberzkull Abyss Abyss
I’ll have Drew posted tonight! I am super excited for all of y’all’s posts too!!!!

Fun question, what 80s song would be a tribute to your character?

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