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Fandom Transgressions: Flight to Utopia [NOT ACCEPTING]

Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

The cloak kept up with Zenitsu each strike the child delivered the cloak countered. It continued its attack as both Sung and the child were locked in a fight to see who was going to win in this fight.

“If we weren't supposed to be here then why did you kill my shadow?

“I killed the thing that was trying to enter a place it was not supposed to. Just like I will end your lives.”

“That is not going to happen.” Sung said as his eyes glowed purple. As his shadow grew and revealed two warriors that were ready for battle.


Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

Solomon just looked at the man that was pointing a blade at him and chuckled slightly. He could tell that he had a power that was sleeping, but he didn’t care. The power he possessed was not something that would be able to hurt him. Besides, he didn't come to fight. At least yet.

“Put that toy away. You would hate to hurt yourself.” Solomon said as he looked to the other man that seemed to be calmer. His temperament reminded him of Wright. Yet he was a little bit more commanding.

“I am a member of the Taskforce, at least for now. As for why I am here, that is not your concern, Dominant.” Solomon said as he knew exactly what this man was. He had run into one other that was like him, and they revealed a lot about what they were. Solomone looked at the other man and took a step towards him.

“My name is Solomon, and it seems you remind me of another man I just recently had a chance to get to know. One that likes to run his mouth, and not think before he acts.”

Royal airplane

Shaking his head, Hua Cheng then looked at Noctis as he spoke. He guessed that he wouldn't understand why Solomon would target him. He was going to say something. However, the big burly man that had come into the plane had made a statement about removing him. Hua Cheng just looked at the man and spoke before Noctis could.

“You can try.” Hua Cheng said looking at the man then ignoring him to look at the young woman, whose butterflies told him was a sorceress.

“As for what to do now. Even I am uncertain. Solomon is no fool, and I doubt he didn’t catch what the young King said. I will still be on your side for now, but if anything happens to ‘Him’ I will personally hold Noctis liable.” Hua Cheng, said in a stern voice. He would continue to help Utopia, as long as nothing happens to ‘Him’.


Task force lab

“Oh… so there was another like him.” Sephiroth said with a menacing grin on his face. It seemed there was another that held the power of a summon, and it just so happened to be the winged beast Bahamut. He was interested in fighting the other man, but he was thrown into the maze, and he didn't know if he would be able to fight him.

However, this gave him an idea. If he was allowed to go and hunt the other man down and bring him to Hojo. Then maybe he would have permission to once again enter the maze.

“Why not kill two birds with one stone. I can go and get that specimen for you.”


Wisteria Gardens Hilltop on the Outer Edge

Pyo was an extremely patient man. Time was not something that he really cared about. He had spent 14 years of his life waiting and learning so he could live and become strong. So, he would always take his time in any situation.

“Do what needs to be done. So, we can get this trial over with, and the guilty party punished.” Pyo aida she he helped the man on the ground back to his feet. He had no grudges against any of them, but he would not allow anything to happen to anyone in this group. He knew that man was under a spell. No one could be this conflicted and not be. Yet this was the best choice at the moment, and he wouldn't let the two men with the sorceress interfere.

“This needs to be done.” Pyo said as he looked over to Zack, and Prompto. “So, don’t do anything that would cause problems.” he said in a flat voice as he looked at the others. “Bring them here, or would it be better to go to the mansion? Either place is fine by me.”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze
Zenitsu did his best to dodge the cloak's strikes.
"Not suppose to be here? All we want is to get out of this maze and be free!" Zenitsu replied. "My life will not end here. My friends need me..."
He focused on his next attack.

"Thunder breathing...first form...Thunderclap and flash...Godlike speed!"

He blitzes faster toward the cloak and attempts to slash it.
Clive lowered his sword as he heard the man mention what he is. " How did you know about what I am?" He asked. He was still weary of the newcomer who's attention was now on Edgeworth.
Somewhere else in the Underground maze.
Luna and Dion were still navigating through he maze carefully.
"No signs of those creatures. As if they vanished." Dion said to Luna. " Though we must keep our guard up,who knows what this sorceress will throw at us."
"I do not fear death." Lunafreya replied with a calm tone. " The prince and Bahamut dominant looked surprised. " I'm so sorry if I seem too much overproctecting." Dion replied sheeply. " But I suppose you have loved ones waiting for you."
"Noctis, my beloved is waiting for me." Lunafreya replied. "He's already here."
"Is that so...I'm not sure if he ended up in this world too..." Dion replied." My beloved I mean..." he added.
"I'm sure your beloved will be here eventually." Lunafreya replied. " I guess. You are too kind Lady Lunafreya."
Taskforce lab
"Really,you would do that Sephiroth?" Hojo asked,raising an eyebrow. " Kibutsuji,that behefactor sent one of his demon henchmen after him,but,as they say...the more the merrier? You can bring back the Bahamut host if you do capture him."
Royal airplane
Hua Cheug mentioned that he would still continue to aid Utopia as long as nothing happens to " Him" "Is Solomon the "him" you just mentioned? Is he a friend of yours?" Yuna asked. She then bowed to the king and his retainers. " I'm sorry for speaking up your highness.
"It's alright Yuna,you don't have to appologise." Noctis replied.
Wisteria gardens
Hill on the outee edge
"The mansion would be better suited for this kind of situation." Rengoku replied. He send his Kasugai crow to communicate with the others and send the message.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze - Research Lab
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Edgeworth could hear a soft growl from Nezuko, and realized that the girl had just woken up. He gently motioned toward her, signaling her to stay calm, so she did nothing further for now.

"If you're referring to who I think you are, that doesn't surprise me one bit." Edgeworth said with an almost casual shrug, though the look in his eyes never lost its edge.

"Although as I understand it, Wright has become quite the thorn in the Taskforce's side. That, in all honesty, doesn't surprise me either."

Wisteria Gardens
Butterfly Mansion
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Geralt stopped in his tracks and turned back to face Shinobu. They really hadn't forgotten all about him after all, and now Shinobu had just directly brought up the subject of a reward. Geralt could sense a questioning tone in that last sentence, but that didn't faze him anymore. He knew what he needed to do.

"I'm not exactly a mercenary. Not anymore, at least." He replied. Witchers were technically mercenaries in that they traditionally worked for pay, but they had a much more complex history and culture than just your average hired thugs. In any case, now that his current job was much more steady and less dangerous, Geralt had practically retired from the Path altogether nowadays.

"This was never about a reward; I was called over as a favor to that sorceress I told you about." Geralt explained. "And honestly, I don't need the money anymore anyway."

Wisteria Gardens
Hilltop on the Outer Edge
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

AU Tanjiro’s scent betrayed his surprise and confusion at Rengoku’s offer, along with a hint of suspicion.

“You seriously expect me to believe you’d all stand trial willingly?” AU Tanjiro asked incredulously. “Much less allow your beloved master to do so?”

The sounds and scents of confusion and disbelief coming from AU Tanjiro became more and more overwhelming. He looked over to Pyo, about to ask for his opinion, but then the prime Tanjiro spoke first.

Compassion and sorrow blossomed in AU Tanjiro’s scent as he heard his prime variant’s words. Fresh pain and grief cut through his scent when he was indirectly compared to Muzan, along with a short but potent burst of resentment, though the latter vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

"No one's being taken away. Like I said, I'm not here for revenge." AU Tanjiro told his younger self. "They'll get a fair trial with a neutral judge, exactly as it should be. If they're even half as good as you think they are, then they have nothing to fear."

He tightly gripped something close to his chest and stood up, fresh scents of sorrow and sympathy emanating from him now.

"It'll be all right; you'll see. Once this trial is over, we can all finally move on."

Content with that for now, AU Tanjiro gave Rengoku a cold sidelong glance as the latter’s crow flew off. He showed no visible emotion, but there was now a much stronger sound/smell of anxiety and mistrust emanating from him.

"Fine by me. But if this is a trap, I'll make sure Ubuyashiki's head is mounted on a spike before the night is out." He said sternly. "Anyone who lets my sister be attacked and tortured with impunity is no master of mine."

Despite AU Tanjiro’s dead serious tone, AU Zenitsu would quickly notice a strongly deceptive sound, while Tanjiro would just as quickly notice a stench of pure disgust. Not only was AU Tanjiro bluffing, but the very idea of what he’d just said was sickening to him.

Utopian Royal Airplane
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

“What’s done is done. Whining about it won’t change anything for either side.” Keira said to everyone gathered. “The question is, what do we do now? The Taskforce is already several steps ahead of us all.”

Edge of the Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Thank you." The short-haired blonde smiled, though not without a hint of sadness behind it. "And if you get the chance, tell her we're alright now. Tell her we're grateful for all she gave us, and we never blamed her for what happened."

"To Aretuza, you mean?" Saskia asked, emerging from the wisteria trees.

"Exactly." The short-haired blonde said.

"I'll see that she receives your message." Saskia promised, then turned toward Joshua.

"There is one other sorceress who's just defected from the Lodge. She would likely be able to undo the spell." Saskia extended an open hand. "I'll take the figurine to her straight away. It's the least I can do to repay Lady Laux-Antille for all she's done today."
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Wisteria gardens
Hilltop on the outer edge
"Most of us will,though I doubt on Sanemi's cooporation." Rengoku replied honestly. " If he dosen't cooporate I can help calm him down.

Tanjiro listened to his older variant's reasurance snd he could tell by his scent that he was sincere. "He's right." AU Zenitsu said to Tanjiro.
"Everything should be fine. I guess it will be..." he said. Tanjiro could tell that the older variant of his friend was trying to reasure him.

"I can understand your feelings other Kamado." Rengoku replied." Though I doubt the Master would set up a trap."
AU Zenitsu and Tanjiro looked worried as they detected AU Tanjiro's true feelings.
Ubuyashiki residence

Rengoku's crow arrived to the mansion and delivered his message to the master. "Is that so?" He asked with a smile. " A trial it is."
"Are you sure this is a good idea? This concerns a variant of Tanjiro Kamado,who is under the sorcereses 's spell.
"This might be the right way to help this Tanjiro return to normal. Besides even if it concerns his version of the Demon Slayer Corps,it would reassure both Tanjiro. About what happened in the trial...to poor Nezuko.
"I'll send crows to the other Hashira right away!" said Kiriya.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Edge of the wisteria gardens.

Both Joshua and Torgal were surprised as they saw Saskia. " You're a friend of Lady Laux Antille?" He asked. He handed her the figurine but stayed careful.
Butterfly mansion
"Fine then. I respect that choice." Shinobu replied."Thank you for qhat you've fone none the less."

Meanwhile,in the mansion's couryard,Genya was busy training.
Utopian royal plane.
"The most logical step would be to return to the castle." Ignis replied. "Yeah,good idea." Noctis replied.
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Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

The man in the cloak looked back at Zenitsu as he spoke about not wanting to be in this place. He shook his head at the man as he decided to try and attack him again. He easily dodged the attack and once more was standing between them and their way out.

“The maze is free ground. However, this area is off limits. That is your sin. That is why you are going to die.” the man said as he cocked his head to the side. Now the man was facing four opponents, Yet he was not fazed by the addition of more warriors. A second sword appeared in his free hand as he readied himself for the fight.

They all attacked him at once and he was easily keeping up with all of the warriors and their strikes. Yet if any of them were paying any attention they would be able to tell that there was hesitation in his strikes.

‘This man is skilled.’ Sung thought as he was trying to find a way to finish this fight, or possibly be able to escape.


Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

Solomon looked over his shoulder at the man he had his back to. A small smile formed on his lips as his eyes glowed slightly. This man was caught off guard just because he knew what he was. How narrow minded the man was.

“How else would I know? There are more than one of you aren't there?” Solomon said with a sly smile as he left the subject ambiguous. His attention returned to Miles. As he commented on his friend Wright.

“Wright is a pain in their side. To me he is nothing more than a person that doesn't know when he should speak. Though you seem a little bit more reasonable than he is.” Solomon said as he looked over to the young lady that was behind Edgeworth. He raised his eyebrow at the young lady as she heeded Miles' warning.

“Now will you be smarter than him, and hear me out, or will you be as stubborn as him? I would like to have a conversation with you as well as your friend here. If you are willing?”

Royal airplane

The mention of Solomon being the person he was talking about angered Hua Cheng to no end. However, he kept his cool and didn’t snap at the comment. He crossed his arms and looked at the young lady that spouted such garbage.

“He is not my friend, or anyone I care about. He is a thorn that I want to remove, but at the time being I am bound to serve him. The one I speak of is named Xie Lian.” Hua Cheng said as he just shook his head. With everything that was happening, and the possibility of his precious person being hurt because of what was said.

“Now that you know more about the situation, returning home is your best idea.” Hua Cheng stated as he just couldn’t believe that was the best they could come up with.


Task force lab

A sly smirk crossed his face as he was given permission to hunt the other dominant. Granted he would have to play nice with the other that was sent, but he didn’t mind. As long as that creature didn’t get in his way.

“I will bring him back, and alive.” Sephiroth said as he took his leave. He needed to meet up with Kibtsuji to head into the labyrinth. He was looking forward to playing with the man.


Wisteria Gardens Hilltop on the Outer Edge

Pyo looked at everyone present and shook his head. He really wanted to get this over with, but it seemed that they would have to go back to the mansion to have this trial. He was not too keen on extending this situation, but he was nothing more than patient. That was the one thing that he had the most of.

“Now that that is settled. Let's make our way back to the mansion.” Pyo said as he stepped past Rengoku as he stopped for a second. He looked the man in the eyes and saw that he was taking this seriously.

“I hope that you don’t regret what might happen.” was all that Pyo said as he then began to walk once more.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze.
Zenitsu backed away. " I don't intend to die here." He replied. He focused once again.
"Thunderbreathing...first form...Thunderclap and flash...eightfold!"
Zenitsu blitzes toward the enemy and attempts to strike him eight times.
Clive crosses his arms and stares toward Solomon. " I'm willing to listen.Speak up."
Royal airplane.
"We'll do everything to bring your friend back. After all,you're not the only one with loved ones who are taken as prisonners by the Taskforce." Noctis replied as him,Ignis,Gladio and Yuna got out of the plane.
Taskforce lab.
"Go ahead and have fun!" Hojo told Sephiroth.
Meanwhile, two Taskforce soldiers brought a new prisonner to the lab. The prisonner looked alot like the Corps's Serpent hashira Obanai Iguro.
Wisteria gardens
Hilltop on the outer edge.
Tanjiro,AU Zenitsu,Rengoku,Zack and Prompto headed for the Ubuyashiki mansion.
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Taskforce Labyrinth
Research Lab
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

“Which of us is more reasonable is usually a matter of perspective.” Edgeworth noted, not letting any of what this man said faze him. “But very well. What is it you wish to speak with us about?”

Taskforce Labyrinth
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

The Mejai were nowhere to be found, but something else pursued Dion and Luna now.

Upper Moon 3, better known as Akaza, traversed the labyrinth at breakneck speeds, yet still managed to thoroughly scan every nook and cranny in search of his target. This labyrinth was vast and complex, but nowhere near on par with the likes of the Infinity Castle, and so it wasn’t long before he’d located their targets.

Just as Akaza was about to approach his quarry, three separate swarms of flies converged a short distance behind him, the swarms merging to form three slender black-robed young women: one blonde, one brunette, and one redhead.

“I see you~” Sing-songed the brunette as she and the other women moved to surround Luna, leaving Akaza to cover Dion.

“Too bad she’s to be taken alive.” The blonde remarked. “This year’s Sanguis Virginis could use some more flavor.”

“You think Lord Muzan will let us have the Hashira once the Lodge is through with them?” The redhead asked, prompting an annoyed frown from Akaza.

“Just stay focused on the task at hand, ladies.” Akaza patiently told the sisters. “I’ll deal with the man. You three subdue the woman.”

Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As Genya continued training, a dark figure secretly watched him from afar, their dark clothing easily blending in with the shadows of the wisteria trees. It deliberately approached to the furthest edge of Genya’s line of sight, but did not proceed another step closer until Genya looked in its direction for the first time…

At which point the Will Tether found its mark.

At first it was very subtle. Unlike the more basic Tether previously cast on AU Zenitsu, this Tether left all of Genya’s training-related thoughts intact. If Genya didn’t know any better, it would feel as if he was so fully engaged in his training regimen that he himself was blocking out every irrelevant thought, even as he still remained fully aware of his surroundings.

Then gradually even more of Genya’s thoughts were suppressed. He still remained fully aware of his surroundings, but a thick fog was trying to consume his every thought and instinct. As this happened, a blow dart suddenly shot from the figure’s location, aimed directly at the base of Genya’s neck.

Wisteria Gardens
Hilltop on the Outer Edge
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

“Alright.” AU Tanjiro said simply. He retrieved his cat-mask on the way back, but as he did, new scents and sounds exploded around him for both Tanjiro and AU Zenitsu to pick up. The most prominent of these were fear and insecurity, with strong undercurrents of pain.

All throughout the journey to the Ubuyashiki mansion, AU Tanjiro clutched something near his chest, and made every possible effort to avoid looking at the master or at any of the Hashira. Even the briefest accidental glance at any of them caused scents of fear, disgust, pain, and mistrust to flare up, then slowly subside into a dull ache once he averted his gaze.

Utopian Royal Airplane
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Keira cast a furtive glance toward Hua Cheng. It didn't make too much sense to simply leave the poor man alone in his plight, but there wasn't much that could be done. Not yet, at least.

"Don't be too much of a stranger." Keira said coyly, reaching to tug at the collar of his shirt. "I've started to enjoy these little encounters."

Without hesitation, Keira started moving as if to kiss the man, but then withdrew before anything could come of it. With a playful smirk on her face, she retreated back to the king’s side, discreetly pocketing the little sample she’d just collected from their new friend.

Edge of the Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“No, but I am a friend of Utopia. And the service Lady Laux-Antille has done here tonight cannot be denied.” Saskia said. “The other sorceress is currently with the king. I’ll take the figurine to them and see that she’s taken care of.”

With that, Saskia reassumed her dragon form and took off.
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Taskforce labyrinth
Dion and Luna found themselves surounded.

"Is it Lady Eilihart who sended you?" Luna asked the young women.

Dion brought up his lance and focused on Akaza. " We will not surender yo the Taskforce." The prince said to the Upper moon 3. "Step asside. You're making a grave mistake."
Wisteria gardens
Shinobu was about to go to the courtyard when she noticed Genya. Something was off though. He seemed to be extremly focused. She was about to dismiss this before noticing something else. Something was being sent toward him. A dart. The same kind that eould be used to tranquilise. Brought out her special sword and rushed to the scenr,using it to deflect the dart away from Genya.

Wisteria gardens
Hilltop on the outer edge.
Both AU Zenitsu and Tanjiro could detect AU Tanjiro's feelings. Tanjiro could also catch a scent of anger witih AU Zenitsu as he coudn't forgive the sorceresses for what they did to his friend.

Wisteria gardens
Ubuyashiki mansion
AU Zenitsu,Tanjiro,Rengoku,Zack and Prompto just arrived at the mansion. " I'm happy that you could make it. Young Tanjiro Kamado,now that your older variant has arrived,we shall begin shortly." Kagaya replied.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Royal airplane.
As Noctis,Gladio and Ignis got out of the plane, Yuna folliwed them but went to Keira. " Lady Meiz I have a bad feeling about this nan." The summoner told the sorceress,mentioning Hua Cheug.
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Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

The cloaked man easily countered the eight strikes that came his way. His enemy's speed was not fast enough to catch him off guard. The cloaked man was easily able to keep up with fighting everyone present. In fact, he had already destroyed the two shadows. This was getting out of hand and Sun was at a loss of what his next move should be.

If he released his power than anyone of the other Monarch would be able to find him, and he doubted the taskforce would leave him alone. He wouldn't be killed so easily by this man, but his companion was a different story. He was still human and could still die. Using one of his abilities an invisible force grabbed a hold of the cloaked figure and slammed him against the wall.

“Calm down, and tell us why this place is off limits?” Sung said as he held the cloaked man against the wall. He didn’t know how long he could hold him there, but he needed to find out some information.

“Because I am to guard this place from intruders. That is what Master Solomon wants.”


Taskforce Prison Facility Corridor

Sephiroth had been given permission to enter the Maze and he didn’t waste any time in trying to find the person that Hojo told him about. He had seen the creature that was the Upper moon 3, so he knew who he was looking for. So, he quickly made his way through the maze to find who he was looking for.

It took him a bit, but he saw the small group that had been surrounded by the demons of the upper moon. It seems like they have yet to start fighting. So, he would wait and watch for the moment. To see if he had found who he was looking for.


Taskforce Prison Facility Reachurch lab

“Reasonable or not it doesn't really matter. The only thing that matters is how you handle a situation. Wright has already proven to be close minded in the possibility that he has chosen the wrong side to defend. However, that is not the reason I wanted to speak with you.” Solomon said as he took a step closer to Miles.

“You were once on the side of the Rebels, the very people that wish for the Taskforce to fail in their mission. Yet they threw you under the bus and surrendered you to the Taskforce. So, with that, why do you want to fight those that wish for the containment of possible threats to normal people like yourself?’


Royal airplane

‘I don’t fear the Taskforce. They might be formattable, but nothing that is truly unbreakable. I only fear the ones pulling the strings of all of the powerful people that have joined them. No mere mortal would be able to convince all of these people to work together. Also, there is one more person that has shown their power. That is Solomon. He is the one that is holding my leash.” Hua Cheng said in disgust. As he followed the group out of the plane.

Then the woman that had been in the plane with Noctis as Solomon visited seemed to approach him. He could tell she had ulterior motives from her approach. He held still as she got close, and he just smirked as she played with his collar, and then moved even closer. Yet in the moment before it looked like she was going to kiss him she backed off, and playfully returned to the king’s side.

“I won't be going anywhere.” Hua Cheng said as he shook his head and walked up to the woman with a smirk on his face. “Be careful. Not everyone would be willing to allow you to do as you please. So, take care of yourself.”


Wisteria Gardens Ubuyashiki Mansion

Pyo silently made his way to the mansion. He had been thinking this whole time on how this trial was going to be held. This was not something that he normally did, but even if he was not used to it, he would look at it through his eyes. And make a decision with his own experiences. That is all he can do, and that is all he will do.

By the time he arrived most of the others had gathered in the mansion. The time of the trial would be upon them shortly. So, he would just need to wait and listen.
ed New
Taskforce Labyrinth
Research Lab
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

"My first and only allegiance is to the truth, Solomon. I made that clear to the Resistance when I joined their cause, but they failed to heed my warnings." Edgeworth said firmly. "The Taskforce routinely persecutes otherworlders without any semblance of due process, and even the dangerous ones whom they supposedly protect against are given free rein as long as they nominally serve the Taskforce itself. The longer the truth of both sides remains hidden, the worse it will be for all involved."

Taskforce Labyrinth
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

“You’ve got some fighting spirit in you. I like that.” Akaza grinned widely at Dion as the latter brandished his lance.

“You remind me of another human I fought back in my world.” Akaza said casually. “Your fighting style is different, but you have the same protective instinct that he had.” He sighed wistfully and shook his head.

“Such a waste. He gave me the best fight I’d had in decades, but honestly, he doomed himself from the start. He was too attached to his humanity, even at the brink of death. Too obsessed with protecting those weaker than himself.” Akaza mused. “If I ever find him again in this world, perhaps I could present him to Lord Muzan and ask permission to turn him by force.”

Akaza continued to study Dion, even cocking his head a bit.

“I doubt you’ll fare any better than he did. After all, you too are only human.” Akaza asked. “Unless, of course, you choose not to make the same mistake he did. Fight me on equal footing as a demon. Don’t waste your life on a fight you can’t possibly hope to win.”


“Work for that stuck-up old hag?” The brunette rolled her eyes, circling toward the left of Luna with her sickle in hand. “No thanks.”

“We’re just three sweet little girls helping our mother with the family business, that’s all.” The redhead cooed as she circled toward the right of Luna, brandishing her sickle as well.

“That’s right.” The blonde walked straight toward Luna, also brandishing a sickle. “Can’t tell you who tonight’s customer is, but Mother asked especially for you. So, just how pleasant do you want the trip to be?”

Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Shinobu successfully deflected the blow dart, and Geralt ran immediately to see what was going on, forcing the figure to flee in a flash of light. With the figure gone, or so it seemed for the moment, the fog in Genya's mind started to lift.

But shortly thereafter, a deep female voice echoed in Shinobu's mind.

"Too little too late, insect." The voice said sternly. "You Hashira and your incompetent master have already sealed your own fates. Now I alone stand between all of you and total annihilation."

Within Shinobu's Mind
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Just then, Shinobu's vision melted into a foggy haze. After a moment, the fog cleared to reveal the Ubuyashiki mansion, just as AU Tanjiro and the others were arriving.

“How goes your quest, Lord Kamado?” The female voice asked, but not to Shinobu.

“Lady Sheala!” AU Tanjiro’s voice said in surprise, though his mouth did not move at all.

“I don’t know. Someone volunteered to judge the Hashira and their master for their crimes, but the way they're all just playing along... this was way too easy.” AU Tanjiro’s telepathic voice said, his tone equal parts scared and outraged. “Three of the Hashira aren't even here yet, and the ones who ARE here don't have any restraints on them at all: not even SANEMI! And now the judge is supposed to just stand around and wait for the others to show up?! If this is Ubuyashiki's idea of a joke, it's not funny!”

"Do they know who you are?"
Lady Sheala asked.

"Yes, they do." AU Tanjiro admitted. "My mask got knocked off during the fighting."

"A mockery. Now that they know who you are, they think you too weak-hearted to stand against their corruption."
Lady Sheala replied. "As it happens, two of your stray Hashira are currently in the infirmary. I will retrieve them for you at once, but remember; if they are to respect you, you must be the one to command it."

“I understand.”
AU Tanjiro's telepathic voice said in a soft, heartfelt tone. "Thank you, milady, for helping me get this far."

"It's still too early to thank me, Lord Kamado. The true test of your resolve begins now."
Lady Sheala asserted. "Seize your sister's tormentors by the scruff of the neck, and don't let go 'til all have suffered as she suffered!"

"They will! I'll make sure of it!"
AU Tanjiro's telepathic voice replied, just before AU Tanjiro in the vision began to speak for real.

Wisteria Gardens
Ubuyashiki Mansion
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

A strong sound/smell of disgust emanated from AU Tanjiro, as if just hearing Kagaya speak was making him want to vomit. He was just about to say something in response, but then his expression suddenly shifted. In fact, his sounds and scents shifted in ways that were inconsistent with what was going on around him. First, an overwhelming relief and happiness instantly washed away his earlier disgust. Then the happiness started giving way to fear and mistrust, then simmering anger, and finally a fierce determination. Though AU Tanjiro kept his composure as best he could, both Tanjiro and AU Zenitsu would be able to tell easily enough that something else was happening now.

After a moment, AU Tanjiro turned to Pyo and gave him a polite bow.

"Your Honor, I sincerely apologize for such blatant disrespect on the part of the Corps. Please allow us to set this right." AU Tanjiro told Pyo in a very polite, respectful tone. He then unsheathed a silver dagger, revealing a complex array of runes engraved on the blade, and threw it directly into the ground at his and Pyo’s feet. The dagger shot through the layer of smooth rounded pebbles on the surface, until the full length of the blade was lodged firmly into the soil underneath.

With that done, AU Tanjiro stood up straight as he glared at Kagaya, sounds/scents of outrage exploding from him now.

"This man graciously volunteered to finally settle things between us, and you have the gall to make him wait?! This is a trial, not a tea party!" AU Tanjiro rebuked Kagaya. "Rengoku I know is coming, but the other two are in the Butterfly Mansion and aren’t even bothering to show up! Lady Sheala is bringing them over as we speak, but that now she has to do YOUR job is outrageous!”

The moment he finished speaking, AU Tanjiro shot a warning glare to the Hashira, as if daring them to try anything. He knew the Hashira would NEVER tolerate anyone speaking to their beloved Oyakata-sama in such a manner, justified or not. But he was already prepared for whatever they might try in response.

Utopian Royal Airplane
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

“No, I suppose not.” Keira let out a small chuckle as Hua Cheng responded to her. This was a bit unexpected, but at least now they would have a way to stay in contact should it be necessary.

Before anything further could be said, the dragon Saesenthessis rejoined the group, this time with no demon slayers in tow.

“That was quick.” Keira noted. “So, what news do you bring?”

With a polite bow to Noctis, Saskia reassumed her human form and addressed them.

“The threat to the Demon Slayer Corps is ended, at least for now.” Saskia explained. “There were no casualties, but…”

She showed them the figurine of Margarita, eliciting a shocked gasp from Keira.

“I can now definitively confirm that Margarita Laux-Antille is on our side.” Saskia said solemnly.

“Philippa?” Keira asked, turning tense when Saskia nodded.

“Margarita defected from the Lodge to save the Corps. Clearly Eilhart didn't take kindly to her betrayal.” Saskia explained, giving the figurine to Keira. “Can you bring her back?”

“Oh Rita…” Keira sighed, examining the figurine. “She’s still alive, but decompressing her won’t be easy. I’ll need my luggage, a pool of water, and some medical personnel on hand in case anything goes wrong. Some privacy would also be appreciated if possible, as the victim’s clothing doesn’t always decompress with them.”

Meanwhile, a Kasugai Crow discreetly perched onto Wright’s shoulder during the confusion.
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Underground maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
"Who is this "Master Solomon you're talking about?" Zenitsu asked. He still kept his guard up.

DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Wisteria gardens
Shinobu witnessed everything that was in said vision. Genya noticed tgat she was in a trande and tried to snap her out of it.
Wisreria gardens
Ubuyashiki mansion
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Both AU Zenitsu and Tanjiro could detect what was going in with AU Tanjiro.
"Please do not speak in such a way in front of the master." Gyomei replied to AU Tanjiro,lecturing him.
"Yeah,punk,show some respect!" Sanemi spat.
"You're the one to talk,Shinazegawa!" Tengen spat. "You're showing NO respect to the master yourself!"
"What was that Uzui?!" Sanemi cried. Before he was about to fight Tengen,Rengoku showed up and stood between the two. "That's enough,both of you!"
Royal airplane
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Noctis,Ignis,Gladio and Yuna looked shocked as they noticed the curent state of lady Laux Antilles.
"We have private rooms and everything you might need at the Kingsglaive 's HQ,the Hideway." Gladio replied. " I'll contact the medical unit led by Tarja so they can assist you."
"I'll have your baggage transfered to the Hideway as soon as possible." Noctis replied.
Underground labyrinth
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
"I might be human but you are making a mistake by underestimating me," Dion replied with a serious tone. His eyes glew gold snd golden aura surounded him,blinding Akaza. When the light died down,where the prince used to stand how stood Bahamut, the grear dragon and Eikon of light. Bahamut roars toward Akaza,ready to battle.

Meawhile Luna summons her royal arm,the trident of the Oracle. "I'm sorry,you who are so young. If you do not surender,I'll have no choice but to fight you."
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Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

This Master Solomon. Who was it, and why would someone this strong serve someone? It had been mentioned earlier that he was being controlled. So, if he was then he was not fighting them of his own accord. That makes this situation even worse. Because he would never be able to fight seriously against someone that didn’t truly have their heart in it.

However, this man was not someone they could fight without fighting to his fullest. If he had Ignis it would be a different story, but he was protecting Noctis at the moment, and had reported on everything that had happened on the plane. This was becoming more and more complicated. He gave a sigh as he just shook his head. He needed to become serious, but would Zenitsu be okay if he did? Not many people could handle the pressure of his power even in his own world.

The cloaked figure only cocked his head as he was asked who Solomon was. He didn’t truthfully have an answer. He didn’t know why he served the man; all he knew was that he needed to serve him no matter what.

“Master Solomon is Master Solomon. He is the man who claims this part of the labyrinth. NO one, even the creatures here go against him. Who are you to question his will?”


Taskforce Prison Facility Corridor

No one had begun to fight as of yet. However, even Sephiroth could tell that it was about to begin, and not one of them had even noticed him. Deciding that it was no longer fun to just watch he moved away from the wall and walked towards the group.

Then it happened, the man transformed into Bahamut. The legendary dragon. One of the strongest of the summons. A smirk formed on his lips as his sword appeared in his hand as he continued his approach.


Taskforce Prison Facility Reachurch lab

Solomon could only laugh at the response. So, this man was only interested in the truth. Such an outdated sentiment. Would someone like him be able to handle the truth of all of the worlds? Would he be able to keep his calm demeanor if he knew the truth?

“In my experience the truth is not always what people believe it is. Not many people would be able to handle the truth, and still make an informed decision. Though, I wonder if you would be able to. Would you like to test your luck?”


Royal airplane

Hua Cheng was not shocked about anything that happened next. Everything went in turn, but his eye went to the little doll in the woman's hand. It almost looked like something he had done to one of the heaven officials. A slight smirk appeared on his lips remembering that day, but it disappeared as fast as it appeared.

His attention was pulled to the Crow that had suddenly appeared. It seemed different from the normal animal. As it didn’t caw it only sat on Wright's shoulder not making a sound.

“Looks like someone else is joining the party.” Hua Cheng said pointing to Wright's shoulder.


Wisteria Gardens Ubuyashiki Mansion

Pyo was a little shocked about the explosion of emotions that just surfaced. AU Tanjiro spoke in a commanding voice that seemed a little out of character from what he had seen, and he verbally attacked the Herasha, as well Ubuyashiki. He remained emotionless during this whole thing. Then the Herasha began to fight back, and that is when Pyo intervene.

“The people being put on trial should learn when to speak, and when not to speak. This trial had been agreed upon by your Master. You should stop fighting and think about other things.” Pyo said, looking at the men, his eyes glowing softly. “Like if this trial will end with your death, or salvation.”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze
Zenitsu backed away. Unfortunatly,he woke up. "Eh...where am I? Where's Nezuko...where Edgeworth-sama....AHHHHH WHAT IS THAT?!!!!!" The boy cried as he saw the cloaked man.

Royal airplane.
"Look's like the Demon Slayer Corps needs you."Gladio said to Wright. "I think Prompto is at their HQ right now.Along with Fair and Blitson."
"Glad's Prompto's alright. " said Noctis. He headed for the hangar along with Gladio,Ignis and Yuna. Yuna looked toward Hua Cheug."You look like you could need some rest."She said,worried.
"You ARE you to decide?!" Sanemi shouts toward Pyo. AU Zenitsu watched all of this. The mix of sounds and emotions he could detect right now made him dizzy.
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Taskforce Labyrinth
Research Lab
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Solomon's words gave Edgeworth pause. Did this man know something they didn't? Could he know something about whatever had ripped so many beings out of their native worlds and into this one dimension? Whatever the case may be, Edgeworth steeled himself for whatever was to come.

"The truth is the truth, regardless of who can or cannot handle it." Edgeworth said frankly. "I will hear you out, but with all due respect, how am I to know whether any of what you have to tell me is the truth? We only just met, and I know little to nothing about you."

Taskforce Labyrinth
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Akaza grinned even wider than before at the sight of Bahamut. In fact, he started to laugh wildly, and became positively ecstatic.

“Yes, yes!! Now THIS is more like it!! Technique Development!” He immediately assumed his signature fighting stance and began to study Bahamut and his fighting style carefully, preparing to anticipate his every move for the duration of this fight.


"You're the one who needs to surrender, if you know what's good for you." The brunette snarled playfully. She and her sisters dissolved into swarms of flies, their laughter still heard as the flies swarmed around Luna and tried to bite and sting her at every turn.

Wisteria Gardens
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Shinobu would also witness the latest round of altercations between AU Tanjiro and the Hashira, seeing the commanding demeanors of both AU Tanjiro and Pyo firsthand. Then suddenly it all went black.

"You've seen enough." Lady Sheala's voice spoke into Shinobu's mind. "Now go and fetch your serpentine friend from the infirmary. Then both of you report to your young master, and have yourselves, your comrades, and your master bound exactly as you once bound young Tanjiro. If any of you dares to disobey, your master will pay dearly for his negligence."

With that, Shinobu's mind finally cleared, and she would be able to see Geralt and Genya trying to snap her out of her trance. Geralt was the first to notice she was 'back', so to speak.

"You alright?" Geralt asked, waiting patiently for her answer, even as his mind already began sifting through various possibilities.

Wisteria Gardens
Ubuyashiki Mansion
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

AU Tanjiro’s jaw tightened at the response from the Hashira, but then dropped when Pyo took control of the situation. Despite trying to politely hide the growing smile on his face, he was practically beaming with the sounds/scents of his surprise and excitement.

AU Tanjiro started to say something, but then quickly stopped himself and instead bowed in respect and deference to Pyo, even lower this time than before. The appointed judge had just ordered the Hashira to be quiet, so it would be both disrespectful and hypocritical for AU Tanjiro to speak now. Instead, as he rose from his bow, AU Tanjiro settled for pointedly looking Sanemi in the eyes, his own sound/scent flaring with rage as he did so. The Wind Hashira showed no remorse even now, but it was too late anyway. After waiting and hoping in vain for just a simple apology, it had finally come to this. Now there would be no escape for any of them: not for Sanemi, not for the other Hashira… not even for Ubuyashiki himself.

But then AU Tanjiro noticed an overwhelming scent of confusion, and broke eye contact with Sanemi to look toward the source of the smell. Seeing the visibly overwhelmed AU Zenitsu, AU Tanjiro forgot his rage for the time being, and hastily turned to face Pyo once more.

"Excuse me one moment, Your Honor." AU Tanjiro gave Pyo a quick but respectful bow, then immediately turned and rushed to AU Zenitsu's side.

"Zenitsu, are you alright?" AU Tanjiro asked in a much softer tone. "Do you need to step outside?"

Utopian Royal Airplane
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

”Thank you. I’ll be as quick as I can.” Keira said with a final curtsy before leaving, taking the Margarita figurine with her.

Meanwhile, after listening carefully to the crow’s message, Wright looked shocked.

”The Resistance? Here!?” Wright gasped, barely straightening himself up as he faced Gladio.

”Apparently it’s not the Corps that needs me.” Wright started to explain. “Someone from the Resistance wants to see me, but he found the Corps instead. He’s there as we speak. I better go see what this is all about.”
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Research lab
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
"What are you playing at exactly?" Clive asked Solomon." You better not try anything."

Underground maze
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Bahamut opened his jaws a ball of light energy was slowly started to form. He prepared his attack toward the Upper rank 3 demon.
Luna's first course of action was to produce a magical barrier around herself,protecting herself from the flies.

DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Shinobu could witness was was going on in the Ubuyashiki mansion. "I...I'm fine." She said to Geralt and Genya. She went to Obanai's room. Fortunatly, Aoi and the girls were done with bandaging him. " I'll have to take Obanai with me to the Ubuyashiki mansion." She told Aoi. " Urgent Hashira meeting," He can't go! His wounds haven't healed!" Aoi replied.
Ubuyashiki mansion
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Sanemi only gave a glare toward AU Tanjiro. "Yes,it would be wise to stay quiet."Gyomei replied.
Tanjiro looked worried as he dtected sounds of confusion coming from AU Zenitsu. "Are you al..." Before he could ask,he could smell worry coming from his older variant,which arrived near them. He also asked AU Zenitsu if he was okay.
"Too...much...sounds...and emotions. This is overwhelming!" AU Zenitsu replied. "I do need to take to step outside..."
Utopian Royal airplane.
Yuna bowed to the king and Hua Cheug and followed Keira. "The resistance here? This is too much trouble." Gladio replied. "If the Taskforce know that the resistance wishes to speak with Wright,our rescue mission might fail."
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