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Chapter 1 of The Wrong Number,

by Cealen and mogy.
Blaise was not in the right state of mind right now. It was late, with his clock by his bed showing 2:00 A.M in red lettering, bearing down light on his tired eyes, making him squint. He sat up from lying down in his bed with a sigh, glancing over at his roommate, Dylan, who seemed totally passed out, him dangling halfway out of his bed and if Blaise wasn’t used to it, he’d think Dylan was about to fall off it. Better not disturb sleeping beauty, though.

His mind felt foggy as he sat there, hearing the whirl of the air conditioner whirring in the absolute dead silence of night. Augh. This is why Blaise didn’t stay up too late...it felt empty, and made Blaise feel all lonely and shit. Letting a huff of air out, he flopped back down on his bed, the springs jittering around underneath his weight. Quality dorm beds here! He turned over to lay on his side, and grabbed his phone off the charger and squinted his eyes even more at the bright light that illuminated from his phone, dragging his blanket over his head and the phone to dim the light so it didn’t illuminate the rest of the room.

What do I even want to do… His mind was even thinking slowly due to his sleepiness. He stared at the phone screen for a little bit, swiping back and forth on the screen indefinitely until he accidentally opened up his photo app, being greeted by some sights he didn’t want to see.

This Day A Year Ago was being displayed on his screen, and it seemed like his phone automatically had made an album of all the pictures he took on this date last year. A lot of them being from a date he and Mason went on last year that Blaise took a bajillion photos and selfies of. Ok, Blaise knew he shouldn’t be looking at this stuff anymore, or it’s just going to make him even more sad and pathetic and junk. Or so Blaise thought so as he went and opened up the photos, staring at them. Things...could have gone better. Mason didn’t say he hated him, at least, but still…Blaise felt even more upset the longer he looked at the photos. He assumed he had already kinda got over it- he hadn’t even thought of Mason a ton until now- but looking at the photos and feeling his head start pounding was evident that he has not. He just felt...weirdly hurt, looking at the photos. How come everything just can fall apart so easily? It didn’t even take a lot to destroy their relationship, even...

Mason told him that they don’t need to be strangers, but Blaise insisted it was better if they kept separate ways...maybe it was a good idea to go and you know….see what he’s up to…Blaise kind of knew what he was thinking was stupid as hell. It was common sense to not 1) text anyone this late, you’re too emo and weird during these times, and 2) not to text your ex randomly. But...it couldn’t hurt...Blaise just needed to get his feelings out somewhere, or he was going to explode. He swiped out of the photo app and opened up the messages app, trying to type in Mason’s name- oh right, Blaise deleted everything. Oh well, he remembers his phone number anyways- Blaise sleepily typed in the numbers, squinting his eyes to see the numbers a bit more clearly, and then stared at the empty message box before he started typing quickly, his emotions taking over

hey i know this is out of the blue but i miss you so fucking much i’m sorry for what happened there was nothing i could do and you know that. i’m sorry. i know i said in the past it’s better for us to not be together anymore but i changed my mind

Blaise knew he would get embarrassment reading over it again, and he might as well not back down now like a coward. He quickly hit the “send” button and then turned his phone over and off so he didn’t have to see the phone screen, throwing down his phone on the bed and covering his face with his hands. Like Mason would even reply to him or see that, he’s pretty sure Mason has him blocked too because Blaise told him to do that. He groaned in his bed, regretting every single life decision he has ever made in his life in the middle of his sulking.
Rare were the nights when Danny Hollander didn't rest just one sound away from waking up. A light sleeper since he was a little kid, two years at college were almost enough to get him used to all of the trivial sounds that traveled through the dorm walls—laughs of students who only slept in the late hours of the evening, creaking of pipes that came from unknown places, and, on this particular night, rain hitting against the dorm room window. It was almost peaceful when he managed to find the peace in it, and judging from his light snoring, harmony was found.

Had he something of importance the next day, would things have been different, but he appreciated greatly the nights he spent entirely in slumber.

Sadly, this wasn't one of those, as nearing the late hour that was 2 AM, his phone buzzed...loudly enough to cause a disturbance in the boy's sleep.

It took merely a few seconds for him to wake and for his peaceful snoring to be replaced by breathing and creaking of his bed as he sat up, looking around, dazed, for what it was that jolted him awake. Maybe it was his alarm...though the moonlight coming into the room denied that premise, and at that realization, a sigh of relief and silent bliss washed over him, thankful for not having to get up just yet.

Eyes unadjusted to the light coming from his phone, he groaned as he reached for it, almost blindly, his other hand hopelessly shielding his squinted eyes from the uncomfortable sensation of light coming from the phone.

He tried to understand what his phone screen showed, but he still needed time to adjust to it, and while trying to lower the brightness, was left to merely move his fingers in patterns he could only hope would help in achieving what he wanted.

His goal unfulfilled, it was sooner that his eyes adjusted, and only then could he see that what woke him up was a message from an unknown number, and that, apparently, in the whole attempt to lower the brightness, he sent a message back already, two even:



Well, that was rather unfortunate, especially after reading the message to which those two were a response. Undoubtedly a text for the wrong person, Danny would've waited until morning to reply, but he couldn't do that now—leave the other person thinking all their significant other (supposedly) had to say to them was a keyboard smash. It didn't seem fair.

I think you have the wrong number. I'm not that person. The person you miss, I mean. Sorry for the other messages, fingers slipped.

Maybe considering everything, it was his fault that he didn't turn off his phone or that he kept it so close to his sleeping self in the first place, knowing it was undoubtedly going to wake him, had something of urgency come up. This wasn't an urgent thing, yet he still found himself lying awake in his bed at 2 AM, looking at his phone screen and thinking if there was a way to let the person on the other end of the conversation (if it even could be called that) down more gently. Then again, Danny was not exactly the standard for social niceties, nor did it really matter.
Blaise nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt his phone pulse vibrations through his bed after a few moments of nothing. Oh god, did Mason actually text him back????? Blaise was really just saying random stuff to the void pretending it was Mason. Wait, hold on, it could just be nothing, the hell’s wrong with him… Blaise picked up his phone and lighted it up, reading over the text...really just nonsense on his screen.

Blaise blinked a little bit, before opening up the text and seeing the text bubble pop up, indicating that someone was typing. Blaise felt a flash of fear and turned off his phone quickly, staring at his ceiling while freaking out. Oh fuck, Mason really is texting him! He wasn’t prepared for that! Blaise had no idea how to talk to him ever again! How was he actually going to respond after he showed how desperate he was? Ugh… Blaise felt his phone vibrate again, and Blaise, with a lump in his throat, lighted up his phone screen once again.

...Huh? A wrong number? Huh? Blaise blinked at the message for a bit, before going and looking at the number he punched in more in detail. Blaise soon realized that yes, this really was a wrong number, and Blaise had just mixed up a couple of Mason’s numbers in his phone number when typing in it. Oh god, now a total stranger had to see him act all desperate and pathetic? This is worse than if Mason saw it. But at least this is somewhat favorable...Blaise can still make a good expression of himself if he tries…! His fingers went on autopilot to reply to the mysterious person who got his text.

ohhh shit
sorry about that

That’s all he said for a while, but he still felt uncomfortable as he just stared and stared and the messages, an anxious feeling still running throughout his body. Blaise should...say more, maybe…

can you forget you ever saw this dude sorry thanks it’s meant for an ex not you

Another moment of Blaise just staring at the phone screen for a while occurred. Augh. He feels like he’s being kinda rude if he just goes ahead and deletes what he sent…

you can go block me if you want to i’ll feel bad if i block you just because i sent you a wrong text

Not bad for defending himself, right? He’s being nice and cool about it! Even though he’s in emotional turmoil right now over someone seeing how desperate he was.Well, he isn't deleting the text now. Blaise couldn’t help but wonder about who the person on the other end of the phone was like. Or friendly. Blaise was considering that he probably would just get ignored.
It was a minute before Danny shook his head, throwing himself back into a lying position, and with that, breaking the trance his tired eyes formed with the dimmed phone screen. Somewhere in that single minute did his mind go completely blank, and being socially aware fell short in the late hours of the night.

"Whatever." His raspy voice smashed before the thin walls of the room, though he commented to no one in particular, ready to try and catch the last bus of the night, one undoubtedly headed to dreamland. This was why he put the device in his hands back onto its original place. Whoever it was on the other end, they weren't typing, so it didn't seem like a reply was going to arrive any time soon, and he wasn't the type of person to wait for something not coming. Perhaps the other person decided to buy a ticket to dreamland as well... And, perhaps, Danny was going to wake up to a message on his phone that, for once, wasn't from one of his only two friends.

It wasn't that he was lonely; he wasn't. He wouldn't replace what he had with Tina and Chris for anything in the world, though, sometimes, even he felt envy towards those social butterflies one would pass next to and feel the warmth instantly.

Maybe that envy, in between other things, was why, when his phone vibrated with the familiar sound of an incoming text, he opened his eyes, already reaching for it instead of deciding to ignore in exchange for the hope of sleeping some more.

Yeah, I figured.

He typed in quickly, having already concluded some history had a place in between the person on the other side of the screen and the person that the first message was meant for. Though, that seemed like a rather private matter, one his thoughts would unquestionably have the power of intruding had he decided to analyze it too much. Luckily, Danny Hollander was a man of respectable manners even when it came to allegorical invasion of someone else's history.

I'm not going to block you. It's hardly necessary. But I do wonder what had to have happened for you to be up at 2 AM texting this person.?

It would be a lie to say he didn't hesitate to send that one: it could've come off as whatever it was that had been unacceptable, but maybe the moonlight shining into the room could've been an excuse would it ever have somehow made it back to him. For an English major, he probably should've known about that one cat that curiosity killed, you know?

What were the chances of that, however? The chances of it ever coming to him, that is?

Maybe he was just being paranoid.

If you don't mind me asking.

He clarified, giving himself a small chuckle as he looked at the whole situation and how awkward he was in it, even through texting and the likely huge mileage between the two.
Man, what is with Blaise, currently? Here he was staring at the screen for a reply like he was desperate the minute he saw the text bubbles pop up. Even though he was just waiting for a totally random stranger’s reply. It was kinda dawning on him more and more that this random stranger knew something that Blaise’s own friends didn’t know. It was embarrassing telling them about this crap, but to a random stranger...not as much, strangely enough, even though Blaise’s initial freak out would suggest otherwise. Ah...Blaise had calmed down a little from the initial freak out too, his head trying to think through how to respond further to this, since Blaise could guess that this person wasn’t planning on actually blocking him.

...Blaise would like to know himself why at 2 AM he was attempting to go and text his ex as well. Does it being 2 AM count as an excuse? Probably not. Ugh, Blaise groaned at himself, dragging the covers over his head even more with tight fists grabbing the covers. He really should have just slept, and not have been so stupid...he has to deal with the consequences of his actions, though, as he returned his attention to his phone is one hand and began typing. If he would have received the same sort of text this person did, he would have been curious on the context of sending this as well, it was unfair to leave the other person totally in the dark.


Great answer! Ugh, he always felt like an asshole when he sends one word texts. At least he’s not too much of an asshole to only send a “k”.

nah i really don’t know dude i got sad or smthing

maybe i’m going back into my emo phase from 2009

Blaise felt himself half-cringing half-finding it humorous remembering how edgy his middle school self was. Maybe he got possessed by that Blaise and he was making current Blaise be all “woe is me” and crap. Of course, Blaise was not going to tell this stranger what actually transpired. That’s too...sensitive information to be telling your accidentally texting buddy.

lololol we type so different

you’re so formal sounding

i promise i don’t sound as stuoid irl


Blaise wondered if whoever he was texting would actually think he’s weird. I mean, they probably already do, but first impressions were important….even if he was just texting someone. He doesn’t want to be seen as weird or anything, mentally reminding himself of that as he rubbed his eyes and adjusted them due to being more awake than he was before.

wait i keep calling you dude i realize

i don’t know if you like that lolololol sorry

since we’re talking i guess now since you don’t wanna block me what’s your name

i’m blaise

It would be nice to have a name to associate with this number, and this person, because calling them a “stranger” and mentally referring to them as “definitely not Mason” wasn’t particularly...nice. Hopefully judging by the name alone Blaise could tell if he was talking to not someone who was like...60 or something. No shame in age, it would be nice not to have to explain what all his text abbreviations meant.
An answer flashed on Danny's side of the screen, though much information to the background of the situation wasn't given. A simple 'idk' was a clear sign he was pushing too far the person on the other side, so instead of writing something back, he just waited. And as he expected another message, the animation of the speech bubble just above his thumb rudely tickled his attention as it appeared before swiftly disappearing, each time leaving an exclamation-point-shaped hole in his mind.

Why he had been so invested in this, only the deepest parts of his mind knew but searching for an explanation, even subconsciously, led him to a brick wall, one not even a car could get through.

But before he would dwell on it too long, a message came in, and then while he read it, another one, and another one. A short pause he didn't have time to use and then more messages rolled in, all to his non-evident surprise. Fingers in one place, all he could do was stare at the first message just going up before disappearing, almost amused at what was happening before him. His eyes were squinted, almost, and his mouth in a smile. Was this what Tina saw every time she opened her phone? Was this why some spent the entirety of their classes on their phones instead of listening to the lecture? To not miss out on anything?


Well, kind of... It was cool, but it was also a lot of things to grasp, so how he would've gone about this had undoubtedly been the determinator of the status.

I used to listen to My Chemical Romance on repeat every night before bed. Does that qualify as an emo phase?

Danny was never emo, or he never grew out of his emo phase? We might never know if I'm being completely honest. Black hair, check. Pale skin, check. Looking like a literal corpse when somebody woke him up at 2 am, check. But at least he was smiling...

He was emo in remission, so to speak.

Yeah, I text like an 80-year-old grandma who mistook texting for emails and sends every message with a formal goodbye.
— Danny.

Nice to meet you, Blaise. I'm Danny...

...like I said already, and you are right, I am of the male species... Smelly armpits and all that boy stuff. You know how it is, right?

Leave it to Danny to talk about armpits to a complete stranger. It was a superpower, to make any conversation awkward, that is. Fucking dumbass. However, if he had any social skills whatsoever, he wouldn't have been as excited to talk to a complete stranger at 2 AM—there was something in that, though I'm not quite sure it was a completely yin yang situation in the first place.

I'm sorry for mentioning armpits. Jesus Christ. I think it's the emo in me..?

He typed in quickly, not wanting this new person to block him...he already chose to stay up for a while, he didn't want to be bored.
Ok, introducing yourself as “Danny” instead of “Daniel” indicates that whoever he’s talking to isnt old as shit. Good to know. At least he wasn’t just getting ignored by Danny, seeing how he replied to him almost instantly whenever he sent something. Perhaps Blaise isn't as desperate in comparison to Danny? At least Blaise still waited a hot minute before replying to anything so he didn’t seem too desperate to talk to someone currently. If Dylan was up, he’d bother him, but he doubted anyone was awake right now in his dorm hall except him.

lol only before bed? there were people who were hustling 24/7 to listen to them

and isn't being sweaty more of a jock thing tho hmmm

emos don’t leave the house or do anything lolol

Blaise was definitely not expecting to talk about this stuff. He assumed he would be all sad and crap as he texted, but not really. Maybe it was a good thing he didn’t end up texting Mason. Maybe there was some sort of fate stopping him from future distress?! Or he’s maybe just tired and typed in the wrong number. Looking at the number again, he was very off from what Mason’s actual number was. There was like...one number that was right in there. Blaise could have sworn he typed it in right though…

but it’s cool you’re actually talking to me and shit

i was def expecting you to ignore me

am i like keeping you awake though lolol

i usually am not awake at this time

i like sleeping actually

fun hobby to do

Blaise realized that probably sending multiple one sentence text messages would be annoying. He didn’t really care too much though. This was showing he had interest, right? If Danny found that annoying, he would have already gotten blocked by now, too. So his fragmented texting must not be annoying Danny! Hooray!

i kinda wanna go to sleep but also don’t

you know that feeling??

i don’t want to go do whatever i have tomorrow yet lolllllll

Blaise mentally reminded himself that it is tomorrow though already. In Blaise’s mind, “tomorrow” didn’t begin until sunrise. At least his night had now something interesting happening within it. He never actually texted many people, despite (hopefully) having a pretty good number of friends to talk to. It felt weird to be texting this much for just some casual conversation, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. He could simply block and forget about Danny if it came down to it becoming awkward, as they were nowhere near each other actually. Blaise’s friends that he had fallen out with, he sees all time. It’s...a gnawing feeling, whenever you pass by someone you thought you’d be friends with forever. It happened so much, and while Blaise was quick to replace them, the same thing happened again, and again, and again.

Blaise realized, looking back quickly at his past texts, that there was a distinct lack of any name dropping for any “ex”, or even a “he” pronoun referring to said ex. Oh...that was useful...Danny doesn’t need or have to know…Blaise let out a mental sigh of relief for being careful when talking about Mason. It felt like some pressure was removed away from Blaise. He could act like whatever he wanted to Danny and Danny would just believe him...it wasn’t lying, per se, just keeping Danny at a distance. If they were ever going to talk beyond tonight, that is, and be friends, Blaise can make it so it lasts much more easily...maybe texting the wrong number was for the better.
Danny was no jock, certainly. His scrawny arms and legs weren't just skin and bones, though saying that he wouldn't end up in a cast if he ever found himself on the football field amidst a game would be a downright lie. In fact, the boy would probably end up in more than just one cast, that was if luck was on his side and he didn't sustain a serious head injury after being thrown however many feet. All hypothetical and highly improbable was that whole situation, but imagining oneself as a ragdoll on a field was notably funny; at least the pale boy believed so as he huffed air through his nose. Maybe it was those 3 hours of sleep that were causing his humor standards to be lowered significantly. Or perhaps he just had an awful sense of humor to begin with...

Not doing anything is a tough job, I'll have you know! Not my fault that I sweat; sorry for having normal bodily fluids.

Continuing to talk about bodily fluids after specifically stating you weren't going to do so anymore must have been one hell of a way to leave an impression on somebody, though, knowing Danny's communicative game, it was more of a failed attempt at listening to what his own head advised not doing. He wanted to delete that message the moment he sent and read through it but had to make up with the fact that the person on the other side of the screen already read it as those two blue check marks came in.

The bed underneath him creaked as he sat upwards, turning on the lamp next to him and leaning against the wall that found itself behind him, all the while his mind focused on what he was going to send next.

I can't fall asleep easily, to be completely honest, so I'm probably not going anywhere. And who else would I talk to if not the person who woke me up in the first place, huh?

That wasn't malicious, right? Did it come off as hateful? God, Danny hoped not...

P.S. I mean that with no ill-will, scout's honor.

P.P.S. Yeah, I went to boy's scouts, don't make fun of me. Nevertheless, you probably went as well.

Wait, was Blaise even a guy? It could've very well have been a girl on the other side of that conversation, and the gender neutrality of the name did not help, though having read a lot of books back in his teenage days, Danny knew for a fact that girls rarely sent texts to their exes in the middle of the night...

That was evidence no. 1.

Evidence no. 2 lied in the texts themselves. The texting was far too similar to Chris's than it was to Tina's, and while that was very broad stereotyping, it was what the now-sitting dude had to work with.

Now, if he had just one more piece of evidence, a more concrete one, he wouldn't have any qualms with the question of Blaise's gender, but he didn't.

Sorry if this is overstepping any boundaries, but what are your pronouns? Blaise doesn't move the scale onto either side if you know what I mean.
Blaise blinked a bit at the message. Ah, was he suspecting something already, Danny?! What exactly Danny was suspecting based on just asking what Balise went by, Blaise didn’t know, but asking these sorts of things...was worrying slightly for Blaise. Don’t ask Blaise why, he doesn’t know himself. Maybe he should appear stupid, actually, regardless of what he said earlier.

uhhhh the guy ones


lololol you know what i mean

i don’t think i’ve met anyone else who had the name blaise though

my parents wanted to be quirky or smthn

Hopefully that would satisfy Danny’s inquiry. And got him to stop talking about sweat…???

speaking of my parents they made me leave the boy scouts after like a year

i wanted to impress them

so i said i saw and fought of a bear when my troop went camping

and they made me leave then due to “safety concerns”


Blaise rubbed his eyes, feeling the strain of his eyes by staring at the phone screen. He sure as hell wasn’t going to turn on the lights though to see better, he would rather not deal with Dylan’s woken-up early rage. He noticed that quite a bit of time had already passed as they talked, Blaise surprised he was able to pay attention to one person for so long. His mind tends to wander.

really though if you fall asleep or something on me i won’t get you or something like that lol

i have better things to do

than to track someone down who’s probably miles away from me and who i just met

Blaise did have to wonder where Danny could even be in the world. He’s sure he can figure out where he’s at by the area code of his phone number, but that’s...creepy and stalkerish. And again too much effort.

it’s funny when you think abt it

we’re only just talking because i was tired

and mistyped a number

i got it very very wrong jsyk

like multiple numbers wrong

rip again

hooray for me not being able to sleep ig

Blaise was never happier to do small talk than he was now. So much better than having to explain to a stranger all that mess from earlier. It seemed like Danny was ignoring it as well, so Blaise was thankful to not have a nosy texting buddy.
It was actually kind of refreshing. Talking to a new person, that was. Usually, that wasn't his forte, but maybe over text, he couldn't possibly have made it as awkward as it would've undoubtedly been had the two met, let's say, for coffee. Wonders were the modern technological advances, and the writer in Danny thrived for words and expression of such. That was why his texts weren't like those of most young people, which was previously established.

There is actually a saying about that... Let me try and see if I can find it for you really quickly.

He remembered talking about something like that with one of his teachers, though, the quote itself was on the tip of his tongue (or, well, his fingers), just not wanting to come out. Google was his friend in this, however, and with just a few carefully placed words, the quote was right in front of him. Those cliche quotes always got him thinking, and this time that was enhanced by the 3 hours of sleep missing from his schedule.

“Realize that if a door closed, it’s because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you.”

I would say that is something to think about, but I don't really believe in destiny if that makes sense..? Maybe the door you were trying to open better remained closed? Again, I don't think anything is supposed to be closed or open because life is ours, and we shape it.

In fact, I'm pretty glad you mistakingly put in my number, it's always nice to have new friends.

Well, that was a lie, but not that it mattered. What if Danny wanted to make himself seem a little bit more social than he was usually? Was that such a bad thing?

Rarely were people honest, and Danny was no perfect person. As a matter of fact, just as Blaise said, the two were probably miles away, and not being entirely honest with one person so many roads away from you wasn't a great sin that could never have been amended for. It was the thing about Danny—little lies never hurt.

And you? Does Sir Blaise believe in a thing such as destiny? Does it have a meaning for you?

2 am was the perfect time for deep topics which changed one's outlook on the entirety of life, or at least Danny thought so, though it was unusual to have him be awake at such an hour.
Huh, when did the conversation shift over to something like this? Ugh, Blaise was enjoying meaningless conversation! It’s too late to be thinking critically without waking up next morning to a boatload of cringey fake deepness born from late night conversations. Blaise would make an attempt, though, to please Danny.


i kinda have to say i do

only way somethings make sense to me if destiny is a real actual thing

there had to be things that happened completely out of your control that have happened in your life obviously right

definitely to me

i don’t like people blaming me for those sorts of things that happen that i never had a say in what would happen despite them doing so

i have to clean up messes left over by those sorts of things and get seen as it was my choices that lead to that despite me doing everything to prevent that

wouldn’t you say that’s destiny, things happening despite everything you do?

it kinda seems like you mean that too by saying maybe the door should always have remained closed

Uh oh, Blaise is getting emo again. He was thinking about Mason, and what happened...ugh, he really didn’t want to think about this right now. Looking over his texts, he winced, because it seemed kinda accusatory towards Danny. He didn’t really do anything wrong.


sorry i know you’re not trying to say that or something

and we may have like completely different views of what destiny even is

but yeah i guess so i believe in it

i don’t exactly like it though

but it definitely feels like things have to happen for a reason

and sometimes that reason is not your own life choices because

you can’t control other people

yet they can sure cause problems or good things in your life

am i even making sense lololol too tiredddd

Blaise was praying to whatever higher power that he didn’t wake up to a cringefest. Or subjecting Danny to one. He didn’t even want to reread what he wrote, turning off his phone and questioning everything he said already. Ughhhh! Can’t they just go back to talking about armpits actually? He flopped onto his back, staring at the ceiling again before getting too antsy that he went and opened up his phone again, trying to think of anything he could say further.

i’m getting emo again lol

you brought this upon yourself

you must experience even more of my emoness

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