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Fandom The Strange Ones (anime Multiverse Realistic Roleplay) (open)

I raise my power to it's maxium and keep increasing. "Let's try my newest form..."
Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 10.31.28 AM.png
Hell Reaper Shadow: "Now then let's see if I'm right" I charge at him and even teleport kicking him in the gut.
(Let's say Hell Reaper is equal to Metal Sonic at 4% and that not even the Esparada's strongest member can push him that far.)
(Since we've done some un-cannon powers do you mind if I do like a cross over power. Like Sasuke's sharagian from Naruto but Shadow has it instead or just that person's powers even if they are not cannon.)
(Wanna check out what I added also please don't touch the back stories at the top their refferences for the more complicated charcters I got to write.)
I grit my teeth as I teleport attempting to dodge the attack and I grit my teeth and mumble. "beyond all my forms...heh to bad he doesn't know my hell forms are weak compared to what they should be...rage makes it stronger and I'm calm right now."
(Even at his full power he'd only be equal to 25% of Metal)
(yes that can work)
"not even your strongest warrior can fu=ight me and hope to win you disappoint me Shadow Dr. Robotnik told me your strong I guess he was wrong then time to die"
"No...I'm sorry but...it's time...for you to die..." I close my eyes and think of the thoughts that enrage me the most as my power jumps up incredabilly.

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