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Fandom “The Atlas Stars” - TWD 1x1 Roleplay

☆Daryl Dixon☆
Daryl sighed as he stopped distracting the others and letted them walk outside,walking outside behind them. he stop walking as he crossed his arms. ‘What is it Glenn?’
☆Helena Monroe☆
She look as the other group members walked out and slightly took a step back,not knowing to trust them or not. she watch as a few looked at Alessia then at her.
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
Glenn looked toward Alessia and Helena as the others came out, each holding a gun in case things went badly. "Go on, tell them."

-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
Alessia didn't show her fear if she had any. She looked to all the new faces, one a kid, no older than 13 maybe. It made her heart ache, but she moved past it. "The leader of Woodbury is planning on attacking the prison. I don't know when, but when he does, he will hit hard."
☆Daryl Dixon☆
Daryl listened as he nodded,looking over at Rick then back at them. ‘Whatever he hits us with,i’m gonna beat him.’
☆Helena Monroe☆
Helena looked around and gulped then shook her head,staying quiet as she letted Alessia talked first. she then sighed as she got beside Alessia. ‘He wants to kill everyone in this prison and won’t leave a drop of blood from doing it.’
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
Glenn looked around to the others, seeing how willful they were to believe them. He knew some of them weren't very trusting, but he hoped they would at least consider the idea.

-ˏˋ. Rick Grimes ˊˎ-
"How do we know this isn't some sort of setup? That you're not his scouts trying to get an edge on us?" The man asked, looking between the two of them.


-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
"Good." She said, nodding towards Daryl, her attention turning to Rick. "Because our lives are on the line too. If you don't want us to stay and help - fine. We'll leave. But Me and Helena put our lives on the line in order to warn you."
☆Daryl Dixon☆
Daryl looked at Rick and sighed. ‘They kept us hidden till now whenever we went on a night walk that one night’
☆Carol Peletier☆
‘Rick,maybe we should trust them,they don’t have guns or something that can shoot us from far away’ She looked at the two,smiling slightly as she dipped her head.
☆Helena Monroe☆
‘I promise,me or either Ale don’t want to hurt y’all or be part of his group. he made us do to many things we didn’t wanna do and i’m tired of it..’
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
"Carol's right, Rick. They aren't carrying guns. That should mean something." Glenn said, trying to get him on their side.

-ˏˋ. Rick Grimes ˊˎ-
Rick looked around to his group, they all seemed to be in agreement. "Alright. They're not let in the cell block though. Not yet." He said, hinting that they'd have to earn their stay, "What's in your bag?" He looked to Alessia.

-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
"Perfectly fine with that, Mister." She knew trust was short these days, and it would take time for them to trust her. "Medical supplies, medicine. I'm a doctor."
☆Daryl Dixon☆
‘I can show them to the other cell block,even tho its filled with bodies but i think we can get them out.’
☆Carol Peletier☆
‘I will help them if you let us,maybe we can learn more about them.’ She looked at Helena and turned her head a bit then shrugged.
☆Helena Monroe☆
She tick her tongue as she looked away. she look at the gates then looked down at her hand,she figured a bit of what to write.
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
Glenn let out a relieved breath. "Uh, I can get them some supplies, blankets and such. Helena, wanna come with?" He asked, already walking back to the door.

-ˏˋ. Rick Grimes ˊˎ-
"Sure. If this attack is going to be as bad as they say it is, we will need our defenses up. Save all ammunition until we absolutely need it. We need to fortify the prison." Rick said, already formulating a plan in his mind.

-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
"I can help you clean it out, dealing with biohazards is one of my specialties." She lightly joked, trying to make the whole scene a bit less serious.
☆Daryl Dixon☆
Daryl nodded then looked at Alessia and Carol,turning around and leading the way.
☆Carol Peletier☆
She laugh a bit then followed after Daryl,smiling a bit as she sighed.
☆Helena Monroe☆
She look at him and nodded. ‘Sure! i love too!’ She follow after him,smiling brightly as she got beside him.
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
Glenn smiled as Helena walked up beside him, opening the door so she could go inside and following her in. He led her to a closet that held extra supplies and started digging through them, setting aside some thing and handing others to Helena.

-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
She quietly followed along behind the two, taking in the yard around her, building her own fortification plan. "How long have you guys all been here? This place is almost emptied of walkers."
☆Daryl Dixon☆
‘A few weeks i think ever since they stopped talking about the safe spots of Atlanta.’
☆Carol Peletier☆
She nod as she kept quiet and kept on following close to the two.
☆Helena Monroe☆
She keep a small grip on the things and watched him. ‘So,what is everyone else's name here?.. that one lady sounded nice.’
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
"Our leaders name is Rick, that lady is Carol. Rick has a son, Carl. And over in the cell block is Hershel and his daughters, Maggie and Beth." He said, throwing some blankets over his shoulder, closing the door. "Here, grab what's left in that pile." He motioned with his foot, grabbing a bag full of supplies.
-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
"Atlanta? Heard that place was crazy." She remembered the radio chatter from back then, every emergency line was going insane. Other than that, she didn't say anything, not wanting to bring up any bad memories.
☆Daryl Dixon☆
‘We think it was. we tried to go but we never made it. Rick thinks its gone and overrun by walkers now.’ He sighed as he looked at the ground.
☆Helena Monroe☆
‘Oh okay’ She nod as she grabbed the last of the stuff and looked at him. ‘Feel free to lead the way.’ She smile as she fixed the stuff so it was carefully over her back.
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
Glenn, carefully holding all of the supplies, led the way to the other cell block, "So, uh, what's your story? If you're willing to share."

-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
"That's the case most places now. You guys have secured a pretty nice setup here. Just the yard looks to be a big accomplishment." She said, looking out to the prison yard.
☆Daryl Dixon☆
‘With the help of some former prisoners,we got it done. we still have a few more around here but we are safe for now.’ He watch her look at the prison yard and smiled a bit.
☆Helena Monroe☆
‘Eh,its a long story. i don’t wanna bored you with telling a whole long story.’ She laugh as she followed close behind him.
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
"Well, I don't mind long stories. But if you don't want to, that's alright. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to talk about it one of these days." He said with a smile, curiosity in his eyes.

-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
"Interesting." She said quietly. The group seemed rather ragtag, but she had no room to speak on that matter. They got the job done, and that was what was important. Soon, they arrived at the cell block, Alessia messily tying up her hair as they did.
☆Daryl Dixon☆
He stay quiet for the rest of the way. as soon as they got there,he began to pick up the bodies and putted them in a pile.
☆Helena Monroe☆
‘Maybe one day i might tell you but i don’t think that will happen’ She smile as she softly rolled her eyes. ‘You would have to gain that trust before i tell you that’
-ˏˋ. Glenn Rhee ˊˎ-
"Right, right." He said with a slight roll of his eyes. "I guess I'll be waiting until then."

-ˏˋ. Alessia Harres ˊˎ-
The bodies and the stench was something that was eerily familiar to Alessia. She picked up bodies, 2 at a time, throwing one over each shoulder and put them into the pile.
☆Daryl Dixon☆
Daryl watched her,a bit shocked on her she could handle the smell and bodies so easily.
☆Helena Monroe☆
She giggle and lifted her hand,messing up his hair. ‘I will be waiting Gle.’ She smile as she began to walk ahead of him.

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