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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings The Architect Trial - IC

Turn 1 Start
  • sin-jong-hun-62-bluehole.jpg
    So It Begins - Turn 1
    The Trial “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
    ― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

    • 1713737434132.png
      The Skirmishes under the Singularity Sky
      [Biome Theme] - [Eastern Eternal Autumn Forest] - [Also Known as Áedán's Lament]

      [Narration Through Kalymnos]

      The dead of winter, cold chills and frozen bodies. For an eternal Autumn, it bore confusion... until realized what the leaves truly are. Eternal Autumn for the blood and souls plunged into the soil then ripped into the trees. Leaves boring of blood and souls. For that is what they consume. There is no light here. Under the Singularity, there is only unmade light. Light eaten and barfed up in what many I knew would call unholy. Sickening, terrifying, soul dissolving light. Shadows surround. Silence fills the air. Clouds of smog and death fly overhead. Some would call this hell. What a fascinating concept. Humans. Once I would say they captivate my attention. Their essence and forms are rather unfinished sentences than anything really. Maybe that's why I came to Earth, to complete the sentence. Not like the rest of my idiot kind could do it. If I was truly one of them anymore. I couldn't let them get their greedy tendrils all over them. But, now, I love them. Not the love some other of my kind would say. Our kind feels nothing, pretending to ourselves that we do. They care about nothing, at their core, they lie to themselves. Creating life for sickening ends. I would not dare allow them to hurt the humans. Never. Not a ounce of power. Slaughter them if I must even for how unthinkable killing amongst us is.

      How I arrived on their world, crafted my shell to walk amongst them, is rather unorthodox. That I cannot deny. Birthing myself in a human body. Using my power to conceive. Some may call it madness, the definition for which we made. But, it was a decision I will never regret. An oversight I had was the human capability of splitting after fertilization. A rather normal ability across existence. To make two of a kind from one. But, humans had a quirk to it. A spark that impressed itself even upon my own actions, upon my own power. And through that spark, I felt him for the first time. Zinovy. That was the name the human birther gave him... Mother. That is what they are called. The idea of family still confuses me. Not of the logic, but of the emotion. Emotions always confused me. I felt incapable to understand. But, as my human body matured, as Zinovy grew up, it all began to change. He knew what I was. From the beginning. Oh, the love he had for me. He baffled me with his understanding, his indifference to my true nature. He... pitied me. Belabored to me on how sad it was that I had never felt loved. Never knew what it meant to be loved. I still remember how every morning he told me he loved me. He never went back on his promises, always was there for me. Loyal, dutiful, sweet yet full of passion, wonder, and excitement. With all that I have seen, all that I have brought into being. There was nothing like him. And never in my years could have I known how much I needed him. How much I missed out. How glad I was that humans spawned from the Endless Tide, how they came not from the works of my kind or those strong enough to do as we do. Because none of us could ever make something so beautiful, so wonderous. I did the unspeakable. As they say, I showed Zinovy my hand. I showed him... everything. I started showing him my work, all of the 'paranormal'. One of my two fatal mistakes. But, he could grasp it, after some explaining and patience from me. It felt... good. It was the first time I took him across existence, seeded worlds. A companion, a friend, family. From him, I learned. Learned what I never thought possible. The unimaginable for me. How good it felt to have him by my side, how it felt to be heard, to not be alone. But, it was the start to my greatest mistake.

      Distracted, the humans discovered a suspicion of my true nature and what Zinovy had seen. They took him, robbed him from our home. Beat him, tortured him, abused him. I could see... everything. How he begged me to help him. We are not to intervene. Not that way, not in such an obvious fashion. One of the fewest rules we have. In my distraction, I never tallied how much they knew from beyond their world. When the soul-ripping bullet revealed itself, I cursed. Anger upon myself. Surely they would only threaten it, yes? No. After enough, after he resisted all they had. The bullet plunged itself into his chest, into Zinovy. And I watched as his soul was ripped apart. Grief, anger, shock. So many emotions flooded through. Heartache, regret, self-loathing. Too much... too much... All I remember was grabbing his body, healing it, and returning home. But, I saw the apocalypse that I had wrought.

      Not that it mattered. I let him die. Even as he begged with blood dripping down his face, I did nothing. When he needed me most, I abandoned him. What have I done? Now, all I have is his body, in his favorite hoodie. A soft, warm light cream in comfy pajama pants. Here, his souless body stays in my arms. Its irrational that it will ever awaken. But, its the only way I feel close to him. Only way I could honor him. This place, a creation of my laments. And here, a monument to him. All for love.

      Oh Zinovy, please forgive me. Have mercy on me for abandoning you. If only I could have you back, I would spend my eternity making it up to you. Your word, be law by my will. Your enemies cast into oblivion, your friends cast into Elysium. Make you ruler of all humans if you desired. Not that anyone could stop me. But, I know you wouldn't want power because I will admit. You are the better half. It only took me eons to realize how incomplete I was. Now, with you gone, I'm... hungry. If you are out there, please come back to me.

      And... I understand grief.

      Then I felt it. They will arrive soon. Start their little game. Good. Now the bloodlust will be unshelved, laid to bare. The blood and souls they created to be sacrificed onto the altar for which they find themselves in. The altar to my beloved. And the instruments of my hunger salivate for their flesh. While I would prefer they stay, they will run. And in time, I will feast upon them wherever they go. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

      Divided into 4 groups, these will be the players you can interact with for your breakpoint. Will you do some early PvP? Or will this place's incredible danger stay you blade. Are you crazy enough to stay or will you leave? And evermore. The choice is yours. But as word from the wise, brace for tough battles.

      See below which group you're in. Read your description, then with your turn post, write a freeform response (not a novel please) of what your peeps do as your breakpoint response. (This will be a unique variation of standard rules.) You still have your movement and turn actions.

      deer deer Kloudy Kloudy LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Trektek Trektek - [Start 1] 622 [ 2 2 7 7 ]

      Location: Eastern Eternal Northwest, Close to Lake Ursa.

      As the folds of void wither away into this world, you find yourselves near a black lake. Filled with acidic water that will burn away metal and flesh. A lake that fills with the longing that permeates and rains over this place. Despite the usual abundance of trees here, Lake Ursa has little trees. Surely that would be a benefit. But, it is not. While you may see threats from a longer distance, the smog clouds and acid snow are far more of an issue. Death permeates this place and Kalymnos will not allow outsiders to thrive in his lands. This not known, but felt throughout this place. The soil around you made of obsidian and ash, bodies of humanoids in strange uniforms hang around you on any tree. Many of the bodies also linger on the ground. Not a single ounce of decay. Desiccated corpses with their flesh intact, as if they died yesterday. Yet, you know it could easily be years. On the other side of the lake, you see safety. Away from Kalymnos' shrine to his human. But, as you carefully look, you notice pillars on each side of the like. Glowing with strange light and numerous packs of... deer? Amongst other creatures. As you scan to see the other creations, you know that it must be natives of some kind. Something Kalymnos would allow in this place. And that spells nothing good. But, on all other sides, lay endless forest, uniform to inspection. And that is eerie in itself. Below you, the ground occasionally shakes and you swear some bodies are appearing from nowhere... Are they?

      Circling overhead. You find some strange visible winds. They smell of... sulfur.

      Effect: Horrifying Hallucinations. Perceptions checks may notice creatures, objects, etc. that do not actually exist. If poor enough rolls, you may battle entirely fake armies. However, until uncovered, will still be capable of killing your units. During battles or scenes, these hallucinations have chances to horrify your people. If this occurs enough, your people may suffer consequences to the exposure. (faction-wide debuffs).

      Deer - The Daljeonin are rather capable in this environment. Though they're instincts speak not to get comfortable. This place is not normal... But, they're keen senses and acclimation allow them to pick out a tower to the north. It is at least six stories tall. Dare approach it? But also, they feel on edge, something from the trees might be stalking them. But, they can't be sure. What Kalymnos has done here wrecks their nerves.


      Kloudy - mèdeis knows more about Kalymnos than most. Doesn't mean she knows a lot. But, this place, his mood. It is clear he has changed considerably. Tread carefully. He will grant you no quarter. But, from what she does know of him, she deduces that there is likely a cache of valuables nearby. He gravities towards the human legend of Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake. Perhaps Lake Ursa had clues on where this could be? But, mèdeis knows Kalymnos is a sneaky bastard. Now with rather... horrifying intentions. Do her creations dare to follow this lead? If so, she knows that Zinovy is the key. Something about him will lead the way or open any lock on the cache.

      Additionally, her sight gives her great woes on the creatures ahead and another: great amounts of soul energy. Kalymnos seems to be gathering and refining souls. But, for what? It made no sense. What did he learn?

      Powerful Foresight Triggers: It seems something powerful is hindering you hear. mèdeis hears a soft, tween voice. No, mine. For sure, Kalymnos.
      Incredible amounts of munching sounds. Many funerals where the bodies are missing. Ruffling of parchment.


      Wew the Polymath Wew the Polymath Dest Dest Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Crocodile Crocodile - [Start 2] 57 [ 8 4 4 6 ]

      Location: Eastern Eternal Southwest, Deep in the Craigs and Mountains.

      ???? [Once more of your sheets are processed. I will reveal.]

      LucasGhost LucasGhost Scatterbrain Scatterbrain CaptainSully CaptainSully Kent Kent - [Start 3] 498 [ 6 4 9 5 ]

      Location: Eastern Eternal Northeast, near an ancient compound.

      Coming into focus, you stand in a dense forest, filled with bright leaves. But, gloomy nevertheless. Many of the other groups scatter like flies. Fear surrounds. Bodies, darkness, webs. Everything laid hazy as if something wanted to see you lost in this place. That was abundantly clear. Corpses with strange uniforms, of two different peoples it seems. Shiny card like things, weird looking flintlocks, and hanging metal with thunder coming from them. Before you laid a compound with each of you at one side. Left behind but it looked operational. The strange lanterns spreading light, the walls hold, the gate had a ticket box... was it a theater? Security was rather much for this. What plays are they having?

      Strange vehicles surround and the forest is filled with howls and skitters. The sky seemingly falling with clouds. Will you go forth into this strange theater or into the unknown? Time expires quickly, others will go in your place. And heavens know what they will do.

      Effect: Chaos of the Game. There are many other contingents here. Be careful. Interventions of other Architects are more likely and presence of this place will heighten. You may run into others that will sabotage you for no reason. But, there is chances to capitalize on the chaos, if you dare.

      Sully - This place, Áedán's Lament, unnerved Aeventus and his creations on the ground. He never knew Kalymnos well. But, this.. this was odd, strange. And for Architects, that is a statement. As he scanned the overall threads of fate, the tones were quite muted. Meaning only one thing. Only Doom laid this place. Longer one stays, the muted the fates become. Do not linger here. But, another oddity awaited. Rumors spread of Kalymnos visit to Earth. Many rumors. But, the fates offered some insights. Zinovy is real and as rumored, dead. Soul ripped to pieces. But, one cluster of fate illuminated the most. Somehow, he can be returned to Kalymnos. Somehow, Kalymnos can't do this himself. But, the consequences that happen alludes you. Perhaps this could be goal for your intelligent people. Find a way to give Kalymnos' his beloved. Maybe the risk of great doom that you feel around it is right. Maybe it is a warning of what will pass should Zinovy not live once more. Fate is a fickle thing.

      Cosmo Cosmo Forged in Flame Forged in Flame Twist Twist turbo6000 turbo6000 - [Start 4] 870 [ 6 8 6 2 ]

      Location: Eastern Eternal Southeast, by a strange looking house.

      The creeping terror, the shadow of death come into sense quickly. A coastline, sands of obsidian, bone, and ash. It seems to be calm. But, this place keeps you on edge. The calmness... more terrifying than anything else. A three story house adorned the coastline. A squarish house made of mahogany wood with many windows. All covered with curtains. Each window with a shell decoration above. It looked abandoned, but decently together. Not needing much repairs. The area around the house felt eeriely clean. No bodies and no blood. Not too far in the distance, do you see these stains. The leaves dark and wilted. Wind calm yet the smell of meat filled the air. Where did the meat come from? Who was cooking? Clearly they have been here longer than the start of the trial.

      Effect: Eerie Calm: Somehow, you find respite in this place. Did Kalymnos like you? Or was he fucking with you? Hard to say. He's always been playfully tricky. But, now he was different. Could he be lulling you into a false sense of security. Is the house a trap? Regardless, the sudden ease might get the best of you. Dulling you to the task at hand. Surviving.

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    Cosmo Process - T1 New
  • Cosmo Cosmo

    You place your flag to begin the borders of your great republic. This lovely yet dark beach held a calm, a serenity to it. Pristine and wonderful. As you began to look around, the place looked dark, muted. But, it held a character. The details tenderly cared for. A beautiful section of forest with various stone stacks, swings, strange bottomless baskets on a board off the ground. Somewhere where children might grow up and play. Imaging the children of the new republic learning and growing. To build an office, to found a nation, to be president. Most of the others ran off for some reason. Likely to go to distance shores. You notice a lack of humans among them. But, plenty of mammals, reptiles, and more reasonable things. Then, you noticed a soft touch of weirder things. Shapeshifters, walking boxes, and odder things. Paid no mind to those who would foolishly leave the dawn of the republic. Why should such things be remembered!

    The sea creatures vanished very quickly, almost immediately. Clearly they were lesser if they needed such things. The house went away from its abandoned state to pristine as you stepped forward. Bright colors, beautiful flowers, chalk drawings; it looked to be a lovely family ranch. One that would dot the republic in no time. But, you noticed a lot of strange things. Weird copper strings, a weird elastic, material that covered them. You felt a tingling sensation as you touched them. Was it lightning? Lightning in a metal string? How wonderous.

    Then, above the door, you saw a sign that read: "Macdara Household". Then below it, you saw 4 smaller signs. Two were burned out. The other two you could read. Áedán. Zinovy. Born 1965, August 25th. Twins. How happy. So there was some residents here. The burn signs didn't have any other burn markings around them. Maybe they were for the wood? Fashion statements are always bold. You open the door and peek inside. A wonderful dining room, play area, and a study for the head of the house. The house of a affluent family. Yet, it felt odd. Like tragedy had loomed over this place. Not now, but at some point.

    But before you could, you begin to hear rufflings in the trees. Your scavengers have returned. You examine the supplies. Interesting stuff. Much of which you don't quite understand. But, your feline instincts could see it.

    A sense of apocalypse overcomes you as you look at it? One strange deer? Was that all came to contest your claim to this land? But as you look among the trees, you begin to notice a large number of bodies. Fresh ones... you recognized some of them. They were here not long ago. You could smell the blood. Blood of hundreds. And just with your keen senses, you noticed a corpse twitch once. Surely a deaththrow. With the calm ending, you could feel rage, danger, and sadness. Shadows begin to form into thorns. Voices begging you to run fill the air. Doom, despair... they beg you to avoid their fate. For their souls to be ground down for something....

    Witches these days right?

    Action 1 Decision Point: [Resolved on Discord] + Breakpoint.
    1. Attempt to speak with the creature. Surely it loves FREEDOM!​
    2. Rally the troops and intimidate the creature.​
    3. Make a strategic retreat.​
    4. Your Idea.​

    Action 2 Results: Loot Gained.

    4 Units of Wood.
    1 Unit of Mountain Ash.
    3 Units of Soul Leaves (Empty)
    1 Stellar Soul Leaf.
    1 Unit of Undead Berries.
    A strange, reflective circle stone with a hole in the middle.
    Kloudy Process - T1 New
  • Kalymnos has made an intricate and mysterious place here. As your scouts fly overhead, they continue to see vast networks of trees, strange passageways, and thick brush. The trees and greyscale color scheme of the forest make it difficult. But, this place clearly carried a sense of power, of opportunity... and danger. The amount of powerful creatures, roaming monsters, and threats even to your creations is clear. This place... confounds exploration. Despite seeming normal, every inch of this forest conceals and obstructs. From illusions and other things for which can be seen through. And through a variety of more mundane means. The entirety of the Lament filled with this. Like every inch was carved into place painstakingly by hand, even for Architect standards. But, there were deeper layers. And just barely were you able to pierce deeper into what Kalymnos had planned. None of which were good.

    In a crevice, the spirits could see what appeared to be an underground level. Whenever it was underground or something else entirely was not known, but the possibility was clear that something other than the mundane could be true. But, as the spirits observe movements and occurrences around these strange areas, they begin to observe energy, bones, ash, and various other materials that cannot be identified enter these cracks and caves leading to else. Strange deer creatures move in and out. But, as they kept count, it became clear that more were either coming out or being made. Armies being built... the area was becoming more dangerous each passing moment. And they notice more and more new creatures, varied and yet equally worrying. Just identifiable by their shape. The ambient void energy of Kalymnos obscuring even their sight.

    More would be coming. And on the edges of the Lament, it seems that sores of energy in some form were massing. And an overwhelming feeling of dread surrounding them. As creatures approach them, they become covered in the energy and reach out of the lament. Something you notice with some time. The implications rather obvious. And best to prepare for when it happens.

    Action 1: [See above] Additionally, you have found two altered items. Pick two of the below four!

    Greeting Card
    Mp3 Player

    After your choices, I will give you the stats on discord. Altered items can be temperamental and may come with drawbacks. But, are still sources of paranormal power.

    Action 2: Deer Deal completed.

    Already processed before game start.

    Prospective Deals: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Trektek Trektek (Unless you wish to make another deal with Deer.)

    Will these players take a deal from mèdeis for her magical gifts? What shall she offer? Will they be skeptical of the consequences of such a deal? Only time will tell what happens from this interaction.

    Breakpoint: Handled on Discord!
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    Forged Process - T1 New
  • After some short preparations, you left the Lament behind and entered into the unknown. Likely for the best. The lament was not a good place to be. You had some clue as to where you were going, a nearby gulf with some potential to gain some treasure. This world seemed filled with opportunity. And it must be seized! As they left the Lament, whisking away with the power of the object of power. They noticed a large army forming near the cottage. Seems like the cats were about to have hell visit upon them. And all of the others there were close. In the back, a large horror watched from the thickets of the trees. Yet, nothing could be made out from it. Simply too dark, hidden, and masked in some paranormal way to tell.

    Either way, the calm was not for you. That thought rang out, almost like something put that there.

    The Kiona Gulf. At least, that seemed to be its name. A sign post out in the water named it so. But, why was there a signpost out there? Who in their right mind would make a signpost out in the middle of nowhere? Looking around, there doesn't appear to be any other bands of creations around. That was a least promising. There were considerable amounts at the Lament. The gulf itself seemed relatively calm. Crystal clear waters, soft currents, strong yet invigorating breezes; it was polar opposite of the lament. Your ghost crabs and other seafaring folk look throughout the waters. Plenty of coral, tropical fish, and full of crevices and hideouts. It was another world down there, awaiting to be explored. And with what the quartermaster had in mind. It could be explored rather soon, on top of the expedition in mind.
    Action 1: 8 units of Ice of Life Made.

    Action 2: The quartermaster had multiple things in mind after completing a good start. However, only so much could be done at once and more would need to be done. With an outline of four projects, which would be the most fruitful to the pirate baking crew? These projects can be built/trained/etc. later if desired.

    - Quartermaster's Core: Class of civilian crew used to manage, store, and catalog supplies. +1 logistics/command.
    - Barnacle Coordination Plans: Ships are easier to field, have innate propulsion from wind. -50 to ship battle cost (present and future ship units)
    - Shark Fishing Program: Sharks hunt fish and other marine life and bring to surface to help feed the crew. Gain passive food income. Gain enough to sustain population for now. (Food no longer an issue.)
    - Ghost Crab Mining Initative: Gain 2d2 units of ore each turn. (Two groups [Iron, copper, nickel, zinc, other common local metals.] , [Platnium, Gold, sliver, gems, other rares.] d10 roll, 1-7 common, 8-10 rare.
    New Biome Discovered!

    Kiona Gulf

    Architect Trial Map 1 - 2.jpg
    Sully Process - T1 New
  • Kalymnos' shadow lingers far and wide. Even after leaving, you could still feel his pain and malice. But, as you stepped away, you felt his self-hatred and guilt. A duality, an extreme conflict of some kind. Your Chronus and others spread out to look for clues, to learn more about Zinovy and what exactly happened. Thankfully, the other architects had not decided to interfere. From what you could gather, someone to the south had kicked over the hornet's nest and infuriated Kalymnos. Howls and amounts of hunger across the Lament skyrocketed as every horror Kalymnos has came from underground and other places in the Lament. Things were going to get heated. And in terms of learning more on Zonvy, there was not a lot to be had. It was far too dangerous and while you managed to avoid danger for now, the proximity stood closer than any comfort could allow. But, from the few clues you could gather, Aeventus began to see some details. One of the most controversial rumors on Zinvoy, and Kalymnos' visit to Earth, claimed that while Kalymnos garnered traits from the humans, Zinovy also gained... ascended. It would explain what Aeventus saw in fate. How it was possible to bring Zinovy back. If he gained some aspect of the void, his soul could survive, his essence survive. But, that was an incredibly crackpot rumor. While what has happened to Kalymnos was always theoretically possible, the idea that a mere human could become an Architect was completely absurd. Or was it? As his creations scanned the Lament, there were able to find numerous void aftershocks, the fingerprints of the architects, and all tied to Kalymnos. But, the variety of them didn't add up. Kalymnos was an ancient architect. He'd have many aftershocks. But, this was too many even for him. Not by much. There were three more than normal. Each had an anomalous pattern to it, a sort of ring to it. Aeventus felt odd on it, but he couldn't quite place his finger. Something to consider.

    But, if this lead is remotely true, then a young human teenager could have tremendous power. More than they could ever imagine or hope to achieve. Was Zinovy helpless? Hanging on a thread? Or was he still active? Aeventus couldn't know either way. A human with void power is unprecedented. Nothing is known as it never happened before.

    Swirling thoughts, this would need plenty more investigation.

    After your search for clues on Zinovy, you headed through the waters and stumbled upon an enigmatic biome. A beautiful one. The Primis Glades. Full of ruins, bright blue crystals, and cracks filled with paranormal energy. You begin to survey around for various resources, focusing on plants and fauna. Cataloging goes well, but on developing means to use them and harvest them, a blunder is made. This reduces the effectiveness of your cataloging. First things first, here is what you find:

    Charmed Wood: Seems to emit pleasant smells and lift moods.
    Ancient supplies: Throughout the ruins, there appears to be supplies of the previous dwellers. Some of it is rotten. Most of it seems to be preparations for some sort of emergency. [non-renewable]
    Ancient Marble: Marble polished and pristinely made to be more beautiful than normal. Could be useful in buildings where beauty is important. [non-renewable]
    Oiv Grass: A hard grass that forms in loops. Appears to have an earthy taste when made into a tea. Seems to react a lot with other materials... in unpredictable ways.
    Nomiplast: Floating orbs that appear like Jello. Can be collected to repair materials, structures, and maybe more paranormal items, should the need arise.
    Naomi Apples: A starch that seems to be a cross of a pineapple and rice. Forms along large conglomerates of nomiplast.
    Ring Fire: Ethereal rings that emit light and create shockwaves. One of the more mysterious materials found.

    Your reports suggest there could be more. But, with the blunder, you will need to look again. No fauna had been found, though that would not last.

    Some of the Chronus had begin mixing Oiv Grass with an unknown material, causing an explosion. 3 population of Chronus is lost.

    In the aftermath, something has been disturbed. Four-legged, brightly colored predators has arrived from the cracks in the ground. It seems some sort of hibernation or other inactive period has ended early from the disturbance. The glades gain a degree of passive danger, and it seems more and more will wake up as time passes. Maybe other creatures will come out of the wood work.

    But, it is clear. These emerging predators were threating the Chronus and they would need to be dealt with somehow.
    Action 1: Results Secret.

    Action 2: Resource cataloging. - See above.

    Breakpoint: Zinovy Information Gathering - See above.

    New Biome Discovered!

    The Primis Glades

    Architect Trial Map 1 - 3.jpg