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Realistic or Modern Swapping Wives, Trading Lives

"Help me zip this," Kennedy said, looking up at the other woman in the bedroom as she struggled to zip up her suitcase. Eva chuckled and strode over Kennedy, picking up the smaller woman and moving her out of the way before kneeling down to zip the bag. Kennedy smiled and stood on her toes to kiss Eva on the cheek. "Thank you, doll," she said. She turned to look in the mirror. "I'm nervous."

"No reason you shouldn't be," Eva said. "But this'll be fun, you'll see. We'd better take your things down and sit down for breakfast before the cab comes to whisk you away...” She spun Kennedy around and pulled her close for a moment, leaning down to kiss her wife tenderly. Kennedy let out a soft sigh and buried her face in Eva’s neck. “I’m really gonna miss you.”

They had gotten a letter, and their family was to be on the TV show Wife Swap. Kennedy was looking forward to the experience, but she was hesitant to leave her little rag tag family she had grown to love so much. Would they be all right without her? Eva and Kennedy descended the stairs and rounded the corner into the kitchen.

"Give that back!"
"I need it!"
"I need to finish putting the sequins on this–Ow! Damn it, Kasha, you burnt me!"
"It's a hot glue gun, what'd you think was gonna happen, idiot?"

Jupiter appeared at the top of the stairs and quickly sprinted down them, and Eva could see that they were struggling to close a bra through their shirt. She stopped them and clipped it closed. "Better?"
Jupiter nodded, flashing the woman an appreciative smile before adjusting the silicone breast forms that rested in the bra. She knew that Jupiter longed for breasts and feminine curves, and they had talked to a few people about getting Jupiter on a low dose of estrogen, but so far, no luck. Eva and Kennedy did what they could for them. Jupiter pushed back their messy blonde hair and looked up the stairs.

"Fighting over a glue gun," they explained. "Kyra was trying to use it to put sequins on a dress, and I guess..." They shrugged.

"Boys!" Kennedy called. "Come down here! I'm leaving soon and we haven’t even had breakfast yet." She paused. "You can use my glue gun if you need it, Hugo. You know where it is. Or even just the glue if you need it. You have your own glue gun, I don't know why you're arguing."

The group settled around the table and started eating, the table far quieter than normal. Hugo slowly picked at his food. It was worrying for Kennedy to watch, given how the boy usually ate like he hadn’t been fed in years. Instead, he moved his fork listlessly around his plate, pushing his eggs back and forth across it.
“You know,” Jupiter started, looking across the table. “Eating slower doesn’t mean she’s not going to have to leave.

Hugo didn’t say anything. He simply let out an annoyed huff. He definitely wasn't psyched about Kennedy's leaving and some total stranger coming into their house. He was slightly worried that Kennedy might not come back. Hugo knew better, of course, but the idea worried him anyway. He also knew Jupiter was right.

“Maybe I should eat faster,” he muttered bitterly. “She can’t leave if I choke.”
No oneis choking,” Kennedy said. “You’ll be fine without me,” Kennedy told him. “I won’t be gone that long. It’ll fly by, you’ll see.”
“It’d probably fly by a lot faster if a stranger wasn’t going to be in the house.”
Kennedy sighed. She opened her mouth to speak again, but Ronan piped up before she could say anything. “This’ll be fun!” he chirped, reaching over to put an arm around his twin. “Besides, if the new mom ends up being terrible I have enough pranks to drive her crazy.”

Hugo looked unconvinced, and Eva glanced at the pair of them out of the corner of her eye. “Maybe don’t antagonize a guest in the house, all right?”
Ronan sighed. “Fine.”
“Thank you.”
“Unless she starts it.”
No.” Eva looked helplessly to Kennedy just as a car horn sounded outside.

“That’s probably my ride,” Kennedy said, standing up and heading towards the door. She reached out to give Hugo a quick squeeze, glancing over at her other children. “Be nice,” she told them. “No antagonizing anyone while I’m gone.”

Jupiter and Ronan hugged her, she gave Eva a final kiss, and then she was gone, her letter to the new mom on the kitchen table. Eva and the kids took to cleaning up the messy kitchen and then left the house so the new woman could have a chance to explore the place before she met them.

Welcome to our home! There are five of us here. Everyone in the house is a performer, and it takes up a fair portion of our lives. My name is Kennedy Piane. I live here with my wife and other half Eva Robins, and our three adopted children Jupiter, Hugo, and Ronan.

Eva and I are both transgender women, meaning that we were assigned male at birth and raised as such and then transitioned to living as women. We are both drag performers, and now own and run the same bar we met in nearly ten years ago. We devote ourselves to our children, all of whom came from bad living situations before we took them in. Eva and I also had undesirable family lives growing up, and do not want our children to have to go through the same things. I am usually the one who has to handle any discipline. Eva’s never been much of a disciplinarian—she grew up with military parents—and the number of times I’ve heard her raise her voice can probably be counted on one hand.

Jupiter is the eldest of our children, at seventeen. They don't identify as being male or female, instead being completely genderless. They prefer the gender neutral pronouns they, them, and their, or female pronouns. They do not use male pronouns at all. We met them at one of our performances at a drag show, where they were performing under the name Jupiter Bowie. Jupiter eventually left their family after their aunt and uncle found and burnt most of their feminine things and then moved in with us, Ronan, and Hugo. They’re usually a bit tense around strangers, but once they warm up to you thigs should be fine.

Ronan is fifteen. He and his twin brother Hugo were the first to come and live with us. We met Hugo and Ronan the same way we met Jupiter. Ronan is a drag queen named Kyra Currie. Ronan is very positive, as well as very smart, and he can be a bit of a prankster at times. He has been through numerous foster homes but has been doing very well since we took him in. He does have a few nervous tendencies as a result of how he was treated, such as flinching.

Hugo is not as upbeat as Ronan is. He, like his brother, is also gay and was treated very poorly by their numerous foster families. He has not completely recovered by what happened to him. He, like Ronan, often flinches when someone tries to touch his face, has severe separation anxiety, and suffers frequent bouts of psychosis where he hears and sees things that are not there. He also has cystic fibrosis and is supposed to be doing breathing treatments twice a day to clear his lungs as well as taking several medications. He has a tendency to forget these. He panics when around people he is not familiar with, and gets extremely nervous when either Eva or myself are not around. He'll probably be reluctant to talk to you at first, but please don't take it personally! He and his brother share a passion for drag–Hugo's drag name is Kasha Currie–but Hugo is more hesitant about performing. When he does decide to to perform he always does it brilliantly.

Jupiter has already finished school–their high grades allowed them to skip a year. The twins both take online classes as well as a few classes at the high school on Fridays. Our performance schedule varies, but Eva and I perform at least three times a week, with the kids performing less. She'll update you on the schedule. Since performing is such a big part of our lives, it's not uncommon for us to call the kids–and for them to call each other–by their drag names. We also often end up going out to dinner after shows, and when we do eat at home, Eva and I share the cooking.

I hope you have a wonderful time with my family!

Kennedy Piane

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