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Fandom Suicide squad: Main rp

(You do not have to be literate at least 2 sentences though it’s just long because it’s the intro)
Amanda walker
Amanda would step out the car as two guards came out of the left side, she wear a white vest and a red shirt, her white earring shinned in the midnight sky, as the threads stepped out she walked into a restraint building no one wasn’t there except a group of three men wearing army uniforms with medals on.
She sat on one of the chairs that we ere available for her,”Gentlemen it’s nice to see you again” she said in a cold dark tone, she looked at the menu and ordered a nice steak for herself the men nodded a smile one spoke,”So your here to get more recruits for task force x?” He said. She’s turned her head to the man,”Indeed I am sir I even have a folder for some of the tributes.” She pulled out a white big folder that said,”Classafied information”
The gentlemen sat up in the chairs ready to see what she was thinking of bringing into next, she pulled out one folder,”Jonathan crane also known as scarecrow” one of the men made a disgust face from his titled jaw he had. “Lost his wife’s and son in a car accident and made multiple experiments on people know as fear toxin he took over Gotham for an entire week until bats stopped him.”the men looked at his profile. He and multiple charges of murder burglary and man slaughter.
She’s would pull out another folder with the words,”Deathstroke” one of the men would say,”Here we go.....” she pulled out the folder, it read that he wasn’t a solider Ndola lost his son and omen if his eye surgery he was an expert fighter and guns marker. She pulled out a Jason Todd folder and one of the men spit water onto the ground,”Isn’t he one of Batman’s robins?” Amanda looked at him,”Used to be, he got killed by joker by extreme amounts of torture but was resurrected he came back known as the infamous red hood he’s extremely powerful and talented, he even killed the penguin and black skull.”
She then pulled out two other folders, they read,” The sisters” the men took the folders and read about them, “Briana and Peyton ...huh?” One of the the men said,”Strange they have opposite of powers..” Amanda smirked a little and went back to her cold death stare.” Yes they are both powerful I fell like briana would get along with at least Jason, but were not here for friendships” she dated the first acts. The men nodded and agreeed to the candidates she wanted to recruit. She smirked and standee up,”Thank you gentlemen” she walked out the building and started to do paper work, it would be a long day for these recruits.
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(Waring profantiy)
Location: Belle Reve
Interactions: everyone
Amanda Waller/ Rick flag

Amanda would be in a plane until they finally landed at Belle Reve, as soon as she’s got out the plane, a guard would say,”Hello, ma’am welcome to belle reve!” As soo as he had said that Rick turned towards him and said,”Get your head out of your ass,” Rick said as the rain dropped in his hat with the He American flag on it. Amanda pulled out her umbrella to protect her from the rain,”Show me where they are.” She ordered the guard. The guard would nod,”Yes ma’ am.” They evauntlly got to Belle Reve, Rick walked towards Jason Todd and watched him, Jason would be in his cell punching a bag, specially a punching bag. He stopped a and turned his body towards rick his shirt completely off he had a very masculine build,”Who are you one of Batman’s bitches?” He said towards him, Rick laughed as he walked off, ( silent whisper silent whisper ) he got to death strokes cell,”Howdy slade how’s prison going’s out for yah?” He said teasingly towards him.
( Spencypoo Spencypoo )
Amanda finally got to one of the prisoners room, it would be briana’s cell, she watched her for a little bit as she examined the girl, she looked pretty strong for a girl, she did have meta human like powers specify fire unlike her sister.
( Cello. Cello. )
Rick would get to another cell as the cells tag read,”Amanda hunt” he got there and looked at what she was doing in her cell, it would be kind of rusting but overall pretty secure for an prison that holds extremely deadly inmate death like death stroke and scarecrow as such people say he smirked at her,”Howdy.” He said to her.
Slade kept his composure and stands up and moves towards rick and replies "hey rick, I'm guessing you haven't read my file I once killed 30 guys in a bar with my fists so imagine what I can do to a patriotic American douche bag who has a decent shot but remember my shot is better" he sits back down "but other than that, not the worst prison"
Rick flag
Interactions:@Silent whisper (deathstroke)

Rich laughed to himself a little,”On don’t worry slide you’ll be getting out of here eventually.” HE said to him of course spade didn’t know what the plan was they were going to strap everyone up and shoot a bomb the size of a rice grain into their necks. Rick hated this Sucicde squad or known as maturely,”Sqaud X.”
Rick flag
Interactions:@Silent whisper (deathstroke)

Rich laughed to himself a little,”On don’t worry slide you’ll be getting out of here eventually.” HE said to him of course spade didn’t know what the plan was they were going to strap everyone up and shoot a bomb the size of a rice grain into their necks. Rick hated this Sucicde squad or known as maturely,”Sqaud X.”
slade responds to rick smiling"i imagine you have some devious plot that's new for a "good guy" isn't it"
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12
Briana glared at the woman with a look of pure hate. She then walked closer to the bars to get a partial look at the people around her but what she saw slightly surprised her. The best and most well known of villans were here with her, she could even hear one conversating but she could care less about what they were talking about, she had her own questions. "Can someone remind me what the hell were doing here anyway? I have better shit to do then be here with these dumbasses," She scoffed.
slade responds to rick smiling"i imagine you have some devious plot that's new for a "good guy" isn't it"
Rick flag
He laughed to himself a little bit,”You’ll see later on..” he got up away from the cell and started to walk away way from slades cell in the prison, they were here just to check in the heeded new recruits later in that week they’ll do the preparations for them later on.
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 {Rick}
Artemis Hunt

She growled and in a flash she was at the bars. "Fuck off." She said with a hard tone. She wrapped her hands around the bars, it was the closest she could get to him. Oh when she got out of here she was going to rip his vertebrae out of him and beat him with it. Then slowly carve out his face with a arrow. Oh how she would. She just needed to get out of there. Her cold green eyes stared at him through her bloodied tanned mask.

Fae Cove

She was spinning around the cell and laughing to herself. She had her hands in the air and was leaping everywhere. When she heard a guard come to the cell she smirked and walked straight up to them. "Hey how you doing handsome? Do I get to kill you soon?" She said with wide innocent eyes though she was far from being that. She wiped at her face which had older blood staining her cheeks a dark red. She scanned the nearby cells for her friend, Artemis or better known as The Hunter and upon seeing her she smiled and waved to her. She watched Artemis give a slightly wave and then Fae went back to spinning around the cell.
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Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12
Briana glared at the woman with a look of pure hate. She then walked closer to the bars to get a partial look at the people around her but what she saw slightly surprised her. The best and most well known of villans were here with her, she could even hear one conversating but she could care less about what they were talking about, she had her own questions. "Can someone remind me what the hell were doing here anyway? I have better shit to do then be here with these dumbasses," She scoffed.
Amnda looked at the girl Andy stared into her with her cold death stare everyone was afraid of,”All you need to know is that you’ll get out of here evauntly.” She said in a cold darkish tone and theme in her voice. She started to walk out the cell, they were done here. Flag would follow her as they left Belle Reve they would do the preparations when they needed to.

April 22nd.
Located in Seattle, a humongous sho came out of nowhere, the board of defense committee got in it right away, all of a sudden the ship started to deploy non-human entity’s/soldiers onto the ground as they attacked civilians, a few soldiers would deploy a weapon that changed time into night time, they were much stronger at night, meanwhile in Washington, D.C. the ckmjte had no other options,”Activate task force x” he demanded.
Belle Reve
All of a sudden a siren played as multiple e guards grabbed riot shields and gazers as such they prepared to get the recruits out. Multiple men were by death strokes door as one said,”Three two one!” The door opened as multiple men came and knocked slate out and put him in a wheel chair strapping him in, they would do the same with the other even recruits, Jason got strapped in and started to change us so one of the guards out as they moved the recruits to someplace. Multiple doctors would be ready to go as they held the ejectors in their hands, scarecrow would have a muzzle ion his mouth and strapped to the wheel chair completely.
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 {Guards}

Artemis Hunt

When people came into her cell she put in all the fight she could. She was able to get a couple swings to some of their head and arms but soon she was over powered and knocked out.

She grunted when the item hit her head and felt herself limp over and be strapped to a chair. Everything was black and her hearing and smell vamped up. She could hear Feather putting up a fight as well.

Fae Cove

She watched the people take Artemis and her head snapped to them as they approached her cell. She quickly put herself in acting body and started to tremble and have wide eyes. She studied the guard that got closest to her and she sprang up and kneed his diaphragm.

While he was sprawled out on the floor a duo of guards came in and took her out by surprise. She felt herself get strapped to a chair and a iron band across her mouth. There goes that plan of luring her way out of here.
slade didn't put up a fight when they came in he just kind of let it happen he doesn't remember what happened after he just woke up confused in the chair and tries shouting "what the hell is this"
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 {Guards}

Artemis Hunt

When people came into her cell she put in all the fight she could. She was able to get a couple swings to some of their head and arms but soon she was over powered and knocked out. She grunted when the item hit her head and felt herself limp over and be strapped to a chair. Everything was black and her hearing and smell vamped up. She could hear Feather putting up a fight as well.

Fae Cove

She watched the people take Artemis and her head snapped to them as they approached her cell. She quickly put herself in acting body and started to tremble and have wide eyes. She studied the guard that got closest to her and she sprang up and kneed his diaphragm. While he was sprawled out on the floor a duo of guards came in and took her out by surprise. She felt herself get strapped to a chair and a iron band across her mouth. There goes that plan of luring her way out of here.
As Artemis and fae we’re strapped down to the chairs Jason would be in front of Artemis as doctors came towards Jason he said,”touch me and you’re fucking dead asshole” he said to the doctors as they shot the bomb into him it wouldn’t hurt extremely badly,”FUCK” he yelled. They would go to aretimes and Farnham next doing the same with them, as the house got to scarecrow he would try to bite their hand off but couldn’t because of the muzzle, they got to slade and the others shooting the bombs into their neck. For the people who who and got ejected with it were rolled onto a plane as they waited for the rest to be done.
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 {Guards}

Artemis Hunt

She was almost wake when something was shot into her neck. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" She yelled. She squeezed her arms and moved her body in the chair to no success. She let out a string of profanity and then felt herself be lifted up onto a plane. They were going somewhere but where. Belle Reve was one of the most top notch security prisons so where would they go?

Fae Cove

She woke up slightly and her head felt like a spinning mess. She felt something shoot into her neck and hissed at them the best she could through the metal in her mouth. It felt like she was being choked slowly but she laughed at it. She heard Artemis yell and mumbled out something the best she could. She felt herself being lifted along with the others into what seemed like a plane. The engine hummed underneath of her and she tried to take as much in as she could with the surrounding area.
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 {Guards}

Artemis Hunt

She was almost wake when something was shot into her neck. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" She yelled. She squeezed her arms and moved her body in the chair to no success. She let out a string of profanity and then felt herself be lifted up onto a plane. They were going somewhere but where. Belle Reve was one of the most top notch security prisons so where would they go?

Fae Cove

She woke up slightly and her head felt like a spinning mess. She felt something shoot into her neck and hissed at them the best she could through the metal in her mouth. It felt like she was being choked slowly but she laughed at it. She heard Artemis yell and mumbled out something the best she could. She felt herself being lifted along with the others into what seemed like a plane. The engine hummed underneath of her and she tried to take as much in as she could with the surrounding area.
The Red hood
Jason finally woke up as he saw the two girls with him he turned and saw death strokes as he clenched his fist, he looked a the two other girls Jason was returning back to his quite type guy after he had got shot with the injection they have given to him, he thoguht that he should be quiet so people didn’t find out that he was a robin.
As they pushed scarecrow on his mask glew a little bit, he couldn’t resist rally’s talk much because of the muzzle they had given him, he tried to raise strain but eventually gave up on trying he looked around himself a and saw the others and saw Jason,”Well look who it is, isn’t it the robin himself!” He said muffled a little bit.
" the boy wonder ofc im suprised your not wearing your colourful outfit"
The red hood
Jason turned his head to death strokes and scare crow,”Boy wonder died years ago didnt you hear he was tourtured to death and exploded by joker.” he was pissed of at slide and scarecrow already,”And Batman just threw him in jail like he always does.” He said,”I’m the red hood slade so watch your mouth didn’t you just hear that I killed black mask and penguin?.”
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 (Guards and Doctors)
Briana's eyes went wide as they entered everyone else's cell and before she knew it, she found herself trying to break out of her own before they got to her but she didn't have the strength to. They had had her and she found herself violent thrashing, kicking, and headbutting anyone around her until she got too tired to fight anymore. "What the fuck are you maniacs doing?!"

Peyton sighed. There was no point in going insane or fighting against this. She hated this cell anyway and wherever they were taking her was bound to be better than this shithole. She leaned on a wall and waited for them to get to her cell while watching her sister go crazy. Peyton only rolled her eyes, "Oh course she's here," She was tempted to run out once they opened it but decided against it and willingly allowed whatever was going on in the present time to happen.
The red hood
Jason turned his head to death strokes and scare crow,”Boy wonder died years ago didnt you hear he was tourtured to death and exploded by joker.” he was pissed of at slide and scarecrow already,”And Batman just threw him in jail like he always does.” He said,”I’m the red hood slade so watch your mouth didn’t you just hear that I killed black mask and penguin?.”
he laughs and says "do i look like penguin i get it boy wonder i wont say anything i know your sensitive but I'm sure batdaddy misses you" he laughs more
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 (Guards and Doctors)
Briana's eyes went wide as they entered everyone else's cell and before she knew it, she found herself trying to break out of her own before they got to her but she didn't have the strength to. They had had her and she found herself violent thrashing, kicking, and headbutting anyone around her until she got too tired to fight anymore. "What the fuck are you maniacs doing?!"

Peyton sighed. There was no point in going insane or fighting against this. She hated this cell anyway and wherever they were taking her was bound to be better than this shithole. She leaned on a wall and waited for them to get to her cell while watching her sister go crazy. Peyton only rolled her eyes, "Oh course she's here," She was tempted to run out once they opened it but decided against it and willingly allowed whatever was going on in the present time to happen.
Jason Todd
Once the sister she were ejected with the explosive into their neck they we’re moved to the plane, they saw a giant scarecrow that looked like a nightmare, they heard about half the conversation mainly about Jason beings robin and how he was killed and became the red hood. Jason then turned his head to see the girls come onto the plane.
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 {Red Hood}

Artemis Hunt

"Oh we got a Robin! Wonderful!" She snarled and pulled against her restraints again. She was going to have a hell of a time with this. She bent her head down and pulled her mask up slightly to reveal scars slashing across her face. She ignored them and bit down on the metal on her wrist, feeling a sharp pain in her mouth she huffed. She threw her mask back down to cover her face and turned to look at Fae.

Fae Cove

She laughed against the metal in her mouth. Her eyes went wide in amusement as she watched Artemis bit down on the metal. She bit down on the one in her mouth with her sharp teeth. The metal fell part way out and she rolled her eyes. "You would think they would use stronger metal! Thanks for the idea Hunter! Also welcome wonder boy." She said with a smirk.
Artemis Hunt

"Oh we got a Robin! Wonderful!" She snarled and pulled against her restraints again. She was going to have a hell of a time with this. She bent her head down and pulled her mask up slightly to reveal scars slashing across her face. She ignored them and bit down on the metal on her wrist, feeling a sharp pain in her mouth she huffed. She threw her mask back down to cover her face.

Fae Cove

She laughed against the metal in her mouth. Her eyes went wide in amusement as she watched Artemis bit down on the metal. She bit down on the one in her mouth with her sharp teeth. The metal fell part way out and she rolled her eyes. "You would think they would use stronger metal! Also welcome wonder boy." She said with a snarl.
Jason todd
Jason twigged, great, he already had a lot of enemy’s already because of his past, he remembers jokers touring him in Arkham for 12 months straight., it was terrible and extremely painful he groaned as he looked at the other girls,”Just because I was a robin doesn’t mean shit, I have a higher kill count then all of you.” He wasn’t specifically talking to his enemies like the two girls that made fun of him.
Interactions: Potatodude_12 Potatodude_12 (Jason)
Briana tensed and panted as she made her way to the plane from the tiresome effort she had tried to use in order to not have to even see it. She then turned to Jason and groaned, "What are you looking at?" She snarled at him in a devastatingly cold and dead tone then turned to her sister, "WHY THE FUCK IS SHE HERE?!" She then yelled.

Interactions: Cello. Cello. (Artemis)
Peyton looked over at Fae and Artemis, "Since when the hell do we have a robin in here?!" She had already grew agitated by this but slightly jumped at the sound of Briana raising her voice but only scoffed, "Are you blind? I've been here the whole damn time." As she spoke she saw Slade and her eyes went wider with surprise, "Alright so does anyone know what the hell is going on, I have an appointment at five for my nails."

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