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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) – Baroness, Take Flight!

Micah.png Micah Ambrose
Micah truly did appreciate Retili not prying further into the story and the others not making a large fuss of his origins visibly made the elf relax. He near enough blurted out a word of gratitude, but Laverne being fussy very quickly took his attention away. "Such a displeased lady you are." He hummed to himself, still smiling regardless of the mare's uncooperative nature. [Educated F - Animal Handling F] He did anticipate Laverne not wanting to move much, so he had gotten some scraps of apples, carrots, etc from the tavern kitchen, things that would otherwise be thrown to pigs. Micah had long since learned that more often than not, positive reinforcement worked on most creatures. When the mare listened and walked quietly, she would get a small treat in praise.

Although he didn't interject into the groups' caution about the shepherd, Micah focused on the livestock [Educated F]. He did his best to take note of their condition and behavior, trying to assess if the animals' behavior could give him any worthwhile clues. Although he didn't share the extreme caution the rest of the group did, the distance of the flock from the safety of the town indeed was odd. He was aware of practices in his previous world where herds of cows would be allowed free range of a whole mountain side, only to obediently return home at the sound of their handler calling for them.. but in most cases it was in areas with no risk of predation. "Pardon my asking, since I've only been here for a couple of days.. is it safe to assume the area is prone to predators?" He asked, glancing at Amanda in particular due to her voicing her confusion.

Uasal Uasal Elvario Elvario
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili handed back over the map to Amanda with a nod. While he was frustrated by some actions he did not feel that being petty and refusing an open and honest invitation would be necessary or appropriate. "I am happy to accept your offer. You have not been rude at all. While I am an advisor to the Baroness I do not have a title to show for it yet." He returned to his previous pace and continued walking forward. This time his more sedate pace became brisker as he moved forward to speak with the captain. He had not missed the man's earlier words but he had given him a courteous nod then because he had been engaged in conversation already. "What is this about a shepard?"

At some point they seemed to have arrived at their destination, it was ideally far enough for Regulas comfort. It wasn’t an immidiate stop however, she’d slow her pace until she finally jumped and finally stood still. She’d heave over a bit as the marshal closed her eyes while catching her breath. She never pushed her abilities that far, and it was great to know that everything worked as it should under high enough exertion. Then she’d hear the baroness as she jubilated about their sudden burst of excitement. “Yes.. it was.. a good.. run..” She said through the panting as she stood up with a hand on her hip her gaze on Regula as she spoke, she nodded about the enchantments performing as they should, “Forgive me m’lady.. i.. i wont hesistate again.. it’s just that.. the barony has been such high priority, its quite difficult to imagine any leasurely time running with a friend when designing guard and soldier training regiments. I’ll be sure to change my priorirites.” She bowed dutifully.

Then Regula got a bit more personal, to which Aria then eased up. Her monotone voice became colored as Regula seemed to bring up a topic that she was quite passonately hurt about. It was also something she made sure to keep hidden so as to not get in the way performing her duties right. “It’s certainly something i dont mind. However, i’m immensely grateful you bring this up. I suppose i can’t expect to keep things hidden from you.” Aria smiled softly as she tilted her head. “I believe you know me too well now.” She said, attempting a joke. She remembered the day she got her legs, the scientists, her brother. "If I may speak freely. I've thought of Leo, and perhaps I've been judging him too harshly. He certainly found me at my worst yet."

Aria would nod at the strange request Regula was asking of her, she had always addressed her as such, why was she trying to get her to stop? It confused her for a bit, but finally nodded. “As you wish Regula.” She said with a quick nod.

She’d take the magical fae leaf out of her pack, and placed it on the ground before bringing her hands above it. Effectively growing in size until it was at its fullest capacity. She’d look up at the baroness. “Are you sure this is wise Regula?” Aria remarked with a bit of concern. “Perhaps there are other ways.” She suggested, but quite frankly she didn’t have any other ideas. At least, not any safe ones that didn;t include falling from a high place.
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
Time: 11:00 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Amanda Uasal Uasal | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince


Once again, Ethel somehow emerged victorious in her unreasonable demands. It was as if the guard trainee had some magical charm to her, something she herself was definitely starting to feel like. “Thou previous task hath been replaceth! Thy shalt reveal the constructs innards! I shalt grant thee mine patience until Sootspire!” she announced, coming to her own conclusions based on what Teuihua and Ryan told her. Perhaps it was because this was the first time she was paying a little more attention to him, due to Ryan normally being too [Timid] for her to pay any attention. However, right now, something about Ryan stood out to her. “Hath thy looks improveth? Thou hath rightfully claimed Gobán's maiden with thy charms.” She suddenly understood where those rumours must've stemmed from.

Ezekiel Hayward

Amanda was the first to commend on the shepherd, with Micah soon following-up. Whilst Ezekiel wasn't too sure what to think of Amanda's words, he decided to humour her. “It's not entirely uncommon, as the grass is more plentiful the further you stray from Stonewall and Sootspire, but as you might've guessed already, the risk of running into wolves is also greater. You'd have to be a pretty confident shepherd to dare venture this far out, which is why it's strange that Sherwood isn't acquainted with her.” Somehow, he didn't quite like the tone at which she spoke, which made him feel like she didn't like him for some reason. He wasn't sure why that might be the case though, she he figured it was just a personal bias or something.

As Micah managed to get Laverne back into to order with some treats from the tavern, he went on to observe the flock. They were still too far off to make out details, but he could at least confirm nothing suspicious was going on at first sight. Well, there was one particular Ram that stood out, which Micah was first to notice due to paying attention to the flock. He'd notice it was ogling the construct and that the ram seemed to be getting ready for something. This ram was getting ready to serve and protect.

Cayde Ramminger
Mentions: The Last Curse The Last Curse

This was it.

He looked back at his ewes and his offspring. He'd gotten many great lambs. He'd mated many good ewes. Now, it was time for him to protect what he'd gathered and raised. Yes, even the weird humanoid thing that kept pushing them towards different places, was worth protecting.

It's why he knew he'd have to do what he could against the incoming threat. There was no doubt in his sheep-mind that this giant, looming, metal threat would rip away at his precious flock. It's why he'd had to combat it with all he could. It was his pride as the leader of this flock. His pride as man. His pride as a husband to many ewes. His pride as a father to many lambs.

Yes. No matter how big. No matter how terrifying. He'd bring it down!


His battle cry echoed across the fields. Let it be known to the metal monster that he'd messed with the wrong ram.

He set off in a sprint, ready for a headbutt attack [Fast F, Natural Weapons - Horns E, Fighting Style [Ramminger's Ramming] - Knock-back F] against the inbound foe, Teuihua.

Sheep-girl Shepard

She noticed what her ram was planning too late, as the animal had already sprinted off before she could stop it. “Nooo! Cayde Ramminger, get back here! Bad ram! Stop!” She called out, as she ran after it, but it was to no avail. She'd not be able to stop the animal in time.

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Sidepath in the direction of Sootspire
Time: 11:00 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

Regula wasn't quite sure what to make out of Aria's response. “Oh come on, don't make it sound like having some fun is just another of your duties.” She eventually uttered those words as they were the first that came to mind. “At this point I'll need to get a bathhouse build to get you to loosen up a bit~” She joked, although she did enjoy the idea of her barony having one. That reminded her of another thing. “Come to think of it, did you also get a weird letter from that bathhouse owner we met in the Magic Duchy? It's almost making me want to go back there. Maybe we'll have a bit off free time to do so...” After all, the bathhouse was the only good time they'd had in the Magic Duchy.

That said, now wasn't the time for wishful thinking. Besides, Aria brought up a something that made Regula's face redden a bit. “I... ehm... I must confess something.” She said, not sure how Aria would take this. “I wrote Leo a letter, to thank him for his help and to ask him to help us deal with your father. I... I'm sorry if I'm intervening too much with your personal life, but I really want to help you fix your relation with him and I think that if I make it to Countess, I'd have enough power to shield you and him alike from your father's influence.” She knew it hadn't been good to do this all behind Aria's back, so it was difficult to come in the clear like this. “It's just... I never thought anyone other than my mother would ever mean this much to me, so I can't help myself from wanting to try to help out.” She tried to justify her actions.

The latter made her all the more eager to just hop in the leaf and fly way up in the air to be out of range. “It'll work out, I'm sure.” She said. She definitely didn't sound like she believed herself at all though. Even without insight, she sounded like she was only trying to convince herself t his was the way to go, rather than believing it. She got on the leaf, trying to figure out how to get it to fly up. Before long, Regula managed to get 'in tune' with it enough to start floating upwards.
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Elvario Elvario Valkan Valkan conman2163 conman2163 DuckPrince DuckPrince Uasal Uasal

Teuihua was a bit preoccupied to focus in depth on the breadth of the conversations happening around him, besides the one that Ryan and Ethel were having near him since it most concerned him directly. He supposed Ryan might be taking a look at him. Ryan seemed like a nice enough person so that wasn't bothersome. For some reason Ethel wanted to see what was inside of him very much so. Truthfully he wasn't really sure why his insides were of such interest to her. He doubted that she'd actually find what she wanted. Perhaps seeing the inside would put her more at ease when she saw that was to be the case and that he wasn't actually hiding anything nefarious inside of him. Since it had been so many years perhaps Teuihua was fine with the notion. He was certain that the likes of Ryan and Regula wouldn't actually want any harm coming to him either as far as he had been able to tell from a surface level of everyone.

Teuihua nodded, "mmm, I appreciate the notion Ryan, thank you." He said respectfully, since he did appreciate people who were willing to do this sort of work he always did. Whatever happened he thought it would all come out in the wash.

Teuihua could tell that there were some interesting dynamics on going in the conversations, Ethel seemed to be taking notice of Ryan in some ways, never mind all the letters, it seemed like Teuihua had seen these scenes over and over again, he couldn't help but wonder what it was like to feel those ways, as he hadn't before.

As he lumbered along. His head rotated towards the direction the ram was coming from, it seemed like animals were being raised nearby, but suddenly a loud bah could be heard and it looked like a ram of sorts was heading right towards him in a charge. Was the giant about to strike down this innocent animal? No he was going to do what he thought what the best course of action was.

"Everyone watch out incoming animal." He announced to the group as he pivoted his body so that the metal pillar arm faced the brunt of the ram, similar to how someone might brace their wheel for a car crash, it was the densest point so the least problematic impact for him, he really didn't want to hurt the animal either.

1. Teuihua braces self by pivoting pillar arm and shifting body to hopefully reduce impact of Ram.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan nodded with a smile "No problem!" content with Teuihua's attitude. Ethel, on the other hand, provoked a sigh. Ryan answered to her "I'm not opening Mister Teuihua, Ethel. If you want to know what is he like, why not just ask? People are more than what they are made of, that applies to constructs too." Ryan thought of completing the sentence with the fact that such is not always the case, but that'd just make Ethel push for it more.

The parade did not end there, however. As Ethel threw a compliment towards him. The way she phrase it got to Ryan, probably because it involved Aileen. His cheeks flushed, but Ryan managed to keep a low profile with a stable tone "I... Don't think so? But thank you." It did made him consider if something actually had happened to him, or if it was one fragment of Ethel's twisted version of reality.

Turning his attention back to the road, A shepherd was running behind an aggressive ram. The ram went after Teuihua, which took the hit with a calm demeanor. One could almost consider that he was more worried for his attacker. Just to be safe, Ryan had his hand on his holster hidden under his cloak.

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
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Aria would draw breath softly at the words Regula uttered, “It’s been quite some time since we’ve done anything like this m- Regula.” She couldn’t help but smile at her joke, “If i may be so bold. A bathhouse wouldn’t be such a bad idea.” She said, “However, you’ll never get me out of the pool and miss Ethel will have to take over.” Aria would then cross her arms teasingly shrugging while looking away. She’d sigh, “I admit. I’ve spent a great deal of time training to become worthy of the rank, marshal. It wasn’t without sacrifice and a with the help of a stern and disciplined admiral to see me succeed. Thank you for reminding me of what it means to be human. Lest i’d forget my purpose and why i set out in the first place.”

Surely, Regula played a significant role in Aria’s life, her tendencies to be cold and collected at all times was her typical way of being. However, her friend, contrasted the contemplative nature of the sword maiden by pushing her out of her comfort zone and reminding her of the beautiful, although confusing, emotions.

“Hmm. Yes i did recive a letter from the bathhouse.” She rubbed the back of her head, a little embarrassed remembering those days “How can I forget the days when i didn’t have a ryke to my name and you paid for most of my survival.”

Her expression changed then upon hearing that Regula sent a letter to Leo. “You.. sent Leo a letter?” She repeated her eyes a bit wide with confusion. Confusion then lead to worry, “Thank you for telling me..” Her features warming up, “..and for your honesty. I certainly worry for my brother, i’ve had much time to think things through. I wasn’t myself right after getting these legs. I was so.. defeated. I’ve never wanted to vanish more than i did then. But Leo.. and you.. you both helped me during my most trying moment.” Aria sighed as she closed her eyes, “I dont think anyone can do much to keep my father at bay. He’s convinced in his goals, and wields not just power but also influence. If he lost Leo, our father will surely fixate his gaze upon us. Regardless, i hope your plan could work, any chance at sorting this out without open conflict would be the best outcome.”

As Regula got on the magical flying leaf, Regula was visibly nervous and uncertain. Unfortunately she wouldn’t be able to accompany her aboard the leaf, but Aria quickly improvised a plan in her mind should the worse happen. “I believe in you Regula. Just remember..” She quote on quoted with her hands. “..think like a bird.” For how humurous she was speaking, her voice was still monotone .
Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Sidepath in the direction of Sootspire
Time: 11:00 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

Regula could feel some tensions ebbing away whilst talking with Aria. She was still finding her balance on the leaf, floating at a low enough altitude to reply to Aria. “Don't worry, I'll be right besides you in that pool and I'll have to get Retili and Amanda to take over.” She joked right back at Aria. Indeed, a bathhouse might become the end of their barony development dreams.

However, the second part made Regula feel a bit heavy-hearted. “You know, your words from this morning kept making me wonder about being human. The... well, romance thing you mentioned. I've always thought of that as a political tool that I should use, so it's easy to think about it when it's about others, but difficult to imagine such a thing for myself. To romance and marry whomever gets you the most benefit in the bigger picture, that was what I'd always imagine my destiny would be. However, that'd not be 'human' either, would it? I've seen the guard captain having an eye out for you and we've all seen some of the glances Aileen and Ryan seem to share. Such love looks so much more real and positive than the type that's just meant to use one another.” She went silent for a bit.

“Yet, well... I've never even really thought about what love is. I mean, I know I love my mother a whole lot and I definitely know I love you a whole lot for all you've done for me and for always being by my side. I also know that I love this barony and that I love Retili, Amanda, Ryan, Teuihua and all the other people that help me make this barony a success. I just don't know how to separate such feelings of love, now that I'm no longer strictly considering political gains, I guess...” She shook her head, feeling like she'd already blurted out too much. Perhaps she was getting a little too easy on her words now that she felt like she'd crash to her death soon. “I'm sorry, I've been trying to give you advise whilst clearly not knowing a thing about this myself. Perhaps I should revert back to what is easier to think about and see if there's a Duke I can marry and who's power I can take over?”

That said, the topic of Leo happily surprised her. For a moment, she'd worried Aria might take it a lot differently. “I can't do much, not on my own, but I'm not alone. We've got a good group going. With the right advisors, the political power of Countess and some preparations, I'm sure we'll be able to fix things.” A nice thought came to mind. “Could you imagine my mother telling Leo to relax and that it's okay to let his emotions out? I think he'd be a whole different person afterwards, if we get him to open up to her.” She didn't know how her mother did it, but she trusted in Rosalia's magic.

It was nice to hear that Aria believed in her, as it gave her a little more self-confidence. “Alright, here I go. You can answer me when I've flown back down.” She was glad to get a chance to let all these emotions air out a bit, literally, as it was getting windier the higher she got. She looked down. At this height, she'd get off with some bruises and scrapes, should things fail... No, she could've done that with jumping as well. She flew higher. That might get her a twisted ankle or something, should she fail, but no. Still not high enough. Eventually, she got higher than her boots could get her to jump, which was making her a bit nervous. Would she even survive a fall from there?

No, she would. She'd have her boots to break her fall in an emergency and her cloak to heal her right back up. It'd be fine with those back-ups. Besides, why was she already thinking about failing? She'd make it! Think confidently. She slowly spread her wings. It almost blew her off the leaf already, as the wind was strong this high up, but she managed to stay on it for now. With this much wind, surely she'd barely even have to flap her wings to fly. She'd just need to pick a current. Think like a bird. Pick a current. She told herself.

Before long, she'd navigated the leaf to where she felt like the wind was flowing in a way that'd make her wings try to lift her up. That was good, right? Yes. It had to be. She took a deep breath. With the wind trying to pick her up already, all she had to do was make the leaf stop flying, which she did... the leaf floated back down again, whilst she...

She was... gliding! Yes. She was gliding! She could feel the wind keeping her wings lifted, so whilst she wasn't quite flapping them or gaining altitude, she was fully using her wings to stay afloat. That's it! That was the start! Some fear vanished in exchange for excitement. However, she spotted the wind was making her drift off. She'd need to 'steer' a little.

Alright. She could do this. Carefully, she adjust the angle of her wings a little, hoping to steer. It seemed to work... for about seven seconds. Then she suddenly felt something weird. A current felt like it was trying to push her left wing down, instead of up, catching her off guard and ruining the balance. The latter was quick to make her lose her gliding and sent her downwards in a tumble. She knew she shouldn't panic, but how could she not?

Step one, boots. Come on, boots. She managed to active the [Power of Hermes] so she could brace for impact, but then she realised... which was up, which was down? She'd gotten disoriented in an instant. She tried to look up? No, down? She tried turning her boots towards the ground, but failed to steer them directly down. Shit. She'd not calculated the fact that she might not even have the option to 'move' herself into bracing position.

Okay, second option. She activated the [Safe Zone] on her cloak. Surely that'd help her control the environment. Well, it sort-off did, but it wasn't the environment she was battling as much as it were gravity and disorientation. At least the healing would fix her up later... wait. It'd only work if she wouldn't pass out and at the rate she was falling...

Her second fail-safe wasn't as flawless as she'd hoped it to be either. If she wasn't panicking before, she was now. Her wings hadn't worked, she couldn't aim her boots downwards, her cloak might stop working if she'd hit the ground badly enough... Her last fail-safe was Aria. She knew the girl had healing magic as well, so all she had to do was to avoid dying... Easier said then done, when you're falling towards the ground with no clue what was up and what was down and going at increasingly fast speeds.
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

The words of Ethel were starting to grate against the Zentail. Her lack of manners and arrogance when it came to pretty much everything might be seen as charming to some, but for a nearly grown woman in charge of the protection of a town it was a startlingly poor quality. He was pretty close to wheeling on the girl and telling her off when he was surprised by the bleating battle cry that echoed from the flock of... sheep. It was sheep. Thankfully Amanda wasn't exactly correct in her assessment that his attention was needed forwards, aside from the Ram that went charging straight after poor Teuihua. His guards reacted instinctively and some of the riflemen moved forwards to take aim, but Retili waved them back. He didn't think killing some poor Shepard's sheep would go over well. Besides, Teuihua seemed solid enough to take the blow and he was certain it would stun the Ram enough to make him realize he shouldn't charge the big construct.
Amanda Steelhaven

Amanda listened as the captain summarised the current situation. Her assessment was correct, given the risk of wolves and the frequency of patrols it was indeed strange for a shepherd no one recognised to be out and about in the open. Though as the ram began to charge forward and the shepherd herself seemed taken aback, Amanda's suspicions began to dwindle, though her eyes still wandered the open fields from time to time to ensure nobody was lurking nearby.

As the ram dashed forward toward the Golem though, Amanda's focus was on him and his defensive movement. Tossing his pillar of an arm out before him showed a clear level of strategy and tactical thinking most golems lacked in her very limited experience with such. Having only seen what was essentially a pack mule of a golem one time when she was younger. This Golem though was lightyears ahead of that one though in all aspects. How remarkable. Perhaps it would be worth trying to replicate him at a later date or at least some form of him. It would most certainly help with demolition and construction to have a few more of those walking around.

Turning to Glance at the Elf, Amanda offered him a smile "With such vast swathes of open grassland and the hilly areas of the border, wolves and birds of prey are sure to be a problem. Though I wouldn't worry all too much about that. Keep your herd close to the walls and wolves are less likely to venture near. That is unless they're starved and desperate. Do you have a herd yourself?"
DuckPrince DuckPrince TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Micah.png Micah Ambrose
Micah definitely didn't expect the ram to charge, although it was clear he was simply protecting his herd [Educated F]. "Um.. Teuihua.. please try not to hurt the ram.. he must think you're a threat to his ewes. He's protecting his flock." He said to the construct, in hopes that the exchange would only result in a minor dent to the travelling companion and a bit of a headache for the sheep. Micah knew he couldn't do anything to stop the charging ram, if he tried, he'd probably come out of it with broken bones.

Looking over at Amanda, he offered a sheepish smile. "I see.. and no.. I.. Not yet. I want to raise and breed horses, but I've only been in this world for no more than three days, I have no money to buy land.. part of my goal right now is also surveying for a good piece of land to eventually buy." He admitted, although definitely feeling a bit discouraged as he relayed his plans aloud. They were quite lofty desires when starting out from zero. "It does.. feel kind of silly now that I say it aloud though." He sighed.

Uasal Uasal Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
Time: 11:00 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Amanda Uasal Uasal | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince


The loud sound of horns crashing into metal could be heart. Teuihua, having good natural armour, but having no specific ability to defend himself with, would actually notice the ram had managed to cause a bit of a dent in his arm. Nothing big, but definetly noticeable. Then again, the ram had been incapable of knocking him back. Besides, the ram looked a little...

Cayde Ramminger

He knew he'd faced his most dangerous opponent yet, but to be stopped like this... Why was he seeing dark? Where did the light go? Had he lost already? What did he have left? He'd failed his ewes and lambs. He'd failed them as a father and husband. He could feel it in his sheep-brain that he wouldn't be able to topple this giant... BUT NO! He'd not give up! Not until he drew his last... He managed to get back on his feet, not even having realised he'd been knocked out and had fallen flat mere moments ago.

“Baaah!” Came out a confused bleat, as he felt himself being dragged away by the humanoid thing in their flock. He soon found himself being turned around and ushered back towards his flock.

What did this mean? Had his attack impressed the iron giant enough that the humanoid in their flock considered it safe to leave it alone now? Yes. That must be it. Albeit a bit dizzy, he kept his head held high as he returned to his ewes. A proud “Beehh!” escaped his throat, as he bragged about how he'd convinced the iron menace to leave them be. He'd protected his harem and offspring once more, like a true father and husband should.


After managing to drive back her ram, the concerned sheepgirl looked at Teuhiua. “Oh no, did he dent you? I'm so, so sorry! Thank you so much for not hurting him. I'd be in trouble without having such a ram for my ewes, but I never expected him to suddenly charge at someone like that... well, I didn't expect such a group to travel here to begin with. I haven't seen such strange company since that alchemist and dog priest! What are you all doing here?” She curiously inquired. Even so, she was clearly cautious with Retili and his small army of men. Those were clearly putting her at unease, especially due to her having noticed them taking aim at her ram mere moments ago. Then again, she also happened to glance upon Micah with a barely hidden interest more than once.


The betrayal! Ethel was shocked. “Thy said thy wouldst openeth thee constructs innards! Thou said thou wouldst have thee construct show thee how thine inner workings worketh!” She responded to Ryan's sudden rejection of opening up Teuihua. Besides, what did he even mean with people being more than what they are made off.. wait! It couldn't be? “Doest thee blacksmith speeketh truth, construct!?! Hast thou been hiding unknown substances in thy body?!?” She was shocked that something so foul could be going on right underneath her nose. Just what did the blacksmith discover about what this construct might be made off? It made her forget about his sudden increase in goodlookingness almost instantly. Then again, she did spot how he treated the ram. “Thou innards art a foul mystery, yet thy actions art merciful. Thou art a mystery!” She declared to to Teuihua.

Ezekiel Hayward

Ezekiel, who'd been discussing something with Sherwood on the side, addressed Amanda and Retili once more. “Sherwood will get a quick look through our surroundings, just in case, but it doesn't look like there's any more trouble.” He concluded, as he looked at the sheepgirl, figuring he'd let the others address her first.
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Micah.png Micah Ambrose
Micah was obviously relieved when the ram came out unscathed, although he felt bad for the dent in Teuihua's arm. He couldn't do much for the construct though, healing only worked on creatures made of flesh or other organic matter. Not metals. It didn't take too long for the elf to actually notice the shepherd glancing at him repeatedly, so he offered a little smile. Hopefully it would ease her and make it clear they weren't going to bother her too much. "Can I help you with something?" He asked, deciding to leave the other questions to the other members as Micah didn't quite know how much they wanted to share with strangers. "You keep glancing at me.." He trailed sheepishly, fidgeting with Laverne's reins carefully. He praised the mare for not spooking at the ram causing a ruckus. [Educated F]
Elvario Elvario
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Elvario Elvario Valkan Valkan Uasal Uasal DuckPrince DuckPrince conman2163 conman2163

Teuihua looked at the dent after the fact, but didn't appear to bothered by it. In fact he had been used to such an occurrence in wars and the like when an attack was particularly ineffective against him, but it was a bit of a surprise that such an animal had such force given it's size compared to him. A weapon sure, but there that four legged animal was. Teuihua then saw that it was someone who could have had the [beast] title who came over to retrieve the ram, and he wasn't entirely sure how they were going to behave, so he just got back into a neutral position after it was clear the animal hadn't taken any serious harm.

Teuihua rotated his head towards her and gave her a cautious nod. But when she sounded so apologetic he felt at ease, realizing that there was unlikely to be a confrontation between her and him over what he had done or not done to her animal. Ideally he had wanted to get out of the way, but he wouldn't have been fast enough, at least this way the cart had been protected too.

"It is no problem, it is understandable to me why an animal would be concerned about something unfamiliar like myself." Teuihua replied sounding a bit more friendly now.

"I can tell that you've raised your ram to protect your herd well, he's very strong if he's able to do anything to my defenses, which must be a result of your love and care." Teuihua continued in a complimentary fashion.

"I am just glad that he doesn't appear to have hurt himself." Thankfully animals like that had very hard skulls for this very reason, designed to do just what the ram had done.

"I am here to assist this group with their journey and to ensure that these materials make it to Sootspire safely." Teuihua stated once again matter of fact, he didn't feel the need to go into too much more detail with his role, since he figured his organic companions would share what they wanted to share.

Unfortunately for him Ethel seemed to still be confused about his innards and why he was being merciful, but he was relieved that Ryan had stood up for him in a way so he appreciated that. Perhaps the safest bet was to let her take a look if she must if Regula was to work on him., turning to look to Ethel to acknowledge, her before reattaching his arm to the material he was pulling, so that he'd be ready to move on when everyone else was.

Aria raised her hands up towards the leaf, almsot expecting her friend to fall at any moment. “I.. i must admit im worried.” She confessed as Regula floated above her head as she spoke. Suddenly the topic caught her off guard, and made her tilt her head with intrigue as Regula spoke, “I.. i’m the least qualified to answer your most complex question Regula. I..” She suddenly caught herself kind of making a white lie. “..if i’m being honest, i must confess there are people in our barony that make me feel. Strange.” Her eyes seemed to want to avoid the topic altogether, “..i simply don’t have the words to express what i mean by ’strange’ other than it’s quite possibly some kind of uncomfortable magic.” She would avoid acknowledging the comments about the captain, as something about that felt wrong to admit. He was a subordinate under his command, and to think of him other than such wasn’t allowed. Admittedly, although she was capable of logically making sense of it, there was a certain nagging feeling that pulled her to think about the captain, which in turn made her blush. She covered her face with her hands suddenly. “Ugh.” She complained as she shook her head with her face buried in her hands. “hmph.. the sun.. is.. bright.” She wasn’t one to give into such things, why was this happening now? What’s wrong? This is embarrassing! She rubbed her eyes, as she forced the feeling to dissipate.

Changing the topic and breaking the silence, Regula continued about her view on love, “I’m afraid i dont have the answers to your questions Regula. But.. as your personal guard, i can’t elaborate further, it is your own wisdom who should bring this barony to light, and i’ll stand by your political decisions no matter the outcome. But as your friend, i would say to simply follow your heart. If.. feelings weren’t so strange to me, that is certainly what i would do.”

On the topic of Leo, she nodded, however a concerned expression overcame her features suddenly, “I must insist we stall furthering anything with my brother. At least, until we’re in a much higher standing politically and militarily. I fear what he could be capable of doing should he learn that i mean to expose him for the villainny he stands.”

Before long Regula was well on her way up, in fact, much too high for comfort. What followed appeared to look like her friend had finally achieved her ability to fly! But only for a moment before she came down falling. She’d catch on quickly as Aria went into action and used [Mithril Legs B -Fast B] to stand right above her, then [Mithril legs - jump C] to jump up to catch her to bring her back down.
Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Sidepath in the direction of Sootspire
Time: 11:30 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

Regula Caelia

Regula hadn't given much thought to Aria's answers, having focussed on her flight attempt first. Now, she was too focussed on her crash-landing attempts. They were failing. They were failing catastrophically. Luckily enough, her third and final fail-safe was the only one not to let her down. Although Aria's jump upwards managed to break some of the speed at which Regula came tumbling down, it wasn't enough to break it entirely, which soon sent Aria herself down as well, from the impact with her friend. Both of them landed onto the ground pretty roughly, Aria in particular, as she was the one that ended up cushioning Regula's fall. A few things definitely felt cracked, bruised broken and bloodied. Regula was sure her arm wasn't meant to look as it was doing after that landing, so she didn't even dare looking at Aria's state. Instead, she quickly activated [Safe Zone B] on her cloak, as the magic quickly started to heal both of them of their injuries.

Sadly enough, the healing didn't instantly make the pain vanish, nor did it do anything to take away the same of this failure. She felt rather devastated. “I really thought I had it...” She mumbled, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. “I'm sorry.” She silently spoke up to Aria, who'd had to suffer from her failure as well. As the healing kept doing its work, she rolled over, laying on her back and staring at the sky. “It felt like I was going to die there for a moment.” She spoke upwards, contemplating her life as she felt the healing magic slowly bringing more of it back to her.

There was something, however, that she could definitely relate to. Something Aria had said just before her flight and crash-landing. “I know exactly what you mean, I think, about people making you feel strange.” She said, still looking up at the sky, rather than looking at Aria herself. “Take that construct, Teuihua. He just came walking in and started helping out, expecting barely anything in return! That's way to good to be true! Do you know how often I wondered if he wasn't a spy of sorts?!? Yet he genuinely seems to be content just helping us out. Besides, maybe it's because of all that Rossle taught me, but I'm fascinated by what he is. I really hope he'll let me work on upgrading him at some point. It's giving me this strange feeling of wanting to see how I can make him the best he can be, but that's a weird feeling to have about another, isn't it?” She wasn't sure what to thank about such desires at all, although she'd had them with Pierre as well, at one point.

Then there was an even more confusing example. “Then there's that Amanda. Something about her ambition and eagerness to prove herself reminds me of when I was younger. It's making me feel a strong desire to see her grow, to help out and to treasure that ambition. To maybe even grow closer to it ? I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make sure of any of it. I know I love them all, but I don't even really know what love is.” She was brave enough to nearly tumble to her death in an attempt to fly, but not brave enough to look at Aria whilst debating such topics.

She wasn't done yet, as the most important person had yet to be mentioned. “Or you, even now. You make me wonder if I deserve to have someone like you in my life. You've helped me so much, you've learned how to walk again better than ever and I've always felt like I could rely on you, even just now, I was considering you the last fail-safe should my wings, boots and cloak fail, and there you were, jumping to my rescue.” Tears were flowing freely now. “Yet I'm incapable of even using the wings I've been given and I'm always wondering if I can give back even a portion of what I'm receiving. I can't give people the sense of comfort and belonging that my mother can. I thought, maybe with my blacksmithing, I could help people out, but even Pierre figured he'd be better off just running away. I couldn't help save that girl from Mage Doriel, I couldn't save Lord Light from being executed, I couldn't stop that spy from the East Empire from murdering so many people and instead dragged you along with me into those fires of hell...”

It was probably the shock of nearly crashing to her death, but it felt like the floodgates of emotions had fully opened up by now and she couldn't hold back the words or tears as they both kept flowing. “Just what do people see in me, to want to follow me? I've lived an entire lifetime thinking connections were only there to be used by others, so I've kept assuming the same would apply here. That anyone that helps me is expecting something in return sooner or later, yet that seems increasingly unlikely. If anything, it feels like I've ended up taking more from you than I could give you, yet you're still here with me. I don't... I don't deserve such a thing. It's why I must at least fix your relation with your brother, I desperately want to pay you back for all you've done for me and I really want to see you happy.”
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When the elf spoke to her, Amanda was quick to notice the shift in his tone. So the elf had aspirations of founding a ranch of sorts, how interesting. Given the vast plains, horses were sure to be a hot commodity among those with the money to buy such. Donkeys, and mules more so, given the lack of financial stability in the barony. With a soft smile Amanda nodded along "You're a strange one Mr? Oh my, I forgot to ask your name, I'm Amanda Steelhaven. I'm from Kirkwall, one of the villages we'll be visiting on our expedition. It's a pleasure to meet you.". Laughing softly Amanda continued, her eyes wandering the elf with curiosity "Three days. So you really are from another world then? Or is this some sort of Fae thing... we have Fae in Kirkwall, but I can't say they've ever claimed to be from another world... is it a religion?".

Tilting her head Amanda would continue to play dumb while trying to extract as much information as she could from the man. But as he spoke of horses and his lofty ambitions, she only felt it right to circle back once finished with her 'ranting'. Pulling her horse into line with the man Amanda would offer him her hand to shake "So, Horses. Tell me, have you given this ideal or dream of yours any realistic thought? Have you a business plan or assessment? What about currency... have you any idea how much the land in this area costs or indeed how much construction of such a ranch will set you back? I'm not trying to poke fun or holes in your plan. But if you're serious about founding a ranch I would certainly like to hear about it".

DuckPrince DuckPrince
Micah.png Micah Ambrose
Micah was worried about this happening when he said his hopes aloud to Amanda. "Micah.." He introduced himself shortly again and shook the woman's hand briefly. "And no, I genuinely meant what I said. I'm not native to this world in the slightest. I only know all of you and madam Hestia." He said but would not speak of it further, luckily Amanda herself shifted back to the ranch topic.. which lead to Micah promptly getting overwhelmed with her questions.

"I can only assume you mean well, miss Amanda.. but I am fully aware my desire to buy land and raise horses is such a long time away that right now it's nothing more than a fantasy or wishful thinking on my part." He reasoned as best he could. "I live out of miss Hestia's inn as her stable boy." He added with a light smile, Micah didn't mind his status as a stable boy, it enabled him to work with horses and better his understanding of them in this world.
Uasal Uasal
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yes, Ethel. I said I would've... If it was necessary. Not just because you want me to" Ryan attempted to explain, exasperated due to the insistence of the soldier. When Ethel questioned Teuihua for holding who knows what inside of him "Ethel, that's not..." Was there any point in trying to get something through to Ethel's head?

"Ethel... Would you like to be str-..." Ryan halted himself on that sentence. First, because while not quite an inaccurate metaphor, it was a very rude one. Secondly, if he did say it, who knows how in the world Ethel would make up something nonsensical off it. "Nevermind, Teuihua has nothing bad inside of him. That's all you need to know." After that, Ryan put the hood of his cloak on, hiding the red cheeks provoked by his comment kept to himself. It took a bit to let what he was that close to say sink in. That's how mighty the density of Ethel was. He just hoped she was just as dense in completing his thoughts.

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Amanda Steelhaven

Amanda nodded in response to Micah, smiling softly as she did "Fantasy, dream, aspiration. You can call it whatever you like but at the end of the day I believe that without such things we as a civilisation would be lost. Lazyness is the mother of human innovation, and aspirations the lofty goals that allow us to press forward toward tomorrow. Hmu hmu". Nodding at the end Amanda would move to pet the horse she was riding upon "Your dream is a nice one, though I wouldn't say it's all that far away. Even an apple tree starts as but a seed, but so long as it doesn't give up and keeps fighting for its life it too can someday grow into a mighty tree and bear many a fruit. Don't doubt yourself. Take it one step at a time. Besides as an elf, well you won't see it coming. Such long lifespans as you have." Pausing for a second Amanda would add "Oh, I'm also living out of the inn at the moment."

Turning her attention to the beast-woman Amanda offered her a smile and gentle tone "Hello, my name's Amanda. I'm currently travelling alongside this merry party at the Baroness' request. Can I help you with something? You seem to have taken quite an interest in our elf friend here. And your ram our Golem. Might I ask your name and business here?"
Elvario Elvario DuckPrince DuckPrince
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili listened to the girl speak ill of Teuiha again. Whether she meant anything by it or not, clearly she needed to be taken into hand about the way she spoke to some. He had no issue in the manner she spoke as long as she was respectful, but her expectations that she kept thrusting upon everyone she met was becoming... irritating to say the least. He wheeled on Ethel and strode up to her purposefully. In one smooth motion he threw back his hood to reveal his pale face, the angry black scar and the glower clearly evident upon his face, all backlit by the eerie glow of his yellow eyes. The guards around him snapped to attention as they recognized the anger present in the Zentail's body language. "I am quite frankly tired of this attitude guard Ethel. I have heard nothing but rude words coming from your lips about Master Teuihua this entire trip." His words held the firm attitude of a parent disciplining a child. "Master Teuihua has done nothing but help the city since he has arrived. He is assisting the Baroness even now. I will not allow you to pester him, speak ill of him, or continue to thrust your own expectations upon everyone you meet. I am certain the Marshall would explain as much to you if she were here, but since she is not I will. I will expect from now on that you will be respectful in your dealings of any within the employ of the Baroness, whether they deserve it or not in your eyes." His glower did not falter. He held his gaze on her. "Is that understood?"
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
Time: 11:30 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Ryan Valkan Valkan | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Amanda Uasal Uasal | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince


Relief washed over her as the giant metal man wasn't going to demand her to pay for his dent removal. In fact, she practically lid up in pride when she got compliment. “Why, thank you! I've named him after one of the finest heroes in Ryke, so I could only do my best to make him live up to his name~” She spoke cheerfully and with no small amount of pride. As Teuihua mentioned the ram not getting hurt, she nodded, then got a bit closer to whisper. “Between you and me, I once saw him attack a vaguely humanoid looking rock formation and I'm sure that rock was more cracked than his skull was. I've got no clue what it's made off, but somehow it's doing its job well.” His answer as to why he was hear didn't tell her much, as she could see and assume as much.

However, as she finished speaking with the construct, she couldn't help listening in on the conversation between the blonde-haired girl and the Elf she'd been glancing at. From.. another world? She titled her head, checking the Elf out even more thoroughly. Was it true what they said? The prettier the face, the more mentally unsound they were? When he brazenly said he wasn't native to this world in the slightest, that seemed to be confirmed with no little amount of doubt. He was rather mad. That's when she recalled he'd asked her why she was glancing at him. “Oh, I'm sorry, sir. Considering you were riding a horse, looking all regal and pretty, having such a large company around you, I figured you might be that new Count Sadek people kept talking about, but I see now that I must've misunderstood.” After all, she doubted Count Sadek was mad enough to believe he was from a different world. Actually, there was one thing she figured might be applicable. “Ah, are you perhaps from the Celestial Realms? I think I've heard of those before.” It'd explain the pretty face, perhaps, or perhaps all Elves looked like that? She hadn't met many of them before.

It was then that the blonde-haired girl actually introduced herself and gave her some concrete answer as to what they were doing here. “Hiya, I'm Janja~” she replied cheerfully, glad someone actually answered her. “I'm only a humble shepherd, who travelled down from the county north of here into this barony, looking for greener pastures~ I found them here! Ah, come to think of it, if you work for the baroness, could you ask her if it's okay if I kill and sell off corpses of the wolves that keep bugging me? I've got no clue if there's a hunting limit in place or not, but it's annoying to keep driving them off. I'd rather just kill them, skin them and turn them into wolf jerky~” As she spoke, it was clear that, for as cheerful as she was, she sounded entirely serious about her plans.


Life just really wasn't fair. People taking back their promises and then making her out to be the bad guy. How dare they? “Indeed, it shouldst be necessary for us to revealet thier constructs innards!” She objected, especially after learning there might be something foul within him. Oddly enough, it seemed like Ryan wanted to ask her if she wanted to be strong. “Thou art right! I desired the strength to protect me and mine!” She wasn't sure why he stopped mid-sentence, or why he asked it to begin with. Such a thing should be obvious. She huffed when he mentioned that Teuihua had nothing bad in him. She knew he hadn't even looked inside yet! Still, she grumbled, yet accepted. “Fine, I shalt trust thy words.”

She got fired back up when the tiny man suddenly started yelling at her. “Me and mine doest not recalled thou hath been given thine right to criticise me and mine.” She huffed. She'd not accept criticism from someone small as a child. Besides, he looked creepy. Did he want her to suspect him as well? When he mentioned the Marshall, however, she realised what was going on here. “Ah, I see. Thou art envious of the Marshall! Thou wished to duel me and mine! Very well, I shalt accommodate thee! Though thou might looketh like a child, I shalt allow thee to name thy place and thy time and I shalt face thee in battle!”

That was the point at which a tired sounding guard captain stepped in, before things could get out of hand further.

Ezekiel Hayward

“No. No more duels, Ethel.” He told her off, at which she was quick to back down. Still, he wasn't happy with the Zentail either. “With all due respect, I don't recall the Marshall allowing you to speak on her behalf.” He wondered if the Marshall would really be so harsh on Ethel. After all, the Marshall was a kind-hearted, beautiful, gracious and understanding woman. “Besides, although her words and methods are uncouth, she is not entirely in the wrong to be suspicious. We're close to the East Empire, which is known to employ a lot of Constructs. When one of them suddenly arrives in our Barony and offers to help out for little to no return, the logical conclusion is that it's an attempt to infiltrate and destabilize our Barony. The Baroness might've decided to trust him, but as guards, we need to be extra alert to ensure the safety of the people we reside over.” He then looked to Ethel. “Still, your manners were too forceful and if the Baroness decides to trust someone, it is not within our rights to show open hostility to them. So let us speak of this no more.”

Mentions: Leinana NeramoDJI NeramoDJI

As the group was staying in place due to their arguing and their encounter with the sheepgirl and the majestic Cayde Ramminger, they would soon encounter a six-armed saleswoman on her way to Sootspire, approaching them from the direction of Stonewall. After having received a letter from the Baroness, Leiana made it to Stonewall only to learn the Baroness had left out heading towards Sootspire. Thanks to the larger group having been held up here, she'd been able to catch up to them, although the Baroness herself was notably not around, so it'd be up to her to approach them or not. Then again, with so many people around (Guard Captain Ezekiel, his trainee guard Ethel, the scout Sherwood, sheep-girl Shephard Janja, Amanda, Retili and his 15 men, Ryan, Teuihua and Micah), there were likely a few sales to pitched here. Alternatively, with her standing out a fair bit, she might be the one to be approached by one of them instead.
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili was about to further speak on the issue when Hayward spoke up. The total blockhead in front of Retili had utterly missed the entire point of what he had said. The sharp look of the Zentail was turned on the Captain as he interceded. He was silent for a moment and seemed to soak in the words of the guard officer before he stepped past the man shaking his head. "There are ways to be suspicious without being disrespectful Captain." [Persuasion E, Empathy E] He retrieved a paper that had been neatly divided into columns. They included headings like name, occupation, property, and income. Apparently the Zentail was going to be very thorough in his census. While he waited for her to finish the conversation she was in he appraised the herder. [Empathy E, Insight F, Perception F]
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1.png

Mentions: Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 Uasal Uasal Valkan Valkan DuckPrince DuckPrince

Teuihua wasn't sure who one of the finest heroes in Ryke was since he still didn't know that much about Ryke to begin with other than what he'd observed about the geography, architecture, and people trends. There was quite a bit of history that Teuihua had no clue about at that too, being in stasis for such an exorbitant prolonged period of time. Despite this fact he nodded to show that he understood what she was saying after the naming comment.

Once Teuihua heard the softly spoken follow up line all he could think was that this Ram she had would definitely not be happy around golems, he knew some that were made up stone back from when he last remembered too, so vaguely humanoid meant that the ram was quite protective indeed. However once again Teuihua found the behavior to be understandable, for all he knew Teuihua was just like the monsters that he had experienced fighting himself on the border from time to time.

He nodded once more, that skull was pretty amazing. However for now he stayed on standby with the material ready to keep moving it. He listened in on the other's conversations now that Janja had moved on from her interest in trying to get information out of him it seemed.

His head turned to Ryan, hearing his words made the golem quite happy that he was speaking up for him to reassure Ethel that he didn't have anything foul inside of him. He would have thanked him verbally but didn't want to cause any problems so he stayed quiet for the time being. Ever since he had awoken in this time, there had been so many kind people to him.

He was also revealed that Ethel seemed to say that she'd take his word for it, but deep down Teuihua knew that Ethel probably wouldn't be satiated with the topic until she saw what was actually inside of him. He didn't sense anything nefarious but nevertheless it was still a bit disconcerting for him.

He then looked to Retili who was even more forth right in his support of him. Everything he said was true, even if the golem didn't think so much about any would be positive impact he made as being a big deal, it was like second nature to him, it's what he was made to do. But Teuihua felt a bit alarmed when he heard Ethel challenging Retili to a duel, that would simply be awful if someone went to go fight over his honor of all things, Teuihua thought to himself, but just as he was about to speak up to try to diffuse things, thankfully Ezekiel stepped in and did it himself, the golem decided that he wasn't going to stay silent the whole time,

After Ezekiel finished, Teuihua said "Ryan and Retili, I appreciate you both speaking on my behalf, they are very kind words to hear, so thank you." He then continued,

"At the same notion, I do understand where the scrutiny and caution come from so I do not take any offense from it, I'm so divorced from my time and place that I've become quite an oddity I can tell. I will do my utmost to assist where I can and I plan to show through my actions that my intentions are pure." the golem concluded.

All Teuihua knew about the empire that Ezekiel spoke of would be what anyone had told him during the time he had been in the barony up until this point. No one from the last village he visited had said anything of it.

With all of this development while the golem had heard bits and pieces of what Amanda, and Micah were talking about his attention had been on the conversation involving himself largely, so he hadn't gotten everything out of it.
Ryan Kylieth

To nobody's surprise, Ethel took what little he spoke in the wrong way, even his incomplete rude comment. In the end however, he managed to get her attention off Teuihua's insides, which was mildly relieving. Unsurprisingly, he was not the only one bothered by Ethel's behavior. It seemed as if Retili had his issues with Ethel's attitude, too. Hearing the scolding, Ryan made a mental note of trying not to anger the pale halfling. That said he continued to remain silent, and simply overheard the back and forth between Retili and Ezekiel for a moment, until Teuihua addressed him.

Ryan walked up to the construct and checked the arm that was hit by the ram. Noticing the dent, he spoke up "You are very well built, I can fix that in no time once were back at Stonewall..." after a few moments of silence, Ryan couldn't help himself but to add "And don't worry, I believe you're a good being"

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

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