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Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.


Brandy watched as the burgers arrived, licking her lips and drooling a bit as she looked to her right not anticipating her comrades reaction.

"Awe, don't cry! It makes your pretty face all wrinkly."

She teased, holding a handkerchief up to Aedri's cheek and wiping her tears. After which brandy happily went and completely devouring her own burger, soon after moving onto the fries, eating and enjoying each and every bite.
Koralia Ironjaw
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Mercenary work ended up taking Koralia to the most different of places: sometimes in the West Empire, sometimes in the Kingdom, and this time in Ryke. Her trip to the country was, unfortunately, peaceful. The shark wanted some opportunity to try and develop new sword skills, but if grunts she dealt with would fall after being bonked over the head once with her sword, how could she get even better? In addition, she was getting quite famished and there were no thugs or monsters in sight through the paths she ended up taking.

When she had gotten to Sootspire, she heard some of the hairless monkeys, humans, talking about some fair happening in a place called Stonewall. Koralia, particularly, had never gone to a fair, nor did she know what a fair was. Still, the very idea of something different had piqued her interest, just enough to put her other business aside and choosing to travel towards this Stonewall place. Reaching it, her eyes start to gaze the place, seeing it how it was all enveloped by walls. Of course there would be walls, wouldn't it? That is what the weak use to keep themselves safe... but others being weak was pretty good. That meant more and more jobs for her.

Coming from the North entrance, from the road that split towards Sootspire and Yemya, Koralia walked confidently with heavy steps, the hard, leather boots hitting the ground with each pace. Her thick shark tail swooshed, from one side to the other, while the massive, serrated, Zweihänder was held with a single hand, its blade resting against the beastkin's shoulder. While looking around, she would stop just near the Well, trying to figure out what one would do in such a place to begin with. Maybe she would find something to eat?
Aedrianna Belmonte

When Brandy wiped her tears away she managed a light laugh. "I can't help it. It's been such a long time since I've had one of these. I wasn't even allowed to really have them before I came here either. Too many calories. Can't look like a doll if you eat them." Her voice was somewhat mocking in an almost annoyed tone. Clearly that's what she thought of those that had told her she couldn't have any burgers. As Hiruq groaned and nosed her for his share, she chuckled and handed over the remainders of her burger. She reached out to stroke his head once more, before glancing around the room again in excitement. Another chip was popped into her mouth and she hummed in delight. "This really is such a lovely atmosphere. I can't wait to get out and see the rest of the fair." That was the plan. Although she was enjoying this tavern space. "I wonder where we'll find some stationary. I would like to write a letter for Griffin soon. So maybe we can leave here shortly to find some stationary and Sori, then find a clothing stall. And while you all are looking at dresses I'll try and write Griffins letter." She turned to Hiruq then stroking his head. "Do you think you could sniff Sori out?" She looked to the others not wanting to interupt their eating. "I'm going to look for Sorieiel. If you aren't done eating I'll bring her back here first. If you'd prefer to stay." She glanced at Noelle, and Brandy, ready to stand and follow Hiruq.


Mentions: Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura
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Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.




She looked up to Gunhild, hearing the woman speak. “I do believe you'd have to ask the lady herself, rather than your friend, if you want to touch her. Although I think the intention is to pet the sheep, not her.” She stated at an almost motherly tone.

She'd give the right example by leaning down to stroke the fleece of one of the sheep. “Oh my, they really are as soft and woolly as they look.”

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Of course, of course! My sheep have the best wool ever!” She looked at Teuihua and Gunhild. “You two can check it out for yourselves as well, if you'd want, the sheep are really tame... Wait... don't I know you from somewhere?” She'd ask Teuihua.

Cayde Ramminger

The on who recognised Teuihua even more was the ram. Whom was now jotting its head up and down, stomping its feet and snorting at the construct. He was clearly challenging the construct to an honourable duel.


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


As the dog was smelling the scents of food brought in and delivered, curiosity got the better of him. He'd give a soft 'grrmm' sound, pressing his nose against Aedrianna. It seemed like Aedrianna wasn't the only one interested in the taste of burgers.


Eliza – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Upon noticing they were dealing with someone of noble lineage, the guards looked around, seemingly not entirely sure what to do for a moment. One of them ran off and eventually returned with a more senior looking guard.

Ezekiel Hayward

“Ah, good morning madam. Apologies for the hold-up.” He'd greet her, as he went through the documents himself. “All seems to be in order. If you wouldn't mind a quick scan...” He'd state, holding up one of the black orbs used to check for titles. With festivities like these, one couldn't be too careful. He hoped she'd understand as much.

“Just a warning, the streets are fairly crowded, so perhaps you'd wish to leave you cart near the outskirts of town instead of trying to get it closer to its centre, where you might be unable to turn around, which reminds me, were you hoping to set up a stand as well? There should still be some spots available, although getting everything there might be a hassle at this time of day.”


Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.




“Me and mine seeeth doest thou evil hath been vanquished, my felloweth guards in lands yonder hath done a spledith worketh!” She proclaimed upon what Soreiel told her.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

“Well done!” The butcher would call out upon her return. “It seems you gave people just the heads-up they needed to come figure out how high quality my meats are!”

“There were a couple that in my opinion were somewhat over spiced, and a couple that had no flavor, but that’s not an issue on your part, my food pallet hasn’t been this good in many years, so my tastes aren’t all that good, but I still thank you for the food” she replied and did her bow once again before going towards the tavern where she had left Aedrianna and the others

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Teuihua listened to Rosalia’s description of Regula when she was younger, didn’t sound all too much different despite the results of her looking different due to her working environment. Child labor wasn’t something which was uncommon from Teuihua’s time so her working in a forge didn’t sound strange. It was curious that she did not have the wings yet to say the least however. Teuihua nodded and bid Zeouli farewell, and hoped that people would continue to visit her stand.

The golem gave a wave to Janja and Cayde, knowing full well that was the ram that had rammed him, in which he used his pillar arm to block. Should Cayde have the means to do it again he’d have to respond defensively. The main priority was ensuring that Rosalia wasn’t the one getting rammed should this occur. He found it humorous and endearing that Gunhild found the idea of young Regula to be so entertaining.

While he understood Gunhild’s enthusiasm he was glad that Rosalia spoke up. “She is correct, the intention is to pet Janja’s flock rather than her, however you are certainly free to ask her.” He reaffirmed.

“As for how I eat..I can process organic material through a magic system where the material is incinerated and the released energy is adsorbed into my system. It is not required for my survival but It is something I am capable of. This magic allows me to ‘taste’ very similarly to an organic, as for how it all functions, I am actually uncertain, you would need to ask my creators, who I doubt would be very easy to contact with how many years it’s been..” He said thoughtfully toward the latter part, unless one of them had figured out how to survive multiple hundreds of years it seemed pretty unlikely.

“The other option I suppose would be to ask someone who is knowledgeable on constructs much like myself.”

“I cannot taste you Gunhild I wouldn’t want to hurt you and I do not believe this works on currently living sentient organics, with this ability, I’ve never had a ‘stomach ache’ as so I’ve heard them called from ‘eating’ too much."

He then addressed Janja
“Do you know many more who look like myself Janja?” There was a bit of rhetorical light heartedness between the question, considering he doubted that was true.

“Yes we met while we were traveling and I accompanied Baroness Caelia, it would appear that Sir Ramminger wants to have another go at my armor, perhaps for the interest of keeping the peace it is better if I do not pet.” He replied, still standing near Rosalia defensively.

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza's demeanor remained poised and composed as the guards reacted to her noble status, understanding the need for caution in such matters. She offered a gracious nod as the senior guard approached, his manner exuding a sense of authority and professionalism.

"Good morning," Eliza returned the greeting with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting a genuine appreciation for the thoroughness of their inspection. "Of course, please proceed," she added, extending her hand gracefully towards the black orb presented by the guard. Placing her hand upon it, she allowed the device to scan her titles, its magical energies sifting through the layers of her noble lineage with meticulous precision.

As the inspection concluded, Eliza expressed her gratitude with a nod of approval. "Thank you for your diligence. Safety is indeed paramount, especially in a Barony historically prone to danger and catastrophe." she remarked, acknowledging the guard's caution with a thoughtful tone.

Taking heed of the guard's advice regarding the crowded streets, Eliza nodded in agreement. "Your counsel is wise. I shall instruct my driver to leave the cart near the outskirts of town. I trust in your capable hands to ensure its safety, I trust it won't be an issue to have my guards escort me?" she assured them, a flicker of confidence evident in her gaze as she placed her trust in the guards' watchful eyes.

As the conversation turned to the possibility of setting up a stall, Eliza politely declined, her focus more inclined towards exploration and networking than commerce. "No, thank you. I have no intention of setting up a stall. My visit here is primarily for leisure and perhaps to secure some valuable information and contacts," she explained, her tone gracious yet decisive.

With practical matters addressed, Eliza's curiosity turned to the landscape beyond the town walls, her observant gaze noting the unique arrangement of fields. "I couldn't help but notice the intriguing layout of the fields outside the walls. Are there any locals familiar with herbs or cash crops in the area?" she inquired, her interest piqued by the agricultural potential of the surrounding lands.

Elvario Elvario
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Elvario Elvario

"You'd be suprised how much HAS changed since back then." the knight sighed, nodding to the words... "Guess I could've chose a better time but don't have much myself, made a promise to help in the sky kingdoms so have to portal my way back there sooner or later but thought theres no better time to drop by and break the figurative silence." the knight eyed the closing pocket dimension portal, the other cutely canine eared fellow then back to Regula and her wings.

"Been good, up in Rotia, cleansed a curse from myself in the See, giving Mimi some time to adventure herself. " he scratched his chin, thinking about it all. "Long and short is I've just been adventuring! Seeing the sights, helping where I can..." he had hoped for a moment to ask a question or two to Regula... But she seemed busy... hrmm...

"Is there something I can do to help now that I'm here? Goodness knows I'm no lay about, if I'm here I may as well help with.. whatever is going on eh? You've made a big name for yourself it seems, weren't no baronness during our meeting."


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Upon hearing from both Rosalia and Teuihua that it would probably be best if she actually asked Janja if she could touch her, Gunhild grumbled and sat up since she was likely going to have to get down from Teuihua again. Why couldn't things be simpler and just come to her, always having to make her keep climbing up and down the construct was so tediously annoying and she wasn't even being expected to do so as part of the job. Though before she did, she stared and listened to the entirety of the construct's explanation on how he ate things with a blank expression as if everything he said went in one ear and out the other. Staring and not saying anything for a brief moment, she eventually then spoke.
"Metalmans burns-eats weirdsies... " she commented quietly, leaning in and softly sniffing him to see if he did smell of burnsies.

Giving a look to Rosalia as she was enjoying the poofas, the lizard noticed the ram who didn't seem to get along with Teuihua well and gave it a confused glance.

"Metalmans, whys angy no-poofa doofa angy? No-poofa doofa no scaresies-do. Is silly. Silly billy no-poofa doofa. A silly billy no-poofa doofa no scaresies-do a Gunhild no scaresies-do-do a-do-do's. Metalmans do a do-scaresies no-poofa doofa scaresies-do-do a do-do's a no-poofa doofa angy-scaresies do-do? Is Prettyrose do scaresies-do no-poofa doofa scaresies-do-do a-do-do's do? Yesses? No-no yes a no-poofa doofa scaresies-do no do-do a do-do's scaresies-do?" Gunhild asked as probably the most nonsense rambling of a question she had ever asked, looking to Rosalia as if the question had also been directed at her. She didn't feel like getting off Teuihua now to try and touch Janja, but she would ask... something, anyway.

"Jajajies-poofa, is Jajajies-poofa a floofa-poofa no doofa poofa? Is poofa floofa and goods?? Is Jajajies-poofa floofa-poofa for touchies like poofas' floofa-poofas? Gunhild do a touchies of poofa-floofa of Jajajies-poofa? Do? A do-do. Yesses. Poofa? Yesses" she asked, gently swinging one of her clawed hands in the general direction of her as she soon enough stopped doing so and laid on her back on Teuihua's shoulder, simply stretching and lounging as she enjoyed the construct's warmth.

"Prettyrose, do Prettyrosie do a a magics? Prettybirdie ReguLady do a a magics. Do Prettyrosie do a do?... Hehehehe, babi-smol ReguBaby. Hehehe. Ehehehe. Hehehehe" Gunhild asked as she laid on her back staring at the sky, curious if Regula's mother also had magical capabilities or any special talents of some kind before she quickly became distracted with more thinking about a tiny little Regula running around delivering bread. Who doesn't want to think about a tiny little Regula running around delivering bread?

Heightened Smell (F) + Energized (F) to sniff Teuihua for burny-ness
Size Change (F) + Energized (F) to be staying 4'1" still
Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


The canine scarfed down the burger remnants he was offered with some happy noises. He looked up upon being asked to sniff out Sori. Pointing his nose upwards, he started to sniff the air. Although there were many, many scents in the air, he had a task to fulfil. Sniffing his way around the entrance for a bit, he soon got caught of something familiar.


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

It didn't take too long before Hiruq managed to sniff his way to Soreiel, who was about to leave the butcher to go back to the tavern. With a satisfied 'hrrwmph' noise, he sat down, having completed his mission. That said, it didn't take long before the wolf was thoroughly invested in the display in front of him. The canine had rarely seen such a large amount of meet and bones in one place... He'd look at Aedrinna as if to say 'are you going to reward my sniffing talent?' and then at the butchery in front of him.

The butcher, was a bit surprised by Soreiel's commentary. “Hmmm... perhaps the spices didn't mix well in your batch. I'll keep it mind. Have a nice rest of the day lass.” He'd eventually reply, before looking at the new arrivals. “Are you here to make a purchase? I can throw in a bone for your dog if you buy a premium cut.” He'd offer Aedrianna.


Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula. \ Catch up with Regula. \ Pet Tail?

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

“Oh, the Sky Kingdoms?” She replied, instantly intrigued. “I've been wanting to fly there for a while now, but I sadly haven't found the time yet. What are they like?” She asked.

“Rotia... It's one of the places I know the least about, I'm afraid. Other than it having these constructs to fight off monsters and being cold.” Upon his mention of adventuring, she'd smile shortly. She did sometimes wish she had more time for such things herself, but alas, such a life was behind her.

On the topic of helping, she wasn't sure. “We're currently organising a Fair, as you might've seen. Considering it's the first one we got in a long while, some things aren't going smoothly. Right now, I'm trying to help out bringing supplies to those that underestimated how much they'd need, as the place is too crowded to do so without magic.” She'd give him a rundown, as they were headed into the town proper.

As she was dropping off a few crates at some of the stands, the advisors split off again in order to continue their work elsewhere, leaving Regula and Finn alone for the time being. Well 'alone' was relative, as most of the people around greeted the baroness upon seeing her. “I took over the barony after all the trouble with Count Light. It was a fair bit of effort to get things back in order, but it seems things are finally going well now.” She'd fill him in.

Having dropped off most supplies, however, she decided to take a quick break near the well. To her surprise, the centre of the town wasn't as busy and crowded as she'd expected it to be, all though she'd soon notice why.

Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.

A fairly large shark-woman with a large weapon on full display had decided to lounge about near the well. Whether it was the teeth in her mouth or the teeth on her sword, there was enough reason for most people to stay out of her way.

Regula, however, cared for no such reasons. If anything, she was happy to have a place that was slightly less crowded and someone to keep people from approaching her for the moment. “Good morning.” She'd say to the shark-woman, her eyes glossing over that peculiar thicc looking shark-tail for the briefest moment, but perhaps enough for a little bit of [Tail Freak] to be sensed by Koralia. That said, she'd continue as if nothing happened, turning back to Finn. She didn't seem to mind their conversation possibly being overheard.

[Tail Freak] - Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.

“From what I've gathered from my advisors, there's not much need to help out. Things are going smoothly. Ah, right, I'm going to the Keg soon to deliver the last bit of supplies. You should really try their burgers and fries, it's something out of this world. If you want to help out and have any experience delivering food, I bet they'd love any help they can get, as the place is probably busier than ever. Chef Todo is truly talented and this fair is making more people than ever realise such a thing.”


Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Of course I do!” She'd call out, then pointing in the distance. Across the entire fair, Zeouli's head was still visible from here. “Well, one of them, at least~” She replied, with a laugh. “What..?” She asked in a bit of surprise, only to see the ram. “Oh no you don't!” She called out to her ram in anger. “Remember the last time? You nearly got yourself made into mutton, you stubborn old fool.” She grumbled.

Cayde Ramminger

The ram looked at Janja defiantly for a moment, before eventually caving in and turning around, starting to nibble on some feed as if nothing happened.

“It seems even he's starting to learn his limits.” Janja stated, glad she got the ram to back off before it'd go in for the rematch. “So... ehhh... how've you been?” She asked, unsure if having 'small talk' with constructs was a thing or not, but giving it a shot regardless. As for Gunhild, she didn't seem to comprehend the question, or figure out whether or not she was even asked one to begin with.




Rosalia blankly started at Gunhild for a moment, then at Teuihua. Eventually, she'd sound a bit concerned. “I think Gunhild might be suffering from a heatstroke. Perhaps it'd be best if she got down from atop you, rest in the shade and drink some water.” Even by the Gunhildian standard she'd slowly gotten used too, that was a sentence with little to no sense to it. The final question, however, she did understand. “No dear, I did know a little magic in my youth, but I haven't used any of it in ages.”


Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Ezekiel Hayward

Glad to see the noble co-operate, he was more than willing to answer some more questions. “Of course, we'll keep the cart secure. As for your own guards, it shouldn't be a problem. I'd only ask they keep in mind that it's crowded, so making way for even the most esteemed guests might be more difficult than normal.” He wasn't sure what type of noble they were dealing with, but she seemed understanding enough thus far, so he hoped that wouldn't matter too much either.

As for the fields, he'd have to somewhat disappoint her. “It was in large part due to advisor Steelhaven, though I'm afraid she's currently unavailable. There's a construct by the name of Zeouli that's been tirelessly working the land, but she only speaks Analog and some ancient language.. Ah, a local researcher, Gwenith, has set up a tea stand. She's probably the most knowledge-able person currently available. I think she'd set up a bit further into town, to the right.”
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Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Despite her asking, it would seem as if nobody else understood anything that she was saying as Janja didn't even speak to her nor did Rosalia think she was okay. Disappointedly grumbling, she huffed quietly.
"Gunhild no strokeded-do heet-do's. Gunhild knows whens pets" Gunhild answered back, unsure how she would even be stroked by heat and in what way was it supposed to be a bad thing. Stroking was basically, like, long petting. Didn't seem too much of a downgrade to warrant it being considered a bad thing. Though if Rosalia was saying so then Teuihua would probably end up agreeing with her that said 'being stroked by heat' thing would be bad.
"Fines. Gunhild no Metalmans. A one time do" she murmured as she dejectedly rubbed her cheek against his shoulder for a moment before dropping off of him, albeit sticking the landing much better than every other time before. It didn't seem like she was going to get permission to touch Janja's poofa-floofa anytime soon, so Gunhild instead just desired to laze around for the moment since she couldn't really just run off anywhere considering her responsibilities right now. Scurrying her way behind Teuihua, she relinquished maintaining her hold on her shrunk size just so she could meet in the middle of coming down from Teuihua's shoulder without leaving it.

Returned to a 16' height that dwarfed her Smolhild self by four times, she nonchalantly remained behind Teuihua and leaned her weight gently forward onto him. Draping her arms over his shoulders and resting her head next to his, it was atleast a benefit of being just slightly taller. Now she was laying on Metalmans without being on him... or something. Problem probably not solved at all.

"Dere. Gunhild do a do. Gunhild smarts. Gunhild do alls the bestest fixes" Gunhild answered with a small smile, quietly grumbling small snarl-like purrs since she could  somewhat humble Rosalia's concern without leaving the comfort and warmth of the bestest Metalmans.​
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo

Koralia particularly didn't that others usually stood clear from her. In fact, that made things easier and avoided her sword being swung against someone that it shouldn't. However, there was someone who seemed more courage than most in this fair. Surprisingly, not only was this person a female, but her form was lithe. This human didn't seem like the usual hairless monkey, much on the contrary. Well, the wings on her back were already a telling sign to the muscular shark that she was different in some form. "Morning to ya" She answered the avian-humanoid, in a somewhat friendly tone, while being casual as usual.

Koralia also noticed the female wasn't unaccompanied. There was a blond-haired-human man, dressed in armor, who was with her. From a first glance, he didn't look like a wimp, much different than the usual hairless monkey. She bet he could take a few hits over the head from her Zweihänder and still be left standing, possibly dishing out some punishment as well. "Morning to ya too." He told him, brash as always.

Next, Koralia would notice the female's gaze towards her thick, shark tail. While it only lasted for a few moments, it brought a curious grin to the mercenary's face, her lips spreading slightly to show her serrated teeth, which closed against each other like the bite of a metallic bear trap. Koralia's animal instincts flared up, almost as if giving some insight of one of that avian-humanoid's desires. That could prove for some interesting entertainment...

She kept eavesdropping the female's conversation nonchalantly, listening a few possible points where she could go to. The talk about burgers didn't really get her attention that much, she didn't even know what they were. And, even if she did, the thought of eating cooked meat wasn't appealing at all for a predator such as her. She preferred her food as raw as it could be, preferably still kicking.

Not wanting to cut the white-haired female off, she waited for the perfect opportunity to step right at her side, towering her by a whole 2 feet, while her gaze shifting between the avian-humanoid and the blond-haired man. "A chef? Any chance of getting raw meat 'round this place? Love me 'sum fresh meal..." She asked, looking at both humans. While she actually wanted to know what she asked, her positioning right besides the avian-humanoid had another reason.

During her question, the thick shark tail rubbed against the female's leg subtly and lightly. It could have been mistaken for a simple happenstance, if it didn't happen twice: the second time, albeit still subtly for others, wasn't as light as the first one, Koralia's gaze and muzzle turned directly at the white-haired female as she did, while something glinted behind her shark's eyes. "Name's Koralia Ironjaw. Yours?" Her gaze shifted between the two humans, wanting to know the name of both of them.

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza inclined her head appreciatively at the guard's assurances regarding the security of her cart and the consideration for her personal guards. "Thank you for your understanding," she replied graciously, her tone reflecting her genuine gratitude for their attentiveness to her needs.

As the conversation shifted to the intriguing fields outside the town walls, Eliza listened attentively, intrigued by the mention of Advisor Steelhaven and the diligent construct named Zeouli. Though she couldn't communicate directly with Zeouli due to the language barrier, the idea of a construct tirelessly tending to the land sparked a flicker of fascination within her.

"Advisor Steelhaven and Zeouli seem to have made quite an impact on the agricultural landscape here, they say the Baroness has a good eye for people. It seems said rumours are true." Eliza mused, impressed by their contributions despite their current unavailability. "Gwenith's expertise in tea certainly sounds promising. I shall seek her out further into town, as you suggested," she added, mentally noting the location to the right.

With a final nod of appreciation to the guard for his assistance, Eliza turned her attention towards the bustling streets of Stonewall, eager to immerse herself in the sights and sounds of the fair and to seek out the knowledgeable locals who could provide valuable insights into the barony's affairs. As she began to make her way deeper into town, a sense of anticipation filled her, eager to discover what secrets and opportunities awaited her amidst the vibrant festivities.

Navigating through the lively streets of Stonewall, Eliza gracefully wove her way through the throngs of festival-goers, her guards trailing behind her with practiced precision. She made sure they maintained a respectful distance, ensuring they didn't disrupt the flow of pedestrian traffic. Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry

Amidst the colorful array of stalls and attractions, Eliza's keen eyes eventually alighted upon a modest tea stand nestled in a cozy corner of the fair.

As she drew nearer, Eliza observed the careful arrangement of aromatic tea leaves and herbs adorning the stall, a testament to the proprietor's dedication to her craft. The gentle aroma of brewed tea wafted through the air, enticing passersby with its warm embrace.

Approaching the stall, Eliza offered the proprietor—a kind-eyed woman with an air of quiet wisdom—a warm smile of greeting. "Good day," she began, her voice carrying a refined elegance. "I've heard you're the one to speak to about matters of local flora and agriculture. My name is Eliza, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, could you tell me about the kind of tea leaves you sell here and where you procured said tea from?" [Ettiquette F]

Elvario Elvario
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.




Rosalia watched in surprise as Gunhild suddenly grew a lot. “So this is why you're on guard duty...” She mumbled, realising that the girl's size alone would scare off potential attackers. Luckily enough, the sheep were pretty well-trained and contained, otherwise Gunhild might've scared them and scarred them around by now. She was still wondering if the girl was truly alright, but that was beyond what she could fix or deal with. “Are you able to grow and shrink like that however you want too?” She asked Gunhild, somewhat curious.


Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Regula, meanwhile, was confronted by something odd. The figure towering above her didn't matter much to her. At the end of the day, she was confident in her own abilities. Size didn't matter. Then again, she didn't think this one meant any harm overall to begin with. Upon being asked the question, she was about to answer when she felt something bump her leg. Upon glossing over, she was surprised, but not so much that a bit of [Mind Shield] and [Focus] could distract her. They were in the middle of the town, after all. “Of course, over there.” She'd point in the direction of the butchery, not that far from where they were. “He's pretty proud of his produce, so I think he'd be able to cater to even those that prefer their meets uncooked.” She'd state, happy to help.

The second time she felt something against her leg, she didn't even look. Instead, she focused straight ahead. She had no clue what was going on, but she felt like this could be dangerous. “Right, ehm.” She started, before realising the woman had just introduced herself. “Ah, I'm Regula Caelia. A pleasure to meet you. Which reminds me, if you're looking for work, you can come by the keep later. The barony can always use more people that can hold their own.” She added. It wasn't clear if she was being polite, giving a reason to meet again later, or just going through the 'usual' spiel with that statement. That said, she did soon excuse herself, possibly unsure of how to act under these odd circumstances. “Right, I should really be off, good luck at the butcher's.” She'd give a nod, before gesturing Finn to (hopefully) come along. “Let's go.”


Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.

(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


Finding her way to the tea stall, Gwenith would greet in turn. “Good morning.” She seemed a tad surprised when a question was brought up about flora and agriculture in general, rather than just about the tea she was putting on display, but that vanished when the subject was brought back around to tea. “It's nice to meet you, miss Eliza, I'm Gwenith. As for the tea, I use all sorts of leaves, herbs and even roots. I've acquired some from places like The See, East Empire, Kuridan and Magic Duchy and managed to grow them here, whilst other species are native to these lands. All in all I just love to explore what plants work for tea and which of them can be grown well for it. If you'd like to try some samples, I've still got the water boiling. I can recommend the lavender one, if you've never tried it before.”
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Koralia watched curiously as the avian-humanoid pointed the way towards the butcher, taking note of where it was. With her stomach silently grumbling for fresh meat, she would sure make her next stop there. The shark could notice, albeit barely, that she must have had some sort of effect on the white-haired female, because of how long it took her to introduce herself. It was either that, or Koralia hadn't caught much of her attention to begin with. "Regula, eh? Nice to meet ya." The shark gave Regula a short answer, listening next to what could be passed for an invitation for work or something else. If Koralia had eyebrows, one of them would probably be raised at that moment. This lithe creature was playing hard to get and expecting to be chased? Hah! There was no rime or reason for the shark to do so, at the present.

"Thanks." The single word was all that she uttered, seeing Regula's rushed escape, while calling the male to follow her. Koralia simply watched, with narrowing eyes, as the possible entertainment simply disappeared. Shrugging, she turned around and made her way towards the butcher shop, the confident stride being accompanied by long steps. Getting into the butcher shop, she noticed that, besides the mustached man with the blood-stained apron, there were two females, one a human and the other a beastkin, and a wolf. She spared a glance towards them, as if acknowledging their presences, before focusing on the butcher himself. "Got 'sum fresh meat with blood drippin' from it?" She cut straight to the chase, her hunger having reached its zenith.
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Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

The butcher smiled upon Koralia's request. “Oh, that I do. This place isn't called the Bloody Delicious without reason. What are you in for? Boar? Deer. Caught just this morning. Chicken? Cow? Pork? Butchered only hours ago. I even have some more exotics, if you're in for a real treat. Kangaroo, horse, rabbit, pheasant...”

As he'd listed off some options, he did recall something. “Ah, that reminds me, did I spot you with the baroness just now? I know she periodically meets with adventurers to keep up good contact and all, but I must say, you may be the first of them to come appreciate my craft.”


Elvario Elvario
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

A little unsure why Rosalia seemed surprised about her being a bodyguard in the first place, she just quietly grumbled to herself until she was asked the question about her size changing capabilities. Having thought that Regula would have told her mother all about it by now since Gunhild and Prettybirdie Regula were clearly so close, Gunhild supposed she would have to say it.
"Yesses, Gunhild do a Beeghild, Gunhild do a Smolhild. Gunhild do a Gunhild do. Gunhild do's a Smolhild ons Metalmans-friend. Gunhild Smolhild do a in-house smol Smolhild in the house do. Gunhild alsos do a Floofhild. Gunhild do a floofy. See's. Gunhild do a Beeghild, Gunhild bestest Beeghild" Gunhild said as she would just choose to demonstrate. Concentrating her Size Change capabilities, going one step further beyond was something she had already done prior before during their camping trip to find some magical moving tower that they never even ended up finding. With enough effort since increasing was definitely more difficult than shrinking in size, Gunhild sat and coiled her tail in to herself as well as keeping her arms and legs huddled close to her sitting self as to keep close. Having made sure she wasn't too close to anything else where she wouldn't push anyone or damage anything in the fair, she had finished her growth in order to show it to Rosalia.

"See's. Gunhild Bighild. Is do" she answered briefly, slowly standing up to full height just so she could get a full idea of it. She hadn't increased to 30 feet in a long while and hadn't ever really done it in a public place, so seeing everything and everyone so small was so strange... yet rather funny. It was fun to be a Bighild, though Regula would probably be upset about potential property damage or something if she were to do it so much. With the topic of Regula on mind...

"See's. Gunhild see's a all. Gunhild see's all, Gunhild do's a all. Gunhild bestest safeties-do. Gunhild see's ALL FAIR. Gunhild do all, see all, KNOW ALL, Gunhild is ALL. Gunhild is alsos Gunhild! Gunhild see's a Prettybirdie ReguLady do-a-do. Hellos, ReguLady, Gunhild do a good bestest Gunhild!!" Gunhild said to Rosalia and waving to the Prettybirdie as she had noticed said daughter of Prettyrosie elsewhere due to her increased height, which reminded her of something else in the process.
"Ehehehe. Hehehehe. Tiny smol-baby ReguBaby-Birdie. Hehehehe" she grinned with a wide smile as she laughed to her Beeghild self. The thoughts and even now the sights of a tiny little smol little baby birdie ReguLady felt like they were going to be entertaining for quite a while.

Size Change (F) to 30'.
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario

Koralia's mouth would show more and more of a smile as the mustached man began disclosing all the different options he had in his shop. So many options for her to taste! And, not only that, but they were fresh. It wasn't that easy for the shark to find a place who sold meat that weren't already extremely salted, spiced or that used any other kind of method to keep it from going bad, so that was quite the find. It went as far as to make her mouth began salivating slightly, but she managed to keep the more primal part of her nature in check for the moment. This human was quite the meat-meister it seemed!

Approaching the ordering counter, the shark reached behind her with her left hand, producing a coin pouch. Bringing it to her mouth, Koralia would use her teeth to carefully unfasten the knot on it and leave the pouch open. "Horse! Horse it is, 'been ages since I had 'sum! Bring a nice chunk." She answered the man at some point as he was listing the several options, but then he made a curious comment, which prompted the shark to tilt her head to the side slightly. "Baroness...? Dat shorty, Regula, is the Daimyo of this... walled town?" She asked him, putting in terms more akin to the Republic. Her eyes narrowed for a moment, her mind making a few clicks. Of course, of course, humans and their 'masks', being someone in public, someone else in private. That were one of the things she loved about the West Empire: no need to play pretend.

Maybe there were business to be had with the avian-humanoid, in more ways than one, a visit wouldn't hurt. "Hah! Meat-meister..." She began in a proud manner, giving the man an impromptu nickname. "... takes a real beastkin to appreciate true meat! You sure you aren't some of a beastkin?" She asked the butcher, trying to sound like a compliment, flashing her serrated teeth.
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.

Erkan Flann

“A nice chunk of horse meat! Coming right up. You want it on the bone or off?” He asked, although he'd assume 'on' was going to be the answer. “Good to have some folk not being worried about 'horses being too noble for eating' for a change as well.” He couldn't help adding, as he brought out a large chunk of horse, probably juicy thigh meat.

He laughed at her surprise. “Yep, the winged lass is the leader of these lands. Most folk don't realise by how casual she normally walks around and talks with folk. They consider her a [Hip Noble] and all.”

“Oh, Meat-meisteir! Hah! I like that!” He called out, fairly proudly so. “Alas, lass, I got sick to near-death the last time I tried some of this raw. If the gods has blessed me with beastkin blood somewhere in the family tree, there's too little of it left for me to live as one... but that doesn't stop me from becoming the best butcher around!”
Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario

Soreiel was about to leave when Hiruq found her and sat down by her side, his attention being completely captivated by the butchers stock of meats. “Hehe maybe Aedrianna will buy you some, eh buddy?” She chuckled and began to pet his head once again before Aedrianna showed up shortly after.

Soreiel then heard long stomping strides as a shark woman approached the butcher looking to make a purchase. Soreiel just stood there watching her.
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula. \ Catch up with Regula. \ Pet Tail?
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia. \ Satisfy Regula?
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Regula sighed deeply. She thought she'd escaped the tail-teasing shark by withdrawing in time and that she'd gotten things sorted from there. If anything, she might've had it... If it wasn't for her noticing Gunhild suddenly growing to her biggest size. “Oh dear...” Even if the girl was careful, she was bound to shock and scare some folk by that.

“Right, would you mind if I brought you along with some magic for a bit? It seems my friend is causing a scene, but you might wish to meet her and talk in private, so I'm sure it can all work out.” She'd tell Finn, having to make a change of plans already.

Taking flight to have the birds-eye view, she'd call out to Gunhild. “You'd best not grow so large in the middle of town, especially not on a busy day. Hold up, we'll go somewhere better suited.”

A large Pocket Dimension started to form in the area, 'swallowing' up Gunhild, Finn and even Koralia. She figured she might as well get back at the shark, now that her plans had changed.

[Take It All] – Magic B, Magic Area of Effect C, Energised B, Pocket Dimension B, Selective B – Character Pockets everything in a wide (500 ft) radius around them into their Pocket Dimension. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Having taken it all, she'd wave to her mother and Teuihua, figuring they'd be able to adjust to this change of plans. After that, she'd quickly drop the supplies back out at the inn, before flying off at Flight C speeds. She'd eventually drop the group off at a much less crowded space outside of town.

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

“Right, sorry about that.” She'd stated, as they were let out of the Pocket Dimension. “Gunhild, meet Finneagan Huttman, the warrior with whom I fought alongside against the East Empire spy back in the See, whom also helped in Yemaya previously. One of the few who seem to understand and someone I'd consider a close friend, despite how few chances we have to talk.”

She'd turn around. “Finn, meet Gunhild, the bestest Gunhild, to be exact. An all-around good girl and owner of the largest and most comfortable, fluff-growing tail I've ever seen or felt.”

Even so, she did have some choice words for Gunhild. “Although you shouldn't grow so large when the town is so busy. Accidents would be far too likely to happen and you might scare some people.” She'd warn her.

Then she turned to the shark. “As for you, I'm not sure what you were trying and I was trying to ignore it, but seeing how the situation changed... I might as well ask. Is it that obvious?” She mostly wondered just how the shark had caught on so quickly. Other than still being curious to know what the texture of shark-tail was like, but that was pushed to the background for now.


Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Maxxob Maxxob
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Before Gunhild could do much to say anything, she found herself swallowed up into a pocket dimension in order to be relocated elsewhere with other people she hadn't met, whom she was questioning what was wrong since she was supposed to be helping protect Rosalia and also because she was only doing it because the woman had asked if she truly was able to shift her size. Finding herself placed back out into the open, Gunhild had shrunk down back to a little size now that she was company of Prettybirdie Regula and also because for some reason she was being told not to be a Bighild.
"Prettyrosie askededed. Where'ses Prettyrosie? Gunhild do a protecc. Prettyrosie no heres" Gunhild asked as she looked around for the woman in question to no avail of spotting her, despite the fact the place they were very clearly was not the fair. Spinning in circles to spot any signs of wherever they just were, she heard Regula say her name and turned to face the man she had been introducing her to. Not having much of a clue why Gunhild was being introduced to people nor all the things Regula just said about him other than the 'friend part, she simply huffed a joyful grunt and grinned over the very clearly important accomplishments that Prettybirdie listed her of having as it made her wag her tail very much in the process. It's likely best that she got excited and wagged her tail as a Smolhild away in privacy than a Bighild at the fair otherwise there might have been a considerable problem.

Despite wanting to contest about the going large thing, she tilted her head as she looked over Finn.
"Friend? Prettybirdie do-friend? Feeeeeeenn? Feen likesies ReguLady Prettybirdie? Yesses. Fancy friends" Gunhild asked, he seemed like he was the kind of fancy serious type that Regula would be friends with and do fancy stuff with or whatever, but something so blatantly obvious seemed crucially missing. Grumbling softly as she scooted around him trying to sniff out and ascertain what was so questionably different about Finn from Regula's other friends, a circling or two around the warrior eventually gave an answer.

Sitting and clapping her clawed hands together, Gunhild cheerfully made her observation.
"Feen no tail! Prettybirdie! Prettybirdie do friend with no-tail Feen! Prettybirdie do a do! Is fancy. Yesses" Gunhild clapped as if such a thing was an accomplishment for her, but considering most of the new friends and allies she had made seemed to all be of the tailed variety, seeing that Regula was seeing and being friends with someone who didn't have one was a surprising change of pace.
"Hellos Feeeeen! Gunhild is Gunhild. Bestestest Gunhild... hmm" Gunhild introduced with a wave of her hand as her attention slowly got distracted by the other person present with them, she didn't recognise the big shark lady. It seemed like something she would have remembered. Scurrying over and giving a close inspection, she came to a conclusion as she gestured to the shark lady and then Finn.

"Prettybirdie! Feen and Feen! Feen-Feens!" Gunhild claimed, since one was called Finn and the other had a fin. It was completely random, but it was a point Gunhild for some reason desired to make. Going back to the matter at hand, Gunhild scratched her chin as she looked up at Koralia.

"Shork? Gunhild is Gunhild. Gunhild no see's a Shork. Shork friend?" Gunhild asked.
Assuming that Koralia ended up getting the horse meat before she was yoinked away into a pocket dimension, Gunhild clearly noticed it and asked the inevitable question.
"Is. Food? Shork has foods? Is foods for Gunhild? Shork? Foods? Shorkshorkshork. Gunhild is shork. Ahm ahm ahm" Gunhild asked about it before growing completely off-topic, making biting and nomming sounds as she pretended to be a shark.

Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (Changed to 4'1")
Heightened Sense (F)(Smell) to sniff dat Finn
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo

The shark had a new sense of respect for the butcher. While, unfortunately, he was human in nature, his soul certainly wasn't. There was no way a human could handle meat, as he had just done so. The large chunk of horse meat was proof of that, appearing to be fresh as it could be and still on the bone. Koralia finally let her massive sword down, turning it around and letting the tip rest against the floor, while the blade rested against her body. Now, with both hands free, she had to poke around the coin pouch to find rykes, as there were many other coins mixed with this country's currency. After a few moments, she managed to separate enough coins, and a few extras.

With that done, she fastened the coin pouch once more, securing it safely at her own waist, and handed the coins to the butcher, placing them directly into his hand, while grabbing the big chunk of meat with both of her free hands, by the bones that stuck slightly from both endings. "Since you tried it raw, you got even more respect, Meat-meister." Saying that to the butcher, she chose the ending being held by her right hand, opening her shark mouth to its very extreme, before sticking both bone and meat into it, partially, before her jaws closed. The serrated teeth crushed bone and ripped meat, as a good part of the piece was now in her eager mouth.

The sound that the chewing made inside her mouth must have been horrendous: the crushing and ripping, all with feral and primal hunger.
"This ish good!" She said with a mouthful, for the Meat-meister, now having her right-hand free, once more, to grab the massive sword and lift it up. Her gaze shifting momentarily, to the beastkin girl, who was watching her. It was almost like Koralia's was smiling with her eyes, totally unapologetic for her bestial eating habits. When she went for a second chomp of the meat, she was suddenly not in the butcher shop anymore, but somewhere else entirely.

It was a path she had been on previously, when coming to Stonewall from Sootspire. She looked a bit disoriented at first, holding her massive sword with a single hand, before finally relaxing when she saw the others who were also there when her eyes became more focused. The shark was a bit curious about a short, four foot female-lizard. Even Koralia's rough self couldn't deny that the creature looked adorable and cuddly. And, thanks to the introductions which Regula made between the small creature and the blond-haired man from earlier, it seemed that her name was Gunhild, while his name was Finneagan.

While Regula seemed to give some warnings to Gunhild, Koralia began trying to put away the half horse thigh which she was still holding it, also using the opportunity to clean the blood from her face with a piece of cloth. But just as she began doing it, Gunhild started asking about the niece piece of meat which Koralia was holding it, the piece still dripping with blood. The way Gunhild mimicked a shark made a hoarse chuckle leave Koralia's throat and, since her hunger was quenched for now, the small act had sealed the deal and prompted the shark to give her the piece of meat. With a smirk, she turned to the small female lizard. "You can have it, but you gotta eat it in a single bite, as a true beastkin. Name's Koralia." She told Gunhild, handing her the juicy piece of horse thigh on the bone.

Afterward, her attention was directed to someone else: the avian-humanoid. "What I was tryin'? Just gaugin' the interest..." Koralia answered Regula, with a faint smirk, closing some of their distance. The shark moved her sword to her right, turning it upside down and sticking the tip on the soil, so both of her hands would be free. With the thick tail swooshing left and right on her back, she continued. "Must be pretty damn difficult keeping the mask, eh?" The words had both a playful and teasing edge to it, as the shark crossed her arms under her ample bosom, thinking about the next part of Regula's question. "Can't say it's obvious. Some beastkin lose their connection to their roots, I didn't. Made it easier to notice that... predator, wanting look." Explaining it in the best way she could how she had picked up that barely noticeable attraction. Finally, closing the remaining distance that separated them, Koralia tilted her head slightly while looking at Regula intently. "So, does the mask come off or too much of a crowd?" Ending on that question, she leaned her head down and forward towards the baroness.
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Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy


Very little could really describe what just happened. Seriously, what the hell? What in blazes was this? a Shark woman, then a... small then gigantic woman who was very... big... Actually both were "Big" in that way. Really it was easy to see and hard to ignore. Espeacially the gigantic woman.

Seriously how heavy were those things.

And shes just wearing very little its highly distracting...


He had to focus... ish...

"..yes its nice to meet you all yes.." he gave a nod to the oddities, before regarding Regula once more. "I'll try to keep it simple enou-" She was Gunhild, most definitly Gunhild, the gunhildest gunhild and she was very Gunhild. Gunhild was in fact the most Gunhild Gunhild that ever Gunhilded and will continue to be the Gunhildest gunhild to ever be here, now, thereafter and forever more.

The more she talked, the more he just... wanted.. to give her a hug.

Which would no doubt incur roughly about 4 damage through his armor.

From crushing damage alone.

Ah yes he was suppoused to be another tail enthusiast around Regula.. neither of these two had tails. he missed Sylvia already...

"...How do you do it Regula?

You've made a place where i've seen nothing but smiles and joy, hope for the future. I've seen the occasional consternation over work but no... Dismay... I've heard no rumors of foul play here. I've no love for nobility, I've had my troubles in the past but... How in blazes have you made a happy home here for the people? As the world seemingly tears it'self appart wherever I go you manage to find some damnedable peace carved out by your own hands.

Where as I cannot even go to Rotia without having to slaughter leagues of undead, an abyssal knight, cut a salt wurm in half and rip a curse from an elemental guardian, only to do more to cleanse myself of the curse. Each step i find more and more terrible things, how have you managed to live in peace at all?

Is rising up to nobility the only way for me to actually make a lasting peace on this world...?"

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Mentions: Uasal Uasal

“Yes I suppose it is strange.” He’d comment back regarding Gunhild’s assessment that burn eating was strange, at least from the perspective of an organic which he couldn’t really deny.

“Thank you Janja” Teuihua was quick to respond, with thanks. Even if the ram managed to dent his armor again, it was far from ideal, he was more concerned about Cayde getting hurt than anything that had to do with himself.

“Truthfully I am not entirely sure why Cayde is interested in challenging me other than I must look strange and possibly threatening to a ram.” He responded to Gunhild’s question, presuming that was what she was getting at based on her reactions.

“Oh so you know Zeouli? She is a friend of mine from another place and time focused on agriculture and harvest.”

“I have been rather well, I have traveled to a faraway island to assist my friends, and I have continued to proceed Lady Caelia support in security and other tasks. How have you been?”
Teuihua reciprocated in a friendly enough fashion.

“I believe Gunhild is asking if she can pet Janja.” He would translate the Gunhildism. “However what is this..’heat stroke’ you speak of?” He’d inquire the common term not resonating with him in a direct way.

Regardless it wasn’t long before Gunhild shifted size which Teuihua figured was probably a good thing for security purposes. One might think twice about trying anything with Rosalia witha Gunhild who was that big. Teuihua looked up to Gunhild.

“This should be beneficial for security, indeed.” However when Gunhild grew to full size, Teuihua was about to warn her about doing such in a crowded place, and he was almost alarmed when she was pocket dimension up but he quickly realized it was the Baroness’s doing, which made him feel a deal better. For now he’d continue to guard Rosalia as he had been, presuming Gunhild might be getting lectured or something of the like.

He also took notice that some other important sorts seemed to be walking around like Eliza, based on the way she was dressed and her guard. That was a good thing, as far as he could tell, attracting those sorts to the Barony for events like these was good for business.

He then looked to Rosalia, "Apologies on Gunhild's behalf,I can honestly say she is just trying to help."
Mad Maw


The aroma, sounds, and frenetic energy such a festival brings was impossible to mistake. She had been traveling without destination for several days, stale with boredom. A festival of delights was exactly something she needed. It was hard to believe a week had already past; Since she died, since her life started anew. She only wished Wildhyde would have been more understanding of her 'precocious predicament'. A cheshire smile creeping across her calico maw.

Elvario Elvario
A festival would be a fantastic way to blow off steam and get her own kin off her tail. The city guard were often fifty-fifty with her considering the less than reputable reputation gnolls have, but she had an estranged charm so she would live brazenly optimistic. There appeared to be a regal woman of blond hair speaking with the gate guard; She seemed far too clean to be an average laymen. There was always the chance of others like her, but she hadn't come across one yet, and it was foolish to reveal one's hand too early.

She waited patiently for her turn; Though it was not without entertainment as she mimicked Eliza's hand gestures and posture albeit with exaggerated swagger. It was only until she continued on into the fair proper did Mad Maw approach the guard.

"Hiya Heya Ho! I too, would like to enter this faired festival of carnival foods and delightfulls. If it costs I can hock a mean loogie and that is just totally worth whatever it costs to get in" Mad Maw eventually trailing off her tangent as she realized it would be much harder talking to people than she thought. It seemed she didn't have much impulse control anymore given her new gnoll genes.

"I promise Mr. Guard that I not one of the gnolls that drinks peasant juice from skulls, this one is currently after some funnel cake and good conversation! Maybeee a good song??"


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