Steampunk Apocalypse General World Lore Thread


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Year & Season

Year : 1934, post-apocalypse

season : Mid dry season

Antagonist and Characters of Note

Antagonist - Jack the Ripper (the second)

Notable Characters - Queen Victoria (still alive, more mechanical than human)

Prince Albert (Same situation as Victoria)

Madame Helena Botherianne (Owner of the most successful brothel in London)


The wasteland is littered with groups who wish to take control of cities and ruins, for personal gain or to help their community, their reasons switch from faction to faction.

  • The Redcoats. The British army never advanced beyond the red uniforms, though the uniforms are much different to what they once were. The soldiers wear more armour, and have a steam turbine backpack. They usually carry explosive rifles and a steam sword. Average Life expectancy: 12 months

  • The Rangers. A ragtag group of men and women who attempt to clear the wastes of dangers. The typically wear heavy leather outfits, steam turbine backpacks, and have covered faces. The most commonly used weapons are Steam rifles and long-swords. The leader of a squad will typically carry a rifle capable of having the rest of the groups rifles attach to it in some way. Average life expectancy: 2-4 months

  • Gangers. Gangers are more difficult to summarize that other groups. They are the apocalyptic equivalent to bandits so they don't have a uniform or any proper leadership. Typically they carry rifles and knives, but have been known to use semi-mechs and mech-suits occasionally. Average life expectancy: 2 - 56 weeks (difficult to tell due to location and mechs)

  • The Royal Guard. The personal guards of queen Victoria, they wear a uniform similar to that of redcoats, the only variation being colour, which is black. Typical weapons are lightning and shard rifles, and the are often equipped with Tesla blades. Average life expectancy: 3 - 4 years

Money System and Other economical matters

The currency is the same as late Victorian Britain, though slightly different.

ha'penny = 0.5 pence

farthing = 0.25 pence

penny = 1 pence

half groat = 2 pence

thru'penny bit = 3 pence

groat = 4 pence

shilling = 5 pence

tanner = 6 pence

florin = 2 shillings

half crown = 2 shillings & 6 pence

crown = 5 shillings

half sovereign = 10 shillings

half guinea = 10 shillings & 6 pence

sovereign (pound) = 20 shillings

guinea = 1 pound and 1 shilling

Gods and Deities

The people of post-apocalyptic Britain have given up on gods, though several Daemons have arisen which are worshipped by a few cults.

Venatio - Daemoness of hunting and the hunt. She appears as an red skinned woman or a panther and wears the outfit of a hunter.

Tonitrau - Daemon of thunderstorms. He appears as an red skinned old man, wearing the outfit of animal hides and carries a copper disc.

Pungar - Daemoness of war. Appears as a dark skinned woman wearing medieval armour. She carries a possessed shard rifle at all times

Cthulu - Daemon of the seas and oceans. Appears as a giant cuttlefish/man combination, and commands the waters and everything in them.

Dungeons & ruins

The most well known ruins are the outskirts of the still populated towns of Bath, London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Inverness. Cities which are said to hold treasure or evil are John-o-groats, York, and Aberdeen.

Demonic ruins are situated near London, Edinburgh, and a ruined castle in the borders.

Ruins that are known to be reaver haunts are:

  1. Edinburgh Castle

  2. Glamis Castle

  3. Anywhere in the ruins outside London

  4. The Liverpool Industrial District


  • The water in Britain is no longer safe, the rain burning the skin of Humans, Wolfkin, and Vamps, but being harmless to Mutants and Husks.
  • All animals have died out save for a few. Small colonies of certain animals and insects are kept for breeding and other purposes, such as honeybees, common house cats, and domesticated dogs.
  • Mutated animals have survived, mainly corrupted by the daemonic energies or the radioactivity that stems from daemon summoning.

Changes to World History

  • The Liberal reforms of 1906 - 1914 still took place
  • World War One never took place
  • The idea of government and a prime minister was abolished, each city is ruled by a governor who is commanded by the queen.
  • Steam powered flight (skyships) was invented shortly after the invention of the steam engine.
  • The only use of electricity is tesla coils, which are only used on weaponry to provide an electrical current through it.

Creatures of note

Reavers. Reavers are soulless humans who have undergone multiple changes to the way they think and feel. They have wings with a wingspan roughly 15 times the height of them, black eyes, and claws rather than nails. They are difficult to harm and impossible to kill, even removing the head will simply incapacitate them for about an hour. They don't typically attack unless angered but will attack daemons and daemonic mutants on sight for unknown reasons.​

Valkries. Valkries are similar to Reavers though no-where near as deadly. Their arms have become wings similar to those of a bat, and they have long tails with a poisonous barb on the end. The main problem with Valkries is the screech, which can shatter glass and burst eardrums, and is especially damaging to Wolfkin.

Daemons. While the greater daemons noted above will likely not be encountered, there are several lesser powered daemons that should be watched out for. The majority of these appear as humanoid, but more corrupted and twisted than daemonic mutants. They usually command a small force of minions or corrupted creatures.

Technology that you may need

Mechanical limbs - Not the sort you would see these days. These things need to be hooked up to a steam turbine, then metal rods have to be stabbed into the missing limb, or the face if need be. Once this is complete the limb or implants can be put in place on the rods, allowing the user to control the limb.​

Semi- mechs. Basically powered armour. It consists of shoulder pads, a set of massive gauntlets and boots, and the main motor in the pelvic armour. Most suits are made of iron, with brass piping to keep everything running, and leather lining to prevent the user from burning themselves

Skyships. The classical image of a skyship is one held up by a balloon. The skyships of post-apocalypa needed to be faster and tougher, so they are no longer held up by balloons, rather the lower decks of the ship is sealed off and filled with super heated steam and lighter than air gases. They are propelled by meaning of gas, which burns out the exhausts of the ship. These two factors combined allow ships to reach speeds of up to 90mph, and make the overall structure tougher.

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Mechanical carriages can be seen throughout the city with stamping, massive grey automotive horses powered by steam

Most rainfall is acidic and can burn the skin of ordinary humans, but mutants are almost immune to the effects

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