Other Ever get a little sad seeing someone's interest check get little to no traction?


Psalms 55:22
Roleplay Type(s)
Man, I've definitely seen my fair share of this. Had my own experiences with it too...

Seeing some well thought out and designed interest checks (even if they're simple this applies) get not a single response? It's enough to bring a tear to me eye 😢 Forgive me if it seems as if I'm casting pity, it's just a little disheartening.

To those struggling to get some attention to their roleplay idea, I pray the right eyes fall upon ya post. As a bit of advice, bump every now and then too. Worked for me once. Thank you for reading, stay safe.
If it makes you feel better, a lot of people don't respond to interest checks, but contact the person directly via PM! Mostly for 1x1s
In fact it’s probably better to respond via PMs because the notification system for threads can be finicky. I have had folks respond to my thread before without me getting notified at all.

So I usually only find out when I go to bump the thread.
In fact it’s probably better to respond via PMs because the notification system for threads can be finicky. I have had folks respond to my thread before without me getting notified at all.

So I usually only find out when I go to bump the thread.
The reason why you don't get notifications for threads that you make is that you have to  watch your own threads.

Why it's designed like that is beyond me, but once I watched my own threads I got consistent updates. Shoutout to that one person who messaged one of my first interest checks and I didn't see it for days lol
If it makes you feel better, a lot of people don't respond to interest checks, but contact the person directly via PM! Mostly for 1x1s
Yoo, I didn't even think of that 😯

That definitely does make my thoughts on the manner better, thank you. 🙏
The reason why you don't get notifications for threads that you make is that you have to  watch your own threads.

Why it's designed like that is beyond me, but once I watched my own threads I got consistent updates. Shoutout to that one person who messaged one of my first interest checks and I didn't see it for days lol

Ooh thanks for letting me know.

Yeah I have definately done that where someone replies within like twenty minutes of the thread going up and I don’t see it for days cuz I forget to bump the thread lol.
To be honest, not really unless I was interested in seeing that thread get traction or it's a friend's thread. There's only so much time and effort to go around so threads will naturally compete for it. So in my view that some don't get traction is just the way things go.
I like seeing others fail while I succeed. Their suffering brings me happiness and I bask in their screams. Glory to house Jet! We shall conquer RPN for the emperor of mankind!

(No but seriously it's kinda sad, wish everyone could find the group they're looking for, and run the stories they want to run.)

It does sometimes bum me out a little to see interest checks fail to gain traction.

Everyone is unique and has their particular interests which, by the law of averages, is guaranteed to be shared by at least a handful of other people. But, sometimes everything goes wrong at just the right time to prevent the interest check from gaining any attention.

Sometimes it's the timing. Sometimes it's the presentation. Sometimes it's a matter of bad luck. The list goes on.

But, in the end perseverance is king. The more you try, the more likely you are to succeed. So, to all those who have issues with getting attention on an interest check I suggest to just keep trying. Eventually your idea will gain the traction you're looking for and you can finally turn the RP idea you have into a reality.


- Gojibean

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