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Graded [Sootspire Village] A Spearheaded Encounter

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it.

What to expect out of character:
Daily posting pace where possible, 2 rounds a week (Wednesdays and weekends) if not. Likely meeting somewhere in the middle. Focus will be on creative usage of the set-up narration and interaction with NPC's.

What to expect in character:
At some point after leaving Helena and her band of mercenaries, Seth Leventis found himself looking for work and for new ways to master the spear. During this, he'd caught wind of there being a lot of development going on in the south of Ryke, Sadek County and in particular in Caelia Barony. However, at its Capital, Stonewall, he learned something of even more interest than the potential for work. Supposedly, a strong spear-woman was often seen herding her sheep between Stonewall and Sootspire; someone whom might be of use to him in his goal of mastering the spear. The journey starts with him finding her in a rather peculiar situation.

Barony NPC 1x1 RP's
There are a lot of people (NPC's) in the barony by now. That is not a coincidence. I've been trying to establish a lot of NPC's, not just to flesh out the area and add some flavour, but also to offer the following option: 1x1 RP's with the barony NPC's.

These are intended to be:
1 – Relative short. (Up to two months at most, more likely between 2 weeks and a month).
2 – Easy to jump into. Find an NPC you want to interact with or a goal to achieve that could fit into the Caelia Barony and you'll be hooked up.
3 – Light-hearted. They won't have too much deep lore/plot. Just a PC, an NPC and a common goal to achieve (examples; defeat wolf, craft sword, chat about the weather, learn how to poor tea).

What you stand to gain:
1 – An RP tailored to your liking with flexible pacing (daily at its fastest so long as both sides are able to keep it up, with potential moments of back-to-back posting, weekly at its slowest).
2 – A direct way to achieve a specific goal, such as: Forge a sword. Gain F-rank Adventurer's Guild connection. Learn Etiquette. Spent some time gossiping.
3 – A narrator willing to help you come up with ideas. I like brainstorming if you want to try out something, but don't have something specific yet.

What I stand to gain:
1 – More RP options outside of my own characters.
2 – Fleshing out the barony and its NPC's even more.
3 – Hopefully giving people some short, yet fun RP's.
4 – A few extra points from running a lot of RP's, which I'll likely reinvest in barony assets/companions through my character (baroness) Regula Caelia.

1 - There's only so much I can do alone. If too many people show interest, I'll have to create a waiting list or find others to join in on this idea (preferably with NPC's of their own, to ensure NPC's stay somewhat consistent in their behaviour).
2 – Grand goals, deep lore, posting paces longer than weekly or desires for very long-lasting RP's likely won't fit this format.
3 – I'm planning to offer some level quality, but this is also very much a quantity thing. If I somehow offer a life-changing RP that'd be great, but that'd not be the goal with these. The goal is some good and simple fun.

Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Seth's walk from Stonewall towards Sootspire had honestly been rather dull and boring. A rocky road, grass to all sides... that'd been about it for the past hour. However, it looked like that finally changed. Drastically so. In the distance, he could spot two vague humanoid silhouettes.



From: Anila




Upon closer looking, behind the first, there was an animal silhouette as well.

He couldn't make up exactly what they'd been saying, but he did catch some words. “.. . serious … ram … does … normal!” They looked rather heated.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Seth had been lost in thought, bored but thankful for the tranquil morning, when the arguing voices reached him. Hearing the ruckus, He removed his helm and squinted at the two figures, trying to make out who stood up ahead. For a moment, he feared they might be bandits, but soon he discarded the thought as he got closer.

The two women were armed but not hidden, and arguing amongst themselves, on the road, before a possible ambush didn't make a lot of sense. So, probably not bandits. Moreover, they were accompanied by a… goat? No, a ram, judging by what little Seth could make out from their conversation. And one of the women carried a polearm! Perhaps this encounter was luckier than he had assumed at first!

And if it wasn't… Well, at least he would have found some company on the path.

Holding the helm against his hip, he lightened his step to catch up with them. Smiling politely, he raised his voice. "Ho there, ladies! Is something the matter?".
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale



From: Anila

As he approached, he'd see more clearly whom he was dealing with. One was, most definitely, a [beast] of the sheep variety, which was a bit ironic, as other than the big ram behind her, there was an entire flock of sheep grazing the plains around her. A sheep-girl shepherd it was.

However, as he asked what was the matter, she perked up. “Aha! You're arriving just in time! Help me tell this rock-headed guard here that it's not okay to challenge rams to a duel just for head-butting someone! That's just what they do! I already apologised on his behalf!” She called out.




“I shalt neigh be deceiveth!” The other one, a heavily armoured Human, replied. “Thou familiar hath challenged me and mine to an honourable duel, yet now thou deniest me mine right to defendeth mine honour!” She turned to Seth. “Behold! I am the keeper of the Stonewall, guardian of life!” She introduced herself. “I was on mine patrol when this woman's familiar charged at me and mine, challenging me to a duel, yet she decideth to interfere!” After a bit of a pause, however, she took another look at Seth. “Thou face arth handsome, art thou related to mine captain, Hayward?” She asked out of the blue.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Seth blinked at the exchange, a bit surprised at the vehemence of the guard. Glancing between the two, he gave a thoughtful hum and scratched his chin. “Well, I am in no way an expert in either shepherding or dueling matters… But, dame Knight, I'd say it would show nothing but honor from you to let the bygones be bygones, and forgive this… hm, noble beast.” He nodded at the ram, “in particular, when apologies have already been offered,” Seth added smiling towards the [beast] shepherd.

Registering then the last words and compliment of the keeper, the former mercenary's smile melted into a bit of a blush, and he grinned, sheepish. Ah, I thank you for your kind words, ma'am, but that would not be the case. I am not from around these parts, and I'm afraid I don't know your Captain, nor am I related to him.” Seth paused. “Oh! But where are my manners? I am Seth Leventis.” he added hurriedly, bowing to the two women. “Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing, miladies?”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale




She scoffed at the mere suggestion to let this criminal challenger go! “Hath thy looketh at mine challenger? He hath nought seen apologetic!” She called out, pointing at the ram, which was casually grazing off the side of the road by now.

To that extend, the ram looked actually somewhat proud of having defend his harem of ewes from yet another threat by ramming head-first into it.

“This foe hath almost dented mine armour!”



From: Anila

“Oh, come on, it's a sheep! It just thought you were a threat to the rest of the herd when you marched in. You can't expect an animal to know better.”

The knight huffed and puffed for a bit, but seemed to be settling down a bit. “Fine, perhaps I shalt grant thee mine forgiveness.” To that extend, she was distracted by the fact this man wasn't related to Hayward. How could multiple handsome man exist without being from the same handsome family tree? A mystery indeed. “For what business art thou here?” She'd ask, as she'd already introduced herself.

The sheep-girl hadn't done so yet, so she'd reply his bow with one of her own and spoke up. “I'm Janja Berger and that's Cayde Ramminger.” She pointed at the ram. “It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.” She'd reply with a smile. Having someone to get the knight stop trying to duel her ram was definitely a good thing. “Although I'm also curious. If you're not from these parts, what brought you all the way here?”
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss Berger, dame Ethel.” Seth relaxed a bit as the Knight seemed to calm down, glad that she was reasonable. Still, he decided to make sure there were no ruffled feathers. “And I must say that your forgiveness is most gracious of you, dame Ethel. You do your Captain and comrades credit.” She seemed a bit short-tempered, and even though Janja had apologized, that ram looked mostly… smug? Maybe he was imagining things.

“To answer your question, I am actually looking for someone. You see, I am a mercenary by trade, always looking to improve my craft, such as it is.” he tapped at the haft of the spear slung across his back. It was a simple weapon, functional and understated, but well-made, well cared for and well-loved. A gift from his former mentor.“And I have heard talk about a spear master that roams these paths and takes care of a herd of sheep.” Seth glanced meaningfully at the [beast] woman and her weapon. “Now, I might be mistaken, but I don't think many people fit that description. So it seems my search is finished?”

Seth bowed again, this time deeper, at Janja. “I would like to study under you and learn what you saw fit to teach me. I don't have much to offer besides a strong back and a willingness to work hard, but still I ask that you consider it.” He straightened, sighing, “Unless, that is, I am making a fool of myself, and you are not the woman I'm looking for?”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale




It seemed like she was liking Seth's narrative. “Indeed, I shalt be merciful!” She declared. “I shalt reserve my wrath for whence I rechallenge mine rival!” Whomever that might be was probably in for something.

Janja Berger


From: Anila

She looked around. “Well, I've got a spear and a herd, that much is true~ Yet for folk to call me a master? I'm flattered~ All I do is hunt down the occasional wolf and perhaps a gnoll once or twice!” She spoke, sounding a fair bit proud at the latter mention. “I guess word got out, as I occasionally ask some folk to come hunt wolves or bandits with me when my flock's threatened.”

That said, she was rather surprised when he wanted to study under her. “Oh, that sounds fun~ I haven't really taught many people before, but I'm willing to give it a go. That said, we'd have to stick around the herd, if you wouldn't mind.”

Suddenly, the guard butted in. “If thou art here to train, I shalt accompany thee and thine! For I must prepareth to faceth mine rival!” She suddenly invited herself into the party, even though it looked like she didn't even brandish a spear.

“Right...” She replied, a little unsure, before turning to Seth again. “Well then, a guess a bit more thorough of an introduction wouldn't be amiss, right? As you've seen him a shepherd and a spear-woman, born and raised in the barony and county just north of here, but I travelled her not too long ago cause the grass was greener here~ ” She joked. “I've been herding sheep all my life, though I did get a bit of formal spear training, most of it is self-taught. Now, what's your story?” She asked, settling in for a chat, occasionally glossing around to check if her flock was still doing alright.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Seth gave some thought to miss Berger's question.

“Well, I was born and raised… Far away. Let's leave it at that, I don't much care to talk about that time of my life, if you'll pardon me. Thing is, when I first arrived in this continent I was alone, without resources or any idea of how to earn a living around here. Someone took me in when I needed it most, taught me to fight and survive… I left her to seek my own path, but to this day I strive to follow in her footsteps.” He chuckled, a bit rueful. “And well… She was more than a fair hand with a spear. Call it sentimentalism, but I decided I would fight the same way. There's more to it, of course, but I wouldn't want to bore you to death with all my life story, would I?”

While he spoke, he shifted his gaze across the two women, not wanting to make the guardswoman feel ignored. The quick changes in Ethel's mood were curious, and Seth couldn't quite put the finger on what she was about. First getting personally offended at an animal, then believing he was related to her captain based, apparently, on “good looks”, falling for evident flattery, and now, suddenly wanting to join in learning from miss Berger…

“Ah!” The pieces fit, and Seth smacked the bottom of his fist on the palm of his hand in understanding.

She's… Kind of an airhead, isn't she?

He remembered then he was in the middle of a conversation, and recovered quickly, smothering a smile. “—Ahem. Anyway, rest assured, I don't mind either the company of your herd or of our esteemed lady knight here! If anything, I'll be glad to help you take care of them. Um, the sheep, that is.”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“The only continent I know about is the Dark Continent and nobody there lives long, way too many monsters infesting that place.” She replied. “You're... not from one of the colonies there, are you?” She asked, just in case. It was extremely rare to meet folk from the other continent. Although perhaps he was just from the Sky Kingdom? Or one of the islands surrounding this continent? That might be possible as well.

She laughed when he offered to take care of the sheep. “That's alright. Just make sure not to start looking like you're after the ewes or you'll get a headbutt from Ramminger over there.” She laughed.

Then she headed over to a larger rock, leaning down and putting her elbow atop it. “Well then, if you want to learn, why don't you let me feel what I'm working with? Arm wrestling is a good way to get a grasp on someone's strength. I'll figure out how well you can use it afterwards.”




As the sheep-girl was making her moves, however, the knight wasn't satisfied yet either. “Whomst hath saveth thine life? Hath thou sworn an oath of gratitude? Hasth thou repayed they debt in blood?” She was clearly rather fascinated by this idea of him following in someone's footsteps.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Not for the first time since arriving in this world, Seth cursed his big mouth. “From the islands… Well, something like that. As I said, it's a bit of a long story.” Eager to change the subject, he answered the knight's questions while he removed his gauntlets and made for the rock, where the shepherd waited for him.

“Hah! Nothing quite so dramatic, dame Ethel. Her name is Helena and, as I said, she saved me from starvation or worse. She heads a roaming company, I wouldn't be able to tell you where she hails from.” Seth shrugged, rolling up the sleeves of his undershirt and exposing scarred forearms, before he shook his head. “No payment for my debt was ever required from her. Maybe that is why I would see it repaid so fervently anyway. Besides…” the mercenary let out a wistful sigh. “My captain cut quite the fetching sight, when she fought. Like a whirlwind of steel and fury, and…” Halfway through his tirade, Seth realized he was rambling a bit, and trailed off.

Coughing to hide his embarrassment, he clasped Janja's hand and readied himself. “I wish to be strong enough to fight at her side one day. I'll be in your care.” His eyes glinted with determination as he fixed his gaze on the woman's eyes. “Ready when you are, miss Berger.”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Then bring it!” She stated, challenging him to start. He'd find that, at D strength and without the Superstrength skill, he was no match for her, but he did manage to put up a valiant effort. “That definitely feels like the basic strength is there~” She state, satisfied. “Next up, we could...” She got interrupted by Ethel before she could continue.




Whether it was meant or not, Seth's words achieved the opposite effect of letting the topic of his captain slide. Ethel got only more curious and invested in this story. “Ah! Helena, doest thou wish for thy future with her to be destineth? Thy ferventness shalth lead thee to great heights! I wouldst wish to meet thy captain, to see if thier whirlwind of blades shalt be ableth to pierce through mine armour! For I am Ethel, Guardian of life!” She proclaimed again.

“Now, I shalth challenge thee as well!” She said next, lining up to arm-wrestle the sheep girl as well and... after a bit of struggle... loosing to her as well. “I... hath been beaten. I shalt take mineth match against thee!” She quickly turned to Seth, looking like she wished to restore her honour by hoping to defeat at least him.
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Mention: Elvario Elvario

Stumbling back from the rock, Seth sighed. He already knew how much difference Skills and Abilities could make in this world, but still, it was a whole other thing to feel it in his hand. Shaking his numb forearm, he nodded at Janja, who was beginning to speak, when Ethel intervened. Well, as long as she didn't ask about where did he come from, he was happy to oblige her curiosity.

“Thank you for your vote of confidence, Dame Ethel, I shall try my best! I don't know about destiny…” He chuckled, a bit embarrassed. “But I do wish for us to stand together, as equals. And if you were to face her, I am sure that would be a clash for the ages. One for the bards to sing about!” He snuck a knowing glance towards the shepherd, who had defeated them both, before continuing. “Why, one day you might even best her, but first I'd say that we have a lot to learn.” Still, he assumed the position again, so Ethel could clasp his hand.

Before the knight took it, though, he asked his would-be mentor. “What did you have in mind for the next exercise, miss Berger?”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale




Seth's strength held up better against Ethel, but after the latter put in so much effort that she turned red as a beet, she eventually managed to get the upper hand as well. Still, huffing and puffing heavily, she spoke. “Thou art neigh weak... thou strength hath been acknowledged! Thou shouldst be able to to stand togethereth with thy captain beforeth long!”

Janja Berger


From: Anila

A smile formed upon her lips when she was asked what she had in mind for the next exercise, as she threw him a long and straight stick. “We're going to bring the herd over to greener pastures~ Now, here's the challenge. Mister Ramminger here doesn't like folks harming his ewes, yet the ladies are not going to be eager to start walking. They're a bit lazy this time of day. So you'll need to give them just a little bit of a poke here and there and you'll need to be quick about it. Don't let Ramminger see you poke them or you might get headbutted, but do keep prodding at them just enough to get them to move further east. In other words, if this were a battle, you'd be training your ability to quickly jab at your opponent in order to wear them out or to estimate their strengths and weaknesses.” She was rather proud of herself, having found a way to train him by making him do her work~

OOC: he doesn't have the skills to make his attacks non-lethal or non-harming, but let's assume that using the stick as a weapon does that well enough. So, to get you a bit used to the system, figure out how his skills and abilities might aid him when herding sheep. (Example, jump over to quickly poke a sheep with the 'jump' skill used as an improvised Jump F ability.) Note that, normally, you can use three skills per turn and that their cooldowns are measured by the grade of the skill, meaning that normally, each turn, 1 F grade ability can be used and every other turn an E grade ability. For now, as this is not a combat encounter, we'll ignore cooldowns and he can use whatever his skillset allows as often as needed).
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Undeterred by his two defeats, Seth thought about the task at hand. Helena hadn't taught him to rush headlong without caution, so he gave it some thought. First, he tried Appraising (F) them, trying to find the more docile and easy to move. Then, he peered across the grassy hills, trying to discern if any of the terrain was irregular or sloped. Only once he was familiar with his “battlefield” and his “opponents” did he attack.

“Well then, sister-in-arms, wish me luck!” He said lightly to Ethel. And then he dove in.

Using the butt of his spear and his Fighting Style (E) as instructed, he quickly darted in and out of the flock, poking at the sheep gently with his spear to guide them eastward. Or at least, that was his plan. For more tight need groups, Seth needed to disperse them a bit with quick but careful swipes of the weapon, but it was taking a too long time. Soon, he began fearing the more clever sheep getting wind of him interrupting their well-earned lazing around, and braying for their champion, so he redoubled his efforts, poking and guiding with the shaft of the spear. All the while, he was absolutely at the ready with his Jump (F) skill in case his fears became true and the possessive ram attacked.

Seth wrangling sheep.JPG
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale




“May thy conquereth thy animal challenges!” She wished him luck, in her own way.

Seth's intuition as a spearman was spot on. Aided by the fact that his appraisal showed that some of them had slightly better speed (E) or even strength (E) he was able to selected the ones likely to be the most dodgy types. All of them were simple F-grade and, as mere animals, they didn't have any titles to them other than [sheep] ones.

The terrain was irregular, but not sloped. Even so, it was nothing to loose his footing over.

Although he didn't use the provided stick, the but of his spear had the same non-lethal effect (for all intends and purposed in this specific context at least). His fighting style allowed him to keep up with even the most stubborn of sheep (Sheep: Speed E = 2 effectiveness, no item, no ability = 2 total effectiveness VS. Seth: strength D = 3 effectiveness, spear D = 2 effectiveness, Fighting Style E ability = 2 effectiveness, = 7 total effectiveness).

That said, his shepherding intuition was completely off. By separating the sheep from one another, they started daring in all sorts of directions and became significantly tougher to handle. Luckily, he managed to catch at least one stray by jumping in place.

That said...

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Bahhahah...” She busted out in laugher... before, quickly whistling, getting some sheep back by just her call, whist quickly tapping some others into place. “Sorry for laughing... It's just, I forgot some things don't come natural in regards to shepherding. They're herd animals, so if you split them up like that, they're more likely to panic. That said, your spear work clearly has a solid basis, even if your animal handling leaves much to be desired.”

As she fully took over herding the sheep again, she asked him another question. “Now, when facing some real enemies, what would you consider the biggest strengths and weaknesses of using the spear as a weapon are?”
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Seth scratched his head, embarrassed, not for the first time (and probably not the last) today. “I am sorry, miss Berger. I must admit, I've never worked with animals before. That is, besides riding a horse.” Still, it had been fun, and he had not come this far without learning to take failing with a bit of humor. Janja's laugh was contagious, and he soon found himself joining her. When he calmed down a bit, he thought about what she had said.

Thankfully, he was much more sure about answering the sheep-girl's next question. While he dusted off his armor and cloak, he talked with conviction. “The spear has range. A skilled enough fighter can use it to keep at bay one or more opponents, not giving them a chance to get close and harm her. It is also versatile. It can be swept or thrust, depending on the situation, or even thrown if need be.” Seth paused for a few seconds, remembering his time with Helena. “Besides, even though this not apply to single combat… If you need to arm a newbie warrior, there are few better weapons. At its most basic level, it is easy to pick up and learn, and ideally suited to fight in formation, be it with the aid of shields. It can save the lives of the common folk, if they need to defend themselves. This, I have seen. And still, it is not a crude weapon by any means, the highest ceilings of technique and refinement are achievable by those who wield it.”

“As for weaknesses… Well, for starters, the same range that keeps opponents far is a liability if they are skilled or lucky enough to slip your guard. A spear isn't much good in very close quarters. Though that is easier said than done. Likewise, closed spaces can somewhat limit its range of movement, but that can be compensated with half grip and an emphasis on thrusts. Still, it is a limitation. Ah, and one more thing. Despite being versatile, they can be cumbersome and slow if the user is not strong or adept enough.”

Seth became silent, nothing else coming to mind. He gave another look at the flock, being skillfully herded by Janja, and paid attention to how she moved. Never a bad time to learn, after all.
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“That's alright, animal handling is a thing of its own.” She smiled. “Besides, some of these ladies can be particularly troublesome~”

She nodded along with most of the benefits he named of the spear. “They're also relatively cheap and easier to maintain.” She added to the list. “Although one of the main reasons I use it, is indeed it's range. Hit someone before they can get close enough to hit you~”

She also nodded along with most of the difficulties he named. “Indeed. However, another issue that might cost you your life, if you're not careful, is that it can be surprisingly brittle. The blade might be iron, but for most of them, the shaft is wooden. I've upgraded mine to a solid steel one, but as a result, it'd be too heavy and unwieldy for most others. Then again, if you hit an armour or shield too hard with a normal spear, it might break. Finally, if you're up against multiple opponents, the spear is at a bigger range of getting stuck in someone. One of the biggest near-death experiences I had was when I lodged my spear deep onto a dire-wolf, not noticing a second one had been approaching me. I couldn't get the spear out in time and had to run for my life. It ended up getting away with one of my ewes as a result.” She sounded a bit bitter at that admission. “Either way, I'd say you've got a good grasp on what you're dealing with for sure~”




That's when Ethel figured she should speak up again. “Whenced I shalt faceth thine spear, I shalt have mine armour and shield halthst it and I shalt useth mine strength thou breaketh it!” It sounded like she'd picked up on some 'tips' as well, on how to battle them, should she ever want to do so. “Yet thou art jumpy. Thou shouldst invent thine movements so thou canst get behind thine enemies back!”
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Janja was right about the material. He sometimes worried his spear would snap as his abilities developed. I would be wise to invest in a hardier weapon, but he found it difficult to replace the spear his mentor had gifted him when he left her side.

Despite the interruption, Seth couldn't help but smile at Ethel's constant enthusiasm. “I am sure I would give you a memorable fight before you prevailed.” Hearing her talk about jumping, he eyed the spear in his hands, fingers gripping the familiar length of wood. “As a matter of fact, I am working on something to that effect, Dame Ethel. But why jump behind enemy lines when I can try to crush them from above?” He added in a more pensive tone.

“I could show you, if Miss Berger is not opposed, but keep in mind it's still a work in progress. I think the concept of the technique is sound. Simple, even, really. But I believe my body is still not strong enough to use it to its full potential.” He looked inquisitively at Janja, in case she decided to continue with the lessons. He wouldn't mind either way. Ethel's reaction may prove as entertaining as her curiosity.
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale




“Hah! I sensed thine challenge! Thou shalt falther! Thou shalth wave! Thou shalth thremble! Have at thee!” She called, rather excited and apparently convinced he was going to use that attack on her (whether that was true or not), as she took a defensive stance.

Janja Berger


From: Anila

She sighed, then nodded. “Sturdiness is her expertise, from what I've gathered, so if she's down to be your test target, I'd say show us what you got.”

“Aha! I wast born to defendeth me and mine!” She replied to being called an expert in sturdiness. From just by looks alone, he'd be up against quality armour and someone with the vitality to wield it, albeit with a bit of clumsiness.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Seth was taken aback for a moment. He only meant demonstrating the technique, he didn't need a target. But… Ethel was so earnest, she was almost endearing. And she was stronger than him… She could easily take the hit.

“Very well. Keep in mind, It is still incomplete.”

With these words, the jovial demeanor he had kept during this encounter vanished. Seth became quiet, almost grim, and readied himself. Even with a helmeted face, an air of stillness clung to him while he lowered his position, breathing deeply and holding his weapon in an odd, vertical position. He waited a few seconds for Ethel to prepare. Then, a whisper.

“[Spear Fall].”

The mercenary's form blurred, and he leapt nine foot in the air as if unimpeded by his heavy armor. He almost seemed to stop for a fraction of a second at the peak of his jump, as if gravity had forgotten about him a moment, then tried to reclaim him. Seth twirled the spear midair, bringing it down with all his might and weight behind it, a flash of steel crashing towards Ethel.

Seth Spear Fall2.png
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale

Spear Fall (2 actions) - Fighting Style [Spear] E, Jumping F, Penetrating F - Seth jumps in the air and strikes downwards, putting all his weight into the blow (3yrds. height) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Strength D = 3 Effectiveness.
Spear E = 2 Effectiveness.
Ability E = 2 Effectiveness.
Penetrating vs. Heavy Armour = 1 Effectiveness.
Jump F adds movement and flavour, but no effectiveness.
Total = 8 Effectiveness

Seth's attack was quite a sight to behold, as he jumped up and let gravity take him down with full force. Janja even clapped her hands together when she saw it. Sadly enough, he was up against a true defence expert.




She was quick to put up a [Barrier F] with her [Barrier] ability. She wanted to take it head-on, but seeing him jump with such enthusiasm had made her want to play it a bit more safe.

Vitality B = 5 Effectiveness
Armour C = 4 Effectiveness
Ability F = 1 Effectiveness
Total = 10 Effectiveness
Barrier = F = 1 HP

The barrier shattered with ease, but the reduced force (8 -1 = 7 Effectiveness) of Seth's attack didn't manage to even dent Ethel. (In some cases, it might be judged that the 3 Effectiveness Ethel has 'higher' would cause Seths' attack backfire and to break Seth's spear (E = 2 effectiveness = 2 HP) and continue on to hurt Seth (1 remaining Effectiveness, D vitality = 3 HP => 2 HP). Luckily enough, it just bounced off without further causing any trouble for him.

That didn't stop Ethel from beaming with pride. “Hah! Thou hath neigh even scratched mine armour! Thou hath neigh even seen minest strongest defence!”

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Your strongest defence... you say?” She said, smirking. “How about I give it a shot then~”

Ethel's first instinct was to shout; “Have at thee!” Only to realise one one. “Ah, I can't neigh do that! I hath promised an oath to mister Gobán and Aileen that shan't not have mine armoure dented and damaged...” She clearly sounded disappointed, but this was likely for the best.

That said, the sheep-girl soon turned to Seth. “Well, I'd say that's a good move to have. It might make you an easy targets for mages and bowman, but in a one on one or melee-only fight, that would get you a good opening against most opponents. Although I do wonder... you're not the first I heard do it, so don't get me wrong, but why call out what your next move will be? That'll only make it easier to dodge it right? How about you call it [Quick Retreat] and shout that instead? That might confuse people and might get you a shot at a sneak-attack~” From how confident she suggested the latter part, you'd think she actually used that tactic before.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Sore all over, he gritted his teeth in frustration, not for the first time since he picked up the spear years back. He couldn't make it work. He was too weak. Seth bowed his head in respect at the knight, sighing a bit. “I say, that was an impressive block, Dame Ethel. You truly are a bulwark. Your oath to your comrades is safe!” He smiled.

Then he turned and nodded at the other woman's words. “Ah, I don't typically announce its name, miss Berger.” He replied. “I suppose I got caught up in the moment. I am not overly worried about arrows and such, though. I imagined I would use this against beasts and monsters, not soldiers. Not yet, at least. I…” Rubbing the back of his neck, he decided to admit it, though he adapted the truth a bit. “When we were younger, my brother and I used to enjoy stories about adventurers. I remember tales about an order of knights who could clear mountains in a single leap, and strike like a dragon from above, unstoppable, before anyone could react. It may be stupid and mere sentimentality, but those stories helped get us though harsh times… I guess I wished to emulate that, even if I still have a long way to go.”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale




“Muahahah! I shalt whole-heartedly accept they praise! Thou art neigh a weak foe either, for thou hath forced me to use mine defensive barrier!” She accepted and (sort-off) returned the compliment.

Janja Berger


From: Anila

Her brows furrowed a bit. “You shouldn't underestimate monsters. Your average small-time monsters might be hunted with little tactics, but a fair share of monsters is clever enough to use arrows and magic, whilst some are probably more intelligence than the average person, just paired with a strong inherent desire to destroy and sow chaos.”

The next part was more pleasantly surprising. “That sounds like a tall tale, but a fun one~ I think I've seen some people jump about 275 metres upwards at most although that's already insane in its own right~ Come to think of it, there's rumours the baroness here can jump that heigh with her boots being enchanted, though I doubt they're true. She's got wings, so there'd be no need to make gear that lets her jump like that~” She realised she'd gotten off track. “Anyhow, I've got a good grasp on your skills right now, but I think I know one thing that might help...”

She'd speak, then move over, reaching around him to grab his spear from behind him (and sort-off drawing him into weird hug without thinking too much about it, unless he were to stop her, of course). “Here, if you grab it slightly firmer with your left hand and slightly stronger with your right, you should be able to have a little more move-ability.” She'd speak, as she attempted to shove his hands around ever so slightly to alter his grip on the spear. “When making moves like that, it should be important to be able to change your spear's angle with even more precision to ensure it hits during the landing, so this should help.” (OOC: she'd be trying to teach him the Accurate F skill, unaware that he already knows it and simply hadn't used it in that specific technique, but perhaps showing him how to further work on his accuracy in the process).
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Seth listened to both, smiling. Though they just met, he was starting to get a feel for Ethel's rough honesty, and he found that he quite appreciated it. He grinned at her, amused. “Prepare yourself for the future, Dame Ethel! Someday soon, you will found yourself pressed to block my strikes!”

As Janja spoke, Seth found his frustration melting away. True, he was still weak, but her words reminded him that, in this world, it was possible to find enough strength to make his vision a reality. When she started to correct his posture, he tried to commit to memory her counsel, finding that the way the shepherd was shifting his hands made it easier to change the angle of his strikes. A few things started to click in place. Would he be able to change directions midair, if he improved his Accuracy and learned some more movement Skills? Would he be able to leap and throw the spear in a low diagonal, to overcome cover? Enchanted equipment was also a thing, even if he didn't want to rely too much on objects.

Seth followed along the sheep woman's instructions, trying to integrate her lessons into the spear forms Helena had taught him. It required concentration, but he found that already knowing the Skill made it a bit easier. After a while, a thought occurred to him. “Miss Berger, if you don't mind me asking, I am curious about something. How did you learn to fight? Are you self-taught, or did someone train you? I don't want to intrude but, if I'm not mistaken, you are quite powerful, specially given your actual profession.”
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
From: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/42502790218844422/
Mentions: Seth Tattletale Tattletale




“Very well! Thou shalt have thee rematch onceth I hath mine against thee Marshall!” She proclaimed. “However, mine defence shalt grown ever stronger like thine strength!”

Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Most of it is self-taught, but I did get a few pointers that really helped me set down the basics.” She replied. “Truth be told, I think the only reason I got this strong was the fact that I didn't want to have to avoid certain regions due to wolves. They always say that girls like me take after the species they look like, so I guess I wanted to prove them wrong? It's quite the fairy tale, no? The sheep-girl shepherd taking down wolves~ That's what kept me motivated~ After my run-in with a gnoll, I was motivated to train even more and got a few lessons from a true master, just in case I'd have to face more intelligent foes again. Not that wolves can't be intelligent or dangerous, but dealing with a humanoid is a whole lot more dangerous regardless.”

Cayde Ramminger

As the sheep-girl was talking, someone was observing them. Cayde Ramminger wasn't a fool. He'd seen how the man had been poking at his ewes and jumping around. Now he was getting close to the one that'd show them where the good grass was at as well. It was becoming pretty clear. This was a rival. He was after his ewes! Now that was something Ramminger couldn't allow. He'd have to show this man who's in charge here. As such, he he got ready, heaving his horns over and taking a running charge at Seth. [Ramminger's Ramming F] (Strength E, Natural Weapons Horns F, Ability F, Knock-back F).

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