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New Member
You arrive in the Infinite Ikea, a monotonous, harsh area of about 60,000km squared. Forge a path, survive as long as you can and try to escape! And don’t let the employees get you!

When starting, you will be given a random plot, 100 health and 100 hunger, which depletes if you do actions. There are 100 plots in a 10 by 10 grid, named by coordinates. These plots aren’t owned by you but are where landmarks are. This is to help keep the sense of getting lost from the original game.

The day/night cycle will work by changing every 15 minutes, so XX:00 and XX:30 would make it day and XX:15 and XX:45 would make it night. If a bit innacurate, consult Greenwich mean time.

You have to manage hunger and health by finding doritos, hot dogs, burgers, cookies and medkits in the showrooms. If an OC can create food or medkits or otherwise break the rp, they won’t be allowed.

The only enemies are the Employees, faceless creatures of varying height and body type that all wear the iconic Ikea uniform. They are passive at day but attack at night, and run faster on blood nights.

A boss enemy you can find and try to defeat is King, but I’ll leave him out… for now.

You can build civilisations out of the furnitures you find in the show rooms, but you can only hold one furniture item at a time and 15 foodstuffs/medkits at a time. Naming a civilisation has to be done by vote from the residents and then brought to Auditor.

There are many hidden structures to find on your journey, so enjoy!

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