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Location - Stonewall, Seat of Caelia Barony in Sadek County

Stonewall Castle serves as the residence of Baron Regula Caelia. Its central location within the barony and fortified walls make it an effective location for the seat of power. Within its walls it features all the staples to sustain medieval life, including a barracks, armory, and smithy.

  • Aldwin - Mayor and elder of Stonewall.
  • Ezekiel Hayward - Guard captain in Stonewall of the Caelia Barony.
  • Gobán - Blacksmith of Stonewall. Pictured with his daughter, Aileen.
  • Hestia - Owner of the Tavern and Inn of Stonewall. Ex-wife of Berk in Sootspire.
  • Saffron - Store owner in Stonewall who has severe mood switches between being on or off the job.
  • Sven - Militia leader and woodcutter/carpenter in Stonewall.
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