• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.




[sad jester jingle noises]
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
font callfont callfont call


Edit as of 25/05: Applications are due by the end (11:59pm) of Wednesday 29th of May.
Hello hello and welcome to the application area of Rogue Waves. HERE is the google document of “Lore”, which goes over Faction groups & Locations to assist in your character sheets. I have added a spoiler underneath this section with unformatted information for those that are unable to view it.
I will note that even if you are logged into google, nobody can view your name or profile picture when viewing this document (not even me). Like everyone else you will show up as an anonymous animal, so do not fret if you’re worried about someone seeing your Xx_ShadowLordSlasher839_xX email. If you are still uncertain, do open it on Incognito or scroll through the spoilered info below. I usually prefer to have all information in one place to avoid clicking around different links, but found a Google Document was the easiest way to display it. (I also spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to make it look pretty, woe is me.)
What I’m looking for is a range of characters with different backgrounds, values, ambitions, and a balanced crew of loyal/neutral/evil. Do remember to remove my annotations in brackets, they’re just a guide. I've asterisked what is compulsory to include, everything else is optional. I use codes because I find them pretty and enjoy customisation, but you are not forced to use them to partake in this roleplay. Just make sure if adding an image to your uncoded post that it is not the size of a house. Thank-you ♡.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the ooc or send me a dm! A deadline for applications will be applied further into the future.
As a quick reminder, there is a limit of two characters each (for now), and characters are to be over 21 and human.
*Full Name: [Their real name]
Alias: [Nicknames, perhaps a name they prefer, or have to go by]
*Role: [For example, “The Marksman”, or your crafted role.]
Place of Birth: [Locations are listed in the doc & spoilered beneath]
*Face-claim: [Written description or realistic]
*Eye & Hair colour:
Written description of appearance:
*Personality: [This can be communicated through descriptions, bullet points or even a written scene. Just something that gives me a nice feel of your character.]
*Likes & Dislikes:
*Strengths: [What are they good at? What are their skills? Does not have to be battle or physical oriented, nor written at extensive length.]
*Weaknesses: [Same as above, but the opposite.]
*History: [I know this part sucks. I’m sorry. You are free to write instances that had an influential impact on your character, do the classic Childhood, Adolescence, Adult, or style this in any format you see fit.]
*Reputation: [Are they well-known? By who? For good reasons? If publicly, what cities would they be known in?]
*Why did they board The Leviathan? [What is their motivation? Is there one, or are they drifting aimlessly?]
How did they get on board? [Legal means? Illegal means? Appointed by the King? Bought themselves a spot? Feel free to be creative with this.]
Faction: [Listed in the google document as well as the spoiler below. Can answer as none if not applicable. For those that answer yes, is this a past or present affiliation? If it’s in the past, how does your character feel about them? How/why did your character join, and how/why did your character leave them? Would this faction recognise you today? Are you now affiliated with a new faction? Are you part of two simultaneously? You don't have to answer all of these, but do consider them.]
Status: [Also listed in the google document & spoilered below. This is their social position, can be past or present.]
Opinion on royalty: [Are you loyal, neutral, or against?]
Opinion on piracy: [Swing sword be sexy? What do you think?]
Extras: (If you have a Spotify playlist or a Pinterest moodboard for your character, place them into my loving hands at once.)
The following questions are compulsory for your darling GM gao.
*What I would like my character to encounter/experience/develop in this roleplay are: [Maybe close relationships, character development, a certain injury, a scenario that is the embodiment of what they fear most. Wanna make them cry and lose everything they love? Let me know and it’ll help my scheming.]
*If not selected in the first round of applications, I am willing to be contacted at a later date if the GM feels there’s a fitting opportunity for my character to make their grand arrival: [Y/N]
night owl

This is related to their social position and what circles your character may be involved with, or has been involved with. More than one may apply, and is completely optional to include in your character sheet.

KINGSMEN: Loyalty for the crown, those onboard the Leviathan will be seen as Kingsman by proxy (for now), but there are those in the group who have pledged themselves to the King wholeheartedly. Whether that devotion will survive the dilemmas of the Leviathan is unknown.

PRIVATEER: A pirate by branding, a Kingsman by contract, crimes have been pardoned to have your skillset working for the King. The melted letter is branded ropey and thick into your wrist, but better than the thick of a noose shaped for your throat.

WANTED: Desired by whoever has the money to print and distribute these posters, they may depict a missing person or criminal, and at times, be promised a bounty for their death or return. The more appealing rewards invoke the pursuit of money-hungry bounty hunters.

HIGH SOCIETY: Politicians, the wealthy, and those that are subject to run at their beck and call. You are so entangled with this fanciful way of life, sentenced to smile without teeth and drift between the fingers and lies of sycophants, that you forget there are more pressing issues beyond this golden cage.

LOW SOCIETY: Struggle is familiar on your tongue, familiar in your voice and familiar in your destitute hands. Stomach sieved and coin purse light, street urchins and beggars alike, you are the slums of society, frequently admonished by the arrogant slopes of upturned noses. You may be diamonds in the rough, if you can manage to shed the extrinsic muck from your body.

ROYALTY: Blue blood, beasts of this high-status ilk are drooled with intangibility. The highest of society with the wealth and reverence to match, your value is incalculable, ransom-worthy. But pedestals propose the risk of a plummet, love for the sun and devotion bathed languid in, born in, or the Icarus plummet to a gnashing seabed. You cannot have both.

OUTCAST: Everything of yours is revoked, cracked open and scoured of both identity and your place in society. By the King’s decree you are to own no land, bear no children, and exist as a severed, nomadic thread outside of city walls. Death isn’t a worthy punishment for what you’ve done, but ostracization and living with the haunt of your regret is.

These are established groups throughout Solas. Same as Status, these may be past or present affiliations, and your character can be part of several or none at all. Neither of these are compulsory in your application, but will help with plotting, pivotal events, and connections throughout the roleplay. I do advise at least reading these for ideas.

CARMINE CORSAIR: ( organised piracy ) Identified by a fleet of ruby sails and gunpowder tempers, this faction is one of few organised pirate groups ruled by its own flavour of sovereignty. While there is no “Pirate King” per say, The Red Baron enforces law of both this faction and the residents of the location Antares. They’re known to loot any boat, bring waste to a seaside town for no purpose other than to test new ammunition, and are overall cutthroat in their practices. They are the most pressing concern to King Rowan.

STYGIAN ORDER: ( thieves guild ) While originating from Sirocco, this Thieves Guild is webbed throughout Solas in clandestine locations. Emerging from the routine of pickpocketing habits are rumours of a heist, rumours of members that have bigger ambition than swiping bags and coin purses; the bank of Siroc remains enforced by guards, but these rogues have a magpie appeal to everything labelled off-limits.

PIRATE: ( disorganised piracy ) While Carmine Corsairs are imposing, there is a vast collection of pirates throughout the realm that are independent from this red-sail brigade. Morals may differ between each vessel, as does the danger they pose. They can be branded or unbranded, unknown or renowned, but know that the punishment for piracy in Zenith is a plummet from the gallows or a chained drowning from the tide. If one is especially lucky and offered a small mercy from the King or his council, a privateer contract may just revert your fate.

COVENANT OF AETHERA: ( religious sect ) Emerged from The Cascades, followers are swathed in ivory and lost in a devotion that can border absurdity. They revere celestial bodies as ancient deities, believing the dark that haunts the Cascades is punishment for those that are sceptics to their practices, those that have deterred from the natural path. Stars as their prophet, the “Oracles” are the two leaders that interpret these, and they believe sickness, murder and war is a predetermined fate that deserves no intervention— save they anger the cosmos once again. It is the key to salvation, to unbinding the curse that ensnares the marble city, and they spread their beliefs through flashy public ceremonies and offerings that tourists are always enraptured to experience.

Most should be pretty self explanatory. No Tiktok. No converse sneakers and ripped skinny jeans. No Harry Styles to adopt you from your mom.

Rogue Waves is based in the fictional world Solas, hosting limited magic and fantasy species, yet these are subject to discrimination in most corners of the map. I may allow characters in the future to dabble in these subjects, but for now it’s forbidden ooo.

There is an assortment of sleepy towns, farmlands and minor cities littered throughout that you are free to create yourself. Just make sure to detail these in your character sheet.

Please note if you choose to assort your character into these locations, that they do not have to abide by stereotypes, skills, jobs or traits that are listed. These are just to give you an idea of their society, values, culture etc. You can have a friendly character from Umbra who hates soup, a humble aristocrat from Siroc, etc etc.

THE CAPITAL OF SOLAS, CITY OF ZENITH: The Leviathan hails from this hub of trade, as does the monarchy. A cobblestone capital nestled between plains and ocean port, it’s a bustling epicentre that disperses into dark, narrowed pathways riddled with uncertainty. Sailors make home at heady taverns, same as clandestine crime and muck-ridden poverty do in the back-alley webs of Zenith. King Rowan presides over the majority of Solas, has a daughter but no male heirs, and with circulating rumor of an unwell wife, expectation for his family reign is to be short-sighted.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: Crowns, balance scales.
KNOWN FOR: The marketplace, largest port and flotilla of stalls in Solas. The royal family, an annual Carnevale, military resilience & presence, connected rooftops, storage warehouses, tunnels beneath the city, political hub, the gallows, largest prison in Solas, guilds, a concerning number of orphanages, branding pirates.
ORIGINATING FROM ZENITH MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Connections, bargaining, entrepreneurship, street smarts, adaptability, multilingualism, politics, leadership, apprenticeships, education, nobility.

THE CASCADES: An endless night ensnares this opaline stronghold, accursed to be held hostage by what devours in the dark. Lacquered opaline, Cascade cuts a figure of tall ivory into the inky backdrop, and proves to be a beacon of perseverance in an environment that desires to render it down to a crude cage of skeletons. Streets of milky pavement and origami lanterns, it’s an ethereal epicentre for tourist attraction and exploration of the arts. Those that hail from here are steely to what haunts outside their walls, and residents that live beyond the protective wards of the glowing city have found methods to live and travel freely. If not for the fact you can throw a lump of meat into the dark and it will hit the ground as a licked-clean bone, the Cascades would have surely eclipsed Zenith as the Capital.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: The moon, stars, lanterns, origami.
KNOWN FOR: A Forever Night. The annual light festival. Religious temples, academies, crystals and gemstones. Strict laws and minimum crime, and as such, guards that are revered across Solas. Strange food, tourist traps, uncommon flora & fauna, regular art exhibitions. Live (and often cruel) executions are noted to be their intense retaliation to criminal activity.
ORIGINATING FROM THE CASCADES MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Wisdom, tradition, keen eyesight, caution, creativity, eccentric fashion, obedience, religion, insincerity, academia, art.

ANTARES: A frequent layover for sailors, and a lay is often what they get. At the nucleus of binge drinking, brothel visits and mulling of sticky tobacco, Antares is a party port with little concern for self preservation. King Rowan has no governance here, and disorder is Antares’ closest companion, seconded only by The Red Baron; a reputable pirate at the helm of the Carmine Corsairs. Granted you’re not preaching loyalty to the King of the Capital, there is no reason for you to be turned away from their shores. While not exclusive, this is a pirate oriented location. Rum is strong but the strike of a fist to the jaw is stronger, and accolades of barfight bruises are not uncommon in this region.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: Red sails, crossed swords, skulls.
KNOWN FOR: The Red Baron. Carmine Corsairs. Drinking, fighting, blacking out on the pavement. Opium consumption, murderers, thieves, pirates, homebrew alcohol, smuggling dens, illegal trade, gambling, the worst brothel in Solas (they bite), crooked royal personnel, greasy food.
ORIGINATING FROM ANTARES MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Street smarts, resourcefulness, bar-brawls, hand-to-hand combat, bomb making, pickpocketing, resilience, determination, self-reliance, risk awareness.

SIROCCO SANDS: From the heart of the desert is the skyline of Siroc, drooling rooftops of yolky gold and pooling fountains of freshwater oasis. Boasting wealth for invitations to the most exclusive events in Solas, affluence and upkeep of appearances are abundant in this city. Visitors are met with respect, granted you have the money to prove your worth. Two sides of the same coin, the surface is nourished with activity whilst the undercity chokes; beneath the crust are forges of flame and metal, pluming cinder and ash into the salty lungs of impoverished residents. Pain seeps into hands that are pebbled by callous and scar, canvases to showcase the decades of tough, menial work. The upper class nourishes itself fat on the survival of the poor.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: The sun, scepters, lions
KNOWN FOR: A surface and undercity divide. Blacksmiths, affluence, banks, sand, metals, the origin of the Thieves Guild, high-society soirees, sandstorms, wealth discrimination, annual ballroom events, most acclaimed brothels, gladiatorial entertainment, freshwater baths, luxury and relaxation.
ORIGINATING FROM SIROC MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Metalworks, banking, scamming, mining, socialising, trading, combat, horseback riding, hardworking, poverty, physical injury, high society, laziness, greed.

CITY OF UMBRA: A northern fjord cleaved by alpines, reaching the city of Umbra is a showcase of frozen shipwreck artefact. There is nothing in terms of hospitality, a glacial waste met in both the environment and its inhabitants. There are surrounding, smaller settlements, but they are all eager to be rid of outsiders. Insight to their secrets or traditions are reserved for residents, for this place will ravage you cold, but to welcome the warmth of others is a risk of extinction. As you leave, you notice something seems to move on the ice when you’re not looking, like a reflection of sunlight clashing at a wrong angle. You notice the crew seems larger than when you left port. You notice something has come on-board with you. You notice it has come on-board for you.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: Snowflakes, bears.
KNOWN FOR: Funeral pyres, gatekeeping, fur pelts, boat-builders, unconventional mounts, defensive location, blizzards, nice soup, pet bears (I know you want this), being the most secretive of all Solas communities.
ORIGINATING FROM UMBRA MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Skinning, hunting, keen perception, boat-building or repair, distrust, boat manoeuvring, slip-resistance, secrecy, monster-hunting, beast-taming, hard-won loyalty.

WATERS OF ALGOL: An uninhabitable cluster of islands is girdled with water that is perpetually cloudy, as if the laden silt has been kicked up from tumult. Navigation is precarious, and many a boat have found their final tomb in Algol. Ragged reefs and shallow loam hidden in the cloud of pallid water, only the experienced or desperate tend to even consider travelling through this region. Men are sometimes plucked from the waters of Algol with little left to their memory but clammy hands and waxen skin, sedimenting what is thought to be egregious fiction into a real life account. What Solas knows is enough: Don’t go into the water.
KNOWN FOR: Murky water, shipwrecks, uninhabitable islands, unpredictable weather patterns.
ORIGINATING FROM ALGOL MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Dying. You will be dead. You cannot live here. No free real estate. Begone.

THE CANALS: Fluvial, people of and found on the river; they are bound by no city, not even a King, and are instead a dying population scattered through a single, unmapped river. Refusing to partake in the politics of monarchy or war, Fluvians have been spurned by those that rally behind the King. They are ostracized to their placid life upon the waterways, a consequence that wouldn’t seem at all a problem if not for the lack of protection. While comfortably sustained by the river’s resources, there is no justice, no threat of gallows to deter violent pillaging. What little they have is reaped, and Fluvians are left to drown in the remains without help from the Capital. They are Outcasts, treated as such. Those on the river are gentle, their biggest virtue and vice.
KNOWN FOR: “Deserting” the King. Townships are left uncharted from most maps. Reeds, tranquility, freshwater springs, production of high quality instruments, lily pads, canoes, “Fluvian” (derogatory), homely, community, dwindling population, swarming visitors with gifts and curious attention.
ORIGINATING FROM THE CANALS MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Balance, foraging, fishing, swimming, pacifism, hobbyists, community, diplomacy, negotiation, light-footed, stealth, climbing, wariness, skittish, knowledge or appreciation for nature, comfortable clothing, sea legs, rowing, outcast status.

If wanting visuals of the locations, I advise perusing the Google Document because I was super sexy and didn't save the images 🕺.
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both completed (excluding pinterest & spotifies ignore that) but this is my obligatory heads up that this code is nefarious and the third tab (portrait icon) has secret information stored away in the three clickable circles along the top







    Landon Alström


    Rat, Ratthew, Rathaniel etc.




    The Cascades



nine lives







    Funai Ren


    Just Ren 🔪




    The Canals



nine lives

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the hunted.

full name

Gwyn Vilkas




The Hunted


18 years old


Town near Zenith


height | weight

4'11" | 150 cm
100 lbs | 45 kg


Long curls that tumble towards her waist, ash blonde in color though in certain lighting it will take on a pale golden hue. Most days Gwyn will wear her hair loose with small braided sections on either side of her temples that is secured at the back of her head or she will braid it to the side with some loose pieces framing her heart-shaped face.


Forest green in color, Gwyn's eyes are framed by thick, dark lashes in the same shade as her eyebrows.


Slender and lithe, Gwyn has delicate curves and a slightly toned frame from her years of training under her father.


Freya Allan from her role as Ciri in the Witcher Netflix series.

When The Truth Hunts You Down

Sam Tinnesz



so, tell me, little wolf...
do you want to punish those who have wronged you?

Gwyn has an adventurous spirit, following her curiosity wherever it leads her. If she is not practicing her combat skills or learning new fighting techniques, Gwyn was either reading or exploring the forests that surrounded her small village. She shows a healthy respect for the wild but she does not fear it, not when she has spent time there learning how to hunt with her father.

Her family and friends are the most important people in her life and she would do anything to protect them. Gwyn is very protective towards her those she cares for, but because of this, she can be a bit reckless at times in her desire to keep her loved ones safe.

Hunting with her father has taught her how to observe her surroundings but most importantly, how to be patient. She tries to employ this skill when she is training but there are times where she gets frustrated with herself for not executing a move perfectly or messing up on a sword strike. She can't help but compare herself to other fighters and there are times where she feels that she is not good enough.

Gwyn can be rather stubborn if the mood strikes her and she does not appreciate others trying to dictate what she can and can not do with her life.


Reading, Learning new things, Tea, Sweets, Nature, Adventure, Climbing.


Being cooped up inside, Being told she can't do something because she is a girl.


The Blackwell family finding her and hurting the crew of the ship because she ran away from them.


~ When she is nervous, she will fidget with the silver wolf medallion her father made for her.
~ Scrunches up her nose when she is confused about something.
~ When stressed, she can not sit still and either practices her combat skills or does tasks around the ship to expel her nervous energy.


~ From the moment she could hold a sword, her father had been teaching her how to defend herself.
~ Though not an exceptional hunter by any means, she would not starve if she found herself stranded in the wilderness.
~ She is rather nimble on her feet, using her slender physique and short stature to her advantage.


~ Despite all her training with her father, Gwyn would struggle against an opponent that is larger and stronger than she is.
~ Ironically, despite growing up in a port town, Gwyn isn't a very strong swimmer; she spent most of her time in the forest or helping out her father in the forge to worry about learning how to swim well.




Gwyn grew up in a small port town near Zenith. Her mother had passed away during child-birth, leaving her in the care of her father, who had no inkling on how to raise a child never mind a girl. Even as a child, Gwyn displayed a adventurous nature and her father knew that a life of marriage and settling down wouldn't be for her. But he wanted her to be prepared in case she did decide to fly far from home, so when she was old enough to wield a sword, he began to teach her how to protect herself.

Her father owned a smithy and sold weaponry and tools to the folks in the town. When she was old enough to help out, she began to make deliveries for her father, which eventually put her on the radar of someone she did her best to avoid.

Marcus Blackwell was from the wealthiest family in her town, a family who ruled with an iron fist. Marcus was a known flirt and the more Gwyn rejected his advances, the more he seemed drawn to her.

One morning the head of the Blackwell family came to their door with a demand for her father: Gwyn was going to marry Marcus. Her father declined the demand, knowing his daughter would never be happy with that kind of life.

But the Blackwell's do not take kindly to being denied what they desire and the morning sun saw her father's workshop in flames.

Too terrified to stand against them, The Blackwell's rounded up a mob to drag Gwyn out by force. With little time to spare, Gwyn's father put her on a horse with few belongings and sent her away. The last image she had of her father was him facing down the mob with sword drawn. When she reached Zenith, she realized the coin her father had given her would not be enough to buy her passage aboard The Leviathan and as such, she was forced to sell the sword he had packed for her alongside the one she already carried.


How well known she is would depend on who has seen the wanted posters that the Blackwell's paid to have printed and distributed.

Why did they board The Leviathan?
She hopes that The Leviathan will be her salvation and take her far away from the people searching for her.

How did they get on board?
It pained her to do so, but she was forced to sell one of her father's finest swords in order to pay her way aboard.


Wanted, the Blackwell's would pay handsomely for her safe return to them.

Opinion on royalty
If the Royals are anything at all akin to the Blackwell's, then she would rather stay far away from anyone claiming to be royalty.

Opinion on piracy
She firmly believes in doing what you must to survive, so she does not condone pirates for their life-style.

She carries a short sword with a wolf engraved into the hilt as well as a matching wolf medallion. Both were crafted for her by her father and they are her most treasured possessions.


Kazimir Vilkas

FC: Henry Cavill from his role as Geralt from the Netflix Witcher series.


name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

What I would like my character to encounter/experience/develop in this roleplay are

I would be interested in her past catching up to her, perhaps in the way of bounty-hunters finding her due to the wanted posters the Blackwell's had printed of her.

If not selected in the first round of applications, I am willing to be contacted at a later date if the GM feels there’s a fitting opportunity for my character to make their grand arrival





♡coded by uxie♡

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  • tw: medical talk, needles, xenophobia, heavily implied child/family illness/death

    • ILYA



      St. Loreto


      ILYA MIKHAIL Jovanović













    nine lives

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  • "altalune starfury"

    # maestro

    # dylan wang

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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the devout.






full name

Vasariah "Nightingale" Aethera



Seer Nightingale, The Heir Luscinia



The Devout






The Cascades

  • you believe me like a god.

    i'll betray you like a man.

♡coded by uxie♡

the warden.






full name

Liangji Jing



Junshi Jing



The Warden






Zenith (probably)

  • i could be a good mother

    and i want to be your wife

♡coded by uxie♡
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Click Image !
FC— Ju JingYi
Click Image !
FC — Lin Jing

    • Lilith

      Countess Harmony Liang
      Noble Society's Flower, Desert Rose
      place of birth
      The Capital
      Stygian Order - Present
      Royalty/High Society
      The Guillotine
    coded by natasha.
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  • Rosaline Touchard

    # the enamored

    # poppy corby-tuech

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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the huntsman

death twitches my ear

fc Aneurin Barnard

♡coded by uxie♡

  • 04
    full name
    Finnick Madden
    Magnus (his real name is dead to him)
    The Huntsman
    Low Society
    Stygian Order (former)
    Aneurin Barnard
    and all of my devotion turns violent
    He is known as The Doctor because of the surgical precision and cleanliness of his kills. Some would call it a mercy. Others shiver at the implications of such clean kills. No struggle, no hesitation. A fatal blow dealt with as much thought to him as breathing. If there had been mercy begged from trembling lips, it fell on deaf ears.

    It’s a well known rumor whispered across webs of criminals from multiple cities that if the doctor takes on your bounty--it’s pretty much a death sentence. And you won’t see it coming.

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Things may have been updated/changed! View if you wish!

Dahlia Blackwater

# The Descendant

# Gemma Arterton

♡coded by uxie♡

Dahlia Blackwater

  • req.


    Amelia Porter
    Dahlia Blackwater
    5 ft 7 inch || 132 lbs
    Dark Brown
    Dark Brown with hints of gold
    Slim, some muscle in her arms and legs


    FC: Gemma Arterton

    An Outlaw/Renegade/Rebel in Antares, but in other cities your typical thief. She may be 'Wanted' for a few jobs she did stealing items from other Noble houses. If the coin was good, she'll do it.
    Past affiliated with the Carmine Corsair. Before she severed ties with them, she never had a true outlook on the crew itself. Most were ill-mannered and obnoxious, and a few she only tolerated. But she never tried to socialize with any of them.
    Low Society (Past), Wanted (Now)
    Biting her nails, sniffing her food and drink before indulging, and moving her jaw out of irritation
    Training, gazing at the stars, playing cards, and
    Hand-to-hand combat, resourcefulness, pickpocketing, lockpicking, and self-reliance
    Her unpredictable emotional response (Anger), stubborn nature, drinking games, and children





♡coded by uxie♡

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    • Blade

      Dutchess Aurelia Keiran of Solas




      Blade Longsword




      Male (allegedly)


      Sirocco Sands


      November 29th

    nine lives

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Luc Cardin

  • Luc CS1.pngFull Name: Luc Cardin

    Alias: Gallin Forestson

    Role: The Gemini

    Age: 28

    Place of Birth: The Cascades


    Luc CS 2.png

    Height: 6” 0’

    Eyes: His eyes are a deep chestnut brown (ironic as the poor lad is allergic to chestnut). If the sunlight strikes his eyes just right, they actually appear to me more of a golden brown. His eyes typically don't carry much expression; neither disdain nor excitement. His gaze always moving; his eye lids never quite fully open; the best way to describe his eyes would be bored and watchful.

    Hair: Short and black, sometimes braided. How he looks is half of his lie and his hair is half of how he looks and so he goes to great lengths to take care of it. The curls must be curling at all times; the hairline must be as sharp as a needle point. When braided, it is a single, thick, tight braid on each side, running from front to back and finished up in a ponytail, which is actually a "warrior's wolf tail" but is also definitely a ponytail.

    Distinguishing features: Always seen with a pen on his ear and a notebook is sure to be somewhere on his person at all times. After all, a scribe must be ready to scribe at all times because one never knows when inspiration will hit or anew story will develop.

    Detailed Description:
    Luc is a 6-foot man who sits at 185 pounds and has dark skin. His frame is fit but far from intimidating or muscular, such that he doesn't command much presence. Most people could bump into him and barely stagger. The boy was clearly built more for endurance and stamina more than he was built for strength and power. His muscles are small but firm, not likely to dish out much damage but capable of taking in a lot.

    His eyes are chestnut brown but lighten up to an almost golden-brown when hit directly by the sun and he styles his hair in a typical burst fade, usually braiding his hair when the top gets long enough. His outfits will typically have oranges or yellows in them, complemented by blues or blacks. He is a fan of the open shirt look and so one can just assume that all his shirts will have buttons ad he will use a total of zero of them. The abdominal muscles that peek out as a result are not large or attention-grabbing, but are well-defined nonetheless.

    Should he speak, his accent and tone suggest high-class upbring, an accent he picked up from his schooling. It is the same practiced cadence, a soft yet projected voice, with all sounds expertly enunciated. His speech is honey and his whispers are nectar and shouting? He knows no such word.​

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— Antarin "Tarin" Estor

  • req.


    ⮚ role
    the ambassador
    ⮚ age
    ⮚ gender
    ⮚ pronouns

    faction: kingsman

    status: none

    fc: enrico ravenna

    - nickname(s)
    Blade (to the King)
    - height
    - build
    lean, less muscle than he has known before
    - eye colour
    abyssal blue
    - hair colour
    brown near black
    - birthplace
    - reputation
    He is known in the certain circles. Some respect him for his continual loyalty to the crown, his devotion to their fine kingdom. Others whisper that he is without autonomy, just some puppet to parrot what the King’s ideals are. And others, for their own reasons, might despise him for working for the crown.
    - purpose on Leviathan
    He boarded the ship with legal means, appointed by the King to spread peace and good will around to those beyond Zenith. This is what is written on paper. Antarin wonders if perhaps he is more so intended to make sure that those who need to stay in line, do. And to be the king's ears as well as his voice.





♡coded by uxie♡

— Bec

  • req.


    ⮚ role
    the urchin
    ⮚ age
    ⮚ gender
    ⮚ pronouns

    faction: none

    status: low society

    - nickname(s)
    Boy; Bird
    - height
    5ft 4in
    - build
    bone thin, all long legs and arms
    - eye colour
    olive green
    - hair colour
    ashy brown
    - birthplace
    - reputation
    He is unknown, a nothing creature who had to give himself a name. He could vanish and not a soul would know he has gone.
    - purpose on Leviathan
    Bec snuck his way aboard hiding in the storage and supply crates. He follows the Leviathan because a whisper told him he should, and he is half whisper himself. It is not divine faith that guides him, but simple curiosity.





♡coded by uxie♡

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the advisor.






full name

Yuudai Hagino



The Advisor






The Capital

  • we do not see eye to eye.

    but that is fine. i will witness you from afar.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Armağan Kaplan

the soothsayer.

coded by xayah.ღ

the soothsayer
— basics
full name
— visage
5'2" / 157.48 cm
bald / shoulder length black wavy hair
pale sea green
— description
Whispers of a historical storm swirled around the Cascades, many people began boarding up their houses or seeking shelter, but one family was preparing for the arrival of their child. The Kaplan's had no time to prepare for the monstrous waves and winds that were heading towards them, the two bunkered down in their small home, Deniz Kaplan lie on the floor, screaming in pain, but nobody would be the wiser as they were deafened with the sounds of thunder. After many hours of labor, Armaǧan was born, and at the same moment, lightning struck the home.

Years later, Armaǧan's father, Ahmet, accepted a job under the King, while in this position, he overheard two members of the Covenant speaking about "the children". He tried to gather as much information without being caught, but alas he did. He was given two options, quit & stay quiet, or lose his life. His only reasonable option was to leave the position as he had a family to protect.

As Armaǧan grew older, they began showing signs of divinity, being able to predict things in the near future, and on occasion receiving messages from unseen forces, this concerned their father, as they did not want to risk their child being abducted by the Covenant, or worse. So, Deniz & Ahmet decided that it would be best to keep the existence of Armaǧan and their powers a secret. Regardless of living a sheltered life, the child grew and blossomed into a beautiful & intelligent human.

In the days leading up to the Leviathan leaving the port, Armaǧan's parents decided that it would be safer to board their child onto the ship, allowing them to leave the Cascades and be protected from any harm due to word getting out about their powers. The only condition that had to be followed was that Armaǧan could no longer use their family's name, the must adopt the identity of Kader, a nomad with no substantial history.
reveriee ©
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"Louise Fletcher"

# The Navigator

# Daisy Head

♡coded by uxie♡

Ardella Winmore

# The Apprentice

# ZhuZhu? Clara Paget? NiNi?

♡coded by uxie♡

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T.W. The history section is particularly heavy on violence and blood. There are also topics of heavily implied pedophilia and sexual abuse. So please read at your own discretion. And feel free to throw stones at Quinlan if you read through the history and connections tab.

➳❥ 𝕯𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖘 𝕿𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖊

𝕽𝖔𝖑𝖊: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖌𝖊

𝕱𝕮: 𝕯𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝕯𝖊𝖓𝖔𝖎𝖗𝖊

♡coded by uxie♡

the scourge.






full name

Dolores Thorne



Dol, Lori or Res.



Twenty-six (26 years old)



Female (She/Her/Hers)



The Cascades






The Scourge

  • Death

    is the mother of beauty. Only the perishable can be beautiful, which is why we are unmoved by artificial flowers.

♡coded by uxie♡
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    • The Old-timer

      Maltke Cycek


      Sleep Token

      Known as

      One-eyed Maltke






      City of Umbra


      February 22th

    nine lives

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major SA & murder mention in the history. tried to keep both as brief as possible but its still there

    full name
    miu konohana

    courtesy name


    cismale | he/him

    twenty two


    Lanky build of 5'11, olive skin sticks to bones like tattered sunlight, ink staining flesh in attempts to reclaim sense of self.

    Stygian strands spliced short and precise, it is not often there isn't a rosy oil laced within, styling on a daily basis for when it's not, a rats nest of ink lies atop his head.

    Raven black, and often rimmed with charcoal Miu's gaze often holds a feline gaze to it, paw batting glass of table or lit with exhaustion from the burden of manwhore manipulation resting on his shoulders.

coded by reveriee.
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The Shipwright

full name. dianthe mae chastain
nicknames. lina
age. 26 years old
gender. cis-female
sexuality. demisexual
place of birth. the canals
status. outcast

“your existence is proof that generations of your face has been loved…”

physically. she is steel over flesh, stubborn marble unyielding to a sculpture’s experienced hands. beneath her flowing and pretty fabrics lay a body built from years of hard work and the desperate need to survive. dianthe is all feminine curves and toned muscle. though her body is lithe there is no denying the strength that she wields.

hair. years have been spent…wasted on trying to tame her unruly locks. each strand refuses to be subdued, bouncing back stubbornly when tugged on. her hair is made up of loose curls, often adorned in flowers of her choosing. a feature of hers that she values, her hair shines with health. the type of brown that appears almost black, until it’s true color is revealed by light. look carefully and one might notice a glint of something shiny and sharp woven into the strands.

eyes. deep brown, like soil that has been kissed by spring rains. her eyes hold all the similarities to that of a doe’s wide eyes that give her a look of youthful naivety. but look closer, within those eyes stir something mischievous, something calculating even.

skin. a lovely shade of dark brown, deepened by her love of spending her time under the sun. her skin is by no means perfect. from the roughness of her hand, to the blade scars that litter her body, dianthe’s skin tells a story of the hardships of life and lessons learned.
vices. secretive, vengeful, emotional, blunt, competitive,

virtues. long-tempered, creative, passionate, observant, gentle

likes. the smell of sun dried clothing, honeysuckle, beautiful fabrics & jewelry, ornate daggers, small animals, sweet perfumes, sunbathing, weaving
dislikes. pirates, surprises, spicy foods, gloomy weather, rough and restrictive fabrics

strengths. despite her young age dianthe is a skilled carpenter. her vivid imagination and keen eyes have aided her in creating impressive vessels over the years. though her specialty focuses on sea crafts she has also been commissioned to create homes and businesses.

dianthe is light-footed and knows how to disappear when need be. her steps are quiet, along with her presence. it grants her the ability to creep up on others or successfully ease drop.

coming from a culture that values nature has given dianthe a vast amount of botanical knowledge. she enjoys not only learning about flora from her home but from other places as well. dianthe can easily discern edible plants from poisonous plants. she can also use them in a medical sense.

her biceps and calloused hands are proof of her physical strength. dianthe has spent her life doing physical labor, from climbing trees to cutting wood and carrying reed. she is not stranger to hardwork.

dianthe knows how to defend herself but she has no formal training with weapons. her strength lies in attacking fast and dirty in order to win. everything around her becomes a weapon and there is no honor when fighting is concerned.

dianthe has one fear and that fear is the complete destruction of her home and culture. she is truly loves the canals and is terribly afraid of coming back to nothing when she returns from traveling.

childhood. days were spent bare-footed and free. adults smiled fondly as a wild hair child approached them, hands caked in dirt and holding a unfortunate gecko or rabbit that she had found. she would tug her siblings along, urging them into following along with whatever it was that she was doing. little dianthe was too young to notice the tension when visitors came or shy her mother suddenly wanted to play hide and seek at their arrival.

adolescence. she had always known that she wanted to build things. her mother could only shake her head and sigh when dianthe would follow her father to work. she watched with keen eyes and jumped for join when she was allowed to work on smaller projects. many believed that she would soon tire of the labor that came with carpentry but dianthe’s interest only increased.

she was only a girl when she began to understand the tension of unexpected visits. she was only ten as she hid within the tall trees of their home, watching as people that she knew and loved ran in fear. tears streamed down her eyes as she watched women, men, and children dragged out. it was the first time that she knew the truth of her mother’s game.

dianthe was eleven when her sister had been taken and her mother held her firm as she was dragged off. the girl had broken loose then, only to be cut down when she’d refused to let go of her beloved sibling. the term pirate had been forever burn into her heart and a deep hatred settled there.

adulthood. she had lost her father by the time she was old enough to be considered a woman. she had learned of the contempt towards her home and why they rarely ventured out. her father had attempted to seek a way to gain protection and had been ridiculed for it. the pirate came for him for his sheer audacity and to break their spirits.

dianthe had soon decided that it was up to her. she took on her father’s name and carefully crafted a new identity. daniel was born and soon began to make a name for himself as a talented craftsman. she would use to newfound fame to forge powerful connections with powerful people in hopes of gaining protection for her home.


reputation. under the cover of her male counterpart, daniel, dianthe has built a reputation of being a skilled carpenter. nobles seek her out for her eye for aesthetics and ability to sniff out high quality materials while others have sought her out to build and repair their ships.
why did she board the leviathan? she helped build it for one. who better to look after the vessel than the one who helped create it?
how did she get on board? she was given the position of the official shipwright for the leviathan.
faction. none
opinion on royalty. they upturn their nose at her homeland and for that, she holds no love for them.
opinion on piracy. her eyes freeze over at the mention of their ilk. there’s a deep hatred in her heart for pirates. she remembers forced lodgings, burying family, and praying that her sister would one day return to her. she snarls at the mere mention of them.

what I would like my character to encounter/experience/develop in this roleplay are. Dianthe has always hidden her true self while in Zenith and has suppressed her upbringing in hopes of making a name for herself and eventually being able to be given a title so that she can protect it better. I’d like for her to be within reach of that goal but somehow loosing it. And perhaps gaining it in a way that she didn’t expect.

if not selected in the first round of applications, I am willing to be contacted at a later date if the gm feels there’s a fitting opportunity for my character to make their grand arrival. [Y/N]

coded by incandescent
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The Canary.




  • 01.



    Evelynne Clair "Lovett"



    doesn't mind Eve or Lynne.









    the canals.






    high society (formerly), outcast





    now that she is leaving the Lovett family she slowly taking back things they controlled. such as her appearance. she doesn't bother with make-up anymore. doesn't don a bunch of jewelry, nor wear clothes that draw the eye. simplistic. that is what she was back then, and what she desires to be now. she's brought jewelry with her with plans to sell it. if the Lovett's were so willing to toss it just because she wore it, then they wouldn't mind if she sold it off. right? she has wild, red hair as free as she once was running through the uncharted lands of the canals. it's long, cascading far down her back. when she has the energy, she may work it into a braid. other wise, she maintains it just enough to keep it healthy and clean. some may call it unkept, but it reminds her of her childhood. (she also just doesn't have the drive to style it currently. who cares how their hair looks when they are focused on getting back what was taken?) kind green eyes, that seem to radiate both gentleness and a glance of pain. eyes that always seem to be looking through you as if she's lost somewhere far away. and maybe she is just that. lost in another place. she's grown quite weak from malnutrition and poor care after the birth of her son. she looks frail and often pale in the face.


    eleanor tomlinson.

♡coded by uxie♡

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