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Ray of course once she felt like her insides were not trying to become her outsides, went to go figure out where Bone could possible be located. As it turns out, he was just as hard to find as she thought he would be. No where near the Frozen sector. In fact he was last seen in the Retrenta sector. Where was that in comparison? Ok, really not as far as Ray was making it seem like, but it was still really out of the way to where they need to go and where she wants him to be.

So it was time to visit the black market, she will need to get a few spells and she'll contact bone to get him to try and meet them where they need him. It would make their jobs easier. This kind of reminded her of this Earth show Jack had shown her one time. Where someone would press a button and everyone in the team would see a shinny light, beeping to tell its time to assemble. That was what they needed, not like Ray would ever come if she was summons. Well... that was a lie. Bone and Jack were one of the few people in the world she would do something for.

Ray put the hood of her cloak on to her head as she wondered deeper into the area. Jack was far better with dealing with uppity people. Ray, she did just right down here in the slums.


While Rex trained and beat their new crew of misfit and toy outlaws, Mia went about getting the ship skimmed and turned into a proper outlaw ship. She also got it equipped with what she will need to get through the frozen sector without any electronic misfits. Of course she was not going to stick around long enough for Jack and Ray to finish licking their wounds and to come after them. She may not have an employer right now, but she sure as hell is not going to decline so much money.

Just as she came back from gathering information, Rex had greeted her with a report on the 10... er, 9 outlaw's status.
"Rex, we are going to the frozen sector.I got anti freeze for some of your weapons... Get ready to go, because we are going now. No doubt Ray and Jack had left already, or they are coming for us. I'm not going to sit down and try and play tag with them while my shoulder is blown."

It was then she turned to the fledgling outlaws and waved her good hand,
"Prepare for lift off! Destination is the Frozen Galaxy. Lets go!" Mia yelled sealing the ship and watching their new crew scramble about the ship.
"Whats the meaning of this Jack, and how did you even find me?" The man sitting across the chestnut desk in front of Jack.

"I thought you would be more excited to see me Rowan." Jack said with his hand on his pistols. Rowan left his guards outside, but Jack knew Rowan better. Jacks eyes wondered past Rowan looking for it, and there it was, a man with a rifle across the street. Poker face, Jack said in his head.

"Not when I know your here to cash in that favor. I hope that you don't expect me to devote to many resources to whatever crazy plan you have cooked up in your head. So the question lingers, why did you come here?"

"Well its simple, I need a distraction, and a good ride. Well let me rephrase that, I need a new ride."

"Can I ask what happened to your last 'ride'." Rowan asked with a look that almost made Jack smile.

"Rowan, have no fear, nothing happened to my old ship. I am the best captain this side of the galaxy." Jack said with the smirk of confidence that Jack now owned this conversation.

As if reading his mind Rowan lifted a corner of his mouth just ever so slightly, Jack spotted it and knew that the tables were about to turn.

"Is that so? Last I checked the Death Angles are here as well, unless I miss herd. Doesn't Mia hold the best captain award? I'm pretty sure she does." This time Rowan cracked a smile.

"I didnt know that there was an award, I guess I missed the competition. I need a carrier class ship, if not i want a frigate class ship. Oh! and tell your watch dog sniper that he needs a new place to snipe, the bullet is going to deflect 20 or so degrees in any direction, that includes toward you. He could do your opposition's job for them." Jack let those words sink in as he left Rowan in a blank gaze. Knowing that Rowan may be a scum on the universe, but he would hold up his end of the deal. After all it was time for Jack and Ray to load up, and get cold.


Rex was loaded up into the ship, waiting on the word from Mia that the ship was ready to go. There was a sighting of the ship that matched the description of Jack and Rays ship that was on its way to the Ice sector. Why did Jack not attempt to hide him leaving, Didnt matter to Rex, but it had been a few days without shooting or blowing anything up. It was a total down on Rex and made him eat more. That made him fat, and getting fat ment he would have to squeeze into his armor. That was never fun. After waiting around half the day Rex became very impatient.

"Mia! Can we leave yet this planet bores me to death."
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Ray took a few hours to make a few backhanded deals with the black market in the lower part of the slums. She had to pay a few coins but came out with the item she needed. An orb, it was made for mages to send out into deep space, to find people and give them messages, even when they are in deep hiding. There was no way you could track the suckers though.

After securing the orb, Ray had to find a piece of Bone to accurately find him. She hardly kept things such as mementos or such. She will wait for Jack to get back. He should, maybe, hopefully have something of Bone's. To occupy herself while waiting on the gunslinger, she finished preparing the rest of the spell. Hopefully bone will get this within the next few days and get his dragon skulled self to the frozen sector before Ray and Jack's next skirmish with the Death Angels.


"YES!" Mia yelled, she came out from one of the core's, dressed in a suit to protect her from the dangerous energies, "For a pirate ship they took pretty good care of it. though a few miner problems... The core is old, and I can't exactly say how reliable that it. We don't have a lot of time though... Ray and Jack's ship was spotted a little while ago, we need to leave.... so lets prepare for liftoff." Mia spewed, she turned around and snapped some orders at the ex-pirate crew, she watched the 9 of them scurry around the desk starting the ship.

Stretching the suit off herself she moved into the bridge and onto the captain's seat with ease.
"Let the race begin." She told them, turning the ship on and slowly letting the engines roar to life.
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The trip out of the building went without problem, but after Jack's knew that Rowan would try to collect something back. After securing the ship Jack had Rowan call down to the ship yard, paint the ship red and paint the symbol for the Three Musketeers on it, And with a little gold and surrendering the fine cloths he bought he was able to start spreading rumors around of what his ship really was. It was an ingenious plan but it should of been enough to send the Death Angels packing after them. Arriving after the Angels would allow time for Jack and Ray to contact Bone and get him headed in the correct direction. Lost in thought Jack almost didnt notice the rabbit and tail on him, clever. The rabbit would follow for a bit then would get ahead of the target watching. the tail would then become the rabbit as he overtook the old rabbit, they would switch places like that so you wouldnt notice the same person following you. Jack knew the ambush would be up ahead. He took a turn into an ally and thats when the two followers started to chase, the game was on. It was about 10 minutes into the chase when Jack reached the slums. From the original two people chasing he could now confirm 10 chasing and a suspected 5 to 6 more. Jack needed help and he knew Ray would be here. Jack continued to run until he took a wrong turn into a dead end. His pursuers wasted no time stopping up the exit.

"Well I guess its time to dance" Jack said as he pulled out a sub machine gun out of nowhere, and opened fire.


The ride was bumpy to Rex and he was impatient. The ship they were following took a rout to the ice planets that was longer then it should have taken. Rex moved around the ex-pirate ship slowly as its tiny doors almost didnt allow him to move at all. Rex took his time as he moved to the bridge, where Mia would be piloting the ship no doubt. Mia was known to be the best pilot next to Jack that is, Which made their rivalry more inflamed. Looking out the front windows Rex noticed for the first time the symbol of the Three Musketeers painted out on the sides and back of the ship.

"Why dont we paint they symbol for us on our ship?" Rex asked Mia
Ray was finishing up buying things when she heard gun shots around some of the back alleys. Her first instinct told her she needed to leave whoever be, be. Just not care and walk away, but something was nagging her that she should at least go check it out. In one swoop, Ray threw her hood over her head and tied the bag full of goodies for her spell on her belt. She moved down the alleyway quickly before turning the corner to see a mob of men trying to get to something squeezed into the back of the dead end.

Ray closed her eyes a moment before taking a deep breath and reaching into the veil to pull out man's best friend, or Ray's best friend.

A howl pierced the area as two large dogs on fire came out from the ground, leaving scorch marks on the ground, "Cain, Abin. Attack." She ordered them, and so the two hellhounds did, burning any flesh they touched, sinking in their teeth into the men near by. The men started to scream, not expecting the attack from behind. Ray felt the side of her lips twitch, coming up in a small and rare lopsided smirk.



Mia looked up at the ship and thought about it for a few moments, honestly contemplating Rex's question. "Because, I rather have a ship I actually like before I honestly went and painted it with our insignia. Ever since my baby crashed a while back, its not been the same." Mia said with a low sigh. She wondered why Jack hadn't started shooting at her yet. "We are going to pass them." Mia warned the crew before she took the controls and shifted positions to pass the ship she was almost sure Ray and Jack were in.
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"NOT THOSE THINGS!" Jack yelled as he was surrounded by bloodied dogs on fire.

"There are many things im not ok with, this is one." Jack calming himself.

"I called in a favor, the death angles are on their way to the ice planets now. Lets join them shall we? Oh and did you ever get in contact with bone? He cant be that hard to find."


The suspence was killing Rex, Why havent the opened fired it almost felt like a set up. Maybe they didnt have weapons on their ships or something. Rex wasnt arguing with Mia's commands thought and prepared himself for whatever came next.
After most of the men had met their end and Jack had stopped screaming about her Hell Hounds, Ray manage to focus enough of her remaining energy to Jack's question, "I need something... something that basically has Bone's signature on it. Like... a picture... or something of his.. After that, I will send out a message and he should meet up with us some time..." Ray told Jack. One of the dog's licked Jack in the face, though they didn't burn him like they did the men.


"I don't know what they are waiting for or not... but prepare for combat anyway, though don't fire unless they engage first." Mia instructed as she piloted her way around the ship.

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