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Retired M
(A Private RP between myself and my brother rex3366.)

It was not long till a door burst open, fire spreading across the hall and a women running past it. She paused only a moment to decide which hall to run down. Left... left if good. She thought her herself and she darted into the halls. Funny she thought the alarms would go off the moment she blasted the door open. The bag of diamonds she was holding was getting a bit heavy, but the fact she just stole them might explain the mass of pursuers behind her.

It was not long till the alarm suddenly went off, warning most of the building that there was an outlaw in the building... and they were trying to steal one of their ships.
Almost there, a second more was all Jack needed to get the ship he wanted. It was a class heavy ship and almost impossible to pilot alone, Almost.

Jack was the best pilot this side of the galaxy and he knew the galaxy well. Hes done more then enough jobs around this star cluster to know the in's and out's of it. He was on a job now, however him and the other 3 outlaws were now scattered due to the pirate that they teamed up with betraying all of them, selling their plans to the EDF and thats not what Jack needed lucky for him he made a getaway plan just in case of this very thing. Just before jack could get the door open the alarms started going off, But how he disabled the alarms, or did the pirate tell the EDF that too. Jack sprang into action his backup plan was a ship that he already had set up and ready to go all he needed to do was get to it, Although easier said then done since the ship dock was split into 4 sections, Single seat, small, large and cruiser size, And small ships were on the other side of the dock, Jack stood instantly and started running for the small shipyard, it wasnt long before there was a crowd chasing him. Crap he thought he ran into the corridor between cruiser size and large size. Jack was halfway down the corridor when he ran into someone else, She was holding a bag on Diamonds

Ray nearly slammed into a man when she turned the corner, she had to stop pretty abruptly. "Jack?!" She hissed, "You.... What are you doing here?" She asked. But the chance for an answer was cut off when there was a sudden gun shot between Jack and Ray, scarring the wall in front of them. They were now both cornered and quickly surrounded. Ray went back to back with Jack, "I assume you have a plan? because if you don't.... I am about to fry every single one of these people..." She asked in a low whisper.

"Put your hands up.... and the valuables down. Drop all your weapons." One of them men yelled.

(For the record... where we use to do the Role Play only allowed Bold... in most my RPs I actually color code my characters. Ray will be purple... and I'll make Mia... some color. Ill get to her when I do... NPCs I use for Bold for. )
(Ok ill try that too might as well.)

"Well isnt this a grand reunion" Jack said sarcastically, looking behind Ray noticing the large amount of people chasing her as well.

"You know you should make escape plans before you go off and steal things, Which im guessing is that bag of goodies you have there." Jack said pointing to the bag in Ray's hand

"Well you ruined my get away plan however..." Jack pulled a shell out of his pocket. It was a caster shell for the caster that Darien gave him.

"Im all out, do you mind, And I would make it fast I love catching up, but jail just doesnt suit me."
Ray glanced at his caster shell and hastily took it into her hands a quickly started to fill it with energy, she even added a bit of fire energy to it for a bit of... flare, pun very intended. Ray loved puns... it was the small childish quality she still held on to. "Ok but this is not free of charge, you're taking me with you." She told him, passing the caster shell back to him. "Then we really can catch up.... am still mad at you for last time.." she said eyeing some of them men.
"Still angry about that little incident are we, fine you can come." Jack said as he hastily grabbed the shell and loaded it.

"Put your hands into the air drop your weapons!"

"i dont like the way they are talking to me, Oh how convenient they are in my way." Jack said as he switched modes, Jack was a two personality kinda guy you have his very happy go lucky self, then you have his serious side. Once he went serious no jokes and no messing around it was all go-time.

Jack pointed Anne (the name of his caster) towards the guards behind Ray.

Jack pulled the trigger and grabbed Ray and ran behind the caster shot, Th shell he loaded was a slow mover .9 shell, it would clear the way and leave the ones chasing behind think twice as their fellow guards blood stained the walls. Jack could hear the screams as the first guards were engulfed in the magical inferno that would turn them into nothing but dust, he also heard shots from the few who wanted to take him and Ray out before they died, However the shells inferno destroyed the bullets before they even reached the actual shell.

Jack and Ray emerged on the other side and Jack had no intention on stopping until he was at his ship.

It took a few minutes but with fewer guards shooting at them they reached the per-stolen ship Jack had prepared, and wasting no time Jack hopped into the pilot seat and they were off the ground in seconds.

(i put anne's name in green so you know that im talking about the caster and not some random NPC)
(Thats fine! Did you listen to that mix I sent you?)

Ray let out an involuntary hiss at the sudden forcive yank to her arm by Jack when he made a run for it. It took her a few tripping steps for herself to get into a set pace behind Jack, though she began to levitate instead of run, because running made her pretty tired.

When they got into the ship, Ray immediately sat down in the nagication chair, spinning around in it before pushing a few buttons when the ship roared to life. "I can man the weapons... what does this thing have?" She asked Jack and she flipped a few more switches.
"Seriously?!" Ray said, she turned around to glare at Jack, "What the heck you are thinking?!"
"Im the one who stole the ship so if you you have a problem with that then steal your own damn ship."

Jack retorted slipping the last switch as the ship slowly hovered off the ground.

"Hope you learned how to use a seat belt since we last were together." Jack said as the ship leached forward
Ray frowned and quickly reached for the seat belt, though she fumbled it after the ship had lurched forward in a sudden jerky movement. "Just don't kill me." She nearly yelled, though she knew Jack to be the best of the best, she just wished he was not scary while being the best.
Jack laughed as he heard what sounded like ray complaining although he couldnt make out what she said. The ship was very stiff, not flown very often if ever, what a horrible port. Lucky for them Jack disabled the AAA systems as well as the alarms, but the alarms went off so Jack was guessing that the AAA would be on about.... before Jack could finish the thought the first shots rang out as AAA hit the side of the ship. Jack quickly full throttled as he came inches from buildings attempting to lessen the chances of getting hit with AAA. "How long till we can jump?" Jack yelled across the ship, never looking away from the task at hand.
"Give it one minute and counting, you better pull off a few more fancy maneuvers of yours." Ray yelled back, checking the small monitor next to her.
"They are not fancy they are simply advanced maneuvers modified to fit the situation." Jack said sternly, clearly not joking. The ship was creaking as its frame was clearly being put to the test. Jack flew so close to the building you could see the blur of people in pure shock as the ship almost smashed into the glass windows. AAA still rang as it shattered window behind the ship, Jack always a step ahead of of the game, he was the best pilot this side of the nebula. "How long, I dont think shes going to handle much more of this" Jack yelled across the ship
"30 seconds." Ray said ,she quickly prepared to jump before placing a seat belt over. She then realized she had not even put in a destination. Too late now...
"TIME TO GOOOOOOOO!" Jack yelled at the top of his lungs and he punched the gas and pulled up on the control stick, the ship went completely vertical. Shooting past the tops of the buildings you could tell how much AAA fire they were really under as the pinging on the ships hull intensified to a deafening level. "TIME!" Jack yelled as loud as he could, hopping that Ray herd him.
And with that, Ray flipped the switch. The ship had a sickening lurch forward and Ray felt her stomach to somersault as they went into hyper drive. The jump was very sickening and felt like it lasted hours, but really it was only a few minutes. After the ship used up the juices for that particular jump. After they stopped, Ray ripped the seat belt off her and skidded over to a trash can and quickly disposed of her lunch earlier that afternoon.
"I see you still havent gotten use to that, such a bad outlaw." Jack said jokingly. Jack looked at the navigation system, they were in the middle of no where with not a planet within a few million miles "What exactly did you set as our destination."
"I forgot to....." Ray said hazily, though she did launch a small fireball at Jack's direction for the joke while she was still on the ground. She stood up after a few more seconds and rubbed her head, still feeling a bit sick. With a bit of wobbly legs, Ray manage to get to her seat to sit down and lean back. "I don't... usually get sick like that..." She said. It was proububly all the maneuvers before hand and then the random jump just was the finishing move. "So what now.... what were you even doing on that planet? I haven't seen you in like... almost 7 years."
"You know jobs here and jobs there, steal this ship take that shinny thing, but then I hit the jackpot of all jobs, something i couldn't resist, it was a trap unfortunately and ended up me on that planet for another job to cover up and cut some loose ends, and that also was a trap so i went to escape and i bumped into you. And what are you doing on that planet and how on earth did you get there." Jack asked un-amused by the fireball tossed at his face
"Thats just where I happen to make a pit stop at...." Ray mumbled. "Hyjacket and took hostage a small ship and we just happen to stop here... nothing wrong with that...." She mumbled again, "What job? Sound nice, since you are taking my diamonds, you can let me in on the job and pay me back." She bargained. "Besides, at least you know I won't leave you for the wolves."
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"Well i have a VIP that i have to find and escort. We though she was on the last planet but after hitting the archives she wasnt on that planet, and thats when we were betrayed the only one who knows where she may be is Jahard hes a pirate that we needed to use to track her the last time. You know how pirates are im not surprised that we got betrayed." Jack said looking at Ray quizzically. "Im pretty sure that you were in some serious trouble on that planet you owe me those diamonds, but having someone i can trust is a plus, however we are splitting the cut 60-40 no arguments."

Jack said as he walked over to the flight controls. Turning the ship towards the closest port

"Well we need to repair this and start tracking some pirates."
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"What? 60 40? As if, Jack, especially if you are taking my diamonds. No deal." Ray said crossing her arms and sitting down in a seat. "You know I would have blown them all up as well as the space station. Though I will fill up all your caster shells up for you if you want." Ray bargened.
"55 45 is as low as im going" Jack yelled across the ship.

The ship floated near the giant shipping dock of a planet. It was a busy dock with frigate class ships delivering cargo to be hubbed out to the rest of the galaxy. Disappearing on this planet would be easy plus everyone knows that information flow in the same places as cargo

"We will land in the civilian sector and we will talk up some of the cargo ship captains see if we can locate her."
Jack handed Ray a picture of a 10 year old girl in a small pink dress, on the back was some writing and a signature that was scribbled on.

"We should split up you search the north sector and ill search the south sector we will meet up for lunch or something."
Jack said as he took the bag of diamonds out of Ray's hands and handed her a few. "That should tide you over for now, And no stealing anything we need to be on this planet for a while and the less we do the longer we stay under the radar."
(Mia and Rex at lunch, or a bit later?)

Ray sighed, "Fine..." 55 45 wasnt too bad... There might be some extra Magic involved. When Jack dished out her own diamonds Ray groaned lightly at the loss of her beautiful... diamonds. I hate you so much right now... Ray said silently.

Now information gathering wasn't Ray's specialty. She didn't exactly have a look about her that said 'please talk to me!' No she said 'look at me wrong and I'll blow you up.' But regardless Ray will try her best. "Alright. Grateic.... I want Grateic food do lunch.... someplace with cakes." She told him before turning around and concealing herself in her cloak as she walked all.

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