• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Good! I drew a picture of Oppenheimer with no tracing or video instructions last week. I’m learning
Yeah! Trying to learn the basics really. my goal is to be able to draw myself an oc one day lol. It’s either that or become a starving artist
It’s weird that i came onto this site because i couldn’t use discord, yet there are more people active on the discord than on the site
The power of community. Currently doing a may event for west empire guardian beasts. Want to participate?
I can't seem to find it though
Here you go (post it here)
<@&906601885618815079> a site outage and the conclusion of the buddy event later, we are ready to kick off the may event.

Major Mother Marian Mayday is doing her rounds of the guardian beast stables for reports on the latest cultivated guardian beasts they intend to put into service for the West Empire's security. High performing ones will be granted special position within the guardian beast forces.

The event will take places in multiplate stages. First, fill out the following character skeleton as if creating an entry in a zoological report. You have until may 10th to submit an entry or a week from now. To submit an entry, post it in the sub-thread for the may 2024 event. Late entries are permitted but will face an evaluation penalty.

Physical Description: (what the creature looks like. images are a plus)
Distribution: (talk about where the creature or its base parts are found in the west empire.
tundra at the southern tip
taiga to the south
wetlands along the west coast
rainforests by the countries capital river the Hamberjin
desert to the east
temperate forests through the center
grasslands to the north
savannahs at the northern border

Habit: how they live and the conditions under which they live in the places they can be found in wild

Enemies: any known predators of the beast

Parasites: any known flora or fauna that thrive on the creature

Sentient Relationship: how do they normally behave around sentient creatures like beastmen or humans among others?

(with 126pts, create the base form of the guardian beast. they can benefit from racial perks but may not use isekai perks nor class perks. some creatures may have equipment beyond natural equipment as well)
added a handful of hindrances and hazards to the advanced rules. just some fun stuff for the narrators to play with if they like

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