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Fantasy Of Seas and Sovereigns (REBOOTED)


U-Incorporated 2nd Class Type Unit
a6c60b42382dc6a40e0f16eab92d076f.jpg01faacfbf21615064dc224524c303133.jpgOf Seas and Sovereigns
People are willing to do whatever it takes for authority, riches, and glory. This is the truth behind the elaborate curtains of Tarq's Pearlspire Citadel, same as it is anywhere else in the world. With the New King's rule over the Island Nation of Vysha being established so suddenly and his claim so fragile, power seems that much easier to reach. The palace holds many people and rival factions. So within the walls of the looming towers, many secrets come abound that could change the histories written by the learned men.

The true question is... What are you looking for? Do you want to bring honor to your Great and Noble House by serving on the council? Are you a zealous Cardinal looking to persuade the King? Or are you just a middleman stuck in the chaos of it all? And truly, the most important of the questions - are you willing to make a mark on history?

The Court Calls...
This is mainly a political drama set in alternate world for convenience. The Primary setting will be Tarq, the capital city of Vysha, a powerful island nation that's undergone some recent changes in leadership that have left the political state fragile and rife for intrigue of all kinds. There may be some low fantasy elements, but the drama between nobles, courtiers and foreign envoys will take center stage for the most part.
As character relations make up a huge part of the focus, plotting dynamics with other players OOC will be fairly standard.

This RP was set up a while ago, with many roles and relations considered and set up for its beginning. However, due to some circumstances, the GM was unable to continue running and has gone dark. Since many players still wish to continue, its been decided to reopen the Interest Check and set about a new starting play so that this setting doesn't end up floundering.

There's a small handful of us, but there's no harm in seeking some new blood since several have lost interest since the GM's leave of absence. We will be starting soon after this Check is put in play, but may take time for new arrivals depending on how much interest is shown.

Tarq is the largest city on the Vysha island continent, along with being the biggest trading hub and the foremost seat of power. The continent itself is split up into several regions, five or six depending on who you ask.

The main religion in the world is a polytheistic one, with different patron gods for different aspects of life. In Tarq however, a city so swayed by the Great Ocean, the one God above the others is Dengiz, the Settler of Sea and according to the histories, the first to step foot on the island continent. He has a Temple in the middle of the city, and many worship him. There are also other religions brought from other places, including the Sky Serpent and the Woman of the Reef.

The Tarq Pearlshore is known for being a merchant's paradise. Surrounding what used to be pale sand there are docked schooners, brigs and other trading ships, in the most well known port in the World. Further off there is a the Vysha Royal Navy, lead by the Lord of Seas and Storms.

The current House on the Throne is Worren, their King, his Majesty Edmond the Daring having taken the place of the Queen Celice of Laerym. The Laerym's have ruled over Vysha for centuries, and their emblem of a teardrop shaped pearl resting in a shell is almost ubiquitous with the City of Tarq itself.
Oooo nice idea! Is there gonna be a new cs thread? I have some ideas for a character but I don't want to accidentally create a copy of someone that already exists...
This roleplay idea is very intriguing to me. I have some ideas for a characters as well, but like the person above, I would like to know if there is a new cs thread before continuing.
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As someone from the old group you already know I'm into this. I'm just posting here to keep myself updated because I get notified by email lmao
This sounds very, very intriguing and fun, and I would love to take part. The idea of playing an ambassador from a foreign land really sounds fun to me.
Oooo nice idea! Is there gonna be a new cs thread? I have some ideas for a character but I don't want to accidentally create a copy of someone that already exists...

This roleplay idea is very intriguing to me. I have some ideas for a characters as well, but like the person above, I would like to know if there is a new cs thread before continuing.

This sounds very, very intriguing and fun, and I would love to take part. The idea of playing an ambassador from a foreign land really sounds fun to me.
There is going to be a new CS thread ! So far for roles taken by old player we have :
- The King
- The Queen
- The General of the East
(important military position)
- An envoy from Tian Dao
(It's me but that be great if their was other envoy from other countries too ! Vysha is a very commercial place so there is space for more. Also I invented Tian Dao and it's basically fantasy China)

We are keeping some of the lore of the late GM but most will have to be invented.

House Worren
The Worrens are currently the Royal House on the Pearlspire Throne, with King Edmond the Daring having overthrown the previous ruler, Queen Celice of Laerym.

House Laerym
Our Tide is High
This overthrown House ruled Tarq for four centuries. While some believe that Worren's militia have hunted all of the family down, others believe that somewhere, the Laerym claimant to the throne is still alive. The emblem of the house is a circular pearl entrapped in the maw of a sea snake. Some visual markers would be black hair, pale skin, and grey eyes. It is rumored that they are the descendants of mermen. Their connection to their fleet had been crucial to their success for a very long time. However, a century ago there was a split between the Laeryms and the rest of the family under the new family name of Maryam.
The last living members belonging to House Laerym according to popular myth were Alaric, who was the heir to the throne before an untimely death at sea, and his sister, the presumed dead Celice, who was the acting Queen for seven years after her father's end. Alaric was handsome and witty, and was known for sleeping around and having a short fuse. Celice was a known beauty, with a sharp mind and an interesting distaste for male company - including her own Prince Consort.

House Maryam
We Who Catch the Winds
Despite being split off from the Laeryms, they bent the knee to the Worrens after the coup, but who knows where their loyalties truly lie? A sizeable chunk of the current fleet belongs to them, as such, they hold great sway. Their emblem is a gust of wind.

House Seyedi
A minor house within Vysha, stationed within the easternmost territories of Tarq. Comprised mostly of the centuries-old Antonov line, currently headed by [placeholder], they swore fealty to House Laerym some 50 years ago in exchange for continued regency over their lands - however, they switched sides during the coup after being promised greater land by House Worren. House Seyedi serves as the Tarkhan - the local word for Regent or General - of the east border provinces, with their "capital" assigned as Gisha, a large town with a single castle. They don't necessarily have any enemies, though House Laerym views them with some "hard feelings," to say the least.

House Sommer
To Prosper or Perish
The House of Sommer is known as one of the richest Houses in Vysha, and it is them who control the largest bank in the continent. Their main seat of power is in the Southwest, surrounded by mountainous land rich in ore. Their current leader, the Lord Sommer, is shrewd but trying his best (and failing) to be seen as apolitical. The bride of this Lord is also a Princess (a second daughter) from a Kingdom south of Vysha, and it is said that the children of the Lord have taken on her coloring.
I would be interested in helping to craft and develop the religious aspect the city and roleplaying a Priest/Shaman/Pope (I'll think of a better name later) of said religion.
I would be interested in helping to craft and develop the religious aspect the city and roleplaying a Priest/Shaman/Pope (I'll think of a better name later) of said religion.
Cool ! The original lore made by former GM is kind of the following concerning religion. It may be up for change since we are starting again. The only important thing is that it's low fantasy and that magic won't play a big role at least at first.
It's vague because religion wasn't touched upon much so there is plenty of space to fill.

- Deity are skyrim like and distant. Prayers are rarely answered now for unknown reasons. We thought about a "the gods are trapped and cannot do anything" situation but nothing is set. So atheism is on the rise and religion have found other way to grow and keep their followers.
Such as focusing on the community aspect and providing services.
- Evil gods try to be more active but their worship is taboo.
- The only official God of Vysha we have is called Dengiz and is a mythologized hero that is believed to be the first to set foot on Vysha. He is the god of sea and travel. The rest haven't been revealed and thus can be invented.
- Magic is unreliable asf and even simple spell can fail. Alchemy exist but is in it beginning.
- Magical beast are a thing but few extraordinary one are seen on Vysha.
- They exist Fae like creature (they weren't defined much) that can grant great magic but the cost is heavy. Like becoming blind or mute. Few know such creatures exist and using them isn't well seen at all.
CS Threads

Here's the Old CS thread and the new one for the Reboot, any who still have interest from the old one can just copy over their characters while new players can use the old cast as a basis for where they might want to take their own character.

Reboot CS

I'm raising a new OOC as well for conversation that's linked in the CS along with a Lore tab for archiving, but we'll probably move to a new discord group since some of the best worldbuilding came from there the last go around
I have a fantasy desert culture/nation/people that I made years ago, that I will post more details when I get home after work that I could use as my ambassador’s home country, if that does not fit I am happy to brainstorm another culture.

This sounds like it will be fun.
Cool ! The original lore made by former GM is kind of the following concerning religion. It may be up for change since we are starting again. The only important thing is that it's low fantasy and that magic won't play a big role at least at first.
It's vague because religion wasn't touched upon much so there is plenty of space to fill.

- Deity are skyrim like and distant. Prayers are rarely answered now for unknown reasons. We thought about a "the gods are trapped and cannot do anything" situation but nothing is set. So atheism is on the rise and religion have found other way to grow and keep their followers.
Such as focusing on the community aspect and providing services.
- Evil gods try to be more active but their worship is taboo.
- The only official God of Vysha we have is called Dengiz and is a mythologized hero that is believed to be the first to set foot on Vysha. He is the god of sea and travel. The rest haven't been revealed and thus can be invented.
- Magic is unreliable asf and even simple spell can fail. Alchemy exist but is in it beginning.
- Magical beast are a thing but few extraordinary one are seen on Vysha.
- They exist Fae like creature (they weren't defined much) that can grant great magic but the cost is heavy. Like becoming blind or mute. Few know such creatures exist and using them isn't well seen at all.
Thank you for these points of reference :)

That gives me quite a bit to work with and a better framework for religious structure. Would you be interested in helping craft with me??
Thank you for these points of reference :)

That gives me quite a bit to work with and a better framework for religious structure. Would you be interested in helping craft with me??
Of course ! At first with another player we planned on making a cult so I was the first to ask questions about the religion but later we changed up quite a bit in light of the infos I gave you. So while waiting for the discord we can start in the OOC here Fantasy - Of Seas and Sovereigns (REBOOTED) OOC
Nice to see this live again!
Here's the copy-paste of my original reply:
Oh, I love this! And Age of Sail too πŸ‘€
I'd be happy to play whatever will suit the current group composition, but some ideas that spring to mind:

-some sort of advisor or vizier type. Love me some scheming . ; )
-a cunning noble woman seeking to strengthen her family's (...or is it her own) position.
-an academic who's tumbled out of their cloistered university world, landing right the middle of politics... and is very much out of their depth.

If there is a war in the setting:
-a captured member of the enemy navy who is high ranked enough to be granted parole and valuable enough to hang onto until the enemy nation can cough up something good as trade or ransom (...or if leverage is needed). Could be interesting to play someone who had a lot of power, but their current circumstances have them fighting for scraps of influence.

If characters who might stir the pot a little are wanted:
-a spy for one of the noble houses (happy to work for/be recruited to a player's character's service, provided the game master is ok with it!)
-an Inquisitor type of character (this could be the setting's version of secret police for the State or, depending on what the vibe is towards magic (real or not) a witch hunter type of character...) I'm going for "investigator" rather than "zealot" though in terms of vibe. Ye Olde Detective, if you will.

Keen to work with the game runner and players to adapt any of these ideas to fit the right niche. 😁

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