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Realistic or Modern Messages in Color Roleplay (closed.)


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

20 years ago, there had been rumors of a group referred to as ‘Messages in Color’. These rumors lasted a few months before getting forgotten by the public. According to these rumors, the group's members had used colors as their alias, though what this group did was yet to be deciphered. They were known to bring change to a city named Laithos whether it was good or bad change depended. Laitho’s was a city that was overrun by crime at the time; people often believed any time crime rate would lower even just a little, it was thanks to messages in color. However, eventually these rumors had been forgotten and so had the group. Though this only happened once the group disappeared from this point the crime rates of Laitho’s had offically gone down and stayed that way for the last 20 years. However some do not always forget.Unbeknownst to the public, Messages in Color had been torn from the inside out, simply thanks to a rat—A traitor working for a unknown group. Secondaries and SixTertiaries ended up dead, Primaries ended up insane. All that was left were the neutrals to detain the traitor, and they did. However, they weren’t ready to start a new group. After all, they had all grown close as a family and all the progress that had made was erased.

In present day. There is a 50/50 chance that people will develop some sort of ability. These abilities have the tendacy to be basic or incredibly unique and specific. But regardless about what they were these abilities always contained weakness. It was something that was becoming more and more normal as time progressed. However as time progresses things change… and when crime rates start going up a group of random strangers who don’t even know each other got dragged into a random group chat.
Suppose it’s time for the neutrals to restart, isn’t it?

TD;LR for the summary:
Basically, a group who did vigilante work helped the public for a few months until they were destroyed from the inside out by an unknown enemy group. After what happened, the group's leader's disappeared, not ready to restart until 20 years later, when powers become normal and crime in Laithos get’s worse. They decided to recruit what seemed to be a group of random people to assist in returning things back to how they were. However, all these major crimes that would end up happening may be connected.

Also! To be noted every major crime counts as a mission! These missions keep the story moving. Basically they are the key pieces to the mystery.

Okay, so this is my first time hosting my own roleplay, and probably the only roleplay I will host on my own. But I had this idea for awhile and decided it was time I got over my fear…sorta. So if I have kept your interest thus far, my user name is DarkKitsune. Though you can call me Dark, Kit or more commonly Kitsune, I go by they/them pronouns. Here are the rules.

1. RESPECT EACH OTHER! NO DRAMA! I understand if it’s drama between characters but nothing when talking out of character! We are all people here, so no bullying, disrespect, or anything of that sort if any of this does happen please don’t be afraid to PM me.

2. NO HATE! this is kinda in sync with the first rule. But regardless of someones religion, sexuality or gender identity (or being in the LGBTQIA+ In general) or anthing against people of color and so on. Hate will not be tolorated no matter the form and I mean that.

3. NO SENSITIVE TOPICS! This should be self explanatory, But no sensitive topics.


5. IN OOC when the roleplay isn’t being discussed don’t be afraid to start a completely different conversation with the other people involved, Chit chat is always welcome.

6. LIMITATION RULE Okay so there isn’t much of a limitation in regards to how much you write per post, Just no one liners, and write however much you can.


8.WHEN I OPEN APPLICATIONS Wait for my approval. I will go into more detail about how that’ll work soon.

9.DO NOT be afraid to ask questions.

10. One post about every two weeks. If nothing is heard out of the roleplayer by then their character will be sent to the hospital until the six week mark. If I am not told of anything I am afraid the character will have to be booted. Just keep me in the loop on things Life can happen and I’ll understand just let me know if something comes up.

11.use whatever face claim you want as long as it isn’t inappropriate

12.NO GOD MODING! But giving new people guidance is always welcome.


14. You cannot kill another persons character without permission. And you also can’t control another persons movement.


Now that that is out of the way…


CS is up! Here’s the link:Realistic or Modern - Messages in Color CS! (Applications open)

SO, As much as I wish I could do this differently, there are a limited amount of colors. And due to that I will have to pick and choose amoung submissions, though even if someone can’t manage to get their character into a Messages in Color role. The enemy side is playable! It doesn’t even have a name yet because I wanted to leave that to it’s accepted leader, For the sake of the person to be able to show creativity. Now with all that being said here is how this’ll work. Even than I am not planning on being overly strict with any of the roles! Just make your character how you see fit and if the character fits into the plot and role I’ll accept it though after that the role is offically taken and no longer available. I do not mean to limit anyones creativity so I ask for a minimum of two weakness. (Of course when the CS is up) i hope you guys under stand!

With that being said I hope you are interested and this is the end of the post! Have a nice day or night everyone!​
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The fact that my first thought was "Can I play the traitor?" probably says something about my personality...

You might be a bit more interested in my second thought though! What's the cap on the number of characters we can make? I'd love to have two, but seeing as there's a role cap, I can understand why that wouldn't be possible. ^^
The fact that my first thought was "Can I play the traitor?" probably says something about my personality...

You might be a bit more interested in my second thought though! What's the cap on the number of characters we can make? I'd love to have two, but seeing as there's a role cap, I can understand why that wouldn't be possible. ^^
You can actually make a few characters! Though I am going to have to say only one character sheet per role. Example: one character application can be for the Blue role, but you can still fill out a application for a different character under a different role. However only two characters can be accepted per person

More about this will be on the CS page which I am working on currently. It should be up soon! Hope this answers your question
SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles eyclore eyclore locked n loaded locked n loaded CS is up!

So are the Six tertiaries the random people that got dragged into the group chat?
So are the Six tertiaries the random people that got dragged into the group chat?
the people who got dragged into the group chat are the Primaries, Secondaries and Six Tertiaries. The only ones left from the original Messages in Color were the Neutrals.
Playing around with a power idea where maybe she can create butterflies and is able to hear what's going on in the butterflies environment. Might be useful for gathering information.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune since you expect some players to take the role of the enemy group,is it possible for you to elaborate more about their background and goal,or do you want to keep that secret for now?

Like,are they a police/military group that wants to prevent vigilantism? Or a group of criminals? Or do they have a different agenda?

20 years ago, there had been rumors of a group referred to as ‘Messages in Color’. These rumors lasted a few months before getting forgotten by the public. According to these rumors, the group's members had used colors as their alias, though what this group did was yet to be deciphered. They were known to bring change to a city named Laithos whether it was good or bad change depended. Laitho’s was a city that was overrun by crime at the time; people often believed any time crime rate would lower even just a little, it was thanks to messages in color. However, eventually these rumors had been forgotten and so had the group. Though this only happened once the group disappeared from this point the crime rates of Laitho’s had offically gone down and stayed that way for the last 20 years. However some do not always forget.Unbeknownst to the public, Messages in Color had been torn from the inside out, simply thanks to a rat—A traitor working for a unknown group. Secondaries and SixTertiaries ended up dead, Primaries ended up insane. All that was left were the neutrals to detain the traitor, and they did. However, they weren’t ready to start a new group. After all, they had all grown close as a family and all the progress that had made was erased.

In present day. There is a 50/50 chance that people will develop some sort of ability. These abilities have the tendacy to be basic or incredibly unique and specific. But regardless about what they were these abilities always contained weakness. It was something that was becoming more and more normal as time progressed. However as time progresses things change… and when crime rates start going up a group of random strangers who don’t even know each other got dragged into a random group chat.
Suppose it’s time for the neutrals to restart, isn’t it?

TD;LR for the summary:
Basically, a group who did vigilante work helped the public for a few months until they were destroyed from the inside out by an unknown enemy group. After what happened, the group's leader's disappeared, not ready to restart until 20 years later, when powers become normal and crime in Laithos get’s worse. They decided to recruit what seemed to be a group of random people to assist in returning things back to how they were. However, all these major crimes that would end up happening may be connected.

Also! To be noted every major crime counts as a mission! These missions keep the story moving. Basically they are the key pieces to the mystery.

Okay, so this is my first time hosting my own roleplay, and probably the only roleplay I will host on my own. But I had this idea for awhile and decided it was time I got over my fear…sorta. So if I have kept your interest thus far, my user name is DarkKitsune. Though you can call me Dark, Kit or more commonly Kitsune, I go by they/them pronouns. Here are the rules.

1. RESPECT EACH OTHER! NO DRAMA! I understand if it’s drama between characters but nothing when talking out of character! We are all people here, so no bullying, disrespect, or anything of that sort if any of this does happen please don’t be afraid to PM me.

2. NO HATE! this is kinda in sync with the first rule. But regardless of someones religion, sexuality or gender identity (or being in the LGBTQIA+ In general) or anthing against people of color and so on. Hate will not be tolorated no matter the form and I mean that.

3. NO SENSITIVE TOPICS! This should be self explanatory, But no sensitive topics.


5. IN OOC when the roleplay isn’t being discussed don’t be afraid to start a completely different conversation with the other people involved, Chit chat is always welcome.

6. LIMITATION RULE Okay so there isn’t much of a limitation in regards to how much you write per post, Just no one liners, and write however much you can.


8.WHEN I OPEN APPLICATIONS Wait for my approval. I will go into more detail about how that’ll work soon.

9.DO NOT be afraid to ask questions.

10. One post about every two weeks. If nothing is heard out of the roleplayer by then their character will be sent to the hospital until the six week mark. If I am not told of anything I am afraid the character will have to be booted. Just keep me in the loop on things Life can happen and I’ll understand just let me know if something comes up.

11.use whatever face claim you want as long as it isn’t inappropriate

12.NO GOD MODING! But giving new people guidance is always welcome.


14. You cannot kill another persons character without permission. And you also can’t control another persons movement.


Now that that is out of the way…


CS is up! Here’s the link:Realistic or Modern - Messages in Color CS! (Applications open)

SO, As much as I wish I could do this differently, there are a limited amount of colors. And due to that I will have to pick and choose amoung submissions, though even if someone can’t manage to get their character into a Messages in Color role. The enemy side is playable! It doesn’t even have a name yet because I wanted to leave that to it’s accepted leader, For the sake of the person to be able to show creativity. Now with all that being said here is how this’ll work. Even than I am not planning on being overly strict with any of the roles! Just make your character how you see fit and if the character fits into the plot and role I’ll accept it though after that the role is offically taken and no longer available. I do not mean to limit anyones creativity so I ask for a minimum of two weakness. (Of course when the CS is up) i hope you guys under stand!

With that being said I hope you are interested and this is the end of the post! Have a nice day or night everyone!​
I’d be interested in this but I never get selected for anything. So I’m not sure if I wanna risk being denied and having it ruin my day.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune since you expect some players to take the role of the enemy group,is it possible for you to elaborate more about their background and goal,or do you want to keep that secret for now?

Like,are they a police/military group that wants to prevent vigilantism? Or a group of criminals? Or do they have a different agenda?
The enemy group is basically just a criminal organization.
What are you looking for for each role? Just so I can gauge what I’ll inevitably end up doing wrong?
What are you looking for for each role? Just so I can gauge what I’ll inevitably end up doing wrong?
Okay so within Messages of Color, the group has three teams.

The Primaries which are the tech experts.(People like hackers and what not)

The Secondaries which are it’s informants.(they get information by any means necessary)

The Six Tertiaries which are the Field agents. (Field agents basically go on the main mission)

And of course the enemy side has their equivalent. But what I am looking for is basically the characters that are best fit for the jobs they are applied for. (Though I will admit due to us being in a few of the same roleplays I have seen different variations of Alice’s Character sheet. If you do end up filling out a application for her I think she’d either do well as a informant or field agent) though this does depend on how many applicants I get also…
Quick question 'cause I'm back with my villain obsession!

Would the group that brought down the Messages in Color be the same crime syndicate, or would it be different organization?
SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles eyclore eyclore locked n loaded locked n loaded Lord Moldoma Lord Moldoma Nellancholy Nellancholy

And anyone else who may have been interested in Messages in Color. I’d like to apologize first, For wasting your time. I thought, I could do it but the roleplay hasn’t officially started yet and My anxiety is already killing me. and I am stressing out over this. I don’t think I can do it,I think I bit off more then I could chew creating this. I don’t think I can handle hosting this roleplay. And I apologize for that. So I wanted to go ahead and stop this before we were all too far into it. I am quiting this roleplay.

Though if someone did want to take over this plot for their own roleplay I wouldn’t mind, you can take it and even claim it is yours even. (All I ask is that any characters that ended up already accepted minus mine be kept in the roleplay with their role.)

However I really I am sorry about this. If I can make it up to any of you I would. Again I’m sorry.
SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles eyclore eyclore locked n loaded locked n loaded Lord Moldoma Lord Moldoma Nellancholy Nellancholy

And anyone else who may have been interested in Messages in Color. I’d like to apologize first, For wasting your time. I thought, I could do it but the roleplay hasn’t officially started yet and My anxiety is already killing me. and I am stressing out over this. I don’t think I can do it,I think I bit off more then I could chew creating this. I don’t think I can handle hosting this roleplay. And I apologize for that. So I wanted to go ahead and stop this before we were all too far into it. I am quiting this roleplay.

Though if someone did want to take over this plot for their own roleplay I wouldn’t mind, you can take it and even claim it is yours even. (All I ask is that any characters that ended up already accepted minus mine be kept in the roleplay with their role.)

However I really I am sorry about this. If I can make it up to any of you I would. Again I’m sorry.
Sorry if any of that was my fault.
don’t worry it wasn’t your fault, Dont even think for a second it was. It was my own fault for thinking I could host a roleplay despite already knowing I have terrible anxiety.
Sorry if any of that was my fault.
don’t worry it wasn’t your fault, Dont even think for a second it was. It was my own fault for thinking I could host a roleplay despite already knowing I have terrible anxiety.
Okay, that’s reassuring. Thank you. I wish you the best.

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