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Daris looks at the clear trap and then the dead end. "Guess we need to head back." He said before taking out his dagger and striked the wall leaving a noticable scratch. Incase they end up lost and turn around.
Eilonwy gave a nod of her head. "That would probably be best," she said. "We wouldn't want to get lost ourselves."
Alder simply nodded to the group while saying. "Getting lost in those corridors might be an easy feat, but what I fear is the underwater tides coming in and blocking our exit. So I would recommend hastening our steps so as to ascertain the shallowest chance of that happening at that level."
He then walked out of the right path and waited besides the left path for the rest of his companions.
Daris nodded as he fallowed the tree man. He drifted by the left entrance keeping his eyes peeled for any merefolk. His eyes drifted around the sea cavern seeing if he could see anything that could help them.
Eilonwy looked around the before turning back to those that had let her out of her cell. "So who exactly was it you were looking for? Was it a friend?"
Daris looked at the female elf. "She's the first mate of our ship. Pretty sure the captain would be down here if he wasn't needed up there." He rested his side against the wall.

"So Eilonwy how did you get captured by the merefolk. If you don't mind me asking."
Eilonwy glanced towards the one that spoke to her. "Oh, well," she said with a shrugged. "Long story short, I was traveling in hopes of collecting a rare book for my Master. Then these...." Eilonwy waved her arms around her as if gesturing to the merfolk. "They sank the boat I had chartered and captured me. I don't know what became of the others. They wouldn't answer any of my questions either."
Daris nodded at that. "I think we entered their territory. They might think we're hostile." He said as he looked down the path. "We should get a move on." He said starting to swim down the right path.
GM note. other 2 players retconned, turns out daris was talking to himself :P j/k

you enter another chamber. two guards are patrolling the room...or rather one is. the other, a battle-hardened female looks to be deep in thought.

the guards have no reason to be stealthy; daris sees all; daris is seen by all; shana sees all; shana is not seen; zuul sees all; zuul is seen by all; khione sees all; khione is seen by one guard who alerts the other.

battle begins
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Daris shaked his head. He was lost in thought and didn't realize there were guards until they were right on him. Letting out a small curse he draws his raiper getting ready to fight.
Glesne is shaken off of her thoughts by the other guard with a gasp, readying her spear, but her head is still flurrying with thoughts.

"Intruders!" She speaks in Commmon "Stand down, and we shall be merciful"
Shana: "Wait we are not here to fight! we are just looking for our friend. we will free the other prisoners too."
She lowers her spear, glancing at the other guard "Prisoners? I was told they were volounteers"
Daris watches them weary lowering his raiper. He swam to the side so he could get a good vantage spot to attack if needed
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Before Glesne could respond, the guard attacks. Neither the guard nor Glesne sees Shana, lurking in the background. Battle has now started. Shana chooses not to act at this time, to avoid hitting Glesne with her spell.
Daris looked at the guard. His eyes filled with hatred and the irises becoming only small dots. "You better back off now if you know what's good for you." He said his voice cold. "Or I will feed you to the sharks."
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The guard is frightened. Zuul attacks the guard with his greataxe and misses, almost hurting himself in the process. Khione does nothing.
Startled at the sudden attacks and hit by Shana's words, Glesne reels back, clutching her holy symbol of Lysiannassa "Empress of the Torrent guide my hand... You would never want anybody to be caged, and I was foolish."

She closes her eyes and raises her shield as a torrent of water pushes her against the other guard, guiding her spear wielding hand to strike at her former coworker.

(( 1 action cast Tidal Surge to get close to the guard, 1 action raise shield, 1 action Strike Roll to hit: 17, if hit damage: 8 piercing))
guard: "you will regret coming here and disrupting our plans!" he said trying to sound more menacing than he felt. With shaky hands, the guard attempts to hit Zuul with consecutive trident thrusts. Both attacks miss.

Now that Shana knows one of the guards is an ally, she casts electric arc on the other guard. It hits for 5.
Daris swam towards one of the guards and draws his blade (action 1) He stabs it's chest for 5 damage (Action 2). He raises his blade into a defensive position and left his free hand open and insight of the guard. (Action 3 dueling Perry plus 2 circumstance bonus to AC till next turn)
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action 1: (exploit vulnerability) Zuul holds his chalice for a few moment until it glows. Zuul searches through his esoterica, thinking of the merfolk's weaknesses. He finally produces a sunstone trinket. His greataxe glows as if infused with magic. (input please). Action 2: move to guard. Action 3: attack with greataxe and misses.

Kione: action 1: casts sure strike. action 2: move to guard. action 3: She grips her bastard sword in 2 hands and swings... and misses.

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