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Realistic or Modern La Lune Bleue

In a moment of instinct, Liza almost lifted her face to his. But his words reminded her of their relations. Friendship. Liza closed her eyes briefly and then tried on a smile.

"Then let's get another drink!" she said, pulling away from her proximity to Gerald.

As she turned and went towards our seats I caught up to her an offered my arm to her. "You know you can allow yourself to have fun." i said to her with a smile. Friends forever right? is what I thought to myself in that instant. Look at you Gerald, a devil dog, you are falling for a woman who has a certain reputation and your head over heels. It was always a little embarrassing to think about me standing in the trenches in France... killing men, and now im here... like this. "Shall we?" I asked as I motioned to the table. I whispered to her a little something as well "I have never asked you for anything, but now I ask you this. Just be yourself... and don't be afraid to be you"

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