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Fandom Hogwarts Years 1-7 Group RP | OOC

Alr sorry to hear that

I’ve also just been busy and lost motivation. I’ve been really busy with hockey and then making up the school work I’ve missed for hockey.
halloween weekend is usually pretty busy, so i wouldn’t get too disheartened over it. we’ll just have to keep communicating schedules and such.

I’m just kinda waiting around for everyone to respond at their leisure.

I’m busy with school and hockey anyways so it works out.
Got a post up, sorry it's a bit short. I've had some serious writers block lately.
i want to join
Well you kinda caught us at a bad time.

But there’s a few steps you’ll have to go thru first if you truly wanna join.

Before I let you in I wanna know you’ll actually contribute to this and actually make your character and not just waste my time and eventually drop out.

Please, only commit to this if you truly have the time. I get being busy but please honestly assess yourself and see whether or not you truly have time for this.

If you truly have the time for it and are super interested in joining then lmk! :)

I only say all these things cuz a lotta people say “I’m interested” and then just waste my time and their and drop out.

Apologies for this pissy mood I’ve been going thru a lotta stress recently.
i am actually interested ive been dyinnggg for a hp roleplay
Perfect! :D

Dm me and I’ll be with you eventually.

A bit busy and handling some other things rn but I’ll try and get you integrated into this rp as quickly and as smoothly as possible.
Sorry for the delay by a day or two; wanted to make sure I had something out for you guys by tonight at the very least.
Maybe we'll have Chase with his skills on the broom next and then he can meet the crew in the stands? Maybe that's where we'll get some tension w/ Chase and Kas. (:

Also, welcome to the crew, The.Girl.Who.Waited The.Girl.Who.Waited !

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