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Fandom Hogwarts Years 1-7 Group RP | OOC

Sorry I disappeared! It's been a wild last couple of weeks. Definitely was struggling w/ a depressive bout and muddling around w/ school, but I should be able to post today.
ALSO, Edric Blight Edric Blight -- I'm screaming internally, because I was always like, "Why is there only ever dialogue??" in your posts, and I swear I highlighted it once and didn't see any other text; but I noticed the posts stretched and I had the big brain idea of changing to dark mode and now I can finally read all of your posts, lmfao. Sooo, after my midterm today, I'll go ahead and go back and take a gander to see the full extent of your writing. xD
Sorry I disappeared! It's been a wild last couple of weeks. Definitely was struggling w/ a depressive bout and muddling around w/ school, but I should be able to post today.
ALSO, Edric Blight Edric Blight -- I'm screaming internally, because I was always like, "Why is there only ever dialogue??" in your posts, and I swear I highlighted it once and didn't see any other text; but I noticed the posts stretched and I had the big brain idea of changing to dark mode and now I can finally read all of your posts, lmfao. Sooo, after my midterm today, I'll go ahead and go back and take a gander to see the full extent of your writing. xD
All good!

Also damn lmao then my posts probably looked AWFUL. It probably looked weird af with just the dialogue lol.

Yea I don’t write just dialogue I do a ton of fluff too as you will see lol.
Edric Blight Edric Blight
Yeah, I was very confused—for weeks; because I remember reading your first few posts and they weren't white-outs, so I dunno what happened between now and then, lmfao. I'll enjoy reading the fluff!
And thank youuu! Finished my midterm and feel pretty good about it, so we shall see. (: Just have my 6-7:15pm PST class and I should be free after that!
Edric Blight Edric Blight
Yeah, I was very confused—for weeks; because I remember reading your first few posts and they weren't white-outs, so I dunno what happened between now and then, lmfao. I'll enjoy reading the fluff!
And thank youuu! Finished my midterm and feel pretty good about it, so we shall see. (: Just have my 6-7:15pm PST class and I should be free after that!
Lmao I feel so embarrassed. You must have thought I was an even worse writer than I actually am. I’m not really a good writer but that must have been really weird to just see colored dialogue out of nowhere.

Lol I hope you enjoy my posts tho.

Also that’s great! I hope you end up doing as well as you thought you did! : )
Edric Blight Edric Blight
I liked the first ones I was able to read; I just got super confused because I was like, "this doesn't fit the initial amount of energy they were putting in!"
ALSO, pronouns? I realized a while back that most people go by their usernames, but I feel like I should probably ask pronouns at least, lmfao.
Edric Blight Edric Blight
I liked the first ones I was able to read; I just got super confused because I was like, "this doesn't fit the initial amount of energy they were putting in!"
ALSO, pronouns? I realized a while back that most people go by their usernames, but I feel like I should probably ask pronouns at least, lmfao.
Oh that’s all good dw about it. I’m not a stickler for pronouns and I won’t freak out if you accidentally don’t use my correct ones.

I usually just use they when referring to people whose pronouns I don’t know since it’s nice and neutral. Or more likely just their username.

But I am a he if you wanna know. I don’t mind at all what you call me- call me whatever. Edric, he, etc.

And I should ask you too, what do you prefer?
if you wanna copy/paste it, you could probably add it to the timeskip post? should be easy enough to reference. or put it in the character thing? idk (:
completely up to you
if you wanna copy/paste it, you could probably add it to the timeskip post? should be easy enough to reference. or put it in the character thing? idk (:
completely up to you
I think I can put it in the characters thread so it doesn’t get lost in the main RP thread! : )

Hopefully you are ok with that.
solid! also, one of the first questions that came to mind when i first started was what year things took place in. we know it's post-battle of hogwarts, but if it's 2001, that means september 1st is a saturday, and the 15th (which we timeskipped to) is a saturday as well, which would make sense for quidditch tryouts as they don't interfere with classes.

i mainly want to confirm that it's a saturday LMFAO
solid! also, one of the first questions that came to mind when i first started was what year things took place in. we know it's post-battle of hogwarts, but if it's 2001, that means september 1st is a saturday, and the 15th (which we timeskipped to) is a saturday as well, which would make sense for quidditch tryouts as they don't interfere with classes.

i mainly want to confirm that it's a saturday LMFAO
Oh damn ngl I didn’t think that much into it lol

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