• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource ๐š‘๐šŠ๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐šŠ ๐š—๐š’๐šŒ๐šŽ ๐š๐šŠ๐šข โ™ก (freebies)

afterglow โ™ก

uxie ยฎ




click the
for the code.
remove the credit.
please leave a
if you use!

just a heads up that the specific media chosen for this music player is 1 hour long. don't forget to pause it!

a relatively simple little code. i've seen a lot of people preferring less structured scrolls for their cses, and i thought i'd throw out another code option for it for any who might like a little design for it (o^ ^o) no one really asked for it, but. maybe people will like it?! (โ€žเฒกฯ‰เฒกโ€ž)

there's hidden scrolls on the details section + the main text! although i tagged it as a cs, i'm pretty sure it could be used easily as an ic as well. of course, it's a colourful code, because i had standing next to you playing on repeat while making it. the funk of the song is just SO GOOD....... so call this something vaguely disco inspired? (เธ‡ เธทโ–ฟ เธท)เธง i did my best.

and just a gentle reminder to please take extra care to keep the credit in when using my codes, or any other freebies made by others. i don't see it often but i did notice one recently โ€” i love coding and sharing my work with others, but it's a bit disconcerting to see someone make use of my stuff so carelessly, regardless of intention. i won't go out of my way to reach out to or call out anyone, but please, if you use my codes, do try to keep an eye out for it, especially since my signature is always at the very bottom of my codes. it's important to me, and i would appreciate it very, very much! (*^^*)โ™ก

otherwise, happy 2024!!! i hope all of you had a nice time celebrating with friends, family, or yourself. here's to a good year, and hopefully i print out some new designs, or something. (ยด-ฯ‰-`) i actually completed this one in 2023, so this isn't even the first code of 2024. teehee

as always, enjoy โ™ก( โ—กโ€ฟโ—ก )

now playing



name name


name name






blah blah

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut convallis sem odio, eget blandit felis euismod mollis. Mauris id ante tellus. Aliquam ultricies est metus, a sodales nunc condimentum at. Integer non nisl ac augue commodo consequat in pellentesque nunc. Morbi a libero ante. Suspendisse porta urna id leo venenatis hendrerit. Nulla tristique diam at euismod ullamcorper. Praesent suscipit euismod nisi, ac pulvinar massa dignissim a. Suspendisse id lectus enim. Nulla consectetur venenatis eros vitae eleifend. Curabitur ac interdum est, et maximus tortor. Sed volutpat quam nec dolor porta egestas. Phasellus sit amet efficitur augue. Phasellus interdum auctor pretium. Aenean a tempus ante. Pellentesque suscipit lectus egestas neque finibus vestibulum.

Integer fermentum purus tristique nisi mollis, sit amet imperdiet tortor pretium. Quisque ligula lectus, imperdiet at mauris ut, placerat vehicula dui. Ut consequat turpis nec semper elementum. Donec iaculis magna ante, sit amet varius nisi placerat at. Vestibulum quis dolor quis felis blandit faucibus. Maecenas sed facilisis nunc, vel egestas magna. Suspendisse condimentum ullamcorper libero, ut semper lectus vehicula at. In fringilla, metus et bibendum eleifend, nulla mauris euismod nulla, a vehicula ligula lorem sit amet turpis. Ut eu auctor enim. Sed eu malesuada mauris.

standing next to you


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Last edited:
Is the text supposed to be white? ^^' It makes it a bit hard to read.
So that text is black on white mode but white on dark mode
amazing beautiful gorgeous talented ate everyone up once again ate down slayed the house down boots
stop the feeling โ™ก

stop the feeling

misc set

remove the credit.
please leave a
if you use!

hi! i'm back with a placeholder nobody asked for LMAO

i mean.... what can i say. chappell roan has a grip on me and is holding me at gunpoint โ”Œ(;ใƒปฯ‰ใƒป)โ”˜ this one was inspired by a few sticker pack mock-up designs i saw on pinterest, which i would link if i could FIND THEM AGAIN (๏ผŽ๏ผŽ)

it's actually JUST a placeholder (who even looks for new placeholder codes these days? whatever), but i'm posting this as a set because i'm including a little scroll snippet for all of you who prefer using the very simple placeholder + scroll format, and i noticed the one going around with a different placeholder of mine isn't usually mobile-friendly! so, uh, try this one instead (>ฯ‰^)

i've also included a version of my code here with the placeholder and the scroll combined! i actually tried out a bit of alteras'
text template
with this, but i feel like it's easy enough to fill out as is (แ“€ แ“€) i might give it another try if i find it in me to decipher the documentation again... truly not a girl in stem, unfortunately!

either way, hope this is something cute! if you like it, use it! sorry for disappearing for months on end, maybe i'll end up posting a ton of things that have been lying in the vault some time from now...... we'll see! โ•ฎ(๏ธถโ–ฝ๏ธถ)โ•ญ

hope you like! (*^^*)โ™ก

now playing

uxie ยฎ

Good Luck, Babe!

I Told You So

]I Told You So

you can kiss a hundred boys in bars
shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling

#chappell roan

hi everyone! want to reiterate some of the points in my first post to avoid removing the credit and to please ask for permission before using any non-freebies, including codes I've used personally in roleplays that aren't posted in my shop as well as any codes posted here that were made for the shop's layouts (anything with uxie ยฎ)

i know all bbcodes are creative commons, but i would very much appreciate being afforded this grace and respect โ™ก thank you to those who have respected my terms of use and for enjoying my stuff (*ห˜๏ธถห˜*)
sorry to scam you all with another non-code post, but here to beg everyone here looking for freebies to also read my other thread crash course if you don't know coding on this site/have much experience using freebies ูฉ( แ› )ูˆ

please! please please please! i'm so tired of seeing the links in my freebies break ( ยดะ”`) PLEASE...... thank you!

have a nice day (โ‰งโˆ€โ‰ฆ)

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