• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 ♡ (freebies)

opaline ♡

  • uxie ®






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    this code was inspired by this tumblr theme! ♡
    another one that has been sitting in my workshop for a while! it took me a whole 2 months and three days to get around to doing the last tab because of how low my muse was (/▿\ )

    tab buttons are the numbers on the left, and there are hidden scrolls on all main information sections and textboxes! there's also an accordion on the third tab to switch between the history and miscellaneous sections, which i've indicated with a little instruction (please don't remove it!) the gallery images also scroll (o´▽`o)

    please take note that all images in this code have a layer of coded editing on them so that they'll look more cohesive w. the rest of it, regardless of its original colour palette. if you want to use images unedited, please remove all instances of saturate(0.8); greyscale(0.2) on the image borders!

    i'd advise using different shades of a single colour for the accents in this code, just because i think it looks prettier that way! not sure how easy it would be to change up the fonts on this, but you're welcome to try ☆ also, while the big word wraps if it gets too long! but keeping it to about the length of the example is nicest i think...... idk. go crazy tbh!!!! (」><)」these are all recommendations, and i have no idea who even reads this.

    song used is cool (your rainbow) by nmixx, and images are of nmixx's haewon!

    hope you like ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡

    now playing


    misty colours.




    • 01.



      oh haewon









      leader, vocalist



      incheon, south korea





      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis hendrerit fringilla justo volutpat consectetur. Maecenas quis dui quis neque fringilla tincidunt nec in arcu. Pellentesque aliquam nulla interdum velit tristique auctor. Maecenas urna nibh, vehicula vel tempus quis, semper vitae velit.



    ♡coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    wanderer ♡

  • uxie ®

    int. check



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    hello again! \(٥⁀▽⁀ )/oohyo was giving me an itch in my brain that i had to scratch, so i did this up! and took the opportunity to brush up on figma as well ♡

    it's simple to look at (i hope!), featuring only a single scroll on the bottom section. i didn't feel like doing tabs! ヾ(´ ▽ ` ) it's just one loong scroll; the only functionality i'll point out is that there's a little links section at the bottom right of the top image, and there's a music player on the first lobby section (click the little music icon!)

    while i've tagged this as an interest check code and it's formatted in this preview as a group interest check, i've tried to leave it versatile enough that you could do anything you want with it-- the subheaders and dividers found in section 2 and the list numbers in section 3 can all be copied over to make your own formats if you follow instructions. it's a little similar to
    new crazy
    in that sense! (๑˘︶˘๑) you can use it for a 1x1 interest check, lore, or just about anything, honestly! just be careful with copying and pasting of elements, don't miss out any divs! (/▿\ )

    this was made to the tune of oohyo's butter chicken, with images used from maison ikkoku and the ocean waves ( ´ ▽ ` )

    enjoy (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

    now playing

    you are my salv-ation.


    butter chicken

    i wandered and wandered. i can't understand what people are saying. it submerged and sank; it was dangerous, and i almost fell. it's just the same... you're my salvation, my only one. oh, even if i go round and round, this world won't change, and you are obvious.

    butter chicken

    plot overview


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue sollicitudin iaculis. Curabitur quis ligula sit amet nisl mattis accumsan non nec mauris. Nulla et lectus lorem. Aenean molestie tortor turpis, nec maximus nisl placerat sit amet. Aliquam magna ligula, porttitor ut tellus porta, auctor malesuada enim. Pellentesque ultricies erat non lorem sodales, dictum interdum erat bibendum. Aliquam vehicula sapien feugiat, varius libero eu, luctus dui. Vestibulum et sapien neque. Mauris tristique massa purus. Donec at ante hendrerit, semper ligula in, porttitor elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In id pretium augue. Donec aliquet, justo ut tincidunt varius, purus felis tincidunt orci, eu suscipit est velit at quam. Duis egestas justo quis mauris ultricies posuere.

    Fusce nec mollis mi. Nam fringilla nunc sit amet pulvinar semper. Nam non scelerisque velit. Aenean rhoncus viverra ligula eu tristique. Morbi vitae congue lorem, eget luctus lorem. Ut ornare interdum felis malesuada efficitur. Duis non lacus suscipit, volutpat justo ac, feugiat turpis. Proin consequat vestibulum orci, eget egestas turpis rhoncus non. Sed sed lacinia ligula. Morbi turpis eros, malesuada in velit sed, malesuada scelerisque ex. Duis feugiat, eros sed pellentesque laoreet, mauris est cursus nisl, vitae imperdiet arcu eros sed ante.

    Nunc mattis sapien lacus, ultricies eleifend lorem ultrices vel. Nullam tempor orci et aliquam sollicitudin. Nulla at consectetur sem. Sed quis eleifend lectus, sit amet tempus felis. Mauris ut purus libero. Nulla porta augue urna, eu consectetur eros aliquam ut. Nulla porttitor libero non est volutpat, eget vestibulum tellus feugiat.



    my face...

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue sollicitudin iaculis. Curabitur quis ligula sit amet nisl mattis accumsan non nec mauris. Nulla et lectus lorem. Aenean molestie tortor turpis, nec maximus nisl placerat sit amet. Aliquam magna ligula, porttitor ut tellus porta, auctor malesuada enim. Pellentesque ultricies erat non lorem sodales, dictum interdum erat bibendum. Aliquam vehicula sapien feugiat, varius libero eu, luctus dui.

    my heart...

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue sollicitudin iaculis. Curabitur quis ligula sit amet nisl mattis accumsan non nec mauris. Nulla et lectus lorem. Aenean molestie tortor turpis, nec maximus nisl placerat sit amet. Aliquam magna ligula, porttitor ut tellus porta, auctor malesuada enim. Pellentesque ultricies erat non lorem sodales, dictum interdum erat bibendum. Aliquam vehicula sapien feugiat, varius libero eu, luctus dui.

    my dreams...

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue sollicitudin iaculis. Curabitur quis ligula sit amet nisl mattis accumsan non nec mauris. Nulla et lectus lorem. Aenean molestie tortor turpis, nec maximus nisl placerat sit amet. Aliquam magna ligula, porttitor ut tellus porta, auctor malesuada enim. Pellentesque ultricies erat non lorem sodales, dictum interdum erat bibendum. Aliquam vehicula sapien feugiat, varius libero eu, luctus dui.




    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus, sem non ultricies iaculis, ipsum dui volutpat lorem, eget laoreet nisl nisl in justo. Mauris et elementum mi, at pretium mauris. Fusce consequat ex id nunc viverra tristique.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus, sem non ultricies iaculis, ipsum dui volutpat lorem, eget laoreet nisl nisl in justo. Mauris et elementum mi, at pretium mauris.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus, sem non ultricies iaculis, ipsum dui volutpat lorem.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    moonlit ♡

  • uxie ®




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    if you use!

    hey! i've let this one stew in the workshop for a month or so, and finally decided to post it!

    it's loosely inspired by this
    typeface presentation
    , though i ended up finishing the code to use in a friend's roleplay. i'll admit the sections aren't arranged in the neatest way, but hopefully it's still easy enough to use (ᵔ.ᵔ) i actually have a matching ic made for the same rp, but i'm still debating if i wanna post it..... we'll see!

    no tabs for this one, just one big scroll through three large sections (requisite, psyche, and history). just note there're filters on each of the images, but i've included a little instruction on how to get rid of it if you want to. feel free to change any colours as you like, but if you're looking to just edit a single colour for accent, you should change --color-2! it'll give it a pop of colour (o^ ^o) but i would recommend pastels for it, to go w. the rest of the code. it doesn't look SUPER nice on mobile, but all content should be visible on most mobile devices which is enough for me these days teehee

    this code was made to the tune of sugarcoat by natty (all songs on kiss of life's debut album slap, i really recommend it!) and the images used are credited to 愚不说 (u/5954819559) on weibo!

    hope you like (°◡°♡)

    now playing

    just move my way.

    full name












    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.n


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla felis id sem consectetur, a pretium diam ornare. Integer accumsan bibendum enim sed tristique. Vestibulum egestas ornare condimentum.

    dist. features

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    body modifications

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.





    Even though I wasn’t loved from start to finish,
    I don’t hate it, I love me.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis.




    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.

    part. 2

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    question here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    question here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.




    ♡coded by uxie♡

    it-girl ♡

  • uxie ®

    int. check




    click the
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    edit: THIS IS THE 69TH REPLY.... i can't post anymore.........

    contrary to popular belief, this is not a code for newjeans (っ╹ᆺ╹)っ i'll get around to that someday.,,

    ive's new album was stuck in my head! so i made a code! lowkey, lesserafim's new song also sorta fits this, but i think the aesthetics of it are a little different — though it's not as if this really fits baddie all that much either ;; i think it gives off the record though. hehe

    this code is intended to be a 1x1 interest check (i got bored of doing cses), but you could honestly do whatever you want with it -- if you want to just have text sections, i'd advise copying the entire tab rather than just sections like for my other super-customs. i won't be tagging it for this because it's not quite as easy to slip in different sections/tab layouts as the other one. but yeah! i didn't bother doing other tab layouts for this one because the other ones didn't seem to get much use previously (シ. .)シ

    the hearts on the top are the tab buttons, and there are hidden scrolls on all tabs in the main textbox! there's some customisation of the stickers (in terms of colour and for some, the text) but i'd avoid changing most of the designs if you aren't confident because it might end up a lil' messy?! (□_□) yeah...... beyond that, it's a relatively straightforward code. sorry if the stickers are a little haphazard, let's just call it a vibe (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

    this was made to the tune of ive's baddie, but i've actually added off the record to this code post and baddie in the main preview. just because! pictures used are from the lovely

    enjoy! ♡(。- ω -)

    now playing

    • about me

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas blandit, tellus a ultricies suscipit, orci arcu sollicitudin est, ut mollis dolor justo sed massa. Proin interdum nunc quis nisi elementum tristique. Etiam tempus dolor a dui congue, eget faucibus velit condimentum. Ut tristique nunc quis eleifend aliquam. Aenean sollicitudin fringilla ante eget aliquam. Curabitur ac mattis metus, id ultrices elit. Donec at ultrices velit. Nunc imperdiet egestas mauris, non aliquet metus dapibus eu. Duis tincidunt consequat fringilla. Donec at ultrices velit. Nunc imperdiet egestas mauris, non aliquet metus dapibus eu. Duis tincidunt consequat fringilla. Vivamus sed risus sit amet turpis condimentum varius sit amet sit amet nulla. Mauris eu lacus sit amet metus condimentum vehicula quis ac turpis. Nulla porttitor rhoncus massa aliquam vulputate.

    call me












    pretty little risky!


    Don't think, just do!


    ♡coded by uxie♡

    Last edited:
    la lune (set) ♡

  • la lune

    character set

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    if you use!

    i've been seeing people use the cs code
    , so i thought i'd finally do up the ic for sharing as well! the design is more or less the same — feel free to copy over the variables for everything up to --d (which is the dialogue colour). it'll carry over nicely ♡ moonshine isn't a complicated ic either, just note the scroll on the left image for the ic details n stuff!

    i haven't seen many people go non-greyscale for moonlit yet, so
    's an example of how my friends and i have been customising it for our rp, if you need the inspo!
    if you'd like to give our lil' ol' story a read while you're there...... (*/_\) it's good! i promise!

    i've included nobody knows as the song for this set just for now (kiss of life my krnb queens) — neither of their albums are moon-related, but i thought it best if i named the ic similarly. and moons..... la lune? i guess? teehee — but i actually wanted to make a code for the rest of the album/bad news. i almost posted a little placeholder i did up inspired by the album cover, but i think i might drop an entire roleplay set next year if i somehow find the muse for it ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ but it's been tough these days. we'll see.

    thank you for supporting me throughout 2023! i hope everyone's having a lovely festive season, and cheers to 2024 soon (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

    hope you like! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡

    now playing

    uxie ®


    name here.

    song name


    answer here



    name, name, name


    @ user @ user

    "this is a dialogue."
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.

    Last edited:
    afterglow ♡

  • uxie ®




    click the
    for the code.
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    if you use!

    just a heads up that the specific media chosen for this music player is 1 hour long. don't forget to pause it!

    a relatively simple little code. i've seen a lot of people preferring less structured scrolls for their cses, and i thought i'd throw out another code option for it for any who might like a little design for it (o^ ^o) no one really asked for it, but. maybe people will like it?! („ಡωಡ„)

    there's hidden scrolls on the details section + the main text! although i tagged it as a cs, i'm pretty sure it could be used easily as an ic as well. of course, it's a colourful code, because i had standing next to you playing on repeat while making it. the funk of the song is just SO GOOD....... so call this something vaguely disco inspired? (ง ื▿ ื)ว i did my best.

    and just a gentle reminder to please take extra care to keep the credit in when using my codes, or any other freebies made by others. i don't see it often but i did notice one recently — i love coding and sharing my work with others, but it's a bit disconcerting to see someone make use of my stuff so carelessly, regardless of intention. i won't go out of my way to reach out to or call out anyone, but please, if you use my codes, do try to keep an eye out for it, especially since my signature is always at the very bottom of my codes. it's important to me, and i would appreciate it very, very much! (*^^*)♡

    otherwise, happy 2024!!! i hope all of you had a nice time celebrating with friends, family, or yourself. here's to a good year, and hopefully i print out some new designs, or something. (´-ω-`) i actually completed this one in 2023, so this isn't even the first code of 2024. teehee

    as always, enjoy ♡( ◡‿◡ )

    now playing



    name name


    name name






    blah blah

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut convallis sem odio, eget blandit felis euismod mollis. Mauris id ante tellus. Aliquam ultricies est metus, a sodales nunc condimentum at. Integer non nisl ac augue commodo consequat in pellentesque nunc. Morbi a libero ante. Suspendisse porta urna id leo venenatis hendrerit. Nulla tristique diam at euismod ullamcorper. Praesent suscipit euismod nisi, ac pulvinar massa dignissim a. Suspendisse id lectus enim. Nulla consectetur venenatis eros vitae eleifend. Curabitur ac interdum est, et maximus tortor. Sed volutpat quam nec dolor porta egestas. Phasellus sit amet efficitur augue. Phasellus interdum auctor pretium. Aenean a tempus ante. Pellentesque suscipit lectus egestas neque finibus vestibulum.

    Integer fermentum purus tristique nisi mollis, sit amet imperdiet tortor pretium. Quisque ligula lectus, imperdiet at mauris ut, placerat vehicula dui. Ut consequat turpis nec semper elementum. Donec iaculis magna ante, sit amet varius nisi placerat at. Vestibulum quis dolor quis felis blandit faucibus. Maecenas sed facilisis nunc, vel egestas magna. Suspendisse condimentum ullamcorper libero, ut semper lectus vehicula at. In fringilla, metus et bibendum eleifend, nulla mauris euismod nulla, a vehicula ligula lorem sit amet turpis. Ut eu auctor enim. Sed eu malesuada mauris.

    standing next to you


    ♡coded by uxie♡

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    stop the feeling ♡ New

  • stop the feeling

    misc set

    remove the credit.
    please leave a
    if you use!

    hi! i'm back with a placeholder nobody asked for LMAO

    i mean.... what can i say. chappell roan has a grip on me and is holding me at gunpoint ┌(;・ω・)┘ this one was inspired by a few sticker pack mock-up designs i saw on pinterest, which i would link if i could FIND THEM AGAIN (..)

    it's actually JUST a placeholder (who even looks for new placeholder codes these days? whatever), but i'm posting this as a set because i'm including a little scroll snippet for all of you who prefer using the very simple placeholder + scroll format, and i noticed the one going around with a different placeholder of mine isn't usually mobile-friendly! so, uh, try this one instead (>ω^)

    i've also included a version of my code here with the placeholder and the scroll combined! i actually tried out a bit of alteras'
    text template
    with this, but i feel like it's easy enough to fill out as is (ᓀ ᓀ) i might give it another try if i find it in me to decipher the documentation again... truly not a girl in stem, unfortunately!

    either way, hope this is something cute! if you like it, use it! sorry for disappearing for months on end, maybe i'll end up posting a ton of things that have been lying in the vault some time from now...... we'll see! ╮(︶▽︶)╭

    hope you like! (*^^*)♡

    now playing

    uxie ®

    Good Luck, Babe!

    I Told You So

    ]I Told You So

    you can kiss a hundred boys in bars
    shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling

    #chappell roan
