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Futuristic Halo: Operation SHATTERED SKY (IC - CLOSED)

Larsen had been admittedly quiet. She was still with Barnes, having joined the SRG as Marine reinforcements. All the while, keeping herself appraised of the reports. ONI research station. Admittedly, the clearance might even be beyond her if she was honest. But a spy embedded in the ranks to motivate the troops wasn't privy to what really went behind the scenes. She just needed to make sure there was no chance of desertion.

"Well Barnes, as luck would have it, you and me are still somehow managing alright." She said under cover, dodging the fire from Covenant forces as they engaged.
King dryly sighed as his vision scanned through the gun's mounted camera. Being stuck in a steel hold with several other warm, fleshy bodies gave the disgusting sensation that they were sardines in a can, waiting for something to pry off the top lid. The air felt thin as well, a partial consequence of so many people being crammed into a small space, at least King was imagining it as such. Only, this tin-can is mechanized with four wheels and two machine guns mounted at the sides. The ONI Agent permitted a smile to toughen his face, wondering if he should've been a mechanic instead of a radioman.

He raised his head when he heard Lyster called him a lunatic. "I may be a lunatic, Lyster, but you'd be lying if my driving didn't save the moment." Fingers slow-tapping the side of the turret controls, a morsel of pain wormed its way in King's head. Eyes shifting to the spiker-wound in his forearm, patched over by the Doc's work, a mish-mash of gauze, biofoam, medigel. It felt numb, perhaps, the pain is phantasmic, self-induced by King's expectations instead of his nervous firing off pain-receptions to his brain. This quiet or the pain made his gut churn.

Just as he shook his arm, the distinct zipping sound of a Covenant carbine rifle blew up the fragile peace they maintained, causing King to mutter an unintelligible curse in his native language. King caught his breath, almost bating it for Black's weapons free order. Then he received it. King nodded.

He scanned the ramshackle buildings hemming them in, each storey could potentially house a purple-clad Elite or a shrieking Jackal ready to tear their heads off with a well-timed carbine shot. Despite the fast-paced activation of Black & company, King did not lose himself to the fervor. It was getting infernally hot in his black-grey body suit, sweat began to pool at the base of his neck, the internal heating system is well-equipped to handle environmental atmospherics, but when the heat came from wearer's body? That was another matter entirely.

The agent's fingers rested gingerly on the weapon's trigger. Ready to fire the moment a blur of purple or screaming beaks pops up in his view.

Interaction: Viper Actual Viper Actual 0stinato 0stinato
Mentions: The group in the X24.
Bassett never let off the gas, like a lead weight bound his foot to the floor. He kept his eye out for the scraps of Covvies looking to get a lucky shot on the SRG team as they trampled through Al-Saif's tracks, but his breakneck pace kept them moving and free of too many hail Mary's from the combatants on the sidelines. Alongside the X-24 Bassett was ready to turn any threat into purple mist with the primary weapon of his Sun Devil. It was no secret the breacher was enjoying his time making the Sun Devil his own personal battle station, turning obstacles into little more than a road bump. Owen could give credit to everyone on the SRG team, but when the objective was annihilation, putting Bassett in the seat was the wisest play. He'd consider himself an expert in turning buildings to rubble and combatants into statistics. Damn, maybe he should've been with WMD.

All was calm for the time being until Bassett's gunner started receiving fire, to which Owen instinctively tucked his head into his shoulders beneath the Sun Devil's windows for a split second. Upon hearing Tremell's callouts, Bassett held forward to keep them moving while adjusting the primary weapon of the Sun Devil to the right. It took an agonizingly slow turn before the weapon was primed for fire, but once it was, Bassett held the trigger in long bursts while keeping the barrels still; he let the movement of the tank as they passed by do the aiming for him. The entire chassis of the tank rattled as the quad barrels of the AA gun melted everything between himself and the next 4 streets over.

In response to Black, Owen chirped, "Yes sir, Engaging hostiles, not slowing down. X-24, keep those wheels spinning." Bassett called over comms while his Sun Devil turned the husk of a civilian car into sheet metal as the treads passed over it.
Verent City - Enroute to Discovery Complex, Initiative Street

'Too many damn dead heroes!' Was the thought that ran through the Chief Corpsman head at hearing the Majors, essentially last wishes. Looking to the Staff Sergeant and letting out a deep sighs and matching her nod. "Aye Aye Sir!" Turning his attention back the road ahead and sounds of combat and retreating Covenant forces.


Over the SquadCom caused his rifle and eyeline to shift to the right and his finger pressed on the trigger, taking up the slack and holding at the wall, the point just before the mechanism took over and started the process of firing. "Weapons free aye! Eyes up and call out contacts!" He watched the X-24 in front of them start to move evasively and felt the vehicle he was in also lurch from side to side, forcing him to lean against the wall plating and flexing his legs to help hold him steady.

Interaction: Viper Actual Viper Actual
Mentions: Solar Daddy Solar Daddy , and the crew in the X-24 (@ DrabberRogue DrabberRogue e @ GhastlySquash GhastlySquash @ 0stinato 0stinato @ Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian )
"Phantom Actual, Darkstar. New update from Oracle; Target is tracking and holding at the planned position. Maintain current heading and speeding. Expect minimal enemy resistance. Darkstar, out."

"Let's hope 'minimal enemy resistance' entails three or four Grunts," said Grey.

‘However minimal it is by Darkstar standards, that Sun Devil’s gonna reduce those numbers even—’


Hearing the half-scream, half-command from Tremell come bursting through the comms, Lyster decided not to finish his sentence. Evidently, all he’d done with his words was invite Murphy and his unwelcome law into the situation, and they hardly needed further suggestion to stick around. Was having a nice, uneventful drive entirely too much to ask for? Did the Covenant forces really need to contribute more to the headache brewing at the base of his frontal lobe?

He was allowed to take an entire war personally, right?

And, thinking about it, the crew of the Sun Devil would likely go mad without some action in front of them. Thinking further about it, he probably would too.

The heavy mass of his reinforced armour plating made Davis’ evasive driving slightly more uncomfortable for him than it would the average ODST; he might as well be a big, urbanly-camouflaged brick in a glorified washing machine. And his damn leg hurt.

Despite it all, he brought up the screens provided by the recon cameras to perform his assistive spotting duties. Racing towards their objective had to be done with the secondary goal of eliminating hostiles, because enemy reports on their progress and positioning would just make their next span of the mission trickier. He settled his mind as best he could into focus, factoring in the presence of the Sun Devil and its crew, and the other vehicles around. There would be no point yelling something out that Tremell would be likely to get, or having Rose swing his gun around to aim at something a hog’s passenger could take out. Their moving kinesphere was the main consideration. As a singular unit, the X-24 had to clean up after the Sun Devil; all together, they could be quite a force.

Well. They had to be quite a force. No other choice, really.

‘King, Rose, I’ll call ‘em like I see ‘em for you. We're relying on you guys to save this moment.’ Lyster said, electing to hijack King's previous words. ‘And you too, Davis, if you want. Like… Davis, Jackal with a needler, 1 o’clock,’ he grinned as his voice dropped a few tones. ‘Hit them.’

Interactions: Viper Actual Viper Actual Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian DrabberRogue DrabberRogue
Verent City - Enroute to Discovery Complex, Initiative Street

"Yes sir, Engaging hostiles, not slowing down. X-24, keep those wheels spinning."

As the turret of the Sun Devil moved into place Owen's destructive retaliatory strike ensued at the press of a thumb-sized trigger...

Rolled: 7 (!)

Spinning up, the Sun Devil's rotating weapons opened fire to the right of the convoy, unleashing a long and deafening volley of destructive explosive flak best suited for soft targets. The destruction was immediate and many of the buildings- having already suffered direct or indirect damage from both the Covenant and the Scorpion MBTs that had recently pushed through- started to creak and crumble.

Enemy forces either partially obscured or entirely concealed within the structures were absolutely decimated and in a grisly show of just how effective Bassett's attack had been several pieces of former Covenant came flying out onto the street as something- most likely a Grunt- exploded.

Tremell was sprayed with purple and cyan blood from one such explosion, painting his black ODST armor like it had been an empty canvas while also putting him in close competition with Lyster regarding who looked the most terrifying. In spite of this unforeseen paint job Tremell kept firing as well, utilizing short bursts of machine gun fire to keep enemies pinned.

Rolled: 2

Unfortunately most of the bullets missed their marks, serving only as lethal deterrent and temporarily preventing the enemies from taking their shot at the massive lead vehicle.

The agent's fingers rested gingerly on the weapon's trigger. Ready to fire the moment a blur of purple or screaming beaks pops up in his view.

Fortunately for King such a mark would soon reveal itself in the shape of three Jackals- two with cyan shield gauntlets and one with a long, dark-blue rifle- appearing on his side of the X-24. The three avian-like aliens were too focused on the Sun Devil to realize their mistake of coming into view of the rest of the convoy as indicated by several shrill shrieks and by the quills on their necks rising.

Rolled: 8 (!!!)

For King the Jackal's mistake turned into three additional chalk-marks as well as bragging rights as his vehicle-mounted machine gun mowed them all down with little to no difficulties. The shield gauntlets exploded as kinetic force overloaded them, followed by the Jackals themselves being subjected to a lethal dose of high-power lead-poisoning courtesy of the Office of friggin' Naval Intelligence.

‘King, Rose, I’ll call ‘em like I see ‘em for you. We're relying on you guys to save this moment.’ Lyster said, electing to hijack King's previous words. ‘And you too, Davis, if you want. Like… Davis, Jackal with a needler, 1 o’clock,’ he grinned as his voice dropped a few tones. ‘Hit them.’

"Never thought you'd ask," replied Davis from behind the wheel. The veteran trooper used the X-24 to skirt a piece of debris, angling the entire vehicle towards a lone Jackal taking aim to engage the convoy while both King and Rose opened fire on their own targets in the back.

Rolled: 8

The Jackal looked up from its scope and cawed as the armored personnel carrier pummeled into it, scraping it alongside the left side of the X-24s large and slanted windshield. For a brief second it looked almost as if the alien stared directly at Lyster with a shocked expression but as the corpse slid off and got subjected to the weight and force of the Warthogs behind there would be no way to tell.

Davis let out a hearty laugh. "Bastard never saw it coming, good call Lyster!"

"Well Barnes, as luck would have it, you and me are still somehow managing alright."

Barnes glanced at Larsen with a wide-eyed and slightly panicked look of disbelief. "How can you be so calm?" He asked aloud as the Verent Militia Warthog they were sitting on zipped from left to right, narrowly avoiding both weapons fire and debris as the SRG team's heavy armor punched through the destruction left behind Al-Saif's forces- while also causing their own.

Unlike Larsen, Barnes was less than calm and seemed to struggle between holding on to his weapon and taping the vehicular action with his camera, fumbling both in his lap.

"Weapons free aye! Eyes up and call out contacts!"

The Marines and members of the militia seated alla round Grim were already springing into action before his words had been properly voiced. Major Kovac gritted his teeth as he let out a short burst right before Grim did.

Rolled: 2

Unfortunately for Grim, be it due to the speed of vehicle or because of the many objects blocking the enemy, his own salvo pinged harmlessly off of some concrete debris. A yelp seemed to indicate that someone or something might have been grazed but without eyes-on there was no way to be sure.

Meanwhile, as the enemy infantry reeled from the second attack at the hands of the convoy, Lyster would become aware of several approaching enemy vehicles highlighted by the X-24s sensor suite. The software was a bit old and initially identified them as a trio of quad bikes before a UNSC software macro kicked in, properly ID'ing them as Ghosts.

All three of them were rapidly approaching from the left with a fourth, thus far unknown vehicle, following them.

DrabberRogue DrabberRogue GhastlySquash GhastlySquash Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna 0stinato 0stinato Solar Daddy Solar Daddy Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
Bassett let the rotary cannons on his Sun Devil cool for the moment after melting a half block of concrete and cowering Covenant forces. The red-hot barrels of the quad-turret suite made Owen hot in his helmet just looking at it. Still, it was probably leagues colder than the burn those Covvies felt on the other side of his trigger. Poor bastards stood more of a chance if they just charged him; at least it wouldn't be child's play, striking them all down in a row with ease.

Once the nest of Covenant occupiers seemed nothing more than a smoldering mess, Bassett keyed into his line with Tremell. "Don't worry, maybe next time I'll leave a grunt or two for you. Looks like the glory's all mine for now." His grin felt maniacal, incorrect. But Bassett didn't care. That was one less squad of alien bastards who'd soon be pointing their plasma weapons at innocents. For every Covvie he killed, that was at least ten people spared from their warmongering. That was good enough for Owen.

Owen was thrown from his mental victory lap when the sensor suite on the Sun Devil lit up with pings and red dots before him. Bassett had to adjust his view to get a proper look down at the pad, but quickly acquiesced the information before him.

"Lyster, you pickin' up what I am?" He asked as he begun the slow process of turning the main weapon to the opposite side of the tank. "Stay clear of the main gun, I'll see if I can't also melt their hides with this beast too." He propped the quad cannons in the direction of the incoming contacts, ready to unleash hell once again in the name of Humanity.

Interactions: Viper Actual Viper Actual 0stinato 0stinato
Davis let out a hearty laugh. "Bastard never saw it coming, good call Lyster!"

‘Hm, hm,’ Lyster agreed. It had been a good call. Good for his morale, good for his dreams.

He liked to write down the interesting dreams, leave a trail of breadcrumbs for the psychiatrists to pick up and use to explain to him exactly how damaged he was. Given everything Lyster had been told was abnormal about his brain, it was a wonder his full-frontal cortex hadn’t dribbled out of his ears yet. He made a mental note to ask that medic, Grim, if such a thing was possible. He had always wondered.

’I’m not just a pretty face,’ he continued to Davis. ’Uh, which would be much funnier if you could actually see my face.’

Throughout it all, his eyes had been darting this way and that over the screens, occasionally glancing up to the fragments of live battlefield he could see past Rose and King’s positions with the guns.

‘Keep making them pay for that injury, King,’ Lyster said. Apparently he had a bit of time to breathe given how much hell the Sun Devil was raising ahead. Add to that Davis’ demon driving and King’s aim, and the end sum was pretty hot. They were punching through the forces like an raging teenager’s fist through their bedroom wall, but unlike the hypothetical teenager, they were being encouraged to do so.

The X-24 gained some ground, and Lyster’s screens began to flare up. Reinforcements, or just the second layer of unwitting defence? No matter: more walls, more fists.

"Lyster, you pickin' up what I am?" He asked as he begun the slow process of turning the main weapon to the opposite side of the tank. "Stay clear of the main gun, I'll see if I can't also melt their hides with this beast too."

Bassett’s query came across with a good plan, which put the X-24’s role as backup.

‘Seeing it all crystal clear, Bassett,’ Lyster replied. ‘Keep that gun’s range contained, we’ll mop up whatever gets past you. All clear with you, King, Rose? Let’s blow some heads open.’

He wasn’t going to tell Davis to keep hitting stuff. He imagined the man would take the chance to if he could, but not risk it if he couldn’t; if it turned out, he would risk it, Lyster wouldn’t bother thinking too much into—

Good God, what was wrong with him? Maybe he should abandon his job of spotting now, take his helm off and check if his brain was leaking out through his ears.

It’s prefrontal. Prefrontal cortex.

Interactions: Viper Actual Viper Actual Solar Daddy Solar Daddy DrabberRogue DrabberRogue Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
Mentions: Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna
The thunderous report of King's machine gun joined, almost, harmoniously with the rest of the convoy's weapon discharge, the intermittent flashes from the barrel's lit up the war-ruined, soot-covered streets, sometimes reflecting back from the windows not shattered from combat. For his efforts, three birds went to the big chicken coup in the sky, torn to shreds by pitiless lead. Should've stayed in cover. Should've stayed in their nest-beds, King bit back. Relishing the retribution he dealt, just as the barrel started smoking like a tobacco addicted young adult.

King started breathing heavily into his helm, adrenal-induced sweat painted his brow, dripping down his nose and cheeks. For a moment, out of his viewport, there were no sightings of chitinous armour or glowing energy shields. He unclenched the machine gun, prising his fingers away away from the grip, letting the hand cool off.

He wanted to shake it, but thought better than to risk opening up the Doc's work. Still it shook. A tremor sliding down his shoulder, around the hole of muscle, through his wrist and out his fingertips. It was like the recoil from the gun jumped up his arm, bounced from his back then back to the MG. From the relief of butchering the enemy came the sorrow and sorry he felt at himself for enjoying too much.

He wishes he could say that it was rare, but the cold, clinical, and unyielding discipline only served to chain—lock down the rawness in him. "God, the psych-evals are gonna be fun." King whispered to himself.

‘Keep making them pay for that injury, King,’

King could feel his anger again. Rising. Bubbling like molten sugar. Lyster's words seemed to pin a filmy bow on top of it. He opened his mouth. His breathing rasping in the helmet's filters, as he resumed operating the turret, swiveling around the vicinity, scanning for targets in the poor environment. Truth be told, he couldn't direct it at Lyster. The ODST's words were... Cheerful, or so King believes they were.

"That's like telling a cow to graze, Lyster." King replied, though his voice had been drier, rougher than before. Expression turning dark beneath the opaque visor. Feeling the humour drain from him as he said the words.

‘Seeing it all crystal clear, Bassett,’ Lyster replied. ‘Keep that gun’s range contained, we’ll mop up whatever gets past you. All clear with you, King, Rose? Let’s blow some heads open.’

"Understood." King answered coldly. Ready to unleash the throaty growl of the machine gun again at the alien filth.
Verent City - Enroute to Discovery Complex, Initiative Street

Shaking his slightly at the errant misses, and newly pockmarked concrete. However hearing pained yelp helped ease the uncomfortable feeling all Rifleman feel at missing. 'Heads down or dead, bullets are doing their job.' Shifting his sights forward and up slightly lining another shot on what looked like the blue-ish purple barrel of a carbine. Giving the stiff military grade trigger a squeeze just long enough for a three round burst. Which was all the time he could allow for the potential target, with the speed of the X-24 and target rich environment they were in.

"MAJOR! Keep breathing and squeezing!" Was the only the Corpsman could offer the gravely injured senior officer. The barrel of his rifle shifted forward and down slightly squeezing off a pair quick bursts on a pair windows, aiming where center mass should have been. 'If you kill the enemy or just keep their heads down, that's the best field medicine you can give.' The voice of a previous tactical combat casualty care instructors spoke up. With nod, he squeezed the trigger once more into the second window, for good measure.

Interaction: Viper Actual Viper Actual
Mentions: Solar Daddy Solar Daddy , and the crew in the X-24 DrabberRogue DrabberRogue GhastlySquash GhastlySquash 0stinato 0stinato Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
Verent City - Enroute to Discovery Complex, Initiative Street

"Don't worry, maybe next time I'll leave a grunt or two for you. Looks like the glory's all mine for now."

Tremell replied with a nervous chuckle, offering the slit visor of the cockpit a quick glance as he did.

"Yeah, real funny. Wanna switch places? No? That's what I thought," said the trooper while using one hand to wipe off the blood which had covered a portion of his helmet visor.

"Lyster, you pickin' up what I am?" He asked as he begun the slow process of turning the main weapon to the opposite side of the tank. "Stay clear of the main gun, I'll see if I can't also melt their hides with this beast too."
‘Seeing it all crystal clear, Bassett,’ Lyster replied. ‘Keep that gun’s range contained, we’ll mop up whatever gets past you. All clear with you, King, Rose? Let’s blow some heads open.’

As Bassett and Lyster confirmed the inbound contacts Tremell silently adjusted his aim as well, directing the muzzle of his mounted machine gun to point the same way as the Sun Devil's fearsome rotary cannons. Inside the X-24 Davis grunted in a way an old man reacts to a poorly told joke;

Being severely unimpressed.

"I don't think they know what they're trying to intercept," he muttered, barely audible. "Maybe they think we're stragglers? Either way, keep your seatbelts on people."

"MAJOR! Keep breathing and squeezing!" Was the only the Corpsman could offer the gravely injured senior officer.

Major Kovac grinned- though it was unclear if it was meant to be humorous or a direct response to his pain- in response to Grim, all while maintaining short bursts at any enemy he could spot.

"Don't worry about me, son. I'll see this through." To the end, if I have to.

As for the rest of the Warthogs everyone appeared to be unscathed so far with both marines and militia alike keeping their heads down and their weapons firing. Thankfully opposition was relatively light as whatever managed to survive the Sun Devil and the X-24 was smart enough to duck when the three Warthogs came roaring at the rear of the convoy.

Up ahead came a large crossing which was currently inhabited by a destroyed Shadow engulfed in bright, blueish, plasma fire with several Covenant containers underneath the cargo carriage looking to have been struck by heavy weapons, forcing an unknown liquid within to spill out all over the road.

Black, monitoring the situation through hull-cameras, nodded towards Lyster. "Keep us away from that vehicle. It could just be another one of Al-Saif's kills but it could also serve as an ambush and we don't need t-"

The Shadow exploded in a violent blue light with the liquid being near-instantly ignited as well, covering most of the four-way crossing in a raging fire that blocked the road ahead.

"EVADE! EVADE!" Yelled Tremell from the front of the convoy as the shockwave shook all of the vehicles and their occupants.

Black, caught off guard momentarily, pointed at Lyster with a hardened look. "Sergeant, lead us out of here now!"

With the way ahead set ablaze and the Ghosts and their fourth, unknown, ally approaching from the left there were nowhere to go but right as the Warthogs and their occupants would never survive pushing through a fire that intense.

In the back, Black turned to Ray- whom had been busy listening in on battlefield chatter between Al-Saif's units. "Person, while Lyster guides us out of here I need you to get on the horn with Darkstar. We're gonna need some air support really soon."

While Black delegated new orders the convoy neared the crossing at a rapid pace. As they did more and more Covenant infantry dared to show their ugly mugs, lining various windows and roofs dead ahead. It would appear that they hoped to draw the SRG team into a shooting gallery of their own making.

Too bad they didn't have a tank of their own.

DrabberRogue DrabberRogue GhastlySquash GhastlySquash Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna 0stinato 0stinato Solar Daddy Solar Daddy SpazTheButcher2 SpazTheButcher2 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
Ray responded with a wolfish grin.

"Finally need my ✨expertise✨?"

He began patching channels and checking the Battlenet that was installed into his prosthetic arm. He began sending his team's position, patching them into the HUDs and maps used by air assets. He needed support, but didn't wanna risk being turned into tomato paste by some 'unsure' pilot. Next, he put himself into Darkstar with a few demands. He didn't see them listed, but he needed UAVs on station. Preferably Foxtrot Niner Niners. Useful for combat and aerial recon. He figured if they could come on station, they'd be better suited to engage the threats before them.

"Minuteman to Darkstar, we have Troops in Contact. Requesting Uniform Charlie Alpha Victors (UCAVs) to our position and Hades One Heavy on standby. We need eyes in the sky. Think you can patch us in with marked targets?"

Waiting for a response, he thought of a song, and without thinking, played it into his helmet all low, and accidentally, patched it into SQUADCOM.

Interactions: Viper Actual Viper Actual
Black, caught off guard momentarily, pointed at Lyster with a hardened look. "Sergeant, lead us out of here now!"

Couldn’t argue with that.

Letting his posture state an affirmative so his voice didn’t have to, Lyster took in the scene before him, eyes darting across aerial maps, the footage he had access to, and the steaming fire on the road ahead. Each purple blaze licked away at the Shadow’s fragmented form that had spilled its innards over the crossroad, giving a new hue to the imagined appearance of Hell: purple, white, and the gnarled texture of plasma-burned skin.

The convoy had two demands it needed to fulfil to make it to their destination: keep the speed up, and don’t die - a tall order when the Covenant forces here to greet them had made the most of their available position. Black wanted the group out of here, to regain ground and time. Their adversaries knew where they were headed, so all they could hope for now was that ignorance reigned in the subject of the SRG team’s goal. As a result, time was precious; time was life.

Minimise time loss, maximise firepower.

So easy to say.

Person was rallying air support, but Lyster wasn’t about to count that yet. Whatever happened in the next ten seconds had to be precise, weighed and stuck to. It had to recognise the convoy’s biggest asset in the Sun Devil’s barrel, acknowledge the X-24’s relative manoeuvrability, and factor in the Verent Militia’s presence as support.

All while not forgetting the expertise of every Covenant ground troop with plasma weaponry and—

Fuck it. Out of time.

‘Bassett, gun it to that corner of the building at 2 o’clock and travel along the wall. Get that barrel on those Ghosts. All other ground vehicles, keep to the right, give him space to fire, and gunners, focus on infantry - do not let them stick us. If the Sun Devil isn’t prepared, keep the Ghosts back. We do not slow down. Person, when your—’

He was interrupted when the stupidest introduction to a song to ever grace the fringes of space began jangling around in his helm from the SquadCom. So unfitting was it to the scenario, so juxtaposed to the screen full of tangoes he was looking at, it was almost poetic, but he failed to mute himself from the comm before spluttering into laughter.

As the Sun Devil and X-24s continued screaming towards the crossroads, he unmuted long enough to tell Person, ‘When your air support gets here,’ he had to pause to wheeze out a giggle, ‘have ‘em focus on the infantry. Or whatever, I don’t really care.’

Now, if only Lyster could tell whether that little ditty had inflated, or decimated his morale.

Interactions: Solar Daddy Solar Daddy SpazTheButcher2 SpazTheButcher2
Larsen had to agree with Barnes. She was being unusually calm about this situation. It wouldn't do good for her cover if she started acting like she wasn't a starry-eyed rookie. Then again, this wasn't your average situation. Adjusting the cam, she sighed and gave a knowing smile to Barnes.

"Just hold tight, Barnes. And in case we don't make it...maybe start begging forgiveness for whatever plethora of crass remarks came out of that mouth of yours."
If Lance Corporal Owen G. Bassett was not Annihilation and Damnation by himself, he sure was while in the seat of the Sun Devil. An itch in his fingers burned hot as the next eager chance to flatten a building - along with Covenant invaders - neared once more. There was almost a rhythmic thump at his temples, like a devil in his ears whispering slay them all on a deafening reverb in his skull. The SRG team was threatened by such a bold ambush, and Bassett had the means to level the playing field for his side. Ghost be damned, he'd get every last mile out of the Sun Devil he could.

Acknowledging Lyster's command, Bassett radioed in. "Copy, taking the corner wide. Slip by while I jut into the courtyard. Gonna take a hot sec to get the gun spun around 180." Bassett's vehicle was slower than the nimble X-24, and it's turn radius was not nearly as tight, so Owen had to take the corner wide even if he didn't want to, especially at it's max speed. He rotated the cannons the moment his hands were free, blasting through some of the Covenant occupied positions in the ruins up ahead, though he did so prematurely and ended up skidding the front left treads against the façade of the building and running directly over a bent Innovation Road sign. The Sun Devil traversed the rubble caused by the small collision easily, but Owen still made a "whoops," under his breath.

It probably only took seconds, but the turret's spin felt like ages. By this time, the X-24 had well passed him and now Owen could, at least partially, obscure any shots meant for the X-24 with the hull of the tank as he primed for fire. That's when Owen thought he must really be going insane, as he heard a beat and a run-on sentence go through his mind. Owen only smirked when he realized someone must've hooked up their music to comms. Any day was extraordinary when you were an ODST.

"Come get some, you purple bastards." Owen spoke his mind to assure the rest of the team he was primed to fire the moment the Ghosts arrived.

Interactions: 0stinato 0stinato
Mentions: SpazTheButcher2 SpazTheButcher2
The convoy of the Sun Devil and X24s streaked through the war-torn street like buffalo through a canyon, the olive vehicles dogged at all sides by predators lurking in the desolated bones of concrete buildings, hemming their path towards a singular point - The destroyed Shadow, wreathed wholly in shifting plasma-flames, at the centre of a crossing. King could not see that. His eyes were focused still on the buildings, darting from one to another. His hands twitched, tense around the handles of the gun turret. The quiet thrum of the X24's engine, throbbing through the titanium chassis, was a strange comfort to the ONI Agent. The precise quiet in the eye of the storm.

He heard Black's voice, ordering Lyster to give wide berth to the downed Shadow. Then the mixture of alien fuel and flame ignited, an explosion ripping through the air, causing metal to scream and rock to crumble. King braced, gripping the machine gun and bunching up his shoulders. He felt his teeth rattle in their gums, eyes quiver in their sockets. The blast's effects were felt for long seconds, before King shook his head to clear the confusion.

He turned in place, looking over his shoulder as Lyster listed the strategic plan. "Copy that, neutralizing infantry." King said, the faintest trace of anger colouring his voice a dangerous hue. He shifted, looking out through the viewport, scanning the surroundings for the prowling hunters clad in violet and metallic blue.
Verent City - Enroute to Discovery Complex, Initiative Street

"Minuteman to Darkstar, we have Troops in Contact. Requesting Uniform Charlie Alpha Victors (UCAVs) to our position and Hades One Heavy on standby. We need eyes in the sky. Think you can patch us in with marked targets?"

There was a slight delay before a response chimed through, which in turn was preceded by brief static;

"Minuteman, Darkstar. Roger wilco, diverting UCAV-assets to your pos. Stand by, over."

While Darkstar rallied air support for the SRG team and its allies, Lyster began to organize the charge into and through the Covenant battle-line;

‘Bassett, gun it to that corner of the building at 2 o’clock and travel along the wall. Get that barrel on those Ghosts. All other ground vehicles, keep to the right, give him space to fire, and gunners, focus on infantry - do not let them stick us. If the Sun Devil isn’t prepared, keep the Ghosts back. We do not slow down. Person, when your—’

Davis remained silent aside from a low grumble as he listened in on Lyster's plan while remaining observant of the shitstorm ahead of the convoy. The odds were stacked in favor of the SRG team, though with their open-top vehicles the Verent Militia were bound to take some casualties- assuming air support didn't get in position ASAP.

The music played by Ray offered a brief but humorous distraction which lightened the mood. Black's serious expression cracked slightly, as did his focus.

As the Sun Devil and X-24s continued screaming towards the crossroads, he unmuted long enough to tell Person, ‘When your air support gets here,’ he had to pause to wheeze out a giggle, ‘have ‘em focus on the infantry. Or whatever, I don’t really care.’

"Just tell them to keep hammering them," said Black, nodding towards Ray. He then looked back at Lyster. "We need all the time we can get right now, otherwise this mission will go FUBAR real quick!"

"Come get some, you purple bastards." Owen spoke his mind to assure the rest of the team he was primed to fire the moment the Ghosts arrived.

Outside, seated inside the gunner seat and atop the two rear treads, Tremell, Wendell and Hayworth silently steeled themselves for the coming shock & awe. Tremell's thumbs were drumming the triggers on the mounted machine gun whereas the two junior troopers were tightening up their shooting stances as best they could.

Then- just as everyone expected- the Ghosts appeared in the convoy's line of sight as soon as the Sun Devil and the X-24 reached the crossroads...

Rolled: 2

Immediately, the heavy barrels of the Sun Devil began to track the newfound targets. The terrifying anti-aircraft weapons began to hum as they spun up and unleashed a salvo of high-explosive projectiles. Unfortunately for Bassett- and everyone else- the Ghosts were quick to evade, hugging the southern side of the road as Bassett shredded the street.

"No joy! No joy!" Yelled Tremell. "Fire again!"

At this point the X-24 was within engagement range as well;

"Copy that, neutralizing infantry." King said, the faintest trace of anger colouring his voice a dangerous hue.

From King and Rose's perspective the buildings occupied by Covenant forces were now perfectly visible with the tall silhouttes of Elites, trapezoid-shaped Grunts and bright circular shields of Jackals all being perfectly visible.

Rolled: 6

King wasted no time and as the Sun Devil engaged the Ghosts the X-24 opened up on one of the buildings, strafing it with heavy machine gun fire. The exact number of casualties would remain a mystery though based on the mixture of panicked screams and dropping shapes King managed to thin the enemy numbers very effectively.

Following closely behind the Sun Devil and the X-24 came the militia Warthogs, thundering across the debris-covered tarmac with Marines and Verent Militia alike still opening fire on anything and everything that moved.

"Just hold tight, Barnes. And in case we don't make it...maybe start begging forgiveness for whatever plethora of crass remarks came out of that mouth of yours."

Barnes turned towards Jackie with a look of disbelief, mouth agape. "What?"

One of the Marines elbowed him and muttered something, forcing Barnes to fire off another two shots before looking back at Larsen. "What do you mean? I'm nice!"

As the ComCam crew argued Kovac ordered his men to keep firing. Meanwhile, high above the convoy, a dark shape began to move into position...

"Hades 1 Heavy, this is Darkstar."

The gunnery chief- bearing the inscription 'Gunny' on his reinforced gunship helmet- looked up, nodded and adjusted hus mouthpiece. "Darkstar, Hades. What can we do for you, over?"

In front of him were the gunner and assistant gunner, both seated at a dual-seat terminal covered in screens, buttons, lights and other gizmos- as well as armed with two joysticks. Meanwhile, behind the gunnery station, stood the five-man loading crew all positioned and at the ready inside the heavily modified Vulture gunship.

Ammunition racks, hydraulic tubes and a plethora of other technical and non-technical systems filled the inside of the gunship with most of it being arrayed towards the left side of the heavy aircraft.

"Calling for strike package X-Ray. Multiple hostiles, danger close."

Gunny nodded. "Copy Darkstar, I read you. Relay the grid and we'll head on over."

As Darkstar followed through by relaying the exact coordinates of the SRG team the Vulture, bobbing up and down high up in the cover of clouds, began to lurch into position. She wasn't pretty but she had enough combined firepower to level a cityblock.

Slowly but surely the Vulture came into position just as the convoy pummeled through the crossroads in a violent blaze of mixed-caliber gunfire.

"Eyes on," said the assistant gunner.

"Yeah I see 'em too," replied the gunner.

Gunny nodded and tapped the two men on their shoulders. "Alright boys, let's get this party started." With that said the gunnery chief turned around towards an old disc-player secured to the interior via tape and cargo straps, hitting the 'Play' button with his thumb...

As the music began to blare through the gunship Gunny leaned in towards the gunnery station with a grin. "Minuteman, this is Hades 1 Heavy on approach. Be advised, fire support will be danger close so I suggest you keep your IFF on at all times, over."

He chuckled. "For now however I suggest you enjoy the show."

Thermal imaging switched on with the click of a button as the assistant gunner began to locate and 'tag' enemy combatants on the ground. At the same time the loading crew were waiting for the command to get to work- something they didn't have to wait too long for.

"I'm counting multiple foot-mobiles on the ground, make it twenty to thirty in strength."

"Engaging?" Asked the gunner.

"Looks like it," replied the assistant gunner.

Gunny nodded. "Load the forty Mike-Mike, HE."

In an instant the crew knew what to do with the gunners preparing to engage while the loaders began to slide 40mm high-explosive shells into one of the onboard weapons. One of the loaders- nicknamed 'Blitz'- did an OK-sign and nodded towards Gunny. "Gun ready!"

"You're cleared hot," said Gunny. "Lase."

Nodding, the assistant gunner flicked off the safety on his joystick and engaged a powerful IR-laser which he beamed directly at one of the buildings occupied by Covenant infantry. "Lasing," he said, nodding.

"Fire," ordered Gunny.

The gunner nodded and mimiced the gesture of his peer, though in his case the trigger being pressed down unleashed a series of powerful 40mm rounds.

Rolled: 7

Down on the ground the effect of air support was loud, fast and explosive. There was barely any time to react as several white-hot projectiles came flying down from the clouds, striking left office building at the crossroads and engulfing it in flames. For the Covenant infantry inside there had been no warning of the strike which left a seemingly deep psychological impact with the remaining infantry as they temporarily halted their ambush and began to scan the skies in search for whatever was shooting at them.

"Splash," said Hades 1 over comms to Ray. "Ready for a new target, call it, Minuteman."

DrabberRogue DrabberRogue GhastlySquash GhastlySquash Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna 0stinato 0stinato Solar Daddy Solar Daddy SpazTheButcher2 SpazTheButcher2 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
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The spray of hard rounds from King's machine gun cracked against the concrete walls, finding vague silhouettes of alien forms interspersed in the buildings. Though King could not see the carnage he unleashed, his mind imagined the flying chunks and odd-coloured blood splattering the cold gray surfaces. The throaty tattoo of the machine gun died down, white smoke streaming from the barrel's tip, zigzagging, as King continued to work the gun pintle, barrel sweeping the perimeter. He felt his wound pulse for a moment, sending a sting to his mind, tauntingly.

Then as King settled in the storm's eye, finding balance in the chaos, an explosion rippled. Ground effect of air support, he remembered. Fast, hard, and violent. The faded force of the ordinance crashed into the convoy of the sun-devil and X-24s, the metal frames of the vehicles vibrating a grating rattle in King's ears for the briefest of seconds before subsiding. The ONI Agent's hand went up, reflexively rubbing the side of his helmet. "Never let it be said I don't appreciate air support's efforts." King said, half-jokingly.

King's helm shifted, half-turning over his shoulder. "How much farther from our target?" He asked, still ready to deliver bursts of gunfire should they be required.
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Ray watched with grim satisfaction, a dark smile crossing his lips as the watched purple and blue blood streak his live feed of the battle outside. He muted himself temporarily, but the guys in his vehicle could hear him,


He pounded his fist against the roof in excitement, and then the team could hear his distinctive click as he returned to comms. Even without speaking his energy could be felt, and Ray began fiddling with his devices and began talking to Hades, turning down his music as he did so.

Well, I dropped on down to granny low, and I made a hard right turn
My big ol' fat Commando tires went slashin' through the corn
Well, the tassels blew, and the kernels flew, and it looked like yellow hail
Just cookin' alive in a four-wheel drive with Smokey on my tail

"Minuteman to Hades 1 Heavy, good fucking effect on target. We still have troops in contact. Fire again for effect, and the degress along route Zulu."

He kept the channel open, humming to himself as he awaited further carnage. All he could think of was something his dad once said.

You do not fuck with the UNSC.

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