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Graded [Halla Village] Embers of Heartache


Tu'er Shen the Rabbit God
Hello and welcome to another Isekai Hell rp. If you would like to join us or learn more, click here

This roleplay with follow Sade and friends as they attempt to secure the stolen children from a village being raided.

Location: Halla Village, Ryke
Weather: Cold
Time of Day: 2am

1665903953558.pngStark against the night, embers pushed back the darkness as a city burned and cries shattered the silence that should have been while the moon danced in the sky. Pillars of smoke and fire reached up to the stars, concealing the city from heaven's eyes while the people within suffered. "Please! Not my baby!" Pleaded a woman as her child was snatched from her arms by another woman dressed in a fur pelt. Similar cries echoed through the city, some drowned out by the tears of the very children that they wept for. A raiding party had come from the shadows and set the small hamlet ablaze. In the confusion and panic, the strangers descended upon the unsuspecting people and started to steal not only their goods, but their children. The militia of this small oasis managed to arm themselves and were fighting hard, but they were not only outnumbered, they were overpowered. Their enemy was a seasoned group of raiders, nomads who traveled along the borders of greater civilizations and made their living attacking fringe towns. The young who they kidnapped would be raised as their own, trained to bolster the strength of the group. Those who did not meet their strict standards were sold into slavery elsewhere.

"Your children are my children now." A coarse voice declared before the tip of a spear punctured the woman's lungs and ripped its way through her chest cavity. The village square was aglow, bathed in the light of the surrounding inferno and now drenched in the blood of villagers who refused to submit. The large man threw the woman's body from his sword and spared one last look around at the fighting that was still happening. "We have all the children, Chief." His daughter declared as she approached him with a child held firmly in her arm. 1665904272878.png

"Good." He said before he took the child from her. "Finish the fighting here and regroup with the clan when you're done." The chief blew air into the whistle that hung around his neck and his unengaged kin started to fall back to the surrounding forest and hills. Deidre, the daughter he had left in charge, turned back to face the militia men with a spear of her own in hand. She would wrap this up quick and make her father proud in doing so. "For the clan!" Her battle cry rang out as her kin stepped into the shadows.

"Hah!" Two scantly dressed men crashed through a burning wall and rolled out into the street. They laid their, lifeless as Sade emerged from the burning building with two elderly woman thrown over her shoulders. "Time to get up ladies." She laid them both down in the street, letting their lungs breathe in something other than the smoke. But she couldn't sit there and babysit them. As she looked up she heard the battle cry and saw the fighting intensify. She didn't who these people were, but she did know that this was no way to treat the innocent.

Not far from the edge of the village a group of people had gathered. Some were suffering from serious burns, others clinging to life after having been badly injured by the attackers. Most of them were elderly people and women. In the center of the city is where the militia was fighting and trying to push through to follow the raiders, but they gained no ground. Although now they had the higher numbers, they were still less skilled than their opponents and less coordinated. Suffering from mental anguish and physical exhaustion, they were on the brink of faltering.

Just like Sade, Oliver was drawn to the village by the hellfire that lit up the night. He was greeted by the same carnage and would be faced with the choice; should he tend to the wounded on the edge of the settlement or go to the frontlines where the fighters could use his healing expertise or his powerful magic. He had a clear path to either destination, but would only have enough time to offer his assistance to one group. The enemy numbered only ten, but were fierce and experienced combatants. The wounded were in the dozens, but only a hand full of them were in critical conditions.

Orikanyo Orikanyo
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Oliver Delselmon

"One trouble to another..." the old man turned youthful and now shockingly, to largely himself, blonde elf had been walking down the road and minding his own business. When, naturally, his business became other's business because he was, by nature, a nosey old man. So the fires and smoke drew him in. And lo, here it lay, yet another hamlet beset by monsters, of varying quality, naturally.

His approach was one of abit of caution before he could really understand what was going on.. Though.. he was now stuck with abit of a bird's eye view from a little hill. Alot of people over there... Fighting in the township... He had chosen, in the last event he found himself in one of these types of situations, to go help those fighting. This time... Hmmm... A few currently laying flat.. Crying abound... Children crying as well..? People running into the woods..?

He tried peering further, but... He was no hawk eyed young-er man.

Had a choice... Those injured in the fighting would have to come for healing regardless.. best he stop the death before he has to spend weeks here raising the dead...


He was happy for the smiles from last time, but gods above did it take a long time... Not to mention he had to explain, each time a begging sort comes, that magic takes TIME to work, recharge... He hoped this lot had cold cellars to keep the dead intact...

...Rather harsh way of thinking about it, but... Well... in the medical profession things become part of the job. He guessed his life here wasn't so different from his past life. he mused on this as he approached, he was no surgeon anymore, but he'll be damned if magic isn't more efficient. He addressed the frightened crowd plainly, walking without hiding himself. "Good folk, my name is Oliver Delselmon, I am a healer. I see your troubles and shall make them mine. Have we a leader amongst you? Someone to tell me what plagues this home?" he spoke widely and with a degree of... Airiness, he knew his features were that of a... Strange fae sort. but, he was upfront with his benevolence.

"...Well? Bloods being lost we can't leave these folks loseing it, every second counts!" he... Still was a doctor after all.. sometimes folks need pushing to save lives.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

Crymaria and Boris the bear moved quickly, putting as much distance between them and their last job. As embers rose into the night, she looked at the plume of smoke that rose up. She glanced towards Boris and she patted the bear between his ears as she moved towards the smoke. Not entirely sure what she was going to run into. Finding a hill that overlooked the town she watched as the buildings were on fire as the flames danced in the night. She could see the people gathering on the edge of the village, though she wasn't sure exactly what was gong on yet.

If there was something she could tell from the scene, it was something was going on here. "Comrade Boris, I believe these people need our help," She stated as she cracked her knuckles. Crouching down for a moment as she observed the area for a few moments before standing back up. She then proceeded toward the village, unsure of what she was about to get herself into. As she got closer, she saw a blonde-haired man who was saying that he was a healer of some sort. Does that mean there is a healing comrade? Well, so long as I don't get hurt I won't need his help. Though if this man is a comrade, then I will welcome him nonetheless. She thought to herself as she moved past the group hearing the sounds of fighting deeper in.

She could feel the warmth of the flames, she wasn't entirely sure what was going on in the town yet. But she knew that she was going to help the people of the town. With so many questions unanswered for the moment, she prepared herself for battle as she pushed toward the center of the village to see who was fighting and why.

mentions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Orikanyo Orikanyo
The people were frieghtned at first to see another stranger emerge from the shadows of the forest, but the elders rejoiced when they saw that he was an elf and not some barbarian like those who had attacked him. "Our mayor is dead." An old man spoke with hands pressed against his knees. He pushed himself upward and groaned as he did, hearing his back and hips pop. "But I guess...I did the job in the past so..." He looked around at those present and none seemed to object. The old man nodded his head. "We were attacked by raiders. They're taking our children, sir elf. The militia is fighting them along with a very strong woman...but we've go wounded and dying people here." He stretched out his arm and gestured to a young woman who had been cut open across her stomach. Another woman had bad burns along her arms and feet. And a man was struggling breathing.

"Please help us." The old man beseeched. These people would not live long without Oliver's intervention. They would succumb to disease if their wounds didn't take them first.
Orikanyo Orikanyo


"We need hel-!" A cry for help was cut short as the man's neck was snapped and his body crashed to the floor. His partner let out a cry of anger and anguish just before he charged the woman enemy. "You bastards!" He swung his sword in a downward slash, but the enemy raised his spear to defend himself. Cymaria would hear the sound of their weapons clashing not far from her and if she looked around she would see the militia men were dropping like flies, being taken down by the ferocious fighters.


Sade would emerge from a nearby building, coughing and choking as her body regenerated from the trauma of walking through a burning building. "All...." she cleared her throat and straightened up. "...clear." She spotted Crymaria and the bear that stood beside her. The woman didn't resemble the attacking force, perhaps she was a stranger come to help. "If you're a friend, there's no time to hesitate." She combed her hair out of her face and gave the bear plenty of space as she walked by the duo. She didn't dawdle and rushed to the front lines to join the fighting.

Crymaria would see that there were plenty of targets, as they were engaged in combat with the militia men and none of them expected a woman and a bear to be present.
saxon saxon
Oliver Delselmon

"...Then we've little time to lose. gather the wounded together, we've time and need to make best usage of the spells I have." he spoke up, watching folks come to work. With his first spell, he eyed the few that were injured the most, makeing their positions known to him, he channeled his magics.

  • Swift Multi heal Healing D magic range D, magic target E. Swift heal but towards 5 targeted individuals at range. Grade D 2 post cooldown 100 foot range 5 targets​

"Rest, little ones.. your pains be soothed your hearts be nurtured..." he made his little chant, as the healing magics began to manifest and be delivered. His magics at that level could very well seal up most wounds one could suffer based on simple... well... Regneration of vitality, he guessed. if he were to go off of what Appraisal would give, he could even say it kinda looked like a video game in sense of equivalent hit point values... But... Is there really a way to quantify human suffering..?

"..Children.. being stolen...? Why in blazes...?" he questioned to himself for a moment. "...You all must be beyond heart broken... I myself would desire nothing more than to kill anyone who dared to harm my own children... How I miss them so..." he elf looked skywards letting a deep long sigh loose. "...Bring more wounded, the moment we are settled I shall make for the front. I'm not solely a healer, those children shall be returned."

Crymaria heard as the clashing of weapons rang through the night, getting louder as she pushed deeper into the village. She made sure to avoid going into any burning buildings as she knew it would be a fool's errand to go into a burning building. She saw that the militia's numbers were being cut down by the minute as she paused when the fighting came into view. Hearing the sound of something coming out of a nearby building, she stopped and saw a woman emerge from it.

Well, she seems rather unscathed or at least not affected by the burns, she thought to herself before the woman spoke. She seemed to have a better grasp on the situation. Crymaria nodded before turning her head to look at Boris, "Well comrade Boris I suppose we should lend a head." She concluded before rushing the last bit to where the fighting was happening.

Moving toward the nearest bandit she used made a fist with her hand and went to strike on of the bandits with her frost aura active. "I think you should all leave, Boris looks a little......hungry," She threatened as Boris went to attack another bandit.

  • Northern Strike- Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) F, (Aura F, Frost), Natural Weapons F - Crymaria delivers a strike using her Aura to deliver physical and frost damage to the target upon contact. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Mentions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Orikanyo Orikanyo

As soon as he cast his spell everyone would begin to smile as they watched Oliver's magic treat some of the less severe wounds. The burn marks on the woman's hands and feet healed up fairly nicely. The man with the smoke inhalation still had a bad cough, but his lungs did not hurt as badly anymore. The woman with the wound across her abdomen was not healed however. Her wound was deep and very severe. The elderly man looked to Oliver with a concerned expression upon his face. "What of her, Sir elf?" He asked with desperation in his tone. The woman lay still on the ground, breathing shallow and sweating. "Is there nothing you can do for her?" The man asked.

Crymaria's initial attack would land square in the side of the raider's face and send the man to the ground. The militia man who she'd just saved smiled and nodded his head. "Thank you." He said nervously as he looked to the bear that accompanied her. Unfortunately, Boris would not be so lucky in his attack. Crymaria's warning alerted the attackers to the bear and right away they attempted to surround the fluffy beast. The militiaman quickly moved to put an end to the life of the attacker that Crymaria had knocked unconscious. He showed no hesitation in plunging his blade into the man's chest

"You're Mine!" Sade's voice rang out over the town center as she finally joined the fight. She slammed her bare fist down into the cobblestone and the ground shook as a trench opened up in the ground and spread forward. It cut right into the path of the enemy that were racing to attack the bear. Boris now only had two enemies to face, one with a spear and one with a sword. They kept their weapons raised at the beast and then the man with the spear lunged forward and would stab Boris in his left shoulder.

"Don't give up!" Sade encouraged as she stood back up and dusted off her fist. She raced forward to meet the enemy head on.

Orikanyo Orikanyo saxon saxon
"...Stay strong young lady.. breath softly, try to calm yourself as much as you can. It may feel impossible but you've lost a great deal of blood." Hmm, damn spells.. Work better lest he seem worse than helpful.. he concentrated on the young woman, observing her wound before giving a nod. "...Deep gash.. cut.. would need stitches and gauze.. But... Dare say i may become too reliant on magic.." The elven man quietly began to mutter, channeling into his staff once more.

"Beating heart of Earth and life, grant me blessing to end this strife.." an incantation, but his focus was upon the spell transferred into his hand... He had a few targets, so he continued treatment on the worse offended by the horrible wounds...

Restoration Healing B, Magic range D, Magic target E a spell beholden to greater healers. Capable of rejuvenating the weakened form, curing wounds and removing diseases, ailments and poisons. Grade B 4 post CD

His staff did not like that, groaning unpleasantly.. But.. it held for now.. "This should do it, if not i'll throttle magic it'self for it's foolishness." the elven fellow watched at the magics flowed upon the air to the recipients, better to over do it in healing than under shoot it again... Well, he should diss his last spell he may have bought some more time... Stopping bleeding is paramount of success after all.

"They don't call me a Healer for nothing to be sure.." the man sighed, hoping the healing did in fact work.. If not he'd need to get some needle and thread...

1/2 D grade
0/4 b grade

Crymaria felt her strike hit the man square in the face as he fell over. "Don't worry, comrade; it was good enough that I could lend a hand." She replied to the guard as she focused on her next target. She heard the sound of a sword plunged into someone's chest; due to the proximity she figured it was the bandit she had brought to the ground. Looking around, she saw several of the bandits rushing toward Boris.

She was about to rush to her comrade's aid when a trench opened up on the ground. Turning her head, she saw it was the woman from before as she literally made a trench in the middle of the battlefield. I guess that works, though I wish I wasn't separated from Boris by this trench. She thought to herself as she moved toward the next closest target to her. She then attempted to strike her next target in the gut using Northern strike once again.

The bear let out a roar of pain as it looked at the bandit with the sword and moved towards that target, letting out a roar using Red Winter's Grasp followed by a normal strike. Needless to say, the bear was less than pleased.

  • Northern Strike- Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) F, (Aura F, Frost), Natural Weapons F - Crymaria delivers a strike using her Aura to deliver physical and frost damage to the target upon contact. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Red Winter's Grasp - Weaken Strength F - Causes the target to go down 1 grade of strength for their actions for one post or depending on the narrator's discretion. Must be within melee distance. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Mentions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Orikanyo Orikanyo
OOC: Crymaria and Boris are on the same side of the trench and when Oliver arrive, he will be on the same side as Sade.

Oliver's magic did as the man intended and the people were grateful beyond belief. Several of them hugged the elf and squeezed him in their arms. "Thank you sir, thank you." The woman who was now properly healed was breathing more easily now and she opened her eyes to look upon her savior. "Thank yo." She said with a faint smile on her face. The de-facto mayor approached Oliver after separating the man's fans from him. "The fighting is happening in the town square. Take this path here and you should be able to get there without any trouble." He explains while he pointed down a street to the left.

"I saw the raiders fleeing in the woods on the opposite side of the town, please don't let them get away with our children.' A woman piped up and pleaded.

Orikanyo Orikanyo

1666117503854.pngCrymaria's presence didn't go unnoticed now that she had knocked someone out and her bear was attacking people. Her gut punch would be felt by her opponent, causing the woman to stumble backward and grab her stomach. She looked up with a smirk on her face however. "Is that all that you can manage?" The woman taunted before she straightened back up. She flipped her hatchet in her hands nd then charged at Crymaria head on. Swiftly she lunged at the girl and tackled her to the ground. "with some training you might have been worthwhile." She raised her hatchet and swung downward at Crymaria's face.

Hearing the bear roar and seeing it focus him down, the raider lost his nerve. He quickly turned and fled, barely evading the bear's attack. The other raider pulled his spear from the bear's shoulder and prepared to attack it again, but before he could, a militiaman slammed his shoulder into the raider and caused his to fall backwards into the trench.
saxon saxon

Sade had her hands full at the moment and although she wanted to run to Crymaria's rescue, she couldn't. Three raiders had surrounded her and each held a blade or spear. She had to be careful how she handled them, otherwise she would be fighting an uphill battle.
Upon being squeezed, hard, Oliver let out a sound that could be briefly considered possibly sounding like a frog being strangled. largely due to the fact he was being hugged with wild abandon. He couldn't blame em, but he's always been a squeezable sort. "N-now don't break me...!" he said breathlessly, as he was finally set free with slightly less breath than before... he did save these folks lives, for now, he had to be certain it wouldn't end soon again... Gods knows healing only goes so far if you don't remove the source of pain.

It'd be like stitching a knife wound shut with the blade still in...

"...I wont be able to get those kids back alone... I shall join the fighting in the town, then, I will urge them on wards... magics should keep them fighting... Hopefully sturdy folk are still fighting in the center... Stay safe my friends. We've little time in thsi world, hide, if you must, fight, if only necessary. We'll get those kids back..." And he... he would reduce those child thieves to ashes...

Nobody... In this world... the next... The last... Will get away harming a child on his watch. In his last life he dreamed of fighting those who harmed them so.. but here and now... he supposed the wish fulfillment is aplenty.

He was a father, way back then, his wife had much more of a easier time letting them go be adults than he, must've cried for a week when their first child left for college... He'd done surgeries, had his hands deep in a man's body to extract a cancer, even pulled a bullet from a kid's head to a full recovery... But seeing his kid off, on her eventual wedding day.. he cried, cried a river or three.

Today he will make certain these folks have the chance to cry those beautiful tears.

Staff tapping the ground with each step, like the beat of a war drum upon the stone and dirt beneath his feet, he marched onwards... He would find the ne'erdowells, gods know they couldn't hide...


"...Hmmph... teaming up on one warrior, awefully rude i'd dare think." oliver entered the fray with a spark of lightning, sending an array of strikes towards the three surrounding Sade, aiming to aid a the woman. "Grand standing isn't for me, but let me even your odds." he said, hoping for a second he just chose the right ride and WASN'T blasting the town guard.

Gee that would be awkward to be certain.

Lightning forks - Magic Affinity D, Magic Range D, Lightning affinity F, magic target E a deadly ranged lightning spell that fans out to many foes! Grade D 2 post cooldown - 100 foot Range 5 targets Casted down, damage as E grade

The elven man stamped his staff on the ground, fiddling with the crystal atop of it abit, as if flicking off the residual sparks like cobwebs from the staff. "oliver Delselmon, here to provide support, hope theres nobody butchered because I spent some magics healing the good folks who live here."

Cooldowns E 0/1
Cooldowns D 2/2
Cooldowns B 1/4

Crymaria felt her punch connect with the woman's gut, and she didn't expect them to put up much of a fight based on what she had seen so far. So when the woman was pushed away and straightened back up, she cocked an eyebrow. "Ah so someone stronger than the others, Boris to me-" She responded before the woman charged and tackled her to the ground. Crymaria didn't get a chance to do so much else as the Axe was already starting to swing towards her face. She would attempt to reach for the woman's arm and attempt to stop the axe from swinging down.

While the bear saw the man with the spear get tackled into the trench. Boris looked at its master and started to trot over, roaring again toward the woman.

  • Red Winter's Grasp - Weaken Strength F - Causes the target to go down 1 grade of strength for their actions for one post or depending on the narrator's discretion. Must be within melee distance. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Mentions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Orikanyo Orikanyo
1666202657181.pngAs the lightning crashed down around her, the rest of the world seemed to darkened in comparison to the blinding light of the elemental attack. She shielded her eyes. but then came the painful wails of the raiders as Oliver's spell forced their bodies to convulse and thrash about. When the spell ended, their bodies collapsed to the floor, smoking heaps of barely conscious meat. She lowered her hands and quickly turned to where the new voice emerged from. She saw a skinny elf with a staff in hand and smirk stretched across her face. "Thanks for the help Oliver!" Sade nodded her head in the elf's direction and then turned away to survey the area briefly. "I think you might have scared them." She said before she spotted the woman with the pet bear engaged in a fight. "Come on!" The brawler called to Oliver, not hesitating to break into a sprint.

It seemed that Oliver's little lightning show did the trick in startling and scaring some of the raiders as they had started to abandon their fights and run towards the forest. But the same could not be said for Crymaria's enemy. the woman was focused on killing her target and although the young girl had caught her arm, the woman continued to push her axe downward. "I'll split your head open you little-." Before she could finish her statement she felt the soft, plush fur of Boris smash into her, coupled with the force of a cart hitting her and throwing her across the ground.

"Hah...damn it." The woman rolled into a kneeling position, trying to get her eyes to stop seeing doubles. But even with her impaired vision she could see that she was practically alone, abandoned by her kin. "What the hell?" She stumbled to her feet, holding her sword tightly in hand. She rushed forward without fear of the bear or the woman and lunged at Boris, thrusting her sword forward.

saxon saxon Orikanyo Orikanyo

Crymaria pushed back up against the woman as her opponent tried to push the axe further down. When Boris slammed into her and sent the woman rolling Crymaria let out a sigh. Standing up quickly and looking toward the woman who was also already kneeling. Definetly not your normal bandit for sure. She thought to herself as she prepared herself for the next offensive as the woman. Now, the woman was all alone in the fight as the others had run off thanks to the lightning.

"You could always just give up," Crymaria offered as the woman stumbled back to her feet before lunging at Boris. Crymaria surged forward as she attempted to use Northern Strike on her opponent as Boris went to attack the woman with Maul.

  • Northern Strike- Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) F, (Aura F, Frost), Natural Weapons F - Crymaria delivers a strike using her Aura to deliver physical and frost damage to the target upon contact. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Maul - Superstrength E - Boris attacks a target with the ability to push up to 600 lbs. Must be within melee distance. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Mentions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Orikanyo Orikanyo

"Ah brilliant, it seems they aren't used to magic- ...Yes I'll just come along. Quick on the pick up isn't she?" the elven fellow gave a light shrug before following after the woman. he was.. PRETTY certain he didn't attack defenders of the village. Surely, there were a fight fighters who looked like folks who defender the village...? Hopefuly...

He came upon the next battlefiled and observed the situation once more. A few more fighters and...




Was that a fucking bear?

The red star... Did... Did...

No surely it must be some other in world organization, finding a random Russian soldier with a fucking bear couldn't be real, even in this weird place! or.. was it U.S.S.R...? Gods above and below he was too old for this... A line he should stop saying since hes very much young. "...Is the.. bear on our side?" asked the elf, eyes still on it. "I hope it is, and I hope that girl speaks the common tongue because I haven't spoke Russian in a lifetime." litterally.

The.. bandit there.. he had no clue what to think, but, he was in spell range, so... best he sorta just focus and try casting in a second.

Cooldowns B 2/4
They were going to meet her head on? The raider did not expect that and as she watched the two opponents come at her with peak ferocity, she made her peace. "I'll take one of you down with me!" She pivoted on her heel and slashed Crymaria's face just as the woman punched her in her own. The barbarian felt successful, proud in having landed her blade upon her target, but then came the overwhelming force that dwarfed the pain of the punch she just received. Boris' large paws slammed into the woman's side like a brick to a window. "Argh!" The 200 pound woman was thrown away from Crymaria and he body skipped across the village square like a stone across a pond. after several seconds she hit the ground like a ragdoll and didn't move.

Sade stopped in her tracks when she saw what Crymaria and Boris did to the woman. Their ability to rely on one another in combat was enviable. But something that surprised her just as much was The mention of Russia. She looked at Oliver and her eyes slowly examined the elf. This was the first time she'd heard someone say something about the old world. Which meant he was like her and if he was right, this other woman was too. "Let's regroup, the fight isn't over yet." She suggested to Oliver.

As she approached Crymaria, Sade watched the raider woman lay lifeless on the ground. Her attention then went back to the young fighter as she raised her hands up to show the bear that she was no threat. "You two did well." Sade praised with a small smile growing on her face. "But our work here isn't done yet." She slowly lowered her hands and looked to Oliver, gesturing for him to join their group huddle.

"The people who attacked this village fled into the nearby forest with the village's children. I'm going to try to track them down and rescue those kids. It's likely going to be very dangerous, but if either of you were willing to join me, I'd be very grateful." Sade looked to Crymaria and then to Oliver. They would be outnumbered and they didn't know what awaited them in the forest, but she was going either way. She just needed to know if she was going alone.

"Oh...where are my manners? I'm Sade." She placed her hands on her hips and her smile grew into a charming grin.


Orikanyo Orikanyo saxon saxon

Crymaria felt her the blade slice her face as he connected with the bandit. Only to see her body fly a split second later, tumbling across the ground. Bringing her hand up to her face to put pressure on the gash in her face. Looking toward the woman's body that had been thrown and seeing it wasn't moving, she sighed. "Comrade Boris, good work, maybe a tad overboard." She used her other hand to pat the bear on the head. Hearing a voice behind her, she quickly spun around to see it was the elf she had seen earlier and the woman as well.

Crymaria listened as the woman spoke, before nodding her head. "Comrade Boris, and I will assist you, comrade." She agreed as she set her pack down and pulled out a bandage. "I should cover my wound," She stated as she wrapped the bandage around her face where the sword had cut. Before turning to look at the stab wound on Boris's shoulder.

"Numbers won't matter if we are smart Comrade Sade, though if we have wounds we should probably heal up before chasing them into the wounds. They are probably better prepared for people to follow them,"
Crymaria suggested as she turned around to look at the woman and the elf again.

Mentions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Orikanyo Orikanyo

Kokobayashi Chunchunmaru | Character Sheet

It was Koko's great grandmother who told her that nothing good happens after two in the morning. It was her way of making a young Koko go to bed when caught up and about at such an ungodly hour. Koko, being the girl that she was, understood this phrase differently. She believed that most dangers came out in the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep and had their guard down. The more she repeated it to herself, the more it made sense. This line of thinking brought Koko where she was today; wandering in the middle of nowhere, in the dead of night, waiting for something that would grab her attention. And like clockwork, something did. In the distance, Koko saw an eerie orange glow that lit up the night sky.

"Ominous." She said to herself in a monotonous tone. Koko decided that she had found the sign she was looking for. Limbering up, Koko stretched out her back and did a few lunges before making a run towards the the location of her first adventure.

Catching her breath, Koko was pleased to learn that her assumptions were correct, but displeased by the state the village was left in. "Koko was too late." She kissed her teeth in disappointment. Houses were either lit up in flames, properties were destroyed, the injured were scattered all around, while the rest wept and mourned as they were overwhelmed with emotions.

Although she could guess what had happened, at the end of the day, her thoughts would all be assumptions. Being an outsider, she didn't want to directly interfere with the villagers. Instead, Koko wandered until she found a group that stood out from everyone else.

"Koko is unsure of what took place." She abruptly spoke, hoping to make her presence known. "But Koko came here to help." She placed her clenched fist against her chest, gently bowing to greet the three that stood in front of her.
"...Well.. Another joins the fold.." Oliver couldn't help but notice the... he... didn't know what time period that one came from, or why they were speaking in third person... The name being Koko he assumed. He took a look towards the the... Okay she was definitly Russian. maybe U.S.S.R. "Right.. Guess we really are just slapping various time periods of folks in here..." oliver speaks openly, looking abiiit unsure what to really think about on all of this, but he instead decideds to focus on what he does best.

"My name is Oliver, I have a much longer name but please just call me Oliver it takes too long to pronounce the Elven one. I'm a mage and healer by trade, and horrible snoop that ends up getting into other's troubles more oft than not. thus I am here, helping." he scratches the tip of his nose lightly, before eyeing the group.

"..Hold still everyone i'll cleanse the wounds from you, bets we have them healed before we go off galavanting after those child theives and giving them the proper summary execution they so deserve." With a breif wave of his hand he draws a simple sigil in the air, which went to his staff and started showering the current folks around him with a small sparkle of light, healing energies coming forth and remove the wounds suffered in the last battle.

Swift Multi heal Healing D magic range D, magic target E. Swift heal but towards 5 targeted individuals at range. Grade D 2 post cooldown 100 foot range 5 targets

"Well, Do any of you know more about this? its certainly horrible to see a village under attack but solely stealing children is another thing entirely."
Smoke filtered through the night sky like pillars of obsidian against the innumerable stars, watching from above, this tragedy taking place amidst devouring flames. a distraught villager pushing on the chest of her husband in vain, crying out for him to open his eyes. She couldn't find any wounds on him and couldn't understand why he didn't just wake up! The flames behind her, razing the life they had made together. Raiders long since taking what they needed from her, and trudging into the woods with their human cargo in tow. A vignette that played on repeat for much of this unfortunate village. The now acting Mayor seeing to the remaining villagers safety as he looked over Halla village and despaired, hoping Oliver could save their children and bring some modicum of hope this hopeless situation.


The Bandit Chief passed off another brat, snobbing and screaming until their little head went blue, pathetic whelp. His sunken eyes looking from the runt toward his tribe's great work as it surged like a raging nightmare and he felt nothing, nothing at all. "What should we do with that band o' misfit causin us trouble? She's fightin' em'" A harsh voice of another raider pointing toward the square where amidst the crumbling roach dens, he saw their desperate defenders. The she in question being his daughter who had grown to be an incredible tool to him, watching her fight and watching the bear crumple her across the miserable ground. "She had run her course of usefulness" Ice biting from his terse lips as nary a crease in his face changed; his hand reaching up to a pendent around his neck that he smoothed with a thumb.

"What Paimon offers us, no life is too great a price, remember that. We can't afford to waste time fighting vagrants playing hero, we have a timetable to upkeep, and our benefactors won't wait for long" He said, his tattoos writhing as he looked at one of them in particular before he turned he and followed the rest of the tribe whom had been trekking deeper into the woods. Their egress would be much smoother when they dropped off their dead weight, but he needed to be far enough away from those adventurers before he could call forth The Trade. "Plant men behind every fifth tree if ya have to, but keep those fools from following us by any means necessary" His men following orders without question; cages with thick ropes being prepared in advance and hung around various trees; easily fitting more than a dozen without breaking anything. The Chief singing three full cages around his shoulder and marching on; what he hadn't told his men is that to him...they were all rejects. They only accepted the strong didn't they? Well with these little vermin, he would become the strongest under the great Tower. He didn't give a damn and no mattered how much they shouted, he only marched forward with fanatical conviction.

The fire was seemingly the only thing making anymore noise around the party, as they grouped up after their fight with the raiders. It had otherwise become eerily quiet as the rest of these invaders retreated into the woods nearby. The light of the fires casting enough light now to know at the very least in what direction they had gone; A raid this size, tracking wasn't the difficult part. The villagers that Oliver had treated seemed to be the only villagers that had survived this devastation as not even moans of the dying could be heard. This malicious troupe thorough in their work.


The militia man who Crymaria saved spoke up, sitting on the stoop of a house that was just ash. "I am coming too." He said, looking at Sade firmly as he stood up. "Those kids are in danger and I could never look those parent's in the eye if I didn't risk my life trying to get them back" He put a fist to hist chest and gave them all a bow with his head, especially his savior "Names Tarz. Thank you for saving my hide back there" He said to Crymaria, before looking at the rest of them

"Let's go get those kids back and put those bastards to the sword"

Kokobayashi Chunchunmaru | Character Sheet

From the corner of Koko's eye, she caught her first glimpse of magic. "Wizard." She mumbled to herself. She tried to be subtle, but ended up staring a bit too long at Oliver's brief display of his arcane skills. It was only natural for her to be curious. Magic practitioners were rare in their world, and the closest experience Koko had were the fables she listened to before she went to bed in her childhood. Shaking her head, ridding it of less important thoughts, Koko focused on the matter at hand.

"Koko believes we have to act fast." She stared at Oliver's ears for a second. Her world did not have pointy-eared men as well. "Koko can provide support from the rear." She turned around, her back now facing front, showing the rest of the group the crossbow that was hanging from behind her.
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The Brazen Brawler


Now they had the making of a true party. It was a grim situation, but Sade found herself reminiscing back to the days when she played MMOs and had to work along side strangers as a team. And now she could not deny that she was not alone in this world, she was not the only person here getting a second chance at life. This would be interesting. When Koko declared her preference to be near the back of the group, the herculean woman nodded her head in approval. "I'll take the lead." There was confidence and strength in her voice that made it clear she had no fears and wasn't worried about what they might face. "And you won't have to worry about healing me, I can regenerate." Her eyes shifted to Oliver as she spoke. It'd be a waste if he'd cast a healing spell on her that he could have used on someone else.

"I know these are children on the line here, but we should be careful how we proceed and not our outrage cloud our judgement." Sade started. "And our primary goal is to save the children, not kill the barbarians that kidnapped them. For that reason, I think we should have two teams so that when we find the children, one group can focus on getting the children to safety while the other group focuses on keeping the enemy at bay." She inhaled finally and looked around at the others to see what everyone thought of the idea.

Garbage Pail Kid Garbage Pail Kid Orikanyo Orikanyo saxon saxon Vafhudr Vafhudr

Crymaria saw the arrival of someone else who happened to have a crossbow slung over their back. She cocked an eyebrow as the stranger than spoke, saying their name, she presumed. She then turned her attention when the elf used an ability to heal the wound and made a comment about slapping time periods together.

"My name is Crymaria. Nice to meet you Comrades Koko, Sade, Oliver." Crymaria introduced herself as she patted Boris on the head. "Oh, I almost forgot, this is Comrade Boris my trusted companion." She stated as she introduced the bear before turning to look toward the forest that the bandits had run towards. "Well, I have no idea what is going on in the village Comrade Oliver." She stated before shrugging her shoulders as she turned to look at the militia man she had saved earlier.

"I would not be the best option to rush ahead, I would suggest that we take this slow," she suggested as she knew that the bandits probably were going to set up something up. No doubt they wouldn't want to be followed but, at this point there wasn't much else they could do but follow. So she let out a small sigh. "Yes Comrade Sade, I think two teams would be a good idea." She concluded.

Mentions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Orikanyo Orikanyo Vafhudr Vafhudr Garbage Pail Kid Garbage Pail Kid
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"...if so, I would be best positioned to the battle then, but it'll be good to be in position so i don't need to intrupt my casting." he had alot of confidence it seems on this hastily made plan that didn't have any clue on the enemy's current structure and where they were at this very moment. "Not to be factious, best we move and move quickly, gods know what their doing and I for one wnat to stop any and all things they plan to do with those children here and now."

"...no really lets go." the elven fellow started trudging towards the woods, certain this was going to be one hell of an evening.. And one thats going to be as troublesome as it can be... "Come on! we have kidnappers to roast and legs to break. no mercy for those who target children i swear it now." the elf waggled a finger and he trudged onwards, not so much waiting for others as opposed to ousting them forward like the good heroes they should be.

The Forest was quite a fruitful boon to the town as it was rife with game and natural fundamentals they needed to properly function, and had been a long standing home to much wildlife. The hunting parties of the town running out most of the major threats, and leaving a mostly desolate visage of natural splendor...though at night the trees would cast long shadows that made imagination run wild with fear to the untrained and fearless. The party splitting up to divide and conquer, A distraction that would spurn those in wait while another team seeks to liberate the children, at the source.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Orikanyo Orikanyo

Sade, and Oliver paired up to tackle the bulk of these raiders. Their collective wisdom on these high stress situation aiding them;. Such a large scale buffer from the children implied they were important for something immediate. It seemed to be something more insidious than mere slavery. These raiders were more than they let on as the moment the two entered the threshold of these woods, two virulent blades swung from the other side of the path Sade and Oliver were moving through. The Raiders once proud and fierce, now sallow with dead eyes and grotesque features, though swinging their swords with ease. Their bodies shook as the strength they wielded almost tore their vessels apart, an imperfect grafting, revealing what they truly were.

Paimon's gifts profound in their cruelty.


"Ouhghhhhh-" Strangled moans erupted from them as three more emerged from the darkness around them, wielding arms with a similar glow. "Diiiiieeeee-" they seethed as they shambled forward, five in total with several more distant green glows slowly shambling toward the light of their confrontation and (un?)fortunately(?), successful distraction. Sade didn't quite know it herself, but her powerful soul and willful lifeforce attracted them like a moth to flame. Their number showed their weakness as individually they still didn't stand a chance against the warrior and vetern healer of their strength...but there were just so damn many of those green lights continuing to move toward this slowly shrinking circle of theirs.

saxon saxon Vafhudr Vafhudr

Crymaria and Koko used this opportunity that Team Distraction would create to follow deeper into the forest, where the kids could still be heard shouting deeper into the woods. Tarz choosing to help them, determined to be their for the kids and help these people do it. It was a good thing he was always good at taking orders, made things alot simpler. "Lets use this opportunity yeah? I got your backs in case anyone gets too close. I figure you two are good at a distance" He said, noting their weapons of choice. He knew his way through the forest he grew up around pretty well, and helped lead them through shortcuts that helped avoid the bulk of these emerging undead raiders.

A few minutes under these conditions felt much longer, but he held up a hand to freeze as he noted with a point, a rather steep ridge they were only ten feet from. Their senses trained for long distance shots and could both see and hear the distance shapes of jingling cages and the yells of children echoing off the trees. It was sporadic in both sound and movement as it seemed he was traveling greater distance through the shadows. The shouts and hollers cutting off for one....three....six seconds with a very short interval in-between. He was in a desperate hurry for some deadline. "Ya think we can cut him off somehow? I am pretty fast but...damn that's fast" Tarz said with a scoff before rapping his palm with a fist "Actually I just might, but it might be reckless? Depends on how good of a landing strategy you two have, and the big guy" He said, thumbing over to Boris. He clapped his hands together and emitted a dull blue light that he then pressed into the ground with both palms, a wide foot in circumference sigil swelled from his hands. A strong breeze blowing off of it and causing loose hair and clothing to whip in the wind. "We just gotta predict the path he is heading toward and aim for that, how hard can that be? The trees will catch us"


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