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Active [Frontier] (Highgrove/Caelia Barony) Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer

Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest. Don't die.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice. Don't die.
LightningJay LightningJay John – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.




(Normally, a higher grade of focus (often needed to be equal to magic) would be needed to cast and move in the same post.)

Phoebe countered the tongue by sending lighting magic at it. As the magic wrapped around the tongue, it seemed to travel straight through it and into the chest. Immediately, the creature snapped its tongue back into the chest and closed it... Standing there, in the back, as if nothing had even happened. However, Phoebe would have noticed it seemed to have been fairly hurt by her earlier attack, just before it shut closed. It might be possible to finish it off, should she want to do so, yet it didn't seem to have any intention to start moving at her either. At least not right now.




Aqua ran straight past Thamuras and Thane, into a pathway unknown to Tahmuras. He'd have tried to call after her, but she was already gone before he could. She had said one thing that stood out to him. “Zombies?!?” Where in the world did such foul creatures come from? Wait. No. It didn't matter. He watched as Thane went after Aqua, then decided to go his own way. Back to where he'd last seen Flare. Amice took priority over everything else.


Aqua, followed by Thane, would end up running into a dead end. The chamber they arrived in seemed to be used as some sort of makeshift bathing area. Water welled up from underneath the ground along the edges. Some rusty old buckets stood near it. Perhaps even [monsters] liked to be clean?

However, upon closer inspection. Something seemed a bit off. There were a few poles sticking out of the water, which seemed to have chains coming from them. The water was pretty muddy, so it was difficult to see what was below the surface, despite it not being all that deep. Yet, well, something seemed to be below it. Something chained to those poles, perhaps?




The woman, now freed by John, stood up and stretched. She seemed a bit wobbly and stiff, likely from having been tied up in the same position for a long time. “No problem... thank you.” She'd say, as she seemed be moving around in an attempt to get blood flowing through-out her body again.

Meanwhile, John went out ahead to go fist a corpse punch an undead. The moment his hand made contact, he'd feel, smell and see the rotting flesh tear up a bit and cover his hand in what could only be described as grossness. Whilst his attacks forced the zombie back a bit, with the small tunnel making it difficult for it to retaliate, it didn't kill. It only chopped off some lumps of rotting flesh.

“We can go this way around, if you want to go take those goblins down as well. Or I can try freezing it first.” The woman offered, seeing his predicament. “I'm Kawisenhawe, by the way. I don't think I introduced myself yet.”


Flare's words did seem to surprise the goblins. Perhaps due to the fact that they were speaking them to begin with. “Crimson Knight?” One asked. “Spirit King? Die!” Another commented. “Power?!” One asked, as that word seemed to hold some leverage.

Goblin Shaman


“Fools!” The Shaman called out, seeing some of the goons actually get distracted. “The hot one just wants to confuse and burn you. Don't listen. It's lying. Besides, don't we have... a song to finish?”

He'd say, as he brought the knife closer to Amice's fingers, slowly piercing a bit of skin and making some blood drop down. The immediately panicked screams from Amice, who was getting hoarse from the crying and screaming already, brought the goblins back to their sadistic reality. The goons were more than content to leave Flare's talking for what it was, as they chuckled.

“Altogether now!” The Shaman stated, seemingly having found an effective way to sway the goons back into his side.

“The Fiery one just started jabbing...
So the Shaman one shall start the...”

“Stabbing!” The other goblins replied in a choir, as the Shaman brought the knife down in order to cut off Amice's pinky finger.

That said, there were a precious few seconds during which Flare could still attempt a desperate last action, thanks to the earlier distraction, rushing in now might catch the goblins off guard, but it'd still be extremely dangerous.


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | LightningJay LightningJay |

Some of the goblin mooks began to grow rowdy at what Flare mentioned, shouting in protest and getting antsy. For a few seconds, Flare believe that the mad antic would actually work. With the goblins at each other's throats, they would be able to free Amice and at the very least get out of there. That was the ideal scenario. Unfortunately, the shaman was able to calm the rowdy goblins and continue with the ritual as planned. That wasn't good.

The pressure was mounting to a boiling point. They could feel their flames flaring, steam and smoke seeping out of their exhaust ports, their grip tensing. Flare was at their breaking point. And they were ready to blow.

As the wretched goblins sang about their malicious torture, combined with Amice's bloodied screams of agony, and were more than ready to pluck off one of Amice's fingers, it was at that point where Flare snapped. Without as much of a moment more to think, the silent armored figured made a mad adrenaline dash straight towards the Shaman with rage and fury bellowing from their whole being! They ran as fast as they possibly could, ignoring the other goblins flanking them. They'll deal with them later. For now, all of their attention was focused solely at the cruel shaman.

Flare outreached their hands; the right gauntlet reaching at the Shaman's knife arm, while the left aimed for his throat. A connection would allow the hulking armored figure to potentially lift them into the air, as [Flame Touch F] would have them sear into its green flesh. They also positioned themselves to face opposite of Amice. What the goblin would see upon blazing deep into the visor was the faint visage... of eyes. Or what would act as eyes anyways. And they were enraged. Enraged and yet sadistically gleeful about dishing out some well-deserved karma onto the wretch before them. A faint visage of a smile could also be seen, smiling wickedly.

"And the wretch tolls the bell. So off he goes to HELL!"

The face then disappeared, being replaced by a torrent of flame [FlameThrower E] point blank to burn his face alive. Their back towards Amice would help block any sparse flames that were at risk in hitting her.

  1. Mad-Adrenaline-Rush at Goblin Shaman.
  2. With both hands, grapples and lifts up Shaman by the "knife" arm and throat while casting [Flame Touch F].
  3. Casts [Flamethrower E] on Shaman.

- Flame Touch F - [Magic F, Continuing F] - +0 Cooldown - Flare can set objects on fire by touching them with their hands.
- Flamethrower E - +1 Cooldown - Flare fires a ray of fire from the OVEN suit's helmet, allowing them to hit a single target, up to 30 feet away.
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Aqua kept running without much regard to her surrounding. Even when her boots splashed into some shallow water she kept running ahead. Only when she almost crashed into a cavern wall the girl finally stopped, her momentum and the pond slippery surface sent her stumbling into the pond, soaking her clothes wet. Aqua didn't have much time for scolding herself though as the sound of hurried footsteps echoed behind her. Thinking it was the zombies, she raised her staff and yelled with trembling voice.

"B-back down, zombie! My brain is not tasty! Actually, I have no brain at all! Shoooo!!" Fortunately for her, the figure that came into the chamber was Thane and not zombies. Aqua let out a long relieved sigh to vent all of those bottled tension. Though remembering what she just said made her a bit embarrassed.

"L-look! Chains! The goblins must have take it from someone. They dont have the tools to make it." Aqua tried to change the topic, acting as if the chains was the most interesting thing ever. Though upon closer inspection she did notice something chained down at the bottom of the pole. Raising her staff once again, Aqua tapped the chain while casting a spell on it.

"Bleaching." She whispered the spell's name. Out of all the spells she had, this one might be the closest to what she would be able to call as her trademark spell. Its something that she learned by herself and she never saw other caster use it or read the spell on any book. Its a spell that turns object into salt, and since the chain was drowned in water it would immediately dissolved away by the liquid.

1) Bleaching - Magic F, Transmutation F, Focus F - Temporarily transmute an object into a pile of salt - F grade - 0 cooldown
2) Retrieve the chained object​

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