• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Frontier] Golden Path


One Thousand Club
Mentions: Clyvelle Clyvelle Ian Temero Ian Temero saxon saxon conman2163 conman2163 SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy
OOC: We will be keep a 4 day post frequency per round. Ask any and all questions. At present it is a free for all as far as who posts when so long as it is done within the next 4 days. Out of combat, action economy will be ignored, but be mindful to play within character limits otherwise. I repeat: ask any and all questions. All characters are currently present in the audience with the head priestess. Now would be a great time to talk among the characters and ask questions of the priestess. After this scene, the characters will be spending some time in a market to prepare for the trip.
Time: 7:00am
Weather: clear blue skies with the occasional lazy white puff. cool, comfortable temperatures for the morning.
TLDR: rp started. introduce character and interact.
Post Listening:

Dawn island, Amity River, Sadek County


1692319623107.pngRyke, where rivers whispered ancient tales and the trees hummed with stories of yore, the Sun Temple stood tall and radiant on its island, its white stones gleaming under the first caress of dawn. Gold motifs sparkled, reflecting a promise of the sun's embrace. Around the temple, the river flowed gently, carrying with it the dreams and hopes of the Ryke people.

It was on this very morning, as the hues of dawn painted the sky in soft oranges and pinks, that the spirited creatures of the forest felt a pull, an unseen tug towards the sacred island. Deer, rabbits, and birds alike seemed to sense a profound shift in the winds of change. They all converged, as if attending a silent summons, their eyes filled with a curious blend of wonder and concern.

At the temple's entrance, the High Priestess of the Sun emerged, her golden robe shimmering with the brilliance of a thousand suns. It was as if Leilosis himself had woven her attire from the rays of the morning light. Her eyes, wise from the weight of what they had seen, found the group of individuals summoned at her behest standing in her path. A hint of sadness flashed across her features, replaced quickly by a steely determination.

"My dear ones," her voice, both gentle and commanding, echoed the strength of her faith, "Leilosis has spoken to me in dreams of golden light and shadowed forebodings. The time granted to us in Ryke is at its end."

A collective gasp rose from the assembled clergy and worshippers beyond the player characters. However, the Priestess continued, "Fear not, for our beloved sun god has also revealed a new path, a beacon to our destined sanctuary. And so, our Order of the Sun must journey forth."

She turned her gaze upon the party, each one uniquely skilled, their fates now intertwined with that of the Order. "You," she intoned, "will be our guides, our protectors. To the East Empire, we shall find our new dawn."

And as her words washed over them, the first full rays of the morning sun broke through, casting a luminous path across the hills beyond Ryke. It was as though nature itself echoed the promise of the High Priestess, shining a light on the road ahead, filled with hope, challenges, and a quest for a new beginning.

1692320659725.pngMichael the Blue Empyrean

Michael stood apart. His silhouette, not too imposing, cast a shadow on the cobblestones, his stance betraying a weight that seemed greater than the physical. Those blue mithril tattoos that snaked across his skin shimmered in the morning glow, each design telling tales of power and heritage. But where they cracked, they whispered secrets of the burden they bore.

Most in that corner of Ryke revered Michael. They spoke in hushed tones of the day his immense magical prowess saved an entire city. However, as their eyes met his, filled with awe and admiration, Michael felt a pang of unease. Such adoration was suffocating, an iron cage of expectations and legends. Legends that painted him as more deity than man. But deep inside, Michael felt a gnawing hunger, an insatiable yearning to harness even more power, to control it with finesse. It wasn't vanity or pride; it was a desperation to prove to himself that he was worthy of the tales sung about him and capable of achieving his one goal.

Upon his hips, two mithril short swords, Alpha and Omega, clung tightly, as if sensing their master's turmoil. They were an extension of him – of his strength and his vulnerabilities. Their edges, sharp and gleaming, bore silent testimony to the battles they'd faced and the foes they'd vanquished.

Yet for all his might and renown, there was a whisper that traveled the wind, a secret that the adventurer's guild concealed with cunning craft: Michael, the savior of Yemaya, was being exiled in the guise of a mission.

His gaze, deep and searching, turned to the path the Sun Order was to take, questions swirling in his mind. What would this journey hold? What challenges lay ahead, in the wild expanse or within the confines of his soul? And importantly, who were the ones chosen to tread this path alongside him?

Drawing a deep breath, he stepped forward, his voice echoing the silent strength of the morning. "Who among you are to accompany me on this task?" The question hung in the air, an invitation for others to step forth, each with their tales and destinies waiting to intertwine.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet Novama Novama

The Zentox stood in the cool air of the morning and drank in his surroundings. His eyes trapsed lazily across the grand house of the cult of Leilosis and the grand fire that blazed in it's uppermost reaches. The short fae leaned upon a walking stick with one arm, casually observing as the clergy of the order gathered around and listened to the words of their High Priestess. She was bedecked in robes that glowed like the sun itself. He was surprised to see some animals enraptured at the very scene. They seemed to be an interested audience as they watched and waited for whatever was to come. An omen of good or ill it was yet to be seen. Then his eyes fell on the visage of the former knight turned hero of the Ryke. His hand briefly tightened around his walking stick, and some of the thirty Zentail soldiers assembled behind him in formation grew restless.

For his part the Zentox was short, no taller then three feet. He had piercing yellow eyes framed by ebony sclera and a black scar that the right side of his face from temple to the jaw just under his lips. His skin was a deathly pale and was contrasted by the vibrant black of the tunic he wore with a small family crest stitched above the heart. The more discerning could see the crest was a crimson mountain on a background of blue bordered by silver thread. A dark brown leather belt held on it a mithril dagger and several small pouches. A worn leather satchel strap crossed his chest with the contents inside unknown. A crimson cape was held in place with a polished brass clasp at his neck. The look was completed with some black trousers and a pair of polished brown leather boots.

Retili regarded the figure of the knight. He had not seen him since the disaster at Yemaya, and just as well. He would have been an unwelcome sight at best in the small council that had decided the fate of the infant country of Light. Retili felt that in some way Michael was at least partially responsible for the fate of his late Lord Light. The Zentox had seen the damage the fool had caused in Yemaya. He had seen the dangerous power he wielded at the city too. Retili shut off the train of thought though. It lead back to the city that night. It lead back to the blood, the pain, and the fear he had felt. He didn't care to relive that moment ever again.

He wasn't here because he particularly cared about Michael or the cult of Leilosis. Retili was here because he was going to get them out of the Kingdom. The Ryke nobility saw these people as troublesome at best and he had been asked to see them out. It helped that his own personal guard was thirty strong. He wasn't doing this out of any sort of altruism. A bit of quid pro quo would be expected after this favor. Retili stepped forward.

Offhandedly the Zentox wondered if Michael knew who he was. He had been the one to make the report to Lord Light about Michael's actions that day so it wasn't impossible. Still he thought it might be unlikely. His yellow eyes fixed on Michael as if to bore a hole into him with his very gaze as he spoke. "I and my men shall accompany you on your journey. To see you safely from these lands and into your future."
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Character Sheet
Novama Novama conman2163 conman2163

With blood and politics staining her feathers for most of her life, Oden couldn't say she was particularly spiritually inclined at all. But even then, she found no other way to describe this pull she felt towards that gleaming white tower against the backdrop of dawn. It called to her very soul, beckoning with warm open arms as if she'd only find her salvation there. Oden however, was not one to blindly follow anything. She, who was merely gliding around the beautiful Dawn Island for the sights, was filled with trepidation, perhaps even fear, at what was happening to her. Glancing towards her fellow beastkin, it was only as she realized that she was not the only one to answer the call, that she managed to calm herself and listen to the gentle preaching flow into her ears.

As a mere tourist, Oden wasn't very knowledgeable on Ryken matters. But even then, she had gathered some things, like the failed ambitions of Count Light, and the abandoned religion he had left behind, now deemed nothing more than a cult. It seemed said cult, the Order of the Sun, was now seeking refuge in the Otenzian Empire. But that all seemed like irrelevant, distant knowledge to the old owl. It had nothing to do with her after all. The only thing she pondered was: why was she called?

More than anything, she was curious about this spiritual awakening she had encountered, and wanted to know more. She had little else going on in her life, so perhaps an idle trip to the Eastern Empire didn't seem so bad. Travelling in a party likely meant the fear of being captured and enslaved seemed a low possibility as well. Still, a part of her couldn't help but fearfully wonder if her reasonings and inclinations to join had all been due to that spiritual call.
Perched ordinarily amongst the group, Oden blinked slowly, the scaled shawl she wore harmonizing with her mottled monochrome plumage. Though she stood tall and firm, particularly with her choice of weapon resting steadily against her back, the wispiness of her feathers betrayed her old age.

Addressed by the priestess, the first to speak was that blue man: the one talked about so heatedly in the rumours. A hero. She gazed upon him curiously for a moment, before simply moving her eyes toward the other members of the party. He seemed like he had quite the story to tell, but Oden was not one with a particular interest in the rich or famous. Rather, there was a sense of avoidance in her gaze as she turned away.

Turning to the second speaker, she couldn't help but gaze upon him a little more closely. A fae. Oden concluded mentally, looking from his pale skin to his dark sclera. If she had to fear becoming a slave in the Otenzian Empire for her race, this fellow, and the knights of similar form and stature that stand behind him, should fear being executed on sight. Closing her eyes briefly, she could only hope that the path they took would avoid too much hostility and confrontation.

"I am nothing but a wanderer, but I will also be accompanying you." She piped in calmly, nodding to them both before stepping aside. The pair seemed to know each other, or at least, the fae seemed to feel some emotion toward the blue man with that potent gaze, so she thought she'd give them space to address their stand off.
During her time spent as part of the Servant's Guild, Annabelle had quickly gotten used to the feeling of an early morning. Getting a solid amount of rest for the night, only to wake up at the crack of dawn in order to get the morning chores done. But where her usual morning was spent wiping windows, dusting floors and making every corner of the Guild Hall as clean as a whistle after having an early breakfast, it was with the arrival of a letter a few days prior that Annabelle was granted a request; one that was to be her first official task as a 'Maid-for-Hire'. Instead of the comfort of the Guild, Annabelle found herself in the middle of Dawn Island, noting the colorful cast of characters who have heeded the High Priestess' call to protection.

- - -​

It was at that moment that the clacking of sturdy shoes against the ground signaled her arrival, and among those who were looking to assist the High Priestess of the Sun, Annabelle may have been seen as a bit of an odd choice. Rather than a warrior or a mage, she was but a maid, from the cap that adorned her head to the strap-on-shoes that marked her signature uniform; one that showed her off as an official member of the Servant's Guild that she worked so hard in order to become a part of. Every accessory and minute detail of her clothes fit the description of her job to a T, and even her posture - straight and dignified - made it more difficult to believe otherwise.

"I apologize for my sudden arrival." She voiced in a soft, gentle tone, as she then crouched down with both hands on her uniform to perform a curtesy towards her fellow company. "My name is Annabelle Thistlehart, an official Maid-for-Hire here at request of the Servant's Guild. They've granted me full details that I am to accompany you all in this venture as well as to aid with the requests of my employer. They've granted me a contract saying that for the duration of this job, I am to assist with a man known as Michael the Blue Empyrean. I'm afraid it is for nothing incredibly exciting however. I am merely here to handle the minute and less important problems of his needs so that he may do what is required."

With a light bow of her head a step backwards, she removed herself from the center of possible attention as she then reverted back to a more neutral stance - with hands on the front of her apron and the heels of her shoes touching each other. Slowly she gazed upon the group behind the pair of glasses that shielded her blue eyes with a thin smile. "Nevertheless, it will be a firm pleasure to meet and converse with you all within the duration of my contract. I will not get in your way or purposely impose you in your own respective needs, I am merely here to provide appropriate assistance where it is needed."

User Mentions: Novama Novama | SilverFeathers SilverFeathers | conman2163 conman2163

Morning rise would turn to be a rather interesting development in terms of things to do. Albeit she wasn't expecting anything of the sort to come up or give her sudden plans whereas she were to just practicing her own skills on her lonesome with only herself as a tutor or seeing if anyone in the local area needed free assistance in hopes something good would come out of it, Squink ended up rather to surprise that a follower of some belief who had come with a directed request for aid. It was rather suspicious that despite having no relation whatsoever to the matter at hand, she ended up being specifically sought out when there were likely much better candidates that made sense. Gently rubbing at the back of her neck in awkwardness as she tried to process what was asked in her mind, she only considered that such summons must've been some sort of mistake. A very specifically directed mistake with way too many incorrections that just so coincidentally aligned to sound so truthful. She hesitated and froze up since such a request didn't just show up without reason and may never show up again if unanswered, deciding that even if it was not what it appeared to be she should at least see to find out.

The purple pessimist had given in to both optimistic outcomes as well as curiosity, going out of her way to travel to the Sun Temple in order to forsee answers on the matter. She would probably know when she got there, arriving in time to see the High Priestess of the Sun to come forth and give introduction to the needed task at hand. The Sun Priestess had addressed certain members to introduce themselves, of which that the first to speak for themselves was someone who appeared to be a known face to those who were witnessing.
'I suppose they did bring those that would have been well equipped. If this was so significant, I somewhat fail to see the intent of bringing people who do not even know of what their belief or reason for travel was in the first place' Squink thought to herself, seeming that if Michael were to set a high bar of expectation among others she would be travelling with then proving useful or of purpose might result in great embarrassment. His further implication of joining him in specific just sounded like a blatant announcement he knew that he was capable enough to just take charge and nobody would question it. It was most likely that he was the first to be asked of his support, and such leadership came tied with.

With a brief wait to see if anyone else were to step forth for introduction, as she felt naturally inclined to at least not go first or second so she could just nonchalantly add onto ongoing introductions as to make hers seem less significant as to her unsure idea of bringing such high expectation or pride onto her potential incapable abilities. Squink paid attention to the words of those who had also arrived to help with such a mission, including an interesting fae and his own supporting cast, an older avian as well as what appeared to be a standard maid. Other than the fae who looked experienced, the two others who were present were at the least a sign of relief that she perhaps shouldn't be so underestimating of her own use to the situation after all. Although, giving a questioning glance at a simple 'wanderer' and 'maid for the smaller matters' gave her a small suspicion that perhaps they were in fact more capable than what they chose to give info on. Whether or not she was overthinking such a plan, what complete predictory matters of the future could the High Priestess know that she would consider such a strangely organised group was just the matter they needed for something that sounded so significant? Was there just not any skilled combatants or supporting force that even wanted to answer such a summons? Patting her own face as she reminded herself she was likely too overthinking it, she should probably introduce herself before she was awkwardly late or even ended up forgetting to.

"Greetings, you may refer to me as Squink or whatever is most memorable or convenient for you. I hope that I may get along with those who bare my presence, and that things will go as smoothly as possible on its success" she answered, not wanting to do it too aloud in case it incited the idea of too much pride but not wanting it to appear like she was fearful of doing so. If she had to prove useful to anything, she had to at least be remembered in the first place and not as someone whose first impressed personality gave people the impression to turn away at first glance. "I am not very experienced at things such like this and may not be of use, but I would at least like to try and be so upon this mission" she answered as she gave a small bow of her head, avoiding direct eye-contact of anyone as she spoke.

Mentions: Novama Novama conman2163 conman2163 SilverFeathers SilverFeathers NimbusWing NimbusWing

Character Sheet
Cluilia Calogera.png
Cluilia Calogera

E Grade Character

Titles: Human, Merchant, Dealer

mentions: Novama Novama Ian Temero Ian Temero conman2163 conman2163 SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy

  • Lets Make a deal - Business F, Empathy F, Persuasion F - Due to her years as a business woman she tries to persuade her clients into making a deal and trying to empathize with them in the hopes she will get a deal. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Cluilia stood under the shade of a nearby tree as the High Priestess emerged from the temple. Her eyes gazed around as the priestess spoke of their time in Ryke coming to an end. However, she didn't know much about the details of the matter. Honestly, she didn't care much for the details either; she saw an opportunity and the chance to make some money which was why she was here. In the end, she hoped there would be a few more new pieces of merchandise that would be sold off at a later date, and by a later date in her mind, she meant upon their return to the Eastern Empire.

"So much merchandise that I could sell off to the right people, labor is always needed and no doubt some of the nobles in the Empire would leap at the chance to have a slave from this group. It wasn't every day you found ones from the Sol faith. Whelp I suppose I should start to work my magic," Cluilia thought to herself as the thought was making her grin from ear to ear. Placing her hands on her hips, she then saw the man who had blue markings on his skin and that several others stepped forward offering their services. Seeing the Ilithid, the maid which caught even Cluilia off guard, and Owlkin and then there was some noble with a small routine.

Taking a deep breath Cluilia stepped forward and cupped her hands around her mouth as she spoke,
"People of the Sol Faith, Cluilia Calogera, merchant of the Eastern Empire, I offer my services and that of these fine guards behind me. Any of you seeking work come here and my fine gentlemen behind me will hand you a contract to sign. I understand that moving to a new place has problems with finding jobs and shelter, so allow me to help you ensure your basic needs are taken care of before arriving in my homeland of the Eastern Empire." All the while using Lets make a deal; while the contract had several pages, those that would sign would then become 'exotic' merchandise to be sold off upon her return to the shop.

With that, she cleared her throat an then walked up to join the others who were assisting with this whole migration. "I will help you as well," Cluilia stated as she smiled as her gaze moved from person to person. "This seems like it will be an interesting group," she chuckled as she waited for the rest to be ready to leave.


Jareth Fletcher
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer E | Sandman | Comrade | Sun-Kissed |
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.
Sun-Kissed - character has a new found fascination with the Leilosis faith. Will suffer in social situations with those that despise the followers of the Sun God. Will excel in social situations with Sun God followers.

Mornings had become a special time of day for Jareth while at the Sun Temple. In the first few hours of dawn, the area experienced a fluctuation in the ambient mana in the air. It was as if all the mana, including that within Jareth's own body, flowed towards the structure. This momentary surge reduced his own mana saturation, causing his body of sand to become flesh once again if only for a moment. It was in these fleeting moments that Jareth felt human again and was reminded of what he had lost. Gnawing on the bitter medicinal root is not pleasant, yet there is hope for tomorrow by it. Likewise, Jareth had hope that his tomorrows at the temple, though it pained him, would once again bring this bittersweet recollection.

For now, in his moment of normalcy, Jareth felt like he belonged among these flesh and blood creatures at the foot of the Sun Temple. His steps were light, and his limbs swung freely as he maneuvered through the crowd that had gathered. Every once in a while he would randomly touch and rub his hands, arms, neck, and face to indulge in the tactile sensation of his spongy flesh. Sometimes he would suddenly grab, touch, or rub other objects to refresh his memory of their feel or to simply see if they felt as interesting as he imagined by their appearance.

Caught up in reacquainting himself with his sense of touch, Jareth wasn't aware of any mystical pull or force that drew some of the others. Michael was here, and the High Priestess was here, so it just logically followed that Jareth was here as well. The High Priestess had most recently captured Jareth's attention since meeting her at the roundtable meeting in the former Light County. Her radiance was...invigorating then, and it only drove Jareth to learn more of the sect's ways and disciplines now.

Having nothing else to do, he had spent time watching them practice their martial and magical arts. Both had a gracefulness to them that Jareth felt was lacking in his own offensive abilities--perhaps just his existence in general. The artisan had always prized functionality over appearance. If it got the job done, that was enough, right? Seeing these monks in action, however, as well as reflecting on his failings in previous situations, made Jareth crave more refinement in the various facets of his life.

Speaking of refinement, as Jareth moved through the crowd, he happened upon a maid of all things. What drew his attention to her, beyond her dainty outfit, however, was the pair of spectacles resting delicately on her tiny nose. A twinge was felt in his chest at the sight of the eyewear. An unfamiliar pain in his heart: homesickness. Jareth raised a hand to his breast as he stared at her.

It was at that moment that Jareth realized an address was being given to the crowd. The High Priestess stood in front of them with Michael at her side. She said her piece. Michael said his. Various folk from the crowd answered, among which was this maid. Annabelle was the name she gave. Others spoke up after her. It occurred to Jareth that he probably should do the same.

"I'll be coming as well. My name is--" A sudden coughing fit erupted from him as the familiar scratching enraged his throat. His arm rushed to cover his mouth as thin clouds of sand burst from his lips with each expectoration. The thirst had returned in full vigor. All these harbingers announced that his time as a human was once again at its end. After a moment, the coughing subsided as Jareth acclimated to the mantle of sand presently lighting on his shoulders. The sands swiftly reclaimed his body for a desert he had long since left far behind yet found he could not escape. After a moment, he straightened and began again. "My apologies. My name is Jareth Fletcher...Sand mage."


Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (Ready), D (Ready), Regen in -- posts

Calculations: INT C (4) + Catalyst D (3) +
  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E
Grade E | Human | Envoy of Ancient Dragon Crysanthara

If pressed, Kyra wouldn't have been able to tell anyone why she had been heading to Dawn Island. To see the Sun Temple, she supposed, was why; she'd heard some tell of it, here and there, and it seemed as good a monument as any to visit on her travels. She was between jobs, so to speak, anyways- so why not take advantage of the opportunity to do some sight seeing?

She'd slept poorly the night before, and found herself walking again in the early hours, before the sun, in the morning. If I'm lucky I'll be able to see it as dawn hits. I bet it was designed to look best then. She remembered fantasy books from her former life with churches for the sun, and how they were always filled with engineers who managed such feats for their places of worship. From what she'd seen in Ryke so far, it wouldn't be so unbelievable that someone had actually achieved that. Might as well get the full experience of being a tourist if she couldn't sleep, so off she went.

The unusual amount of critters she'd seen in her own morning migration had been a fun quirk of being up so early; the crowd that had assembled around the temple doors, though, was what really surprised the green adventurer. She glanced from face to face uncertainly as she shuffled through the crowd- was there some sort of festival, perhaps? Or a mass- or whatever the fantasy equivalent was? Maybe it was always this busy? Had she missed some sort of memo?

Kyra wasn't left wondering for long. A golden woman- no, a woman clad in gold- shortly emerged and addressed the crowd. She was concise, and clear in her message: the Order of the Sun was to leave Ryke for the Eastern Empire and called for an escort. Several people volunteered: a blue haired man whose reputation preceded him; a short man with pale skin and dark clothes; an owl; a maid; a purple woman with an octopus for a head; a red-haired woman offering contracts; and a man with sandy skin why Kyra couldn't get a good look at, and sounded like he was in desperate need of some water.

She hesitated. A part of her pressed her to join the crowd- she would be able to leave Ryke and see more of the world, she would gain experience, she would have the opportunity to travel with far more impressive people than herself- and hopefully learn from them. And while she wasn't the most current on politics, she knew that there was some unease around the Order of the Sun; them leaving of their own volition seemed like a good way to ease tensions. But, on the other hand, she might find herself only to be dead weight. This was quite the undertaking, and she was hardly prepared for such a journey.

So, as she was still mulling it over, Kyra was surprised to find that she, too, had stepped forward- and opened her mouth to speak. Well, can't hurt to at least offer. If she was too weak, surely they would simply send her on her way. "I'd like to offer my own assistance, as well. My name is Kyra Graves, and while I may still be a novice, I would do all that I can to help you." She was hardly talking herself up, but it was true: it had not been long since she set out as an adventurer. Nothing like jumping in the deep end, I guess.
Mentions: Clyvelle Clyvelle Ian Temero Ian Temero saxon saxon conman2163 conman2163 SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy upscalerat upscalerat NimbusWing NimbusWing
OOC: good round. almost got everyone in there. We have a decent number of people in the rp now, so please add tldr to posts to better ensure folks react to the things they need to react to.
Time: 7:15am
Weather: clear blue skies with the occasional lazy white puff. cool, comfortable temperatures for the morning.
TLDR: Michael would greet each member of the party and then the priestess would impart some additional wisdom before directing everyone to the merchant caravan down by the river to prepare for the journey.
Post Listening:

Dawn island, Amity River, Sadek County


Amidst the quiet serenity of the riverside sunrise, Michael found himself caught in a whirlwind of familiar and unfamiliar faces.

Retili's gaze was difficult to ignore. Michael recognized the features of the Zentox race and felt a distant tug of recognition. Though the exact details were hazy, he recalled the fateful events that had branded him as the "Empyrean". He approached Retili, voice filled with gratitude. "Your people, and perhaps even you, have aided me in the past, during that tumultuous time. I thank you." Michael, oblivious to Retili's feelings on matters, extended his thanks genuinely.

Oden was next, and Michael simply nodded. A wordless acknowledgment, an unspoken understanding. It seemed fitting.

Then came Annabelle, catching Michael completely off guard. "You... are here to assist me?" He stuttered, his composure momentarily faltering. Grateful, yet overwhelmed, Michael felt the weight of many eyes on him. Annabelle's presence meant he could politely decline the numerous offers of service from the Leilosis devotees. He was too surprised to properly greet Annabelle and bought himself some time turning to the next to step forward.

And as if the universe decided he hadn't been surprised enough, Squink stepped forward. Michael's eyes instinctively darted to her tentacles, and he found himself torn between not wanting to appear impolite and sheer curiosity. "Thank you, Squink," he finally said, having trouble keeping his gaze on her face, doing his best not to stare.

The merchant Cluilia was an enigma. Michael sensed something amiss but couldn't place it. Still, he acknowledged her, thinking, "Every long journey needs resources, and she certainly has them."

Jareth's presence brought a warm smile to Michael's face. Moving forward, Michael embraced him, noting the subtle changes in Jareth's features. "You've grown. I'm glad you could make it," he mused aloud. To Jareth, however, Michael looked much the same, as if time had chosen to pass him by.

Kyra's offer was met with a gracious nod. Every hand, every heart was valuable for the journey ahead.

Finally, the Sun Priestess spoke, her voice carrying the wisdom of ages. "Thank you, all, for your offer of help. To those of you who have yet to step forward and will ultimately be invaluable to our journey, thank you , as well. As the radiance of our God, I will not hide the hardship before us but make it plain in the light: we will cross miles of frost covered hills, humid swamps, and weeks of lands filled with villains and slavers. Our success is already plain as day, but take heed and prepare for the journey," She then pointed toward the merchant caravan by the river, emphasizing the need for provisions, Michael felt a mix of excitement and trepidation.

TL; DR General inspection and first thoughts of others after first post, interested in befriending and learning about/from others present, asking Michael about himself and for tips and if he would pass on a question to High Priestess because she's shy about it. Also teeny fangirl-esque moment over Michael although no idea who he is.

Squink turned her attention to Cluilia as she announced herself and her services to be of availability to those whom had interest, as well as her offerings for work and placement within the Eastern Empire as the curious tentacled onlooker just thought that such offers and assistance was a good-hearted action albeit pushed by the sense of a businesswoman's desire for profit and gain. While she wasn't looking for a definite place of work, she was in the market for some advice and guidance on how the merchant woman so confidently affairs within the realm of convincing and sweet wording in order to lull people into agreeing with her sales or deals for her own benefit. Squink hadn't much practical usage of such talents nor as much refinement on them, but being able to passively dissuade and affect scenarios seemed like a positively delightful talent to have.
'I should remember to ask her about how she does things so maybe I can learn a little about how the merchants and successful of persuasion manage to do things' Squink made mental note to herself as she took look at the others present.

One of the others who had come forth held an appearance which at first glance looked like an average traveller whom had just his own few stories to tell, but at further inspection just encouraged Squink's curiosity to poke at him for answers on whatever his story was. She hadn't much idea on what could be about him nor why he seemed to have ailment and issue aligning with his specialised talent as a mage, but was interested in finding out the reason before the trip was over as any information she could gleam on those she would be travelling with would fare useful in the future in her personally desired endeavours. Having not seen Jareth arrive, any relation to him and those of the Sol faith wasn't apparently obvious to her so she assumed he had just shown up from elsewhere as to how she was called to the scene.

Another who had offered to join up on their travels appeared to be a blonde woman who appeared and acted to not draw major attention to herself as if she held the same reluctance or concern for her own significance to the mission at hand as Squink did. Although it probably wasn't the nicest thing to think that she hoped she would see someone who seemed in a way as underprepared or unknowing of her own purpose to the situation as she was, and she didn't have much reason to fully know or believe that Kyra could end up being anything but atleast on first impression. Squink probably would never say that she hoped Kyra would stay as her word suggested atleast for a little while, but the ilithid needed the concept of cope that there was someone else who was in the same boat as her, and wasn't a maid or capable of such admirable confidence that anyone would overlook them for a candidate of not pulling their weight. If someone else were to essentially have the same mindset and introduction only to outperform Squink and prove themself a significant hand of help just for her to be useless on the travel, it would be an embarrassment she would never stop bullying herself over. Either way, perhaps trying to become friends with Kyra would help in giving confidence to both of them and so Squink would perhaps have a friend whom they could both work together to make sure eachother were okay and confident in their own endeavours.

Squink heard the Priestess make the statement of "we will cross miles of frost covered hills, humid swamps, and weeks of lands filled with villains and slavers" like it was nothing of all to her or the people who hath shown up to help in the travel, since she didn't know that it was to actually have expected her participation within something so serious.
"It should be fine... This isn't something of my own experience but perhaps I'm to so learn and benefit from it. Besides, there is surely many here who can teach me in that which they know as well as perhaps give me conversation if they do not come to the conclusion of desiring to throttle my existence at the throat from dealing with an insignificant presence if I prove to be" Squink sighed as she spoke to herself, knowing that there was just a similar amount potential self-doubt or shame that could come from it all. She had time to try and pester people about their own experiences and knowledge on the way of their travels, seeing that such a time was the likely best chance she could get to being able to ask the High Priestess of questions as well as before Michael's focus was potentially forever taken the chance to pick at his mind for fun facts by those who he had more important business with or the many others who probably wanted to do the same from someone who they knew was a bigger figure than those else who had been called to lend their assistance. Inching her way over past the crowd in order to get slightly closer to where the High Priestess and Michael were so she shouldn't have to raise her voice as much or have her own questions attract as much attention of others.

"Uh, excuse me, Mr. Michael... Blue, Sir-" Squink stammered nervously, unsure where her sudden breakout of embarrassment came from just talking to someone she hadn't met. It must have been her internal concern of knowing that he was so regarded and well known that he had a reputation and level of capability far beyond her that she didn't even feel worthy to speak to them, like she were going to be criticised for even looking in his direction without such reverence much less utter words to him that didn't talk highly of him. Hells knew she wouldn't have been able to talk to the High Priestess in personal conversation in the same way, so she just wouldn't even attempt for the second as she hoped Michael could also pass on her questions for her if he found them reasonable to do so. She wanted to ask the Priestess about her purpose of being present so she could atleast try to be composed about and improve upon her purpose along the way.
"I understand that you may be busy with other things, but I'd like to ask if the High Priestess knows at all why I was called for this, I-I mean it seems very unlikely and unreasoned and all to suddenly happen. A-and if you can tell me anything about important history I should know or if you have any kind words of advice or wisdom from your experience you can teach a simpleton in their hazy beginnings like me..." Squink asked softly as she was hesitant to hold direct eye contact. She had noticed Michael struggle to meet her own eyes when he had acknowledged her initially, unsure what it was that he was distracted by since she wasn't entirely trying to soothe him with kind words or distract him with seduction of which she thought he wouldn't have been moved at all by either. The tentacles on her face curled and scrunched up lightly with her feeling of slight shyness, a more noticeable expression rather than a blush on her purple face, it wasn't anything she had thought about but it was a nice feeling that someone reasonably so above her had acknowledged her directly by name over than just another face within the crowd.

Mentions: Novama Novama (Michael Paragraph 4+5), saxon saxon (Cluilia Paragraph 1), Clyvelle Clyvelle (Jareth Paragraph 2), upscalerat upscalerat (Kyra Paragraph 3)
(Feel free for anyone to come up/interact)

Character Sheet
Oden (#ACA9A7)
TLDR: Oden approached Squink and Michael. Oden greeted and is attempting to chat with Squink.

Amidst the sea of humans, there was only one other beastkin that had spoken up. One of seemingly aquatic racial origins at that. With Oden's clan of origin mostly residing by the wintry mountains of the Republic, safe to say that she herself had seen little of the more sea-faring beastkin. However, knowing that her future shogunate was located by the continental lake's edge, the old owl felt it only prudent to try to learn more about those that may inhabit that area. She should try to at least acquaint herself with someone in their little escort party after all.

The illithid's exterior was quite eye-catching, a mixture of bright purples and blues cloaked by an elaborate attire of black and silver. Where Oden came from, she was more accustomed to sights of white snow, white fur, white feathers and the like, hence safe to say that the old owl was a little more used to dull/plainer appearances. However, as much as Oden wanted to curiously appreciate her fellow beastkin's appearance, she had enough sense and etiquette to not gawk.

Just as Oden placed a talon toward her direction however, she noticed that the illithid had already begun making her move toward one of the most stand out figures of the group, Michael. Hesitating, she paused mid-air with a raised leg, before giving a small sigh. In the end, the old owl relented, deciding to continue to pursue her original goal and head on over with steady steps toward the pair. Fortunately, it seemed that the beastkin was merely asking a question or two, rather than being a prior acquaintance of his like that sand mage or small fae.

Nodding briefly towards Michael as she approached, she focused the rest of her attention on Squink. "Greetings, Squink. As fellow beastkin, I hope we can get along on this journey." Oden addressed the illithid with a kind, amicable tone, slowly recalling her introduction amidst all the others. From what she could remember, she seemed to be a little on the timid and humble side, so she could only hope the woman would actually be willing to keep her company.

She thought she'd start out simple. "How are you feeling this morning?" Oden inquired casually as her feathers puffed up, a little overly warmed by the crowds and bright sunlight. The merchant caravan pointed out by the Sun Priestess did pique the owl's attention, wondering if she could re-fill her arrow supply or collect some more suitable wood in case of bow disrepair, but she felt no rush, and was fine with the idea of walking there slowly with company.

Jareth Fletcher
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer E | Sandman | Comrade | Sun-Kissed |
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.
Sun-Kissed - character has a new found fascination with the Leilosis faith. Will suffer in social situations with those that despise the followers of the Sun God. Will excel in social situations with Sun God followers.

After Jareth's haphazard introduction, a single female voice chimed in from elsewhere in the crowd. No others volunteered--at least, not openly. That said, Jareth was aware that there were at least two small bands joining them: that of the Zentox fellow Jareth felt like he could almost remember and that of the merchant woman, who had took the opportunity to advertise her services during her introduction. All told, it was a hefty caravan they had assembled for the task.

Michael went through the crowd to thank everyone personally, but Jareth was set apart by the empyrean's impromptu embrace. Not knowing it was coming, the sandman was unable to properly weave his own arms around Michael's torso, instead having his upper arms pinned by the hug. Not being able to properly wrap his arms around Michael, Jareth made do by awkwardly wrapping his forearms around his sides. When Michael pulled away and moved on, Jareth just stared after him in a daze.

How long has it been...since someone hugged me...? Jareth thought. Then something clicked in his mind as he looked curiously down at his hands. Amid the familiar pulses of Michael's mana, another sensory detail was apparent this time. The sensation of the blue man's body felt less like touching the body of a human and more like handling a suit of armor...or a sword...or a tin soldier....Did Jareth's own body give such an impression to the touch?

As unusual as it was for him, Jareth found himself seeking conversation--most likely as a distraction from his thoughts of Michael's condition. He didn't have to look far as he was reminded that he stood next to a bespectacled maiden. As others began making introductions and getting acquainted, Jareth approached her. Clearing his throat, he offered a small wave to Annabelle.

"Hello there, Miss. My name's Jareth Fletcher. O-Oh, I...guess I just announced that, didn't I? Uh, well, I noticed you had some eyeglasses, so I thought it would be useful for you to know that I'm actually an eyeglass artisan by trade. Well, I-I was, that is...before adventuring, you know." Yup, that was painful. Thankfully some of the old "customer service mode" kicked in to carry him through at least. Jareth attempted a smile, but it likely came off as excessive or "trying too hard". "Oh! If you like, we could see what the caravan has to offer for supplies. I can help you carry stuff if you like!"


Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (Ready), D (Ready), Regen in -- posts

Calculations: INT C (4) + Catalyst D (3) +
  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E
Cluilia Calogera.png
Cluilia Calogera

E Grade Character

Titles: Human, Merchant, Dealer

mentions: Novama Novama Ian Temero Ian Temero conman2163 conman2163 SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy


Cluilia glanced around at the group that had been assembled, it was an interesting group, to say the least. However, she noticed that the one with the small army seemed to know more about the individual in front of her than she did. Though that wasn't entirely important at the moment but something to inquire about at a later time preferably when the subject of the matter wasn't right in earshot. When she looked up again Michael was hugging one of the other members of the group which only brought more questions to mind. Though that meant that the two in her mind had at least met once before.

Cluilia turned her attention back to the priestess as she spoke of the journey and how long it was going to take and the places they would cross. Well I should make a nice little profit from this journey especially if I can get some of these refugees to sign the contracts. Rare or unknown religious groups can make me a nice profit if I find the right buyer. She thought to herself as she smiled and when she heard the term slavers she kept a smile on her face as she rolled her eyes. Turning around she faced the gladiators and signaled for them to join her as they quickly packed up the stuff they carried with them before joining her.

She turned her attention to the group that had assembled as the merchant was brought up, she was surprised they were purchasing the supplies they were going to need now. This seemed like a risky move in her mind, though that depended on how quickly they were trying to leave. If they were trying to get out quickly then buying supplies would be the best way to do that. Though that would also mean that you had the capital to support such a thing. Nothing was ever free and there was always some kind of debt to be paid no matter what was said.

Bringing her hand up to her chin she turned back to face the group once again,
"Well I suppose we will have a fun time on this trip, I doubt many of these people have left their homes before or at least not gotten very far. Oh I'm Cluilia Calogera by the way," she smiled as she introduced herself finally as she realized she had forgotten two earlier. Her goal at the moment was to try and make as much money as she could while she was on this trip. She then started to move toward Retili.

"So what the story with you and him? You seem to be on more uh...awkward terms I suppose," Cluilia spoke as she lowered her voice. Retili seemed like he had a fairly profitable position due to the number of people he had in his routine. She knew she couldn't pass up making contact even though she would have to purchase other things than her exotic goods from the man. She knew Ryke was a nation that didn't have slaves at least not in the open to say the least.
Grade E | Human | Envoy of Ancient Dragon Crysanthara

Michael offered each volunteer an individual greeting in turn, christening each member of the party in a way. then the priestess again, warning them of the dangers that they would face. Cold, humidity, danger. Plenty of danger. Weeks of walking. The cold would be unpleasant, but enough fabric would take care of that; humidity was another beast. In her previous life she hadn't exactly been a history buff, but she did remember hearing about soldiers getting trench foot from wading through swamps- not unlike what they were going to be doing, she imagined. So that was another thing to watch out for. Her boots would be good for miles, though, but they'd need rations.

The priestess was kind enough to point out the nearest merchants- and hopefully there would be more along the way. But rather than storm the vendors, the various adventurers congregated, and started to get to know each other. Kyra hesitated; should she be doing the same? She watched the cephalopod woman approach Michael, and that they were soon joined by the owl. The man that Kyra couldn't get a good look at- the one that Michael had embraced as an old friend- approached the maid, and the merchant woman sought out the short man with the dark clothes.

Looking at the forming groups and moving with the crowds, Kyra found herself near the maid and the man Michael had hugged. She overheard the last of what the man was saying, an offer to carry the maid's things. It was as good a point for a first introduction as any- so she stepped closer, and offered the two of them a warm smile. "Hope I'm not interrupting, but would you mind some accompaniment to the merchants? I've some stocking up myself to do as well."

Now that she was closer, she could get a good look at the man: Jareth, a sand mage. He didn't just control the sand: he literally lived and breathed it, his form made up of it as well. A part of her wanted to bubble out with questions on what that must be like- but a smarter part of her stopped, and employed Empathy [F]. He must get those questions a lot; he was probably sick of having to field them every time he met someone new. She could live without having her curiosity sated, and that was well worth having a better relationship with her now-teammate. So she shoved the questions down and proceeded like this was the most normal thing in the world. "What brings you two to join this cause?" She eyed the maid. "Well- I guess you already answered that. But, I guess, why you specifically- did you volunteer to be Michael's assistant, or was it more of a lottery?"

TL; DR: Kyra approaches and makes some small talk with Annabelle NimbusWing NimbusWing and Jareth Clyvelle Clyvelle
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet Novama Novama Clyvelle Clyvelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy upscalerat upscalerat saxon saxon NimbusWing NimbusWing

tldr; Retili doesn't like Michael, sees through the offer of Cluilia but says nothing before striking up a conversation with her.

Retili did not seem to react as the Blue Knight approached, his troops however seemed to grow more restless. To say that he was dumbfounded by the man's actions was putting it lightly. Retili hadn't made any effort to disguise the disgust on his face even as Michael took to thanking him and then began to mix in with the other members of the group, a few of whom took to speaking with him. One of the members of the group was a maid, one who was sent to aide Michael personally it seemed. The other was a beast-kin who was a bit green behind the ears it would seem. The words of thanks left a bad taste in the Zentox's mouth. He almost missed the words of the merchant who had stepped forward to speak but the shout of the woman was too loud to go unnoticed. The mention of a contract and the open offer of a job was suspicious at the very least. A job straight off the bat in a new land? That was an offer too good to be true. [Insight D]. Nevertheless he said nothing. It was no business of his what happened to these people in the next country. He would see them to the border and forget them afterwards. That said he had to wonder about the route that the Sun Priestess was taking if they had treacherous miles ahead of them.

Retili examined the woman who had approached him. His impression was definitely that of a professional business woman. The gladiators behind her? He was certain that if a fight were to erupt that the battle would probably be evenly matched, likely even leaning towards his men having the advantage. He flicked a look back at Michael as she mentioned him. "He destroyed half a city. Killed many of the inhabitants in a reckless action. Then he raised the dead of the city so people call him a hero. A fool with too much power. That incident indirectly lead to the death of my former liege." He rather hoped that the Blue Knight might have heard the words. "You are a merchant of the East? What wares do you sell there?"
AnnabelleCharacterFaceclaim.jpgAnnabelle Thistlehart
TLDR: Annabelle prepares herself to head on with her business, only to be met with two adventurers (Kyra, by upscalerat upscalerat | Jareth, by Clyvelle Clyvelle ) who wished to interact with her. And so, the maid proceeds to happily chat with them.

- - -

With introductions first introductions well out of the way and people starting to chatter on, Annabelle was just about ready to take things how she normally would, with her own business. She needed to grab her own supplies for the trip, and that pretty looking merchant seemed like she'd have a ware or two she'd like to browse through... and then after that, she'd need to check up with Michael and cater to whatever he needed to have done as per usual. With hands gently gripping onto her skirt, Annabelle was ready to walk out to do what she wanted to do...

Or so she had first thought.

- - -

That was when Annabelle found herself smack dab in the middle of two others - a man composed primarily of a sandy substance, and a quick-minded woman who appeared to be an aspiring adventurer. Almost immediately did she find herself halted by the presence of the two, gasping gently at the surprise. But she far from protested the thought. Such business could happen at a later time, and if anything... she was going to have to interact with the fellow members of this colorful party sooner or later. Why not now? With an excuse to postpone later interactions in place of potential newfound friends, Annabelle straightened out her white apron before she peered over at Jareth and Kyra, looking towards the two and turning her head to meet the gaze of each every now and then.

"Good morning, you two!" She'd reply with a cheerful greeting, tilting her head with a clear smile on her face before her attention turned straight towards Jareth. The man was... definitely abnormal, to say the least. Elemental beings were always something she had heard among the gossip of her fellow maids during her short time spent as part of the Servant's Guild, but to witness one - and for such a man to be unlike what she had first expected - was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise, especially for the fact that he rather, showed interest in her to begin with solely for the pair of glasses that rested on her nose. As he mentioned such a pair and his own trade, she'd remove her glasses from her face, procuring a white piece of cloth before she began to clean them gently. If one was astute enough, they could hear a pleasant squeak coming from her direction as her experience with cleaning surfaces proved itself effective even with her own glasses of all things.

Annabelle brushed off Jareth's awkward introduction as she maintained her smile, placing her glasses right back where they belonged before she spoke yet again. "A pleasure to meet you, and formally this time, Mr. Fletcher." Addressing Jareth more formally than one would expect, there was honest intrigue in her eyes as she then proceeded to question a little more into his trade. "So you're an eyeglass artisan... in other words, you could have been a glassblower, or a craftsman? Either way, I'm certain that you had yourself quite the eventful past thus far if you're joining us today. It's quite interesting to hear about the past lives of others before they turned to a life of adventure."

"On the topic of glasses... I'll happily keep you in mind, then! I've been saerching to find someone who crafts and sells glasses in quite some time, but it's been difficult to find somebody if mainly for my... failing vision. I can't really see well without a specialized pair."
Notably, her voice seemed to die down... but Annabelle quickly tried to rectify that. A quick shake of her head to motivate herself and a quick shift of her body to face Kyra was more than enough to keep her pleasant, maidly figure back on track.

"As for why I'm here, I'm what they are known by the Servant's Guild as a Maid-for-Hire. We're granted paid contracts in order to help others out, whether it's to prepare for upcoming events much like this one, to temporarily fill in for higher ranking servants, or to perform other assorted business, such as simple protection or simple cleaning. It just so happened that I was granted one to assist Michael here with his own duties." Annabelle would answer towards the outlying question that was sent her way, but not before she threw one of her own towards Kyra. "And if you're so kind to answer, what of yourself?"

Jareth Fletcher
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer E | Sandman | Comrade | Sun-Kissed |
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.
Sun-Kissed - character has a new found fascination with the Leilosis faith. Will suffer in social situations with those that despise the followers of the Sun God. Will excel in social situations with Sun God followers.

TL/DR - Jareth talks to Annabelle, asking to try something with her glasses. Responds to Kyra's query as well.

The maid seemed unfazed by Jareth's awkwardness. A professional courtesy perhaps? Her formal manner of speech made it seem likely. Regardless, she kept the conversation going, so gratitude might be the best stance at not having scared her off.

"My life before adventuring was rather dull, I'm afraid. Of course, I didn't realize it until I started adventuring. I have Michael to thank for that transition...which incidentally explains why I am here for the most part. Put simply, him." His gaze drifted to where Michael now stood, a mixture of admiration and appreciation evident in his features. Only when Annabelle began describing her unique vision needs did his attention return to her. "I see. That does sound troublesome. Could I see your glasses a moment? I've been wanting to try something. I actually used to wear glasses myself, but my...condition fixed my vision. I think it may help me assess the vision needs of others."

When Kyra joined them, Jareth allowed Annabelle to lead the conversation. Upon Kyra questioning why they had agreed to help Michael, Jareth provided further elaboration, "Michael and I are old friends. We've...been through a lot together. We got separated awhile back, but once I found him again, I've stayed by his side as much as possible."


Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (Ready), D (Ready), Regen in -- posts

Calculations: INT C (4) + Catalyst D (3) +
  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E
Mentions: Clyvelle Clyvelle Ian Temero Ian Temero saxon saxon conman2163 conman2163 SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy upscalerat upscalerat NimbusWing NimbusWing
OOC: another good round and some conversation. Feel free to keep talking as you like. Sorry about the delay. Was recovering and messed up the day count for posting.
Time: 9am
Weather: clear blue skies with the occasional lazy white puff. cool, comfortable temperatures for the morning.
TLDR: Michael would socialize with the party and make suggestion to go together to the market. the priestess would withdraw to the temple. the market was a lively place with many events and curiosities.
Post Listening:

Dawn island, Amity River, Sadek County



The temple courtyard, bathed in a golden haze from the rising sun, echoed with the chatter of gathered adventurers and sun worshippers alike. Stone statues of past Sun priests, worn down by time, stood as solemn sentinels overlooking the unfolding scene.

Michael's gaze met Squink's. The bustling of the courtyard, the merchants crying out their wares down by the river, the laughter and camaraderie of the gathered adventurers and travelers, all seemed to fade away for a brief moment. The look in his eyes was gentle, almost paternal. "Squink," he began, "Sometimes, the reasons for being chosen aren’t immediately clear. You have strengths that you might not even realize yet. Trust in yourself and in the journey ahead."

Though Michael did not have a deep connection with the Sun worshippers, he couldn’t help but feel protective of the nervous cephalopod. As for the High Priestess, Michael couldn't pretend to know her thoughts. But it was evident that every individual here was selected with purpose.

From a distance, Retili's words, laced with disdain, reached Michael's ears. Although the din of the courtyard prevented him from catching every syllable, the context was apparent. But Michael, seasoned by countless encounters, simply shrugged. Dwellings on others' judgments would only hinder the path forward. He had anguished enough over past mistakes in his opinion.

Motioning toward Jareth, Kyra, and Annabelle, who were already in conversation, Michael urged, "It might be a good idea to join them. We should head to the market together to prepare for our journey." Then, spotting Oden, a fierce-looking beastman unlike any Michael had encountered before, he hesitated momentarily. The unfamiliarity made Michael slightly awkward, but he pushed through, beckoning Oden as well. "You too, uh...comrade. It's better we stick together." Michael couldn't think of Oden's name and pondered briefly if he forgot it. He would turn away quickly to avoid revealing and flustered expression that may give away his mistake.

As Michael rallied the adventurers, the Sun Priestess and her entourage, having conveyed the message of Leilosis, slowly began to retreat. Their ornate robes glided silently over the stone as they made their way to the temple’s tower interior, readying themselves in prayer for the arduous journey that awaited.

Merchant Village of Dawn Island


The trading village by the river's edge was a vast, colorful mosaic of tents and covered wagons, with flags fluttering in the gentle breeze. The waters of the river, reflecting the clear blue of the sky, flowed serenely past, adding to the village's allure. On the island, the temple’s silhouette loomed like an ancient guardian, but down here, life thrived with vibrancy and noise.

As the mid-morning sun cast long shadows on the village 'streets', the marketplace was a hive of activity. The air was filled with chatter, the hum of negotiations, and the rustling of packed goods. Worshippers in their golden and white robes intermingled with rugged adventurers and astute merchants. The scent of spices, the soft clink of coins, and the distant calls of animals painted a vivid picture of a place on the brink of an epic journey.

In one corner of the marketplace, a stall unlike any other beckoned . It bore a striking resemblance to a bathhouse of all things, draped with mysterious artifacts and trinkets. Jars with ethereal lights floated above the counter, and creatures, some eerily familiar and some beyond imagination, flitted about. The merchant, an old woman with a kind face and twinkling eyes, stood waiting, knowing well the allure of her magical wares.

But not all merchants were as seemingly kind. A few stalls away, a shrewd trader tried to exploit the desperation of a young Sun priest, asking for exorbitant prices. Those shopping for supplies would witness the interaction as it was taking place.

TL; DR: Squink speaks to Michael, says helo to Oden, is curious about going to the Market and is willing to but doesn't have any money or anything to trade. Is just interested to meet her travelling partners and hear what they have to say, doesn't know what she would need or look for before they leave.

Squink patiently toyed and fiddled with her own hands idly as she awaited an answer to her questions from Michael, hoping he would have some experienced light to shine on the conversation.
"Squink," he began, "Sometimes, the reasons for being chosen aren’t immediately clear. You have strengths that you might not even realize yet. Trust in yourself and in the journey ahead" he had given as an answer, which wasn't the answer she was fully hoping for. Trying her best to hold back on any sounds or expressions of disappointment at the answer, she just quietly nodded.
"I understand, everyone else here just seems so much more prepared to do what they believe they may have to help with. I don't want to fail or end up being just a hinderance by the end of this. This is my first time helping with anything like this... " she spoke softly as she heard his suggestion to join up with the other members on their travels and visit the market. Hesitating at the sound of heading to the market, she fumbled idly for a moment.
"That would be sensible. A-although, having money for business is.... I-I don't really... have, any money to dooo thaaaat... I don't want to be a burden and ask so I can go without?... " she answered nervously as she needed to partake in such adventurers and practice in order to find a place she can suitably set up her life to capably live things out just fine, as well as figure out what it is she wants to do. Not wanting to harass Michael over the fact she didn't have such supplies she should have or the wealth to obtain it before they left, she just avoided eye contact with him for a little while as to hopefully not hold his attention or focus as much. He was likely much too important for her, so Squink didn't want to hold up and waste his time too much.

Noticing the attention of another who had approached to join their conversation, Squink recognised the owl beastkin who had introduced themselves as a simple wanderer. It wasn't immediately striking on how capable the owl beastkin was and in what talents, although Squink didn't think she had caught their name and held the thought they were one of the more calm and responsible people present. At least alongside Michael, whom Squink hadn't met everyone present but she assumed with his great experience and confidence that Michael would prove a person to look up to for inspiration throughout the trip.
"Oh, h-hello ma'am. I hope that we can also get along on this trip, since I don't know how the others present will fare in how they are. Everyone else here looks like they know what they're doing when they came here, although I'm still a little unsure why I even am... " she answered to Oden as she make conversation, acknowledging they should probably head to the market just to take a look at everything going on even if the ilithid wasn't prepared for business.
"I think Michael is right, we should all go to the Market with everyone to just at least take a look. Maybe there's something that will be useful for you... " Squink said, unsure what would even prove useful to Oden as the ilithid would probably only take notice of anything pretty or noticeably interesting rather than being able to recognise what would be of significant practical use to her.
"O-oh, I don't think I caught your name, if you want to say that is... I'd be interested if you have any stories or tips you want to talk about?" Squink asked, unsure if it was a secret that Oden didn't want to share, since they didn't speak of it initially when they introduced themselves. They looked knowledgeable and wise, so perhaps they had some nice stories to tell for Squink to listen to on their journey, or before they left off in order to calm her nerves.

Squink held patiently for Oden's response as she gave an occasional glance to Michael, albeit hesitant on looking at his face since she didn't want him to think that Squink saw herself on a similar level to him even if they were going to be travelling companions. She was hesitant on how experienced or grand her other companions may be, but Oden hadn't entirely let on as much of an impression yet as the others present. She would travel to the Market with them and wait to see whether they would do a trip of their own or travel in a larger group with other members, willing to go along with whatever it was others needed to get since she was rather emptyhanded and emptyminded on what she would need. The merchant and fae seemed like their own stories were set up pretty well at first glance, so she was nervous on how talented they were.

AnnabelleCharacterFaceclaim.jpgAnnabelle Thistlehart
TLDR: Annabelle continued on with her chat with Jareth, (by Clyvelle Clyvelle ) handing him her glasses in the process, before recommending that the small group should reunite with the greater team and head over to the Merchant Village.

- - -

"Nothing exciting worth talking about?" Annabelle had sadly queried at the answer that was granted by her courtesy of Jareth. Sure, there might have been a tale or two that may not have been exciting, but knowing about her own past working up to become a maid - she couldn't help but to protest. A man made of sand was much more interesting than she herself thought she was, at least in her thoughts. "I don't intend to be rude with this statement, or object against the wishes of others, but I highly digress, Mr. Fletcher. Everybody has a story to tell, even if it may not be fantastical."

It was at that point of time that Annabelle did her best to recall her time spent in the world. And as far as her memories could take her, not much notably stood out in her mind. For a great deal of the time, she had decided on following the desire of becoming a high-class maid, so that was what became her following statement as she continued the conversation. "Take me, for instance. I'm not an adventurer -" She'd say, with a light nod directed towards Kyra. "- Let alone as remotely interesting as somebody such as you could be, Mr. Fletcher. I'm merely just a Maid-for-Hire hired for a contract, nothing more, nothing less. Anybody else who would match my qualifications would be just the same, if not more intriguing, but I am pleased with the idea of remaining humble and doing what is needed of me. I live so I can serve others."

Speaking of serving others, it was such a request that was asked about Annabelle and her eyeglasses that caused the maid to reluctantly relinquish her own pair, holding them with a light-fingered grip before she allowed for Jareth to do as he needed with them.

It was at point however, that the familiar voice of the man she served under for the period of time - Michael - approached the group and voiced his recommendations. It wasn't enough to cause anything along the lines of a fright for Annabelle, but it did make her realize that she wasn't really doing her job at the time, just doing 'meaningless' chatter.

"... I deeply apologize for holding back your time which could have been spent doing something a little more efficient of our goals here, you two." A moderately disappointed expression crossed Annabelle straight on the face as she carefully took a step back and bowed, even though the pair of glasses that once sat on the bridge of her nose were not there anymore, still in her newfound ally's hands. "We really should adhere to Michael's advice and head on deeper into the Village to uncover any wares that may assist all of us, should we not? As my teacher had once explained, a maid who fails to prepare merely prepares to fail, and I won't let that idea stand in my heart."
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Character Sheet
Femboy Femboy
TLDR: Oden went to the marketplace with Squink, and is drinking/offering tea with her at a tea stall.​
As a creature of keen hearing, safe to say Retili's snide comments towards Michael did not go unnoticed by the old owl as she walked forward. City destruction, mass murder and an equally mass resurrection to save the day? Such a tale sounded quite the story. Seemed the blue human's past was not as glorious as some made it out to be. Pondering the information she had gleamed, she glanced toward the hero once more. As he turned to address her however, she couldn't help but cock her head in mild confusion, puzzled by the awkward estrangement he had greeted her with.

Did he fear beastkin? Ah, but there was such a great contrast in the way he both looked and spoke to Squink compared to herself no? Then... was he uncomfortable around her in particular? Oden felt she had spoken barely enough words to give anyone that sort of impression though.

Pondering silently, more curious than any sort of offended, she only cast the matter aside as she turned back to the ever frantic Squink. "You can call me Oden. Don't worry, there were quite a few names being thrown around so I understand missing a few." She bobbed her head gently, validating her woes. The anxiousness and self-consciousness of her fellow beastkin seemed to flow in every word she spoke. She couldn't remember that the last time the owl herself felt similar. But as an elder and teacher, she knew very well the first time for anything was always a little scary.

"We might find something useful for you at the market too. Perhaps a spare waterskin or new pair of travel boots for the journey." Carefreely, the old owl threw out a few ideas for her seemingly lost companion. "You don't have to worry about the money. Let an elder spoil the younger ones, hm?" She smiled encouragingly as she marched onward. Oden wouldn't exactly say she was rich, but over the years, she had saved up more than enough for a little indulgence in her worldly travels.

The marketplace was beautiful. A stunning mosaic of gentle colours and lively people. Wandering the sights with Squink, Oden found herself pondering what sort of tale to tell in response to her companion's question. Squink's consecutive asking of tips/advice from both her and Michael did not go unnoticed by her after all. She was well aware of how overly nervous/anxious she was, but thinking back to the recent horror stories she had been through, Oden couldn't quite think of a tale at the moment that would soothe any nerves.

Fortunately, in a little corner of the marketplace not far from where they entered, she found a solution. Gently tossing a few coins in to the hands of the old man running the tea stall, she passed a steaming cup to Squink before taking a sip herself. It took her a little bit before she spoke up again, giving time for the aroma and warmth of the tea to seep through their bodies. "I think you are shackling yourself by expectations that don't exist, Squink. You can just think of it as a little vacation to the Eastern Empire we randomly won tickets for." She chuckled, watching the flow of lively and bustling people pass them by. "No one knows why we were chosen. So there's no real requirements for you to just be here, and enjoy yourself." Oden patted the ilithid gently on the shoulder, before slowly beginning to focus her attention towards finding any stalls to do with bows, arrows or wooden crafts whilst finishing her tea.
Grade E | Human | Envoy of Ancient Dragon Crysanthara

Annabelle gave a perfectly eloquent response to Kyra's question; it was the sort of answer that was likely befitting a maid with such an important duty, she guessed, though she had no way to be certain. Even in her old life, the closest she got to experiencing such things was from old television and fantasy novels- hardly anything that would give her anything to actually gauge by. Either way, Kyra was impressed: Annabelle was pleasant, and never seemed surprised by Jareth's unusual appearance, and made polite conversation. As far as first impressions went, Annabelle gave a good one.

In fact, the only thing that seemed to bother her was her imperfect vision- and even that didn't bring her down for long, it seemed, with a glass artisan in their party. When she spoke to Kyra, the levity had returned to her voice. Jareth, on the other hand, was a bit more difficult to read- he seemed plenty polite, and maybe a little wistful. She hardly knew him well enough to push him further, though, and instead responded to what they had said to her.

"It must be good to see an old friend again- and I'm sure it's nice to already be familiar with the skill of someone you'll be working with." The stories from her old life often made a point of two people having an easier time against a common enemy when they were familiar with the other's abilities; and while she had no more personal experience to draw on regarding that than she did a maid, it seemed like the proper thing to say.

With that, she turned back to Annabelle. "Oh- um, nothing, really. Had nothing going on, I was in the area and came to take a look at the temple-" she nodded to the large building the priestess had come from and returned to, and briefly wondered if sightseeing would be odd in this world- "and was curious about the commotion." She shrugged. "Seemed a bit of a moot point for me to become an adventurer and not rise to the call of adventure when it's right in front of me." It was hardly anything noble, but it was the truth, at the very least.

While Kyra hadn't wanted to press Jareth for more information before, though, Annabelle seemed to have no such reservations- she seemed passionate about her disagreement, but wasn't fired up or impolite about it. She yielded her glasses- then seemed to come to attention as Michael approached, bowed and echoed his sentiments. Kyra nodded. "Right, that's a good idea." She blinked, then frowned to herself. "Well, actually. Will we find any more traders or towns on our journey, do you think? Or should we be stocking up for the whole trip right now?" Carrying enough food to last her for weeks would be heavy, not to mention any other supplies- and besides, she was curious to see what Jareth would be doing to the maid's glasses. Surely she could delay her shopping another few minutes for that.

TL; DR: Kyra continues her conversation with Annabell NimbusWing NimbusWing and Jareth Clyvelle Clyvelle before moving on to shopping.

Jareth Fletcher
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer E | Sandman | Comrade | Sun-Kissed |
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.
Sun-Kissed - character has a new found fascination with the Leilosis faith. Will suffer in social situations with those that despise the followers of the Sun God. Will excel in social situations with Sun God followers.

TL/DR - Jareth thinks to himself and continues his conversation with Kyra and Annabelle. Uses his sand powers to assess Annabelle's prescription. Walks with the ladies to the marketplace and suggests things to buy.

"A story to tell, hm?" A grimace involuntarily formed on Jareth's face as he pondered what kind of story had been woven by his past. It definitely wasn't a comedy. Romance never tempted the writer's hand. It being a horror goes without saying. His eyes suddenly opened a little wider as a thought occurred to him. An adventure? Could the events that have brought him here truly be something so grand?

Meeting Michael was the cause of all of this. If not for him, Jareth wouldn't have been captured. He wouldn't have been tortured to death. His body would never have become sand. On the other hand, however, Jareth would never have tasted the cuisine of the Duchy. He never would have learned how strong he could be. He never would have left his master's shop in Ryken.

The entire world outside of those walls might as well have not existed at all. That world has Michael in it though. And Achu. And Fleet. And the Leilosis monks. And Kyra. And Annabelle. And all the people now surrounding Jareth at the base of the Sun Temple. Everyone that made his life...more. More interesting. More friendly. More challenging.

"If there's one thing I learned from working under my master, it's that you don't undersell your product. A master grade pair of lenses are worth a pouch of gold. Likewise, Miss Thistlehart, you have more worth than your words portray. For instance, what other maid-for-hire would have such an immaculate pair of glasses?" Jareth said as he received her glasses, carefully, ever so gently, grabbing the temple. He slid them onto his own face, channels forming along his temples in order to not stretch them out. Widening his eyes, one could see the makeup of his eyes changing as he peered through the lenses. In a matter of seconds, his eyes shifted to accommodate Annabelle's prescription. Jareth looked around to check that he had the magnification down, smiling in triumph as his plan had worked. Sliding them back off, he promptly returned them to Annabelle, not smudged but perhaps a mite more dusty. At Annabelle's urging following Michael's announcement, Jareth walked with her and Kyra towards the marketplace.

"In any case, I think I'll be able to help you should your glasses need repaired. We'll just hope there's no need for that." Jareth's voice trailed off as he began looking at the market stalls. It suddenly occurred to him that his needs for provisions would be far less than the others considering his unique...constitution these days. Kyra wondered aloud the practicality of buying food enough for the entire journey up front. Jareth had brief flashbacks of his first adventurer mission hunting horned rabbits.

"Perhaps hunting will be possible for at least part of the trip? I would focus on buying what you can carry. Dried rations and such. Maybe a bedroll." He suggested. "The terrain we'll be travelling through doesn't sound like it will be convenient for carts and wagons either."


Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (Ready), D (Ready), Regen in -- posts

Calculations: INT C (4) + Catalyst D (3) +
  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E
Cluilia Calogera.png
Cluilia Calogera

E Grade Character

Titles: Human, Merchant, Dealer

mentions: Novama Novama Ian Temero Ian Temero conman2163 conman2163 SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy

  • Lets Make a deal - Business F, Empathy F, Persuasion F - Due to her years as a business woman she tries to persuade her clients into making a deal and trying to empathize with them in the hopes she will get a deal. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Cluilia cocked an eyebrow as Retili mentioned that Michael had destroyed half a city. "Half a city? Well, well, that is a surprise I suppose," Cluilia responded nonchalantly as she glanced back at the individual in question. As she was told more she instinctively brought her hand to her mouth as she blinked a few times dumbfounded. There seemed to be far more than met the eyes when it came to Michael, though she really couldn't remember his name at the moment. When she was asked about herself she grinned, "Cluilia Calogera of the Eastern Empire, I'm what you would call an exotic goods merchant at least that's what I would be called in Ryke."

As Michael mentioned the merchants and the markets, Cluilia gave him a small look as if trying to figure him out. To her this whole matter was a puzzle and she knew that she could make a lot of money if she could get him to sign a contract. But she had a sneaking suspicion that she wouldn't get very far with that line if he was truly as powerful as she was told he was. Though she wasn't too either to particularly test that theory either. Looking back over at Retili she placed her hands on her hips, "Though, what are you exactly, and advisor or a noble? Your routine could be either or." She then signaled for her guards to follow as she started to follow the others toward the market.

As they arrived she noticed one of the merchants haggling with one of the priests, which caused her to frown. If anyone was going to rip people off it was going to be her, letting out a small sigh she walked over to the merchant and signaled her guards to stay back. "What seems to be the problem here? These travelers are just getting supplies for their long journey, I'm sure we could make a deal. Surely you can give them a good price I mean these don't seem to be the rareist of items," Cluilia suggested with a smiling using her Lets Make a deal ability.

TLDR: Cluilia discusses Michael with Retili. Michael has caught the attention of the merchant for better or worse.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet Novama Novama Clyvelle Clyvelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy upscalerat upscalerat saxon saxon NimbusWing NimbusWing

tldr; Retili introduces himself properly to Cluilia, then he goes with her into the market. He decides to throw his weight in behind the cultist and Cluilia adding the weight of his own skills and attempting to discern at least some of the man's thoughts and intentions.

He did not say anything in response to the comment about Michael and let the subject lapse. Retili cocked his own eyebrow in turn at the mention of exotic goods. "Exotic goods you say?" If he had any doubts about the fates of those who signed the "contracts" from Cluilia they vanished now. He doubted very much that they would lead any sort of independent lifestyle in the Eastern Empire, and of course it would be all above board with the contracts in her possession. Retili turned and made a small bow to Cluilia as she asked the question of his own status. "I apologize I have held you at a disadvantage by not introducing myself. I am Retili of House Loxinofican. Advisor to the Baroness Caelia." He straightened as she turned and followed Cluilia towards the merchants. His own men followed in perfect step and formation without a word as they drifted through the crowd. The neat black uniforms, helmets, boots, and shining brass buttons were a sight to see. The sunlight glittered off the points of pikes and rifle bayonets alike as they followed their leader.

Despite his shorter stature Retili kept pace with Cluilia easily, striding side by side with her as she made her way into the market. It did not take long before the pair were at the stall of the scrupulous merchant. A quick hand wave and his men stopped behind him a short distance. Retili made a great show of browsing the wares of the merchant even as Cluilia spoke with the man. He waited for her to finish before he turned his attention to the man. His red eyes seemed to glitter with amusement at the attempted swindle. "She is right. You ask much for very little. Why even an amateur could tell that price is not the market rate." His tone was filled with sarcastic disappointment. "I had been interested in some of your wares myself, but if the rates of your stall are so exorbitant perhaps it would be best to look elsewhere..." He let his voice trail off with the suggestion. Meanwhile he attempted to discern all he could about the man, his intentions, and his reaction to his and Cluilia's words. [Skill Used: Noble Bearing D (2 Post Cooldown)].

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare E, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe D - Insight D, Perception E, Empathy E, Persuasion D - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing D - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion D, Empathy E, Perception E, Insight D, Business F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility. [On cooldown, 2 posts]

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