• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Four Heavenly Kings: CS Thread



Roleplay Type(s)
"Hello again! Tiger here. (You know the drill by now...)

Here's our CS Template, Rookie! Tell us a little about yourself, and why you think yer tough enough to swim with the Tigers (waddaya mean that's not the saying?!)"
  • 「 CS 」
    Below you'll find a rough outline of the expected fields the GM team needs to approve your New Oasis OC. You can provide more details and additional fields than the ones listed below, but these are a minimum requirement (though, some can be left blank if they are not applicable to the character). Tiger here will walk you through and provide color commentary on the requirements below.

    NAME: "First and last, please. We're not with the government, we promise."

    ALIAS: "Think of something cool! Something unique. Or should I say... you-nique—OW, what was that for!?"

    AGE/BIRTHDAY: "Age so we know how old you are. Birthday so we know what day to celebrate :3"

    GENDER: "Guys, gals and other pals are all welcome here. So long as you love CRIME >:3"

    HEIGHT: "How tall are you? If you're taller than me I'm kicking you in the shins!"

    WEIGHT: "They say it's rude to ask, but I'm askin' anyway!"

    GANG: "Which gang you reppin'? There's no wrong answers (BUT Tiger is the Best!)"

    GANG RANK: "Hail to the King! Err, or the Queen."

    JOIN DATE: "You an old-timer? A spring chicken? Or somewhere in between?"

    APPEARANCE: "Whatcha look like?"

    PERSONALITY: "Whatcha act like, think like, talk like, be like?"

    HISTORY: "What's yo' story?"

    POTENTIALITY NAME: "Powers are way cooler if they have a cool name to go along with them."



    POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION: "What that thang do?"


    WEAPONS/EQUIPMENT: "Little known fact! Tigers loves sharp, shiny things."

    And that's it! As far as coding for the CS is concerned, we aren't mandating you follow our codes to the letter if you prefer not to so long as all of the required information is there (though the GMs may go through at a later date and prettify / standardize codes for the approved OCs to satiate one's OCD).
「 CS 」

[font=Akronim][comment][font=Raleway][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Roboto].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
/* Character image */
--character: url('');
/* Potentiality image */
--potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/1AVudk6.jpg');

/* Card subtitle font family */
--sub-font: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

/* Card title + section header font family */
--title-font: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;

/* Label + section body font family */
--label-font: 'Jost', sans-serif;

/* Label field font family */
--field-font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* Card background + divider colour */
--main-c: #313739;

/* Card subtitle colour */
--sub-c: #00C5A5;

/* Card title colour */
--title-c: #dde7dc;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
filter: hue-rotate(-50deg);][Tabs]

[Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent;
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width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
display: flex;
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height: 576px;
background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
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height: 500px;
background-image: var(--character);
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position: absolute;
box-sizing: border-box;
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margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]SABLE SERPENTS[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Alias
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gang and Rank
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Sable Serpents[/border][/border][comment]
// Active Since
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Home District
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Home District[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]North District[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]



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padding: 12px 0 0 0;
font: calc(18px - 0.25vw) var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]NAME[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=0;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
 font-size: 38px;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]


    xx (month xx, xxxx)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    xx of the Sable Serpents
    Home District
    North District

[font=Akronim][comment][font=Raleway][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Roboto].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
/* Character image */
--character: url('');
/* Potentiality image */
--potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/WrhheBd.jpg');

/* Card subtitle font family */
--sub-font: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

/* Card title + section header font family */
--title-font: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;

/* Label + section body font family */
--label-font: 'Jost', sans-serif;

/* Label field font family */
--field-font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* Card background + divider colour */
--main-c: #9F0000;

/* Card subtitle colour */
--sub-c: #EDE9D0;

/* Card title colour */
--title-c: #3A001E;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
filter: hue-rotate(142deg);][Tabs]

[Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent;
filter: hue-rotate(-142deg);
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
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margin-top: 16px;][border=1px solid #f2f2f2;
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height: 576px;
background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-image: var(--character);
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filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
position: absolute;
box-sizing: border-box;
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right: 0px;
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padding: 0px;
width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]SCARLET PHOENIXES[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Alias
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gang and Rank
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Scarlet Phoenixes[/border][/border][comment]
// Active Since
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Home District
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Home District[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]South District[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]



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font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]NAME[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=0;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
 font-size: 38px;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]

    xx (month xx, xxxx)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    xx of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Home District
    South District

[font=Akronim][comment][font=Raleway][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Roboto].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
/* Character image */
--character: url('');
/* Potentiality image */
--potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/iJ6p74E.jpg');

/* Card subtitle font family */
--sub-font: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

/* Card title + section header font family */
--title-font: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;

/* Label + section body font family */
--label-font: 'Jost', sans-serif;

/* Label field font family */
--field-font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* Card background + divider colour */
--main-c: #f2f2f2;

/* Card subtitle colour */
--sub-c: #EDE9D0;

/* Card title colour */
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width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
filter: hue-rotate(-158deg);][Tabs]

[Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent;
filter: hue-rotate(158deg);
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
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padding: 18px;
flex: 0 1 360px;
max-width: 100%;
height: 576px;
background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-image: var(--character);
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 8px;
background-position: center;
filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
position: absolute;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0px auto;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
border-radius: 8px;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]ALBINO TIGERS[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Alias
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gang and Rank
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Albino Tigers[/border][/border][comment]
// Active Since
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Home District
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Home District[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]East District[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]



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background: var(--main-c);
height: 576px;][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
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filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
box-sizing: border-box;
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margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0 0 0;
font: calc(18px - 0.25vw) var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]NAME[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=0;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
 font-size: 38px;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]

    xx (month xx, xxxx)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    xx of the Albino Tigers
    Home District
    East District

[font=Akronim][comment][font=Raleway][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Roboto].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
/* Character image */
--character: url('');
/* Potentiality image */
--potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/OI3uvyk.jpg');

/* Card subtitle font family */
--sub-font: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

/* Card title + section header font family */
--title-font: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;

/* Label + section body font family */
--label-font: 'Jost', sans-serif;

/* Label field font family */
--field-font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* Card background + divider colour */
--main-c: #234a56;

/* Card subtitle colour */
--sub-c: #89b9c5;

/* Card title colour */
--title-c: #D3FBD8;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
filter: hue-rotate(-30deg);][Tabs]

[Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent;
filter: hue-rotate(30deg);
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
margin-top: 16px;][border=1px solid #f2f2f2;
box-sizing: content-box;
position: relative;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 18px;
flex: 0 1 360px;
max-width: 100%;
height: 576px;
background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-image: var(--character);
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 8px;
background-position: center;
filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
position: absolute;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0px auto;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
border-radius: 8px;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]AZURE DRAGONS[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Alias
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gang and Rank
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Azure Dragons[/border][/border][comment]
// Active Since
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Home District
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Home District[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]East District[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]



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letter-spacing: 0.12em;]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=transparent;
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border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent;
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// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]

    xx (month xx, xxxx)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    xx of the Azure Dragons
    Home District
    East District

  • a943ea439cd88c8ab9763f5c369d24e0.jpg
    Markus Weiss
    - King Cold -

    King of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Ryutaro Hashimoto
    - Dio -

    Queen of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Passeri Park
    - Iroi -

    Jack of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Samira Calrissian
    - Bacchus -

    Ace of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Alicia Morel
    - Alice -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Dante Hel-Puch
    - Facet -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Camila Gaspari
    - Lilim -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Jack Montaña
    - Cowboy Jack -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Pascal Corbin
    - Lake -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Kiwi Dior Bonheur
    - RNGesus -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Lorette Lècuyer
    - Nergal. The Dandy Lion. -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Lenras Motesfont
    - Doctor -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Lazlo Daniel Shepherd
    - Blank -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    - X -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Pham Nguyet
    - Mouse -

    Veteran of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Elias Yumin
    - Elijah Anamnesis -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Ezra Knight
    - Z -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Welsha Audax Reaper
    - Cloud -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Matsuda Russo
    - Smog -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Elise Cutter
    - Dagger -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Dante Aurelio D'Angelo Aguilar
    - Hades -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Shishido Takakazu
    - Tak -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Hiachi Ito
    - Ghillie -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    - Mugen -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Samuel Bhatia
    - Solei -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Artemis Mac Naught
    - Juliet -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Hyun Moon
    - Carat -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    - Baba -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Yura Heo
    - Jiji -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Oliver Fessle
    - Peace -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Rohen Vista
    - Crow -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Jacques de la Isarn
    - Monsieur Melancholy -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Cecilia Alfieri
    - Rock -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Frederick Lucy Smith
    - The Lord of Lies -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Ryo Katsura
    - Kona -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️

    Li Daiyu
    - Lǎohǔ -

    Rookie of the Albino Tigers ▶️
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    Markus Weiss
    28 (September 1, 1993)
    King Cold
    6'0" (183 cm) | 195 lb (88.5 kg)
    King of the Albino Tigers
    Flashy, bombastic King
    Length of Reign
    4 Years
    Markus is 6’0” and weighs 195 lb. He sports a haircut with close-shaved sides and a single bang falling down on his forehead. His hair is black with two streaks of blue running up the front.
    Markus’ public persona is one of a fairly typical gangster. He is flashy and ostentatious, especially in his dress. He plays the part to keep up appearances, and keep the lower rank-and-file in line, but it’s not his true self. The truth is he is a jealous, power-hungry megalomaniac of a man who’d actively tear down his own gang if it meant he’d get what he wanted. And what he wants is... Everything.
    Markus couldn’t wait to join the Tigers. He saved up and went all in as soon as he had enough capital to seal the deal; and would’ve joined up sooner if he’d been able to scrounge up the cash. It wasn’t long before he’d made fast friends with a few of the other fresh-faced recruits, and even some of the more senior members of the gang, with a few... notable exceptions. One boy, around his age, paid him no mind at best, and naked contempt at worst.

    One day he’d had enough of the abuse and challenged the boy. They fought, and steered clear of each other from that day on... Until that same boy was promoted to Jack.

    Ten years ago, Markus and his rival battled for the position of Jack. He lost. He never really got over it. It would be a few years yet before the gang at large knew just how badly he'd taken his defeat. For little did they know that on that fateful day, Markus had sworn to himself that he’d repay every slight, every insult, every... humiliation over, ten thousand fold.

    And he wasn’t alone. Slowly but surely Markus began sowing the seeds of his discontent. One day, he had amassed enough power and influence within the Tigers to take his long-awaited revenge against his Rival, who, by that point, had ascended to the Rank of King... Leaving Markus squarely in his shadow. Fearing he wouldn't have the strength to defeat his Rival in one-on-one combat, Markus allegedly turned to subtler approaches, approaches that, on the day of reckoning, left the Tiger's King off his game. He was barely standing by the time Markus came to steal his crown and cast him out, at last completing his coup d'état that, by this point, was years in the making.

    Time has passed since then. The Tigers—the loyal, or the prudent—have come to accept their new management. And Markus has turned his greedy eye to other prizes.
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The Katsura Twins

KANNA - "Stoic and Resolute" - Playlist
Voice Samples - English | Japanese

+ Nighttime / Nightsky
+ Cats
+ Hot drinks (mainly tea)
+ Strong liquor
(Whiskey, Sake, Rum, etc)
+ Car enthusiast (and racer)

- Drugs of any form
- Cold/Winter weather
- Anything moderately sour
- Large/Crazy parties

    • NAME: Kanna Katsura
      ALIAS: "Orbit"
      AGE - BIRTHDAY: 25 - March 3rd, 1996
      GENDER: Female
      SEXUALITY: Homosexual

      Most of her physical traits come from mother with some influence from her father, but most of her father's traits are mental. She stands at 5'7", weighing in at around 137 lbs. Her hair jet black and rather long. She usually keeps it tied up, but on certain occasions will do something fancy with it. Her eyes match her hair, being solid black, or really dark brown as some would say. Her skintone is light, but not pale. Her body have a gentle curve to it with emphasis in all the right places, but is also well conditioned and toned. While she isn't visibly muscular, her strength is developed with more focus to endurance.

      HEIGHT: 5'7" - 170 cm
      WEIGHT: 138 lbs

      GANG: Azure Dragons
      GANG RANK: Jack of the Dragons
      JOIN DATE: June 2014 - active for 7 years

      Kanna is a reserved person, for the most part. She isn't one to share too many details regarding her personal life to others, except those she's close with. But, she's very approachable and a friendly person. Kanna can be soft-spoken in most occasions but its easy for her to get passionate about the things close to her, be it hobbies or people.

      One thing about Kanna that most people notice is her high sense of pride, dignity and honor, but she doesnt flaunt it. Kanna doesnt take offense to most things unless its deeply personal. As a result of her high personal standards, she can be extremely hard on herself when it comes to failure and is very persistent and rarely gives up. While most of the time she's smart enough to realize when something is out of her control, there are times where others have to ground her and remind Kanna that she cant do everything.

      Kanna carries that pride and honor with her, bringing it into her life within the Azure Dragons. She's willing to get her hands dirty for the greater purpose of maintaining what the Dragons had built up over the years. As the Jack of the Dragons, she isn't the kind of leader to sit back and let others do the work, rather she'll treat herself like any other member, volunteering to go out on assignments and being out in the field with others.

      If you get to know her more closely, you can almost see the child in her when it comes to cars. Its rare, but sometimes Kanna will get very enthusiastic about her hobby, leading to over-explanation, a abrupt pause, and an apology for sounding like a nerd. The child-like side of Kanna also shows whenever she's hosting (or participating) in one of her races.

      Kanna was born to a family of 4 in the East District of New Oasis, having a mother, father, and a twin sister named Kasumi. While their mother was a Non-Potential, Kasumi had the ability to manipulate technology and her father was able to manipulate electricity. At the time, her father was an official member of the Azure Dragons.

      Her father was Kanna's primary mentor, helping her learn how to control and understand her newfound abilities. Eventually, Kanna became comfortable with her Potential and was able to keep it under her own control. From there on, she honed her abilities and grew in capability. Kanna continued to spend time each day with her father to practice and keep her Potential in check. In addition to this, her father put Kanna through martial arts lessons and she eventually obtained a black belt in jiujitsu. She became an assistant instructor from there on. On the side, she also became thoroughly interested in mechanics, specifically cars (and other related vehicles). When she was at the legal age to drive, she bought and customized her own

      One day, after returning from school, Kanna's father greeted her with a letter, bearing the sigil of the Azume Dragons. At first, Kanna thought that it was for her sister, but her father clarified that it was in fact, for both of them. He revealed to the twins that he was planning to retire from the gang and that he wanted Kanna and Kasumi to take his place. At first, Kanna was hesitant, but ultimately accepted the invitation.

      Kanna was quick to learn the ropes within the gang and the politics between the different districts, as well as the Dragons' ultimate goal of maintaining peace and tradition. However, she was also introduced to the darker side of the gang. The brothels were one thing, but the lengths that the Dragons went to ensure the peace and order established within their district intrigued Kanna more than anything.

      At first, most of the other members paid little to no respect to the twins, seeing them as just shadows of their father. Kanna didn't like that. She made every effort to separate herself from her father's image, volunteering for any assignment given out by the gang leadership. When she wasn't doing anything special, she roamed the streets of the East District. In some events, Kanna proved her worth, showing off her versatility and proficiency with her Potential and her martial arts background. After a couple years within the gang, Kanna and Kasumi were both seen as equals by the other gang members and treated as such. In addition, they were made veterans.

      During her time in within the Dragons, Kanna became involved in street racing, attending her first car meet with her bike. She kept her affiliation with the gang quiet while her eyes feasted on the sight of all the custom cars in the parking lot. Despite her attempt of keeping a low profile, she caught some attention as the 'new girl' and wound up in her first race against a so-called 'veteran' who challenged her, with the bet that whoever lost would forfeit their vehicle. Not one to shy away from a challenge, Kanna agreed. Long story short, Kanna came ahead of the race and won herself the loser's
      custom car, which has since became her go-to vehicle most of the time. Kanna continued to participate in races, eventually finding herself in the top leagues and racing against the best within the East District. Kanna soon found herself among the best drivers and after a couple months, she was the best, of all of them. Kanna held a high reputation within the underground racing community and began hosting her own racing meets along with Kasumi's help.

      A few years passed, quietly and mostly uneventful, up until there was a shakeup within the Draogn's leadership, leading to an opening for the role of Jack. Kanna saw her chance to take on a greater role within the gang, as well as surpass her father. However, there were others who had the same ambition, one of them being Ruriko Ikeda.

      Ruriko was persistent, eventually evolving into an open challenge against Kanna for the title. Kanna accepted with no second thought.
      The fight itself was drawn out and both of them were equal in their own regards, but in the end, Kanna came out victorious and was named the new Jack of the Dragons.

      Present day, she takes her title seriously and supports the Dragon King to the best of her ability, as well as continuing her daily practices of roaming the streets of the East District, participating in given assignments and running race events

KASUMI - "A Helping Hand" - Playlist
Voice Sample - Japanese
+ Cats
+ Specifically black tea
+ Autumn/Cool weather
+ Computer programming and games

- Alcohol or drugs of any form
- Overly sweet things
- Summer/Hot weather
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    Hector Moses
    Hector Moses
    27 (01/01/1995)
    Male, he/him
    6'2" (188 cm) | 154 lb (70 kg)
    Queen of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    December 25th, 2012
    Surpisingly competent, unsurprisingly still a mess
    Home District
    South District
    Hector has a lanky build, standing at 188cm. He has a sallow complexion, and is very expressive. He has brown hair, and green eyes. He lost an eye during the Tiger raid on the Phoenixes (“The Recruit”), and wears a metal patch over the socket. It is evident from his appearance that he neglects to take care of himself.

    He has a bizarre sense of fashion, never buying new clothe. Most of his shirts seem to be picked from a jumble sale, or a dumpster. He is fond of hideously inappropriate graphic tees. His long white coat, torn from many fights, is his most recognizable piece.
    Hector can most easily be described as passionate, and crazy. These are the two traits most notice first. He seems to act only on what he wants to do, fighting anyone who opposes him, defying anyone he doesn't respect, appearing to be a loose cannon. This is somewhat untrue though, as his loyalty to his gang and family, though sometimes leading to misguided actions, is stronger than any other force. He would never purposely hold the Phoenixes back, though it's hard for him to control his violent impulses. He cares a lot about this.
    He is known for being a reliable worker, willing to do any job, no matter how dirty. He'll often be seen coated in blood, yet acting like it's a normal Tuesday night.

    Though he isn't great at first impressions, he has high respect for those who take the time to befriend him. If he likes you, he'll die for you. He is a surprisingly good listener and genuinely wants to see people succeed. He does view himself as a stronger, smarter, and overall better person than most though, despite this being very false.
    Historical Biography

    Hector Moses was born on January 1st, 1995, along with estranged twin, Mary-Anne Moses. His father, Riley Barnes, never knew his son, imprisoned shortly after his birth, still in prison to this day for several murders, and robberies. His mother, Veronica Moses, had her children at a young age and was unfortunately plagued with mental and physical illnesses that prevented her from giving them a proper upbringing. She stopped working when Hector was a young child and spent most of her time sitting at home. They all lived in a ramshackle home on the outskirts of a distant city, where Hector soon learned how the fend for himself, lacking any role models.

    At age 16, Hector left school, despite doing great educationally. He got a job at a local restaurant, working late each night, saving every dollar he earned to support his family. His sister was deeply concerned about him, and that fear only grew when Hector started bringing home far more money than he could earn at his job. She was appalled to learn that he was shoplifting and pickpocketing, just for the extra money. Despite caring deeply for his sister, he dismissed her concerns, and kept up his crime spree, until one winter night in 2011.

    He arrived home one night from work, only to find that his family home had been broken into. Unbeknownst to him, his sister and mother had locked themselves in a room, safe from the intruders, who were ransacking the place. These were people Hector had tried to mug before, back for revenge. Letting his violent instincts take over, Hector used his Potential to repeatedly stab the intruders. He didn't stop until there was a pool of blood underneath their mangled bodies. Hector called out to his family, proud of how he had protected them but didn't receive the praise he expected.

    He left home that night, with only a backpack full of possessions. He hitched a ride through Amestria until he reached New Oasis, where he started a new life. After a year of hiding in the shadows of the South District, he made his way into the Scarlet Phoenixes, eager to prove himself. He never looked back.

    Lyric - Sponsored Hector to join the Phoenixes in 2012
    Reika - Lover. Became her Ace in March 2020 after the hurricane, succeeded her as Queen when she fell into a coma.
    Hide - Friend and rival in the Phoenixes, enjoys working with him, especially when given the chance to show off
    Yong-Yut - Likes her more than she likes him
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    Kazue Kaneko
    27 (November 9, 1994)
    4’11" (152 cm) | 93 lb (42.2 kg)
    Veteran of the Azure Dragons
    Free healthcare
    Home District
    West District
    An actually technically averaged sized human. Relative to people outside New Oasis. Within the city, her height is dwarfed by children, and she’s also built like a stick. Her black eyes and dark hair are both usually hidden, behind sunglasses, a hat, or a hood, with her hair also kept chopped short. Her preference is maneuverable, casual clothing like hoodies. She is never seen without a baseball cap.
    Definition of failure. Kazue is perpetually second place, and second is basically the first person to lose. Especially in her mind. She’s just here to live, doing something especially meaningful with her life is secondary. Kazue does what she’d told she needs to do. If she had any more free time, she would not know how to use it. She is very prone to worrying about what will go wrong next. She can work past fear fine, but it will be taking up a lot of her baseball capped head. The healer is a reliable worker, dedicated to her job because keeping others alive is what is keeping her alive. She doesn’t want to know what’s on the other side.

    Kazue is terrible in conversation. The small woman has the small talk skills of a deer in the middle of the road, about to get run over. She loves silence and will not talk first, one must walk up to her and press the interact key before she will do anything. A lot of the time, there’s a fear of saying the wrong thing and permanently ruining an entire relationship because of one mistake. She will go with the flow a little too much, never turning things down. Getting the Azure Dragon to blue screen is as easy as a little hug or a pat.

    Familial ties are a pain.

    Outshined by her sister and pressured by her parents to “do the thing you’re good at” for a little group known as the Albino Tigers, Kazue Kaneko was more or less forced into gang business.

    The elder child of two power-starved and Potential-starved veteran Tigers, Kazue had high expectations placed on her to go even further. Guess what happens next.

    Her failure to go as far as her parents hoped might have been merely unfortunate had little Ayame not blown those expectations out of the water.

    The days when she didn’t know about her Potential were almost preferable: Go to school, get 99% on everything, go home, lose her hearing, do all the work around the house, study until she fell asleep from fatigue, repeat ad infinitum.

    “…The emperor scorpion is generally a docile creature, rarely using its sting and usually only attacking in self defense...”

    “…Oh, you want to see him more closely? Sure. Hmm. Yeah, he’s real big. Just gotta get my other hand underneath—“

    Unnecessarily handling scorpions causes extreme stress. That stress provokes a response. That response was to defend itself. That response triggered a little something special.

    Her parents found a long gone pet and a sleeping Kazue.

    All they saw was her Potential.

    She was soon “persuaded” into becoming a “neutrally associated freelancer” with the Tigers after a little bit of “experimentation.” Lucky her that she managed to back out of actually paying for entry.

    The jobs she was tasked with slowly ramped up the longer young Kazue stayed. Dealing with violent gamblers and giving VIPs an expedited recovery in exchange for a little cash was one thing. Being tasked with healing the Tigers’ ground forces between fights was another. She was going to end up in the thick of combat sooner or later, and without an actual cut of any of the profits, to boot.

    The Tigers’ change in management was the last straw convincing her to jump ship.

    In her mind, her best bet was the Dragons, having been suckered in by their “peace and order” ethos. At around 23 years old, Kazue moved all the way to the East District, where she did her level best to get her, and more importantly, her Potential, noticed by the constant surveillance. There was just the small problem of having spent over half a decade with the Tigers…
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    Helva Ezie Linxal
    Helva Ezie Linxal
    25 (December, 28, 1996)
    5'08" (173 cm) | 154lb (70kg)
    Veteran of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Zealous, Scary, Loyal, Headstrong, Hostile.
    The Shadow Of The Scarlet Phoenix/ Shadow Of The South.
    Home District
    South/Central District
    Being 5 foot 8, weighing in at 154 pounds, they are known to have a lithe sort of build and is surprising acrobatic to the point that some would even call them double jointed in a sense. Though her eyes appear black they are actually a dark grey sort of color, her hair is cut short and is hardly ever maintained. She typically favors wearing suits, but she will sometimes wear hoodies, jackets and sweatpants when in more casual environments, though when it comes to shoes, they will typically wear either flip flops, combat boots, dress shoes or running shoes typically they depend on the occasion and what her plans are. They also are noted to have the wings of a phoenix tattooed on their back, along with two small phoenix tattoos on their shoulders, though only the one on their back has no color.
    Rude and blunt is one way to describe her, she doesn't care for many peoples feelings but will be a bit more careful with her words when it comes to people she does majorly care for. She is a bit of a wild card when it comes to her personality on most occasions, sometimes having a stoic sorta persona where she is cold, logical and not really wanting to talk to others. Other times she can be very open, enjoying messing around with others, especially those she deems to be friends or comrades, she typically favors talking with people she feels she has the best connection with. She is pretty intelligent and consistently enjoys a good challenge typically on subjects she enjoys. They are loyal to their friends and can be borderline sadistic with their enemies, easy to annoy but hard to anger. They typically know when the time to have fun is, and when to be professional and will typically be professional when circumstances are serious, even if they don't personally care much for the situation. They can range from being very chill and easy to talk to, to being extremely aggressive and antagonistic, wanting to intimidate or torture someone depending on their mood and if their bored or not. They have extremely low tolerance for Phoenix enemies, and will want them dead on sight, figuring that taking out a enemy for good, will mean one less problem to deal with. Helva thinks thing Tactically, if it would be better for them in the short and long term, and has a lot of trust issues, she isn't very open with the information they know unless it's vital for her comrades to know, and has constantly withhold valuable intel only sharing it with certain people, that mainly being lyric.

    - Sweets/ Candy
    - Fighting
    - Entertainment
    - Birds
    - Scarlet Phoenix Gang
    - Lyric
    - Messing with the king
    - Pain
    - Cats
    - Tea
    - Bombs/ Bullets/ Guns/ Swords
    - Strategy Games
    -The Night

    - The day.
    - Drugs
    - Dogs
    - Losing
    - Broken Promises
    - Alex
    - Incompetence
    - Threats to the Scarlet Phoenix
    - People from other gangs

    Being the youngest child of her family, Helva was noted for being the youngest of her family. Her dad being a Chief Scientific Engineer and her mother being a Chief Rocket Scientist, they were practically never home since their work required them to move around a lot. This resulted in her being home-schooled and practically being raised by her oldest sister who was noted to be quite irresponsible when it came to her, though she did receive a allowance by her parents every month which allowed her to buy whatever she wanted. She practically learned how to take care of herself at a early age, and became very self-sufficient. At the time she lived in the Central District in a relatively safe area, so she would often go out on her own to explode and be back by sundown. As she into her teen years, she was noted to be gifted in both math and science, and was able to even go on to skip a few grades cause of it. When going out with her sister in the Southern District, she was left to her own devices and encountered their first gang members who were in the middle of a turf battle. She ended up fighting against a member of the Scarlet Phoenix at first using her potentiality to attack one of the members, but eventually stopped after seeing how strong one of the members were. After they had earned her respect she started to help out the Scarlet Phoenix and was wanting to join their gang, they were reluctant to take her in at first considering their first meeting wasn't all too good. But eventually was given a chance after enough bugging and sucking up to a veteran woman, though it take a moment for her to convince her older sister to allow her to live with in the Southern District with her brother so that she would be closer to the gang. She eventually succeeded and got sponsored by the woman, eventually their relationship looked like that of a master and apprentice type which ended after a year within the gang.

    As a member of the Scarlet Phoenix she kept most of her activities secret from her siblings who hardly paid any attention to her anyways, and she worked hard to prove herself to be a asset to the gang doing just about whatever was asked of her. She took particular interest in the older veterans at the time, who were the main ones to introduce her into the gang, she tried her hardest to impress them, but they unfortunately didn't stay too long after she joined. As they soon began to retire from the gang thus becoming members of the board, or got too injured to continue in the gang, worst case of scenario even getting themselves killed. Still she strived to become one of the top members of the gang and worked hard in combat, training with her shadow friends and the most skilled members when she felt she was ready. When the new King stepped up, she didn't care much for it, but respected them very much as a fighter at the time and as one of their superiors.

    Though while she prioritized her duties as a Phoenix, she did care for her own blood family as well, and as she grew older her brothers and sisters grew wealthier, starting companies and making investments. Until the Linxal Family eventually turned into one of the rising wealthy families within New Oasis, her oldest brother founding multiple multi-million dollar companies with their most prized company being a Private Intelligence Agency called Cherztec, a agency completely unknown to the public, as great efforts are made to ensure it's secrecy and was founded by their older sister Azcela Linxal, who quickly turned into a Family Company. But while Cherztec was their families most prized company project as they could gather intel on other companies/ agencies/ groups. They made sure to also have a face company for the Family so that people would know where they get their money from, two companies founded by Helvas oldest brother Sukota Linxal called Linxal Holdings, a investment company that deals with stock investments, and their secondary compony Micro-Linx, which deals with Microchip production. With these things being companies being created by their family, their siblings were more than happy to allow any family member access to some of their family resources, knowledge and money, as long as the can converge with the Linxal family values and identity that they were founding themselves on.

    While the things with her family, have given her more access to information, and she was sure to use that information to the benefit of the herself, and as time passed on she become more experienced in the gang she became more outgoing and prideful, her skills had improved majorly, and she began to challenge authority more often than not. Still she had unquestionable loyalty to the gang, and was more than willing to take on whatever mission she figured would be hard and within her skill range. But eventually the war for the Central District began and she was practically one of the first people to start attacking other gangs and defending their turf, gaining a reputation for being crazy and constantly disappearing off the gangs radar. Eventually after they won central district she celebrated with the gang for a moment before deciding to become a international Mercenary, after seeing her older sister Panirra Lixal get into a Special Forces unit in their national military. Helva wanted to go to war like her older sister did, so she decided to join a Specialized Mercenary Team, called the Valkeries, noted for the unique system they were noted to be a really effective fighting force, and although Helva was Technically the Secretary for the team, she was still given missions and saw her chance on the field more often than not. Though due to her going Internationally, she had to leave for months on end to go on deployments with the group, where she eventually just made a habit of ghosting out of town and leaving her shadow friend in their place to watch over the gang for months at a time before coming back and ghosting again. This allowedd her Shadow Friends to go around unchecked and lead to her Shadow friend Syrup building a Candy shop with a lab and secret room underneath it in the central district, though they did go on to pay a 5% tax in order to help the gang out a bit, but it that tax had been doubled once the hurricane hit. After the event with the hurricane Helva came back to the gang more permanently in order to try to help out, as she planned to stay in town for good until the gang was strong enough to retake Central District and even went on to have her own gun store built in the South in that time as well.
    Paystill Lukallo- A employee at Syrups bakery, although Helva has no personal relationships with them, they are good friends with Syrup and is one of the only people they somewhat trust.

    Merhella Singallo - Helvas past mentor and member of the Scarlet Phoenix, she was a harsh woman who was noted to be very strong in her prime years, though they had drifted apart Helva still holds her in high regards and was saddened once she got killed during the hurricane events.

    Zyria Sarfin - One of the two Employees at Helvas gun shop, she typically runs the cash register at her shop, and is highly trusted Employee of Helva, knowing quite a bit more about her than most people could say, including her gang affiliations and the gang it's self.

    Jax Faelin - Another Employee of Helva, they typically operate Helvas firing range, being noted as the range master, they are trusted enough by Helva and are quite on friendly terms with one another.

    Skadi Mahoka - The only girl Helva ever sponsored, she is noted to be a top of the line Veteran who has consistently assisted with Helva on missions occasionally, Helva has a deep respect for Skadi due to how competent she is and the fact they work extremely well together.

    Hide Ishida - That weird kid that she knew, she considers him to be quite a softie who can be a bit annoying sometimes, but she likes him well enough nonetheless.

    Lyric Ashton Crianza - Helva was indifferent to Lyric when she first took the throne of the Scarlet Phoenix, however with time they grew to respect Lyrics strength and ambition, Helva is known to constantly duel Lyric and has a deep love/loyalty to them and is willing to do whatever it takes to full fill their goal and get them their Emperor title back.

    Charles Liam Hughes - One of the boys she is known to have sponsored, she has a lot of faith and respect towards him, she is more than willing to stick her neck out for him if the situation arises as well though, she can be a bit protective over Charlie at times, but is willing to let him figure things out on his own mostly.

    Zachariah Clifton Locke - They both shared the same Sponser, so to Helva, Zach is like a older brother to her, and she pretty much trusts him with her life, though she isn't afraid to fight, bicker and annoy him, though she ultimately loves him at the end of the day.

    Suzu - I trust the woman, she is very beneficial and would make a fine asset as a Phoenix Armorer, though her success rate isn't above par right now, i'm sure with time, a bit of luck she will do just fine, i just hope she stays loyal, losing her would be a extreme lost.

    Eliot Beaufort - Helvas latest Sponsoree, he has a lot of potential and also has a Shadow based potential, with him now integrating into the gang she hopes that with time he will turn into a amazing Phoenix.
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    Yong-Yut Somsri
    28 (Jan. 10, 1994)
    Demigirl, She/They
    5'9.7" (177 cm) | 142 lb (64.4 kg)
    Veteran of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Some Person
    Home District
    South District
    Yong-Yut is a tanned girl with sharp, silver eyes that stands at almost 5'10 and weighs in at 142lbs. She's known for her previously extremely long, dark brown hair that was dyed red about halfway through and pulled back into twin tails. However, in recent months, she's cut all of her hair off. Since then, they have been growing it out, and now it is half-shaved and partially dyed with a pastel pink. She wears big, oversized clothing with many layers, typically in pastel goth style, though she frequently wears more casual-looking clothes as well.
    Though they hate crowds, they've found a sense of peace in a crowd of Phoenixes. They're most comfortable hidden amongst other Phoenixes, blending in. Yong-Yut prefers to keep to herself, using most of her time with others to watch their moves and spending time to calculate her own. After all, one strong, quick punch, whether physically or verbally, could take her out if she's not well-prepared.

    To strangers, she's quiet and distanced, and maybe even a bit shakey. To those she calls casual friends, she's friendly and tries her best to please. To those she's closest to, she's caring... but a little bit mean. Yong-Yut is quite a judgey person, and while she'd keep that to herself while in the company of those she's not familiar with, she's very verbal about her qualms when around people she cares about. If anyone were to touch her, however, she's quick to yell.

    She has autism, along with anxiety and allodynia.

    + Big, comfy clothes
    + Cooking and cleaning
    + Traditions
    + Psychology
    + Coin collecting

    - Physical touch
    - Chocolate
    - Sudden changes
    - Being in the spotlight
    - Superficiality
    Before Yong-Yut was born, her mother, Chailai, was happily married to a nice, professional man with a lot of money. They loved each other with the force of a thousand suns. Well, the man loved the woman, anyway. Just three years in, Chailai began messing around with a different man, one that she had met in a bar. Unfortunately, that affair resulted in one of her, in her opinion, worst mistakes.


    About 4 months into her pregnancy, her husband found out, and quickly divorced her. Yong-Yut’s mom was forced to find a different place to stay, closer to her sister, and took up a relatively well-paying job thanks to her. Once Yong-Yut was born, she was tired. She treated Yong-Yut badly, blaming her for “ruining her relationship,” and gave her at most the bare minimum. Chailai didn’t take kindly to any of Yong-Yut’s weird quirks and hated how she acted. She frequently held a sickly sweet facade when insulting and chastising Yong-Yut, taking advantage of the naive nature she had. But Yong-Yut knew, in some way, that she meant to denigrate, and internalized a lot of the verbal abuse.

    Yong-Yut’s first friends were her older cousins, Decha and Chet, who she frequently played with as an escape from the lack of love from her mother. She was cold and aloof, and not very friendly to them, but they continued to give her the affection her mother withheld from her. They trusted and were compassionate to her, and she was the same to them in return, though in her own way. She spoke her first (public) words to them at age 5.

    A year later, she met her first non-familial friend, and her first best friend. When they were together, Yong-Yut was practically inseparable from them, just as she is with her cousins.

    She frequently sparred with her cousins over the years, learning to utilize her potential and strategize. Though she started off way behind them as a child, she learned quickly, and before she knew it she was on the same level. She looked up to them with stars in her eyes. As they grew older, however, they grew distant. Her cousins were brought into the Scarlet Phoenixes when she was about 14 and they began to withdraw from her in an effort to keep her safe. They had figured that her friend would keep her company, but later that same year, that friend had left for the Tigers.

    For a while, she was more alone than usual. She had surprisingly made acquaintances and went through a few empty relationships, but she still felt alone. But then two or three annoyances found her and attached themselves to her back. Phoenixes, loud and aggressive ones. They slowly became some of her current best friends.

    At the same age she came out as an ace/aro demigirl, her cousins returned and attempted to rekindle their relationship. After thorough thought, she forgave them. They quickly became close friends again despite the abandonment. Soon after, the younger cousin, Chet, decided to sponsor Yong-Yut into the Phoenixes, bringing her even closer to them than she was before.

    Now among and closer to many Phoenixes she had already known before, she felt happier, included, and more importantly, like they belonged.
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    Jesper Wilhelm Albrecht
    20 (April 20, 2001)
    5'1" (155 cm) | 110 lb (50 kg)
    Rookie of the Azure Dragons; substituting for veteran member father
    Who? Isn't Guardian just the program?
    Home District
    East District
    A small, skinny boy with pale, untanned skin. It's thanks to convenient high metabolism and his caretaker forcing him to move around outdoors that he has maintained shape, despite his indulging lifestyle. Jesper has long, silver hair and amber-colored eyes. His complexion sometimes gets him mistaken as a girl. The orange bunny ear headset serves a purpose in his control over nearby/personal drones.
    "Don't be embarrassed. Everyone scratches their ass when they think nobody's watching."

    A lazy, unambitious kid who only lives for video games and junk food, but admittedly well-versed in the tech field as his father raised him to be. Despite living in a mansion, Jesper spends most of his day inside the basement, gorging on snacks and wasting his energy in front of several monitors. Some of which are for his video games, the others are for his "side job" with the Azure Dragons. Anything Jesper needs, he sends a menial task drone to do for him if possible. He is entirely stone-faced; any advice he hears goes in one ear and out the other. But don't let his casual demeanor fool you. Despite his laziness, Jesper will always see his job through to the end. His stoicism extends to his work, where lives may be ended at his behest; he will do so without hesitation, having come to treat the job as just another FPS video game.

    Jesper has a more natural, loving side only shown to his father, who he loves dearly. He seldom gets angry, even if another's frustrations are directed at him. His carefree attitude mostly stems from his beliefs that technology and industry is the inevitable future; "Manifest Destiny" as he calls it. Azure Dragons, a utopia of order, is a perfect step in this direction. Anyone who tries fighting against this obvious fate is a fool, and if they choose to be under the wheel rather than behind it, then so be it.
    In many ways, Jesper's life was the luckiest anybody could have had in an era like this. His parents, Lars and Sophia, adored him, living the high life thanks to his family's tech corporation. Since birth, everything he's wanted has been handed to him with no delay nor effort. As soon as he was of the age to comprehend things, he'd learned just what kind of privileged life he led.

    Ultimately, it can also be said that being fed with a silver spoon led to the bored and lazy man he is today.

    With nothing holding him back, no incentive to try or fight for anything he wanted, Jesper grew complacent. Nothing excited him; what was there to look forward to if he already had everything? The only real future for him was taking over his father's company, so the only thing he got to learn more about was the high-end tech they'd come to develop (high-end as in modern military-grade tech). Yet still, because that was the only path for him, Jesper had been learning the same things since his age being in single-digits. His parents, busy as they were, seldom came home nor stayed as long. The only company he was left with were the family servants, his nanny Tina, and the guard drones that hovered around the mansion. And as days passed, it became ever more apparent to the boy that his life lacked something.

    The discovery of video games helped to fill part of that unambitious void that encroached on his life. At least in them, he got to learn something other than business and drones. He got to compete and fight for something not already within his reach. One subject, though, can only bring so much entertainment; but it was the only recreational thing he could do.

    Jesper's life hit a deadlock for a period of time. Game came after game, Jesper became something of a shut-in, shuttering down in the mansion basement where the games' blaring noises wouldn't disrupt the servants' work. He'd spend days down there, sitting lazily while using his acquired knowledge to make the drones bring him snacks and refreshment. For a boy's already monotonous life, this was the best it could've gotten.

    Lars would launch a program called Guardian, securing the tight grasp of order over the East District. Apparently, it was made specially for Jesper's Potentiality (of which, his parents hired people to teach him the powers in the direction Lars wanted). Much to Jesper's annoyance, they linked up the program in his monitors; he remembers meeting a girl named Kasumi that day who helped set it up. She'd stop by now and then since, for what he could only assumed was his loyal caretaker, Tina's, way of probing him to get out of his basement.

    One or the other would barge in and drag the young master out of his "cave." These were the only times he'd step outside and touch grass and see what the lands under Azure Dragons' rule looked like. Not that it excited him; his father constantly rubbed it in his face how they practically owned all the civilians. How exciting were things that were already in his control? Jesper had to wonder: when are things going to change? To become exciting?

    The answer came sooner than he took for granted. Sophia was home, then. Jesper was playing video games as usual. The Albrecht's mansion received a call from Lars' work, and Tina was the first to hear it.

    Lars didn't show up to office. Nor was he seen anywhere else. Nor did he pick up his phone, nor did he come home that day.

    And just like that, the family fell into disarray. Sophia, who'd already lost a loving husband prior, to Lars' marriage,was first to panic. Jesper, having lived by his father's code of "show no weakness (being any sign of fear, sadness, or anything to be 'taken advantage of')" came under total loss of what to do. He locked himself in his room, not uttering a single peep to anyone.

    From then, dealings were made under the table. Hands traded cards, plans were carried out, and contingencies put into action. Turns out, there were many, many things other than industry that the Albrechts hadn't yet taught him. Before Jesper realized it, he was the sole heir of a surveillance company ruled over by the Azure Dragons, an organization he'd never even heard of until now (fittingly, his parents did well in controlling what information he could find). He found himself with a new schedule, meeting with an Azure Dragon tutor his parents had hired in the case of such an event. Despite still being in shock, Sophia gathered the courage to take reigns of the chaos unfolding in the company; she became the stand-in head of Albrecht Industries while the search for Lars began.

    For Jesper, it was all too much at once. Though his nanny did her best to help the 18-year-old, a lifestyle of easiness and smooth roads ensured little progress. Day after day, it was like time passed at a far slower rate. Simply walking up and down the stairs made his legs feel like jelly and his vision spin. The halls seemed to elongate each time he stared down their length. Everyone's words came as a blur; he always asked them to repeat what they said.

    The number of Kasumi's visits spiked up; at some point, despite his initial reluctance and dislike for the breaks in routine, Jesper gradually got used to her company.

    And as he got to see more of the reality outside his basement—the hole left by his father's abrupt disappearance—Jesper found himself feeling responsible. Despite his general aversion to the outside, there was something akin to a sense of duty that brought him out. Maybe it was the imagery of what his father would say about his indecisiveness and avoidance; maybe he wanted to relieve his mother's stress after the incident. Regardless, he took one step forward, and some could argue Kasumi had a hand in it.

    Finally, he learned what Guardian was all about. How it connected to his powers, and just what he could do; things were getting fun. Jesper extended his monitor setup in the basement, spreading across three of the walls. Panel after panel were the cameras of several hundreds of drones within the East District, policing for any troublemakers that dared to disrupt the Azure Dragons' utopia of order. It was "like a point-and-click puzzle game," looking in nooks and crannies where nobody would think to look. Jesper created a face for Guardian; a pale human model with red eyes, fitting the drones' color scheme. It's through her that he would manifest his powers. He appeared in the district in Guardian's virtual body, making it seem as if the security program was a living, breathing sentience. A further reassurance to the citizens under the Azure Dragons' rule.

    Jesper could exert a special kind of influence over the district, all from the basement while playing video games and gorging on junk food. For the first time, he felt grateful for the life he was born into. For the first time in his life, Jesper was enjoying himself.
    The network/program started by Jesper's father, Lars, as Albrecht Industry's greatest creation. The company specializes in manufacturing and distributing surveillance/peace-keeping tech for the Azure Dragons to further their grip on order for their utopia's sake. The East District's drones run on a program known as Guardian, which also monitors the people's screen usage for "their own safety."

    Guardian can be described as a very basic artificial intelligence watching over a hive mind of drones. The drones make preset patrols in groups of four, and some are even armed with guns. These drones are renowned for their intel-gathering methods, utilizing cameras and high-end technology and reporting their findings to the Albrechts' mansion. Any suspicious findings are forwarded to the higher-ups of the Azure Dragons, all for the sake of maintaining order. After all, how can we as a civilization develop technology without complete and total unity?

    Guardian initially started as a faceless code. Jesper was the one who gave it a virtual body; a mascot, in a sort of way. Shown in the Potentiality tab, Guardian's body is what Jesper chooses to manifest as, playing the role of an omnipresent security individual who serves to protect the order Azure Dragons wants. Guardian has become an icon in the East District.

    The only known and current way to overwrite the drones' control is by Jesper's own tech combined with his Potentiality. He's made modified versions of these drones for his personal use: picking up deliveries and snacks, stockpiling the basement he lives, eats, and sleeps in. Four of these drones armed with guns follow him everywhere he goes, should he manifest/go outside.

    Lars Albrecht - Jesper's father; the wealthy CEO of Albrecht Industries and arrogant author of his autobiography, local only to the East District. Lars is currently MIA, seemingly vanished into thin air. In his son's care, he left behind dozens of drones armed with either surveillance tech and combat capabilities. Much to Jesper's dismay, he knows a lot less about his father than he really thought...

    Sophia Albrecht (NPC) - Jesper's mother, a refined woman of grace and dignity. She is well-versed and skilled in swordsmanship—thanks to accidents concerning her Potentiality. Sophia gains the knowledge and memories of whoever she kills. She, herself, has refrained from heading out as much since Lars' disappearance and handles the bigger aspects company that Jesper cannot yet comprehend.

    Tina Smith (NPC) - Jesper's caretaker and loyal assistant. Hails from a poor family; self-taught everything she knows, and now earns a salary enough to put her on the high life. Often encourages the lazy Jesper to go out and be active, bringing him what he needs and making his life easier.

    Kasumi Katsura - Arguably Jesper's only real, close friend. He met her on the day that his father launched Guardian, and since then she's been showing up every once in a while to drag him out. He swears that his maids must be behind it. Jesper used to despise every moment that Kasumi dropped in, but he's since become used to her company. Sometimes, he catches himself staring at her longer for no apparent reason until his face warms up, and he has no idea why...

    Kanna Katsura - Kasumi's older sister; in his eyes, the cool, older girl of a family. She's on a way higher league than him, from her wild race events to the silent air that demands respect. They're acquaintances through Kasumi, and Jesper has enough respect to Kanna to step aside when she's walking through. That's not even considering her Jack position.

    Ruriko Ikeda - A tomboyish girl who Jesper occasionally plays video games with. Though he's intimidated by her in person and finds her a tad difficult to deal with, he feels on equal standing when behind a screen. She still doesn't know that he uses aimbot every time they play.

    Reveler - Jesper is terrified by her. He gets the feeling that she utterly despises everything about him, and he has no idea why. His interactions with her have been minimal, and he prefers to keep it that way. She's part of the reason that Jesper wants to stay indoors for the rest of his life. He gets chills every time he thinks of her.

    Shen Yue - The surprisingly lovely King of the Dragons! He became King at the same time that Guardian was launched, and though Jesper's father had... less than stellar opinions on Shen, the King is one of the few people that Jesper feels totally comfortable around. Jesper is more than willing to continue his father's work in favor of Shen's reign.

    Yo Saiwa - She became Queen only last year, and Jesper isn't too familiar with her. From the few times they've met, he's gathered that she's surprisingly bubbly, though he can't help but feel slightly unnerved around Yo. He tries not to show too much of it.

    Meirin Azuza - Being in the same room as Meirin is enough to make Jesper's temperature rise. He gets unnaturally flustered just being around her; in his eyes, she's living a life that is entirely alien to him, and way too "out there" than what he does know. He has no positive or negative feelings against Meirin, but he'd rather avoid her.

    Akane Miyazaki - Jesper only knows her as a guildmate in Dark Era. She used to be nice and talk a lot, but sometime down the road, she changed. As with most online friendships, they've devolved to occasional messages for dungeon runs and nothing more than that. Jesper, though, sometimes scrolls through their old messages and wonders how she is doing.

    Dante Hel-Punch - Another guildmate in Dark Era who essentially took Akane's buddy-buddy place. Jesper slightly hopes that they and Akane can join forces on one of the harder dungeons.
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      AGE & BIRTH
      43 (March 03, 1979)
      6'2" (190 cm) | 182 lb (83 kg)
      GANG & RANK
      King of the Sable Serpents
      Volatile Mayhem
      Home District
      North District
      Tri starts exercising and the resulting muscles just starting to show. His steps are certain. His presence is disjointed, dyed with whatever 'vibe' he feels like going for for the day. Sometimes it's gangster, sometimes it's magical girl, none can guess. His skin lost its paleness and he looks more robust than he was one year prior. His features are sharp and striking, though now varies day to day. Considering how he has wardrobes of different vibes now, it is difficult to pin Tri down to one aesthetic.

      • Steady Like a River Flow: Let emotion plays, never let it lead. Put it on a tight leash to drive the cart of the mind forward. Never ride emotion without a saddle and a bridle. Losing control of emotion only leads to a chaotic ride with unknown consequences. Tri is a paragon of the brain before the heart.
      • Do What Feels Right: Right is a feeling. Right is a matter of heart. Right is right when it feels right. It follows no logic, it acts on intuition. Doing what is right ignores the benefit and consequence of the matter. Right and wrong cannot be judged by material means.
      • I Do as I Like: My will and whim overrules the rest. The desire I follow and the ship I steer are not for the rest to control. I am my own man, unbound and unchained by the world at large.
      • What a Pain: Socializing is a pain. Negotiation is a pain. Compromise is a pain. Interpersonal relationships are a pain. Conflicting desires is a pain. Colliding viewpoints is a pain… Being with others is a pain.
      • Seriously, What a Pain: Being careful with feelings is a pain. Softening blows with words is a pain. Being polite is a pain. Upkeeping reputation is a pain. Concise and straight to the matter makes people a pain. Seriously, socializing is a pain.
      • I Am a Genius: Someone more than the rest. Someone unique. Someone special. The difference is clear to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. It is not one received from falsely acquired reputation or belief.
      When Tri turned 42, he suddenly had enough of research and wanted to do something else. Adventure. He contacted his son and, despite complaining vehemently, Paris supplied Tri with weapons so he could at least protect himself when he went out and do 'whatever gangsters do'. Paris wasn't sure what Tri meant by that and Tri wasn't either. The street of Northern District since had another prowler; a lanky researcher strutted the street of Northern District, going to do whatever gangsters do... whatever that means.

      Tri wrecked havoc on the street as he liked. Sometimes he just loitered on the street and smoked (nicotine had no effect on him), other times he robbed a candy store, kidnapped passerbys to have them play bowling, and other shenanigans. All was fine until one day he knocked a cafe out and accidentally robbed the Queen of Sable Serpents Caio. That accident caught the King's eye and suddenly Tri was the Jack of Sable Serpents; the seat just got empty.

      Paris was absolutely baffled by the decision and, in exasperation, saddled a helper onto Tri in Anna Gardner, to protect Tri in his increasingly escalating shenanigans. Tri did well as a Jack. He pushed for some changes in the gang that did not go anywhere (no one liked the uniform idea) and was an overall intimidating presence in the gang. His medical background made him connect with the drug-making side of the organization well, even if he never touched medicine after deciding to go gangsta.

      Was it mentioned that Tri ended up dating Caio? What the Queen in his 20s saw in 40s Tri was something that baffled a lot of people, but they were together and he was one more people in the dining room at Christmas. Paris called him Caio; calling someone near his age Father would be weird.

      Then, while Tri pulled a heist in a brothel in the East District, Yuudai got captured by the police. Thus, Tri became the King of Sable Serpent, the head of the one of the 4 largest gangs in New Oasis and the leader of the largest drug operation in the city.

      Well, at least on name. Tri oftentimes went to have his own fun and threw the responsibility and authority of being a King to Paris. Even in name, being a King had a lot of meanings. Tri had more people under his beck and call and Paris had expanded his chemical weapon lines with the authority. There was Naomi, a Shapeshifter who sometimes took on Tri's appearance, Damien, a fellow adventure enthusiast, and Tristan, Tri's chaffeur-turn-henchman.

      Whatever the future hold, Tri was sure to have fun.


      - Paris Alison: Foster Son, Protege, Family. The Shadow King of Sable Serpent. Tri's rise as a King allow Paris to expand his reach in the chemical arms and drug industry in New Oasis. Having taken over the responsibility of being a King, he rarely has time to spare for personally developing anything now. Still, even under stress, he is very happy with how he is doing.

      - Caio Santana Coelho: Boyfriend, Partner, Family. Reigning Queen of Sable Serpents. A leading figure in Potential drug development. They began dating after Tri became a Jack and their relationships continued on happily. Tri rarely feels love and wonders how his feelings toward Caio compares to what he felt to his wife before.

      - Naomi: Double, Helper, Gang Member. A veteran Sable Serpents and a shapeshifter. Naomi often filled in when Tri didn't want to go to a meeting or whatever. She has good coordination with Paris and Tri likes her; she knows his style well and is very good at knowing what he wants.

      - Tristan Hart: Henchman, Underling, Gang Member. A veteran Sable Serpents and a new HP with no powers. Tristan started as a Tri's chaffeur, but after he survived the injection of the new HP drug, he took the role of a helper permanently. The happy go lucky guy was happy with the pay he has and doesn't mind the danger now that he was more durable.

      - Lewis Cohen: Colleague, Helper, Friend. A veteran of Sable Serpents. Lewis was the one who introduced Tri to anime and the two remained close even after their professional deal stopped.

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    Sleeping Giant
    Meirin (Rin) Azuza
    Meirin Azuza
    23 (April 4, 1998)
    Rin, Sleeping Giant, Merlin
    5'06" (170.7 cm) | 125 lb (56.7 kg)
    Applying for Ace of the Azure Dragons
    Warden of Eternal Night Palace/Miss ChouCho's Bodyguard
    Home District
    East District
    A girl with dark brown hair, red eyes, and warm skin tone, Meirin can be sensual...in a cute sort of way. Her relative height, small nose, and doe eyes make her seem younger than she is. Her slim figure, with its relative lack of curves, don't help. She isn't completely flat in the chest department, but she's not her elder sister's level of voluptuous either. Despite that, Meirin has firm muscles, toned from training in the martial arts. She has a tatoo of a dragon over her right shoulder extending to her elbow and the small of her back. Meirin is usually dressed in a shaolin-styled qipao that she finds easy to fight and move around in. Her ears are pierced and she typically wears her hair in a loose braid.
    Meirin is a confident and straightforward. Friendly, flirty, and fun, Meirin strives to emulate the sister she admires in many ways, but she's a little lacking in the sneaky department. She is impulsive and would sooner think with her fist than make things overly complicated. Her personality is honest and honorable, but also open-minded when it comes to the different ways people find pleasure. There isn't much she hasn't seen working in a brothel and her curiosity (as well as impulsiveness) has her trying many unique things for the fun of it. She comes off as an easy sort of girl...and she is...for the most part. She's also free-spirited, and lacks in the commitment department, so those who get serious with her are bound to get hurt one way or the other. To her, relationships (of the romance kind) are about having fun. The moment it stops being fun is the moment is the moment is is gone.

    Still...that doesn't mean she doesn't have limits. Or morals. Meirin can't stand those that mistreat women. Customers that think it's okay to go overboard just because they have money as well. Meirin is hugely protective of those she's grown to care for and a strong proponent of the rights of sex workers to occupational safety. She wouldn't get involved with someone who she knew to be far too serious, or would get deeply attached. Clingy isn't her type. She is also extremely loyal to those she's grown to respect. Like many that have joined the Azure Dragons, she values peace and order, which has maintained the safety and livelihood of those living in the Eastern District (like herself and her sister). Keeps the streets clean. The regular citizens happy. The knuckleheads in line. She also believes that brute force is the best way to knock some sense into idiots. Therefore despite her free-spirited nature, and dislike of intolerance, she'll follow the orders of her superiors...so long as they don't breach her moral cutoff line. She's also, strangely enough, a staunch a rule abider...which comes with being honest and honorable. She isn't the type to stab someone in the back. People that are with her (usually) know exactly where they stand with her and her attempts at manipulation are (often) fairly obvious.

    Meirin is the sort that trusts her gut and senses over absolute logic...and she has surprisingly good intuition.
    Growing up in an orphanage in the Eastern District of New Oasis, Meirin never knew her parents, nor did she had any desire to locate them. Her elder sister was all she needed. Whenever she was being bullied, or whenever she was feeling lonely, her elder sister (by four years) was always there. Cared for her when she was a babe and the matron wasn't able to give attention to every needy children in her care. Though they weren't related, Jun, was family to Meirin. Beautiful, smart, and strong-willed, Jun didn't need to have potential to be an idol in Meirin's eyes. Jun was the first person to discover Meirin's potential. She was also the one to tell Meirin to keep her abilities hidden if she wanted a normal life, away from the eyes of those that ruled the Eastern DIstrict. Through Jun, Meirin learned that the strength she possessed wasn't meant to be misused. That, by training to keep it contained, she could live her days in peace, like every other citizen. However, for those that lacked money, status, or power, it was easy for them to be abused by those that did.

    Despite the Azure Dragon's attempt to create a utopia of peace and order, there was a dark side to the Eastern District. Meirin was 8 when her 12-year-old sister was adopted by a rich, elderly man. Fourteen, when she met Jun, now Jun Wuxiao, again. However, by then, the 18-year-old Jun seemed much different than the one Meirin knew at the orphanage. Still strong-willed, beautiful, and caring of the younger sister that she looked after in the past, but Jun had become more sly and cutthroat as well. Meirin, on the other hand, had taken up martial arts (specifically Shaolin kung-fu) to deal with bullies. They'd become as different as night and day. It wasn't until later that Meirin learned that Jun had been sold to one of the brothels run by the Azure Dragons. An accident actually. Her boyfriend at the time, due to some scandalous school rumors, was forced to admit to cheating on her with a sex-worker named Chouchou from a wealthy brothel called Eternal Night Palace. Naturally, she and her Ex broke up, but the real shock came when she learned that Chouchou was Jun Wuxiao. Apparently Wei Wuxiao had sold his adoptive daughter to a brothel (one owned an operated by the Azure Dragons) when his business went bankrupt.

    Chouchou was the star of Eternal Night Palace. The money-raker. Everyone who visited the brothel wanted her. Despite the ill-reputation of her occupation, Jun admitted to being treated better at the brothel than when living with her former 'adoptive father'...and there was plenty of ill-reputation that came with her 'dirty' job. Meirin hated it. The people that insulted her elder sister's occupation. The old man that sold his daughter to pay off a debt. At sixteen, Meirin started frequenting Eternal Night Palace so often that rumors (like her being a sex addict) started to spread about her as well. Rin didn't care. High school passed like a blur. Only the workers of Eternal Night Palace knew that she spent her savings to just talk, and spend time, with an old friend. They gave her a part-time cleaning job where she gradually got to know the employees there. Got to meet some Azure Dragon gang members as well.

    When she graduated, Merin started to work full time at Eternal Night Palace under the nickname Rin, despite Jun's protests. Then, one day, one of the customers took things a little a little too far with Chouchou and Meirin's potential filled fist found its way to his face. Meirin expected to be fired, possibly killed since the brothel was owned and operated by a ruthless gang that prioritized peace and order, but she got a letter bearing the Azure Dragon sigil instead. However, it wouldn't do for a member (even a rookie) of the Azure Dragons to not have a surname (they were traditional like that), so the owner and manager of the Eternal Night Palace (an Azure Dragon veteran) offered to adopt her and give her his last name. Meirin agreed on the condition that Jun be given his last name as well. Thus Meirin became Meirin Azuza, the Sleeping Giant of the Azure Dragons. As a rookie with a fairly physical potential, Meirin did many jobs for the Azure Dragons that involved enforcing their 'rules' and collecting the debts owed to them. She also continued to work at Eternal Night Palace, mostly making sure the troublemakers at brothel houses are kept in check, and is known among the Azure Dragons for being a strong proponent for the rights and occupational safety of sex workers. At first, Meirin simply wanted to make enough money to buy back Jun's freedom - working for the Azure Dragons paid surprisingly well. However, she'd grown to like some of the people she worked with and respect the work they did to ensure order and peace in the Eastern District - especially in places where the law (and police) couldn't reach . When Wei Wuxiao returned, wealthier than ever from starting a new business (with the assistance of the Albino Tigers), to cause trouble for Jun, the Azure Dragon's offer to help her get revenge on the man who sold her sister (an eye for an eye) cemented Meirin's loyalty and she got a tatoo of an dragon on her shoulder not long after. Wei Wuxiao was never seen again. A couple of years later, the owner Eternal Night Palace died, leaving his establishment, and the rest of his savings, in the dual care of his adoptive daughters, since he had no wife nor other children.

    With their newfound wealth, Jun started to attend college to obtain a degree in business. Meanwhile, Meirin found her hands full dealing with a certain drug issue that's been making its way to some of the brothel houses of the Eastern District(courtesy of the Sable Serpents) and making it clear that any druggies aren't welcomed in Eternal Night Palace.
    Adoptive Father - Atsuki Azuza (Dead)
    Adoptive Sister - Jun Azuza (Miss Chouchou)

      Chester Wazuki
      Chester Wilbur Wazuki
      AGE & BIRTH
      19 (month xx, xxxx)
      6'0" (xxx cm) | 310 lbs (xx kg)
      GANG & RANK
      Rookie of the Scarlet Phoenixes
      2020. He 'died' in the hurricane that hit the South and has been considered inactive since.
      The fat kid
      Home District
      South District
      A heavy boy with black hair and eyes.
      Chester is a lazy, weak-willed individual that lacks in self-esteem. He tries to make up for that faking confidence, which he tends to overcompensate, letting it bleed into arrogance. Acting big makes him feel big, even if his actual self tends to the negative side and is easily scared. He'll say brave things even when his legs are trembling. While Chester is indeed smart, and fairly tech savvy, Chester had never really been what anyone would call athletic in his youth. Certainly, his brief stint as a rookie of the Scarlet Phoenix's (before the hurricane) had him doing more push-ups than he'd ever done in his life, Chester was sure he would already be dead if he weren't a human with potential. He's also fairly soft-hearted, refusing to use his potential on regular humans even while being bullied in school. One of the reasons Chester is lacking in self-esteem, is that he holds himself to a high standard despite being weak-willed and giving into his desires more often than not. Chester loves food. Loves it as a kid, loves it now. He's also a closet otaku and dreams of owning his own restaurant. Or being a model. Or both. Sadly, Chester is more a dreamer than a doer...but he's determined one day get there...one step at a time. He's the type that does things at his own pace and hates being rushed.

      Chester lived a fairly normal life in the South District

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    Elijah Anamnesis
    Elias Yumin
    Elias Yumin
    25 (August 29th, 1996)
    Elijah Anamnesis
    5'10" (177.8 cm) | 167 lbs (75.7 kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    Yumin Entertainment Industry's CFO and Heir
    Home District
    West District
    Elias stands 5'10'', has black hair, violet eyes, and a cool skin tone that can't seem to tan. He has the body of a swimmer (because that's his main method of exercise) and typically dons brand name clothing. In fact everything he owns is pretty much brand name from his shoes to his watch. Elias's family is wealthy and he isn't afraid to show it...though he does slip into casual attire from time to time...especially in his youth. Nowadays, he mostly hangs around the wealthy in the Western District and you know what they say about living in Rome. He's currently working as the CFO of his family's company, after all. Can't be dressed in slacks while at work - or going on blind dates. His father is determined to have Elias marry before letting his son inherit the Yumin Entertainment Industry. He needed experience working in the business as well.
    Elias's personality...is actually well-suited to be an Azure Dragon. He dislikes violence and is fairly chill for the most part. Rather than getting into fist fights, Elias would rather make deals...of the cash kind. To him, knowledge is power. Money is power too, but unlike many of the Albino Tigers, Elias isn't particularly greedy...probably because he was born in wealth. Since everything was given to him on a silver platter, Elias never needed for anything. He lacked ambition. Or rather, his ambition is to find an ambition. Something to make his heart pound with desire. He didn't pay his way into the Albino Tigers out of deep love for the gangster life. He didn't need money (which he already had), power, or status offered by the Tigers. Elias was was simply curious.

    Outwardly, he maintains a friendly, social persona that's to be expected of a businessman that knows how (been trained) to network. His true self, on the other hand, is a sly and manipulative (but not entirely ruthless) individual that likes getting his way and can get a bit (spoiled) peeved when he doesn't. Elias is a good actor (having met many for work) and doesn't have a problem fitting in regardless of his environment. He is observant, calm, and calculating. The sort to think things through, analyze the risks and benefits, before making a move...though he also has moments of philanthropy...or whimsical decisions...just because he can. Joining the Albino Tigers for example. He has no particular attachment to a gang that he paid his way in, nor does he care very much about making money, or fighting, but he hopes they'll show him something exciting.
    Elias's parents knew their child was born with a potential...they just forgot.

    Growing up, Elias's potential made life easy for him. When he first learned that he could manipulate the memory of his parents, that was how he got out of trouble. If he wanted the answers to a quiz, he could just view the memories of teacher. If he wanted others to stop being mad at him, he just had to make them forget the reason they were mad. All it took from Elias was a simple, subtle touch/handshake/shoulder clap/etc to know everything about another person. Well, several touches if he wants to know everything, but he's fairly good at piecing information together. The child saw that by editing the memories of others (subtly so they didn't notice), he could control them in a sense. He could be whoever he wanted to be. Their friend. Their family. A person's reality is whatever they believe, or remember, it to be. Deep down, Elias knew what he was doing by secretly influencing them in such a manner was morally wrong, so he limited using his potential to when he felt it was absolutely necessary, but it was easy for a kid to convince themselves otherwise when it made his life so much easier and didn't really hurt anyone.

    Thus, Elias cruised through elementary school and middle school. Popular kid. Straight A's. However, starting high school, Elias wanted something fresh, somewhere no one knew of his family's wealth, and convinced his parents to let him transfer to a school in the East District, where he met and dated Meirin for 2 years. Never intended for their relationship to last longer than that, since he knew he'd have to return to his family, and the West District, after graduating. Having peeked into her memories (when they were cuddling) he knew of the 'sister' that she deeply cared for, the former adoptive daughter of Wux Automobiles, and orchestrated their reunion...via his first sexual experience at a brothel. Nothing he ever regretted since it was two birds with one stone and he had to become a 'man' at some point. Plus, Miss Chouchou was hot. While he did regret hurting a girl he'd grown to somewhat like, he knew it had to happen eventually. They lived in different worlds after all. While it would've been a simple matter to erase her memory of their relationship, he decided to let most of it stay...with a couple of minor alterations.

    After graduating high school, Elias moved abroad for 3 years to further his studies before returning to New Oasis (West District) and working for his family's company (at his father's insistence), making his way up to the position of CFO while learning the ropes of the family business. He knew of the gangs in both the West and East District. Who didn't? However, none of it really had anything to do with him...until the cousin, of a friend, of a friend of one of his unhappy blind dates accosted him off the streets and demanded money from him for 'hurting the feelings' of his friend's friend's cousin. Elias paid the bill. He and the Albino Tiger Gang member then had a nice chat at nearby bar where he happily paid the entry fee to be an Albino Tiger as well. Call it a whim, if you will, but Elias wanted a bit of twist a life that had grown a little stale with ease.

    Thus far, he assists the other rookies (and some veterans) in their money-making schemes with his financial expertise (or memory manipulating potential) if asked/called upon, but most in the Albino Tigers know that he has a day job at a $300 billion dollar company and he doesn't seem to be in any rush to climb the gangster ladder. He does pay his membership fees and dues on time though.

    Ronald Crawford (NPC)- The cousin of the friend of the friend of one of Elias's blind dates that introduced him to the Albino Tigers.

    Walter Linefried (NPC) - Best friend of Elias's father and the current CEO of Yumin Entertainment Industry

      Valarie Steinburg
      Valarie Steinburg
      AGE & BIRTH
      32 (March 20, 1989)
      x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
      GANG & RANK
      Veteran of the Sable Serpents
      Director of Blue Hill Orphanage
      Home District
      North District
      Blond hair and ice blue eyes, Valarie typically dons black as a member of the sable serpents...but it's also because black is professional and makes her look slimmer.
      Cunning, ambitious, and cutthroat, Valarie is a no-nonsense woman that doesn't actually believe in anarchy or unadulterated freedom. Rules are there for a reason. Every game has its rules and guidelines. That's what makes the game of life fun. However, she does believe in power...and doing whatever she can to grasp it...whether it means skirting around the guidelines a little or not. She is clever and resourceful regarding the pieces at her disposal, always trying to think several pieces ahead of her opponent. At the same time, she's also blunt and hates being controlled by others. Rather, she wants to be the one in control. While Valarie isn't quite apathetic to the feelings of others, she's also self-serving and will (generally) prioritize her own survival over everything else. Sufficed to say, Valarie's opinion of most serpents is fairly low, but at least they don't bother her about how she does things. She's also surprisingly daring and enjoys a good game of Russian Roulette once in a while. Life, to Valarie, is a game, so you win some and you lose some...though she has every intention of winning. She's the type of person that keeps her cards close to her chest.
      Valarie's biological father was a rapist and a criminal. Growing up, she never received love from her mother. She was never mistreated. However, her mother never showed her affection either. It was obvious, even to the young Valerie, that her mother would've been happier if she'd never been born. Still, Valarie did her best to earn that love. Not causing trouble. Getting good grades. Yet, despite her efforts, the moment her mother re-married, the distance between them grew even greater. The woman had a new rich husband, a new child, and, from then on, Valarie was shoved to the backline while they moved to the West District where there was less crime. Shipped off a boarding school out of the country so that her existence could be forgotten. There had been no contact from her parents except for the fees they paid for her schooling. Depression settled in. No matter how well she did, no matter how hard she tried, they wouldn't notice her. Or rather, they didn't want to. Valarie had no idea how she finished her required education with relatively good grades considering she'd been working on autopilot the entire time, but it didn't matter. Valarie, who didn't care much about her life anymore, enlisted in Amestria's Army...where she was introduced to the horrors of war.

      It was like a jolt from the blue. Countless life or death battles. Bloodshed. Experience fighting in the Army awakened the survival instincts within her and Valerie served in the army for 8 years, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel...before being dishonorably discharged for refusing to follow orders of her superiors and killing 'potential children spies', who were actually just scapegoats to mask their failures. Not knowing what else to do, Valarie returned to New Oasis (North District) where she worked as a teacher at a poor school, hoping to educate children to grow up to be better, well-rounded people (unsuccessfully), for 2 years before meeting the Director of Blue Hill Orphanage, falling love, and getting married. All was well...until Valarie it was revealed to her that the orphanage was actually a Sable Serpent child-trafficking ring and that her husband, a veteran of the Sable Serpents, was an absolute sleazeball. Filth on earth. Something within Valarie snapped that day. Perhaps it was the lack of love she received as a child. Perhaps it was how she had been dishonorably discharged. Perhaps her hope in humanity, and all the good in the world, were dashed. But, on that day, something within Valarie changed. Outwardly she was a good, supportive wife to him. Joined the Sable Serpents. Helped her husband with his work. Helped him peddle drugs...and the occasional child organ...when necessary. Made allies with other Serpents...while secretly training the children of the orphanages in the ways of self defense and warfare.

      In 2019, Steve Steinburg of the Sable Serpents was found overdosed with drugs on his bed, and his wife became the new Director of Blue Hill Orphanage.

      In 2020, Valarie's parents died from a mysterious car crash and she had her uterus removed, so that she can no longer have children of her own. Technically, the Chessmistress is still a member of the Sable Serpents, but she only really does jobs for the gangs when required to (by its leaders). Otherwise, the Sable Serpent's 'do whatever you want' ideology fits her just fine. No one really knows what's going on in Blue Hill Orphanage and, as long as Valarie has the power, she intends to keep it that way. Surviving in the North is all about power, after all. To live, you've simply got to win, whatever the cost.

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    Sang-cheol Man
    Sang-Cheol Man
    26 (April 4, 1996)
    Height | Weight
    5"8 (172 cm) | 165 lb (75 kg)
    Veteran of the Sable
    Anger Issues
    Home District
    North District
    Sang-Cheol Man can often be seen wearing stereotypical suit clothes. Wearing a suit and sunglasses and looking very out of place. On more casual occasions, he often wears baggy clothing.
    Sang-Cheol can be described as stubborn and formal. Often seen with a neutral expression, people would expect that he’d be insensitive to any kind of inconvenience. On the contrary, he is very much sensitive to any inconvenience. What is on the outside does not reflect on the inside. Sang-Cheol can get incredibly angry when actively provoked or when mistakes happen, but thanks to his training he often pretends that he’s fine.

    Other than that, Sang-Cheol has a slight case of hemophobia. While it doesn’t prevent him from killing people, he has the tendency to avoid looking at what comes after the killing.
    Being raised in an impoverished family as the youngest son led to him having a poor upbringing.

    His father was a drug addict, and his mother had left them to pursue a better life away from the dumps of their home. It was just him and his brother in the home. Without any proper stability nor discipline, Sang-Cheol’s brother bullied him because of their poor situation.

    The result was a timid, submissive boy who followed his older brother’s word without question. They committed small crimes together to survive on the streets as it was the only thing they could do. No one would accept filthy street rats unless they had ulterior motives; his brother knew that.

    Gradually, their crimes started to become bolder and bolder. It was up until the point where they had tried to rob a store. This and that happened, which led Sang-Cheol to be left behind with blood splattered all over his face. His brother had left him when he became unresponsive, and Sang-Cheol was arrested.

    A few years later, he was a new man. With a criminal record and terrible temperament, Sang-Cheol could barely get a stable job. That was until he had a fateful encounter with his benefactor.

    Sang-Cheol often used his potentiality, which he often regarded as useless, to light up cigarettes whenever he took a smoke. He also did it to his fellow co-workers whenever they requested it.

    Smoking felt better whenever he used his ability, but he didn’t know how bad it would affect his co-workers. After taking another break from work, his co-workers came in droves begging for him to use his potentiality again.

    A nearby Sable Serpent came, and the deal was sealed.

    Sang-Cheol now gets paid with a livable wage and often assists with the creation of Sable Serpent’s narcotics.


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    Alicia Morel
    18 (July 16, 2003)
    5'3" (160 cm) | 92 lb (41 kg)
    Veteran (?) of the Albino Tigers
    A cash-grabbing scheme; cute tool.
    Home District
    East District
    Alice's skin is smooth and umblemished, matched with silky blonde hair and bright, amber eyes. She often dresses up in frilly clothes that have just a little too much going on. Ever since the Tigers 'rescued' her, Alice has never been seen without a loving smile. It's been said that she often smells like tea and roses.
    The brightest, most positive person you'd never expect to see as part of the Albino Tigers. Yet, just as naive and unaware of her situation. Alice loves people, and she believes they love her back. She shows her warmth through hugs and the occasional presents, being the prettiest object she can find. She's always working to please others, living by her mother's word of "make yourself happy, and make others happy." To her, the only reason she's able to live so loved is because of the Tigers, giving her everything she asked for and more. "An investment, of sorts." Alice loves her fellow Tigers in turn, clinging onto them in a blind manner. She trusts them like proper family, even if she doesn't understand some of the things they do.

    Alice loves to invite people to her tea parties with Mr. Hat and Mr. Hare, and she loves it when they stay hour after hour, tossing all of their expenses away for more tea and treats! And the bigger the tea party, the better! Everything is so pretty there, there's little reason why she'd want to leave the Western District! She especially loves the parental attention that Mr. Hat gives her, because there is nobody else to give it.

    But if there's one thing Alice looks forward to, it's meeting her mother again after so many years! The Tigers always reassure her that her mother is well, just busy; she will wait as long as she needs to, to reunite.
    Darcy Morel was a gifted scout for the Albino Tigers, helping in reconnaissance missions against the rivaling gangs and occasionally delving deeper as a spy. The riskier the missions, the higher the pay. She wanted nothing more than to rise up in the world; to become a proper, elegant lady that people would respect. Having grown up in a family robbed of their savings via gambling, sworn to work for the Tigers to pay off their debt, it wasn't too much to wish for.

    She'd never killed anyone, going under the impression that her line of work put her out of that path's way. She had her own circle of close friends within the Tigers, all working for the same thing. To the gang, Darcy was just another expendable troop to use and throw away. She persevered, though, constantly thinking 'Just you wait and see.'

    During a mission into the Eastern District, however, she couldn't have accounted for one thing to go awry.

    The Dragons caught her by complete surprise as she was meeting with a brothel worker—an unwilling employee made an informant by Darcy. She would dress as a man and request service with her, leading to a room with only their ears. That's how it used to be, before the Dragons caught on and threatened the worker to capture the Tiger.

    The informant was brought away, never to be seen by Darcy again. As for Darcy? She was young and lean; blonde, unblemished, and fit. They forced her into work at one of the district's bustling brothels. Solely because that the people handling her arrest—frequent visitors there—lied about her attempts at 'assaulting' men in the area, going as far as to fabricating reports.

    In just one day, Darcy sunk lower than ever before.

    But she did not give up.

    Darcy quickly memorized the brothel's schedule, the working days of herself and her new peers, and the guards. She steeled herself for each client, refusing to break under the Dragons' obsession with control. Security was still high, as her arrest was still a recent thing. So, she took on a twisted long game to ultimately free herself... but the price of which, she couldn't bare to think about.

    At the start of a week of work, she did not take the pill.

    A few months later, and Darcy showed signs of pregnancy. The brothel employees scrambled to arrange things for her, although assigning guards to assure the captured Tiger that she was still in their grasp. For the time being, she was retired from brothel work and sent to a maternity ward. The security there expanded after her arrival, appearing around the corners and around the perimeter. But ultimately, with the other citizens filling the building, a less secure area.

    Several months passed, and Alicia was born. Darcy felt a rush of both fear and love at the sight of the newborn.

    It took many more weeks for her to recover from giving birth—during which, she prepared her escape. Everything was going smoothly: over what was almost a year, the security around her lessened; the pregnancy brought her to a less secure area; she was free of forced brothel work in that period of time. All she had to do was cut open the window with the diamond ring she'd convinced the old nurse to give, and then use the rope of linen gathered over the course of dozens of weeks. But, she couldn't go through with it. Alicia's face kept appearing fresh in her mind.

    Ultimately, she left the diamond ring in the old nurse's office.

    Over the next four years, Darcy returned to brothel work for the sake of money to support her child. Carrying a newborn during a flee from a district marked suicide for the both of them; she needed to be able to walk and run if they were to head back to greener pastures. A city where order wasn't something to be harshly enforced, invading privacy for the sake of "protection."

    As a result of this hope, Darcy never taught Alicia much outside of basic education; she kept her sheltered from the horrors of the world, and just what she forced herself to go through for each of their sakes. And, spurred by her lifelong dream of becoming a proper lady of wealth, played the typical noble games with her daughter, most commonly holding tea parties. These days were the only times Darcy would feel like she was where she needed to be; a blind facade to mask the reality.

    But all things culminate to an end, eventually. At the age of four, Alicia was left at home with only their important items stashed in a small bag. Her mother told her that they were moving, soon, and they needed to go as quickly as possible.

    Over at the brothel, Darcy stabbed a guard deep in the chest, fleeing through the back exit without anyone to take notice of her. An explosion erupted the building, sending all the guards and Dragons in the area to investigate. She'd acquired a small bottle of nitrogen from one of her returning clients: a lab assistant who she convinced to help her. Mixing with a few chemicals and some set up, and she created a timed explosive.

    Darcy returned home, donned an inconspicuous disguise, grabbed Alicia and the bag, and ran. She made sure to plug Alice's ears with wax, expecting the worst during her escape.

    And rightfully so. The enforcers chased her throughout the whole of the East District. Gunfire rained all around them as Darcy darted between cover. The child, unable to hear to see anything (her face was constantly stuffed against her mother's chest), only remained confused and nervous throughout it all.

    Darcy dashed through the least unprotected spot of the Eastern border. The guards shot at her, ripping several bullets into Darcy's back; she held Alicia close to her chest to shield her from the gunfire. Yet, she disappeared in the dead of night, into the Central District as the Dragons scanned the fields.

    Darcy ripped the wax out of Alicia's ears, muttering "I'm sorry, Alice, I'm so sorry..." between her strained breaths. The child didn't know what to say or ask; her mother was never this panicked, before. When Alice glanced around, it was all darkness as they rushed through. A thick smell of iron burnt her nostrils.

    Darcy fell as she set foot at the Western District border, pushing Alicia towards the Tiger guards with her last breath. She got a sight of her hands, covered in a warm, red substance.

    The young girl didn't know what happened to her mother—the guards immediately took her and covered her eyes, sparing her the sight of Darcy's fate.


    Darcy had succeeded; Alice is living as happily as she can be. After the border guards took her in, Alice's Potential rose up; she invited them to a small tea party while "waiting for Mama." The guard people became less tense after a few cups; a few more, and they became despondent, lost in euphoria. Her mother always taught her to "make yourself happy, and make others happy."

    The higher-ups who were observing them at the time reported the scene to the Albino Tigers. After some more testing of her Potential's capabilities, the Tigers kindly opened their arms to the orphaned girl. They told her that her mother was going to be busy for a long time, ensuring that they'd reunite however long that would take. Excited, Alice jumped into their grasps, and neither of them ever let go.

    And as the years tick by, Alice reaching the age of 18, she has yet to change much from her amicable persona back then. The Tigers warned her that anyone outside their ranks was a stranger—scary monsters that want nothing more than to eat her alive. She is safe wherever they keep her, and she is forever grateful. Alice gets everything she wants: friends for tea parties, flowers, stuffed animals, almost anything. Sometimes they take her along to provide courtesies for people in the form of tea and treats, created by her wonderful Potentiality. Sometimes she's left to her own devices, meeting people who stumble into her home and hosting lavish tea parties, where for some reason they leave vast amounts of money for each cup and plate they take—the Tigers come in weekly to "clean up" the piles.

    Alice knows her mother is still busy, but she is always ready for whenever she returns home.

    POST ARC 3
    Thanks to Elias, Alice has since learned the truth of her position in the Tigers; how the gang lied to her all her life, how she was only a tool to them, and how her mother never could nor will return home. Despite her best efforts to retain the life she knew, it was not to be. Especially not when the Phoenixes attacked with the intent to kidnap her—as though she was the pawn she always was.

    Tired of being treated like a prized possession and frustrated with the lack of control over her life, Alice wants to take things into her own hands...
    Janay Fox (NPC) - Called Mr. Hat by Alice, as to appeal to her fantasy world. He is Alice's general caretaker and manager of her parties. His Potentiality can turn himself and objects/people he holds invisible. Janay is well-versed in simple magic tricks and genuinely enjoys taking care of Alice and keeping her company. If the severity of his work ever weighs on his conscience, though...? Only he knows the answer to that. Janay was the first one to volunteer to caring for Alice; he was the one who took her into his arms as he watched Darcy collapse dead to begin with.

    Markus - "Just the other day, I saw this tall, blue, scary monster! He looked angry like the troll under the bridge in that story I read! I ran away as fast as I could! And everyone I talk to about it looked scared or laughed at me! Do you think if I bang pots and pans, I can scare it away?"

    Lucy - "Lucy is the best! She's so nice to me and always reassures me how my mother is doing her best! She's such a great person!"

    Charmy - "Charmy is the best! She talks a little differently from the others, and somehow I start imagining so much fun and cool things! I feel like Charmy wants to tell me a bunch of stuff, but she always changes the subject super quickly. Curiouser and curiouser!"

    Cassidy - "Cassidy is the best! She always gives me treats from all around the world, and we have so much fun! But lately it feels like we haven't seen each other as much... Maybe she's just busy like my mother?"

    Elias - "Elias is the best! We had fun at one of my tea parties and talked all day! Mother talked about wanting to be a rich person, and I think he fits the bill!"

    Dante - "Dante is the best! He stops by every once in a while but sticks around really shortly. When he says he's here to protect me, it sounds so romantic! Like out of a fairytale!"

    Vince - "Vince is weird. He doesn't talk to me, and he acts all chummy with the grown ups. But he always talks with the girls so I wonder if he knows how my mother's doing? She's really pretty so I think he would like her!"
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Legal Name

  • Jasper Fey


    Official NAME
    Dante Hel-Puch
    20s | Nov. 17, 1997
    Sex (Varies)
    HEIGHT | WEIGHT (Varies)
    6ft 3 (198 cm) | 178 LBS
    Cordial, Affluent Assailant.
    Home District

    All-Around DESCRIPT

    Flamboyant. It's the one word anyone would think when it comes to Dante, a face you've probably seen no doubt at least once around Tiger turf. When he wants, he's a show off. Not in words but in movement. Otherwise he could blend in with the background and it'd take you a second to pick him out, or maybe longer. Known to be quite skilled at strutting his stuff, and managing his accounts, despite appearances, Dante cares not of what his peers think of him but has the skill to observe social environment and perceptions to know how to play the game of social balances.

    While he's more known for his tendency to be a bit dramatic in both speech and reaction, Dante can be described as being someone who's known to be a genuinely equable person, if he's around long enough for you to get to know him well-enough. His attention to etiquette plays off well with his ability to treat any and all with the appropriate respect. Yet the things he will not tolerate- are the signs that show he carries a terrifying level of devotion, unbreakable, that is rarely seen. Where on the surface he comes off as a posh and affluent, at his core Dante is a deeply analytical person, who is exceptionally critical of all whom he interacts with- and struggles to walk the line of his own moral code.


    An athletically well-built, 6ft young adult with brilliant lilac colored eyes (which may change color) and snow white hair. His eye brows are black in contrast, while his eyelashes are white, and he has a faint 'application' of bright orange eye shadow that accentuate his clear light brown skin. Dante possess multiple ear piercings, a nose piercing, and is noted for possessing angularly pointed ears, a prehensile tongue, and an occasional change in hair style.

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    Isaiah Spade
    24 (October 1st, 1997)
    Fade, Isa, Spade, Sai
    6'3" (191 cm) | 180 lb (82 kg)
    Ace of the Azure Dragons.
    Reliable and caring
    Home District
    East District
    Standing at 6'3", Isaiah is a young man with short, black hair and purple eyes. When on the job, he'll usually trade in his glasses for contacts.
    Isaiah is a level-headed and earnest young man who remains unflappable even in the most dire circumstances. Not much can break his composure or the calm expression he wears, causing some to liken him to a statue. At first, he may give off the impression that he is an aloof and unfeeling individual, but it quickly becomes apparent that this is untrue when one actually speaks to him.

    He cares a great deal for his fellow Dragons, often checking in on how they're doing and offering to help with anything they need. Because he doesn't want to overstep his boundaries and annoy people, he takes care not to be overbearing and occasionally just ends his interactions with his more antisocial coworkers after asking if they've eaten a proper meal that day. He's lost two parents because of their affiliation with the Azure Dragons, so he wants to make sure that the people around him don't meet the same fate. This is especially true for those who work in the gang's brothels. Because of what happened to his mother, he's developed a habit of stopping by her former workplace to make sure everything is okay.

    Isaiah often keeps to himself if he doesn't have anything to say, but he's very sociable if approached. He may not be the most excitable person, but he still smiles and gives people his full attention. He wants to be seen as a reliable person that anyone can come to if they need something. Having that image is important, especially when it comes to carrying out orders from the boss.

    He'll complete any job he's given, no matter what it is. Even if they go against his morals, he's very unlikely to go against orders. Compared to the boss' words, his feelings don't really matter. He's dedicated to his missions and will take on a colder personality to get them done if needed, imitating the way his father used to act.

    He's extremely loyal to the gang and his superiors, but there's no deep reason for it. It's because of the Azure Dragons that he can continue to survive, so he gives everything to them. It's simple, but his dedication to the King and Queen are second to none. He's well-aware that someone as weak as him might not be capable of being who they need, but he can still offer his support to those who are. He's still content with just being useful. If he's useful, he has a place. If he has a place, he can survive, just like his mother wanted.

    -Cats and dogs (often takes in strays)
    -Night walks
    -Making tea

    Raised by a single mother who worked in one of the many brothels owned by the Azure Dragons, Isaiah was exposed to the underworld at a very young age. While he didn't fully understand what kind of business it was, he always had the feeling it was something he shouldn't pry into. Even so, it didn't affect his opinion of his mother or her kind coworkers. He had a very loving parent who did her best to provide for him and that was the only thing that mattered. His only complaint was that their time together was more limited than he would've liked.

    His mother was quite popular and her busy schedule often kept them separated. He was very understanding of the situation and knew she was doing her best to spend as much time with him as possible, but it was still difficult to deal with the feeling of loneliness that threatened to overwhelm him at night. It was thanks to his aunt that he was able to make it through those tough times. His mother's younger sister was the only other family he had, and he was grateful for her willingness to help raise him.

    Isaiah's mother never burdened him with her troubles, wanting him to live as happily as possible. She did very well at keeping things to herself, but it was becoming more difficult due to a worsening situation at her workplace. A certain customer had become somewhat obsessed with her, always stopping by to see her when he had time. While she had no problem dealing with him at the brothel, the man was very insistent on them staying together after hours. She had no interest in him and made that very clear from the start. Unfortunately, he didn't take rejection well.

    One night, the man followed his mother home and used a knife to get his revenge. Even though Isaiah was home at the time, he was powerless to do anything. The only reason he was spared from the same fate was the sudden awakening of his Potential. Huddled together with his aunt in the corner of the living room, he unconsciously concealed their presence and kept his eyes glued to the floor as he listened to her call the police.

    The man was arrested, but that did nothing to help him recover from the horrific event. He could hardly form a thought during the following days. He could only assume that his aunt was doing even worse. Consumed by fear, she cut herself off from anything that had to do with the murder, including him and the ability he possessed. That only added to the young boy's pain, and he struggled to cope with the onslaught of negative emotions.

    Fortunately, his aunt hadn't left him completely alone. Before distancing herself from him, she managed to get into contact with a man who claimed to be his father. Isaiah never heard anything about him prior to his arrival, always assuming his mother knew as little about his father as he did. Without a test, he couldn't even be sure if the claim was true. However, when the dark-suited man approached him with an offer to take him in, he realized that he didn't care. He only wanted a place to be and that was his only option.

    Shortly after accepting the offer, Isaiah was given proof that the man truly was his father. However, he acted nothing like a parent. From the start, his father made it clear that he had no intention of developing any sort of familial connection with him. The only reason he took him was because he heard about his Potential. To a low-ranking member of the Azure Dragons, it sounded very useful. Rather than a son, Isaiah was taken in as a tool.

    Despite his father's less than noble intentions, he never treated him in a cruel manner. He received food, clothing, shelter, and an education. He never felt any warmth from his father, only ever faced with his stoic expression and indifferent demeanor, but the man did look after him. Of course, he paid him back for this by assisting with his work.

    Once he had been properly trained, Isaiah began accompanying his father on his jobs. He was responsible for keeping things under wraps, making sure the things he didn't want seen remained unseen. That applied to him as well. He always concealed his presence, and only a few trusted Dragons knew about him. He was never sure if him playing a role in the activities was something that could land his father in hot water, but it didn't seem to matter when it was as if he didn't exist.

    He still wasn't a member of the gang, but he now had a much closer look at what kind of world the Dragons lived in. He continued to play his own part in his father's work for a long time. Whether it was official business or something that was meant to be kept under the table, he did as he was told and absorbed the knowledge he was given. In time, he began to adopt his father's mannerisms, acting more like the aloof man than a proper teenager. Their relationship still hadn't changed much, but he began to feel that there was some sort of bond between them. Small things like them sharing a silent meal or an in-depth lecture made it feel like there was something more. Maybe all those lessons he learned were his father's own way of showing what little affection he had. He'd never know how his father truly felt, as both of his parents were destined to suffer terrible fates.

    What started out as an easy job suddenly turned into a conflict between rival gangs. It was nothing he hadn't seen before, but being caught off-guard made for a terrible situation. Even though he was invisible to everyone, he ended up getting caught in the crossfire when a large explosion knocked him unconscious. The last thing he heard was his father's incoherent yelling.

    When he woke up, he was being tended to by one of his father's fellow gang members in a warehouse. Thankfully, he hadn't suffered any major injuries, but the same couldn't be said for the other men. Everyone was hurt, but they were still better off than those who died during the fight. His father was among those who were killed. Unlike the first time he dealt with the passing of a parent, he didn't have much of a reaction. He and his father didn't have the kind of relationship that warranted an emotional response. If their positions were reversed, he believed his father would feel the same way. However, he did have respect for the man who taught him many things and kept him alive. He believed that made his father worthy of gratitude, and he silently offered his thanks to the person who was no longer there.

    Once again, Isaiah was left alone. He'd lost the only family he had left, along with his place in the world. He had to think about what was left for him and where he could go next. He didn't have to spend much time thinking, as the answers would be brought to him. Shortly after the conflict, one of his father's associates snitched to the Dragons about what they'd been up to, including their secret operations and his involvement. It was expected, considering how hard it'd be to keep everything a secret after the mess they made. It went without saying that there'd be punishment for those who had a part in the group's side hustles, but Isaiah was uncertain about his fate. He wondered if he'd be sent to his death or forced to endure some other kind of punishment. He fully accepted whatever was coming to him, knowing that he had no way out. However, the punishment he expected never came.

    Far from what he'd imagined, a man from the Azure Dragons named Kairong allowed him to take up residence in his tea shop. While confused by the turn of events, he had no other choice but to accept the offer. He had nothing against the old man who had shown him kindness and was grateful to have a roof over his head, but he was uncertain about what to do next. Both of his parents had died as a result of their connections to the gang, and it seemed like he was following in their footsteps. He couldn't break away from who they'd been affiliated with. Rather than try his best to separate himself from that kind of life, he decided to embrace it.

    All his mother ever wanted was for him to live a long, happy life. While it was unlikely that joining a gang would help him accomplish that, he saw it as his only option. There was only one place left in the world for someone like him. Compared to everything else he could think of, it was his best chance at living. That's why he spent the next few years working in the tea house and training, using everything he had learned to prove that he was worthy of an invitation. His effort eventually bore fruit when he received the coveted letter marked with the Azure Dragons' sigil.
    Lin Kairong: Lin gave Isaiah a job and a place to stay when he had nowhere else to go, so he has a lot of respect for the older Dragon.

    Reveler: Isaiah cares for all of his fellow Dragons, but his relationship with Reveler is somewhat different. Because of their connection to Kairong, he's spent more time with her than anyone else. He enjoys her company and feels closer to her than others, but he still isn't sure how to feel about the familial relationship. He doesn't reject it, but he often wonders if someone like him is worthy to be in that position.

    Ivan Hawthorne
    November 3rd, 1975
    37 (October 15th, 2013)
    6'5" (196 cm) | 200 lb (91 kg)
    Former veteran of the Azure Dragons.
    Previously, he was a member of the Azure Dragons who wasn't worthy of note. Now he is known for doing business behind the gang's back.
    Home District
    East District
    A tall, dark-haired man who was rarely seen without a stony expression. He always wore dark clothes that helped keep him hidden during missions and his secret activities.
    Isaiah Spade- Son


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    Memento Moriendum Esse
    Kisara McDowell
    20 (October 10, 2000)
    Gyoushi; Prinz Gyoushi; Prinz; The Bull
    5'11” | 220 lbs
    Ace of the Sable Serpents
    Enigmatic Ace. Not very interested in anything but fights.
    Home District
    North District
    A young lady with long, strawberry blonde hair and light turquoise eyes. If that was all, she would look like any other citizen of New Oasis. Unfortunately, that wasn't all. She is most recognizable with her four large horns decorating her head not unlike a crown, her black scleras, and her jagged, sharp teeth. Her left arm and leg are also covered in what seems to black armor, with energy coursing through rings around them giving them an ethereal lavender glow. The rings notably light up brighter when she brings about her Potential's other abilities, and they seem to ripple like an insect's carapace. She used to be seen in a raggedy, torn up jacket that exposes her midriff. Nowadays, she prefers to wear much more conservative clothing, but they somehow make her look even more ragged than before. She is often mistaken for a homeless person these days.

    She appears slim and lean, but as noted by her Weight, she is deceptively heavy as a result of her Potential.
    The arena beckons to Prinz Gyoushi, the King of Monsters! Fighting, matching her opponents blow to blow, the pure adrenaline rush of battle calls to her! The dark, demonic, devious Prinz Gyoushi! Run, flee, scatter like leaves! The King of Monsters has come to bring ruin to this world!

    Such is the idea of what and how Kisara wishes to portray herself to the world at large. An aspiring wrestler and fighter, she fashions herself as a true heel professional, declaring her tyrannical intent of conquering the world, and dressing in a manner not unlike a villainess would. What may have started as just her trying to cheer up the kids in the orphanage with her has developed into an odd practice of hers. If there is evil, there will always be good to combat it, and with good, comes hope. At least, that is what she believes.

    Kisara McDowell has only the best intentions, and, outside of her peculiarities, doesn't seem to fit the Serpent mold well. Kind-hearted to a fault, and willing to be friends with everyone and anyone, she is the type to put herself on the line for a friend, or a prospective friend.

    She is part of the Serpents, purely because she vibes with their ‘no rules’ rules, where she can pursue her art of violence and love for battle unchecked. She is a stalwart believer that battle is what brings out the best and the deepest within those she crosses fists with. Stronger or weaker than her, it doesn’t matter- so long as they expose it all just for her in the heat of combat. As such, she cares not a whit about the relationships between gangs. As long as they give her a good fight, it’s all good!
    Disillusioned, death-stricken, and met with the gnawing realisation that all of this was not as simple as she thought it was, Kisara McDowell is a far cry from what she had been. The pursuit of strength remains, and she continues to seek to become stronger, ever stronger, but no longer does she seek it for strength itself. That tower in the distance - it remains looming over her, ever reminding her of what she is destined to do.

    Her near death experience was a sobering slap to the face. She had barely even taken a step up that tower in the distance. All those years of showing off, and for what? She had nothing to show for it. She was as strong, and as weak, as she was years ago. She was no great villain - she was a coward. She was a fool.

    All these realisations have made today's Kisara McDowell a gloomy realist. Gone is the twinkle in her eyes and her sharp, toothy grin when she faces a strong opponent. Not all is lost, however. In their place, a fire burns fiercely in her eyes, and a hunger.

    Kisara, despite having been instated as an Ace of the Sable Serpents, chooses to distance herself further from the Serpents' activities. Their drugs, their wanton violence, their bizarre practices - once they were entertaining, then it became clear that it was all just so unnecessary. If anything, she finds a majority of them a waste of space, time, and energy. There are only a select few she would lend her time to. Her attitude towards other gangs have similarly soured as well. She finds it all a colossal waste of energy. Fighting over a pile of scraps that was New Oasis was not a worthwhile endeavour.

    Outside of the Serpents, when she isn't called upon to enact some great violence on something, she tends to isolate herself in her work at a construction company, and spends her free time training. She tries to avoid acting as the Ace of the Serpents as much as possible. Occasionally, her hunger gets the better of her, and she stalks the streets of New Oasis, seeking out worthy fighters so that she might get stronger through a test of fists.

    Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. All her life, she only knew to fight. As long as she could remember, she had been fighting. She fought for her place, she fought for her life, she fought for her friends. The horned beast, the kaiju, the bull, whatever they called her, she didn't care. She found her calling early in her life, after she broke a boy's nose after she had taken one too many comments about her horns. The head sister had been called in about her behaviour, and she was chided about it, but she felt something welling up within her. In this world, no amount of niceties, no amount of good behaviour will ever amount to anything unless there was power or strength behind it. A scruffy orphan like her, attaining any level of power in this world was unheard of. It was certainly possible, but she was neither smart nor innovative. So instead, she pursued the road of strength, and hopefully, with that strength, came the power.

    Her pursuit of that strength never led to the power she craved. It did, however, open her eyes to the beauty of the struggle. With every blow that landed on her, she felt them- she felt the emotions, the drive, the minds of her foes brought to bear, and with that realisation, she found her love. She found a profound love for everyone, and she wanted everyone else to love her just the same. No amount of words, no amount of flowers could ever match the truth lying behind heated battles. Weak, strong, it didn't matter. As long as they brought their best to the confrontation, she was satisfied. Unable to contain the girl's growing adulation of battle, the head nun simply let Kisara go free to carve her own path forwards.

    Kisara attempted to join the Scarlet Phoenixes, enthralled by the power they once wielded, and their desire to climb ever upwards back into that power. Her callousness and her bloodthirst, however, saw to it that she never made it past their trials. More so than their ideals of 'family and loyalty', Kisara represented the undiluted desire of meeting and fighting, and loving, the strong and the great. There was no place for someone who had such desires amongst them, and her actions were deemed dangerous to their operations- her ever-effervescent whims were just not their tempo. Turned away from the Phoenixes, she wandered again, seeking other means.

    She disappeared into the annals of history, until one day, the echoing cries from within underground fighting rings began to ring forth.

    The one, the only, the great King of Monsters, Prinz Gyoushi! Prinz Gyoushi! Prinz Gyoushi! Prinz Gyoushi! So-re so-re so-re so-re! HA! HA! HA! Prinz Gyoushi! The crowd chants her name, the rhythmic thumping of feet and the thunderous chorus of cries from the people! Such were the monikers of Kisara McDowell each time she steps into the ring. She was a personality to behold in the underground fighting rings that she frequented. Far from fighting for money, Prinz Gyoushi fought for the adulation of the crowd, and to see just how much she could show to the world just how much she loved the feeling of being alive. Cementing herself as a tremendous heel, she started her career early and to not much attention. As time went on, however, her unique way of presenting herself earned her quite a few fans. Not all of those who knew she was 'performing' that day came to place their bets on the fighters. If anything, more came to jeer her as a heel and cheer her on. She put the show in showmanship, and it was a terribly wondrous sight to behold. Her popularity became quite palpable that she eventually became one of the guest stars in Kaiten, showing up occasionally as a guest announcer.

    As fate would have it, during her wanderings in the times that she wasn't shedding blood in the ring, she would find the Sable Serpent, Bash Hirabayashi, a close friend of hers a long time ago, whom she had the gracious opportunity to see his strength firsthand, and she was, to put it simply, fell in love once again with his strength. She took to following after him, and appointed herself as his junior, probably much to his own chagrin. A demonstration of her own strength, however, landed her a nice spot as a member of the Serpents not long after, and her eyes were opened to so many more greater allies and foes in New Oasis. Absolutely overjoyed at the prospect of sharing her love with all of them, she threw herself into the life of a gang member.

    Inexperienced, and still having no understanding of how things worked, she now flits about the Serpents as accompanying muscle. Alongside just picking up people and shaking them down for money or breaking faces and property, she was to learn just how things worked around the gang.

    Kisara McDowell has changed over her time in the Serpents. The deep darkness of New Oasis, and having to come to terms with it, has shaken her to her core. If that were not enough, her injuries in the same altercation that led her to her revelations have also given her a sight into the darkness, and of things that lay beyond. She has understood that she is not yet strong enough, and she was, ultimately, just a speck of dust in the wide universe. That strength she sought was still so far away.

    Kisara McDowell now stands as the Ace of the Sable Serpents. That is, if she were ever around. Choosing instead to take up a job at a construction firm, she remains aloof and away from the Serpents' activities. Shying away from anything that did not directly aid in her pursuit of power, she has more or less become an enigmatic shadow of the Serpents. Newer members are less likely to recognise the name Kisara McDowell, but will have heard of Prinz Gyoushi, she who comes and goes like a storm.


    Sister Skygrave: The head nun that ran the orphanage that Kisara grew up in. She is demure and polite, and never raises a hand or her voice towards the children. She bears a cross-shaped scar across her face, but the fact she is almost always smiling seems to alleviate its presence somewhat. She is one of the few people that can truly shake Kisara to her core, however. Whispers imply that she was once part of a gang, before she left, and very few could muster enough courage to actually pursue her. Those who did never returned.

    Bash Hirabayashi: A Serpent who knows what he wants, and does what he wants to get what he wants, AND has the strength to back it up. She likes him a lot, even from their time together as kids, purely because she feels that her aesthetic fits quite well as his sidekick, and, more often than not, would tag along with him. She desperately wants him to find more in his life, though, and regularly pushes him to pursue the girl he occasionally mentions meeting at a cafe, or something. She has some reservations depending on his more extreme actions, but she is confident that she can stop things from going too far if she's around. She is willfully blind to his many flaws, but will step in to smooth things out if things go haywire.

    Jackson Alessi: An old friend from a long time ago. She knew him by coincidence, through their mutual friend, Bash Hirabayashi. She played third wheel to their friendship, but she enjoyed hanging out with them whenever she could. She misses him, and, when she remembers him, she wonders how he is doing. She hopes he is doing well, and wishes him all the best.

    Minato Maeda: An old friend from a long time ago. He was the one who pushed her over the edge to accepting that she was indeed the King of Monsters, and he was the one who had his nose unfortunately broken by her when she lost her temper. After that, they became fast friends. In the times where she recalls him, she hopes that he has made a name for himself. She dearly misses him, and hopes to one day reconnect with him.

    Raphael Shaw: He does what he wants, and what he wants is freedom. She can dig it. Freedom is the true form of man, after all. She doesn't condone his actions, but honestly, she doesn't really care. She kind of understands his toxic behaviour, and rarely ever gets riled up by his words. She is more than willing to play along with it, just so he has someone to call a friend even if it's for those short moments.

    Lancer: Who IS this dude? She fought him once, and only once, but it was enough to feel something off about him. Girls like dark, mysterious, and brooding, and Lancer's whole person when he was fighting her just felt dark, mysterious, and brooding. There was some sort of excitement she felt when they exchanged blows, and she latched on to it almost immediately. That was the thrill she was looking for. Someone who felt the fire, the passion, of a real fight. She was soundly defeated by him, but that defeat only spurred her on to find him once again to do battle. She must know more, she MUST learn more.

    Yuudai Fuse: The King of the Serpents. She's ambivalent about him. She can sort of feel something writhing within him. She doesn't know what it is, but he just makes her feel uneasy, especially when he smiles. She respects his authority, at the very least, but he doesn't exactly keep her on a short leash anyway.

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    Ezra Knight
    21 (November 08, 2000)
    5'10" (179 cm) | 168 lb (76 kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    2021 (1 month)
    A poor kid who's out of his depth. Surprisingly not dead yet.
    Home District
    West District
    Ezra stands at 5'10 and has a surprising amount of muscle hidden behind his clothes. He often wears suits in an attempt to keep up a professional image, but it doesn't do him much good. His brown bangs often hide his dark eyes from view.
    Ezra has lived most of his life surrounded by talented people telling him he's not worth much, so he's come to believe that. His lack of confidence makes him prone to nervousness, and even if he has the ability to do something, he'll worry about screwing up somehow. It doesn't stop him from giving his best effort, but he doesn't expect much in the way of results. He likes to think realistically and knows what his limits are.

    After spending so much time around his family and their business partners, he's learned how to read people pretty well. He can usually tell when they're being fake and if they've got some sort of hidden agenda, but he's unlikely to call them out on it. Being perceptive isn't very useful if it just gets him into trouble, so he prefers to keep a lot of his observations to himself.

    Ezra is weak to pressure and has a hard time saying no to people, so he ends up getting dragged around a lot. It's only easy for him to refuse someone if he isn't intimidated by them. Unfortunately, he has a conscience and will often end up helping people anyway if they're really in trouble. It makes him wish he could be as selfish and cutthroat as the rest of his family.

    A lot of the time, he'll hide his true feelings behind nervous laughter, but he can't always keep things bottled up. He has a bad habit of muttering to himself, and the sarcastic remarks in his head tend to slip out. If he thinks that his head won't end up on a chopping block for speaking his mind, he'll let everything out without care.

    Because he isn't very assertive and lacks confidence, life in the Albino Tigers is difficult. He often wonders if it's even possible for someone like him to survive in such a crazy environment. His brother had the same concerns, which is why the older Knight used his Potential to help him out. When Ezra reaches a certain level of stress, he'll adopt a personality that his brother believes is suitable for getting through any situation. Unfortunately, the only personality his brother thinks is suitable for that is his own. Ezra ends up mimicking the snarky, overconfident man who only looks out for himself and hangs onto those traits until his stress levels go down. Due to the effects of his brother's Potential, he doesn't think too deeply about the reason for his shift in personality, only feeling embarrassment.
    The youngest of three children, Ezra was born into the prestigious Knight family. Almost everyone has heard of the name, which can be attributed to Silas Knight, Ezra's father and CEO of the multi-industry company KnightCorp. The conglomerate has always been a force to be reckoned with in the business world, well-known for its nonstop expansion and large coffers. Ezra was lucky enough to be born with a large silver spoon in his mouth, but he always had a hard time walking the path to success.

    People had been expecting great things from him since he was born. He was part of a special family, so he had to be special as well. Unfortunately, he couldn't live up to those expectations. While he didn't have any noticeable shortcomings, Ezra was painfully average in the eyes of his relatives. He wasn't a prodigy and struggled to keep up with everyone else, lacking the social grace and talent for business that had carried his parents so far. Even his older siblings had accomplished more when they were his age, which only added to a growing inferiority complex.

    By the time he reached the age of eighteen, Ezra had been branded as a lost cause. He was at the bottom of the family totem pole, and his self-esteem was nonexistent. His parents spent less time trying to groom him for a leadership role in the corporation, knowing that it'd just be wasted effort. Meanwhile, his siblings were performing well as executives. With such a large gap between them, it was unlikely that he'd ever follow in their footsteps. If he was lucky, he'd secure a decent position through nepotism. It wasn't a terrible future, but it was far from the one he'd hoped for.

    He was always greeted with pity, derision, or indifference. Employees felt sorry for him, his parents barely interacted with him, and his siblings never dropped their haughty attitudes. At a certain point, he got used to it and kept living his life in the background, accepting that nothing could be done about the situation. He wasn't fond of how others treated him, but he'd become somewhat comfortable with always being out of the spotlight. Although, he occasionally wished for something more.

    Ezra eventually got his wish, but not in the way he was hoping for. One day, he was suddenly called into his father's office and told that he'd be joining a gang. He thought that the man had gone crazy. Unfortunately, his father was completely serious. Apparently, he wasn't satisfied with his current level of success and sought to break into the underworld to expand. The gangs ran their respective districts, so it only made sense to deepen his connection with them if he wanted to grow his influence. He was a powerful man and had a few contacts, but his future endeavors would require a more hands-on approach. Although, joining himself was out of the question. He was too old for that sort of thing and it was a dangerous business. His children, however, were well-suited for the task.

    Each sibling had been blessed with Potential, which Silas believed was due to his good fortune. In addition to preparing them to take over the Knight Corporation, he'd also been preparing them to take part in his underworld ambitions. After all, it would've been a waste if he didn't take advantage of the situation. Now that the time had finally come, he had his reservations about exposing his children to that kind of danger. Still, someone had to get the job done, so he decided to go with a person who was more expendable. If something unfortunate happened to Ezra, it would be a minor loss in comparison to losing either of his siblings. The youngest didn't have much of a future anyway.

    Ezra had no interest in joining up with a bunch of criminals and risking his life for the sake of a company, but as he learned from so many of his father's competitors, trying to win against Silas Knight was a fruitless endeavor. So, without any consideration for how he felt, his father immediately began preparing him for his new lifestyle. Even if he was expendable when compared to his siblings, it's not like his father wanted him to die. It would've been a massive waste if he joined up with a gang and died shortly after. To prevent that from happening, his father brought in several tutors to train him in skills necessary for survival.

    When his father decided that the time was right, he got in touch with one of his associates in the Albino Tigers and set up a meeting. All it took to get Ezra into the gang was a generous donation from KnightCorp, sealing his fate. With the approval of everyone from the main family, the only person who had a problem with Ezra being rushed to his death was himself. Aside from his father, the only one who acknowledged that he was leaving was his older brother.

    Ezra and Elliott never had a great relationship. The latter was always more successful and constantly walked around with a smirk on his face. Surprisingly, the pompous attitude he was used to was gone when his brother decided to wish him well. Ezra didn't really trust a smile from his brother that wasn't accompanied by a snide comment, but he had to admit that it was a nice change of pace. While caught up in that feeling, he didn't notice that he'd been playing into his brother's hands.

    Like their father, Elliott had many ambitions. To fulfill them, he'd also use the youngest Knight as a tool. Using his Potential, Elliott planted a hypnotic suggestion in Ezra's subconscious, one that would activate whenever he was in trouble. While a part of him felt sympathy for his baby brother and was doing his part to make sure he survived, it was ultimately for his own sake.
    Silas Knight-
    Ezra's father is a cold and calculating businessman, so there's not much love in their relationship, especially with him viewed as a disappointment. His father doesn't go out of his way to treat him horribly and still provides for him, but he's very distant. Ezra acts more like a subordinate than a son, and it's extremely difficult for him to go against his "boss".


    Miranda Knight-
    Ezra doesn't really interact with his mother. She's always busy with her work as a designer and doesn't have much interest in holding a conversation with him. She at least knows his name, so he's doing better than most people.


    Eliza Knight-
    Getting along with his oldest sibling is impossible. Eliza outright hates him and doesn't bother hiding it. If he touches one of her things, she's likely to burn it, no matter how expensive. She goes out of her way to avoid him, but with her role as KnightCorp's CCO, they rarely see each other.


    Elliott Knight-
    Out of everyone in his family, Ezra is closest to his older brother. Although, that's not always a good thing. Elliott is extremely confident, talented, and snarky. He knows Ezra is worse than him in everything, and he'll often indulge in some teasing to get a reaction out of him. They don't exactly get along, but Elliott does have affection for him. More than anyone else in the family, anyway. He sometimes takes pity on Ezra and looks out for him, but doesn't drop his horrible attitude.



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    Charles Liam "Hughes"
    Charles Liam Wingfield
    23 (May 15, 1999)
    5'4" (163 cm) | 136/327/546 lb (62/155/248 kg)
    Rookie of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    August 19th 2020
    A loyal dog, sweet as honey and tough as nails
    Home District
    West District
    Charlie is a short man with extremely feminine features, with smooth porcelain skin and large hazel eyes, as well as a silky and extremely long blue mane most often styled in the shape of a ponytail although it's not rare to see him sporting other styles, both things which he takes diligent care of, a result of his upbringing. This often causes people to mistake him for a girl, as his surprisingly ripped body (though low on bulk) is most often hidden by layers of loose clothes, his everyday look even usually sporting some sort of hoodie or jacket, which allows him to conceal small weapons within it.
    Kind, empathetic and considerably selfless, Charlie is the kind of person you would never expect to see among the ranks of the Scarlet Phoenixes, or any of the gangs for that matter. He is an overall optimist who tries to see the good out of everything and everyone.

    He is a loyal and diligent member of the Scarlet Phoenixes, never lacking into taking the initiative when it comes to finding work around the gang, determined to make a steady living solely out of Phoenix Work. He has entirely bought into the illusion of "family" and sees them as the one he's never truly had and desperately yearns for. He greatly looks up to his seniors and would gladly give his life for any fellow gang member. He is through and through a perfect little soldier.

    Or at least, that would be the case if it wasn't for the fact that the ideals and methods of the Phoenix go pretty much perpendicular to his own. The rookie wasn't born on the streets and never had to fight for survival, and neither was he born with an insatiable hunger for glory or victory. A very sweet person at heart, Charlie often finds himself struggling between what's good for the family and what's the right thing to do by his own moral compass.

    He's a very extroverted man, having no issues to strike a conversation with strangers, and befriending him is quite the effortless endeavor. He's also very fond of his friends, prefering to spend a sizeable chunk of his free time with them, whether they may be from outside of the Phoenixes or not. A solid sign to tell that he treasures you as a dear friend, is to see if he invites to over to have some burgers (his favorite food). He's also a bit of a hopeless romantic, causing him to develop feelings for whoever catches his eye somewhat easily, but once it happens, he focuses on that person alone, he's also known to have been annoyingly clingy to his previous partners in the past, a big cause of the break-ups and something he's promised to have been working on ever since.

    When it comes the time to face danger. The rookie is surprisingly fearless, as he is quite confident in his capabilities and strength, although he is never one to throw the first punch, either you start it, or he's stopping you from hurting his allies. He's very straightforward and fights in a deceptingly mindless manner, but there's more to him than just a walking bulldozer. He's also got a bit of an unexpected violent side, as a fight keeps going, it is harder for him to pull his punches or to think with a clear head, eventually he simply starts seeing red, taking joy into inflicting pain through battle. Despite this, he's still someone who was raised without violence, and thus, is completely against the idea of taking lives, something that he's yet to actually commit and unfortunately becomes an issue for someone in a gang such as the Scarlet Phoenixes.

    During his free time, Charlie enjoys hanging out with friends, practicing with his violin, playing videogames and exploring the city, he's also quite the cinephile, with movies and shows taking a good chunk of his solo time.

    Post-Arc 2: Horrified by the Queen's indifference towards the massacre of civilians, Charlie took matters into his own hand, which ended up getting him punished. The emotional damaged caused by it all has left his view on the Phoenixes tarnished, brewing an even bigger inner struggle between himself and his so-called "family".

    Post-Arc 3: During the Lucky Rabbit Casino Raid, Charlie took a life for the first time, that of an enemy Albino Tiger. This event has emotionally and psychologically scarred him heavily, having realized he crossed the one boundary that separated him from his more brutal peers. Still unsure on what path to take from this point onwards, he's currently under a great emotional struggle, while still attempting to stick to how own moral compass.
    Amelia Wingfield and Rico Hughes were a loving, yet financially struggling young married couple living in the poorer parts of West District. Amelia had decided to come to the city in order to succeed in her goals of starting a business that could improve her life, her kind husband supporting her wholeheartedly. Eventually, with enough hard work and dedication, Wingfield Inc. finally started to get a footing, steadily rising among the ranks of the fiercely competetitive world of West District. Even little Charles' birth did little to slow down their rise, and the couple rejoiced as they were able to raise their child without worry.

    Things did not go that well eventually, however, as despite its consistent rise, Amelia had now gotten a taste of success, and she was intoxicated by it. She started to go in deeper as the head of the company, turning into an overall less caring and attentive wife and mother, sometimes even disappearing for several days straight, and whenever she was around, she was either cold and dismissive, or simply too tired to be awake. Things eventually reached a breaking point, with Rico, a very kind and loving man but of little emotional fortitude, simply couldn't stand the way things went in their household. He fought for Charlie's custody, but as expected, he stood no chance against the powerful CEO and her army of lawyers, and thus finally, left the city one night, as his son was but 7 years old.

    Charlie's lifestyle as a lonely and sheltered rich kid was far from ideals, and despite their best efforts, there was only so much the maids could do to help him out. Even after discovering that he had an ability, his mother had little to say about it, instead focusing in making sure he was the ideal nobleman, worthy of keeping up the good standing of Wingfield Inc. He would often be made to accompany his mother in fancy parties, and was even trained in various disciplines such as ballroom dancing, etiquette, beauty-care, playing the piano and the violin, the last one being a surprising hit, as the boy developed a deep love for the instrument, but at the end of the day, he was mostly by himself in a cold, loveless household.

    Outside of his private life things were better albeit not great. In school the boy wasn't particularly talented at speaking with his classmates, the art of conversation simply wasn't properly taught to him despite of all else. But through his determination to befriend others, he eventually started to form decent, if only a bit shallow, friendships, even to the point of getting into a relationship not once but twice throughout his teens. And as he grew, he also realized that no matter how much he tried, how much he practiced or studied, it would never be enough to earn back the sweet mom from his infant years. At around age 16, he decided to go against her wishes altogether, letting his hair grow for the first time as a sign of rebellion. Once he finished highschool, he decided that enough was enough, and left his old life behind, bringing with him nothing but the bare necessities, some saved up cash, and his trusty violin. He left for South District, and went through a few years of his life struggling to keep up with simple living, jumping from one job to another, the realization of his possible mistake slowly creeping into him.

    It all changed one day, however, as he stumbled across Helva, a veteran of the Scarlet Phoenixes, and after a short talk, he finally had a realization. The phoenixes were a very powerful group that could provide its members with financial security, and most importantly: They valued its members like family, the family that he so desired deep within his heart for many years. Filled with desperation, he begged Helva to take him in, he was, after all, blessed with being an HP, and one with a possibly powerful ability as that. While hesistant, the veteran accepted to put him through a trial. Despite his great lack of combat experience, Charlie was barely able to pass her multi-phased trial, and with a renewed vision for his future, Charlie Wingfield rejected his old name, taking up that of his useless father's, but not just that. Above all, he was now Temperer, the newest member of the Scarlet Phoenixes.

    Scarlet Phoenixes:
    Generally speaking, Charlie is very friendly towards most,if not all of phoenixes, specially the HPs who he feels to have more of a connection with, he sees them as the family he pretty much never had.

    Helva: Despite her ocassionally odd behavior, Charlie respects Helva probably more than anyone else in the gang, being the one that sponsored him. He met her while performing one of his part-time jobs, and basically begged her to give him a chance. Eventually Charlie proved his loyalty, prowess and cooperative abilities during the trials she had for him.

    Ashley: A good friend, fellow rookie and Charlie's favorite sparring partner, due to their potentials not being too disimilar means they can go all out without much worry.

    Hide: Charlie thinks very fondly of Hide, seeing him as one of his closer gangmates despite Hide's initial colder and grumpier attitude. Now they hang out fairly often and even meet together at Charlie's place to watch movies.

    Hitoshi: Charlie and Hitoshi met during a few jobs they had together and quickly became good friends, Charlie sees him as this goofy uncle that likes to have fun, and calls him Aniki by his request. The rookie now has a far deeper appreciation for Hitoshi after their battle together at the Central Mall, he knows that he can trust the veteran with his life.

    Raquel: Possibly the one phoenix that Charlie doesn't outright like. He's extremely disturbed by her cannibal nature, and has mixed feeling about her actions back when the oversaw his punishment.

    Rin: His precious junior, Charlie has taken quite a liking to Rin and her friendly and bright personality, she's also a formidable fighter and a fun sparring partner.

    Other Gangs:
    Charlie tends to stay away from members of the other gangs. He knows that most of the time it would only spell trouble, however, as a sick twist of fate, he has crossed paths with a few of them before, often not even knowing of their criminal nature.

    Jesper and Tenebrosity: A few months prior to the bridge incident, Charlie went to an anime convention, where he befriended these two by pure coincidence, now they speak almost everyday through a group chat, hes not aware of them being enemy gang members.

    Bash: Charlie met Bash a few months after joining the phoenixes at a convenience store, where both wanted to grab the last bag of chips there was. This turned into a fight that ended in the chips getting destroyed and the birth of a beautiful enmity (as well as both getting blacklisted from the store).

    Kazue: After being ambushed by members of the Azure Dragons, Charlie was healed by Kazue. He's grateful of her actions despite of their technical state as enemies, it made him comprehend that even on the other sides, there were people like him who'd rather not spill unnecessary blood. He also had another interaction with her in the past, one that he'd rather keep private.

    Alice: The kind and mysterious girl she met in Central District, she managed to cheer him up when he was at one of his lowest points. Even after discovering she was an Albino Tiger, he judged that she was a good person that should be protected. He's maintained an online friendship with her after the events of Arc 2, to the point he's developed a crush on her. He constantly worries about their position as enemies.

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    Welsha Audax Reaper
    Welsha Audax Reaper
    21 (January 7, 2000)
    5'06" (171cm) | 146lb (66.2245kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    Polite, Scary, Naive and Clumsy
    Home District
    West District
    Welsha is pale skinned woman who is noted to have long brown hair, red eyes and stands at around 5'6 she weighs in at about 146 Lbs and doesn't have any notable distinguishing features, she is noted to have a slim and lithe figure being a bit on the lanky side.
    Welsha is noted to be very Logical when it comes to handling situations on their own and will usually tend to be hyper focused when it comes to doing a task, but when put with a group they typically fall behind whoever is taking the lead. She tends to be a bit Asocial and has trouble when it comes to being empathetic, but is more than willing to strike up a conversation with someone she deems interesting and can fake empathy well enough. Welsha is pretty attentive to details though they don't typically express their opinion much unless prompted to or is given free reign in doing whatever they need to. They are able to find patterns pretty easily and loves testing their mind, making them a sucker for strategy games of that sort. Welsha is noted to be extraordinary polite and almost always has a smile on their face, but they aren't very good at discerning human emotions and will tend to misread situations occasionally, not even bothering to make eye contact. She typically favors only befriending a few people who she will allow to get close to her and will usually close off relationships for most others, when getting into a combat situation however she typically prefers to utilize strategies and scare tactics. She knows how to be fun loving and can be a bit clumsy sometimes, occasionally forgetting things in the short term, but not having a problem remembering long term things. She can also be a bit of stickler for rules being reluctant to break them without permission. They tend to enjoy competitive games as well, and they usually tend to give little information about themselves beyond cryptic clues that really barely narrows anything down, unless they feel comfortable around that particular person.

    Though Welsha may be very smart, she tends to downplay herself most of the time due to the fact that she thinks people will be less cautious around someone they deem to be less intelligent then them, plus it helps most peoples egos. It would sometimes get them out of having to do more difficult tasks, though she also seems to be quiet naive and is trusting the words of people until given reason to otherwise, but she also knows how to follow simple directions as well. Despite these traits she knows how to keep secrets very well, most of the time because she forgets the secret, as she typically nods along with anything even if she doesn't understand what a persons saying. Welsha is deeply loyal to her boss and is more than willing to do whatever they say even at the risk of death. Welsha sees her main purpose in life as someone who needs to be useful, and is very much into people pleasing, mostly for her bosses or people she cares for.
    Both of Welshas Parents are noted to be Military Generals and Welsha practically grew up outside of New Oasis, only really traveling to it in order to get a college education. She had developed a resistance to poisons early in her childhood since her Father was keen on training her to survive. Though she was spared from most of the Physical Labor, she was put to the test when it came to mental labor. She has however done quite a bit of gymnastics and is noted to be very acrobatic and able to balance herself quite well, and move with the grace of a veteran dancer. She did quite well school wise as well, passing all of her classes, and graduating with minimal difficulties, even going on as to graduate school early at the age of 16 and gain a degree at a New Oasis University in the Central Providence , where she was given enough money to go to college and live in one of the College dorms. When she finally graduated she moved to the South for work related reasons, eventually she ended up falling in with the Albino Tigers after assiting one of the Tigers with a mild deed and expressing interest in joining the gang.
    August Augustus August - Amusing, he seems to play dumb quite a lot, but i can see it in his eyes and his demeanor, the spark of intelligence that he has, his idiocity is all an act, which intrigues me... I think he would make a great friend if he so allows this blossoming relationship, but first, i need to know more about him.
    Charmy Devlin - Big boss, i hope to be of much use to her to Ms.Devlin.
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    Tazmanian Devil
    August Augustus August
    24 (August 28th, 1997)
    "Tazmanian Devil" or "Tazz"
    Cis Male
    6'0" (183 cm) | 173 lb (78 kg)
    Rookie of the Sable Serpents
    May of 2022
    Did anyone understand what he just said? Is this guy making fun of me?
    Home District
    North District
    Standing tall at six-feet, August is a lean fellow with a cut, athletic figure, broad at the shoulders but slender-waisted. He possesses a tan complexion, teal-blue eyes, and a feathery head of silver hair with a shaved undercut. He often appears tired by the bags weighing his eyes, and by the sluggish way he walks, scuffing, carelessly, his Berluti Blues. Strange as it might be for a Serpent, his wardrobe consists of expensive name brands, most notably turtle-necks.

    SIDE-NOTE: He speaks in an Australian accent that can often be hard to understand due to his tendency to speak in fast mumbles.
    SIDE-NOTE: Per a lost bet, August's belly-button is pierced. His ears are also pierced.
    SIDE-NOTE: August sometimes wears ski goggles to keep dust and dirt out of his eyes when using his potential.
    SIDE-NOTE: August drives a 2020 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 that was given to him by his father. (Click here: X)
    “Don't fret it, bud... Money comes 'n' goes. Ya could always scam anothah poor lad... Y'know... one loike yaself.” Said to his friend Chol in Arc 1 after confirming that the card collectible Chol had purchased was a fake.

    “Tell Chol he's a pussy~” Said to his friend Gina in Arc 1 after the Albino Tigers showed up at Mach Sling and August’s friend, Chol, ran away.

    “Well, 'at was fun.” Said sarcastically to Jesper (Dante) in Arc 1 at Mach Sling after Lucy rescued him from being crushed by Vincent’s potential.

    “Uhh, yeh, soooo~... …Ah wasn't really invited t' this whole shebang... so ah can, loike, show mahself out if ya need?... It's waaaay past mah bedtoime.” Said to Lucy in Arc 1 after the Serpents showed up at Mach Sling.

    “Sorry~ Pahdon me, I'm just- just tryna-” Said as he was trying to wriggle out from under Raphael Shaw during their scuffle in Arc 1 at Mach Sling.

    “Three?. . . 'S not much, but it was a slow week, ya see… …Ah'm in a bit-of-a boind~ Payin' dues wheh theh nevah shoulda been dues to be paid, so ah'm not really intooooooo--oooooooooooooooo, well, all of it. So, yeh, I'd rathah go home. . . and, loike. . . sleep. . .” Said to Raphael Shaw in Arc 1 during their Mach Sling scuffle when August tried to bribe Raphael out of fighting him.

    “Yeh, ah've always loved a good scoldin'~ . . . Not really-” Said to Raphael Shaw in Arc 1 during their Mach Sling encounter.

    “'At's wot ah thought. . . Let me just ask, at least, ah you plannin' t' kill me? Whattya call it? Followin' ordahs? 'S 'at really how it is? Sometoimes ah wondah if 'at's all just a quip to refrain a guilty conscience, yeh? Or maybe to save rep, loike: look at me killin'~ Not a bad guy, though, 'cause ah'm just doin' mah job. Butchu chose ‘at job. . . Hmph~ Which, ah mean, it's no difference t’ me whethah ya kill or not. . . but in this case, it's me, so. . . yeh, ah care a little. But noooo~ A handsome guy loike yaself! No way that you kill people. Nevah would strike me tha] type. No- ah feel loike yoh more of a. . . an intimidatin' koind. Yeh, an’ it's workin', so you can- uh- put me down now.” Said to Raphael Shaw during their Arc 1, Mach Sling encounter when Raph gained the advantage in battle.

    “Maybe it's Maybelline- Or, wait. . . 'At's not it.” Said to Raphael Shaw during their Arc 1, Mach Sling encounter when August tried to compliment Raph’s hair.

    “Oh, hey, Tazz~ How ya been? Ah see ya did good. Is ya back alroight? Little birdie told me ya got slammed pretty hard out theh… …Oh, well, y’know~ ‘At’s just how ah ‘em. No need t’ worry ‘bout me.” Quip of August talking to himself after no one asked about his fight with Raphael Shaw in Arc 1.

    “Does this make me look cool?” A text message sent to Isobel in Arc 1 after the Mach Sling madness when August sent Isobel a picture of his injured neck, courtesy of Darius.

    “Howdy-doo, mates~” Said to Camila and Chou in Arc 2.

    “Just gonna wait roight he’ah… Actu’lly… Ah’ve got a dentist appointment at three, so ah should reeeally get to that… …Butchu mates seem competent enough! No need fuh me t’ stick aroun’, yeh?” Said to Camila, Chou, and Matsuda during their Arc 2 mission.

    “’At’s a noice lounge… Wonder if’ll notice it missin’...” Said to himself in Arc 2 as he contemplated stealing a man’s couch.

    “No, no. Not interested. . .” Said to an NPC member of a group called Element Liberation in Arc 2 just before he let her get away after she seemed prepared to fight him.

    “Tell me, is it tha gold tooth? Ah was told not t’ get it ‘cause it’d be too noticeable, but ah couldn’t resist, y’know?” Said sarcastically to Raphael Shaw in their Unlikely Encounter B-side as he tried to pinpoint how Raphael recognized him. August doesn’t have a gold tooth.

    “Always knew you’d be mah knoight in shining armor. Wheh’s ya pony?... ... Knoight in shining… Not a fan o’ name brands?” Said to Isobel in their Midnight Breather B-side when Isobel came to help him after the Arc 1, Mach Sling madness.

    “Tell mah fam’ly ah love’em… Let’em know ah wanna be cremated, then sprinkle mah ashes ovah mah cahd collection ‘n’ get mah name tattooed on ya bicep.” Said lifelessly to Isobel in their Midnight Breather B-side when Isobel came to help him after the Arc 1, Mach Sling madness.

    “Ya roight. Y’know, actu’ly, every mornin’ before ah head out, ah compose an’ rehearse a script t’ make sure ah’ve always got somethin’ t’ say throughout th’ day.” Said sarcastically to Raphael during their Unlikely Encounter B-side.

    “So, do ya loike alahm clocks? Bel’s got some cool ones. Won’t tell ya wot toime it is butchu can see ya reflection in tha glass. Maybe, if ya stare just long enough, you’ll embahk on a spiritual journey an’ foind wotchu truly value in loife… …Then again, maybe not. Hasn’t worked fuh me yet. Just end up holdin’ mah eyes open fuh too long. Doctah says ah moight develop dry-eye.” Said sarcastically to Ezra in the Midnight Breather B-side.

    “So, d’ya take debit o’ credit? Ah can do hugs, too.” Said to Ezra in the Midnight Breather B-side.

    “They call me Mario.” Said to Raphael Shaw during their Unlikely Encounter B-side after narrowly avoiding a car chase with the police.

    “It’s gotta bum warmah if ya int’rested. If ya use it ah’ll pretend not t’ notice.” Said to Raphael Shaw about the seat warmer in August’s car during their Unlikely encounter B-side.

    “Wanna elope, become royals in a distant land?” Said jokingly to Raphael Shaw in their Unlikely encounter B-side.
    First and foremost, August is a collector. Since a relatively young age, he has amassed a collection with a net worth of $8.2 billion, which continues to rise as these items are sought after by their former owners. Trinkets and gadgets from all over the world, some gifted to him by his father, and others purchased online (legally and illegally). August desires anything of rare value, and he craves what he feels he cannot have. (August's collections were commandeered a long time ago by Markus Weiss, King of the Albino Tigers)

    Furthering on, August isn't the most motivated person when it comes to doing what he's told. His hypersomnia, which he was diagnosed with at a young age, grants him a rather lazy nature. He will find holes in instructions and orders if it means getting out of work, lessening the burden on his shoulders, or reaching a quicker completion of tasks. He looks for what's easiest, safest, and most beneficial to him.

    As a member of the Albino Tigers, he used to play himself off as dimwitted and awkward when, in reality, he is well-spoken and crafty. Behind his every word lies a hint of sarcasm. He can formulate intricate plans at a moment's notice, but is, unfortunately, likely to make the simplest of mistakes due to the symptoms of his hypersomnia. He struggles to focus through headaches and brain fog, often zoning out or forgetting what he was about to say or do in the moment. However, when he shines, he shines bright.

    A lot of the things that August says and does are for his own amusement. He has little concern for the impression he leaves on people. Often regarded as an "idiot" or a "coward." He's naturally curious, but those curiosities only extend as far as does his personal safety.

    Though he's quick to befriend a stranger and talk their ear off about seemingly random topics, August possesses a sort of selfishness in the sense that he's easily willing to throw someone under the bus if it means helping himself. His father taught him that the world is about survival, and sometimes in order to survive you need a pawn.

    ARC 1, Scene: It's Free Real Estate -- August lacks compassion for nameless faces; people he doesn't know or hold some form of relationship/sentiment toward. In that regard, be them family or friend, he still strongly believes in self-preservation and will put his own life before another's no matter their history. He believes in friendships that heed the idea of every man for himself. This does not oppose him to doing nice things for his friends, such as cheering them up or buying them gifts however.

    He's not afraid to fight, but he avoids it until it's absolutely necessary--usually this follows a series of thoughtful calculations and deductions. When cornered, he pulls out all the stops.

    Moving on, money isn't his motivation, but he recognizes its importance and value. However, wave a flashy card collectible in his face or bribe him with an original Alduron's Wrath figurine, of which he has obtained three of the only twelve in existence, and his interest is yours. Something of a dork--a sleepy, sarcastic, neutral, lazy dork--he possesses a charm that's hard to pin, yet a charm he is painfully unaware of as he unknowingly drives away his potential romantic suitors with his mild density. He doesn't respond well to flirting or talk of romance, which might go over his head entirely if it's not blatant or easy to pick out. A flustered August might start rambling about historical anecdotes and biographies, and avoid looking the person in question in the eyes.

    In general, August is a stark casual. Be you a Serpent, Dragon, or Phoenix, he doesn't mind. He's a neighborly wave or friendly nod on the city streets outside of gang activity, keeping his personal life and gang life somewhat separate.
    This is a fake comic that I've made up for the sake of August's character.

    Alduron's Wrath is an ongoing medieval supernatural fantasy comic with 779 issues, a new issue of which is released every month. The story follows alongside the main character, Alduron Dimarius, as he enacts his revenge on the world that failed him in a past life.

    - The first issue was released 65 years ago. Issues weren't released regularly until eight years ago. Up until then, they used to come out irregularly.

    - The story includes an organization called The Golden Order, members of which are "Golden Mages", and there are only five of them, previously six.
    1. Gracie Jones, otherwise known as Goldielox, is one of the five. August has described her as melodramatic in character, and has mentioned her to be a betrayer of Alduron from his past life (showcased in the beginning of the comic series), but also that she's his favorite character.
    2. Begonia Foxx, otherwise known as Guilty Pleasure
    6. Marion Hex

    - There have only been twelve Alduron's Wrath figurines ever crafted since its first release 65 years ago. August owns three. Here's a list of the twelve figurines:
    1. Alduron Dimarius
    2. Goldielox of The Golden Order
    3. Marion Hex [August owns this figurine] The figurine was commandeered by Markus.
    4. Ludio Dianachti [August owns this figurine] The figurine was commandeered by Markus.
    5. TBA
    6. TBA
    7. TBA
    8. TBA
    9. TBA
    10. TBA
    11. TBA
    12. TBA
    A member of The Golden Order and an old friend/betrayer of Alduron Dimarius from his past life.

    Her first appearance is technically in Issue 1, in which she's an unnamed silhouette in one of Alduron's flashbacks of his past life. But she is properly introduced in Issue 17 during Alduron's first confrontation with The Golden Order in his new life.

    Marion Hex is a character in the ongoing comic series, Alduron's Wrath, and is a common antagonist of Alduron Dimarius.

    She was a former member of The Golden Order, being the 6th Golden Mage, however her time as a Golden Mage is shown only in flashbacks, and the one-shot comic Trial at The Golden Arch. She defected from the Golden Order before the events of the comic, after declaring her loyalty for The Olterior.

    After Alduron's first confrontation with the Golden Order in Issue 17, he realizes that Marion manipulated the events that ended his past life, and sets off on a journey to track her down.

    Marion cameos in issues prior, but makes her debut in Issue 24, during the Gilded Plains Arc. Alduron tracks her through the aformentioned Gilded Plains, before meeting her at the Altar of Olterior. Their fight reveals Marion's powers, and the creatures that join Alduron on his journey manifest into a monster puppeteered by Marion. Following their fight, the defeated Alduron returns home, however he leaves with crucial information about the Golden Order, and Olterior.

    Marion makes several appearances, but her next big appearance comes a few decades later, where she reveives her current character redesign. It is revealed that she sacrificed her hand for Olterior after he saved her from a brutal death at the hands of the Golden Order. Olterior gains some of her power, and they become a formidable opponent against Alduron and the Golden Order.

    Her current design is of a small, scrawny figure, wrapped in several cloaks. Her hair is short and scraggly, and her eyes are blindingly bright. She wears a crystal pendant, that stores her power. Her left arm has been replaced by a robotic one (see the Other Mother's arm from Coraline) and she has a matching tattoo with Olterior, the meaning of which hasn't been revealed yet. Thin, spiderweb-like threads hang off her body

    Her powers let her combine creatures with her to make powerful monsters. WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten


    - Alduron's Wrath has a card game, which I am still coming up with details for!

    - There are currently seven editions of Alduron's Wrath Extensive Lore books with a rare few being hard-back.
    1. Alduron's Wrath Extensive Lore: First Edition (only 100 hard-back copies released)
    2. Alduron's Wrath Extensive Lore: Second Edition (only 90 hard-back copies released)
    3. Alduron's Wrath Extensive Lore: Third Edition (only 80 hard-back copies released)
    4. Alduron's Wrath Extensive Lore: Fourth Edition (only 200 hard-back copies released)
    5. Alduron's Wrath Extensive Lore: Fifth Edition (only 100 hard-back copies released)
    6. Alduron's Wrath Extensive Lore: Sixth Edition (only 150 hard-back copies released)
    7. Alduron's Wrath Extensive Lore: Seventh Edition (only 95 hard-back copies released)
    ----- August owns all but the seventh edition hard-back.

    - Talented fans have taken to making movies to be enjoyed of this action-packed comic. August has not seen them IC. WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten

    More to be added.
    1997, August 28th—August was born to Augustus August and Audley Abernathy in the large city of Odeney, Amestralia.

    — —His parents were not married, nor were they romantically involved with one another. They were simply two roommates who got too engaged one night on brandy, thus August was conceived.

    — —August’s father, Augustus, was a skilled and elusive con-artist who also worked as a museum curator of rare antique and ancient weaponry. He often left on what he called ’business trips’ for weeks at a time, and would return with bountiful gifts for his son.

    — —On the other hand, August’s mother, Audley, was a poet without a penny to her name. She suffered from an array of disorders, such as panic attacks, OCD to such a degree that if she could not find something she would tear the house apart before succumbing to violent outburst because the house was a mess, and also depression and bipolar disorder.

    When August would play hide-and-seek with his mother on the few occasions his father allowed him to be alone with her, his mother would hide and he would not find her for hours. She would fall asleep due to a disorder known as Hypersomnia, which August later developed.

    2002, September 7th—August (5yo) enrolled into a Krav Maga training curriculum per his father’s influence. At this point in time, he was very interested in pursuing his father’s hobbies, always looking to impress, and Krav Maga was one of them.

    2002, September—August (5yo) started Kindergarten.

    2006, February 12th—On this day, August’s mother made the mistake of assaulting his father in a drunken craze due to a custodial dispute. Things got out of hand when Audley, blinded by her rage and stupor, brandished one of Augustus’ guns and threatened to kill him… Of course—though the gun was anti-HP—Augustus was not afraid for his life, but nor did he wish to use his potential on the delicate woman that he knew Audley to be, so he put his words to use first and tried to talk her down. However, bearing witness to the sight of his father at gunpoint and still naive, August (8yo) rushed to his mother and clutched her to rile her senses. Unfortunately, this only enraged her, and she brought the butt of the gun down hard on the unsuspecting August. As soon as the crack was heard and blood pooled from a new gash in the boy’s head, August was already in his father’s arms—and Audley, stuck unconscious in the wall by a blast of wind, the gun no longer in her grasp.

    Due to the commotion, the cops had been called and arrived on-scene very shortly after Audley had been subdued. She, too, was an HP and suffered only minor injuries, but both of her and August were taken to the hospital for treatment. Following this day, Audley was no longer allowed near August per restraining order filed by Augustus.

    2006, June 19th—August (8yo) started collecting Wu-Gi-Oh™ cards after his father introduced him to the show.

    2006, October 3rd—On this day, while waiting for his father to pick him up from his Krav Maga training hall, August (9yo) was kidnapped by his mother. She showed up unexpectedly in a blue van and sweetly convinced him to come closer, just a little closer for a hug; it’s all she wanted. Just a hug. And, being young and easily influenced, August did as told. He moved closer to his mother and wrapped his little arms around her, almost warmed by it until she vigorously snatched him up and drove away.

    Three strangers were with her—one was behind the wheel, the other two and his mother kept him pinned down in the back as he thrashed and cried to be let go. Meanwhile, Augustus was receiving a call from August’s trainer who happened to watch the whole thing go down. Augustus had been in the process of arranging for a small-scale con with a partner but had to postpone it upon hearing the news. Fortunately—perhaps a lucky guess—he knew the first place to look… Home. And he was right.

    Augustus returned home to find his precious son being restrained in the back of that god-awful van, and as if the flames of Hell themselves had rushed up from the Earth’s core and seeped into his veins, he exploded with a rage unlike any other… Massive, whirling tornadoes erupted from the ground up and proceeded to obliterate the neighborhood as he annihilated Audley’s accomplices before seeking out Audley, herself, who he found inside clutching a bag of August’s things to her chest.

    Hanging from his father’s shoulders, arms wrapped around him tight, August looked into his mother’s eyes at that moment… and felt nothing. However, he wished not to see her dead, so he asked of his father, “Can we let mama go?” And his voice was all it took to wash Augustus with calm, and the storm ceased altogether.

    When later it was time to face the consequences, Augustus was no stranger to evading trouble. By the time everything was wrapped up, he walked away free, and Audley found herself locked away in an asylum for HPs.

    2007, January 22nd—August (9yo) and his father moved to another part of Odeney just in case Audley were to ever escape from her imprisonment. He was made to change schools and find a new Krav Maga training hall, but somehow it was not a problem for August as long as he had his father and his Wu-Gi-Oh™ card collection

    2007, February 6th—August (9yo) began reading from his father’s personal collection of Alduron’s Wrath™ comics, taking an extreme liking to it, and decided to start building a collection of his own. It was this growing obsession that slowly led to his disinterest in Krav Maga.

    — —Before he was even ten, August’s Wu-Gi-Oh™ collection had grown to two full-sized suitcases worth, many of the rarities being stolen gifts from his father.

    2008, June 29th—August (10yo) found out about the twelve-figurine set of Alduron’s Wrath™ and made it a personal goal to obtain them all.

    2012, August 28th—It was August’s 15th birthday party when an enemy of his father’s decided to enact revenge on Augustus for framing him for the theft of a priceless artifact from one of Odeney’s greatest museums. A close call, August and his father were both injured in the mess, the bullets being of a special craft meant specifically for HPs—August took a shot to the right bicep, and Augustus to the back of his left thigh. They each suffered minor nerve damage, and it was then that Augustus decided to make the big move to New Oasis, Amestria.

    2012, September 16th—August (15yo) and his father arrived in the West District of New Oasis with the help of some of his father’s “business partners”, one of whom was Josiah Nakazajo, father of Police Captain Nakazajo Chikage.

    — —Shortly after arriving in New Oasis, as they were settling into their new home, Augustus finally told August (15yo) of his criminal affiliations and work as a con artist. However, he was surprised to find out that August already knew. Apparently he had done some digging when he started to question the gifts his father would give him. Many of them were easily stolen goods.

    2013, March 29th (B-SIDE: SCIENCE SNAFU)—(15yo) August, roughly six months into living in New Oasis, was partnered with one of his classmates, Peyton Xiong, on a science project, whom he wound up inviting to his home after his father complained that he had no friends. He'd been pestered into it. [Pending Details]

    2013, July 2nd—This was the day that August (15yo) stepped over to the dark side when he longed for what he could not have: the first figurine belonging to the twelve-figurine set of Alduron’s Wrath™ that he’d managed to find. Counting up his savings, he decided to place a bid on it, only to have it ripped out from under him by an anonymous chump with more money to spend. Feeling defeated, he confided in his father and requested his help, and by the smile on his father’s face, Augustus couldn’t have been more proud.

    2013, July 10th—August (15yo) and his father left the city to acquire August’s first addition to his Alduron’s Wrath™ figurine collection.

    2013, July 24th—August (15yo) and his father returned to New Oasis from August’s first heist.

    2014, April 27th—Augustus found work for August (16yo) as an assistant curator of rare antique and ancient weaponry at the Central Museum of History in his absence, but August didn’t hesitate to express his disinterest. It had started to dawn on Augustus how easily obsessed with rare Wu-Gi-Oh™ and Alduron’s Wrath™ collectibles his son was, but he wondered just how deep that obsessive trait ran. So, to gain August’s interest in studying antique weaponry, Augustus bribed him, first, with things he knew August liked. Then, once August was in the field and filling his father’s absence, Augustus started testing August’s interest in other rare items, such as paintings, keys, guns, etc. It seemed that August simply had a passion for collecting in general. So long as it was rare or one-of-a-kind, he wanted it.

    — —From this point on, August regularly hosted events at various museums throughout Amestria when his father needed to be away on a con or otherwise. In his free time, he searched for rare collectibles on the internet and the black market that would make nice additions to his growing inventory.

    2015, June—August (17yo) graduated high-school.

    2016, May 9th—August (18yo) took his first leap toward building a reputation for himself as “Tazz” when he attended a Black Market auction with his father and crashed the whole thing by calling out the worth/worthlessness of each respective item per his extensive historical knowledge. The auction’s host was livid and would have had him removed from the event if not for the many attendees who took an interest in his expertise. The event eventually proceeded, but none would place a bid until August gave a worthwhile price and a rundown of the item’s lore.

    — —Over time, August found that becoming an appraiser for black market items was a good way to make connections. It also brought him knowledge of the whereabouts of many priceless items to one day be his.

    August's alias "Tazz" is well-known throughout "the underground", which is just a broad term for the criminal society. He started out slow but, by the time he was 19, became rather reputed as a trustworthy black market appraiser.

    The way this job works is...

    People have their own means of getting in contact with and making arrangements to meet this "Tazz" character in order to have him inspect their, most often, stolen goods.

    August meets with the person. He inspects their wares.

    Sometimes this takes more than one meet-up.

    He might give them a rundown on the product's history, tell them what makes it valuable, whether it's a genuine rarity or a knock-off, etc.

    Once he decides on a price that the item is worth, he gives the person a tag for their goods. This tag, by his reputation, justifies the cost, making someone more likely to purchase the stolen item for its exact price or more. Keep in mind, these are criminals, and these are stolen items. There is, no doubt, bound to be some haggling.

    It also helps the seller not to sell their stolen goods for less than what it's worth.

    2019, June 7th—On this day, August (21yo) became a member of the Albino Tigers. After months of scouring the market and his connections for a collectible treasure, August broke himself into a rich man’s penthouse. In the middle of the night, rummaging about the stranger’s things, on flicked the lights to give away his position, and he found himself face-to-face with whom he later discovered was the King of the Albino Tigers, Markus Weiss. Without hesitation, Markus unleashed chaos upon August, bringing near-total destruction to the home. A chase ensued, then when August became aware of who he was dealing with, he halted in his tracks and gave himself up. The last thing he wanted was the wrath of the Albino Tigers forever on his tail. Unfortunately, rather than let him go with a warning, Markus gave August the choice to either join the Tigers or give up his life, and August wasn’t one to gamble that big.

    2020, February 23rd—Having let slip, one day, word of his mass collection of random rarities from around the world (Net Worth: 8.2 billion Amestri-yen and growing), August (22yo) was approached by a skeptical Markus, who questioned if August was holding out on him. August denied this and reassured the King that he fully intended to continue paying his debts, that his collections were simply a hobby.

    2020, February 25th—Markus put a tail on August (22yo) to find out the whereabouts of his collections, which were kept in a safehouse disguised as a dry cleaning establishment in Lower Central owned by his father.

    2021, May 14th—Due to sleeping through the entire previous day, August (23yo) was late on his weekly payment to Markus. When he woke and visited his safehouse of collectibles, he only found a note in an empty unit that detailed the arrangements of his debt, as set when he was indentured into the gang, as a small reminder of when his payments were supposed to be due. The note was from Markus, who had commandeered all of August's precious things as punishment. When next the two met, on Markus' conditions, August made his payment, and Markus provided August the chance to buy back his collection in full, knowing how impossible it would be.

    2021, September 17th (ARC 1, A-SIDE: IT’S FREE REAL-ESTATE) + (B-SIDE: MIDNIGHT BREATHER)—August (24yo) got dragged into some official Tiger business this day when he was spending time with some personal friends at the Mach Sling bowling alley. He fought with Raphael of the Sable Serpents when said Serpent and allies interfered with the Tigers and their work. Following said fight, he had a bout with Darius of the Sable Serpents, as well, and was injured. Later this night, carrying over into the early morning of September 18th, August was taken to Isobel's apartment where they were met by Ezra. Ezra healed August's wound.

    2021, September 19th (B-SIDE: UNLIKELY ENCOUNTER)—During a night out with his father and father's friends, August (24yo) ran into none other than Raphael Shaw of the Sable Serpents at a bar. The two engaged in small-talk with August doing most of the talking, then became the target of some Albino Tigers who didn't recognize August. Queue August running around, evading his pursuers, and Raph being a badass, then a quick escape from said bar to avoid the police. [Pending Details]

    2021, September 25th (B-SIDE: OSAMU AND MINA'S PARTY BASH)—On this night, August woke to find his father, Augustus, standing in the corner of his bedroom, shrouded in darkness. Startled by the sight of him, August leaped from his bed and attacked Augustus, only for Augustus to suppress August's winds with one wave of the hand. That's when August recognized who it was and questioned his visit. Augustus asked August where his collections had gone, since he didn't find them at the safehouse he originally knew them to be at and, August, who didn't know that his father occasionally stopped by said safehouse, tried to lie. His father called him out on the lying, but August still tried to avoid telling him the truth about his servitude to the Tigers and how his collections now belonged to Markus. However, before long, all was revealed. Livid, Augustus screamed promises of revenge, but August implored that his father do nothing; he made him promise that he wouldn't. Before leaving the penthouse, August's dad agreed to August's terms... but time would prove that he had no intentions of honoring it, at all.

    This same night, after the stressful interaction with his father, August went on a walk, only to remember that he'd been invited to two of his fellow Tiger's penthouses, Minato's and Osamu's, and decided he would attend. Dressed in pajamas and wearing a mask with his hair pinned into a strange pineapple tuft of sorts, August made his way to the event, where he began seeking trinkets of value and rarity. [Pending Details]

    2021, September 26th (ARC 2, A-SIDE: HOSTILE AGENDA)—August and some fellow Tigers (Matsuda, Camila, Chou, and Sylvie) were sent on a beatdown assignment to convince a certain Christen Kinslee to drop some alleged claims about the CEO of a video game development company called Painstake Gaming. However, all would not blow over as easily as they'd expected. As it turned out, Christen Kinslee had hired the aid of an underground group that went by Element Liberation, whose goal was to put the hurt on KnightCorp by ensuring the suffering of Painstake Gaming through Christen Kinslee's allegations. (WIP)

    2021, October 9th (B-SIDE: CATCH A TIGER BY THE TAIL)—On this fateful night, as August enjoyed a session of gaming with some online friends, his father, Augustus, and father's friends, Josiah and Eldwin, were out attempting an assassination on Markus Weiss, King of the Albino Tigers. A knife coated in a potential-nullifying substance would, at the self-proclaimed fault of Eldwin, be his father's untimely undoing.

    It was only due to the text he'd received from his father that August was able to figure out what was going on, and he raced for Markus' penthouse, expecting it to be the most likely place of action. Unfortunately, by the time August had arrived, thinking he could stop the fight and encourage everyone to go their separate ways despite knowing better, Markus had embedded the aforementioned knife deep into Augustus' throat. As his father choked and bled out before his eyes, Josiah and Markus fought each other. Meanwhile, August fought for words... He'd never experienced the death of a loved one before, and so the emotions that developed in him that night were new.

    When his father was gone, as August sat in mourning and shock, Josiah yelled for Eldwin and August to leave, for the tides of battle were turning against him. Markus' potential was back, and things would not end well. Josiah knew this. However, even after seeing Josiah's arm enveloped in ice and shattered like glass, August stood and screamed senseless words of pure emotion at the Tiger King, promising he'd kill him one day to come, and, as he did, Eldwin attempted to drag him away. But August fought those attempts. Eldwin's next response was to knock August out, and so everything went black.

    2021, October 10th—August woke from the night before at one of his father's homes in the East, a secluded spot near the outskirts of the city, and was approached by Eldwin, who had stayed awake to watch over him. [Pending Details]

    2021, October 12th—August left New Oasis. [Pending Details]

    2022, May ??—August returned to New Oasis and sought out Isobel Pham. [Pending Details]
    Sparkles indicate that there is an established history between August and that character, be it big or small. Names without sparkles may be characters whom August has encountered one or more times, or they have a history that has yet to be fleshed out and established.

    Camila ✨
    Charmy ✨
    Darius ✨
    Isobel ✨
    Kisara ✨
    Markus ✨
    Peyton ✨
    Raphael ✨
    Yong-Yut ✨
Last edited:
    Boltius Ramone Beckman
    23 (December 14th, 1998)
    Cis Male
    5'8" (172cm) | 174 lb (78.9 kg)
    Ace of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    January of 2017
    Says "Dawg" a lot, Hot-Headed, Vulken's Little Brother; Might ask you to fight him
    Home District
    South District
    Boltius Beckman is an absolute gem of a character who stands out in both appearance and personality. His height to weight ratio suggests a fair amount of muscle, which he confidently boasts, having worked hard to earn the chiseled, athletic form he has today. From a bright, pointy-toothed smile to a resting bitch-face, his expressions are very animated, and so is his body language. Boltius has short, fiery-orange hair and equally orange, almond-shaped eyes that flaunt bold lashes. Well-known to be, he is also a man of accessories—ear piercings, hats, bling, etc. Additionally, he has a tribal sleeve tattoo on his left arm, which extends to his left peck, and a tattoo of a similar pattern on his right leg that extends to his hip and pelvic region (XX | XX). A product of his hip-hop inspired dance studio environment, his wardrobe consists of vibrantly colored, baggy articles and, most notably, sleeveless articles so that he can show off his tattoo.

    SIDE NOTE: Bolt's character art doesn't do justice the way I, personally, envision his physique. Some of his arts depict a smaller version of him than what I imagine as far as body mass is concerned. He is muscular and toned, but he is not body-builder big (mostly a result of his height). With that being said, I enjoy this reference for his overall shape: XX and also XX

    SIDE NOTE: He has a natural scent of oranges.
    SIDE NOTE: He refuses to dress formally or wear jeans.
    SIDE NOTE: Boltius is right-handed.
    SIDE NOTE: Many ear-piercings.
    “Say hello to vodka hell for me... where your friends- Bacardi, Don Julio, and Amaretto are dining with darkness.” Said to a bottle of St. George that he was throwing away during Nightlife clean-up in Arc 1.

    "YO, I DIDN'T CALL FOR A FUCKIN' LECTURE! I GOT QUESTIONS ABOUT BUTTERFLIES, DAWG! Said to NPC Phoenix member, Panda, during their phone call in Arc 1.

    “I think you and I are gonna get along. I like your attitude.” Said to Charlie Hoshizora during their work together in Arc 1 while trying to seek out Nina’s killer.

    “But you're... probably more my type. Not tryna be rude. I'm jus' sayin'. You're really cute.” Said to Charlie Hoshizora during their work together in Arc 1 because he thought Charlie was a girl.

    “Show me yours; I’ll show you mine.” Said to Charlie Hoshizora during their work together in Arc 1 when he asked about Charlie’s potential.

    “‘Sides, everyone who knows me knows me. Get it? Why the fuck would I dress differently all of the sudden just to eat some food? Fuck a dresscode, bro. If there ain’t a genuine reason to dress a certain way, like shorts in the gym for mobility, then I’mma just do me, dawg.” Said to Hector on their way to Lyric’s Arc 2 dinner.

    “Fight back, bitch! What’s up!?” Said to an NPC Tiger member, Toga, during an Arc 2 encounter involving Ashley, Hector, Darren, and Milo versus some Tigers in a narrow alley.

    “Bro, you look like my mom. Fuck outta here.” Said to a woman who was trying to flirt with him in the Lost on Bourbon B-side.

    “I’m a bitch… You’re a bitch… My old math teacher, Mr. Gore, yeah, he’s a bitch.” Said to Hector after being told he shouldn’t call ladies bitches in the Lost on Bourbon B-side.

    “Do your shoes usually try to get you killed?” Said to Dyne Enjyre after she tripped into him in their Nightlife Tryst B-side.

    “I ain’t really got the kind of vocabulary it might take to flatter someone as gorgeous as you…” Said to Dyne Enjyre in their Nightlife Tryst B-side before he asked her out for the night.
    Boltius is best described as a rowdy and rambunctious brotherly character. He is both verbally and physically expressive, honest with his words (sometimes harshly), and supportive of the ones he cares about. He loves being relied on, and in turn won't refuse someone in need. On top of his desire to work hard, he's a health-nut. Early mornings, meal preps, daily exercise, nutrition calculating, etc. He believes that with a healthy body comes a healthy mind.

    Boltius is confident, optimistic, and aspiring.

    Since his joining the gang, Lyric's word has been his word. He supports the King 100% and will readily risk his life for her. With this, Boltius is extremely protective of his fellow Phoenixes, but he is also sure of their ability to best any opponent that stands in the way of their goal.

    In spite of his sportsmanlike attitude and way of thinking, Boltius is vengeful. He'll forgive minor offenses, given that the offender is a friend or acquaintance, but the same cannot be said for rival gangsters.

    A bit of a flirt—though mostly in good fun—Boltius addresses beauty when he sees it. One might say he's weak to a pretty face; however, that isn't always the case, as Boltius will fight anyone who's he, she, or they, and he doesn't hold back. He believes in giving his all. If you're going to make a fist, you better throw it, and you better throw it hard.

    If you're looking for someone that can keep a promise, Boltius is your guy. He prides nothing more than his ability to be loyal and trustworthy to a friend, but his loyalties are not intransigent—that spot is reserved only for his older brother, Vulken Beckman, first to Lyric. (By this, I mean that one can lose his trust and loyalty based on the actions they choose to take.)

    Energetic, passionate, and playful, he loves to bond with others, party, and try out new hobbies. He enjoys wrestling, which lands him on the bad side of some of the more touchy characters, and speaking of touchy: Boltius has a temper—more easily offended for others than for himself—but he's able to be calmed by some reasonable words.

    He is fair, reliable, and easily humbled when it seems he's getting too full of himself. But also, he can be stubborn, moody, and a bit cocky. One might say he's a whole rollercoaster of a guy.

    He follows any pre-established rules of a fight but isn't afraid to fight dirty. A promise is a promise no matter what. And if you can't do something yourself, keep your mouth shut and leave it to someone else who can.

    NOTE: Boltius is a dancer and works as a part-time choreographer at Goldstar Dance Academy. He's very confident in his masculinity, so he has no qualms against feminine-style dancing—frankly, as a choreographer, it's more respected of him.

    1998, December 14th—Boltius was born the youngest of five (three older sisters and one older brother).

    — —He was born with an immunity to heat and cold, which hinted at the nature of his Potential.

    2004, September—Boltius (5yo) started Kindergarten.

    — —Growing up, Boltius established his older brother, Vulken Beckman, as his role-model. He picked up on Vulken’s speech habits, hobbies, and mimicked his behaviors.

    — —As a kid, he expressed a strong dislike of Markus Weiss, Vulken’s childhood friend, because he saw Markus as an obstacle for Vulken’s attention. When Markus visited their home, Boltius acted out. He would nag Markus and insult him, prank him, or just outright assault him for what a child was capable of. If Vulken defended Markus, Boltius would redirect his frustration and make a mess of Vulken’s room if the door was left unlocked. Boltius took things from Vulken’s room, or hid things where he couldn’t find them. On a good day, Bolt would simply give Markus and Vulken the silent treatment and play by himself in the garden.

    — —Compared to scoldings from his mother or father, Boltius responded much more harshly to reprimandings from Vulken. Against his mother, father, or sisters, Boltius was stubborn and argumentative. However, toward Vulken, Boltius would burst into tears and run away to hide until someone came to find him (usually in Vulken’s closet; if not there, then at the neighbors’).

    — —If Boltius was unable to sit beside Vulken at the dinner-table, he would refuse dinner altogether.

    2007, June 14th or Later—Vulken became a member of the Scarlet Phoenixes, unbeknownst to Boltius (8yo), who had yet to unlock the true nature of his Potential.

    — —Following his joining the Scarlet Phoenixes, Vulken Beckman became distanced from the family. This resulted in a socially withdrawn Boltius for some time, at which point he became very clingy to his mother, as his older sisters were too occupied with their own social activities. Not to mention, he never got along with his youngest-older-sister, Janet.

    2007, September 19th—Boltius (8yo) unlocked the true nature of his Potential. He did so by fooling around with the kitchen stove while his mother was cooking dinner. Being that he was immune to heat, he had no fear of planting his hand smack-dab against the glowing eye (neither did his mother, as she was also gifted with a fire-based Potential).

    As Boltius held his hand against the eye, his little body became increasingly hot, first matching the temperature of the stove’s eye, then increasing on its own until he started yelling that his body hurt (even after he was no longer touching the stove’s eye, his temperature continued to rise). His mother became concerned. She called for Bartolomeo, and he rushed in to find Bolt engulfed in flames. As the fire-alarm blared, Bartolomeo utilized his potential of ice to cool Boltius down. And that was that.

    — —Over the years, Boltius practiced with his mother, father, sisters, and Vulken to hone his powers, and would also spar with his father, who was once known to be a ruthless street-fighter.

    2008, January 9th—Boltius (9yo) met a kid named Matsuda Russo in elementary school, and the two slowly became best friends.

    — —Boltius and Matsuda, at some point, established birthday traditions. These traditions entailed giving Matsuda the silent treatment on his birthday, and harsh pranks against Boltius on Boltius’ birthday.

    — —Boltius was well-known in school for his rowdiness and rambunctious personality, but also enjoyed by, both, members of the faculty and student bodies for his upholding a no-bullying policy, and for his willingness to help out. He was somehow half-and-half teacher's pet and problem-child.

    — —At some point between Vulken joining the Scarlet Phoenixes and Boltius developing his own outlet, Vulken started to mellow. He and Boltius got closer over the next few years, apart from their brotherly quarrels and disagreements, and Vulken began taking the occasional period away from the Phoenixes to teach Boltius a trick or two about defending himself. This is when Boltius started to become particularly competitive.

    2010, July 15th—Boltius (11yo) joined Goldstar Dance Academy in Upper Central, having taken an interest in his dad’s figure skating, but seeking something more suited to his own style. He quickly became a favorite at the academy for his spunk and willingness to take center stage.

    2011, Summer (B-SIDE: A THRILL RIDE)—Boltius (12yo) spoiled an outing between Vulken and his friends at a traveling funfair. [PENDING DETAILS]

    (2011, June 14 - 2012, June 14th—Vulken’s friend, Mika, was killed. A week later, Vulken killed his old mentor who trained him and Markus Weiss.)

    2012, March—Boltius (13yo) and his friend Matsuda began spending a lot of time out on the town, sneaking from their respective homes to meet up at parties, lying about their ages, causing trouble and engaging in petty street brawls. But Boltius always managed to hide any injuries from his mother and father, and especially from Vulken. More than anyone, Boltius didn’t want to be seen as weak by his brother.

    2013, April—Boltius (14yo) became friends with an incredibly bright kid named Nanami Mitsui who, shortly later, introduced him to another kid named Milo Nagisa. Suddenly, Boltius and Matsuda's duo became a quartet. High school was, later, an absolute blast.

    2013, May—After learning of Milo’s artistic skill, the boys forced Milo to play art teacher for them in the school library and judge their artwork. Nanami’s was the worst and he got butthurt. Boltius went on an uplifting tangent to make him feel better, then someone shushed him and he got them kicked out of the library.

    — —Boltius and Matsuda introduced Milo and Nanami to their birthday traditions. It became customary to force embarrassing gifts onto Nanami, and to convince/bribe girls and guys to flirt with Milo all day.

    — —Every Friday became Karaoke night per Nanami’s wishes, as he liked to sing.

    — —Because of Milo’s quiet personality, when Boltius was frustrated or conflicted, he would invite Milo out to the South-East river where they would skip rocks, and Milo would listen to Boltius’ troubles.

    — —Milo, Matsuda, and Nanami attended many Beckman-family dinners at Boltius’ house, and so they each met Vulken at one point or another.

    — —Nanami used to dye his hair often. Boltius, Matsuda, and Milo would take turns choosing his next color.

    2013, August—Boltius (14yo) decided to start eating healthier to improve his way of life. He began his days earlier, experimented with meals, exercised routinely, and he also took to a certain motivational speaker on the internet to boost his mentality. This way of life is one he continues to practice even today.

    2014, March 22nd—(15 yo) Boltius started dating his first girlfriend, Larissa Maynard.

    2014, April 28th—Boltius (15yo) was talked out of hanging with Milo and the others this night by his girlfriend, as she claimed they were always around and never gave her and Bolt much privacy. She had a group of people whom she wanted Boltius to meet that she apparently spent a lot of time with; friends of her older sister, she’d told him. Unknown to Boltius, said group consisted of older men, drunks and drug-addicts, who had no business associating with an underage girl as they were. And so, when Boltius met them and saw what they were about, exchanged a few words and drank a beer, he decided that he wanted nothing to do with them. They were creepy and unhinged, inappropriate and disgusting. However, when he tried to leave, his girlfriend was hysterical, emotions at an all-time high due to drug-influence, and she lashed out. However, having been taught by his sisters that his fists were rated E for Everyone, Boltius lashed back, which made him a target for the surrounding thugs to exercise their false honor by teaching him a lesson for hitting a lady. As expected, Boltius fought back, unleashed his Potential, and laid waste to the entire building; burnt it to a crisp skeletal remnant. To this day, the initial stench of burnt flesh lingers in his mind. When he came to and fully realized what he had done, he panicked. He scooped up the charred corpse of his girlfriend—delusionally believing that she was still alive; he knew she was, she was breathing—and he hastily left the building, only to come face to face with a familiar Lyric Crianza, whom he’d met via Vulken a few times over the years. She was there on business, but it seemed said business had already been taken care of. In that moment, Boltius dropped to his knees and pleaded that Lyric help him save Larissa, but that was obviously impossible. So, instead, Lyric opted to help save him—to sweep it all under the rug. And she did.

    — —For a week after the night above, Boltius was paranoid that he would be found out and convicted of his crimes. During this time, he skipped school and feigned being sick, asking that his mother turn away his friends should they visit.

    2014, July—Matsuda got Boltius (15yo), Milo, Nanami, and himself kicked out of the Summer Theme Park.

    2014, December—Boltius (16yo) got himself, Milo, Nanami, and Matsuda suspended from school for three days.

    2015, February—Milo went out of town for a few days and forgot to inform Boltius (16yo) and the others, so, after Matsuda convinced them that Milo had been kidnapped, Boltius and the others made a big scene around the South District, hanging Missing Persons posters and interrogating civilians.

    2015, March 10th—Ashlyn Beckman (19yo) had a falling out with their mom over wanting to move away from New Oasis to live with her long-distance boyfriend of three years at the time. Mrs. Beckman suggested that Ashlyn tread lightly and think a little longer about making such a hasty decision since Ashlyn had met him only once before that. Offended by their mother's choice of words, Ashlyn left and has not been back to New Oasis since (that they know of), nor has she been in contact with their mother or father. She calls Boltius and Vulken from time to time.

    2015, May 9th—Boltius (16yo) began dating again, this time a girl by the name of Haven Tembergarten.

    2015, June 7th—Boltius (16yo) broke up with his second girlfriend, Haven, after she called his mom a bitch at the dinner table. Vulken and Boltius were both ready to square up with a hoe, but luckily their mother is a savage and took care of the matter herself by discussing Haven’s behavior with her parents.

    2015, June 20th (B-SIDE: PARK-TIME RECREATION)—Boltius (16yo) and his friends—Matsuda, Milo, and Nanami—all agreed to meet up this day for some typical fun at Central Park in Upper Central District. [PENDING DETAILS]

    2015, July 3rd—Boltius (16yo) and Matsuda were out one night, walking the streets, passing a bottle back and forth (which Boltius stole from his dad’s cooler), when they had a run-in with an older group of people. Intimidating as they were, Boltius already had an ill impression due to past experiences, so he spat some hateful remarks their way, which expectedly pissed them off. They retorted, riling Boltius up more, until eventually it was a back and forth match of who could formulate the best insult. Well, unfortunately for Boltius, these were Scarlet Phoenixes, and he’d landed himself in a bad spot when he swung on the more outspoken of the group, initiating a fight. He activated his Potential and so did the other, taking him by surprise. He hadn’t fought but a few HPs in all his sixteen years. Fortunately, before the scuffle could escalate, someone stepped between Boltius and the Phoenix. Guess who? It was Vulken, and those Phoenixes were his friends. As a result, Boltius finally knew of Vulken’s affiliation with the Scarlet Phoenixes.

    — —Having discovered of Vulken’s being a Scarlet Phoenix, Boltius became worried. At first, it was cool, but as he became more aware of the danger that came with such an association, his imagination spiraled. He decided that the best way to stay close to his brother was to join, as well. This way, he could also protect the rest of his family by always knowing where danger lurked.

    2015, October 18th—Boltius (16yo) started dating a kind girl named Brielle Rousseau.

    2017, January 8th—Boltius (17yo) became a member of the Scarlet Phoenixes with Vulken as his sponsor. It was a late night when Boltius called Vulken out to the basketball court they used to play at, and he told Vulken of his intentions to join the gang. He requested that Vulken sponsor him, but Vulken refused, and so the two fought. Vulken won, of course, but Boltius wouldn’t take no for an answer; he demanded from Vulken what Vulken could not refuse. Rock, paper, scissors. Given Boltius’ win, Vulken was forced to agree to being his brother’s sponsor.

    2017, June—Boltius (18yo) graduated high school.

    2017, July—Boltius (18yo) and Milo had a falling out when Bolt told Milo that he and Nanami had joined the Scarlet Phoenixes together.

    2017, August 14th—Boltius (18yo) and his third girlfriend, Brielle, parted ways when Brielle moved out of the country.

    2018, October 8th—Boltius (19yo) was offered a job at his dance academy as a part-time assistant dance instructor making a steady $18.00 an hour. The majority of his pocket change comes from his gang work.

    2018, October 25th—Boltius (19yo) got his tattoos, courtesy of Ashley Hart.

    2019, December 10th—Boltius (20yo) moved away from home and into his own apartment.

    2020, January 2nd—Boltius (21yo) started hooking up with a girl named Naomi Paydun, but when he showed signs of getting serious with her, she ditched him for someone else.

    2020, March—The hurricane decimated the South District's Nightlife District. Nanami Mitsui's body was never found. Boltius tried to contact Milo regarding Nanami's supposed death, but never heard back from him and was left on read. From here, Boltius started to develop a resentment toward Milo.

    2021, June 4th to June 5th (B-SIDE: LOST ON BOURBON)—Boltius (22yo) and Hector, drunk out of their wits, were taken out of the city on a party-bus that was meant for human trafficking. [PENDING DETAILS]

    2021, September 17th (ARC 1: FROM THE ASHES)—Boltius (22yo) met Charlie Hoshizora for the first time, and the two set out in search of Phoenix-member Nina’s killer. Mostly unsuccessful in their hunt, they rendezvoused back with Lyric and Yong-Yut, and the four turned their attention to the SEC bridge where Vulken and others were said to be engaging in battle with the Azure Dragons. By the time they arrived, however, the battle had calmed. Boltius, Lyric, YY, and Charlie eventually met up with the others who were aboard a boat in the river.

    2021, September 19th, Latenight (B-SIDE: NIGHTLIFE TRYST)—Boltius (22yo) met Dyne Enjyre for the first time.

    2021, September 21st (B-SIDE: FRAUDULENT MEETING)—Having met an interesting stranger who asked to be his friend several days ago, going as far as writing up a Contract of Friendship for Boltius to sign, (22yo) Boltius met with the man named Sang-Cheol this day.

    2021, September 26th (ARC 2: THE RECRUIT)—On this day, Lyric was to be hosting her routine Sunday dinner, which many Phoenixes would be attending. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. Jack of the gang, Alex, having stolen from the King of the Albino Tigers, set the course for chaos. A precious item, the Tigers came to retrieve it in numbers. While this took place, Boltius (22yo), Hector, and Darren were still well on their way to the dinner when Milo Nagisa suddenly appeared and challenged Hector to a fight.

    — —(22yo) Boltius reunited with Milo again, but not on the greatest of terms.

    2021, September 28th (B-SIDE: PASSING THE TORCH)—(22yo) Boltius met with Hector at Shady’s Clinic where Reika was being held for treatment, for she had fallen into a coma when she pushed her potential beyond its limits days prior. Boltius was promoted to Ace of the Scarlet Phoenixes by Hector, who was now Queen in Reika’s absence.

    2021, December 3rd (B-SIDE: SHAPING UP)—(22yo) Boltius and Vulken trained together at their old basketball court in Lilimare. Following their training session, the two proceeded to meet up with Yong-Yut where they meet Celestine of the Sable Serpents, unknowing of her affiliation with said opposing gang.

    2021, December 12th (B-SIDE: BUILDING BRIDGES)—Passeri Park funded the reconstruction of the West-South bridge. Many Phoenixes gathered to help. There, Boltius met Pascal Corbin.

    2021, December 12th (ONESHOT: THE RIVERSIDE)—(22yo) Boltius and Milo finally worked things out.

    2022, March 29th (B-SIDE: BALLIN')—With a mind to familiarize himself with some of the newest Rookies, (23yo) Boltius arranged for him and some other willing Phoenixes to play a game of basketball at the old court he and his brother, Vulken, often trained at.

    2022, May 27th (B-SIDE: THE ENDURING HURRAH)—An event hosted by Hector Moses, many Phoenixes gathered together at Red West bar to talk of certain upcoming affairs. [Pending Details]

    2022, May 31st (ARC-3, A-SIDE: TACTICAL MAYHEM)—(23yo) Boltius led a Phoenix raid on the Central District Police HQ.

    2022, May 31st (ARC-3)—Upper Central was shaken to its very foundations by a brutal earthquake, which dealt mass destruction to large portions of the Upper District, causing it to rain down into Lower. King of the Scarlet Phoenixes, Lyric Crianza, has since been missing.

    — —The May 31st earthquake, during the Phoenix raid on the CDPD, caused a structurally unsound portion of the CDPD Parking Lot to sink, dropping many Phoenixes into Lower Central. Boltius, saved by Gideon, was dealt multiple injuries in his fall. His left arm was broken in three places; his face was splintered with shrapnel from Gideon's bombs; and he landed folded over a concrete slab of which two rebars impaled him through the right side.

    2022, May 31st (B-SIDE: WE WHO REMAIN)—The Phoenixes raced back to HQ, many injured from the raid on the CDPD and sudden earthquake. Arriving at Shady’s Clinic in the South, Boltius and many others are treated for their wounds. Later, Boltius awakens to find Milo and Gideon at his bedside, Gideon who saved Bolt’s life in the free-fall descent from Upper Central to Lower Central.

    This same night, Bandy, Callista, and Jericho, who happened to snoop through the CDPD Captain’s office during the raid, come to Boltius with pictures of the CDPD Captain’s notebook, which detailed his investigation on one named Yelena Zaysteva. The notes spoke also of city secrets and rituals and cults.

    — —During their interregnum, with their apparent lack of leadership, shadow organizations and rag-tag nuisances began popping up to oppose the Phoenixes.

    2022, July 10th (B-SIDE: BEDLAM BLITZ!)— Pending Details
    Mother - Pam Beckman (HP)
    Age: 46
    A strong-willed and kind woman, albeit with a temper, Pam was the one who did the majority of parenting in the household. She both brought in money and tended to the at-home chores, but not without help. It was important to her that her children understood work no matter how menial. Each child, come the age of seven, was taught to wash their own laundry and properly clean up after themselves. Pam was a neat-freak, which is something Boltius picked up later in life. She was also the cook of the house and gave each of her children chances to help with meal-prep. She loved spending time with her boys and girls, and always found a way to do it. Pam initiated family outings regularly.

    Famous quotes are the following: "You kids are the best thing that ever happened to me." -- "Boltius, leave your brother alone, for goodness' sake." -- "I don't give a damn what you want. We have food at home." -- "Excuse me?" -- "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" -- "I'm sorry, the teacher said what? I'll rearrange that bitch's face." -- "Vulken, leave your brother alone." -- "I'll cut a bitch." -- "That's not how you talk to a lady." -- "BOLTIUS GET OFF THE TABLE!"

    Father - Bartolomeo Beckman (HP)
    Age: 49
    A once distinguished figure skater, Bartolomeo was a stay-at-home husband following an injury on the ice. He was always there for Pam and helped where he was needed, but Pam was mostly self-dependent, preferring to do things on her own. With that, Bartolomeo mostly played with the kids when Pam was cleaning or at work, or when Pam wasn't teaching the kids valuable life lessons. He got to be the fun parent, always the one to either say 'yes' or 'ask your mother'. Though laid-back and lenient, and somewhat goofy, Bartolomeo was a force to be reckoned with from his street-fighting days as a teen. If, specifically, Boltius and Vulken caused trouble for Pam, he laid into them pretty harshly compared to the girls.

    A projection of the way he was raised, he was known for the following quotes: "Suck it up, don't be a pussy." -- "Boys don't cry." -- "Hey, Vulken, look, pretty women~" -- "Boltius, quit being an ass." -- "Apologize to your mother, right now." -- "You wanna do wall-chairs?! I'LL MAKE YOU DO FUCKIN' WALL-CHAIRS!"

    Sister - Peoni Beckman (NP)
    Birthday: October 26th, 1994
    Age: 26
    Peoni and Vulken were close as babies, all the way up until they established their own individual friend-groups in school. While they might have drifted apart slightly, it was never in a bad way. Peoni always checks in with Vulken and Boltius today, Boltius more so than Vulken because he's her "baby brother". She is the ultimate cinnamon bun--not a hate-bone in her body. She struggled with bullies in high-school and a lot of sexual harassments due to her developed form.

    Some notable quotes are: "I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings..." (in response to Vulken telling her to bite back at the girls at school) -- "Can I play with your hair?" -- "Has anyone seen Boltius?" (usually after he fought with Vulken and ran off) -- "Mom, Vulken and Bolt are fighting in Vulken's room again... I'm afraid to interfere." -- "I got called a bimbo again at school." -- "You don't have to fight for my sake!" (usually to Vulken, Bolt, or Janet after being bullied at school)

    Sister - Ashlyn Beckman (HP)
    Birthday: January 8th, 1996
    Age: 25
    Back when they were children, Ashlyn kept to herself, reading alone in a quiet corner and listening to jazz. However, come halfway through middle school and throughout high school, she became self-centered and something of a bully. At school, if she encountered any of her siblings, she looked the other way as if pretending she didn't know them. . . especially Boltius. Around nineteen years old, Ashlyn up and left the city with her boyfriend of three years. She contacts Boltius and Vulken occasionally, but usually to complain about her boyfriend rather than see how they're doing.

    Some quotes are: "Can you please not?" -- "Leave me alone." -- "I don't concern myself with fools." -- "You're an idiot." (probably to Bolt) -- "Vulken, can you get your clothes out of the bathroom? I don't want the smell wafting while I'm trying to shower. It's fucking gross." -- "Vulken is better than you." (to Bolt) -- "Boltius is better than you." (to Vulken) -- "Love you..."

    Sister - Janet Beckman (HP)
    Birthday: May 31st, 1997
    Age: 24
    Janet, like Ashlyn, was a quiet one. However, unlike Ashlyn, she always joined in on the family fun while Ashlyn sat back and silently judged. Throughout school, she was still quiet and made only a select few friends. Despite apparent behaviors, however, Janet was and still is, like their father, a force to be reckoned with. She's blunt with her words and opinionated. Similarly to Boltius, she looks up to Vulken the most and is very protective of Peoni. As for her relationship with Boltius. . . Boltius just annoys the hell out of her until she talks to him. On the surface, one might think she dislikes her younger brother, but deep down she holds great love for him and wouldn't hesitate to defend him.

    Quotes: "Boltius, please be quiet." -- "Stop yelling" -- "I'm not interested, Bolt." -- "Vulken, wanna go on a walk?" -- "Can someone tell Bolt to leave me alone." -- "Bye." -- "I don't like that." -- "Funny." -- "You're ignorant."

    Vulken is Boltius' older brother whom he greatly looks up to. While Boltius got their mother's looks, Vulken got their father's. Growing up, Boltius mimicked a lot of Vulken's speech habits and behaviors, but has since grown out of them. Apart from his own experience on the streets, Boltius was also taught a few tricks by Vulken, and Bolt, to this day, aspires to best Vulken in a fair fight. As far as loyalty goes, no one comes before Vulken no matter what.

    As a childhood friend of Vulken's, Boltius met Markus a long time ago when they were children. Markus used to frequent the Beckman family dinners and everyone enjoyed having him around. Everyone except Boltius. See, Boltius saw Markus as an obstacle to overcome in order to hold his brother's constant attention, which he eventually grew out of only after Markus killed Vulken's mentor, Alev. Boltius holds a resentment toward Markus that is, outside of Markus' relationship with Vulken, quite unjustified.

    Boltius constantly fights to earn YY's approval. "If she likes Vulken, why not me?"
    Since a long time ago, he fell into a habit of trying to impress her, studying her reactions to his behaviors, showing excessive interest in their hobbies, etc. However, due to this, Boltius responds more harshly to criticism from YY than he does to others, as he wants to be liked. Gaining their affection has become a personal goal that Boltius is determined to achieve. Overall, he finds them boring and dull--mostly so in the beginning--but he does hold strong sentiment toward her. She is similar in personality to his older, youngest sister. Despite their nerve-condition, Boltius often fails to suppress his touchy nature when interacting with YY. He does not pity her condition and treats her as an equal to everyone else.



    One of Boltius' childhood friends. They met via Nanami Mitsui, a presumed-dead member of the Scarlet Phoenixes. Growing up, Milo, Nanami, and Matsuda Russo spent their high school years together, living out their days with a mind for fun and adventure. Whenever Boltius was frustrated or upset, he would confide in Milo for Milo's tendency to quietly listen. They hung out at and threw rocks into the river that cuts between the South and East. Come the nearing of high school graduation, Boltius and Milo had a small falling-out when Boltius revealed to Milo his intentions of joining the Scarlet Phoenixes. Later on, while Milo was away at Art School, following the South's hurricane, Boltius tried to contact Milo about Nanami, but Milo never responded to him.

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    Camila Gaspari
    25 (August 14 , 1996)
    5'3" (160 cm) | 105 lb (48 kg)
    Veteran of the Albino Tigers
    March 14, 2017
    A pretty rose full of thorns
    Home District
    West District
    Camila is a woman of average height and a somewhat slender frame, her hair is silver and short in the shape of an overgrown pixie cut with a pair of symmetrical black patches (which her parents playfully call her "panda ears"), she often wears revealing "punk" clothes, but doesn't shy away from wearing more regular feminine clothing regularly (her clothes cover just enough to hide a few scars she's gained over the years as a Tiger).

    As of Arc 3, her hair has grown over the last 8 months, reaching her shoulders.
    Do not let her rosy cheeks and big eyes fool you, for Camila is a selfish, egomaniac, materialistic person as well as a compulsive liar. She likes to badmouth people and speak highly of herself, as well as being more than happy to play dirty in order to have things go her way. She's also very split in her behavior when it comes to interacting with fellow tigers. With her superiors (King, Queen, Jack, Ace, Older Veterans) she takes on a very obedient attitude, often agrreeing with them and doing their bidding with a fake smile in order to get in their favor. With those below her like the rookies, however, she acts pretty smug and (at least tries to) pushes them around and gives them orders.

    Not all of her is negative though, as she's surprisingly kind to those she manages to grow attached to, this is best displayed with her family, which she behaves noticeably decent with, specially her nephew and niece whom she's willing to say she love.

    She's also quite the flirtatious girl, with attractive men always catching her attention, leading to her often putting her responsabilities aside for a while in order to flirt with them. She often mentions that her ideal man is one who's smart, funny, handsome, ripped, wealthy and is willing to ask how was her day after he comes back from work.
    Not a lot is worth mentioning about Camila prior to joining the tigers, as for an HP her life was surprisingly uneventful. Born to a middle class family as the middle child of three, Camilla had a pretty healthy and loving upbringing, except for the fact that her ego was incredibly inflated by her HP traits, her tail being particularly popular among her friends...That is, until one day in middle school she accidentally had sent someone to the hospital with her tail, which gained the contempt and apathy of her classmates, being dubbed the "toxic tail freak" from that day on.

    Camila grew bitter of their attitude, she should be admired and showered in love, yet no one wanted to be close to her because of ONE accident. As a way to relief herself from her frustrations, she started to bully her classmates and act more and more rebellious, which ended up in her repeating a year in highschool. Her cocky bully attitude did not last that long, however, as eventually she picked a fight with someone who, unbeknownst to her, was an HP with a special ability just like her, who proceeded to severely beat her up, destroying her physically and emotionally, her ego shattering and become a fragile shell of its former shell.

    This also served as a calling, though, as Camila realized that if she couldn't do much alone, she could join a group of people and have them do the things for her. Her sights were set on the albino tigers, who not only controlled the area she lived in, but also seemed to hold values that were quite right up her alley, as Camilla sure enjoyed the idea of having a fat wallet. The months and years passed as she worked hard between regular jobs and minor criminal activity in order to amass the money necessary to join the legendary gang. And once she finally achieved her goal and joined among their ranks... nothing really happened. No one noticed her that much, she never got in a noteworthy position of power, nor did her wealth increase by orders of magnitudes (even though here earnings are pretty generous compared to most common people). Yes, despite being technically a successful member of the Albino Tigers, Camila is far from satisfied with her current position in the group just yet.
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    Milo Nagisa
    22 (October 15, 1998)
    5'10" (177.8 cm) | 150 lb (65 kg)
    Rookie of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    A normal guy out for revenge
    Home District
    South District
    Milo is a young man with messy, platinum blonde hair and golden eyes. He's usually got at least one chalk, paint, or ink mark somewhere on his person. He wears a crumpled Academy uniform most days, sometimes under his coveralls which he wears when he's painting. His ears are pierced.
    When he was younger, Milo was a listless, cynical boy who professed to not care about anything. A childhood friend was the only one who could pull Milo out of his shell of nonchalance, and encourage him to see the world as a place worth living in. Today, Milo lives to honor his friends memory, and avenge his death.
    Milo was born in the South of New Oasis to Phoenix parents who have both since retired from Gang Life to sit on the Board. Milo, in typical rebellious teen fashion, decided he wanted nothing to do with his parents or their sordid legacy with a violent, murderous gang.

    A childhood friend—himself by then a proud Scarlet Phoenix—was the only one who could ever drag Milo out of his apathetic lethargy. The only one who could convince Milo of his worth, convince him that he had something besides death to offer the world. He was the one who convinced Milo to take his gifts and hone them, out from under the spectre of expectation... And so Milo went.

    Years later, away at school, Milo heard about the hurricane on the news. Heard how it had decimated the South, his home. Heard how it claimed many lives, his childhood friend's among them. His closest companion presumed dead (the body was never recovered; a sad, but not uncommon story from that day), Milo sank into a familiar kind of darkness.

    After spending over a year wallowing in his grief, and seeing that no justice has been wrought for the wrongful deaths of his friend and so many others, Milo has decided that enough is enough.
    Nanami - Milo's childhood friend. The two of them grew apart when Milo chose to leave New Oasis instead of join the Scarlet Phoenixes. He died in the Hurricane.

    Boltius Beckman - One of Milo's best friends. They met in middle school (via Nanami), and remained close throughout high school until Boltius joined the Phoenixes and Milo left town.
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    Hitoshi Yamakawa
    40 (June 12, 1982)
    6'00" (182.88 cm) | 180 lb (82 kg)
    Veteran of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Lazy, Aloof, Aniki
    Home District
    South District
    Hitoshi has a generally unkempt appearance reflective of his lazy and carefree nature as he spends much of his time partying in the streets, making him look more like a bum than a gang member. Sporting a distinct look of frazzled, disheveled hair as well as a dirty, faded red suit that has seen thousands of late nights, Hitoshi looks like a 90s partygoer lost in time as he continues his never ending search for a good time.
    Friendly, outgoing and eccentric: Hitoshi is easy to start up a conversation with anyone he considers a friend and is incredibly good-spirited, always giving advice and encouragement to those who need it. He also is incredibly lazy himself as he seeks to always find the easiest way to deal with a situation and to reduce as much stress onto himself as possible, living by the mantra of 'going with the flow' as hard as he can. However, when should a situation arise when he is needed he will not hesitate to be there to deal with it.
    A delinquent from an early age, Hitoshi grew up in an impoverished household with mostly free reign as both his parents were quite often at work and weren’t home often and thus caused quite a bit of trouble without supervision. Shoplifting, vandalizing, trespassing, and getting into trouble with the police often took up his time rather than focusing on school. Worse still was when he obtained his potentiality, giving him an even easier time to go about his delinquency and causing headaches for businesses as he shifted in and out of windows and mirrors with ease.

    It was a chance meeting that fate would have where a young Hitoshi would cross paths with a veteran member of the Scarlet Phoenixes in 2001 after attempting to steal their wallet. A chase ensued and while Hitoshi was eventually caught due to his inexperience, he impressed them enough to warrant a sponsorship to get into the Phoenixes to bring some order and control into the young man’s life.

    When faced with his trial, he passed and was officially welcomed into the gang. Since then, he has remained a loyal member who since then has mellowed out quite a bit and became the laid back, friendly man he is today. For his abilities, he gained the name Mirrorman from his peers which stuck to him like glue as he embraced its corniness. But despite his veteran status, Hitoshi has been rather disconnected from the gang's many activities following the betrayal of his oath-brother, Ryutaro Hashimoto, who departed on terms that left Hitoshi devastated mentally and emotionally. For the many years following, as a result, Hitoshi delved deep into drugs and alcohol to try to hide from the pain; thus, resulting in him becoming what many see as a pathetic character wrapped up in a shell of constant self-hatred and misery.

    But, following the events of the earthquake in Central, Hitoshi has made the effort to change his ways. After Ryoma was crippled during the operation to save him from a bunch of foreign, Oranjese goons, Hitoshi realized that his self-destruction inflicted pain on the people around him. Now he has gone clean and takes an active effort to not only rebuild himself, but also to do what is right for the people who have stood by him after all this time.
    Ryutaro Hashimoto - A relationship as complicated as it is devastating. By Sankai tradition, they are brothers as if they were from the same family from the oath they had made in their younger years. However, Ryu's betrayal and subsequent joining of the Albino Tigers sent Hitoshi down a rabbit hole of depression and drugs/alcohol abuse that he only just now has started to recover from.

    Charlie Hughes - Hitoshi finds himself being almost like a protective, older family member to the young man; and he would do anything to make sure Charlie is doing alright in life. Being a gangster isn't the easiest, or best, vocation for anyone. After their combined efforts to save lives at the mall in Central, Hitoshi became grateful that his drug induced rage was stopped by Charlie before he went too far and took a life.

    Kaede Shimokōbe - An old friend, and one that Hitoshi cares for deeply. With Kaede's return to New Oasis, Hitoshi finds himself a new person he knows he can rely on to be there for him - especially when he is on a new path in his life. One that she had tried for years to get him on.

    Hector Moses - The now King of the Scarlet Phoenixes is also one of Hitoshi's good friends. Despite Hector's own problems, he has always tried to help get Hitoshi on the right track to pick up the pieces of his life and move on. As such, Hitoshi supports and knows that Hector will do great in his newfound leadership role.

    Ashley Hart - Also another figure from the Phoenixes that has tried to get Hitoshi clean for a while; and now that he has, Hitoshi is grateful to have such a supporting and kind friend to have his back on his journey forward.

    Daigo Asanuma - WIP
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      Dyne Enjyre
      Dyne Enjyre
      AGE & BIRTH
      25 (May 25, 1996)
      5'8" (173 cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
      GANG & RANK
      Rookie of the Azure Dragons
      Scarlet woman; overpowering
      Home District
      East District

      In Dyne's captivating beauty lies a danger lurking under. Oh, not so deep only the most acute can sense it, but not so shallow that some fools would not notice until it is too late. Dyne is of average height, of average weight, and nothing else. There is a siren call in every honeyed 'darling' she utters, and a vixen ensnarement in the bewitching make-up she perfects each time. She screams of a textbook femme fatale, a dangerous woman wise men know to avoid at all cost.


      Dyne slides with ease into conversations, natural as fish swimming down the current. A little sense of humor plays into her everyday, while giggles and small laughter are frequent guests of her speech. Really, it is difficult to stay serious for long to one so not so. Life is decisively for fun, and it is not fun to be all grumpy Mr. Serious, is it darling?

      Oh, Dyne will not call herself a hedonist, but she might as well be one. Anything she wants, she will do. Dyne has a persistent quality in line with her way of life. In her lackadaisical manner lies an unshakeable belief in herself to go through what she wants regardless of the price and consequence that follows.


      To avoid a succession battle in the family, Dyne Enjyre was raised as the adopted daughter of her uncle. Her relationship with her brother was amicable. Instead of working in the family company, she pursued a career in modelling, prim as a model could be, lowkey as someone uninterested in her family large fortune could possess. Unfortunately, following her uncle's death, pressure from the outer family soon led her to be 'exiled' to Oasis City. The reason behind it? The inheritance she received from her uncle which caused many to turn green. Really, though it was said to be an exile, her brother started her with a lump sum and a generous monthly stipend, so it was not too bad.

      The hounds chased her to Oasis so she could die, but Dyne laughed behind their back. She had long revealed her status as a HP, but her true Potential was something she kept secret from even her brother. So, when hired gangsters barged to her house one night, she cleaned them easily. Slowly, too, as their terrified, whimpering eyes watched her knife dissect their stomachs open. Then, Dyne disappeared into the night.

      Really, if anything, life just got more boring once she was in Oasis. She couldn't model anymore, obviously, or vacation elsewhere. The only saving grace of the city was the handsome men and the relish her Potential brought to play. It all started from her most loyal butler, but soon she found several men at her every beckons and commands. Really, it just couldn't be helped~

      But after a year or so, Dyne found herself ill at ease. Words from overseas said her brother was facing difficulties, but she could do nothing. He had always been her best support that it never occurred to her that he could fail. But now, she felt like she was nothing but a drain of funding. Oh, Drevis was happy to pay her, she knew, but she couldn't help but feel useless for once. If those wretched relatives send people again and caught her to attack Drevis, she wouldn't be able to feel good. Certainly not.

      Should she apply to one of the gangs? She didn't know much, really, but the stories she heard about the work is awfully interesting. Should she? Yes, yes, and obviously, she chose Azure Dragons. She lived in that district anyway, and it was better to be around familiar faces. What she needed was a different pleasure from the flesh one, and perhaps a bit experience with power.

      With a cheerful hum, Dyne started concocting a plan to join the gang.


      • Faris Dwi Arima: A loyal butler. He had been with Dyne for over a decade. Following Dyne's exile to New Oasis, he terminated his contract to follow her. Their relationships have never been strictly professional, but there was now no need to hide it in New Oasis. Currently, he worked in the bar Dyne occupied, working as a bartender.
      • Jonathan Howls: A laid-back manager. He fell into debt following an expensive medical operations. Dyne caught him when he tried to rob her out of desperation. Instead of turning him to the Dragons, she offered to pay his debt and a place in her establishment. He was grateful of the arrangement and currently served as the bar's manager.
      • Jackson Reese Alessi: Birds of a feather. A Rookie of Azure Dragons that helped Dyne into Azure Dragons and eased her into the responsibilities that follows. They have a peculiar understanding of one another that keep them very close and distant from each other for good or bad
      • Izumi Hitohira: A young hero. A Veteran of Azure Dragons whose outstanding quality attracts Dyne just as hers attracts him when they first met. It feels right for them to be together, like a couple meant to be.
      • Hector Moses: Ace of Scarlet Phoenixes. They met in a bar, high with the fervor and atmosphere. Their relationship is like that: a crazed spark that mutes with the light of dawn. They don't need more than that.
      • Shen Yue: King of Azure Dragons. He accepted Dyne into the Dragons after Jackson's suggestion. Though she feels like there isn't much going on in the King's head, Dyne tries to stay away from the King as much as possible.
      • Yuudai Fuse: King of Sable Serpents. He met Dyne just as she arrived on the city. Their bond was exciting thanks to their Potential, though Yuudai cut contact as soon as he heard Dyne has joined the Dragons. Dyne thinks it's a pity.
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