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Hello Hello! I am currently on my Fire Emblem kick right now and I am in search for a long term rp partner!


Shield of Fearghus
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello Hello! I am currently on my Fire Emblem kick right now and I am in search for a long term rp partner! ESPECIALLY after the Three Hopes trailer last month, I'm VERY much excited about it.
Now I must warn you I am not completely all the way through with the game. I made it through the Blue Lions and Golden Deer routes; now I am currently working on Silver Snow and will be working on Crimson Flower soon.
I only have a few months of rp experience with Felix and looking to improve my writing with him and he is my current muse at the moment. But I am not against trying to rp other FE3H characters either! If we could I would like to have the characters to be Post-Timeskip only because I feel more comfortable age wise with the characters. I don't have any plot ideas at the moment but I am pretty open to in canon or aus as far as the setting. I really enjoy romance, angst, dark fantasy, and horror as far as AUs and theme wise in roleplay.

Basic Info/ Rules
I ask that you at least be 21 or older before replying to this post. (Sorry to all the lovely younger rp writers out there)
I don't roleplay with ocs unfortunately. It's just personally easier for me to with canon characters and is my preference.
I am a literate roleplayer and love to write long responses! However I can certainly go down to semi literate rp responses if need be
I do B x B roleplays and it feels the most comfortable to me when roleplaying.
Do not god mod or try to control my character.
Do not try to push me into doing something in the rp. However we may bounce ideas back and forth OOC
I love me some angst and gore, I just ask that you not over do it within the rp.
I ask that you not randomly ghost me, I find it incredibly rude.
If you become uninterested in the current rp, I ask that you let me know. I would rather you be upfront and tell me so we can maybe do a different plot/ship.
PLEASE be patient with me. Tuesdays and Saturdays I'm usually very busy with DnD but feel free to write the response still! I will get back to you ASAP after my sessions.

My Fave Ships

Sylvain x Felix
Dimitri x Sylvain
Dimitri x Felix
Dimitri x Claude
Dimitri x M! Byleth
Claude x M! Byleth
Sylvain x Marianne
Caspar x Linhardt
Ferdinand x Hubert

With that all out of the way, if anyone is interested and sees this post please feel to respond!

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Hi there !
This might be a long shot because your post is pretty old, but are you still looking ?

I'd love to write Dimitri, Byleth or Felix, so shoot me a DM if you're still around !

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