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~The Time of the Ritual has Cometh~

It was a very quiet night in Faithful Hills. Most of its populace had gone to sleep, but then there are a few who are still busy with their lives in the darkness. It would have been a night like no other if it weren't for a selected few who happened to be conducting a ritual from different places, be it in their own homes or somewhere else where nobody will notice them. The only ones who knew about this is the Church.


Somewhere in the town lies the Our Lady of the Maternal Heart Church, and within it a priest is looking up at the cross as if he is praying somewhat. A young-looking woman had approached with the intent of speaking to him.


Sister Claire Molina
-Assistant of the Priest-

"Father, the time has come. Any moment now, the participating Masters are going to summon their Servants. It is as you have spoken of." She spoke and the priest turns his head to face her.


Father Jonathan De Baptiste
-Visiting Priest-

"Splendid, then everything is going just as planned." He said "The war for the Recreation Gem has finally begun. I'll expect that unlike the previous one which turned out to be a very chaotic mess, things should go smoothly and accordingly, as well as having a legitimate winner. May God bless these wickedly greedy souls of what they're about to do." Jonathan looked back at the cross and said "Claire, keep on a look out on some of the Masters. If there is one who has managed to summon a Ruler Servant, report back to me at once."

"It shall be done, Father." Claire acknowledged before she turned her back and begin to walk out of the church. "I'm sure you'll be there. I just know it." Jonathan thought.

Wherever the Masters are, all of them are performing the same ritual; summoning their Servants to be used as a weapons for the war of the Recreation Gem. Sister Claire is out to observe some of them to find out which among these Masters have summoned a Servant under the Ruler class, said to be a supervisor during the time of battle. For what reason does Father Jonathan have about the Ruler Servant? And who is going to be their Master?

(NOTE: You are free to make your own NPCs so long as they're not essential to the plot.)


Heroic Spirit of Arbitration
Played by Topless Topless
Master: Allison Jackson
Servant: Amaya

Heroic Spirit of the Lance
Played by Funnier President Funnier President
Master: Nikhil “Nick” Kapoor
Servant: Jason Grace

Heroic Spirit of the Mount
Played by Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Master: Shiori Akuma
Servant: Kamina

Heroic Spirit of Rage
Played by Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Master: Kyria "Penny" Davids-Pennyworth
Servant: Zero​

Heroic Spirit of the Sword
Played by Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Master: Rean Austine
Servant: Nightmare

Heroic Spirit of the Bow
Played by Knight boi Knight boi
Master: Ryo Kiriashima
Servant: Dr. W.D. Gaster

Heroic Spirit of Sorcery
Played by Crow Crow
Master: Frivalry Emmental Camembert
Servant: Aang

Heroic Spirit of Assassination
Played by ZackStop ZackStop
Master: Zacharias Gonpander
Servant: SPARTAN-B312​
Somewhere in a dark room with
Ryo stood in a dark room, though this room was unlike any other and quite special than any other room, this was the room where he was going to summon his humble servant hoping it wouldn’t be a weak one, or better yet prayed to god it wasn’t going to be a lancer knowing full well how behind that class was from the rest of the servant classes.

He stood there as he drew a red circle in an odd shape with a summoning item in the palm of his hand, it looked like a pale white finger, there wasn’t really anything unique to it if you thought about it, it was simply just a finger, which is why Ryo had choose. The artifact for his curiosity to consume.

He took a deep breath in and out as he placed the finger straight dab and perfectly in the middle, he looked at it as he prayed for a good servant. As he looked down he started to begin the summoning.

“I, Ryo Kirashima, call out to thee, humble servant to protect me and fight alongside with me to the very end, and participate in this Great Holy Grail War!”

After a couple of seconds from the chant, the circle began to glow in a pattern as the hand slowly and gradually evolved into a hand and then a arm and eventually, half of the upper body of what looked like a skeleton began to pull its self out of as it groaned and grumbled.

“Oh Greetings Master, it is I, the great Dr. W.D Gaster! I’m here to serve you and you only as I obtain the role of Archer in this grail war. You should be happy! I’m going to kill everyone in this world alongside with you!”

Ryo slightly open his mouth in awe as he observed the skeleton looking figure, he was quite amused from his summoning ritual and felt great pride summoning this was a powerful servant. He softly scratched his chin as he observed the man.

Hm, getting straight to business, I feel great joy to summon you Dr., though we must get ready for the war, I want to see you in action right away, got it?”

“Of course, we can take part of recon right away master.”

After the summoning ritual the two would be standing on a tall skyscraper as the menacing stood there taking part of recon and watched the city, looking for other servants to observe and even engage if they felt comfortable.

It would appear that they were close to the recreational park, as they took an educated guess that it was a big enough area to watch and easier to watch for other servants that dared to oppose the duo of master and servant.
Team Rider
Outskirts of Faithful Hills
A girl with an offputting aura was in the middle of drawing her summoning circle. She was in the basement of her mansion, guarded 24/7 by homonculi she had 'borrowed' from the Einzbern family.
The circle was complete as Shiori began her ritual.
"Let my own blood serve as a bond for the pact. Elements of fire, wind, air, and water, converge to create the body of my partner."
Shiori spoke, in a monotonous voice.
"I call you and urge you to join me in my fight, to win this war so I can finally get what I wish for. Awaken, my servant!"

The wind swirled around the circle, as a faint glow started to eminate from its' center.
He was in the driver seat of his Gurren, as he recalled the final moments of his life. Up to now, he had been traveling across the land, fighting the beastmen and their gunmen in order to liberate humanity from their rule. His life was fading as his little brother, had come to see him.
He smiled as he brought a hand up to touch Simons' head. "See you later... buddy..."
It was at this time his life had left the planet.
He found himself in a strange void.
It was a strange blue emptiness that had a ray of sunlight focused on him.
"Where... am I?"
He immediately felt his mind get overwhelmed by images involving the past, and his life.
He dropped to his knees, hands on his head as his mind hurt from the overload of information. He was being given a second chance, if he can help the one who calls to him for his help.

"Someone... needs my help. What is it they are needing?" He immediately knew the answer. Something he already had faced himself when he was...
"I understand. I'll go help fight in this war."
The light in the room exploded, and Shiori had to shield her eyes for a moment, before she got a look at the servant she had called in.
What she didn't expect was the giant red construct that was burting through the ceiling, and part of the first floor of her mansion.
"What... the hell?"

"What's up with the white hair?"
She looked up and saw on the shoulder of the construct a man, maybe slightly older than her on the right shoulder, smiling as if he was ready for fighting anything that would come at him.
"You can call me Rider, but I would prefer if you used my real name for outside of the war zone."

Shiori looked at Rider with suspicion. "You dont look like any historical figure I've read about. Just who are you? Are you some kind of warrior?"

"Who am I you ask? I am the charismatic leader of team Dai Gurren, I am Kamina!"
He replied, pointing at himself.
"Kamina... that is a strange name. Is that construct yours?"
Shiori asked, pointing at the giant.
"Indeed! This is Gurren, my Gunman!"

"Gunman? It sounds almost like a giant robot or something. Anyways, we have much to discuss. Any chance you can make that vanish?"

Kamina smiled. "I take it you're my master." He snapped his fingers and Gurren vanished, as he floated down and landed safely. He approached Shiori and put a hand on her shoulder, as he immediately sensed something wrong with her.
"Uh... You feel okay master? You're cold to the touch!"

Shiori pushed his hand off her shoulder and turned around as she lead him to upstairs. "I am fine. Come with me please."
Last edited:
--Kyria 'Penny' Davids-Pennyworth || Zero ~ Night 0--
Location: Pennyworth Estate ~ Garden
Interaction: Topless Topless

Deep in the outskirts of Faithful Hills, far enough away from town, yet near enough to be a part of society sits a cabin in the woods. A cabin that's more akin to a mansion than anything. This mansion is where the mage family of Pennyworths once lived. Although once upon a time magic was far more accepted in Faithful Hills, time wasn't as kind back then, and eventually, shut them off as nothing more than urban legends.

Kyria's Mother was fortunate enough to have met her husband, but was wary enough to not let them meet her family, knowing that they're born of witch and magecraft. And as society did in the past, Kyria's Father took the young daughter and cut all ties with the Pennyworths, despite their immense fortune.

Over 20 years later, Kyria returned to Faithful Hills after receiving a letter from her mother. Curious, she went to visit despite her Father's pleas. Saying that she's nothing more than a monstrous witch. Yet after living with her mother for about a week, Kyria felt a sort familial bond she was missing all those years in California. Not only that, but she learnt how to use magic! Managing to settle in and going to her mother's house for magic lessons, Kyria was called in for a rather special reason.



"Recreation Gem War?"

"We used to call it the Holy Grail War." Kyria's Mother, a white haired young lady spoke, as the two women met up within the open air garden of the Pennyworth Estate. Filled to the sides with various hedges and flowers. Beneath their tea table was a large magic circle of sorts, engraved on a stone pedestal. "It's a traditional competition between us Mages, where we summon historical figures known as Servants to fight for us in order to grant a single wish."

"Why the sudden name change though?" Kyria asked, clad in her usual red and black outfit. Her long brown hair topped with a large red beanie. "Usually ancient stuff like that keep their names."

"Yes, well...I'm not sure either, but I did thought of you when the invitation came." Her Mother smiled as she placed her teacup down at its platter. "That's why I must ask you a favor. From your estranged mother to my equally estranged daughter."

"...You want me to enter this war, don't you?"


"You know what? Why not." Kyria giggled as she leaned back a bit. "It sounds fun. I mean, war's never fun, but if anything, my Magecraft might improve, right?" She asked, as her mother gave an approving nod. "So, uh...When do we have to summon this Servant thing?"


After this, Kyria and her mother began to set the scene for the summoning ritual. Moving the glassware and chairs away from the table in order to make room for the relic as well as reveal the magic circle in the middle of the platform they were having tea in. Mysterious writing lined up the inner circle, connected by a two intersecting triangles with smaller circles with strange symbols on it. Kyria has yet to learn that language, but her Mother assured her that learning it wasn't as important.


On the table remained nothing but a plastic mug shaped like a cup.

"Why a cup?" Her mother asked.

"Well, you told me to bring some kind of treasure, right?" Kyria answered, "So I brought this one. It's the first one I brought with my own money 5 years ago along with some games. It's kinda precious to me since Dad also used it from time to time." She giggled, "It's probably my only reminder of him."

Together, Kyria and her mother squeezed out some runes and mercuric silver onto the circle, filling the engravements of the platform that was there the entire time.

And now. The chant. Pulling up her phone, Kyria errs before reading the prose that her mother sent her while they were preparing the circle. This would serve as the backbone of the summoning ritual.

"Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.
let purple be the color I pay tribute to.
Let my great Master, Pennyworth, be the ancestor." The circle glows a purple hue as it was chanted, prompting Kyria to briefly pause in awe. Thereby, continuing with a confident heart. This time, in adlib as she pocketed her phone.

"Let the runes form your body, and steel your will.
Let your just soul be pulled onto thee.
I invoke an oath.
An oath that'll last until the inevitable truth!" The circle now glows red, brighter and brighter as red lightning streaks around the summoning circle. Mana growing wilder and wilder.

"I shall attain all the heavenly values!
I shall rule over demonic sins!
Let your just sword strike just as true,
As the chaos binds your will to me!

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power!
With the graces of light and dark intertwined, I summon thee!
Come forth from the ring of restraints..."

The glow grow more and more intense, as the last stanze tips the massive mana spike over the edge.

"Come forth! Protector of Balance!" With that, the stone the circle was engraved upon cracks, as well as the mug placed atop as its catalyst. Cracking ominously, bit by bit until suddenly...


A pillar of light shot up from the cracked circle. As debris floated up, a figure unveiled itself from the smoke as the light died. A lean figure with a rather spiked helmet. A blue triangular gem shining in its forehead, glowing brightly along with his menacing eyes.

"Woah..." Kyria gasped in awe as the debris starts to fall to the ground. Bits and pieces of the stone circle burrowed themselves around the figure, as well as shards of the mug.

"You." The figure spoke. Its voice gruff, tough sounding. It had hints of rage--madness from countless fights it had to endure. "Are you my Master?"

"Y-Yeah." Kyria nodded, though her voice was shaking not out of fear. But out of admiration and excitement. She recognized the voice--she recognized who was it standing in front of her. "You're...You're Zero, aren't you?"

"So you know me. This makes things easier." The figure, clad in red and bearing long blonde hair scoffed, crossing his arms. "Don't call me by that name though, Master. Keeping my identity secret is important for this war."

"Right! Right, of course! I know that!"

"No, you don't."


"Not only that...But what should I do with you?" Zero turned to the white haired woman near the circle, drawing his blade at the woman. A blade of light, colored purple-ish magenta, much like the family color. "This war is to be done confidentially. I'm sure you know that, don't you?"

"Worry not, Servant." Kyria's Mother nodded rather calmly. "I am an ally to your Master--in fact, I am her mother and a magus. As such, I'll abide by the rules of the Holy Grail War and speak not of this."

"Sure. Just don't stab us in the back." Zero simply nodded, turning to his Master. Just then, Kyria felt something burn her arm, which made her yelp and shriek. Pulling back on her left sleeve, she finds a red marking had been made on her wrist.


It appears to be some sort of horned face with a jagged mouth. Eye like holes peering through it, hiding from plain sight. Walking towards his Master, Zero grabbed her hand in order to check the marking--crimson red tattoo, the smell of freshly made burns yet without the actual black burn marks.

"With this, we're officially in contract." Zero said, letting go of her arm. "I am known as The Berserker, the so called Heroic Spirit of Rage. I'll cut down any enemy that appears before us. Make sure you call me that when you're out and about. As I said before, my identity should remain a secret."


"Standard Protocol, I've been told." Zero answered, "I don't get it myself, but get used to it." Crossing his arms, he now bears a slightly warmer glare as he asked for his first task; "So. What's our next move?"
Standing alone in his bedroom, a summoning circle already laid on the ground, Nick took a deep breath. Almost Everything was in place, as it had been for the last fifteen minutes. The only thing that was needed was for him to actually summon a servant. Taking a deep breath, he took the last thing he needed, the rolled-up Camp Half-Blood shirt he had, and placed it in the middle. Taking a deep breath, he started to say the incantation (While trying not to stutter)

Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone.
The ancestor is my great master Kapoor
The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.
Simply, shatter once filled.
――――I announce.
Your self is under me, my fate is in your sword.
In accordance with the approach of the Recreational Gem, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.
Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.
You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance, hero of another world!

The Mana circle was now fully overfilled, red lighting crackling as the lights turned off and on. For a brief second, he thought that the spell had failed, for nothing seemed to be happening. And then, all of the lightbulbs exploded, leaving him in the darkness as a thunderbolt struck the house.

Disoriented, Nick pulled himself up to his feet, looking around dazed. There seemed to be a hole in his room. Why was there a hole? Oh, right. The Servant-summoning. Well, I screwed that up. Dad is going to be furious. Just my luck.

Wait a second…. Did something just move?

Hurling down the stairs, Nick headed to the hole that he had created. The kitchen’s roof was practically gone, and black char marks decorated the ceiling, but the only thing Nick noticed was the person looking up at the mess he had created.

Blond hair, purple shirt, and a tattoo with the letters SPRQ on them. Nick didn’t even have a moment to be in shock before his servant (Yup, he was pretty sure that was happening) turned to him, and asked the question
“Are you my master?”
Swallowing the nervousness rising in him, Nick replied
“Well…… Yes. That would be me?”
Feeling something uncomfortable on his left arm, he glanced down to spy an elephant head embedded onto his hand. Huh. His dad had never mentioned that-
Looking back at his now-servant (Was this really happening?) Nick attempted a confident smile.
“So, which class are you, Jason?”

“I am the Lancer Class, and please, don’t call me by my name in public”

Lancer? Nick tried to remember what his dad had told him about the classes.

“One of the Knight classes, right?”


Nick had quite a few more questions, but then he heard the knock at the door, signaling his dads arrival. Taking a panicked look at the hole in the ceiling, Nick looked back to Jason.

“Hey… Lancer, can you please do me a favor, and go upstairs?”

Lancer obliged, heading upstairs as Nick headed towards the door.

Maybe his dad wouldn’t be that mad about the hole in the ceiling.
Rean looked over the magic circle one last time for any slip-ups. The corpse of a adolescent mage lay next to him as he took in his handiwork. When using blood as a means to create a magic circle. One always had to use good materials. Luckily this one was out in the open and perfectly willing to donate their blood. Lighting himself a cigarette and taking a long puff. He exhaled a plume of smoke with his mind racing with possibilities. In the middle of the circle was small canister containing a cluster of malevolent souls. It was by no means easy to have obtained such a treasure. He'd had to fufill a few requests for that infernal Touko Aozaki. She still saw fit to judge his method of enjoying himself when she was no better in some aspects. With his headspace brought back down to Earth after thinking of her unpleasant face. Rean flicked his cigarette into the circle, setting the entire thing alight. Clasping his hands together. He commanded his tarot cards to rotate around the burning magic circle. Then came his incantation...

Let The Sun and The Moon be the essence.
Let Judgement and Justice be the foundation.
Let The Fool be the path I pay tribute to.
Let rise a Tower against the calamity that shall fall.
Let the Nine Pentacle gates open.
Let the Five Wands from the crown reaching unto The World rotate
Let it be foretold. From Major to Minor Arcana
My desire made manifest
Your Wish made reality
Our covenant is sealed with a pact searched onto this very Earth

The flames grew in both intensity and size before turning a deep violet color. Upon the completion of his chanting. A massive pillar of flame exploded forth and would have incinerated Rean if not for a timely ward. His little shack was destroyed though. Which meant he'd have to find somewhere else to crash for a bit. Then he noticed that there was a lingering malice in the air. Not only that, but it was growing by the second. Collapsing to the ground as a wave of fatigue came over him. He looked at his hand to discover a red mark in the shape of an eye. Realizing that his Servant hadn't wasted any time in tapping him for mana. Rean began to laugh as he noted how interesting the situation just got. "You've been here not five seconds and you've already deployed a Noble Phantasm.... Anti-World? Oh this is an intriguing turn of events" said the magus as he got to his feet. The flames had shrunk at this point to reveal a figure adorned head to toe in sinister armor. Though that line of thought vanished as soon as Rean got a good look at them. It was more appropriate to say they WERE the armor.


Crimson eyes stared deep into him as the figure pointed a massive sword at the mage. However the sword soon turned on the canister used as a catalyst. Cleaving through it with one stroke. The gathered souls attempted to escape. Yet they were then absorbed into the blade, which revealed an eerie eye in its crossguard. "I am Nightmare, Soul Edge has granted me new life here as a Saber. I shall cover this entire world... in darkness" uttered the figure with a voice that was both hoarse and blood-chilling. "I won't stop you... just promise me you'll make a show of it for me" said Rean as he smiled maliciously. The sound of firetrucks approaching proved to be a disappointing ending to such a unforgettable summoning. Nightmare on the other hand seemed to wander towards the noise. Despite the need for secrecy in order to properly fight the Grail War. Rean was honestly curious as to what Nightmare would do. As the slamming of truck doors and the sirens of emergency services filled his ears. The bemused mage sat atop the remains of a chair and looked on at his Servant.

Soon the cries of slaughtered innocents reverberated throughout the area...
"It was only a few days ago that I learned of my family history..."

It was the same thing every day for as far back as he could remember. Zacharias Gonpander, the first born son of the noble Gonpander family, was subjected to a strict and concise schedule that quickly had information thrown at him. He was awake before the sun rose, and after breakfast was a brutal education with no time to spare. From 6 in the morning until noon, Zacharias learned of all corners of academics, from Mathematics, to Science, to History of all subjects. This was all provided to him within the confines of the Gonpander mansion thanks to his many private instructors, who were just as dedicated to teaching the young master as the one paying them. This day was like no other. Zacharias finished his studies, no longer fatigued as he may have been at the beginning. Now he was conditioned to this lifestyle of constantly sharpening his mind.

As soon as he was done with his studies, Zacharias was onto a different kind of training, walking down the halls of tall ceilings, and polished hard wood floors that were occupied by the odd, well made tables and vase stands that would lean against the walls of the corridors. Elaborate designed molding made from a deep shade of mahogany would decorate these walls, accompanied by off-white beige that colored the flat surfaces, those that lead up to ceiling which became arches. The halls were somewhat dimly lit on this day, with the only source of light being the well spaced windows that were tall, but the cloudy day made for dull light. Only in the evening were the wall lamps turned on when the lightbulbs would create the only light needed. The rest of the mansion was designed in the same fashion, truly fit for a nobleman, even if the particular design was somewhat dated.

He eventually reached large double doors that when pushed open revealed a dojo. The same hard wood flooring used became absent within the center of the room, where it was replaced by standard training mats. Against the wall was a full weapon rack, all made of wood. Two short swords were in the center of this rack, and once he got dressed were the two that Zacharias took. "Hello friends..." Zacharias spoke to the two wooden blades under his breath. They felt good in his hands, light and nimble. He held them in a loose grip which allowed him to spin the handles around in each palm. He did this until the blade ends were now faced down where they were meant to be held, and he took a deep breath to mentally prepare. For next short minutes he waited for his combat instructor, Gaius to arrive through a side door. This door was against the wall left of the double doors that lead to the hall, and to the right were several windows that lit the much more compact room with natural light.

"...ever since then, That day has played over and over again..."

Suddenly and abruptly, the silence Zacharias experienced while awaiting his instructor was cut off by that very same man's footsteps. Somewhat startled and confused, he swung his head towards the sound to find Gaius walking along the hardwood. Zacharias was confused, he had not heard his instructor enter the room or even address himself as he would normally. An odd feeling came over him, but he simply brushed it off. "I must have spaced out..." He told himself before speaking to Gaius across the room. "You're late, Gaius." He spoke with a firm expression as he boldly proclaimed his superiors tardiness. It felt like the thing he was supposed to say in that moment. His words only served to have Gaius swiftly retort. "Ah yes, or, perhaps you are just early, young master." The youthful man of a moderately built stature looked over his shoulder when he spoke, but then turned his back to face the table in the corner, where he began to pull a glove over his hand. Zacharias tried to remain in a state of satirical sternness, but was quickly cracking in the presence of Gaius, who was as much of a best friend as he was his instructor.

The use of 'young master' was clearly used to poke fun at him, but it would not break him, Zacharias thought. "I've been doing this same routine for 10 years, I would know if I arrived ahead of schedule." Zacharias began to step forward as he proceeded to press his instructor, only to be retorted once again. "hm." Gaius grunted, before facing his student with a viscous look. "as have I." Zacharias returned the favor, and it was as through they were ready to charge one another at any moment, but the ruse had gone on long enough. "Your acting can use some work..." Gaius relaxed his stance. "I think it's a little too early to start acting like your father!" With that, Zacharias broke and smiled while somewhat disappointed, unable to keep up the act. Gaius chuckled as he walked towards him placing a welcoming hand on the boys shoulder. "He sure is a stern one, isn't he?" Gaius turned to pick out a weapon while he explained his late arrival. "Your Mother..."He paused briefly. "...had something she needed to tell me. That's the reason I was late." Zacharias was curious, but did not ask what it was about. Gaius chose a spear from the rack and walked onto the mat. "This session will be brief, you will be needed soon." Gaius added. "What for?" Zacharias said as he stepped into place, twirling one of his blades with minimal effort. "Hm, I think I'll let her tell you herself. Now, on guard!" Gaius readied his weapon, and charged with a thrust.

"...even as I slept..."

Zacharias quickly parried, but his vision was suddenly blocked by a billow of smoke. The twisting and winding of it warped his surroundings before he could even question what was happening. He was now standing in his Father's study, where both of his parents spoke to him, but the voices sounded distant and muffled. "What is this..?" He said allowed, but they didn't seem to hear him. While he was confused as to how he got here, he knew where he was and what was being said. He had lived this exact moment once before. "I'm dreaming... Of course... This same dream again..." He said to himself. Their voices were still muffled, His father spoke through his graying black beard that rested on his strong jawline. While his father sat behind his desk, Zacharias' mother stood beside his desk. Her figure was thin, and her long auburn hair falling around her kind expression.

Only bits and pieces punched through the cloudy dreamlike muffle, as they explained the mystery of their bloodline to their son. They had always kept tight lips about all this, but as though they were waiting for the right time, they explained every detail to him, how they were a family who spent their whole life under the control of one above them. A success story of overcoming great odds. A wave of an unsettling feeling came over Zach, but this was only a dream that he knew well. It was playing out as it always had, but this sudden feeling of danger he could not shake, as everything started to tremble and become a slightly red hue. This dream was becoming a nightmare, despite there being nothing wrong.

"What is this..?" he said again, as if he had no control over that question. He was now right in his mothers face, forced to stare at the loving expression she gave as she uttered "You are... a mage."
As the dream turned nightmare ends, Zacharias' eyes open to realize the unsettling feeling was not coming from his dream, but in reality. "Assassins." he deduced, as two blades came down from either side of his bed. His training proved to have payed off as not only does he avoid the blades, but he manages to disarm the one to his left. With an impressive flip from his bed, Zacharias plants his feet firmly against the wall behind him. The two scimitars slice into the mattress, and with his quick reflexes he bounds off of the wall and wraps himself around the man to his left. With a quick jerk to the side, one of his cloaked assailants are taken violently to the ground making a loud 'THUNK' while the blade he had used to attempt his attack clattered across the floor.

He didn't have time to think, all he could do is move using his intuition, and instinct to keep him unharmed. As he had the man under him by the arm with his face down flat, another armed assassin struck down at Zach's head. He was able to sense the attack, as if knowing what trajectory the blade would come from before it was swung, and the metallic whistle of the blade passing through the air gave the attack away. Zach's quick thinking aided him in escaping the attack. He released the mans arm and grabbed the bottom of the bedframe just a moment before the blade swing. Before the assassin even knew they missed their target, Zach had swung himself around and preformed a clean slide underneath his bed and came out the other side. Luckily for him it was hardwood flooring. Once on the other side, he grabbed onto the ankle of the other assassin, the one who thoroughly murdered his mattress. Using the momentum and his core, Zach successfully took the man to the ground and landed a brutal attack to this mans throat making him wheeze. He now had a brief moment to evaluate his predicament. "That's 3 assassins, all men. One is down." he thought to himself, referring to the first take down he preformed. "One out of commission..." The assassin right in front of him continued to try recuperating from Zach's attack. Zacharias eyed the mans blade that also fell to the floor like the other's, but before he could pick it up something he didn't expect happened. The one assassin he thought he shook leapt over the bed and began his next assault.

Zach quickly looked up in a panic as the man flew over the bed with his blade coming down fast. The limited visibility of Zach's adjusted eyes was enough to avoid the man landing on him. He quickly preforming a textbook back roll, with beads of sweat falling to the floor. He hadn't anticipated the attacker to find him so quickly, but his charge hadn't ended. Zacharias was forced to crab walk away as fast as he could, while the assassin swung wildly down at him but with the precision of someone well trained. Eventually running head first into the wall, Zacharias fell flat on his back while the table beside him shook. A metal saucer had fallen to the ground making a startling crash while the man twirled his blade and stabbed down. Out of pure desperation Zach grabbed the metal saucer and used every ounce of survival instinct to just barely deflect the blade. With a firm kick to the mans lower abdomen Zach rolled to the side. and once he was up, deliver a wild swing with the saucers edge. It was violent he noted after the fact, but he followed up with a roundhouse that scooped up his arm and landed the strike to his armpit. His attacker fell and Zach fell with him, firmly pushing his knee into the stomach. From there he grabbed the man's weapon with relief, and could tell that another was coming for him, he could feel his foot steps. It took him a moment, but the assassin found his scimitar and made a charge for Zacharias. It was only a few sword clashes later that Zach was able to parry and cut into the man's chest. He could hear the man's painful groan but wasted no time mortally wound him. He then turned the blade he was using on the one who it came from. The assassin pulled out a knife, but Zach was quicker and stabbed him in the throat. It's what he was trained for if this exact thing happened, but he had never killed.

Zach panted heavily, feeling sweat pouring out of him, both from the athletics and the fear of being attacked. He thought it was over, until he froze suddenly. "A fourth!" he thought, as a dart whistled through the air, but with quick reflexes was deflected almost involuntarily. Zach cried out in fear and it was primal, which made him throw his hand out which ignited like a flintlock. The brief flash launched a flame, only the size of a golf ball that hit its target. It exploded as the one in the corner fell to the floor, while Zach bolted to his door and swung it open. He had no idea what he had done, but he just wanted to be out of the dark, and as he ran into lamp lit halls he teared up from the sudden change in light. He fell against the wall as he emerged feeling exhausted after only being in that situation for a little over a minute. He breathed hard, trying his best to catch his breath but to no avail. It was only until his Father approached calmly and spoke. "You did well my son." Zach huffed and looked up with a startled expression. "W-what?" His Father walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You passed... now it's time for the summoning ritual."

The room was dark, the walls, ceiling and floor made entirely of large stone blocks like an old catacomb. They had walked underground beneath the floors of the mansion, where York, his Father, escorted Zacharias down the stone steps, until they reached this room made entirely of stone. It was dimly lit by torches that hung on the walls. The ceilings were 10 feet high, and the room was at least 30x30 feet. His mother was already there, as well as several black-cloaked figures, that dressed the same as the assassins he had faced. He froze up for a moment, but was shocked to find that they were not hostile. Zach realized in the next few moments as his Mother spoke, that those 'assassins' were hired to test him and nothing more. He reflected on the four he had come across. Two who he knew for sure he had killed. He was bothered by this revelation, but knew that things would get worse from here. "Do you understand Zach..?" He propped his head up to see his mother who was still speaking to him. "Once you summon your servant, you will be apart of this war." She glanced down, and so did I. Between them was a circle with other geometric shapes within it. A summoning circle with a black box in its center, containing a mysterious object that his parents had already found for him. "Are you ready to preform the ritual?" His Mother spoke once more, a somewhat somber tone that was rare. Zach took a step forward and looked down at the ominous symbol drawn onto the floor. He nodded, and everyone took a few steps away from the circle. He didn't know what to say, but the words that came to him felt right.

As he made his chant, the circle reacted. Sparking and glowing as Zacharias spoke, which only grew with more power as they went on. He finished the chant, then called out to his servant. The light shined brilliantly and a there was a sudden rush of wind, but the light quickly died as did the torches, leaving the room in complete darkness. It was silent, and everything was black, but a moment later, Zach could feel a presence. In the darkness, there were small blue lights illuminating. They didn't cast light onto any surface but they began to move up, and then a heavy clunk of a boot taking a step could be heard and felt. Zacharias could hear the tiniest whispers, they were for a spell to relight the torches, and once they did, the figure was revealed.

What stood in the circle looked to be a large robot, but was in fact a man in a suit. The suit was made of heavy plated metal painted a dark ashy gray, almost black, with a golden visor on his sleek helmet. The man himself was imposing, standing nearly 7ft tall and built like a tank, in part to the armor he wore. He was equipped with a rifle on his back, and was holding another in his hands. Behind him was a stack of a few large gun cases, some larger than others that all shared the same metal exterior. Each one branded with the symbol of an eagle with its wings spreading above a globe, with the letters "U.N.S.C." written on it. Zach could feel the warmth on his hand, as the command seal appeared on the back of it, which only appeared once this figure looked down at him. His servant stepped forward to face Zacharias. He didn't say much of anything to him, it was like this soldier had just approached his commanding officer, completely ignoring the admittedly strange setting. He ignored everyone else in the room except for Zacharias and saluted him. "Orders, Sir."
Frivalry had come a long way. She had used every trick at her disposal to run and hide, but an opportunity to participate in this War was an end-all-be-all, the end to every single one of her problems. With that, she takes temporary residence in Faithful Hills.

Granted, with her, all residence is temporary. One might argue that her entire existence is.

Frivalry circled her house in this fine town, with books in hand. She placed them in different positions of the board.

"Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and..."

She placed the final book in the centre.

"... Spirit."

These five were her catalysts. Now she needed her incantations to channel her power through them.

Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

Incantation, word, they converted her prana into spell, and spell took form as the circle shone in her room that night. As she blocked her eyes, she tripped and fell on her rump, and before she knew it, she was looking up to a man who stood where the circle was.


"I am Caster, he who represents Sorcery, and I ask you this, young lady...

... are you my Master?"​

It is almost finished. Seven Servants had been summoned and normally that would mean the start of the war. However, there is one more Servant left to be summoned, one that wasn't part of the regular classes. Ruler, the one who supervises the war, imposing judgement on who lives and who dies. Claire had observed almost every individual Masters and their Servants in the shadows thanks to her magic, but not one of them has been able to summon a Ruler.

"How odd. Not one of them has summoned a Ruler. Maybe I should call this a day and report back to Father." She had thought, but then she heard the sounds of firetruck going en route to somewhere. Claire decided to follow them, leading up to what was once supposed to be a little shack that had been burned down and a monstrous-looking swordsman slaughtering the innocent firemen out of amusement. "That Saber looks like bad news. The previous one was much more heroic than that." Claire thought as she watched on the massacre happening right at this moment.

What she doesn't know is that there is also someone else watching...or rather, soon to get involved.

Allison was supposed to go home before dark had she not went to one of her few friends' house to help with their homework. She had promised her father that she'll be home quick once she is done with her business. After all that, it is time for her to go home. However, taking one curve would lead her to a scene of what is supposed to be a massacre of firefighters at the hands of a sword wielding monster. Allison was frightened at the scene and she froze still. It didn't take time before the Saber would notice her.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

  • Kamina-quotes-768x576.jpg dbe3s4z-f018be7e-d49e-4b3f-91dc-6fc12cfbc0bf.pngKamina was lead into a spacious room, with lights dangling from the cieiling. He sat at one end of a really long table, while Shiori sat at the other end. People dressed in maid uniforms arrived and placed food on the table. Kamina noticed that the maids all looked identical to one another, with long white hair and red eyes.
    "They are my servants who tend to my everyday needs in this mansion. It really does help being backed by the Einzbern family after I... 'Convinced' them into lending me their aid."
    "Why do they all look the same?" Kamina asked, as he grabbed a turkey leg and started eating it.
    "Magic and science. These servants are all clones of one another, and are easy enough to create. I dont give them true names, I call them by numbers. For example, 1!"
    Shiori called. One maid stepped forward.
    "Yes m'lady?"
    "Anything come up on the news yet today?"
    "No m'lady."

    Shiori smiled, but her emotion remained unchanged. That smile put Kamina off.
    "Master, why did it feel like your body was made of Ice earlier?"
    Shiori looked away from Kamina, her expression returned to her deadpan kuudere state. "I'd rather not talk about it. You may be my servant, but I have yet to trust you."
    Kamina looked down at his Turkey leg and he was looking slightly worried.
    "I see." He put the turkey leg down and got up.
    "In that case, how can I earn that trust?"

    Shiori once again gave her false smile. "There are plenty of ways to do that, but lets start by address the elephant in the room."
    Kamina looked confused.
    "What's an elephant?"
    "Never mind what that is, what I said was an expression. It means I want to talk about something that concerns me."
    Kamina immediately understood that part. "You want to know everything there is to know about me and where I came from, right?"
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Ryo and Gaster
Topless Topless
As the duo stood on the sky scraper, ryo’s hair followed the current of the wind blowing to the right in a violent manner, it was quite chilly up there so ryo placed his hands into his pockets, though behind him faster felt nothing but wind, a irritating wind at that, though his hands were not outside though it appears his hands weren’t anywhere at all, he could pull out hands when he wanted to, though it did look like he was hiding them behind his back for others not to see.

Gaster, I want you to find a servant to skirmish against, not the saber or berserker, maybe a lancer or a rider? I want you to use some of your power, I want to see what I’ll work with.”

“Though I must apply a few rules, you will not attack during day unless attacked upon, next, I will attend the church on Sunday’s, or when I fell like it. I have a sister who needs my prayers. Next, when I allow you to travel on yourself you must immediately come to me if your in extreme dangers or when I command you too.”

“Yes sir, though I will ask, why are you praying for your sister? My curiosity is peaking with you….perhaps she’s I’ll?”

“She has cancer.”

“Ah, as my guess was correct.”


Ryo had approached the holy church with his hands in his pockets he took a deep breath as he pushed the door open, the church lighting up with light and candles he looked around to see that no one was in the lobby, perhaps they were doing other interests in the other rooms of the church?

Though Ryo had stationed Gaster to take guard around the church to make sure nothing will happen, and plus this was a safe territory neutral in fact.

Sister? Are you in here Claire? I need your attention for a moment please ma’am.”

He said as he walked into the front of the holy church and took a seat on the first row of seats, as he looked up at the cross, he was a kind and polite fellow when he wasn’t doing his job, though he did know the father and the sister a little bit, henceforth calling the sister Claire.

Though they still held a neutral relationship that will not affect the holy grail war.

"To generalize is to be an idiot" said Rean as he addressed the concerned looking nun who had found her way into his bacchanalia of blood. In his hand was a card depicting a maiden adorned in holy attire, the High Priestess. While a little on the nose in terms of theme. It was also a handy of detecting particularly interesting auras. Any other person would have questioned why a Sister of the Church had appeared. However Rean knew all too well why she came. This was a Grail War and she had come to see Saber. Currently his Servant was in the final stages of butchering everyone who came to deal with the fire. The ground was stained red as corpses were tossed about like ragdolls. Honestly the screams weren't all that unpleasant once you got used to them. Shuffling the deck of tarot cards in increasingly bizarre ways. Rean continued to speak with their habit wearing guest. "I could see from the moment you laid eyes on him that you were utterly repulsed. A big girl like you must have standards when it comes to Heroic Spirits. Well I can't blame you for being a little put off by all the blood and gore. What really matters is what you're going to do about it. No really I'm curious... what are you going to do about this?" inquired the curious magus.
Nightmare on the other hand was finishing up with his bloodshed. Such paltry souls weren't enough to satisfy Soul Edge. He needed more, both in quality and quantity. Yet he was bound to that infernal mage by the rules of this summoning. Without his mana to sustain this vessel. Inferno wouldn't be able to keep the armor together long enough to operate as Nightmare. Sensing more souls towards the residential district of the city. Nightmare began a slow march towards his next rampage. He would soon lock eyes with an unexpected interloper. A young female who looked upon him with fear painted on her face. Raising his blade to cleave the girl in two. The Azure Knight was stopped in his tracks by a telepathic communication by his Master. Nightmare, let that one go... she has potential. Angered at being denied a soul for his blade. Nightmare strode past the girl in order to pursue more souls. Many residents came from their homes in order to check on the growing blaze that had been left unchecked. What they found was an monster driving his sword into the ground. A wave of crimson energy shot out through Soul Edge. Passing through each of the humans gathered before him. They all dropped to ground, dead. No doubt his Master would feel the tremendous strain for such blatant use of Soul Wave. Nonetheless, Nightmare would not be denied these souls. A few of the fallen humans rose from the concrete. Their bodies pale and eyes red as blood. They immediately set upon those who had arrived just after the Soul Wave like rabid animals...

Topless Topless

Claire turned her back to see Rean, who had already noticed her presence. She didn't like how he called her an "idiot", but she'll take that offense for later as she is more concerned about Saber's rampage. "You do realized that your Servant is causing quite a disturbance, don't you? While I can permit bloodshed, since that is expected, any more death and the whole public will definitely notice what is going on in the shadows. If I were you, I would cease this at once, otherwise you could be punished for it." She told him dead in the eyes, showing how serious she is when it comes to the flow of the war.

Saber has took notice of Allison. She is shivering in terror just by the sight of him, and when started walking towards her, she silently starts begging for mercy. She is completely frozen in place as Saber lifts up his sword. She closed her eyes as she anticipated the inevitable, but fortunately for her, Saber stopped right before the blade could touch her. "Huh? Why did he stopped?" She thought as she opened one eye to see the blade close to her face. Saber lowers his blade and went pass her. Allison drops down to her knees as she gasps out of relief. "That...was close..." She had thought, but it didn't took long before Saber unleashed some sort of magical wave towards some civilians, killing them.

Allison turned around to see the damage he had caused. However, she saw no blood on the ground. When she got close to the scene, one by one the corpses stand up and have their crimson eyes gazed upon her. "W-What's going on?" She asked in a frightened tone right before they all charge towards her. Allison screamed and she begins to run as fast she could. Unfortunately, one of the ravaging corpses had got to her and bit her hard by the shoulder. Allison gasped in pain. She retaliated by hitting her elbow on the side to get them off. She was about to run again, but she tripped and fell. She looks back to see that the corpses are nearing her. Allison froze in place once more out of fear.

This is it. She is going to die.

"Someone...please...save me..."

Allison prayed, crying a river of tears. But unknown to her, something is happening right behind her. A circle of light is being formed. Once it is complete, a figure rises from the circle; a young woman. When the rabid corpses finally got to Allison, flames where shot out from nowhere and it disintegrated the corpses. Once again, Allison had been spared. She turns around to see her savior and there she is, standing before her as she gazed upon her in awe.

"I am Ruler. I ask of you; are you my Master?"

"Sister Claire is not available for the moment." Said Father Jonathan as he approaches Ryo from one side. Once he had got to him, he asked "For what purpose did you brought yourself here? Perhaps a confession?"

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Knight boi Knight boi
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As he heard a more louder footstep and a more masculine voice come to approach him he looked up at the priest and nodded at him as he placed his hand on the seat to sit next to him.

Is it a sin if you would do anything for someone? I’m doing this grail war for someone very close to my heart, though only two are close that is Claire and my sister.”

“One time I came here to see what the whole Christ thing was and I quickly left but Claire stopped me and wanted to talk to me, she made me believe in myself, she made me feel unique in a way, she’s quite motivating if I’m honest, she’s both beautiful and a great friend to me.”

“Listen father, my sister-,she’s in stage 3 cancer, and her chances of living are slim to none, is it a sin that you’ll do anything for the people are special to you? I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way from my sister, that is if they’re not special to me in a way….”
--Kyria "Penny" Davids-Pennyworth || Berserker "Omega" Zero--
Location: Pennyworth Estate ~ Garden --> Lobby --> Forested Path towards Town
Interaction: Topless Topless (Practically open)

With the Pennyworths now summoned a Servant, Kyria's Mother suggested they move indoors, seeing as there might be Masters that live within the Forest that might've detected their summoning ritual already.

"Good idea. I'd rather not get my Master killed too early in the war." Zero nodded at the suggestion to move indoors. Calling upon the maids to clean up the mess caused by the summoning ritual, the Pennyworths made their way indoors through the double doors.

Inside, it seems that they have entered the manor's lobby. It's just as fancy as you'd expect, decorated in light purple tones that resonated well with the reds. Upon closer inspection, it seems that there were also a magic circle pattern on the carpet similar to the summoning ritual. Sounds like they were prepared to summon something at a moment's notice.

"Oh, right. I should probably get back to my apartment before morning." Kyria said, "I do have a job at that arcade tomorrow." She turned to both Zero and her Mother, who seems to have taken a seat on the couch already.

"Are you sure you'll be safe, Kyria?" Mother asked with concern, "The first few nights of the Grail War are usually the most dangerous and the most safest. None in between."

"I should be fine. I have some spell runes left from our previous making session with me." Kyria said, patting her jacket's pocket.

"Spell Jewels?" Zero asked before shaking his head and simply nodding. "Oh right. You're a Magus. You having something magic-like such as Spell Jewels shouldn't be surprising." He said with a sigh. He stood up, arms still crossed. "I'll keep myself visible. Just in case some dimwitted Servant decided to attack us in the forest."

"Aren't you being a little too cautious, Zero?"

"There's no such thing as too cautious, Commander." Zero groaned as he walked over to the door. "Something you need to learn quickly if you're to survive any war." He said, opening the door.

"Right. Right!" Kyria said in a giggle, skipping over to the doors Zero opened. She turned to her mother. "Don't worry, with Zero around, I'll be safe." She smiled, soon leaving the manor with Zero closing the door.


Late at night, Kyria and her Servant are walking through the forested path that leads towards the town proper, Zero was looking around the area cautiously, almost as if he's looking into something.

"Tell me, Commander. Do you know of the history about these lands?" Zero asked, beginning a conversation.

"Well, I'm not exactly good on history..." Kyria tucked her beanie, feeling a tad colder due to the breeze. "But my Mom told me some stories about this forest when I first came to town."


"Well, less stories, moreso anecdotes." Kyria responds, "She says that magic in this world wasn't exactly as accepted as one might think. Considering the nature of this Recreation Gem War thing and, well...Dad." She made a stinkeye upon saying that last bit, as if resenting her father a bit. "Most Magi had to hide out in the woods. Just like my mom and her maids."

"Is that so..." Zero said, glancing off into the distance. "Maybe that's why I feel a bit unease here. Like there's a Maverick just around the corner."

"Maverick...You mean an enemy?" Kyria asked, eyes widened. "You really think there's one here?"

"I'm not sure. Just keep your guard up until we reach town." Zero responded, stanced up to attack as he escorted Kyria back into Faithful Hills proper...
"Who... are you?" Zacharias was puzzled by his servant, the large metal man armed to the teeth. The man lowered his hand and placed it back on his rifle's handguard. "Lieutenant B312, Sir." The man said allowed. He spoke like a soldier, loyal to their superior. Despite Zach having no military rank, B312 treated him like he was his superior, it didn't matter to him how much higher they were. B312 spoke to his commanding officers all the same, and Zach was no different. "Okay, so you're a solider? I've never seen a soldier like you before." Zach was a little hesitant but gave further questioning to his servant, who responded forthright. "I am a Spartan, Sir." The nature of his summoning gave the Spartan clairvoyance for what was truly going on. He had entered a world without the United Nations Space Command, one far into the past. He paused for a moment, giving a quick look around and briefly explained. "I am a Spartan," he repeated. "A super soldier specially trained and augmented for combat, and this armor is made to fulfill our potential." He did his best to speak clearly, in a way that they could understand. The others in the room were astounded by the words he spoke. It was all gasps and other sounds of intrigue that a human was capable of, all but Zacharias who was silently taking it in.

B312 could sense it, his master was riddled with mixed emotions. So much was happening so fast, and it felt familiar to the spartan. "This technology comes into use far into the future, maybe not yours though." He then went silent, as that was all he could say, and frankly about all he knew. The Spartans weren't typically taught much history. Zacharias felt the exertion beginning to creep up on him. So much had happened in a sort time, from being woken up so abruptly and violently, not even know when, and being forced to kill. It was all just to ensure he was ready for a war he never asked to be apart of. "Had I failed, if I wasn't quick enough, Would I be dead?" Zach thought to himself, troubled by it. "What will I do with blood on my hands, people who were just-" As if he formed a mental block, the thoughts of the possible trauma ended and was replaced with the exhaustion of everything that happened. He knew though that things weren't over, and it wasn't just the war to worry about. "Sir, do you have orders for me?" The Spartan spoke again. Zach lifted his head to speak, but his father walked over before he could. "Currently, there is nothing my son needs from you." York spoke bluntly, somewhat rude Zach thought. "I ask that you come with me to my study so we can discuss a few caveats." 312 didn't mind the tone the man was giving him, after all York was higher ranking than Zach was, in a sense, but was unwilling to go anywhere without Zach giving the OK. He looked down at his young master for nonverbal communication. Zach recognized immediately and felt somewhat betrayed. He hadn't summoned his servant not a couple of minutes ago and wasn't given the time to truly 'know' him.

The wave of exhaustion only grew, and Zacharias finally felt how tired he really was. His sleep was interrupted after all, so while begrudged, Zach gave his servant a nod of approval. With that, the spartan took a step after Zach's father who was already up the stairs, while the cloaked men struggled to carry off these metal crates left behind by the soldier, double teaming some and hoisting them up the steps, leaving only Zach and his mother, Brea. They walked together a good few feet behind all the others, being the last to exit the room. "I'm sorry. This is all happening so fast, sweetie." His mother spoke once in the main hall. "It's okay, Mom..." Zach responded with a somewhat cracked low voice that is to be expected. He watched the others turn right towards the study, his servant looming over the others and who looked out of place in his high tech armor. His Mother took him left, heading back towards his room, placing both hands on his shoulders. "Will you be ready for school tomorrow? It will be a new environment for you." His Mother typically expressed both concern and care and it was no different. Even with everything around him changing and becoming new and unfamiliar, his Mother was as she always was. He felt comforted knowing that. Zach never responded to her question however, they both just accepted that, and continued to his room.

By now, his room was cleared of any trace of disturbance. His bodies were gone, and his mattress had been replaced. All was back in order. He stood at the door for a moment with his mother behind him, looking at the room with the lights now turned on. It gave him a strange feeling coming back after what happened to see his room exactly as it always had been. The questions of morality tried to creep in, but Zach ignored them and walked to his bed. His Mothered followed closely behind and gave him a hug before saying goodbye. "Goodnight sweetie! I'll see you in the morning." She was as kind as ever as though nothing happened, and if he didn't know better, he would believe it was all just a dream. "Goodnight, Mom." He said in the tone of any teenager with an ever so loving mother. A deadpan unenthused tone. After he was in bed and Brea said her "sleep well" and "goodnight," and her other motherly sayings, Zacharias got some sleep for his tomorrow, where he will attend his first day at the illustrious John the Baptist Academy. While he slept, his Father spoke with the Spartan, and the mansion stayed heavily guarded as it always was. Now with the War underway and other Masters out and about in Faithful Hills, the first night was the most protection the Mansion had seen in a very long time.
Nick and Jason, Monday, Nicks House -> Woods

This was weird.

Jason stood in his masters bedroom, staring down at the hole he had created. No other words described it.

His life was weird. Fighting monsters straight out of mythology was his definetion of normal. Titans and Giants he was used to. Even the fact that he was dead, was somewhat accceptable.

Was was weird was the simple fact that he had been summoned to fight against “heroic spirits” or other people who had died. From all over. He thought that he would at least be sent to Elyusium, but no. Instead, he was here. Fighting for some kid that had probably no clue what he was getting into.

Looking at the complete mess on the floor boxes thrown everywhere. Jason made a move towards trying to sweep some of it under the bed. However, something caught his eye.

To any casual observer, it would have seen like a normal fantasy book. The title, “The Lost Hero” didn’t seem unusual. The bronze dragon and the kids riding it on the cover weren’t any cause for a shock. And yet, Jason stood like a statue, staring at it.

A sudden opening at the door made Jason turn around, sweeping the book under the bed. His Master emerged, looking relived.

“So, it seems dad doesn’t want to kill me yet! He did frown at the hole in the ceiling a bit, which worried me, but he just nodded when he said that I had summoned you! Weird. Normally, if I messed up like that, he would give off killer vibes as he coldly announces my punishment, but he didn’t care! He just headed to backyard, muttering something about “Setting up Magic dampeners”

Jason blinked for a couple of seconds.


Beaming, His Master sat down on the bed.

“Sorry if I’m talking a lot, Im just really.. Happy? Nervous? I have no clue! Also, um…… want me to call you Lancer, or Jason?”

Well, he was thrown from how his Master just bounced from topic to topic. And he already knew this much, at least.

“Lancer would be.. Better, I think. We would want to keep my identity secret, right? Otherwise, they would be able to figure out information on me.”
Especially since he was fictional, it seemed.

His Master frowned as he thought that out. “Well, my dad told me that part already. But I had an idea! Why don’t we take that a step further?”

“Well….. What do you have in mind?”

“Doesn’t your sword turn into a spear and reverse?”

That was a good question, except for the fact that he hadn’t been summoned with any weapons, and it wasn’t like he had a pen like Perc- Wait. what was that in his pocket?

Reaching into his pocket, Jason pulled out a gold coin, with the Head of Julius on one side. His Master’s eyes widened.

“Whoa, you have the weapon from the first book!”

First? Jason decided not to think about that. Flipping the coin, it came up heads. Suddenly, a gold sword laid in his hand. Looking at the blade, Jason gave it an experimental swing. It felt right in his hands..

“So, like I was saying….. Maybe we could pretend your another servant entirely! Like, Saber!

“And what would be the point of that?”

“Well…. Aren’t Sabers suppose to be the strongest knight servants? Besides, it would give an element of surprise!”

“First of all, the entire plans fails if any enemy servant we meet has already fought Saber. Second, the coin is random, its…. Well, fate. I have as much chance of showing that I’m Lancer as much as if I pretend I’m Saber.””

Sighing, His Master look a seat on the bed, legs criss-cross.

“Yeah…. Your right.”

Looking up, he gave a small grin

“But wait, I never introduced ourselves properly! Im Nikhil, but I like Nick better!”

Well, at least he remembered. Jason didn’t want to keep calling his master “Master” Nick continued, his tone becoming a bit for serious.

“And also, I think we should talk about fighting any other servants- What do you think about that?”

Jason considered for a moment, before replying

“I would say that we should avoid conflict from for now, unless absolutely necessary. We don’t know anything about other servants, or masters.”

Nick nodded along to what he was saying.

“We can figure it out tomorrow though! After I go to school. Also, do you want something to change into? Think I should be able to grab some of my dads old clothing

Jason blinked, then looked down at his clothes instinctively. The purple shirt he donned looked a bit burned.

“Sure, It looks like I could use a new shirt.”

One hour later, and Jason was wearing a dark gray hoodie that was a size too big on him. He was currently patrolling around the house. It wasn’t likely that a servant would suddenly appear to attack, but Jason had experienced worse luck in the past.

At this point, he was beginning to think that his paroling was pointless. After all, what Master would send a servant hunting in the woods on the first day?

Naturally, that was when he felt it. Like a sixth sense, Jason suddenly felt another presence in the woods. It was faint, but it was there. This wasn’t good. If that was an servant, and not his paranoia, he would lead them right to their base/home.

Only one thing to do then. See if he could drive them away. Turning to spirit form again, Jason headed into the woods, looking around for this enemy servant.

Interactions: NA
--Kyria "Penny" Davids-Pennyworth || Berserker "Omega" Zero--
Location: Forested Path towards Town
Interaction: Topless Topless (Practically open)
Mention: Funnier President Funnier President (Servant Detect)

As Zero and Kyria walked along the forested path, Zero stopped, blonde hair swaying as he seemingly flinched. There was this odd feeling--as if an unidentified sensor without him had lit up in alarm. An alarm that detects magical signatures similar to him.

"Maverick...!" Zero practically snarled as he uttered that word, which caught the attention of his Master. Knowing him from his game series, Kyria knew exactly what this means.

"Already?!" Kyria gasped, glancing about as she placed her hand inside of her jacket, grabbing something from the inside pockets. "Where is it?" She asked, preparing herself for combat.

"It's nearby. I'm going to investigate it first. Don't follow me. I'll be back quick." Zero said, his voice letting out a low, beast-like growl as he rushed ahead, turning into spirit-form in front of Kyria.


"Wha-!? Hey! Get back here!" Kyria called out, running after the general direction where she last saw Zero. "Geez, what happened to escorting me, jackass!" She pouted as she ran through the forested path, unaware that a Servant had already felt out Zero's Presence.

Jason would most likely feel this Servant's presence as he spots Kyria, seeing as both of them are in Spirit Forme.
Rean was intrigued by this nun who was convinced she could tell him what to do. She was a member of the Holy Church. They were overseers of the war and made sure things stayed on the down-low for the normal people. Certainly from her perspective, Saber was acting rather boorishly. However from his perspective, taking away Saber's choice to devour souls was to deny his free will. Such a thing was quite unpleasant to a believer in choice like Rean Austine. Just as he was about to make a decision, the unexpected happened. The girl he spared had summoned a Servant of her own. Knowing that the system for this war had all the Servants summoned within moments of one another. Rean could gather that this was an additional Heroic Spirit. Having done his research in preparation for the Grail War. There were only a few likely candidates. Avenger, Shielder or most likely from the aura this Servant was giving off. "Ruler" said the frowning mage as he twirled a card between his fingers. Ruler Class Servants were summoned to be impartial judges. Yet this Ruler clearly had a Master judging from the Command Seals on the girls hand. The Fool was the card representing both the beginning and infinite possibilities. Having pulled this card after scrying this girl. Rean was both intrigued at her potential and regretful he hadn't killed her. One of the neat little traits of the Ruler Class was that they could use their own Command Seals on other Servants. Knowing that things wouldn't go too well if he stayed here. Rean called upon the power of the Hanged Man to provide a little distraction. On cue, trees began sprouting from the ground around the nosy nun. When he was sure that he was out of sight. Rean quietly allowed himself to slip into the shadows so he could escape.

Nightmare was surprised to find such a powerful Servant already. Although he was instantly cautious of her due to the aura of her soul. Despite being in a very different world than his own. Deep within the confines of Soul Edge, Inferno could smell the familiar scent of a Holy Maiden. This Servant was clearly not related to Sophitia Alexandra. Nevertheless, a Holy Maiden was a Holy Maiden. Having a grasp of the Servant System due to his summoning. Nightmare knew there was only one Servant who could make him feel such revulsion. "Ruler" said the Azure Knight as his unholy sword glowed with crimson malice. Soul Edge remembered what it was like to be broken by a Holy Maiden. Therefore it seethed with rage upon seeing one once more. With the malfested running amok around him. Nightmare knew he had to make a move soon. Even if he wasn't aware of what this Ruler could do. Ruler Class Servants could utilize their own Command Seals on other Servants. Despite being a Saber Class Servant. Inferno detested the idea of being controlled by a being so beneath him. "Ruler... we have no conflict. My desire is to feed Soul Edge. Your Master was spared my blade this day. However I will strike you down if you seek me out. Do not make me regret this decision" uttered the armored entity as it conjured a horse made of violet flames. Climbing onto his mount and staring down at Ruler. Nightmare rode off in pursuit of more souls...

Topless Topless
Jason, Location: Forested Paths.

Running (Or should he think, floating) through the Forest, Jason kept searching the woods for the unknown servant. He was getting closer, he knew that much at least. These woods were easy to get lost in however, and Jason was starting to wonder if he could even find this servant.

Coming across a rough path leading through the woods, Jason stopped for a moment to look around once more. The servant was close, he knew that much. And if he wasn’t wrong…. They were somewhere up ahead of him.

Turning back to physical, he drew his coin and flipped it. Again, he drew heads, and the Imperial Gold sword laid in his hands once more. It would have taken too long to draw his weapon if he faced an enemy, better he do it now. Reverting back to spirit, he glided along the path.

It didn’t take long before he finally found the servant. At first glance, the servant seemed to be wearing red futuristic armour, with blonde hair flowing out behind him. He also had a blue gem on his forehead. With an exhale of breath, Jason returned to physical, holding his blade at the servant.

“Didn’t expect to see someone around here already. I guess your eager to get this war over with?”

Gripping his blade tighter, Jason couldn’t help but add one more thing.

“Also, nice armour.”

Interactions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Kyria "Penny" Davids-Pennyworth || Berserker "Omega" Zero--
Location: Forested Path towards Town
Interaction: Topless Topless Funnier President Funnier President (Vs. Jason)

Zero stopped as he sensed the presence of the Servant grow even stronger than before--almost as if he was sitting ontop of the radar's blip. Reverting into physical form, Zero spotted the presence he was sensing--it was a humanoid figure, hooded it seems. He can tell that this man was on his adolescent years with Caucasian skin. Blonde, like this century old war machine. On his hand was a gilded blade, though something about his weapon felt a tad bit...Odd. As if it's similar to his saber.

"Found you." Zero practically snarled, lowering his body as he drew the grip of his saber from his hip. Spinning it in his palm. "This area is supposedly the home of bunch of Mages. I wouldn't be surprised if a Maverick or two happened to be summoned around here." Zero gripped his blade, walking around as if to circle the hooded Servant. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm gathering intel for my Commander." He said, his magenta tinted blade lighting up the dim forest as Zero fired up the saber, preparing for battle. A golden sword. Seems impractical considering how weak of a metal, but considering that this guy's a Servant..."I'm guessing you're not here for a midnight stroll, are you, Maverick?" He asked, his glare aided by the shape of his helmet shooting daggers upon the enemy Servant.



Hidden in the bushes, meanwhile, is the Master, observing the encounter between her Servant, Zero, and the mysterious other Servant with a golden sword. She hasn't seen this character before--then again, she didn't have much interest in any media other than games and anime.

When Claire heard Rean mentioned "Ruler", she quickly deduced that a Ruler has finally manifested. But before she could go find the Servant, trees popped out of the ground as Rean made his escape. "Ah!" Claire screamed as she quickly reached her hand on her back and into her blouse. She pulled out a sharp sword, or rather a Black Key, and in one swing, cuts the trees down and escape. "Dang it!" She cursed once she saw that Rean had left. She shifts her focus on finding the Ruler, and so she went. After a while, she has finally caught up to the Servant and her Master...and she is very much disappointed at how it turned out. "Who in the world is that girl? She surely isn't a part of a mage family and yet she had managed to summon a Ruler. I don't know how will Father react to this." Claire thought as she remained hidden from their sight as she watched.

"W-Who are you?" Allison had asked as Ruler went up to her and noticed her wound that she's hold on to. "You're hurt. Allow me to help you with that. And oh, I hope you don't mind what I'm about to do." She said as she gets herself close to Allison...UNCOMFORTABLY close. Allison was nervous, thinking of the possible ways Ruler could do until she did it. "...Huh?" Ruler kissed Allison on the cheek, making her blush and stunned. Her wound immediately disappears. Allison looked at her shoulder and then her hand to see a mark. "Wait, since when did I got this?" She asked right as Ruler gets her up her feet. "There, good as new." She said with a bright smile.

"Um...thank you." Allison thanked Ruler in a shy manner, but before she could ask any questions, Saber called out Ruler. He warns her not to pursue him in his path of violence, but Ruler ain't gonna have that. "You're Saber? If I were to guess judging by that ugly sword of yours, you must be Nightmare. I'm quite curious though. Sabers are usually known to be the most heroic of Servants, as in, they're the very symbol of truth, justice and goodness. You, on the other hand, don't have those traits, yet still got put into it because of that thing you're wielding, the very minimum requirement for the class. You could have been either a Berserker or, worst, an Avenger. I'm wondering if that was the decision of Valhalla, or your Master did some tampering, or maybe you hijacked it from someone else? Exposition aside, I'm afraid I won't let you go that easily. I can allow you take as much lives, but do it in a way that won't ALARM the entire town." She said right before Nightmare summoned a mount and got on it.

"Oh that does it. I don't want to use this on the first day, but fuck it." Ruler had enough. The back of her hand glowed and it revealed to bear the same mark as Allison's. "Saber! As arbiter of this war, by my Command Spell, you shall be restricted to only, AND ONLY, killing off opposing Masters and Servants! From this day forth, you are FORBIDDEN to take the lives of non-participants, ever!" She yelled, imposing her authority over the Saber. No matter how much he denies, he will comply unconsciously.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

"Young man, I do understand what you're going through. I can assure to you that God will find a way...it's just that it is up to you to decide whether you will take it or not. If you want to save the person you loved, then take whatever God has given to you, even if it seemed wronged to the eyes of others. I'm sure they'll understand that what you're doing is by the will of His Grace, and not your own." The Father assured even though he knew that God will not allow Ryo to go on such a violent path.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Knight boi Knight boi
Jason Grace, Location: Forested Paths, Fighting: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Jason eyed the servant as he spoke. Maverick? Probably his term for an enemy. Well, that could be useful, if he managed to get away after this fight unfollowed

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm gathering intel for my Commander."

That probably meant his master. No doubt that whoever they were, they were likely somewhere well protected. As the Red-clad warrior started to attempt to circle him, Jason mirrored his movements. No need to give this guy any false confidence.

As the servant pulled out his blade, Jason couldn’t help but mutter “Nice Lightsaber” Still, it probably meant that he was facing Saber.

"I'm guessing you're not here for a midnight stroll, are you, Maverick.”

“We both know what we need to do, so…. “ Holding his blade as he prepared to charge, Jason said, “Let’s get this over with”

Suddnly, Jason lunged, going for a quick thrust. For now, he was going to go offensive. Time to see what this guy could do.
--Kyria "Penny" Davids-Pennyworth || Berserker "Omega" Zero--
Location: Forested Path towards Town
Interaction: Topless Topless Funnier President Funnier President (Vs. Jason)

". . ." Zero nods as both of them come to a stop. The air, despite being this cold in the night, was tense with the heat of battle. Either Zero's Servos were heating up to the excitement of battle, or shit's gonna get real intense from this point on. All things considered, Zero's tense. His first battle after centuries of being permanently dead, and it looks to be a Saber of all things--one of the strongest Classes in this Secret War. A sinister smirk seemed to form subconsciously as he lowered his casual, circling stance, the opposing Servant made the first move, lunging at him with a thrust similar to a technique of his, attempting to close the distance between Zero and what he thought to be a Saber class Servant.

To counteract this, Zero swiftly placed his hand on the side of his saber. A keen eye might notice the saber zapping Zero's hand before the blade was swung downwards, the separation of both the lightsaber and the palm of Zero's palm resulting in a plasma manifestation of a slash, streaking towards the lunging Servant. Knowing that the attack could potentially be parried and or dodged, Zero lunged towards Jason as if to mimic his action, except instead of a blade thrust, Zero swung his blade upwards with both hands.
Jason Grace, Location: Forested Paths, Fighting Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

As Jason lunged towards the presumed Saber, They counterattacked with a slash of something bright, heating the ground as it approached. Instinctively, Jason shifted his path left, dodging the attack….

Only to come face-to-face with the Sabers blade as it slashed upward towards him. Wide-eyed, Jason barely managed to bring his blade up in time to block the blow. As the Magenta Light-Blade met Imperial Gold, he was pushed back several feet, a grunt of surprise escaping him. Well, Saber was definitely stronger than him. So, defense would likely be a problem. Already he was struggling to hold his position.

Thinking fast, Jason leapt backwards briefly, seemingly exposing himself to an attack. However, he used the winds to send himself forward with a boost, swinging his sword in an arc. If Saber decided to block the charge, he would continue his attack with a quick thrust.

At least, he could test if he was faster.

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