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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC chat) - Chapter Three

I want to think about my response before I go into detail, but I will say that I have also enjoyed this game, and would hate to see it go by the wayside.
I'm sorry it's gotten to this point. I'm sure I'll have more to say later, but there's one point I'd like to address now.

I can't speak for Captain, but for myself, it's not a matter of Broadsword (or any RpN roleplay) vs. video games. Roleplaying uses a specific type of brainpower, creativity, energy, whatever you want to call it. Some days I have it, and can write posts for all of my RP characters in one day. Some days I don't have it at all, and can't write for any of them. On those days I can still play video games because they're much more "spectator" than active participant and don't require that creative energy.

SWTOR is somewhat of a different case because I'm not playing the game exactly. As Dannigan already knows, I'm one of two RP officers in my guild there, and the other has been dealing with computer issues that have kept her from getting in-game for the past few weeks. There was also a good deal of stress relating to the third RP officer, who we finally persuaded to step down. All of which means that during this time I was basically the only RP officer available, and so more than the usual amount of that RP energy was going there instead of here.

I also have personal issues with keeping up sometimes. We've had a lot of things happen to our characters in this chapter alone (anyone else remember we're still on the first day, game-time, excepting prologues?) and I can't always just magic up a response when something deep, unexpected, and/or complicated throws me for a loop. It only gets worse when everyone else starts posting back and forth (not casting blame, it's no one's fault but mine if I don't post the same day everyone else does) because then I have more and more to keep up with, and get frustrated (which spoils my ability to write), and it just circles around until I give up and post just a few lines reacting to whatever was most recent and just skip over everything else. Not the best strategy but I don't know how to force posts out sooner, which is the only solution I can see.

Anyway, for my part at least it's not a matter of Dann vs. Bioware/Square Enix, but more a matter of competing RP situations and limited ability to meet them all due to real life reasons. Maybe that means I should bow out. I would hate to do it; I like the game, you all, and my character. But even though I know the problems, I can't seem to find a way to fix them without letting something fall. And it isn't fair to you guys to keep dragging the game down just because I'm juggling too many balls.
Well, I definitely don't wan't anyone else to leave - heck, Kaerri, you're one big reason I created Robotech: Broadsword.

I'm at a point now in the game that I can buy the Wild Cards some breathing room to rest up, get information in order, etc. Will that help you guys?
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Personally, Mario is chomping at the bit to get into a hover tank that is not a death trap so he can go toe to toe with the bad guys, but he can wait a little bit longer so they can get their signal out to the Colonel and see what info they can learn from one another. Perhaps even a level boost soon (here's to hoping!)?
I can deal with that, but I'm not wanting to post too much while I'm waiting for a response to my radio message. Don't want to get ahead of myself.
No, it's time to hold off on IC until we get this sorted out. For one thing, it's a terrible point in the game to recruit anyone if we wanted to. I'm perfectly fine with four players, but we haven't even heard from Cap'n yet. And I alerted him too. I don't get it.
Has he been on the site lately? When was the last time he's been here?
Well, his alerts might not be working. Whatever it is, he's worth the benefit of the doubt and so I'm giving it to him. =)
Ok, I've had some time to think, and here is my two cents worth. I don't want the game to die off, but I'm wondering just what we can do in the middle of the action here that can keep it going. If we look at the list of options that Sherwood posted, I would hope that we could just keep on going, but just like with Epiphany, and from what Kaerri said in her post, this is not a one time thing that is about to go away anytime soon. I am thinking that we try to make it through this section of the story, then we can look at the possibility of looking for a few hand-picked recruits to add into the game.

In the meantime, we need to address the question of Cap and Kaerri's continued participation. Just like Epiphany, when you guys post, it is great stuff. But there is that word 'when'. I understand Kaerri's trouble with having the time and mental energy to post; when I get home from my classes, there are days that I feel pulled through a wringer, and I can only guess how you feel with your responsibilities on your end.

Not knowing what (if anything) is the cause of Captain's slow response times, I can only hope that seeing us discussing our concerns might help spur him onto a faster posting schedule. I don't want to see either one of you guys go away, but something needs to be done to keep the game running. Personally, I wish to make sure that everyone can count on me to do my part to help in any way that I can. I love gaming, and if I had to choose between Dannigan or Sherwood for the better storyteller, I don't know if I could make that choice. Lets come up with solutions to keep Broadsword running. If that means that we place one or two players on the back burner to come back when things allow them to and bring in a new person or two to replace the missing characters, I would support that.

As of this writing, I'm sure that Sherwood, Psychie, and Kaerri are both willing and able to play regularly (meaning, post once a week at the minimum barring Real Life). I add Kaerri into this because we've talked and figured this out together (one of the many wonderful benefits of being married to someone like her; we communicate extremely well). This tells me who I can focus the story on.

Should we hear from Cap'n soon, I'm hoping to do the same with him. However, if there is again no reply, I'm giving him benefit of the doubt and at very worst, Hercules goes into Temporal Stasis. I can go into that further if anyone is curious as to the reasoning behind it, but I won't unless someone requests it. There is enough going on at the moment. =)

And so...

I've brought up the "game-changers." Now you know what's happening in my world. Do continue to let me know what's going on in yours with your questions, comments, etc. Even if you have none of these, feel free to use Fat Gandalf's as a place to put funnies (when was the last time someone posted in "Good Times =)"?)

Sherwood, as always, is eager to level and wants more stuff. Well, that's part of the reasons players play! Since we're talking about it, let me take a moment to bring up some noteworthy goodies in Robotech:Broadsword - a few of which you know, and a couple you don't (but deserve to). =)

- The Wild Cards have reunited! This alone is a big plus into putting the game back on track. While it can't do it alone, it's very nice to be writing only one story instead of two.

- The Wild Cards have made a deal with War-queen Taniya and the Ura-Meltrandi! This was not something I could have expected, for there were many ways this could have gone wrong. As Kaerri can tell you, I let the characters do what's true for them. The Ura-Meltrandi could have quickly become yet another enemy of the Wild Cards right along with the Zeki-Zentraedi and The Scavengers. But as a team, the Wild Cards got even a battle-crazy pirate queen veteran ace to ally with you. That's no small accomplishment and if all goes well, you'll be reaping the rewards of that relationship for some time (instead of having them shoot at you)! =)

- You guys tangled with some of the Zeki-Zentraedi airborne and lived to talk about it! It's one thing to take on foot grunts and what passes for technicians among the Zeki-Zentraedi, it's quite another to take on flyboys who were ready for you guys and burn them down one by one. That last jerk, however, caused more hell than I had planned. But then again, I let my characters play themselves and sometimes that's the result on either side of the good guy/bad guy conflict. =)

- Remember that the Wild Cards are currently carrying laptop hard drives and other data you took from The Scavengers. Who knows what's on that stuff? Remember that The Scavs found what they thought was a Zentraedi base before Eglin did.

- The Wild Cards have found a Zeki-Zentraedi warship virtually on Eglin's far northern doorstep! This alone is a terrific thing for all of the human beings who live in and around that area. Had they remained overly long, their stay... let's just say no one human wanted these jerks around overly long.

- The Wild Cards are learning more and more about Traversing each time they attempt it. That alone is a good thing. =)

Now let's talk about a couple of things your characters don't know. If you don't want to know for whatever reason, please don't read this spoiler. It's up to you.

- Hercules and Mario have their heads clear again! Well, you knew that. But... Toph (not Psychie) is wrong about the Scrath having done her work for her. The combination of the alien-given Soothing and Dr. Toph's scientific approach mean that the tankers's heads are soon to be in the best shape for recovery possible (at least until they can get some well-deserved sleep). While this isn't a free pass to do the same damn things that got them into their respective messes, the combination of effects does make it possible for them to attempt Traversing again today!

- The Veritech Hover Tank is not the only transformable tank in Robotech: Broadsword. *smiles at Sherwood and Cap'n* 'Nuff said! =)

* * *​

So (I am using that word a lot tonight)...

Let me address Psychie's post here. It came up while I was typing this.

Yowza! Who's the better storyteller? Jeez-Louise, there's a thought that has never entered my mind! What a nice compliment to both of us! Thankfully, this isn't a competition. Fact is - we're just different. Better yet, we're longtime friends and therefore we learn from each other, improving both our gaming styles. =)

Well, you've read by now that Kaerri is indeed staying and at worst, Cap'n's character will go into Temporal Stasis if I don't hear from him (unless he says otherwise; it's his character after all).

So it sounds to me that Robotech: Broadsword is still in action! Woo!

Concerning hand-picked recruits, yes, that's definitely something to consider later. This stage in the game is a terrible place for me to put someone in, especially as I'm not entirely sure where you guys will go next. Plus, this is not a good time for me to begin taking names from you guys for potential future Wild Cards. Let's get Robotech: Broadsword back on track first, please.

So (there's that word again)...

Concerning the story, I think I'll create a situation that allows for the Wild Cards to take a breather right there in the Zeki-Zentraedi ship. This will give both players and characters much-needed time to recoup. Don't worry about Eglin base or the Zeki-Zentraedi acting just yet; I want to provide the Wild Cards some time to talk with each other, get a plan of action going - a plan that you guys decide amongst each other.

Leave the rest (Mario's attempt to alert Eglin, etc.) to me.

One more thing. Currently, there are a number of NPCs allied with the Wild Cards. As in... flying around with them and likely returning to Eglin base if all goes well, etc. These include Cera, Spaceman Sam, MechaKitten, and Iris. Maybe this is a good time to get to know them too, if only to figure out what part they might play in future adventures. Some of them might be with you later, some might not. Could I get your opinions on each of them? What do you think of them? Mind you, they're not fighter pilots or tankers, just (what I like to call) support NPCs.

Your turn, folks! =)
The fact that we are still in a ongoing game is good news. I was worried that we might be moving away from that.

There are many in game questions that, given some time to experiment, Toph would like to see answered. Most notably, can she Traverse in her Ajax to make her piloting/gunning skills even better in combat? Can she 'become' the mecha, and control the unit with just her mind? Obviously, that is a question that we cannot go into yet, as it will require much practice and time, a luxury that the Wild Cards just don't have in abundance right now.

Is there any medical changes in a person's brain related to Traversing? Can anyone learn to do it? Is it genetic?

Getting to know more about Iris and her race is also high on Toph's priority list. Much is known about the Zentraedi and Meltrandi, but Iris is an unknown, and the scientist inside her is full of questions all about the bugs.

Spaceman Sam is an enigma that Toph doesn't have much of a clue about, and that will need to be addressed sooner or later. Hopefully sooner, so we can avoid any incidents between us and Taniya's people if he has history with them.

Mechakitten. Just how was it made? Can we make more? It is clearly not human tech.

Where did this ship come from, and how did it get buried underground and not be seen by any of the early warning radar that the Southern Cross has? What is the difference between these 'Red Zentraedi' and the Zentraedi already on Earth, if any?

How did the road that got blasted by Mario and Mack's missile launching friend get fixed so fast?

These are a few of the questions rattling around in my mind right now, just so our Storyteller can keep his head wrapped around them when the time comes. ^;3^
I've had many of these things stuck in my head. For months! That's probably one reason I'm typing so much during my posts - to get those things out (and free up my brain for more)! Ha ha ha! =)
And here I am, thinking that I was the only one to remember about the road getting blasted then fixed overnight. Good thought there, Psy.

I have many of the same questions about the game, but some slightly different goals for Mario. He's very much interested in getting the Eu-11 (that pathetic joke) upgraded for the hover tanks, and possibly a missile defense system/turret in the vehicle, and tweak the Ajaxs' head laser to operate in other modes as a missile defense system like in the upgraded Valkyrie. That way everyone can have an extra line of defense against the missiles of the Zentraedi. Not as useful against the Robotech Masters since their mecha (unless this is changed by our Storyteller) don't use missiles.
Re: EU-11 (as in "Extra Useless-11"). There is already an upgrade to that weapon in Robotech: Broadsword. Once you guys get it, no more 1d4x10 M.D. with that weapon. I mean, the Logan's weapon doing that kind of damage? O.K., I can see that. But the Veritech Hover Tank? Must've been because of a budget cut. =) *sigh*

Not as useful against the Robotech Masters since their mecha (unless this is changed by our Storyteller) don't use missiles.

I wouldn't know the answer to that. See, I just work here. *grin* =)
First off, I want to apologize for my lack of posting. Yes, I've been spending an inordinate time on FFXIV so I'm resolved to get back into site work. The reason I've been off-site and playing games has been because in the last 5-6 weeks I've worked an average of 56 hours a week due to staffing shortages in my hospital. Gaming is easy, writing a good (or sometimes a bad) RP post is hard, especially after a 12.5 hour shift, knowing that I have another 12.5 hour shift starting in nine hours.
I'll try to get some posts going today and resolve to respond much more frequently.

Captain Hesperus
Yay! It's the Cap'n! Hooray! Thank you so much for responding! =)

Yeah, folks? If you can't post and it's because of Real Life, as I told Epiphany - just send me (or someone in the game) a word so the rest of us can know what's going on, please. I don't need to know your personal business (though your sharing it is very kind), but if I know it's Real Life, as it clearly is with Cap'n, then I can adjust accordingly. With silence, all I have is your reputation (for lack of better word) and my own doubts asking "Where is she? Why isn't she posting? Is she O.K.?"

In the future, all I need is a, "Hey, I can't post for the time being. Real Life." And we are suddenly on the same page together!

Cap'n, I'm glad to know that you're still with us in-game. You don't need to provide your typical well-thought-out, fun posts to read if you don't have the energy - like I've done with Kaerri before, just tell me in OOC what you want your character to do, and I'll do my best. Even if we're in combat and all you can type is, "Dann, my character whacks the bad guy" in OOC, I'll make it happen.

Real Life Always Comes First, but boy do I need good communication to keep a game running (and not worry about you, my friends!). =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
I will try to post something later today. Be safe and healthy out there, friends! =)
Heya friends! Catch up on the latest post then read this? =)

Mario's jaw would have hit his chest if it were not for the armored helmet covering his head when he heard the pre-recorded message from the General. Before he could stop the words from coming out of his mouth, he finds himself saying, "What the fuck did I just hear? Jesus Christ! I had thought that the rumors of that man being a colossal ass were just griping from the ranks. But this asshole is willing to put the lives of this team in the shit hole just because his people lost two tanks?!? Taniya may be a forty foot tall bitch, but at least she is interested in the well being of the warriors that follow her! Someone ought to frag his sorry ass."

I just love this!

It's not why I wrote the post (I try to write true; the characters and story are the bosses), but hearing Mario go off like this... That's just terrific (and true) roleplaying! Bravo, Sherwood! =)
Just in case folks aren't getting alerts...

Kaerri Kaerri Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus

I'll try to post either tomorrow or the next day (likely the latter to give you both a little more time).
In the books, the Ajax has a "limited electronic attack capability". How limited is limited in this setting? Using my Electronic Countermeasures skill, can I use Toph's mecha to throw out a electronic hash to jam the signals around us?
BTW, my skill roll for both Electronic Countermeasures and Advanced Electronic Warfare is 65%, and I have plenty of Action Points to use to boost this roll.
Yep! Toph's VFH-10A uses a standard AESA radar system capable of limited electronic warfare. In its description, it states "The AESA radar can also focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors. This gives the fighters a limited electronic attack capability and requires an Electronic Countermeasures roll."

What this means in Robotech: Broadsword is this - on a successful Electronic Countermeasures roll, Mario can knock out enemy radar in the immediate vicinity for d6 rounds.

In Mario's training, it is not recommended to perform this jamming prior to combat, as it will often alert any experienced
combatants of ASC presence, possibly spoiling any ambushes or attempts at stealth.

As for Action Points, I'm glad that you still have some available, but what I need to know is if you're going to use one for Mario's roll? =)

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