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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC chat) - Chapter Four

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Once you've read in-game, here's another spoiler. =)

"Spaceman Sam" and Shirley go after the Beastmaster. They are technically on their 6th action. It is still Action #6 on Round 1.

Psychie (and Sherwood), Toph is out of actions. She used an extra action shooting as a defense instead of dodging. The result was blowing away one of the wargoth-missiles aimed on her (good call).

Furthermore, you might have noticed the Beastmaster fired this round, but his wargoth-missile launcher did not get a turn. That, I hope, tells you something. =)

Shirley and The Beastmaster will also act on Action #7.
I gotta say, it was hard for me to let Mack take the shot. I do want that Beastmaster dead, but I wanted to do it myself!
Tough call to make, but right now, we've all been beaten up pretty good, and we have got to get out of this damn ship! Gutsy, but I think that it was the right one to make.
It doesn't mean Shirley will do any better, especially with the way the dice have been lately. Plus, with Mario and Cera providing missile interference and Elinor keeping him off-balance, I'd say you guys have been on him as a team from the get-go. Toph, I hope, is proud in that she's been the only one fortunate (in the dice sense) to actually do damage to him. =)
Look out! It's another in-game spoiler! =)

Yep! The accuracy dice sucketh once again! At least there weren't any fumbles.

And guess what? Congratulations on this game reaching 2 years, Gang! The good times continue! =)
Firing a APFSDS at one of the Regults.

Insert angry words here. This die roller hates us. We should have been done with this fight a long time ago.
Well, I'm still going to have Dannigan roll my next shot on the Beastmaster. I'm too afraid to try it myself with this die roller.
Good luck. This guy seems to be so slippery, he's made of Teflon.
Oh my gosh! You rolled a 2? If this were not written down, I would have trouble believing this!

My own dice are rolling better than this, but the defense rules keep outweighing the offensive rolls. But at least my dice are giving my players a chance to hit!

*kicks the Dice Roller. HARD...*
Yeah, I'm about ready to join Psychie in having you roll for me. :frustratedteeth:
Don't put that out there! Next thing you know, we'll all fumble!
Will do, once I've dice in front of me. Did you want to spend an Action Point?
AND THE WHITE DIE ROLLS A NATURAL 19! That's a critical Strike for Toph which...

... the Beastmaster fails to avoid! 80 M.D. on the damage dice means he is toast!!

I will write up the post soon, but I thought you'd want to know now! =) WOO! Go Psychie! You did it! =)
Game Master note for Sherwood Sherwood

Since you're still in combat, Mario can get out a short phrase or two as a free action if he so decides. Nothing over six seconds. Or he can continue on instead with what he is doing. The choice is yours.
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