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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC chat) - Chapter Four

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Okies, here's a spoiler for all to read after catching up in-game.

O.K. Mario's VHT takes (ow!) 100 M.D. to the Main Body. The four other shots do 50, 40, 60, and 40 M.D. to be divided between Mario's arm shields as you see fit. And, since you rolled under Mario's piloting check, Mario keeps his feet. =)

Action #6 in Round 1.
Mario: 25 (!!) (Battloid mode - Out of actions)
Toph: 18 (Battloid mode - Last action)
Elinor and Cera: 13 (Elinor - Last action; Cera is out of actions)
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Lets see if I can roll well enough to tag this bastard! Action Point is also being used.

SHIT. Well, that is a waste of a AP. God damn it. I forgot that I had asked Dann to make my rolls for me. Why does this game's dice hate us so?
Well, we still have Elinor with an action that might be able to end that Beastmaster.
Psychie, I wish I knew. I am just glad I can offer another alternative. I am not saying I will roll any better, but just imagine if we were stuck with this dice roller as our only method.

Sherwood is right, though; the Wild Cards do have another shot at this. =)

It's Elinor's go. =)
Here's another spoiler with post in-game info!

Yep! Elinor's Strike roll equalled 17, but the Beastmaster's Dodge roll came out to 19.

I will have a Strike roll for Psychie to beat later on today and more in-game action after that.

I hope your day is going well, Gang! =)
Stupid jerk-face. We'll get him soon, though!
Psychie Psychie He's got a 26 on his Strike roll on Toph. I need to know the result of Toph's defense, then I'll post. I'll alert you again when it's Toph's turn. =)
We seem to have lost our dice roller, so you'll have to take over for all of us until it returns.
Sherwood, do you still want the orange d20?

EDIT: I've had a rough day and I misread Sherwood's post. Derp! =)
Sure. The orange one worked well enough for me before.
I'll give a dodge a go of it, since in my Ajax I have a +18. Hopefully with my bonuses I'll beat his die roll.
Rolling the white d20... 16! That beats him by a mile! =)
Is it being punished for being naughty? As in very naughty? As in this game maybe? Ha ha ha! =)
Well, lets crunch some numbers real quick just for the halibut. Mario has 8 actions in his VHT, after using two to dodge, he had his six attack actions. This yutz (the Beastmaster, that is) has been attacking each action that comes around, and has been using various defensive options which may or may not take an action/attack to use. We have to operate under the belief that Sparky and his Wonder Dogs are higher level than we are. I'd estimate in the 6-8 range at a wild guess. So, depending on what kind of upgrades that Sparky has gotten from his bio-mods, he has at least 8-9 actions to his name.

If all that is true, what do you think we have left to face from him? One, maybe, two more shots on us before it is our turn once more? Does that compute with everyone?
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