• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Tower Bridge
~City of London, London~

Abel Stewart

Abel squeezed her hand gently. "Then I'll stay as long as I can. Glad I can be of assistance. You know I wouldn't mind being distracted from work as long as it's you." He smiled, waving to the drinks. "One coffee, one tea, whatever you want. As for my test, I think I did okay, passing but I don't know about acing it." He laughed a soft laugh, shrugging it off. "We'll see in a few days what my test scores were." Sitting back with their arms dangling between the seats, he listened to her tell her about her day and how things had gone so awry. Alice seemed to have such a sensitive soul, it made him upset to hear that things and people had been bad for her. Furling his eyebrows, he wished he could do more.

"How about I help you run lines whenever you need?" He perked up, offering her. "Plus, if you need an escape from home, I can help with that too, and you can use practicing your lines as a reason!" He tried to offer her a comforting smile, but found himself lost instead in watching her and wanting to put that smile back on her face. "Everyone is human, even you. It's okay to make mistakes, we all do. The thing that makes us better though is how we bounce back, and I believe you'll bounce back and do wonderful. Don't let them get you down, just come back and prove them all wrong." He finally released her hand and sat back.

"I'm sorryto hear that your mom had an episode, but I'm curious why your dad would stress YOU over it, isn't he capable of taking care of her too? I mean, you're the child, while some of the responsibility may fall to you, most of it should be falling on him as the husband, that's his job. You're young, you need to be able to live your life and start making your way in the world, not locked at home with no way to leave and taking care of a disabled parent." He rubbed his cheek thoughtfully, realizing he may have over stepped the line on things he could or could not say, turning pink again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to seem to overly critical."

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Alice
Dublin Hospital
~ Dublin City Centre, Dublin~

James Porter

James wasn't surprised his kids were concerned about him, but he was glad they were out having fun. He knew he was in a serious condition, but he wanted things to be as easy for his family as they could be. They'd all lost people over the years but life always had to go on. He wasn't about to pretend he didn't deserve to be in his present condition and after everything he'd done in his lifetime, it was more of a surprise it was only now his situation looked as dire as it did. The least he could hope for was that Luce and the kids could move on without him when the time did come.

The thought of the meeting between his family and the Kings gave him some hope that life would be better soon. With the Morettis gone and the potential for peace with the Kings, James expected his family could live again without always having to watch their backs and be on the defensive. Having such a big family now, he could only imagine the kinds of parties they'd be able to throw without the constant worries of being attacked. "If they do give Roxie a hard time, I vote you give Syd a hard telling off and set Sinny onto Conor," he gruffly joked. He lightly nodded as Lucy acknowledged things were in Conor's and Syd's hands. "They know what's at stake here. Conor had a shock last week, so he won't want to mess about after that reality check."

Lucy had confirmed the news about Syd was real. As much as he trusted his own memories, he'd still had some doubts, given all of the medication and intense dreams he'd been having. Although he stood by his beliefs that he'd always treated Syd like his own son, it was still lifechanging to learn he was his biological son. Whilst James knew in his heart he didn't have much time to explore his relationship with his son in light of the news, it didn't change how much he'd loved him before now. He only hoped Syd would feel the same and not feel any regret or that they'd missed out on anything by not knowing sooner. James was glad he would get to die knowing the truth.

When Lucy had been quick to ask if he needed a nurse, James shook his head, not wanting to disrupt their conversation with having a nurse called in. He was sure it would be time for them to check on him some anyway. "It's a shame we didn't find out sooner, but I've always felt a connection with Syd anyway. Even if I didn't know, he was always my son as much as Thomas is too." He fondly smiled at mention of seeing Syd in the orphanage. "He's just more of an open book than I am. We never made him feel had to hide his feelings or be so controlled. And he shouldn't have to," he pointed out. James had to grow up fast without his mother around and fighting to survive on the streets as a kid, with his own father often out working long hours for Emmet Sullivan.

When Lucy struggled to finish her sentence, James reached out to squeeze her hand. "Luce, we have to prepare for us not having more time," he told her, wanting her to look back to him. "I feel like we've done enough for me to believe we did everything we could together. We had so many years together to love each other, we made an amazing family, and I'm grateful we get to... to prepare for this," he delicately told her. "Until a few months ago, we were expecting I could die at any moment in some prison cell, weren't we? No matter the circumstances, I'm glad I got to have the last few months here in Dublin, with you. That was a gift," he reassured her. "We might not get to go on our date later this month, Luce. You know that, don't you?" he asked her. "So... if the next person to visit me would be so kind as to bring burgers with them..." he trailed off, sending her a tired smile.

Bellz Bellz (Lucy)
Moretti Family Home
~ Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn~

Valentina Wycliff

Valentina listened as Elvian explained that she'd had a call from Ava to give her condolences. She lightly shook her head when her mother said they couldn't force someone to be part of the family. "I guess not. Can't force them to remain friends, either," she bitterly commented. After defending Ava to Gabriel on occasions, Valentina couldn't hide her irritation at the way the woman had been quick to move on. Even if Gabriel had been horrible, Valentina believed the rest of the family had been welcoming to Ava.

When Tatiana said to forget about it, that Ava and Erik weren't the topic of the day, Valentina shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, I'm sure Papa would have loved all this," she commented. It wasn't sarcasm, more irritation at the types of people who had been in attendance. Many were associates and people she'd had no interest in rubbing shoulders with. She was glad to be just with her family now. She had hoped to attend Ricky's funeral, in a genuine capacity, but give it was in Dublin that hadn't been an option. She hoped someone had been there for him. Despite his obvious mental issues, she saw the better said of the troubled man.

Valentina stayed quiet when the lawyer entered the room, simply sending an acknowledging nod. When the man gave his condolences, she didn't give much response, figuring it was just a hollow platitude. Perhaps he was sorry he'd be getting less income without her father alive to send any business his way. Valentina at least managed a smile when Elvian pointed out Marvin had failed to attend to funeral. He soon shifted from his awkwardness to read the will.

She folded her arms as the man began speaking and was urged to get to the point. As expected, Gabriel had left most of everything to Elvian. Despite his tough attitude on not giving handouts and making everyone work for what they had, he had actually set up trust funds for the grandkids, which was a small surprise to Valentina. The fact her father had left the hotel to her was a big surprise, given how much the man had tried to convince her she should stay at home and be a mother. She couldn't help but take it as confirmation that it had been a test. The fact she'd continued to defy him and go on to keep running the hotel must have ensured she'd passed that test, which was why he'd left her the hotel. She couldn't help the faint smile, which wasn't some kind of joy at inheriting the hotel, but more the revelation she had proved herself and Gabriel had actually acknowledged it, despite always having her believe he didn't see her worth.

It was only right that the Moretti family business had been left to Tatiana. Once again, though, it was a surprise, given how against having women in charge Gabriel had always claimed to be. Valentina could only assume that had been a test too, one which her sister had easily passed. Hearing Teddy was to be Tatiana's right hand did cause Valentina to raise an eyebrow, before turning to Teddy to see what he thought of it. Whilst she was glad her husband had earned Gabriel's approval, she wondered if it meant he was going to continue putting himself in danger. What kind of risks would Tatiana have him take and would he be dragged away from the family as much as Gabriel had happen?

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Tatiana)
Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Teddy, Elvian)
The Sullivan Family Home
~ Sutton, Dublin ~

Adam Harper

Jeremy seemed to take their past altercations on the chin and acknowledged the restaurant attack had just been business. Both were in the same business and had their own bosses to take orders from, so it was only logical to not take it personally. Adam sat back as Marco and Jeremy had their introductions. All three of them seemed to be in agreement that the war was becoming tiring. As much as Adam liked being out on jobs and carrying out organised attacks, it felt different when everything was so personal. Being close friends with the Callahans, he knew exactly how personal it all was with Savannah feeling stuck in the middle of the fight. He saw no value in fighting the Kings as there was nothing the Sullivans would gain from it from a business perspective. They had no business or desire to take over assets in London, nor were the Kings seeking to take control over Dublin. Of course, Adam would fight for as long as his boss required it, but equally, he would gladly have the war end today should the meeting be a success.

"You're getting worried about you're age already?" Adam asked Jeremy, pointing out he had quite a few years on him. "Well, I'm always up for a fight, but under the right circumstances. This one is getting tiring given it's all personal. As you say, Alex and Sav have patched things up, so we should all learn a lesson from that and move on." Working for the Sullivans over a few decades, Adam knew there was always risk of a new enemy and threat showing themselves, but he didn't believe the Kings were one they should be focusing their attentions on. "We all need a break from it and to focus on our own business," he said, nodding his head.

"Who knows, if the meeting goes well enough, we might be allowed to head to the pub for a few drinks together," he suggested, grinning as he looked between Marco and Jeremy. "Last time I saw Spencer when we were all on good terms, he beat me at darts in his pub," Adam said, glancing towards the office the others were in. "I've waited years for a rematch to repair my ego," he joked.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Marco)
BasDorcha BasDorcha (Jeremy)
Lorelei Costello
Burrow Beach to Baily Lighthouse

~ Howth Head, Dublin ~
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Lorelei smiled just as warmly in return as Benjie said that it was hard to understand, though she was slightly confused as to what he was talking about. He then went on to talk about Kurt before mentioning Conor and Adam giving him advice. Lorelei's brows furrowed only slightly as he stopped himself from saying anything further. Benjie mentioned that they were confident, self-assured men yet they all got along well. Lorelei never really enjoyed the confident, self-assured type when it came to a relationship. As much as she adored the men in her family and friends that were like that, Benjie was perfect for her. He was transparent, real. Never put on a brave face for the sake of her feelings.

Her eyes closed as he placed a kiss on the side of her head before opening them again as he spoke, comparing her to the lighthouse saying that she lit up his life. Tears stung her eyes as he mentioned the night Aidan was killed, it had been hard to control those emotions. Still fresh for her, so she could only imagine how he felt. She had tried to be Benjie's rock, the stable person in his life that he could always lean on. Hearing that Lorelei had successfully done that was music to her ears, that was the night she'd sworn she would get involved in anything she needed to to make sure Benjie made it out.

Lorelei's cheeks reddened as he complimented her, her heart racing now as he grabbed something from his pocket. Her hands went to her mouth as he told her that he loved her more than he thought it was possible to love anyone. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. A surprised gasp was the only sound she could make as he got down on one knee. The ring was revealed, the question was asked and once it hung in the air for a second Lorelei nodded her head, "YES YES!" Lorelei squealed out, hands leaving her mouth so that he could take the ring out and slide it on her left ring finger. Once her fiancรฉ had and was assured that the ring would not be lost or dropped, Lorelei helped him to his feet before throwing her arms around him.

"I love you, more than anyone and anything. Spending the rest of my life with you is where I want to be, forever and ever." Lorelei said before pressing her lips to his, unable to keep the tears that fell down her cheeks while doing so.
with: Benjie Misty Gray Misty Gray (YYYYAAAAAAAY FINALLY)
Christian Brooks' House
~ Bethnal Green, London~

Christian Brooks

Christian was filling the fridge when he heard May's footsteps approaching the kitchen. "Hey..." he began as he closed the appliance door which had been blocking her from his view. As he proceeded to put some of the tinned food into the cupboard, he paused, hearing her comment about waiting for him to tell her to move back into her own place. Setting the food down on the counter top, he turned to face her. "Don't be daft, May. You're not going anywhere," he softly told her. Although her tone was teasing, he could see beyond it to know she was deep down concerned. "Unless, you do want to go back home, but you're too polite to say?" he remarked. "You can be honest with me," he reassured her.

With the question of how work was, he folded his arms and turned to face her completely, not wanting to be rude by still putting away the groceries whilst they were talking. "Pretty... dull, to be honest," he admitted. "With Bruce and Spencer sorting things out in Dublin, they haven't left me much of anything cerebral to do whilst they're away," he said, referring the to private investigator side of his role. "Plenty of chauffeuring, though. Some of the people they have business with are not fans of talking," he remarked. Usually, he enjoyed the silence and having time to think, but right now he didn't want too much time to think, not when it was about his personal life. Once again, that subject reached the forefront of his mind. "May, I need to tell you about my parents. I know I was going to arrange for them to visit soon, but that's off the table now. They are not happy about my life choices," he said, letting out a dry laugh. "Quitting being a detective, working for the Kings, and now expecting a child out of wedlock. Suffice to say, they didn't hide their disappointment and I basically told them to fuck off for it," he explained.

BasDorcha BasDorcha (May)

Tower Bridge
~ City of London, London ~

Alice Carroll

Alice bashfully smiled when Abel offered to help her run her lines. "You'd really want to do that?" she asked, clearly surprised. "You might end up super bored by the end of it all," she lightly added. "I guess it would be a good reason to get out of the house, especially as it's for my studies." She figured practising her lines for her college work would certainly go down better than being out so often socialising and dating. The sooner she could afford to move out, the better, she thought. She nodded in agreement that everyone made mistakes and she knew nobody was perfect. "I know. But hopefully tomorrow is a better day," she reasoned.

When Abel began questioning why her father put it on her to support her mother, Alice began to stir her tea, listening to his words as she gazed down into her mug. She awkwardly bit her lip as he continued on, pointing out it shouldn't be her responsibility. When he then apologised, she looked back up to him and lightly shook her head. "No. It's okay..." she trailed off, knowing how bad it all would sound to him. "My dad works really long hours, whereas I don't. He wants me to pull my weight around the house. I don't even think he knows how to deal with my mum's episodes anyway - he's not the most empathic of people. And she has been known to lash out at him, whereas she responds better to me. If I had my way, he'd just divorce my mum and she'd go live with my aunt, but they're real old-fashioned about marriage. All I know is, when I can afford to move out, Mum needs to find better arrangements." She shrugged. "I just need to finish college and get a full time job so I can afford to have my own place. Until then, I just have to make these sacrifices."

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Abel)
Dรบn Laoghaire Harbour - Boardwalk
~Dublin, Ireland~

Tommy Tatcher and Samuel McKinsley
Sam knew that Olivia was putting on a brave face, and in doing do squeezed her tight to comfort her as much as possible. There was only so much the outside world could do right now for her, he thought, seeing as to how her parents were going through what they were and she might lose one of them. Keeping her close to him, his arm around her shoulders much like Tom's was around Thea's. Leaning down, he whispered softly into her ear, "If you need to leave, if it gets too much, just say the word and we will go, no questions asked. And this," he gently nudged her purse as if intuitively knowing she was packing - he was too, so it wasn't that unexpected - a gun away in there, "Will be a last resort. I'll protect you with my life, Livvy, I promise." he kissed her temple lightly, drawing back from the suddenly serious whispering with a smile that belied the tone he had just been talking to her in.

"Nice to meet you Violet," Tom offered his hand, shaking hers if she took it. "This is my girlfriend, Thea. I'm cousins somewhere down the line with Olivia here, though don't ask me to explain the family tree because I am not sure how it works." He grinned playfully, releasing Thea to shake Sam's hand as they all started on their way. As they walked along, they came across a series of games, rides, and food stands. An open air bar was in front of them with a few bar centric games around the edges, Tom decided to guide them in.

"How about we grab a drink?" He smiled, pulling Thea towards the entrance and towards the bar. "I assume everyone here is of age right? We won't have to sneak anyone in?" He teased.
Christian Brooks' House~ Bethnal Green, London ~
Maeve Thatcher
Listening to Christian, she felt the edge of her concern and her own internal struggle battling against the happy demeanor she kept on the outside. May was many things, she had practiced having a mask in place for years and she was good at it, but Christian seen through it like it was made of glass. It didn't stop her from trying, she wanted to make things easier on him not harder. She was already a burden to her original family, a burden to the King's and now a burden on Christian. More than once she had thought about trying to remove that current position and disappearing, but she knew enough now to know that regardless of how much of a burden she felt she was, she'd have to take the route that Harper had to try and escape because running might not cut it. Since she wasn't feeling the need to go to that extreme, she would deal with it one day at a time until she could find a way not to be so much trouble on everyone.

"Noโ€ฆ I don't want to go home. Being alone is a bit terrifying at the moment, so thank you." She offered a soft smile, pushing herself up on the edge of the counter to sit, swinging her feet. She listened to him talking with interest, but felt herself growing choked up when he talked about his parents. It was like confirming all the worst thoughts she had - she was causing more problems than she could solve. Blinking rapidly, she pushed back the tears that were forming in her eyes, looking anywhere but at him now. "I apologize, I didn't mean to cause more trouble. Your family has always seemed so important to you, I hate that I've come between you. Work isn't going the way you want, you've got a broken house guest, and an unexpected life changing eventโ€ฆ I've been all kinds of trouble for you." She gave a forced laugh, eyes on the floor.

She wanted to tell him she wasn't worth the trouble, that he didn't have to keep dealing with her, but she decided to keep the negativity to herself so he wouldn't have to hear it. "Is there anything I can do to take some of the stress off you?" She watched him carefully, her mask slide back into place as she pushed her own emotions down. "Anything, just name it."

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Christian
Tower Bridge
~City of London, London~

Abel Stewart

Watching Alice turn shy at his suggestion gave him a broad grin that couldn't hide all the feelings of pleasure he felt at making her look that way. Something felt possessive inside of him, but he kept it quiet, not yet ready to admit just how much he was coming to like her. Instead he focused on their conversation, giving her his full attention. "We will make tomorrow a better day, one way or another." Realizing he'd made her feel badly, he sat up and reached over, grabbing her hand again. "Well, I think what you're doing is amazing, and if there is ever anything I can do to help you out, please just ask."

He turned and reached into his backpack, pulling out a pad of paper and handing it over. The pad was a cartoon sketch of Alice from the last time he had seen her. "Here, I drew you this. I had one of the guys in the club help me out with some advice before I could show it to you though. I hope you like it." The picture was decent and you could tell how much time he'd put in on it by the numerous eraser marks and faded lines in the paper. Looking away, he put the pad back into the bag after tearing the page out to hand to her. "You can keep it if you wantโ€ฆ" He smiled but avoided her eyes with a blush.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Abel
Harper King
Erik's Place
~ London ~
"I didn't mean to!" She yelped, handing the towel over to him as he pressed it against his nose. Harper looked from one side of his face to the other, hoping she hadn't hurt him in any other place. When he looked down at her, she bit her bottom lip nervously, wondering if he would kick her out. She deserved it for hitting him and all but she wouldn't leave. He then asked if it was karma. Stating that he deserved it but asked if she had to sneak it. There was a small pause before he started to laugh lightly which only grew from there. Harper's brows furrowed as she watched him with both confusion and concern in her eyes. But it was funny, she hadn't meant to hurt him. Sure, had she thought about doing it in the past? Yes. She was ready to commit acts of violence that her Uncle may or may not have been happy with, but she wouldn't be any better than the likes of Spencer Jeremy, Alex, and Billy. Things didn't have to be solved with that kind of violence and 9 out of 10, it didn't solve anything...only permanently ended it.

Harper's cheeks lifted as a smile formed on her face, a laugh of her own bubbling past her lips as she shook her head, pointing a finger at him. "Look that may have been some sort of karma." Harper chuckled having to pause as it grew. Once she reined back in the laughter, the blonde moved to wipe her eyes and look for an icepack in the freezer. "Do you not have an ice pack?" Harper shook her head, "Guess we are gonna use this piece of meat." The woman quickly grabbed the packaged meat from the freezer and grabbed another towel to wrap it in. Holding it out for him to take whenever, once he had she watched him closely. "Is it broken? Am I gonna have to take you to the hospital?" The questions came one after the other and she was sure it would be annoying so she bit down on her tongue to keep from asking anymore.

That was when the laughter once again took over, a full genuine smile on her face as she watched him. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just found it funny. I have been feeling so horribly off balance the last few weeks and I knew sooner or later it was going to catch up with me!" The giggles were hard to contain but she tried to rein them in again. This was meant to be a serious conversation, her brother's happiness had been stomped on by the man standing before her, and yet even if she tried, there was no malice or genuine ill will that she could produce. It had been easy with her own self, to protect herself. But despite what happened, and how similar it had been to her own relationship from the past, she couldn't be mean for very long. If anyone of the couples in this family was going to make it, it would be Billy and Erik. Whether the rest liked to admit it or not, they would have to face so many trials and tribulations because they all lived in an ant-gay world. Harper understood some of what that was like, but it would be much harder for 2 men to be together rather than 2 women.

It would make them both strong, strong enough to face this little hiccup and whatever came next. "Now, you and I both know that I didn't mean to do that. But if anyone in my family asks, I totally did. Got it? Got a reputation to build after the last few weeks, otherwise, I'm ruined." She pointed a finger at him but it only lasted a moment as she laughed again, unable to keep her composure for too long. "Oh god, I can't keep a straight face. It's been so long since I've laughed and smiled this much, my face hurts from it." Harper observed Erik through laughter, "I guess I owe you one then, for this feeling....like I'm myself again. I will help you get Billy back, but just know that you will at least for now, never deserve him. But I think you have the potential to once again, Erik Snowden."
with: Erik Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
mentions: Billy Pyroclast Pyroclast
Erik's Apartment
~Hackney, London~
Erik Snowden

Erik couldn't help but find humor in the situation he'd found himself in. Things had been dark lately, gloomy and uninspiring. It seemed like the universe wanted to pause on it for a second by causing him pain; pain he no doubt deserved. It seemed he wasn't the only person that needed to laugh, Erik, watching as Harper finally joined in on his laughter. It had been the first time he'd seen her smile, laugh, or even show such an expression after her attempt. Granted, it had been at his own expense, but if that's what needed to happen then so be it. His pain would be her gain and to be the one to make her laugh again felt like an honor. "Ice pack," he said, trying to catch his breath. "Nope. It's on my list of things to get but, ya know." Taking the packaged meat from her he placed it gently against his face.

She asked if his nose was broken and Erik shook his head. "Nah, I'd know if it were broken," he reassured. "Had you hit just a little bit harder though it'd be broken for sure." Erik lifted his finger to touch his nose, wincing as he did. It wasn't broken but it was going to be sore for the next couple of days. "Which brother taught you that one, huh? Money's on Spence, but after seein' Billy knock Jeremy on his ass I got a feelin' it could've been him too." She rapidly fired questions at him and Erik put his hands out, a smile on his face. "Harper, Harper," he said, trying to get her attention, "It's fine. It's-," he stopped talking the moment he noticed that smile on his face getting bigger. He knew now what it looked like when she was getting ready to laugh; the wide grin, the attempt at biting her tongue. Only she'd failed and burst out in laughter once more. While one would probably watch with annoyance, Erik had an endearing look on his face. She explained how she'd been feeling as of late, which he understood. He wasn't offended in the slightest.

Erik let out another chuckle as Harper asked him to say she definitely meant to hit him. " 'M sure they'd love that for you." Placing the package on the counter, he went towards the sink to wet the towel a bit before cleaning the blood from his face. "Ava's gonna loooove this," he said in a sing song voice. "Always talkin' about karma catchin' up to me and someone needin' to knock sense into me," he turned around to look at Harper. "Who'd have thought that'd be you?" Once again she started laughing and Erik only shook his head with a smile on his face. "Glad to be of service, Ms. King. Remember to tell the family that. Help me get back in their good graces," he joked. However, the smile on his face had begun to waver. She stated that she was going to help him win Billy back. She went on to say that he didn't deserve Billy and while it stung to hear he knew she was right. He was a far better man than he and he feared he would never be able to make up for what he'd done, but damned if he wasn't gonna try. "Thanks, Harper, I-," his voice broke, tears welling up in his eyes as he smiled. "I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna fix me and Billy and we're gonna be together again and happy. I swea'."

The was a pause then, Erik debating on whether he should tell her everything that happened or not. Though freshly formed, he felt their blossoming friendship had begun on raw truths and should continue as such. "I um... Have somethin' else to tell you?" He rubbed his finger under his nose before shrugging his shoulders. "That night... I uh- I fell off. Again. I regretted it the moment I'd done it but it was too late. Hasn't happened since, though." He paused looking at her with a soft smile on his face. "I guess since I was bein' honest I'd be honest with you about that, too. Plus you're like- Well, I consider you to be a friend now that you know so much about me. And you're the only one who'd understand, you know?"
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The Sullivan Family Home
~ Sutton, Dublin ~

Bruce King & Syd Porter

1678246605953.pngBruce narrowed his eyes at Conor when the man took the chance to gloat about being right about Gabriel Moretti and his death being a convenience to the Kings. It didnโ€™t set the meeting off to a good start, and it put doubts in his mind that Conor was in the mood to keep his mind open to what he was about to say. But then, he was sure that, with Callumโ€™s well-being in everyoneโ€™s best interest, the Sullivans wanted peace as much as the Kings did - so if Conor would rather gloat, then Bruce would just have to swallow his pride and move on until they reached a result that made everyone - and especially Callum - happy.

Unfortunately, Spencer didnโ€™t have the same self-restraint, and didnโ€™t hesitate to remind Conor of all the attacks the Sullivans had made on their family. Bruce knew that things could escalate and turn sour if they didnโ€™t change the subject, and he had half a mind to turn to Spencer and remind him what they were there to do - but he didnโ€™t want to talk down to his nephew during the meeting if he could help it, so instead he waited for Conorโ€™s response. Thankfully the Irish boss chose not to retaliate and even went so far as to take responsibility for his own contributions to the war, before Spencer moved on to answer Roxieโ€™s question about maintaining peace. Once again, Bruce found his own thoughts being spoken aloud by somebody else, and he couldnโ€™t be more proud of Spencer for his answer. Personally he would have stopped before making a dig at Syd, but the Irishman was too weighed down by his other problems to fight back, so Spencerโ€™s comment fortunately didnโ€™t spark an argument.

โ€œWe havenโ€™t made contact with the Morettis since Gabrielโ€™s passing,โ€ Bruce explained, when Conor pointed out that the Kingsโ€™ ties with the Morettis would be a problem for their future relationship. โ€œIโ€™m waitinโ€™ to be put in touch with his heir, and once his positionโ€™s been filled Iโ€™ll arrange a meetinโ€™ with โ€˜em. Itโ€™s my intention to end our business relationship - they can take their men back and weโ€™ll cut off their supply. Until then, weโ€™re still technically allied. You can understand, as Spencer has pointed out, why we needed their help in defendinโ€™ ourselves, but if youโ€™re agreeinโ€™ to put this war behind us, then the Morettis will no longer be of use to me."

1678246625151.pngConor wasn't oblivious to the way Spencer had smirked when he almost referred to the late Gabriel Moretti as Count Dracula. It was clear to him that Spencer's dislike for the deceased Italian boss was genuine and the fact the Kings had tried to warn his family about the Halloween party attack wasn't something Conor could ignore. His focus was drawn to Bruce, his direct counterpart, as the man explained he intended to arrange a meeting with the Moretti heir to put an end to their business relationship. Conor slowly nodded his head when Bruce echoed Spencer's words about them needing to defend themselves. "I get it..." Conor admitted, sitting back in his chair. "There was a time back in Chicago when my family was at war with a more powerful one. We were in your position and we had to enlist in the help of an organisation with the power to defend us." Back then, it had been James who had entered into a deal with the Russians to take down the Romanos. As much as it pained him to think it, Conor was now Vinnie Romano in this situation. "Bruce..." he began, sitting forward and resting his hands on the table. "My family and I all want to put this war to an end. We've got enough stress and suffering going on in our lives without making it hard on each other. I accept I played a bit part in letting this all escalate, but it's no good for either of our businesses. More importantly, it's no good for our loved ones getting caught up in it. Callum, Savvy, Harper... None of our families. So if we can make sure the Morettis are out of the picture, I believe we can make this work. We managed it before - granted, before the troubles with Alex and Savvy," he said, glancing at the man in question. "But they've moved past that now and we all should too," he reasoned.

Bruce was surprised to hear Conor personally relate to their situation; of course he knew that the Sullivans hadnโ€™t always been at the top of their game, but he still wasnโ€™t expecting the Irish mob boss to show such understanding. It almost felt like they were speaking as friends - something they hadnโ€™t been for quite some time. When Conor leaned forward to address him, Bruce stayed put and glanced at Syd, whom he noticed appeared vacant. Turning back to Conor, he listened to his words and it sounded like he was reading out Bruceโ€™s own thoughts. Focusing on the word โ€˜allโ€™ in Conorโ€™s suggestion that they all move on, Bruce gestured at Syd. โ€œDid he hear that?โ€

Sydโ€™s eyes shot to him and he straightened up. โ€œYes,โ€ he said, having to clear his throat. โ€œIโ€™m with you on thisโ€ฆI donโ€™t want to fight anymore.โ€ His voice lacked strength, but Bruce could tell he meant it. Syd looked at Spencer but for the first time in a while, his eyes contained no threat.

โ€œWell, then, Iโ€™m glad we feel the same way,โ€ he said, and even smiled. โ€œI will keep you updated on the Moretti situation, but I believe the funeral is happeninโ€™ any day around now. Iโ€™ll pay โ€˜em a visit and work on tyinโ€™ things off, and Iโ€™ll let yaโ€™ know once itโ€™s all over. But to me, it already is.โ€

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Alex
Bellz Bellz Roxie
Misty Gray Misty Gray Conor, Spencer
Spencer King's House
~ Bethnal Green, London ~
Friday 8th November 1985

Spencer King and Trevor Stewart
Harper King Bellz Bellz

d0b7404c1b8e91ff6b857dd34e6287a7.pngAfter intentionally delaying contacting Trevor, both to give himself a chance to think it through and to let his father stew a while longer, Spencer eventually contacted the man to arrange for them to talk. Heโ€™d decided to invite the man over to his place, feeling if he were to go over to Trevorโ€™s house he would be handing over some level of power to him by being on his turf. He also didnโ€™t want to have the meeting anywhere remotely public near prying ears, nor somewhere official where heโ€™d automatically switch into business mode. In the end, something so personal needed to happen at home, he determined. Whilst he believed he had things under control and wouldnโ€™t lash out at Trevor this time, Spencer was comfortable having Eddie at home whilst Shona could spend time with friends. If anything, Eddie would be a help - knowing his son was in the house would keep him from doing anything rash or violent under the same roof as his boy. It had certainly worked those months ago when Trevor had first shown up in the pub - Eddieโ€™s gentle crying had been all it took to snap Spencer out of his fury and stop him from killing his own father in the same room.

As the meeting time drew closer, Spencer began to find himself growing more apprehensive and wondering if he was making a huge mistake. He knew Laura had been a gentle and forgiving person, yet he still questioned if he was doing the right thing by giving his father the time of day. In the end, he knew she wouldnโ€™t want her kids and Bruce to be holding on to so much hate for so long. It didnโ€™t make them love and miss her any less than they had for all of these years.

Spencer had just settled Eddie down in his cot when he heard a knock at the door. All being well, his son wouldnโ€™t wake up for a while and when he did Trevor would be long gone. As he walked down the stairs, Spencer felt a knot form in his stomach as for some reason he felt nervous to see his father. It was so much easier to face the man with a heart full of anger and a head filled with rage. It had become natural; the default mood when in Trevorโ€™s presence. But being civil and open-minded towards the man who had been a bully of a father towards him when he was a child seemed like the hardest thing in the world.

He ran his hand through his hair as he geared himself up and approached the door. Taking a deep breath, he unlocked it from the inside. In that split second, he caught an easy to recognise glimpse of Harper through the frosted glass panel in the door. That barely gave him a moment to relax from his tense posture as he opened it to greet her. โ€œHarper? Are you alright?โ€ he asked, surprised to see her. Despite expecting Trevor at any minute for their meeting, he still stepped aside to let his sister in and gave her a brief hug. Even if he expected their interaction to be brief, he wouldnโ€™t leave Harper standing on his doorstep whilst they spoke. โ€œThis isnโ€™tโ€ฆโ€ he began, closing the door behind her but keeping her near the door as they spoke. โ€œYou might not want to stay,โ€ he knowingly assured her. โ€œTrevorโ€™s due over any minute. Nothing to worry about; I ainโ€™t planning on killing him or kicking the shit out of him or anything like that. Itโ€™s just to talk. He said he wants to explain himself and Iโ€ฆ Iโ€™m exhausted with all this hate, so Iโ€™m going to hear him out and see for myself if I believe he really has changed.โ€ He rested his back against the wall as he glanced to the front door to see if the man in question was approaching it yet. โ€œIt might not turn out so pretty, so you probably donโ€™t want to stick around for it.โ€


Harper had found herself standing in front of Spencer's door after her therapy appointment was over. Dr. Parker said that she should start building her relationship with her family again now that she was on the up and up. While she was sure he didn't mean immediately, Harper couldn't get Spencer off of her mind. Out of all the horrible shit she'd done to her family, Harper felt like she'd never done right by her eldest brother. They both lived separate lives as the oldest of the family and the youngest, he grew older and she was too young to hang around with him properly. But now was the perfect time to create something new, to start over again. They were both adults having started starting their own families. Plus, with Trevor waltzing about, Harper knew it was hard on Spencer. It seemed like everyone was glad that Trevor was around, if only because he saved her, but Spencer struggled with the man who made his life a living hell.

Now that the tensions were gone between the Irish and her family, it was time to ease any lingering tension between them. Tentatively, Harper knocked on the door, trying not to be too loud in case Eddie was sleeping. The blonde bit down on her bottom lip nervously as she waited for someone to answer. When the door finally opened, Spence looked surprised, clearly not expecting her but rather someone else. His face looked relaxed besides that but there was something in his eyes that she couldn't quite place. She offered an uneasy smile, but nodded her head, "Never better, actually. Just got done with a session with Dr. Parker." She said honestly. He stepped aside to let her in and Harper stepped inside, accepting the brief hug he gave her.

When he shut the door, he told her that she might not want to stay, explaining why he didn't invite her inside the house further. At first, she wondered if she'd interrupted some sort of private time Spencer was having with Shona, making her cheeks flush with embarrassment. But he quickly explained that Trevor was about to come over, shocking her. Her first thought was wondering if she should have been worried, but Spencer knew her well enough to answer that question before the shock wore off and she could ask it.

Harper listened as her eldest brother explained that he wanted to hear Trevor out, to see for himself if he believed he really changed. Looking at him, she could see Spence was exhausted as he rested his back against the wall. When he warned that it might not turn out pretty and assumed she probably wouldn't want to stick around, Harper offered Spencer a smile. "Things in this family rarely turn out pretty the first time around, Spence." She followed his gaze to the front door, eyes watching for Trevor. It seemed like he was anxious but Harper didn't want to wound his pride by pointing it out, she knew well that saying something like that could only make things worse. Biting the inside of her cheek, Harper had an idea.

"Would you...would you want the extra company? Kind of like a middleman? Someone to keep both of your sorry asses in shape whilst trying to have a civilized conversation?" Harper's tone was teasing, though she knew the words could trigger him. She just hoped he took it the way she meant it, as a joke. "I already kicked Erik's ass for Billy, I could very well take on ole Trev for you, save my life or not. He messes with you he's gonna get these fists." Harper held up her fists in a boxing starting position before smiling genuinely at her brother. "But if no ass-kicking is in order, I could just be there for moral and emotional support. I don't mind it, promise."

Spencer scoffed when Harper pointed out that things weren't often pretty for their family the first time. He certainly couldn't argue with that after everything they'd all been through and continued to struggle with. When his sister went on to ask if he wanted her to stay as extra company and to act as a kind of middleman, Spencer let out a dry laugh that clearly lacked any real amusement. When Harper then said she could take their father on just like she had already kicked Erik's ass, Spencer laughed again, only this time it was genuine and matched with a grin. "If it gets to the point where even you think Trevor has warranted a kickin' in, then it's me who will be doing the deed," he assured her.

With Harper adding that she could be there for emotional support, he lightly shook his head. "A few sessions with the dishy Dr. Parker and you're after a career in counselling, huh?" he drily remarked. After what his sister had been through recently, he didn't want to put any kind of burden on her, but at the same time, he was aware she wanted to be treated as an adult and that he shouldn't underestimate her strength to support others. "Maybe I'll let you stay as a referee," he suggested, with a knowing smirk. "Stop my living room from getting messed up and all that," he trailed off, though his softening tone reflected he would indeed appreciate the moral support. At the very least, he figured it would be good to have Harper present to stop the meeting from derailing too far.

"Just be warned some nasty shit might get dragged up. Kind of shit that might damage whatever Trevor is trying to convince he is now--" Before he could continue, the figure of the man approaching the front door came into view, followed by a firm knock. Knowing Trevor wouldn't be able to see them both from the outside, Spencer held his hand out to signal for Harper to stay where she was for a moment, not wanting to open the door too soon. After a sufficient delay, he approached the door and pulled it open, adopting a stoic expression on his face as he eyed Trevor. The older man was smartly dressed in a shirt and black trousers, which Spencer assumed either meant the man had been at work or was making an effort not to look like a grubby junkie. "Evening, Trevor," he greeted him, stepping aside so his father could enter the house. "Harper came over to see me and I told her she could stay. That's not a problem. Is it?" he asked, though his flat tone made it clear he wasn't giving the man a choice.

Regardless of Spencer's flat greeting, Trevor wasn't disturbed by it and kept an amicable smile on his face as he greeted his eldest son. "Thanks for seeing me, Spence," he said as he stepped into the house. "How are you doing?" he asked him. Of course he'd noticed Harper standing nearby and he nodded along to Spencer's explanation about her presence. "That's not a problem at all. It's good to see you, Harper," he said, his voice and warm smile clearly genuine. After saving her life those weeks ago, he would never refuse the opportunity to see his daughter up and about. "You look well. How are you feeling?" he asked her.

Harper smiled as her brother genuinely laughed at her comment about kicking Erik's ass. The punch in the face that she had delivered had been an accident, but as far as anyone else knew, she came over with the intent of doing it. It was much less embarrassing than what actually happened. "Probably for the best, you could do more damage." She said lightly. When she offered her support he shook his head, and when he spoke it made her eyes roll. "Hey if I can't beat up any dickheads for you lot, since you all seem to have that covered, the least I can do is offer some emotional support. God forbid all of you get in touch with your feelings." The blonde said, unable to help the sassy tone that came out with ease.

"A referee? This isn't going to turn into some sort of wrestling match is it?" She asked before he said she could stop his living room from getting messed up. She would have said something in response but when his voice softened Harper could tell that he was appreciative of her support, all jokes aside. "Just add referee to my list of skills. Will look great on my acting resume." She teased, not making any mention of support. Harper knew Spencer well enough to know that he had to maintain his reputation as the tough guy. Whether that was to convince others or himself, well she never could figure that out. But Harper would try her best to give her tough brothers and other family members the space they need to just be in tune with themselves. A safe space to not have to put on such a persona was the most support she could offer.

Spencer was just starting to warn her that some quote nasty shit might get dragged to the surface when a knock sounded at the door. Harper froze as her brother motioned for her to stay where she was for a moment. Slowly, the blonde nodded her head in understanding, wondering for a split second if he was gonna answer the door or if he'd decided against the conversation. Luckily, he answered her thoughts by walking to the door and opening it.

Harper was always so intrigued and a bit jealous at how Spencer could go so stoic so quickly. She tended to wear her emotions on her face even when she was trying hard to control it. There was an instant tension in the air when he stared at their father and Harper watched them both carefully. Her brother greeted Trevor stiffly, which made her let out a small breath in relief. Then she was mentioned with Spencer asking if her staying was going to be a problem. Looking at Trevor, Harper gave him an awkward half smile and a small wave.

She knew this wasn't going to be easy. But she wasn't leaving, no matter how uncomfortable it got. Harper wanted to help her brother and father see this through, so maybe, just maybe....things could start healing after so long of doing the exact opposite. Spencer could make fun of her and her "career in counselling" but after all she had been through, she wanted to help her brothers avoid making her mistakes. Dealing with things as they happened were important, a lesson that wasn't taught enough to her, through no fault of Bruce or Darcey. It was a societal expectation, to just continue on and compartmentalise everything.

Trevor said it was good to see her, to which she smiled a little more naturally. "It's good to see you too, Trevor." She said, her smile genuine as well. Harper looked to Spencer briefly, hoping he wasn't made to feel alienated but the warmer exchange between the two of them. But when Trevor said she looked well and asked how she was doing, Harper was forced to look at him again. "Thank you. Every days a little bit different from the last, but overall I think I'm healing after everything finally. I hope everything has been well with you, I am sorry for not reaching out lately. " She said honestly. It was hard to say whether she felt good, or bad...slowly she was starting to feel a bit neutral. Which was what she considered to be at least better than swaying one extreme way or another.

Finally looking back to Spencer, she tried to read his face, "Should we...?" She started, only to falter wondering where he wanted to have this talk. She would be more than happy to stand if needed, though her feet would get sore after a while as they so often did these days with her pregnancy.

tf_06-kevin-pr_0643-v2.jpg"You'll get there. You seem like a tough lass to me," Trevor assured Harper when she explained how she was recovering. "Don't worry about not reaching out to me. You don't owe me any apologies and I'm just glad you're on the right track."

Spencer didn't want to interrupt the exchange between the two, both out of respect for Harper but also so he could observe their father to assess him. So far the man seemed genuine when addressing Harper, so that at least worked in Trevor's favour. Having given them long enough for greetings, Spencer nodded his head when Harper addressed him directly. He led his sister and father to the lounge, motioning for the two of them to sit down whilst he went to get some drinks. He soon returned with a tray carrying a pot of tea and some mugs. Biting his tongue, he held off from making any remarks along the lines of alcohol not being on the menu given Trevor's past addictions. Spencer sat on the sofa beside Harper with Trevor occupying his own seat facing them. Pouring himself a mug of tea, Spencer looked up, staring directly at his father for a moment before deciding it wasn't up to him to break the ice when Trevor had instigated the meeting to begin with. "I'll let you start, Trevor," Spencer spoke up, almost as if giving him permission, as he sat back on the sofa in a casual position.

"Of course," Trevor agreed, holding off from getting himself a drink so he could instead talk and not prolong any awkwardness for Harper. "As I mentioned when we spoke on the phone, I know there's still a lot I need to say to you, Spence. I've apologised to you all before when it comes to your mother. I take full responsibility for what happened. I should have been there for her and made the effort to help--"

"You can't apologise any more for what you did - or didn't do - for our mother," Spencer was quick to interrupt, through gritted teeth. "We've heard everything you have to say on that and I acknowledge that you've finally grown some balls to take responsibility for being a shite husband." Despite his cold tone, Spencer had come to terms with the fact Trevor couldn't say any more than he already had when it came to Laura. Perhaps once he was convinced Trevor was being genuine and honest since his return, maybe then he could begin to forgive the man for his part in Laura's destruction and eventual death. "If that's all this meeting is about, then you might as well end it now."

"If you'd let me finish what I was saying, I could tell you I'm not here to talk about Laura," Trevor firmly told Spencer. He might be the one who needed to apologise and make up for a lot of bad mistakes, but he wasn't about to let his son kick off or use their meeting as an exercise to assert his newfound level of authority over him. Trevor glanced to Harper, sending her something of an apologetic look which turned to a softer one, hoping she wasn't uncomfortable. "I came to talk about you, Spence. I've apologised and explained myself directly to all of your siblings; made steps to make up for letting them down. I've been there for Harper," he said, sending her a brief smile. "But I haven't talked with you, not properly and not to take ownership of how badly I treated you. You're right to harbour the anger and hatred you hold for me, but it's not right that you have to keep carrying that. I was a bully and it was sick of me to take my frustrations out on you. You were just a kid..." Trevor ran his hand over his hair as he tried to maintain composure. He was always too high or angry to take a look at himself for long enough to see how cruel he was being. But now he was practically sober and seeking to improve himself, he had a lot of time to look back on his past behaviour. Honestly, it sickened him and he knew it was wrong that he'd got away with it for all of those years, escaping punishment. It was why he'd been content to let Spencer stay angry with him. But now he knew it was selfish to let his son keep holding onto so much hate and he needed to free Spencer of that burden.

"What did you do, Trevor?" Spencer pointedly asked as he sat forward to look the man dead on. Trevor had given acknowledgement of his general bullying behaviour, but that wasn't enough. He wanted to know the man was owning and acknowledging exactly what he'd done wrong. "For those who weren't there..." he began, glancing at Harper. "What exactly are you apologizing for? Do you even remember any of the things you did or were you too smacked off your face to remember?" Despite his confrontational tone, Spencer reached down to gently take Harper's hand, hoping he wasn't exposing her to more detail than she wanted to hear.

Harper simply smiled when Trevor said she seemed like a tough woman. She trusted his words, it couldn't be like this forever. Despite his reputation, Trevor had a lot of wisdom to offer. Even those who made mistakes in their life had advice, sometimes more valuable than those who hadn't. When she turned to her brother he was quick to pick up on what she was suggesting and they all headed toward the lounge. Harper had kept quiet while Spencer went to go get drinks. Not wanting to really disrupt the reason Trevor was here. Spencer needed to get things off his chest, to search out Trevor himself. Harper was here for support. When Spencer returned, Harper allowed him to pour himself a cup of tea before doing the same for herself.

While she might not drink a whole lot of it, it was something to distract her, and ground her. There was an awkward silence and when Harper looked at Spencer, she noticed him staring at Trevor. No matter how uncomfortable it got, she would hold her tongue. This needed to happen organically, not her urging the two of them to start talking. Fortunately, Spence made up his mind, telling Trevor that he could start first. Harper did take a sip of her tea, allowing herself to enjoy the taste as she then looked at their father.

Trevor agreed, saying that he knew he still had a lot to say to Spencer. He mentioned apologizing to them all for what happened with Laura, saying that he took full responsibility. While she wouldn't vocalize it with Spencer in the room, it was hard for her to accept that it was just Trevor's fault. Especially after everything that she went through recently. But Spencer cut off Trevor mid-sentence, telling the man that he couldn't apologize more for what he did or didn't do for Laura. His tone was cold, and Harper turned to see him looking strained already. It was hard to keep her mouth closed, but she managed. She hated seeing Spencer looking the way he did, even though she'd caused him to look that way before...this was different. He then said if that was all Trevor came to apologize for, he might as well end it now. Harper opened her mouth to say something, only to clamp it shut when Trevor spoke first.

Moving the tea mug to her lips, she forced herself to take another sip, scooting closer to Spencer just a little bit in case he needed her for support. Felt like they were finally breaking the threshold and the next part of the conversation would get...triggering. Once she set her mug on the coffee table, Trevor gave her an apologetic look briefly to which she silently nodded her head. There was no need to apologize, she offered to be here and she would stick through it. No matter how hard it got, while she couldn't force either man to change, she could at least encourage them in a supportive way. Her being here probably said more than words ever could, a testament to just how badly she wanted everyone to get along.

Trevor's words were mature and in her perspective, came from a place of genuine effort. He mentioned being there for her, offering a smile to which she returned. There was no denying how he helped her. How he helped Alex too. Her face switched back to a neutral expression when he continued on, speaking about how badly he'd treated Spencer. Harper had rarely heard about it, with Trevor not around, there was never a need to bring it up to her. It was a burden that her eldest brother seemed to carry alone, which was respectable in its own right. But he didn't deserve to carry it alone. Trevor was alluding to what he'd done, without saying it. Harper knew from the moment he spoke Spencer was going to want him to speak directly about what he did. So when he asked Trevor what he'd done, Harper wasn't surprised.

Harper tried not to shrink back in anticipation from her upright fixed position, tried not to flinch as her brother looked at her, wanting Trevor to announce what he'd done for those who hadn't been there. He asked if Trevor even remembered the things he'd done during his highs. His tone was confrontational, hardened but when she felt his hand slip around hers she looked away from Trevor for the briefest moment, down at it. She gave Spencer's hand a gentle squeeze before looking up at him with heavy sympathy in her eyes.

Whatever Trevor was about to say, it didn't matter how terrible it was or wasn't. Spencer only deserved the best because that was what he'd given all of his life, the best. Harper had always thought her brother to be controlling, a micromanager who acted like a parent when he had no right to. But now she'd seen that along with Bruce and Darcey, he felt he needed to provide some sort of structure. How could he not after everything he went through? He wanted to do right by his siblings and grew up fast because of what he went through to keep them safe.

Harper wasn't afraid of what she was about to hear. Trevor had proven to her that he had changed, and she didn't easily change her mind when it was already made up. But she would feel angry. Sad for the things she'd done to give Spencer grief. Her eyes traveled from her brother to Trevor, waiting for him to say it all. Feeling like she needed to say it, lightly she encouraged him to say it, "It's okay...go on."

Although Trevor was prepared to have to talk in detail with Spencer, that was before he'd arrived at the house to find Harper was also present. However, as his daughter encouraged him to speak up, Trevor nodded his head. Whilst a part of him was hesitant to say anything that could upset Harper, he reminded himself of what she'd already been through and that from previous conversations she was stronger than her family often gave her credit for.

"I remember..." Trevor assured Spencer as he took a moment to recall moments from their past. "I know I took my frustrations out on you a lot back when you were a kid. I yelled at and hit you when you misbehaved. Told myself I was doing us all a favour because of your cocky attitude, but I know that wasn't right. You acted like that because of the way I was and 'cos of the poor homelife I had a big part in creating."

Spencer scoffed and turned to Harper. "I remember a couple of times being yelled at and forced to sit out on the wall in the back garden. Freezing cold frosty nights and this prick made me stay out there on my own, for hours. I got wise to it by the third time it happened and just ended up walking to Bruce's to stay there for the night." He looked back to his father and nodded for him to continue.

"I know, the way I treated you was appalling. Instead of just kicking off at you all of the time, I should have spoken with you; tried to help and understand you. But I was so trapped in my own selfish bubble, even when I wasn't high, that all I cared about was myself." Trevor reached out a shaky hand to finally pour himself some tea, feeling the dryness in his throat. As he then took a drink from the mug, he tried to wash down the lump he could feel forming in his throat. He forced back the emotions that were bubbling to the surface, knowing it wasn't his place to be getting upset over his own actions when he was there to make it right with Spencer. There were many examples of times he'd hurt or upset his son, and he knew he couldn't sit there listing them all, but he did know of specific moments that Spencer needed closure on given that he'd alluded to them during recent altercations. Setting the mug down on the table he let out a sigh. "Even when I did make the effort to spend time with Spence and to try to bond with him, I still ended up ruining it."

Spencer looked to Harper to check if she still seemed to be doing okay. Whilst he wanted to hear as much incriminating detail as Trevor could muster about his past behaviour, he didn't want his sister to be forced to listen to it all evening. He wasn't expecting to make Trevor recall everything. He didn't even want to hear it all himself when he already remembered everything since it was happening to him as a child. Just enough to know the man acknowledged his mistakes. And, if he happened to show genuine remorse, that would go a long way too.

When Spencer turned back to him, Trevor didn't hesitate to continue speaking. "I think our best moments were the times when we went to watch the footy. Just the two of us enjoying the game," he said. He noticed Spencer closed his eyes and briefly shook his head, but his son's lack of protest on that front told him he perhaps agreed. "But even then, it didn't really stay that way. I'd take Spence to the pub and sit him in the corner with some crisps and pop while I got pissed. I sometimes had him help me scam some of the other drinkers out of a few quid. And... when he was a young child and less lippy, there were times Iโ€™d spin this single-parent lie to pull women." Even as he said those words, Trevor felt sick at the thought of himself. He wasn't proud of the times he'd cheated on Laura, especially given how he'd since realised how much he'd wasted and that beneath it all, she had been the only woman he'd ever loved. As if he'd opened the floodgates, Trevor looked back to Spencer and Harper, continuing to speak. Wanting to admit to as many of his actions as he could before he was told to stop. "I do remember the fishing trip too. I thought about it a lot over the years and how pathetic I was." Trevor looked to Harper, deciding to tell her directly as Spencer had already brought it up when he first returned. "I took Spence on a fishing trip with some of my mates and their kids. It was all going great and your brother made an impressive catch. When the guys and Spence teased me about him being better than me, I didn't find it funny. Instead, I tripped him up to try deflect the attention and embarrassment onto him..." Trevor's voice faltered before he stopped and brought his hand up to cover his eyes. He couldn't fight back the emotions, feeling sick and upset at his past behaviour.

Spencer had released Harper's hand some time during the fishing story, having felt himself tensing up and not wanting to hurt his sister. However, by the time Trevor had stopped speaking, Spencer couldn't find the usual anger that accompanied the memories of Trevor's abuse. Instead, he saw the once commanding and cocky older man finally reduced to accepting his own mistakes. Spencer wasn't sure how he was feeling or what he wanted to say. Instead, he let the silence hang in the air as he continued to observe Trevor. He wasn't sure if he was waiting to see if the mask slipped to reveal the Trevor he'd always known, or if he was struggling to accept and acknowledge that he believed his father had changed.

Harper found it hard to listen, though she wouldnโ€™t dare express it. There was a lot that she didnโ€™t know about her father, their father, and some things she would have rather been kept in the dark about. This was not one of those things, however, wanting to really understand exactly what Spencer had gone through. While she knew it wasnโ€™t pleasant for any of them to have to listen or tell the room exactly what Trevor had done, she knew in time that it would be healing. Trevor had admitted to taking his frustrations out on Spencer, yelling and hitting him when he misbehaved. Spencer scoffed, looking at her directly as he said he remembered a couple times after being yelled at, he was forced to sit out on the wall in the back garden of where they were living. It was out in the freezing cold, and he was forced to stay out for hours because of Trevor. Harperโ€™s eyes turned to look back at Trevor, wanting him to confirm it. How could someone treat a child so horribly? Harper had been fortunate to never see such behavior in her adult life, she wouldnโ€™t know if she would have been able to handle it.

The blonde swallowed harshly as Trevor confirmed that he at least had understanding of what heโ€™d done, knowing that it was appalling. He understood that there was a flaw in his parenting, in the fact that he could have just simply tried to understand Spencer. Harper knew well enough that Spencer was a hot head, still was at times, but he didnโ€™t deserve that treatment, especially as a kid. Kids looked to their parents to help figure out what is right and wrong in the world. If they were given two parents who didnโ€™t even know how to navigate that themselvesโ€ฆwell, they were all doomed from the start, Harper decided in her head.

Yet in her horror, Harper had been extremely impressed with the way both men were talking to each other, even with the memories being brought to the surface. Turning to look at Spencer slightly, the blonde was proud of her eldest brother, obviously knowing him her entire life, he had really turned around. Maybe heโ€™d always been that way, maybe he had turned around long ago and it was just hard to see it because of their age difference. Either way, Harper was proud and was glad that he accepted her support or refereeingโ€ฆwhatever the hell he wanted to call it, she was just glad she could be in the room. When she turned back to Trevor, she observed him taking a drink from his freshly poured mug. He looked ready to break, upset at himself and whatโ€™d heโ€™d done. If there was one look she knew well, it was the look of regret. Harperโ€™s eyes softened as she watched him, trying to offer him some sort of sign that she was also there for him if he needed it.

While she might have thought Trevor deserved it had she been around to see him at his worst, Harper didnโ€™t think he deserved to go through anything that he was going through now, alone. Rarely anyone did. At least in her own mind. When he finally set his mug down, he sighed and confessed that even when he tried to bond with Spencer, he ended up ruining it all. Spencerโ€™s head turned to look at her and for a moment, she couldnโ€™t bring herself to meet his eyes. Harper often felt that way about the time she spent with Spencer. Sure, there were a handful of wonderful moments she had with her brother, not tainted by anything she did at the time. But there were much more things that she had done, in spite of Spencer, that ruined their own relationship as well. Perhaps thatโ€™s where Trevor and her were the same. Knowing well enough to not get into her own head, Harper turned to look at Spencer finally, offering him the softest nod of her head, letting him know she was okay.

This wasnโ€™t about her, she was strong enough to handle it. Her mind had been made up about Trevor from the moment he helped her in her apartment. When sheโ€™d hurt herself. Harper just hoped he wouldnโ€™t go and disappoint her in the future. She hated to be wrong, in the rarity that phenomenon was. Trevor went on when Spencer turned back to him, trying to bring light to the bright moments they had shared together. Harperโ€™s eyes looked between the two men, noticing Spencerโ€™s had closed and he was shaking his head. She waited for him to say something but that moment never came as Trevor continued on, saying that even those moments had been ruined by him.

Trevorโ€™s admittance to him cheating on their mother wasnโ€™t shocking, sheโ€™d heard that plenty of times, it was him admitting that he used Spencer in it all as a bit was what hurt her. Not only because of all the terrible shit that heโ€™d done to Spencer in the first place, but she was sure that confused her brother as a child greatly. Mentally that made all the difference, the lack of stability. Trevorโ€™s eyes looked to her brother, then to her, and he kept going. Trevor told her brother that he remembered the fishing trip, and that seemed to be the undoing for both of them as Spencerโ€™s hand let go of her causing her to look down at them. When Trevor had finished the story about the fishing trip, heโ€™d covered his eyes, his voice faltering.

Both of them had made a breakthrough. There was the one trip in particular that both of them seemed to have held onto and that was it. There was a silence that hung in the air, as Spencer looked at their father and Harper looked at Spencer. There she could see him searching, as if he was looking for the anger in himself that he had felt for so long. Only to come up short. She couldnโ€™t exactly be sure if that was it, but whatever it wasโ€ฆhe had been quelled into silence. Harper watched the two men for a long time finally deciding to speak as she cleared her throat. "You knowโ€ฆI do believe that people change." She started, clearing her throat and looking at Spencer. "And I donโ€™t just mean Trevor. I think we have all changed. With the change, comes changes of the heart." Harper wasnโ€™t sure if she was saying the right thing, but whatever she was trying to sayโ€ฆ.she hoped it came across in the best of ways. "Holding these things, these feelings inside seldom hurt anyone else beside the one holding it. Including the things we hold against ourselves." The blonde turned to look at Trevor, "Now, whatever the goal is here between you both. It doesnโ€™t have to be perfect and I donโ€™t expect it to be perfect. But I am proud of both of youโ€ฆ.for taking the steps. Even if it doesnโ€™t garner the results you were hoping for, you did what you could. And the love that I have for you both, it hasnโ€™t changed. Regardless of if someone or you think you are undeserving of it. You both have changed, and thatโ€™s something to be proud of even if this doesnโ€™t work out. Itโ€™ll be okay." Harper hoped that was the right thing to say.

They both looked like they needed to hear that even if this all didnโ€™t work out, that she would love them both. Even with her newfound relationship with her father, Harper had quickly made room in her heart, especially after he saved her. Sometimes the only push people needed to completely heal was to be told that everything was gonna be okay.

When Harper spoke to break the silence, Spencer turned away from Trevor to look to her instead. Hearing her say she believed people did change, he figured she just meant their father. When she elaborated to explain she meant all of them, he thought for a moment before nodding his head. He already knew he'd changed in a very short time with regards to how he treated Harper, with him now giving her more freedom and not rushing to stand in the way of any choices she made that he might not deem wise. Unfortunately, he was aware that had mostly come around following extreme circumstances, after he came so close to losing her. Would it have to take something equally severe for him to change in his feelings towards Trevor, or was he already realising he had the power to alter his feelings without needing another tragedy to push him in that direction?

Trevor nodded in agreement with Harper's words as she echoed what had spurred him to try speaking with Spencer to began with. The idea that Spencer was being punished and was hurting himself by holding onto so much hate for him was one of the reasons Trevor wanted this meeting, to try free his son of the burden. Others may deem it as Trevor just trying to make things easier on himself, but the truth was he didn't want to be a reason for Spencer's suffering when he'd been the cause of so much of it already. Trevor gently smiled at Harper as she said she was proud of him and her brother. "I know I can't take back what I did to everyone in the past, but I want to focus on the future, with anyone who wants me to be a part of it. I don't expect everyone to forgive me and I'm not about forcing anyone to want to get to know me, but I want to chance to make up for lost time with those who want me to. I know it might seem like more than I deserve, I totally get that, but I've come to realise just how much I threw away and how important family is. You let me in and gave me the chance to prove myself, Harper, and in doing that, you've confirmed to me this is exactly where I want to be." Trevor cleared his throat as his emotions threatened to take over. "I didn't appreciate it in the past, but now I realise family and loyalty are the greatest gifts in life. I hope to learn more about you and be there for you from now on. You and anyone else who wants to give me that chance. No pressure, though," he said, turning to Spencer. "And that threat I made to you and Bruce before... I never intended on using the information I had. I wouldn't go running to the cops about my worst enemy, never mind my flesh and blood. I was on the defence, wanting to be given the chance to stay in London," he explained. Perhaps it was a risk now telling Spencer he'd never intended on following through with his blackmail threat, but part of relieving Spencer of the hate weighing him down also needed him to free his son of any fears he might have about the murder he'd committed coming back to haunt him in the form of the law.

Spencer understood what Harper was saying, knowing that he wanted to relieve himself of a lifetime of hate and anger towards Trevor. It was exhausting and he wanted to be free of it, but that didn't mean he would overlook any doubts about his father for the sake of an easier life. As it happened, he was surprised to find himself believing Trevor as he listened to the man tell them he wanted the chance to know his family and that he wanted it for the right reasons, with no ulterior motives. As much as it might pain him to admit, he believed Trevor was sorry for his past actions. It would never take away what the man had done to him, nor that he had a hand in Laura's death, but he believed his father was finally ready to make up for his mistakes and put his kids before himself. He tightened his jaw at mention of Trevor never intending to use the information he had to blackmail him. He was glad to hear he didn't need to be concerned about being snitched on to the cops, but he didn't want to discuss that. The less Harper knew about his crimes, the better, then she would never have to lie for him.

"I'm not ready for us to start having Sunday dinner together or be watching the footy on a Saturday afternoon... But I'm done with the hate now, Trevor. I've got too much going on in my life to be holding on to what you did over two decades ago. You seem to be telling the truth about why you're back here and wanting to prove yourself, so I'm not going to stop you from doing that. It's going to take some time for me to be convinced, so I hope you're prepared to stick to this path you're on," Spencer told him.

"I know it's going to take time for you to trust me, Spence. I'm just grateful you're willing to give me a chance and that you're allowing yourself to let go of the hate," Trevor told him. "I won't let any of you down. Not again."

Spencer was about to reply when he heard the sound of Eddie crying from his upstairs nursery. He was quick to excuse himself so he could check on his baby son. With Spencer out of the room, Trevor looked directly to Harper. "Thanks for all this. For everything, really," he told his daughter. "I know I haven't earned the right to say it, but I'm proud of you. I'm proud of all of ya." Despite not agreeing with the nature of the business Bruce and Spencer ran, Trevor was impressed with how strong and smart all of his kids had grown up to be. "How are you now, Harper? You certainly look healthier than the last time I saw you," he said, with a small smile. "I expect your family have started listening to you better than they were, but I'm always around if you still need me for anything you feel more comfortable confiding in me about."

Harper was a big believer in things happening for a reason. There was a reason that Trevor and her just happened to be in the same pub. While she was nothing more than a stranger to him at the time and he was the same to her, she wouldnโ€™t be sitting in the room with either men right now if he hadnโ€™t found her. And as he said, if she hadnโ€™t let him in and took a chance on a man who had little left to proveโ€ฆthey wouldnโ€™t be sitting here period. The blonde bit on the inside of her cheek, watching as their father got close to becoming emotional. He was trying, Harper could see it, if she was allowing him into her life surely her family understood that there had to be some sort of trust there. When he mentioned the threat, Harper raised a brow but said nothing. Whatever had been done in the past was in the past.

There was only one person in the room that needed to forgive Trevor and as Harper looked at Spencer, she wasnโ€™t so sure if he was ready to do that. When he mentioned not being ready for them to start having Sunday dinners together, Harper was ready for that to be it. But he surprised her, saying that he was done with the hate, which caused Harper to smile widely at her brother. While it was emotional and hard to do, she wanted to show him that she was proud, even if sheโ€™d just said it. Spencer voiced that he thought Trevor was telling the truth about why he was in London, which was a relief. From this they could all move forward. Butโ€ฆhe did say it would take some time for him to be convinced, which was something the other two in the room could respect. Harper wasnโ€™t going to push him any more than he needed to be pushed.

Trevor understood that too, from his response, saying that he was just grateful that he was willing to give him a chance. He then promised not to let any of them down again, which made Harper smile softly. Spence was about to say something when Eddie started to cry from upstairs, Harper was going to offer to take care of the baby but Spence seemed keen on going so she let him go. Trevor turned to her directly after Spencer left the room and thanked her for all of it. Harper smiled again, her cheeks turning pink as her father said she was proud of her. He might not have earned the right to say it, at least in his head, but she thought he had earned it well enough after what he did for her. When asked how she was doing, her smile faded somewhat. While she was feeling more like herself this week, she was sure that would change again. It always seemed to. He stated she looked healthier than the last time he saw her, which was encouraging enough. Harper was sure she looked like death the last time.

"Iโ€™m doing better, at least this week. The last few weeks Iโ€™ve just been rather nauseous so it was kind of hard to do anything. But I am taking each week one day at a time. Not giving myself any expectations as to when I should feel better and all that." The blonde cleared her throat, feeling a lump forming just talking about how she had been feeling. On the note of her family listening to her better than they were and his offer about confiding in him, she managed to smile more clearly again. "Ah, I feel like there is always going to be some sort of barrier, I mean, they are all trying to listen and they do. But, at the end of the day Iโ€™m still just the little King in the family, the little sister who tags along. Hoping the effort they are putting in now sticks around." She said honestly. "Thank you for the offer, as long as youโ€™re willing to listen I will always want to confide in you. And Spence might not want Sunday dinners with you just yet, but hey, I wouldnโ€™t mind doing that once in a while. I feel like there is still loads to learn about one another that will fit in more than just one conversation." Harper hummed lightly. "I think I should be the one thanking you though. I meanโ€ฆif it wasnโ€™t for you, I definitely wouldnโ€™t be-." The words caught in her throat, "I promise I wonโ€™t mess up this second chance you gave me. Iโ€™m really working hard to do better for not just myself, but my family and my own child." There was a moment of silence before she said, "So when are we going to meet your family? I mean, unless they donโ€™t want to meet us. Which would be a shame because us Kings know how to party, you know?" She laughed lightly.

Trevor was glad to hear Harper say she was doing better now. Even if she still sounded hesitant about her recovery, he believed she was working through it and she seemed to have a healthy mindset of not putting a deadline on when she should feel better. He managed a small smirk when she admitted she felt there was always going to be a barrier, that she would be the little King still. Given how he knew Bruce to be and that Spencer seemed to have a similar nature when it came to treating those in the family, it made sense Harper would feel that way. Perhaps Alex and Billy acted the same towards her too, but he hadn't gotten used to them both for long enough to know for sure. "I don't know. After what happened and the wake-up call, I'd like to think they'd give you some room to breathe. When I first got here the other month, none of them would have let me within a mile of you. Now Spence has left me alone to talk to you in the same room - his own living room, no less," he reasoned. "And if I'm wrong, then maybe you should just find a way to milk it. Get 'em to chauffeur you around and do the housework for you or something," he joked. "Not saying become a blagger like me, but at least find a silver lining in every situation."

When Harper expressed that she would like to have dinners with him even if Spencer didn't, Trevor briefly looked away. Having not expected any of his kids, especially Harper, to want to get to know him now, he needed a moment to process it. His eyes landed on the framed wall picture of Laura and their kids for a moment before he cleared his throat and diverted his eyes back to Harper, not wanting to dwell on what he'd thrown away. "I'd love that, Harper. I've missed everything, so there's plenty I would like to learn about you." When she went on to thank him for saving her and promised she wouldn't mess up again, he encouragingly nodded. It was strange how he hadn't processed it until now, but her mentioning her unborn child suddenly hit him, causing him to suck in a deep breath. He wasn't about to act a hero, but in that moment it registered that he'd not only saved her that day, but his future grandchild too. He didn't believe in God, but there had to be someone looking out for them all that day. "Your own child," he repeated her words with a fond smile. "That's crazy. I don't know what's in the water you lot have been drinking, but all these babies and pregnancies..." he trailed off, aware May was expecting too and of baby Eddie upstairs. "You'll do great and if you struggle, it's clear to see you've got plenty of people on hand to help."

After a silence, Harper asked when the Kings would get to meet his family. He laughed along at her joke about the Kings knowing how to party. "Hey, they're your family too. And they are keen to meet you, I just had to warn them you guys might not want it. My brother, Phil, has already asked me about it and your cousin Abel is on board too..." Trevor trailed off as Spencer returned into the lounge cradling Eddie in his arms.

"Kid's scared of missin' something. That, or he's a night owl like the rest of us," he remarked as he sat back beside Harper. "Already wanting to meet Uncle Phil, huh?" he asked Harper. "The more responsible Stewart brother, I'm led to believe," he knowingly remarked, sending Trevor a smirk.

"And you'd like his wife, your Aunt Sarah. She doesn't hold back on how she really feels about me either," he lightly joked.

"Then I'd love to meet her," Spencer commented, looking down to smile at Eddie as his son's eyes stayed fixed on him. "We should do it. Set it up and I'll join you," he said, looking at Trevor and then fixing his attention on Harper as he smiled at her. "I know Alex is interested in meeting them too," he reasoned. He looked back to Trevor and sighed. "Listen. I don't want you to mess this up, Trevor. I'd rather not have Eddie growing up knowing you as being the dickhead who he's never to go near. It seems like you're intent on sticking around, so I want to be wrong about you. I'd rather the future where Eddie, Callum, and the rest of the kids can know you as their Grandad... For all of our sakes, just don't balls it up this time," he told Trevor.
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Chapter 21: Beginning of the End - Part 1
Chapter 21: Beginning of the End - Part 1
Sunday 10th November 1985
..3 days later...
Dublin: Late Afternoon - Dry, Overcast, Cold
London: Late Afternoon - Dry, Clear Skies, Chilly


Dublin City Hospital
~ Dublin City Centre, Dublin ~

Olivia Sullivan and James Porter

1678409029297.pngOlivia had spent the last few days either at the hospital with her family or with Sam the rest of the time. She knew by now that James wasn't going to be leaving the hospital, so now it was a case of spending as much time with her adopted father as she could and trying to keep his spirits lifted along the way. It was difficult though, which was why she'd had to take breaks with Sam or Violet when she needed a breather. She had been with her boyfriend and friend at home when Adam had arrived at the house having been instructed to take her to the hospital.

The doctors had told Lucy James didn't have much time left and that the family should visit him soon whilst he was still able to communicate and respond to them. James himself didn't need to be told that his health had quickly declined over the last couple of days as he could feel it. He was relying on the oxygen mask more now as his heart and lungs struggled, and he found himself more tired and working overtime to stay focused for very long. Lucy, of course, had already been by his side for most of the time as she kept him company and they clung on to what time they had left together. However, as he saw Syd, Thomas and Olivia all entering his room at the same time, he had a good idea what was going on to get them all visiting at once. Reaching up to fumble with the breathing mask so he could remove it, he looked between his four visitors. "Finally got you all together in the same room," he breathlessly commented.

Olivia tried to force back her emotions as she entered the room, though her eyes still glistened beneath the glossy film of tears. She leaned in to kiss James on the cheek before taking a seat beside Thomas, at the opposite side of the bed to Lucy and Syd. "Still seeing that Sam?" James asked her, to which Olivia nodded. "He's alright," he commented as a way of giving his seal of approval.

"Well... I did tell you that," Olivia said, chewing her lip before cracking a smile for him.

As he held Lucy's hand, James looked between Syd and Thomas. "You lads okay?" As they began to answer, James reached for the oxygen mask again, bringing it to cover his mouth and nose so he could catch his breath back whilst they answered him. Pulling it away for a moment, he nodded his head. "Tell us what you've been up to. About Elena, the Kings..." he trailed off. Knowing it was difficult for them, but wanting to break the silence rather than have everyone sit awkwardly, he wanted to get his kids talking normally for a bit. He knew he'd had to get serious soon, but he wanted to ease them in to the reality of the situation. As they hopefully started to update him on where they were at with their lives and business, he replaced the mask for a few minutes to help him breathe easier and save his energy.

Bellz Bellz (Lucy, Thomas)
Pyroclast Pyroclast (Syd)

The Stewart Family Home
~ Islington, London ~

Spencer King, Sarah Stewart and Trevor Stewart

1678409074067.pngSpencer wasn't sure how long it would last, but he was feeling more relaxed and focused than he had done in some time. The meeting with the Sullivans had gone well, with Spencer leaving Dublin on good terms with both Conor and Syd - something he would never have imagined had he been asked a few months ago. Surprisingly, that hadn't been the heaviest weight to be lifted from his shoulders. He hated to admit a man as objectively insignificant as Trevor was an even bigger burden than the Sullivans had been, but speaking with his father a couple of days ago had made the biggest difference to him. For nearly all of his life, Spencer had held on to the anger and hate for Trevor, but now he'd allowed himself to let it go, he felt immediately lighter, like a dark part of him had been physically removed. Spencer wasn't ready to be inviting Trevor over for dinner or let the man get to know Eddie yet, but letting go of his hate and deciding to give his father time to prove himself was a huge step in itself.

Spencer had spent yesterday relaxing, finally feeling able to step away from business for one weekend now the Sullivan threat was resolved. After playing football in the morning he then had a couple of pints in his pub in the afternoon whilst watching West Ham play on TV. As soon as the game was over, he'd returned home to spend the rest of the day with Shona and Eddie. It was nice to spend the evening alone with Shona and nothing on his mind to drag the mood down. Spencer was a man always up for a confrontation and ready to throw himself into the next unfamiliar situation, so with that added to the newfound - and hopefully not short-lived - calmness he was feeling, he had absolutely not reservations or nerves about meeting more of his family the next day.

The next day quickly came along and Spencer was ready to meet with his Uncle, Aunt, and cousins. He'd learned enough about them to know they were in legitimate business and seemed like relatively normal people. They certainly seemed to have their lives in order better than Trevor ever had, so Spencer had every faith meeting Trevor's side of the family would be a breeze. He'd asked his siblings to meet at his house so they could all go see the Stewarts together. Once Alex, Harper and May had all arrived at his house, Spencer told them all to get in his car. After drawing Shona in for a loving kiss and then giving Eddie a quick cuddle, he followed behind his siblings and got into the drivers' seat of the car.

"Alright, you lot. Don't be causing any trouble just because Bruce ain't hear to tell us off," Spencer joked as he started the car.

1678409090813.pngTrevor had been surprised that Spencer had not only been so civil during their meeting a couple of days ago, but that his son was also keen to meet Philip and the others. As far as he could tell, Spencer wasn't planning on causing any trouble today and he'd seemed genuinely interested in sussing out the rest of the Stewart family. No sooner had he arrived at the Stewarts' house and got out of his own car when he saw Spencer parking on the street a couple of spaces behind. Waiting at the gate at the end of Philip's garden, Trevor stood with his hands in his pockets. He greeted the younger three of his kids with a friendly smile and quick enquiries into how they were doing, before his eyes fixed on Spencer, trying to work out if his eldest was still in a civil mood with him.

"Afternoon, Trevor. Lead the way..." Spencer said. Though he's tone was civil and accompanied with a brief smile, Spencer removed the need for his father to initiate any small talk with him. Perhaps as the day went on he might feel compelled to talk more personably to the man, but for now he wanted to focus on the others.

Leading the way to the house, Trevor gave a firm knock on the door before waiting on the doorstep for someone to answer.


1678409112003.pngSarah hadn't been immediately enthusiastic towards Philip's suggestion of meeting Trevor's kids when he first brought it up some weeks ago. All of her reservations were directed towards her brother-in-law, not wanting him to let Philip down like he had before, as this time it would directly affect her and her three kids. In the end, she gave in and decided to trust Philip's intuition - it was his brother, after all. In reality, she was actually keen to meet the Kings. From what Trevor had said about them and from the general knowledge of their many businesses in London, Sarah had come to the conclusion their successful reputations set them apart from the her less impressive brother-in-law. Despite her ongoing distrust towards Trevor, she knew she needed to hold her tongue and focus on getting to know her nephews and nieces. She wanted this to go smoothly for Philip's and her kids' sake, so she was sure she could give Trevor a break today.

Sarah had just finished preparing some snacks and refreshments in the dining room when she heard the knock on the door. As she was passing the hallway, she called out to say she'd get it. When she opened the door, the first face she saw was that of Trevor. "Well, look who it is. Trevor Stewart, and he's right on time," she greeted the man, exaggerating her tone and a broad smile. As she stepped aside, she waved the five visitors to enter the house. "Welcome, welcome. I'm your Aunt Sarah," she said. Even when she was being friendly, her voice naturally held a dry, deadpan kind of tone to it. "You're all a good-looking bunch - are you sure he's actually your dad?" she teased, before letting out a friendly laugh.

"Pleasure to meet you, Sarah," Spencer was quick to greet her as he couldn't help but chuckle. "I like you already," he remarked as he accepted the woman's brief embrace.

"You must be Spencer," she greeted the clear eldest. Simple logic allowed her to then greet Alex by name. She then turn to Harper and May, prompting them to confirm their names to her as she wasn't sure who was who. "It's wonderful to meet you all," she told everyone. When Philip and Abel stepped into view, Sarah stepped aside so they could have their introductions.

"Philip, Abel..." Trevor began, gesturing to his brother and nephew. "This is Spencer, Alex, Harper, and May," he said, pointing to each of his kids respectively to introduce them all to each other.

Spencer let the others greet the, first before shaking Abel's hand and then moving on to shake Philip's. "You lads are in the construction business, ain't ya?" he asked them. "I might have a bit of work to send your way if we all survive today," he said with a chuckle.

"Shop talk. Why am I not surprised?" Sarah remarked, rolling her eyes. Turning to her nieces, she motioned towards the kitchen. She was aware both Harper and May were pregnant, and whilst she wasn't one for fussing and coddling, she wanted to at least be hospitable. That, and leave the men to drone on about business if they felt the need. "Ladies, come with me and we'll get ourselves some drinks, and first pick of the food," she suggested. "Trevor, you're off the hard stuff too, aren't you? Join us at the kids' table," she teasingly suggested. As she passed Philip, she placed a kiss on his cheek. "I'll play nice," she quietly whispered to him, in reference to Trevor. As she led her nieces and Trevor into the dining room, she offered them seats around the dining table. "What are you all drinking?" Once she'd got them all some drinks, Sarah sat next to Trevor, across from Harper and May. "So, ladies. What do you both do for a living?" she asked them as she poured herself a glass of wine. Even though she had just berated the others for talking business, she couldn't help but naturally ask what line of work her nieces were in as she was a practical and career-focused woman.

Spencer, Alex, Philip and Abel, meanwhile, seemed to naturally gravitate to standing in the kitchen to converse. Though they were within earshot of the other conversation, it was easy enough to focus on their own. Still, it didn't stop Sarah from calling out to Philip to remind him to offer the men some drinks. It was tempting to control the conversation and start asking lots of questions about Philip and Abel, but Spencer decided to hold back and let his uncle start off with any questions he had for him and Alex, given that they were in Philip's home.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Bellz Bellz BasDorcha BasDorcha
Group 1: Spencer, Alex, Phil, Abel
Group 2: Trevor, Sarah, Harper, May
(Please separate them into the two smaller scenes now, for all of our sanity)

Chapter 21: Beginning of the End Pt. 1
Sunday 10th November 1985
..3 days later...
Dublin: Late Afternoon - Dry, Overcast, Cold
London: Late Afternoon - Dry, Clear Skies, Chilly


Sullivan Family Home
~Sutton, Dublin~
Thea Ryan


Despite having confessed everything to Roxie, Thea didn't feel at ease whatsoever. Things could go wrong with her admission and if things went wrong she would never forgive herself. Klaus assured her things would be alright; they had done the same thing; fallen in love with people they were supposed to be investigating and in turn helping them evade the law. Some would think it to be romantic, but Thea thought it to be the cause of her stress. It was hard acting normal around Tom and his friends and family - especially seeing as she and Tom had been so in tune with each other's feelings. Even with the slightest inconvenience they could tell something was wrong. And while Thea wasn't the strongest liar there was, she would always have to put on a front and say she was okay. She blamed it on a new medication she was taking, though no medication was being taken. She'd even faked the pill bottle filled with Altoids to help her keep up with her lie! No one could know about any of this until she talked to Conor.

When that day finally arrived she had to steel her nerves. Roxie had been helpful in getting Conor to talk to her. Thea figured the man may need some convincing of her story, so she brought all the information she had with her and her badge; something she'd tucked away for months now. In her backpack held files - specifically for Tom, Conor, Roxie, and Syd. The Last three were considered of high importance, with other connections to them being on the inside of the folders. Even though Thea had never talked to Conor or even been in the same area as him, she still had information based on her own research and investigative skills. But, it wasn't enough. Thinking about it now, driving over to the man's estate, it didn't matter, now did it? Depending on how this talk went, their whole family was about to disappear without a trace and no one but Klaus' team would know where they were."Why did I agree to this assignment," she muttered after the guards waved her through.

Once her car was parked, she took her precious time getting out of the vehicle. It did little to delay the inevitable, but the girl was a nervous wreck. The closer she got to the door, however, the more she had to remind herself of what was at stake. That she needed to steel her nerves and appear weak in front of a mob boss like Conor Sullivan. When she was talking to Roxie she was still scared, but it was different. She was a mob boss in her own right, but Thea didn't think she loomed quite as large as Conor did. Her knuckles knocked against the big, wooden door and she waited for someone to answer, adjusting herself and looking around. "So this is what being a mobster gets you," she muttered in awe. "Maybe I should opt for a career change..."

Roxie ( Bellz Bellz ) Conor ( Misty Gray Misty Gray )

Future Home
~Barnes, London~
Erik Snowden

Candles weren't at all hard to find. They were always in shops with various colors and scents and wicks and had that been what Erik needed he wouldn't have been so stressed out. He needed an excessive amount of candles for the project he was working on. The amount of money he was going to spend on all these candles didn't matter in the slightest so long as he got them all. "Er, well you're gonna need a lot," Ava told him a few days prior. "At least 400 hundred." Erik's eyes had gone wide as Ava shrugged her shoulders. "Grand gestures cost, dear cousin. Get to it." He muttered the number to himself in his car, checking the small notebook he had to help keep count. Three hundred sixty-five thus far. Seven shops in 4 hours and he only had 365 candles. But before he could sit and complain to himself he remembered what he was doing it for; who he was doing it for. Billy was the proclaimed love of his life and there would never be anyone like him. He was the first thing he wanted to see in the morning and the last at night. The only person he wanted to play in his curls and read romance novels to. And every time he remembered this he stopped complaining.

It wasn't until the last shop that someone told him about the local candle factory of sorts. Why he didn't think of that beforehand was anyone's guess. He was able to purchase the remaining candles he needed and even some extra just in case he ran out. He'd been up very early that morning, around 1 am, setting the candles up. With the floorplans propped up on the hood of his car along with a flashlight and his headlights to guide him, he made sure everything matched properly. Where the kitchen would be; the living room, sitting room, and bedroom. The only addition he made was the room where Charlie would sleep. He wasn't sure if Billy knew that he knew about his son yet, so he figured it would be a nice little surprise. Ava showed up around 6 am in a taxi, yawning with coffee in her hands. Erik had laid out instructions for her when she woke up and she had followed them exactly. She didn't want to deal with naggy, snappy Erik anymore. "Youse worse than a bride on her weddin' day, you know that?" Erik took a pause to reach for his coffee. "Straight caffeine, yeah? I'ont want nothin' slowin' me down, Ava." His cousin waved her hand at him carefully walking through the unlit candle house. "No sugar or creamer. I read your little note. I also brought this for you."

Ava brought out a folder that held blank pieces of paper and an envelope. "You got the uh," Erik snapped his fingers, trying to remember the name. "The- the wax, waxy thingies." Ava corrected him, "Wax seals," and pointed to the bag by her feet. The two swapped places with Ava continuing the layout and Erik writing a letter. An invitation, really, asking Billy to come to see him so the two of them could talk. When asked why he didn't just call him himself or even pick him up, Erik glared. "It's more romantic this way." While Ava didn't understand she left him to it. Fifteen minutes later and he was finished stuffing it in the envelope and sealing it was a fancy letter 'B' stamp. "Alright. Go give this to 'im. Make sure he doesn't say no, Ava, convince 'im to come." She nodded in understanding. "I'm assumin' you want me to bring 'im here?" Erik tossed the keys to her before picking up the bag of stuff she'd brought for him. "Yep. Before sunset, okay? It all has to be-," "Perfect. I got it." It was strange for Ava to see her cousin act this way, but endearing and interesting all the same.

A little while later and Harper showed up, Erik immediately gave her the task of lighting the candles. They were tall and thick and Erik didn't have to worry about some burning out before the others. After their talk a few days prior, Erik felt relieved. He wasn't sure how the other Kings - Darcey, Alex, and Spencer - felt about him right then, but it was nice having someone on his side. He knew what he'd done was such an unforgivable act; even he struggled to forgive himself. But knowing that Harper did gave him hope that he one day would be able to, as would Billy. The idea of the man never being in his life again wasn't something he wanted to think about; he couldn't even fathom it. So this had to work otherwise...

A few hours and witty banter later and the two of them were done. The sun was beginning to set in the background, rays of light causing the pond behind them to twinkle. It was a nice plot of land, he thought. Not too far from the city, tucked away in a quiet area by the water. It was the perfect place to raise a family if Billy would have him. He glanced down at his watch to look at the time and started gathering things up. "Alright, get outta here. Don'tcha got that family dinner soon? I'll try to have Billy there but if this goes well," he said with a smirk, "No promises."

Billy ( Pyroclast Pyroclast )
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Chapter 21: The Beginning of the End - Pt. 1
Sunday 10th November 1985
..3 days later...
Dublin: Late Afternoon - Dry, Overcast, Cold
London: Late Afternoon - Dry, Clear Skies, Chilly

Time for Tea
~ Berkhamsted, Chiltern Hills ~

Bruce King

It was strange to be back in Berkhamsted. The town was still deeply familiar to Bruce, as if it was just yesterday that he was living thereโ€ฆand yet, at the same time, it seemed to have changed a great deal in his absence. The high street was still defined by the same quaint buildings, though the post office was now a sweet shop, the old greengrocers had become a bank, and there were far more cars about than there had been when he was a boy. Bruce had learned at a young age that change was just a part of life, however; not even a small market town in the Chiltern Hills was beyond the reaches of modernisation.

After an enjoyable, albeit chilly, walk through the surrounding countryside and along the picturesque canal that ran through the centre of town, Bruce took Darcey for afternoon tea so they could relax and rest their legs.

โ€œItโ€™s funny beinโ€™ back โ€˜ere, ainโ€™t it?โ€ Bruce asked Darcey, setting his glass of champagne down beside the near-empty tiered stand of treats. โ€œWith this war finally come to an end, itโ€™s got me thinkinโ€™ about the future. We can finally focus on livinโ€™, you know? All our kids havinโ€™ kids oโ€™ their own, findinโ€™ love and settlinโ€™ down. Itโ€™s nice, seeinโ€™ โ€˜em go forwards. Theyโ€™ve survived a lot in their lives, but especially in the last few months. As have we, love.โ€ He took a deep breath and smiled across the table at her, a look of adoration in his eyes. โ€œWe can all finally breathe again.โ€

Reaching across the table, Bruce took Darceyโ€™s hand in his and turned to gaze through the window at the familiar street outside. โ€œItโ€™s got me thinkinโ€™ about the past, too,โ€ he went on. โ€œEverythinโ€™ weโ€™ve been through togetherโ€ฆitโ€™s why I wanted to bring you โ€˜ere, I suppose. Aside from beinโ€™ a beautiful little town, Berkhamsted gave us the peace we needed when our real home was under attack. Now that weโ€™re older, โ€˜course, weโ€™re able to stay and fight our wars to the end, but back then, we were just kids, and even though it was scary beinโ€™ evacuated and sayinโ€™ goodbye to my mumโ€ฆI still remember how good the air tasted here. How quiet and peaceful it was compared to the city. London will always be my home, but it is nice to be back โ€˜ere again and to take in a breath of that fresh country air. I think we deserve a little bit of peace after the crazy year weโ€™ve had, donโ€™t yaโ€™ think?โ€ He smiled at her lovingly, and sipped on his champagne. โ€œI hope you donโ€™t mind, Darcey, butโ€ฆwell, as nice as itโ€™d be to end our day on afternoon tea, there is one more place Iโ€™d like to take yaโ€™ before the day is over. Any guesses?โ€

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Darcey​
The Stewart Family Home
~ Islington, London ~
Alexander King
The meeting in Dublin went a lot smoother than Alex was expecting. He was prepared to be blamed and shouted at and even belittled but it never came. Sure, there were sarcastic remarks made but it never went past that. No threats or attempts to punch him in the face were made either, which was more than telling. The two families were in instant agreement when it came to what they wanted out of their meeting. Peace amongst both families for both of their sakes as well as Callum's. Things had gotten out of hand and it wasn't necessary for it to continue as such. Leaving the meeting Alex felt more relief than he'd ever had before; no longer feeling weighed down like an anchor was attached to his ankle. Really, he hoped things would last this time around but something in him said that it would.

The peace meeting wasn't the only thing lending relief to him either. Hearing that Trevor and Spencer had had an amicable conversation was another relief. While Alex himself was still... Weary, to say the least, about trusting and letting Trevor into their lives he was at least willing to give him a chance. After all, he had been given multiple chances over the past few months. He'd be a hypocrite if he didn't try for Trevor. Knowing that they'd had the conversation at least was a step in the right direction. Which was important if they were all going to be meeting his side of the family for dinner. Alex didn't want any bad blood from their side when meeting the Stewart family. It would be awkward and the last thing he wanted was to be stuck in a situation he felt awkward in. It was weird enough meeting people he very well could have passed by walking down the street. As much as he wanted to bring Kerry and Callum to introduce them as well, Alex decided against it. He'd asked Kerry to watch Callum while he was out instead in case he didn't mesh with these people. No need to waste their time if he wasn't going to bring them around again.

Worried that neither of his sisters would actually show up or try and back out, Alex decided to play chauffeur. With Harper's place closest his he picked her up first. On the way she told him about Erik's attempt at winning Billy back, Alex having to stop himself from making a face. It was admirable, he thought, of the man to try and fix things. And though Alex couldn't be too hypocritical in this sense either he didn't appreciate what the man had done. But he was all for giving chances and if Harper believed in him Alex would give him a break. May's place was next and the conversation switched to how she'd been feeling as of late. This was new and strange territory for him, so he tried to be as sensitive as possible. He briefed them on what to possibly expect when it came to meeting their new family and by the time they arrived at Spencer's they were informed.

Spencer gave him and his sisters a warning to be on their best behavior, Alex flashing a cocky grin. He glanced over at his brother from the passenger seat and chuckled. "Don't you know all the King kids are trouble, Spence? Follows us wherever we go." He was joking, of course, and was actually going to try and not be an asshole... Maybe. When they arrived at the Stewarts he watched the interaction between Trevor and Spencer with a curious gaze. No punches, he thought. How lovely. He glanced over at May and Harper to see if they noticed too before giving a slight tilt of his head. "Old man," he lightly greeted Trevor. Before they walked up to the front door. A woman calling herself Sarah mentioned that she was their aunt. Alex couldn't help the brief chuckle escaping him at her comment to Trevor. So, they weren't the only ones who felt a bit hostile toward him. Good to know.

His older brother spoke first, stating that he liked her already and Alex couldn't help but agree. "I second that. Plus, I'm sure all our good looks came from our mother." Philip and Abel then walked into view and once greetings were over they were brought to the kitchen.

Time for Tea
~ Berkhamsted, Chiltern Hills ~
Darcey Hargraves
From the night of Harper's attempt to a few days ago, Darcey felt like she hadn't had a moment to herself. She wasn't able to relax the way she usually did because one thing was happening after another. She needed to breathe. When Bruce and her nephews returned from Dublin with positive news Darcey was relieved. "Let's try to make this one last, huh boys?" Her light and teasing tone also indicated that she was being deadly serious. She wasn't sure how many more trips to Caspian she could take as the years went by. Seeing any of her family members bloodied, beaten, and shot up wasn't her idea of a fun Friday night.

When Bruce approached her about taking a trip Darcey immediately agreed. Ever since the two of them had made things official, she wanted to do nothing but spend time with him. She'd felt like they wasted years not being honest about how they felt. Darcey even found herself regretting not being honest decades ago; way before Olga even entered the picture. Her fears and ambitions stood in her way but she wasn't going to let it happen again. They had time to make up for and she hope it wasn't too late. Darcey was unaware of where he was taking her, but when she saw the sign to the city she sat in shock. Berkhamsted had been but a distant memory in her brain. While the town was now brighter and more abundant with people, she could still see remnants of the old town she grew up in. Children ran along the sidewalks and Darcey could swear she saw a glimpse of herself, Bruce, and Laura when they were young. It all felt so nostalgic and brought a bright smile to her face.

Darcey was looking out the window when Bruce addressed her. They were taking a break from all the walking and Darcey placed her hands on the table. He spoke about finally being done with the war between families, Darcey nodding her head in agreement. At the mention of the kids, their kids, Darcey's smile grew even wider. It'd taken her a long time to see herself as such, to even consider the kids her own. But the fact of the matter was she helped raise them. And in Harper's and perhaps even Billy's eyes, Darcey was their mother. The thought stung a bit, though she wasn't immediately sure of why she ignored it for the time being. "Yes, well," she started, taking a deep breath to show she agreed. "It's about time, isn't it? Didn't think after surviving one war we'd have to deal with so many more after." She lightly joked. Darcey didn't miss the look in his eyes as he looked at her, Darcey suspiciously narrowing her eyes at him. She opened her mouth to ask a question but closed it as he took her hands in his.

Listening to Bruce talk about the past made her think about things she hadn't done for a long time. Her past and childhood weren't always pretty and she'd much rather be moving forward. Yet being here now with him she was able to look back on the positive memories of that time. "A little bit of peace," she said, turning to him with a playfully shocked look on her face. "A whole lot of it, I think. Let the children fend for themselves for a while," she joked. Her thumb traced the back of his hand gently as she gazed warmly into his eyes. She'd done it so many times before but this time felt... Different. He told her there was one more place he was taking her that day and Darcey let out a soft laugh. "What, more walking? Had I known we'd be going on such a journey, I'd have worn different shoes!" She was teasing of course, nodding her head. "Can I guess?" She took a moment to think, shaking her head. "Considering I didn't think you were going to bring me here, I don't think I can. Unless... It's not... The orphanage, is it?"
3 days Earlier...
After Erik had profusely insisted that he was okay after Harper had accidentally punched him, the pair had sat down and planned how he was going to get back at Billy. When all was said and done, Harper knew it was time to head back home and called her driver, a moment she had been dreading since she was all alone at Jeremy's place since he was in Dublin. Instead of asking Erik if she could stay longer, she hugged him goodbye, without punching him this time, and headed out the door. The weather had taken a turn for the worst, the clouds had released what seemed like an infinite amount of rain and even walking a few feet to the car seemed like a dreaded journey. Luckily, she'd always been prepared, reaching into her purse, she grabbed her small umbrella and opened it quickly as she stepped out of Erik's apartment. Once the door had closed, she realized that her driver had not returned quite yet. Sigh, she was stuck with the embarrassing moment of asking to come back inside, or she could just hang out with her thoughts for a moment.

It was something that she had been trying to avoid doing outside of therapy, while she felt more like herself this week, she didn't trust those feelings. Harper knew that she had a long way to go in healing from this, it wasn't something that was going to get better overnight and she would have to work hard on it in order to get back to who she was before. A small yapping sound pulled her from getting too stuck in her head, a blessing that she had been looking for while also trying to convince herself that maybe it would be good for her. Stepping down Erik's steps, the yapping sound still sounded a little farther away. Curious, she continued walking until she saw a dark alleyway to her right. Peering down at it, the woman looked around her to see if anyone else was out. To her dismay, she was the only one on the sidewalk, which made sense considering it was raining cats and dogs. Looking down the alley once more, Harper wondered if she was hallucinating again. Suddenly feeling hot in her coat, she was just about to leave when suddenly, an alley cat yowled and the yapping sound started up again in full force as something hit the metal garbage bins.

She jumped as a scruffy, muddy and wet puppy came hurdling towards her, running for dear life from the big orange tabby that made his appearance, hissing. The puppy reached her and jumped on her legs, whimpering and barking for her to pick her up and for a moment Harper just stood there looking down. Harper had wanted a dog when she was younger, and she was sure her younger self would be overjoyed right now looking at this little sweet thing asking for help. But Harper wasn't sure what to do. Slowly and unsurely, Harper knelt down and carefully picked the pup up, its wiry wet fur apparent as it trembled in her arms. It was absolutely freezing out and with the rain, the poor thing could freeze to death.

"You're a tiny little thing, aren't you?" Harper said lightly, looking at where the cat had been a few seconds ago. "Was that big mean cat picking on you?" She asked, cradling the pup while reaching her right hand over to caress his ears. The dog had quieted down rather quickly once with her and that's when she finally remembered that her driver would be at Erik's any moment. Deciding that she wasn't just going to leave the dog in the cold and the rain, she quickly hurried out of the alleyway back to Erik's where the car was waiting for her.

Harper King
Stewart's Place
~ London ~

3 days later...
Having left her newly found pup, Atticus at the house with Jeremy, Alex had picked her up from his house so that they could go to Spencer's. Even a few days later, Harper was feeling once again very different than she had been just three days prior. Her heart felt like it was constantly going to leap out of her chest but when she was seated in a quiet room with a book and her new furry friend, things seemed at least a little more bearable. The conversation between Spencer, Trevor, and herself had gone better than she could have ever imagined and she was hoping to find some relief in that but only a little came. Today they were meeting Trevor's side of the family, which Harper was actually looking forward to. The only family she ever knew was the members currently in her life. The possibility of having, even more, to turn to was exciting though she was nervous.

Harper had never been one to outwardly care what people thought of her, carrying a pretty confident disposition, but that confidence just wasn't there anymore. Earlier at Erik's place, she had felt more like her normal self. She wasn't sure what it was about it, but she just felt more comfortable in her own skin. Out of everyone in her life, Erik had been the one she felt like she could let her guard down with. Maybe, it was because he had been through something so similar to her. Something clicked between them and she knew their relationship would never be the same. On the way out of his house, she told him, "Even if this doesn't go the way we hoped, I'm still your friend. But try not to screw this up because the last thing I need is Billy chewing me out." She kissed his cheek and hugged him as tightly as she could before making her way out.

In the car with Alex, she poked fun at him for not bringing a gift for the get-together and she had excitedly filled him in on everything, the energy she felt about the idea Erik had was there but it seemed like her second eldest brother wasn't exactly thrilled. Neither of them would say it, but they both knew he had no room to talk. Plus, Harper was beyond pointing that out anymore, Alex had changed, and she was trying to. It was refreshing to enjoy a car ride with him. Their next stop was May's place and when she got into the car Harper noticed she wasn't doing well. She felt guilty for not going to see her since she'd been out of the hospital, the only reason she had felt obligated to see Erik was that she had been going there to tell him off.

Harper felt that May didn't need her dragging down the mood. She needed people who would be positive influences and Harper knew that she was far from that right now. May clue both herself and Alex in on how she was feeling and Harper was sympathetic, offering any support she could at the moment. Alex then briefed them on what to expect with meeting their new family, which Harper had really already been prepared for.

Once they were all inside Spencer's car, Harper managed to roll her eyes despite the feeling of anxiety that continued to linger in the pit of her chest. "Oh piss off, would ya? Just because Bruce isn't here doesn't mean you get to boss us around. Also, Bruce would have told you all it's polite to bring a gift for someone who welcomes you into their home. Kings forgetting their manners, again." Harper's eyes met Spencer's in the rearview mirror as she flashed him a knowing smile. She was starting to remember how easy it was to fall back into just forcing herself to look happy, something that she was working on. But at this moment, Harper felt it was necessary, this occasion was meant to be a happy one after all.

Trevor was waiting for them outside when they arrived and they all exchanged greetings for being led to the house. Harper shifted from foot to foot as they waited at the door, turning to look at May to see how she was holding up to distract her wandering mind. The woman who answered the door had a deadpan tone when she addressed Trevor, whom Harper immediately assumed was her Aunt Sarah given the conversation she had previously had with him. The tone was still in place as she greeted them all, though much friendlier. Harper put on her best smile and filed behind her brothers as they all walked inside.

Letting Spencer and Alex greet Sarah first, Harper did a quick look around before it was her turn to introduce herself. "Nice to meet you, Sarah. I'm Harper, and since my brothers' here forgot their manners I managed to bring you this. I wasn't sure what to bring so I brought a bit of everything, wine, beer, tea...you name it. I might have been a little indecisive." Harper's cheeks turned pink as she let out a small laugh. Harper politely greeted Abel and Philip as well, offering them a smile before Sarah ushered her, Trevor, and May off.

Taking a seat at the dining table, Harper was glad to have at least separated a little bit so she could feel less overwhelmed. "Water is just fine, thank you," Harper answered after being asked what she wanted to drink. Once Sarah had been seated, she asked what they did for a living. Harper opened her mouth to speak only to stop herself. She no longer worked at the cafe. She was no longer in school. The last time she had an audition had been months ago. What did she do for a living?

"Ah...nothing at the moment. But I do have a degree in theatre with a minor in film. Worked as a waitress for a little while as I went from audition to audition, but that was before.." She got quiet, suddenly looking at her father. "Uh, May works for Darcey, don't you May?" Harper changed the subject quickly.
with: Misty Gray Misty Gray BasDorcha BasDorcha
mentions: Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
Future Home
~ Barnes, London ~

Billy King

1678654665227.pngOn any other occasion, it would have struck Billy how strange it was to be sitting with Charlie in the backseat of Erik's car, with Ava driving as if she was his chauffeur. Now, however, that was the last thing on his mind. With one hand resting on Charlie's baby seat, he sat quietly staring out of the window wondering what the hell he was doing. The unexpected arrival of his previously unknown baby son had turned his world upside down, which, it turned out, was exactly what he needed when his world had gone to shit. He had been focusing on the boy - perhaps a little too hard at times - to distract himself from the heartache he was feeling over Erik, and so hadn't actually made any progress in healing. It still made him feel sick to remember the scene he had walked in on and he wished, he wished that his broken heart didn't still belong to Erik. He felt so foolish to still be in love with him, so resentful that the man still had such a hold on him that just the memory of him made his eyes sting and his skin get hot and his stomach hurt.

And yet, here he was, on his way to see him. Billy had been having an alright day, aside from the literal shitshow that Charlie had presented him with after breakfast - but when he saw Erik's car pull up in his driveway and Ava show up at his front door, his mood immediately soured. Erik didn't even have the balls to come and speak for himself, he thought. While Ava had done nothing wrong in the slightest, he wasn't exactly in the mood to be polite to her. At first he wanted her to leave him alone, along with whatever she had come to tell him, but for some reason he found himself letting her in. Perhaps it was the part of him that wanted answers. Or the part that wanted to know if Erik was taking care of himself...

Drawing his hand away from Charlie, Billy unfolded the handwritten letter Ava had given him and read it again.


Iโ€™m know Iโ€™m the last person in the world you would want to be hearing from right about now. And I donโ€™t deserve what Iโ€™m about to ask from you, but Billy get in the car. I want to fix this and I want to show you that Iโ€™m serious about it and us and that I love you. So get in the car and donโ€™t fight Ava on this. Let me fix us and when you get here you can tell me to go fuck myself and I will. But I want you to hear me out and let me explain things to you. Please. Before you decide that you donโ€™t want me in your life anymore let me show you how good it can be when weโ€™re together.

One last chance.


Billy held his breath and stared out of the window, waiting for the tears in his eyes to dry before they could fall. Even he couldn't tell what the outcome of their meeting would be. He was unprepared and in two minds, torn between wanting Erik back in his life and not knowing if he could stand to be touched by him after what he did.

Finally, Ava came to a stop, and Billy realised that he had stopped paying attention to where they were. They had been driving far longer than it took to get to Erik's place and he hadn't brought many baby supplies with him. The only reason he had taken Charlie with him in the first place was because his family were all busy, most of them meeting the extended family on Trevor's side. Confused, Billy cleared his throat and looked at Ava through the mirror. "Hey, where are we goin' again?" he asked. He took another look out of the window and only saw somewhere unfamiliar. All he knew was that they had crossed the Thames not long ago. "What's he want me all the way south of the river for?"

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Erik
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Stewart's House
Phil and Abel Stewart, Maeve Thatcher

May had waited nervously for Alex to arrive. It was her first real outing since everything that had happened. Despite her best face, she could not fool them into thinking she was doing well. Instead she sat quietly the entire way to Spencer's, nodding her acknowledgement when they spoke to her. Words were escaping her with the way she felt at this moment, the fear suffocating and the awkwardness she felt in the car not assisting a bit. Harper was still suffering with her demon's, and Alex had attempted to do better by picking up two sad girls who were not the best company. It made for a tense ride in Maeve's opinion.

The question about how she'd been doing as of late threw hew a bit, but in a quiet voice she had explained how it had been a work in progress for her to go out and about, and how physically she was healed but emotionally she was still a wreck. She kept it short, trying not to make anyone uncomfortable, her go to method for the moment. Everyone was on eggshells around her, like she might break if they stepped to hard, but May just wanted to be normal again even if it felt impossible. When he joked about them being on their best behavior May gave him a shy grin in return before returning to look out the window from the back seat.

Trouble certainly followed them all, May even more so now that she had been fully accepted it seemed. The thoughts of being a bother again started to play in her mind, but she pushed it away, deciding not to be the downer of this trip. When they all finally pulled up at the Stewart residence, she followed them to Trevor, giving him a hug even as she flinched a bit, before greeting Sarah with a friendly handshake, along with Phil and Abel as they introduce themselves as well.

It felt like being rushed around, but suddenly her, Trevor and Harper were all in the kitchen, with Harper babbling to a stop when she almost spoke about the Mercury, sending a shrill shiver of memory through her as well. "Yes, I normally work for Darcey, but it's been a while since I worked." The words strangled her as she tried to say them, but she pushed through. "Recent events have had me out of work myself for a little while. And I'll take tea please, anything with peppermint or just mint if you got it - it helps with the nausea." She gave a slight smile, hand instinctively going for her belly. She had spent so long talking to herself and the little peanut, that some days it felt like just them in the world.


Phil and Abel had been getting ready upstairs when the greetings started, both hurrying down like mirrored images of each other to catch the tail end of the greetings. Abel had just gotten in from an outing and had to change, whereas Phil had just found himself moving slow today. No good explanation for it, just feeling lazy for a change. Sarah had been running around setting things up for them, and despite what she said, anxiously awaiting the arrival of their nieces and nephews and even Trevor - though that was a different type of anxiety right there. She still was waiting for Trevor to fuck things up and be his normal self, but Phil was holding out that this was the new and normal Trev - he just hoped he wasn't wrong.

"Don't go ganging up on 'im, I'll feel bad then I'll have to take his side." Phil teased as he joined the group, Abel rolling his eyes, "I'm Abel, it's nice to meet you all." He realized he was much younger than all of them, except maybe May who seemed close to his age even if she appeared a bit sad to the eyes. He looked at his dad questioningly, but his dad only shook his head as if not to ask.

They both laughed at Spencer's comment about having work if they all survived and Abel clapped him on the arm as they entered the kitchen. "Work I can talk about all day, what did you have in mind? Dad here still technically runs things, but he's getting old, I wouldn't blame you for sticking with the younger model." He winked at his dad who had his turn rolling his eyes. "Keep it up kid, I'll live forever out of spite." Phil teased. "You guy's want something to drink?" He took their orders and made their drinks, handing them out as he made them. Abel was still cutting up about how old his father was and that it would be easier working with someone who was up to date about the construction world, as if Phil wasn't there with him until Phil cut him off with a look and turned to Alex and Spencer, "I'm sure you lad's have a lot of questions, lets hear 'em."

"I've got one, how old are you guys? Have you always been in London? Did you guys even know we existed? What kind of cool jobs do you have? Are there others, I thought there were three brothers."

"Or you know, Abel could startโ€ฆ" Phil laughed good heartedly, shaking his head as he let the boys take the conversation.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Sarah Spencer and Trevor
Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess - Alex
Bellz Bellz - Harper
Mulberry House
~ Berkhamsted, Chiltern Hills ~

Bruce King

1678722719116.pngBruce held expectant eyes on her, sure she would guess correctly given the trip down memory lane they had just walked. It was the one significant place they hadn't yet revisited. Well, apart from...

"The orphanage?" he repeated back to her, before sitting back slowly. "Well, this is awkward...I thought you'd be thrilled to see if Madam Duffy is still there, pop in and say 'ello." After only a moment, however, a glimmer of mischief shone in his eyes and he cracked a smile. "No," he said. "No, I wouldn't take ya' to that old dump. You are close, though. Let's just finish up 'ere, and I'll lead us on."

The November weather was mild but distinctly autumnal and he hoped that Darcey would be alright with staying outdoors for a little while longer and wouldn't try to divert from his plan. Perhaps they didn't have to stick around once it was done - whatever she wanted, he would do. The thought of the event itself made his heart thrum in his chest, and he took her hand in his as they walked, allowing the cool breeze to calm his nerves.

"I know you know where we are now," he said, unable to hide his grin. It might have been partly the location they were in, but he felt suddenly like a bashful schoolboy. "That's where Laura fell off her bicycle, right over there - do you remember? I had to carry her home and you had to wheel the bike back onto the grounds without being seen so that we didn't get in trouble." He pointed over to a thick brush of meadow flowers, which had once been a beaten path. It was almost like they had grown and flourished in her memory. The town was behind them, now, and instead they walked along footpaths that lined the neighbouring fields and farmland. "Blackberry picking," he said, pointing to the blackberry bushes they used to scramble through, still growing over 40 years later. As the tallest of the three, Bruce had been the best at gleaning berries that Darcey and his sister couldn't reach, tearing and staining his clothes in the process.

Finally, they reached a black metal gate that parted a line of thick bushes. He stood with Darcey at his side, looking over the gate at the beautiful brick house tucked away in the trees. After a moment, he let out a chuckle. "All these years I've been remembering it as some big manor house," he commented. "Musta' just felt big to a child, I suppose."

It wasn't a long part of their childhood, but it was significant to him nonetheless, for that was the house where he had met Darcey. Before his father was killed in battle and before his mother was killed in the Blitz, Bruce and Laura had been evacuated from the city and sent to a temporary home in the countryside, along with a few other children. The couple that owned the house had only signed up to have them on a temporary basis, and by the time the other evacuees were sent back home to their parents, Bruce and Laura had lost theirs, and had instead ended up at the local orphanage. But their time in that initial house had been safe, peaceful, and homely - and while it had at first been scary to be living with strangers away from home, the young Bruce and Laura had quickly befriended Darcey there. And she had changed his life forever.

"Look, there's the maze we used to play hide and seek in," he pointed out with a fond smile. Then he hesitated, as though thinking up some kind of plan. "I wonder if we could just..." Bruce tentatively pushed open the gate and glanced at Darcey. With a mischievous smile on his face, he proceeded to enter the grounds and walk up the path, looking around with his hands in his pockets. He looked back at her and put a finger to his lips before beckoning her over. The house still appeared to be lived in. With a quick glance up at the windows, Bruce jogged past the house and into the entrance of the maze.

He paused for a moment to catch his breath, and smiled as he looked down at his feet. The groundskeeper had done a perfect job while they had been out. Bruce quickly followed the trail of rose petals before Darcey could catch up to him, and allowed them to lead him to the small courtyard at the centre of the maze. Lanterns hung from the branches of the wisteria tree and the water fountain was decorated with balloons and white ribbon. Bruce stood in the centre of the display, taking one last moment to straighten his jacket and smooth back his hair as he waited for Darcey to find him.


Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Darcey
Lucy Porter
Thomas Porter

Dublin City Hospital

~ Dublin City Centre, Dublin ~
Lucy thought the tears were never going to stop. They hadn't over the last several days. Not since the doctor had given her the news that James didn't have that much time left. Her eyes were raw from rubbing, and hair that was usually kept tidy was unbrushed and tied back into a messy ponytail. Nothing else around her mattered except her husband and her family. Normally, she would have been talkative, trying to keep the spirits up but she had nothing left in her to try. Each wheezing breath from her husband she anticipated would be his last and every time she found herself closing her eyes waiting for it. Her kids had been her rocks when it had been the other way around from the time they were born. If she had the strength, she would have found it in her to put on a mask, to try to reassure them that she was okay. But she had done that for so long through all of the close calls, the moment the doctors had told her to get her husband's affairs in order, that mask shattered and crumbled to the floor.

Everyone had come and gone to say their goodbyes at that time, but she had barely noticed past her children and grandchildren. Currently, she was watching him struggle to breathe as he had been, her hand squeezing his as she held her own breath. When he couldn't breathe, she felt like she couldn't either. Only when the door opened did her head turn to see Syd, Thomas, and Olivia all entering at the same time. Quickly, she looked away, for their sake' as she let go of James' hand to grab some tissues from her purse to dab under her eyes.

Thomas had hugged his siblings outside of the door before, expressing that he loved them both before they entered. It had been hard for him to not shut down after receiving the news that their father wasn't going to make it, but he knew he wasn't alone. Even if he did feel like he took every single moment he had with his father and mother for granted. When they entered, he tried his best to smile, swallowing back tears even though they burned his eyes. His comment about finally having them all together in the same room made him sad, hitting Thomas that they really hadn't been in the same room in a long time.

Thomas made a beeline for his mom, kissing her cheek and giving her a hug from behind as he allowed Olivia to greet their dad before moving to greet him. Thomas had never seen his mother look the way she had, absolutely gutted. She couldn't even meet his eyes as he said he loved her, which she returned softly. Thomas met eyes with Syd before taking a seat next to Liv.

Lucy finally looked up to meet each of her kids' eyes before taking Syd's hand in one of hers and taking James's in her other. Thomas rolled his eyes as James said Sam was alright, his eyes burning again as his father turned to look between him and Syd. When he asked about Elena and the Kings, Thomas met eyes with his eldest brother before deciding to speak first. When he opened his mouth to speak, words escaped him as his mouth dried. Drawing in a shaking breath, he then looked at his mother. Any sort of weakness she had been showing quickly receded as she offered him and Olivia an encouraging smile, gently telling him it was okay.

"Elena's good. She's too good, far too good for me. Nat and Leo have been coming over for game nights which has helped us both. She uh, told me to say hello." Thomas's voice broke at the end, eyes watering again as he turned to look down. Lucy bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself together, knowing that they all couldn't keep losing it. "A-and the meeting with Kings went well, right Syd?" Lucy turned to look at him, offering him another encouraging smile. "You know we are both so proud of all of you...right?"
with: Misty Gray Misty Gray Pyroclast Pyroclast
The Stewart Family Home
~ Islington, London ~

Sarah Stewart and Trevor Stewart

Sarah noticed the hesitation in Harper upon being asked what she did. Glancing to the man next to her, Sarah noticed the small, reassuring smile Trevor was sending his daughters. She focused back to the blonde as she explained how she wasn't doing anything at the moment. Whilst she was aware Harper had been through a rough patch after being injured in the explosion and recently admitted to a psychiatric hospital, she wasn't about to bring that up. She was aware Trevor had told Philip in confidence and in return Philip had told her without intention of it being spoken aloud. "A degree in theatre and film? That sounds like a very interesting path to follow. Take it form me, it's never too late to get back into it," she assured her, aware her niece would be taking more time away from her career due to her pregnancy.

There was a silence before Harper shifted the subject to put the attention onto May. Looking to her other niece, Sarah smiled as she was told May worked for Darcey. "Darcey. That's Bruce's missus, yes?" Sarah asked, turning to Trevor for confirmation.

"No. No..." Trevor said, quickly shaking his head. It wasn't like he was privy to Bruce's private life, but he wasn't aware of any romance between the two. "Bruce and Darcey have been friends since they were kids," he simply explained, looking to Harper and May in case they knew any different.

When May mentioned how she normally worked for Darcey, Sarah nodded her head. "What do you do when you do work?" she asked. If Sarah was curious about something, she didn't often beat around the bush and would rather just ask and find out the answer. Sarah wasn't quite sure about the events May was referring to, but judging by her demeanour and the slight awkward shift in Trevor, it was one of the times the woman decided not to press for answer. Instead, she poured May some mint tea. "Luckily. I'm always prepared," she knowingly told her niece.

The mention of being prepared drew her mind back to the drinks Harper had brought with her, recalling her mentioning how her brothers had forgotten their manners. "Don't you worry about your brothers, Harper. You'll find men are generally not too well versed in engaging their brains and remembering their manners. Baffles me how women have been considered the lesser sex for so long." Flashing a mischievous smile in Trevor's direction, she couldn't help her next comment. "Luckily for me, I chose one of the rare wise ones. Phil must have inherited the wisdom Trevor here failed to."

"And I will hazard a guess that you inherited all of the attitude your siblings missed out on," Trevor remarked back at Sarah.

Keeping things light, she laughed along before focusing back on Harper and May. "Seriously, though. Men might act like they hold all the power and the brains, but it's not often the case. Don't ever let any man think he's stronger or smarter than you. Kids or not, don't settle for anyone you have doubts about." Knowing what she new about Trevor, she was sure something in her words would hit home.

"Hey. Take it from this idiot bloke here. Your aunt's right," Trevor assured his daughters. He hadn't had much chance to get to know Jeremy or Christian yet, but so far his first impressions hadn't been the greatest where either was concerned. But then, he figured he had no room to talk.

"So, ladies. When are you both due?" Sarah asked, softening her tone and sending her nieces a warm smile.

Bellz Bellz (Harper) BasDorcha BasDorcha (May)
The Stewart Family Home
~ Islington, London ~

Spencer King

Spencer couldn't help the smirk when Philip said he'd had to take Trevor's side if they were ganging up on the man. Had this meeting happen only a few days earlier, Spencer might not find any humour at mention of his father, but the recent weights being lifted off his shoulders made it easier to relax and find humour in the situation.

Although Abel seemed quite a bit younger than himself, Spencer was pleasantly surprised to hear his cousin speak enthusiastically about work and made his intentions to follow in Philip's footsteps clear. "Bloody 'ell. This one's ruthless," Spencer remarked, grinning at Philip as he pointed to Abel. "Love the ambition, mate. But let the old man here stick around a little while yet. I'm a fair bit older than you but I'm still learning plenty about running a business," he assured him. When drinks were offered, Spencer noticed some of the drinks set out on the counter already so he pointed to one of the cans. "I'll just have a beer, thanks," he asked he uncle.

Spencer was just opening the can when Philip asked him and Alex if they had any questions. He didn't get chance to respond when Abel began asking a barrage of questions. Quickly pulling the can away from his mouth so as not to spit any drink out in amusement, he nodded along as he took in his cousin's questions. "I'm 37, been in London all my life," he answered the first questions, pausing to give Alex the chance to respond on his own behalf. "How about you, Abel? I reckon I've got a few years on you," he remarked.

With the question about whether he and Alex knew Trevor's side of the family existed, Spencer briefly looked away before reminding himself Abel was old enough for him to be open and honest with. "I'm afraid not," he admitted, glancing to Philip. "Trevor did a disappearing act from your dad's life before going onto meet my mother. He never told any of us about your side of the family," he honestly told them. Over the years, there had been so many imagined scenarios where Spencer thought life could have been better for him, his siblings, and his mother. One scenario was having known more of Trevor's family - more family to support them and to support Bruce through everything. But it was done now and Spencer knew there was no way of changing the past.

With the question of what he did for a living, Spencer knew this was the point where he should only give half of the truth. "I work for my Uncle Bruce's business. Big pharmaceutical company," he explained. "I also own my own pub and restaurants," he told him, deciding not to mention his prized, destroyed nightclub.

Spencer looked to Alex, giving his brother chance to answer the questions for himself too, as well as address Abel's curiosity about where Billy was.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Alex) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Philip, Abel)
Roxie Carriveau
Sullivan Family Home

~ Sutton, Dublin ~
Second by second. Minute by minute. Hour by hour. Day by day. That was how Roxie was coping with it all. If she didn't break it up like that she was sure she would have fallen overboard by now. Fortunately, she had the kids to distract her from her own emotional needs as well as Syd, who was crashing further and further to the ground with the news that James wasn't going to make it. Breaking the news to the kids was hard, but after everything they had been through, she knew in the end they would make it. Their father on the other hand. Roxie had taken up permanent residence at his place 3 days ago to keep an eye on him, unsure of what he would or wouldn't do to himself.

On top of that, Lucia seemed to sense the unrest inside the home, not sleeping through the night as she had been only a few weeks before. Roxie was taking extra care to give her the attention she needed, taking time to be with her in order to make sure she was taken care of. Having just returned from the hospital, Roxie had barely walked through the door with Conor when J.J. came walking up to her, carrying Lucia in his arms. "How is he?" He asked softly, his wide blue eyes staring up at her, causing her to go silent. It was hard to lie to her kids when they already knew so much already. "He's still talking." Roxie murmured, "But don't worry, okay?" J.J. scowled slightly, eyes watering. "It's hard not to, mom. I can't stop thinking about it but Jeanie seems to have forgotten all about it. But I can't talk to Jane about it without her crying. Can I just hang out with you and Luci for a while? She spit up on my shirt but I cleaned her up. It's my favorite shirt but she's cute so I'll let it slide." The boy gave a light smile, cradling his baby sister awkwardly before Roxie reached out to take her. "Spit up is just her fancy way of saying I love you." Roxie murmured before reaching out her free arm to pull her son close to her and kiss the top of his head, "Thank you for looking out for her, I'm going to get settled then you can join me in the lounge until your father gets home, yea?"

J.J. nodded his head and looked to Conor with a smile, "If Leo tries to tell you that I didn't kick his butt in arm wrestling, he's a liar! I so did." She was trying her hardest to not think about the conversation she had with Thea recently. While she knew it was time sensitive and that she was due over any moment, she was trying not to give anything away. She thought about it too soon it seemed like because suddenly a knock sounded on the door, causing Roxie's back to tense up as she looked to J.J. and then to Conor. "I'll get it." She said, trying not to sound rushed as she adjusted Luci in her arms and moved to the door. Opening it quickly, Roxie tried her best to smile calmly at Thea who seemed to look as nervous as she was starting to feel.

"Hey Thea, how are you, dear?" She asked lightly before looking back at Conor who had no doubt be looking to see who was at his door, uninvited by him. Nervously, Roxie stepped aside to allow the woman in. "J.J., love, why don't you go play with the others for a while, I'll come to get you when I'm done okay?" "But-" "No buts, go on," Roxie said calmly to her son who sighed before nodding his head as he looked between Thea and Conor before turning on his heels and leaving.

"Conor, I know this might seem like...a surprise. But I needed this conversation to happen when Syd wasn't around. With him in the state that he's in. We can't afford to have him do anything...rash." Roxie was sure at this point he knew exactly what she meant by that. Shutting the door behind Thea, Roxie bounced Luci in her arms and said, "Thea came to me with some information pertaining to the safety of our family that I feel you need to know. Maybe we can talk about this in your office?"
with: Conor Misty Gray Misty Gray Thea Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess

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