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Lunch time had arrived at Hogwarts and it was about time for students to start pouring into the Great Hall to sit down at the respective house tables or not (because what a lame rule like seriously, why is this a rule?) and get ready to eat. Yay food! Students were now heading to the Great Hall for lunchtime; the corridors were starting to become empty with a few students here and there stopping to talk. Meanwhile, Ron and friends were entering the Great Hall to sit down at the Gryffindor table.

Upon entering the Great Hall, however, there was something strange. You couldn’t miss it.

Lying there on the table was a closed book; an unfamiliar book that someone must have accidentally left. Whoops! Still, a bit odd and mysterious looking isn’t it? Very spooky. Still, it should be returned to the library of whoever it belonged to.

The group huddled around the book to examine it. What kind of book is this? It’s so mysterious and… off putting. Who knew a book could be giving off creepy vibes? This one sure does! And Ron isn’t a fan of it. Nope, not at all.


It wouldn’t hurt to take a peek right? It’s just like any ordinary library book, surely. Come on, what’s the worst that could happen? A face appears from the book and screams at them? Nah. This is just going to be a regular book with nothing but fine print words staring back at the students. Ron inched close to the book out of curiosity; kind of hesitant to be opening up an unfamiliar book. But come on, what’s going to happen? There’s just going to be words staring back. That’s all, there’s nothing to be scared of.

The Gryffindor boy began to open the book with the expectations of… well, nothing.

A blanket of flashing white light eminented out of the book washing over the room like a blanket of snow. Blinding…..eerily bright. Reaching every last little crevice of the school. The spell that the book contained has finally been released…..tooo do what. Well….wait and seeee…..

Still in the famous wizarding school but in the 1970's a friend group who always caused mischief were hanging out in the Room of Requirement with the treasured mauraders map out on the table. The room had turned into a cool hang out zone for the four and well plus a certain Slytherin that a certain Gryffindor has grown rather fond of!!!

James had been standing behind one of the chairs yapping away about his latest prank ideas. Resting his hands on the chair in front of him. A big beaming smile on his face. “ So anyways! What do you groovy kids think of that?” He asked. The pranks were pretty mundane other than casting a pretty silly spell of turning all the Slytherin's well except for Reggie's hair purple. James Potter was a bit of a big goofball, a bit of a idiot at times. But hey! Always a good time with him around.

James wouldn't ever do that to Reggie you know. Such a smitten kitten for his fellow animagus boyfriend. The whole group were animagus actually! How gnarly is that! While He simply awaited his friends to respond to his question, He moved to the side of the chair and leaned over to give Regulus a light smooch of the cheek smiling goofily as always before sitting down on the arm of the chair. Swinging his legs lightly.

What no one had noticed yet was that the beloved mauraders maps had a bunch of new names that suddenly popped up onto it, in the great hall. Whom would be the first to notice that little peculiarity? Who knows!

Regulus had been tagging along with Marauders for a while now thanks to James dragging him everywhere and getting him involved in the pranks. It’s not like the Slytherin is complaining or anything like that because he’s happy to tag along. The other marauders seemed to be approving and supportive of his relationship with James. Which is good! Very nice.

Reggie was settled comfortably in a nice chair, having no choice but to listen to James rattle on about a prank idea. Classic James, isn’t it? “No, James, you cannot turn all of the Slytherin students' hair purple.” Reggie breathed out with an exasperated sigh. James may be an idiot, but he is Reggie’s idiot. Even if James did cast some ridiculous spell to turn the Slytherin students’ hair purple, obviously Regulus would be spared. But still. It’s a silly, ridiculous prank.

The Slytherin watched as his boyfriend gave him a peck on the cheek and he couldn’t help but smile. What can he say? He’s a sap for affection! Affection from James Potter. “I love you too, James.” James didn’t even need to say “I love you” for Reggie to say “I love you too.” back to him. James could just give him a kiss and Reggie would say it.

The Room of Requirement is a nice place to hang out. It’s just Reggie and the Marauders listening to James rattle on about prank ideas. The Slytherin moved to hold hands with the Gryffindor. Affection! Very nice.

What Regulus hadn’t noticed before, but was noticing now, was that a whole bunch of names had popped up onto the Marauders Map. Like, a bunch of scrolls with each other person’s name in it had appeared in the Great Hall. And Regulus didn’t know any of these people! Surely if it was someone who already attended Hogwarts then it would’ve show them walking to the Great Hall, not just appearing there out of the blue.

Regulus shifted in his seat for a better look at the map. Listen, sometimes Regulus likes to take the map and see what’s going on. It didn’t look like anyone else had noticed the change on the map, just him. His eyes flickered down to the map, looking at all of the various new names — …… Harry Potter?

Who is Harry Potter? Does James have a brother he doesn’t know about? A cousin? “James, mon amour (my love), who is Harry Potter?” The Slytherin asked with a hum as he leaned back in the chair to look over at the Gryffindor. “Do you have a brother I don’t know about?” Regulus inquired, gesturing to the Marauders Map.

“Look, a bunch of people have appeared in the Great Hall.”

He might as well point it out to everyone else while he’s questioning James. Who are these people? And who is Harry Potter? Reggie only knows James Potter! And Euphemia and Fleamont Potter of course.
james potter
Prongs- Marauder
happy and confused
Regulus and Fellow Mauraders

James was happy to drag Regulus with him everywhere, He could! They were dating after all! He was also very content with Regulus joining him on him and his friends pranks. He was estastic about it and the fact that everyone seemed to be all supportive about it! Which was great right?! Excellent! Always so great right?! So neat!

“ But Come on Reggie it would be absolutely hilarious to turn the Slytherin’s hair purple….Snivellous with purple hair?! Wouldn’t that be a gem!” He whined a little bit with a laugh just being silly. “ If you guys don’t like my ideas please share yours!” He replied softly glancing at Reggie with a softer smile. He waved his friends off to go ahead and share there own prank ideas. “ How about you guys! Wormtail, Padfoot and Moony? Care to share any grand ideas?” He asked. Yes, James’ ideas might have been a little idiodic but they would absolutely be hilarious !”

Pranks were always fun to come up with you know! James Potter always enjoyed coming up with them! Even if they were not always the smartest ideas. He couldn’t help but smile when leaving the soft peck on Regulus’ cheek. It’s not like his friends didn’t know already. He was pretty smitten about the Slytherin that was for sure! He was beaming even more when the other said, I love you too. “ I love you….I berry much love you too”

" I am so fawn-d of you" He chuckled a bit happily. Yeah, you know cause he's a stag animagus. Classic James! The Room of Requirement was a great place to hang out and just plan all the pranks of course! No staff would hear them in here after all! Which James preferred not wanting the pranks to be stopped before they would even happen you know! What would be the fun in that! He smiled twining their fingers together, happy for any affection at all. “ But yeah , tell me you guys bright ideas then?” He said wanting to just focus on Reggie for a moment with a happy smile.

James was a bit distracted just focusing on Regulus for the moment and attempting to pay attention to anything the other Mauraders might say. “ You’ve pawsitively stolen my heart” He whispered to Regulus. Hehe! You get it! Cause Reggie was a panther animagus! Anyways! Jamed tilted his head when Regulus was looking down at the map before shrugging it off happily smiling before turning to focus on his friends. Listening to their ideas. Yeah prank planning was always fun! Especially when Regulus was there.

James blinked slowly turning to Reggie with a raised eyebrow. “ Hmm? Reggie? I don’t know any Harry Potter?” He replied confused raising an eyebrow. The Gryffindor was quite confused and did not quite understand at all. “ You know I am an only child…..It’s just me and my parent” He mused with a shrug. He was very very confused. He didn’t understand what Regulus was inferring too until He gestured to the map. Adjusting his glasses as He glanced down at it. “ Huh…..I don’t know any of these names? What in Merlin’s Beard is going on?” He asked softly scratching his head. Who is this Harry Potter?! Whom could this be? Long lost cousin or something? James didn’t remember his parents ever mentioning the name Harry before. “ I have no clue Reggie… Does anyone else?”

coded by natasha.
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i don't go looking for trouble...

Lunch was always a good time to relax after classes, and hopefully discuss other matters. So as always, Harry found himself alongside his friends, chatting with Ron with an arm around Draco, a newer member of their ever-growing group. Since this morning, he had a feeling that the morning was going too smoothly, that something was going to happen and he was just, waiting, and waiting for it to happen.

Arriving at the Great Hall, the group found themselves at their usual table, but what they weren’t expecting was a book. Hermione probably could tell it wasn’t from the library but Harry’s first thought was wondering if it was from the library, that maybe someone was studying and left it behind. At the same time, it didn’t make sense. Everyone would be in classes up until now.

He shared a knowing look with Ron and Harry gave a small nod as the two of them were on the same page, both hands reaching out to try and grab it but Ron would make it to the book first, which honestly, Harry didn’t mind.

“Open it up already Ron! We can’t figure out what it is unless we do,”
he said only moments before Ron peeled back the cover of the old mysterious book, a blinding light filling the room. Harry instively would pull people back from the book shielding Draco and others behind him as he closed his eyes.

As it faded away, Harry removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes, blinking a few times as his vision began to return and his round spectacles went back onto his face as he looked around.

At first inspection, everything seemed, normal around him. Harry then patted himself down ending with his hand touching his scar intuitively, almost expecting it to hurt yet, nothing came. So at least it wasn’t directly Voldemort related. He then would look around at his friends, confusion written all over his face.

“Is everyone alright? What the hell was that?”
He would ask before beginning to see people that he never even saw people and soon, realizing, students were around them, staring at the group that had appeared.

“Either I must be daft but, the people around us, we don't know them right?”
He asked, his voice only loud enough for those nearby to hear, a hand getting ready to pull out his want.

welcome home son

♡coded by uxie♡


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