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Completed Chapter V: Out of Sight

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Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"Is that really all you know about it? Where have you seen it before?" Dina was visibly dissapointed. "On an unrelated note... do you know of a way to confirm someones lineage?" She asked with a sigh. This question has been in and out of her mind for a while now. If she was to reveal herself to the Resistance soon, she should have some evidence of it.
"As you might deduct from my accent, I am from the very North of the continent - from a small place right next to the Frigid Wastes." the archmage began his story and then looked startled. "Oh, my. But I forget myself. I did not offer you anything since you arrived... That will not do. You must be thirsty, at least."

He rises from the chair and walks over to the cabinet, talking as he went. "Once, when I was much younger but still older than you, I was part of an expedition with the local Folk, sent to dig up some ruins. For days we traversed the frozen tundra beset by both the weather and the beasts of the wilds, but we prevailed." When he comes back to the table he brings two glasses and a bottle filled with a golden liquid. "This is auria; a sweet drink containing spring water, honey, and a few other exotic ingredients. It is very rare and very expensive. I think it would do you good to try it." He smiled as he filled both glasses and placed one within Dina's reach. "There's no alcohol in it, yet the sensation is often described as intoxicating. It actually has purifying properties. Go ahead. It will make you feel good."

Dina had never heard of auria, but the golden drink sat perfectly still there in the glass before her, taunting her with its radiant appearance.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"Please continue." Dina said as she took the glass, eyeing its contents curiously. She had to resist the urge to ask about the exact content as the drinks properties sounded quite usefull. The girl spun the glass and the liquid in it before taking a small sip. "Tell me more about these ruins." She demanded but with her note of curiousity one could barely list it as an order. Dina wondered if the temple and this ruin were linked in some way other than the presence of the Taint. Was there a pattern to its manifestations?
"I was just about to." Soreas replies, only eying his glass for now. "Eventually we came upon the remains of a small structure in the frozen plains. These were not the ruins we were looking for, so we were both surprised and interested. Yet there was something... wrong about the place. Dark purple crystal formations dotted the ground, pulsing with magic. It was something unheard of. We set up to investigate but were soon after attacked by things made of crystal. Some kind of arcane monsters. Few of us survived."

He paused to sip from his glass.

"Needless to say I devoted the next few years of my life researching the phenomenon. There were others with similar experiences, but for all my trouble I could not learn anything particularly useful aside from the name 'Taint' and that it had dark, malevolent tendencies. Definitely not anything that could help someone who'd become infected with it." Again he looked at her in a very sorrowed way. "I am truly sorry. Like I said, I will try again and contact you as soon as I learn anything new."

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"So... would any of the following help? Maybe there is something that you know but would not assign it to the Taint." Dina said trying not to show how annoyed she was. "When I contracted it it seams I survived thanks to the fact that I already wield the opposite of it. The power of nature. From what I heard so far It seams I will indeed not die from it, but lose myself as a person when the marks reach my heart. The Taint is quite enthusiastic to have found someone who can accommodate it. It wishes me to become her, and I quote, dark songstress. My companions and I also fought the Azshari, the crystalline minions of the Taint" the girl was spinning the glass like one would do with a wine glass. Her hand slowed the spinning as she remembered... "We were brought here by the one they sung Betrayer, long ago. From the Deep we rose, higher and higher. We are high now, close to you. This is what it said to me when I asked where it came from. Any ideas as to its meaning?"
The archmage opened his mouth to say something a few times but Dina just kept talking. He ended up blinking at her infodump.

"Dina, Dina..." he said and then went quiet, reaching for words. "I am four times your age and have seen and done some incredible things, but you clearly have more knowledge on this Taint phenomenon than me. You claim to have spoken directly to it. I merely fought a few magical constructs that I didn't even now until now were called Azshari. You also seem to know more about what is happening to you than I could even guess. Power of nature? You are much too young to be a wizard of the elemental school, and besides I would have felt it if you had magic potential. As for your quote... I know not who the Betrayer might be, but it sounds like it came from underground. Which does make sense compared to my experience."

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"So I have no magical potential at all? What a shame." Dina said with a sigh looking around for some plant life she might use to show what she ment. "You could say everything about me is a little odd." Dina offered a somewhat mournful smile.
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Letting her now-mostly-healed patient go to be taken care of by his friends, Maggie turns to the other injured guard with a gentle smile. "Thank you for your patience, friend. Now, let's have a look at this..." She inspects his wounded arm to see how critical his need of healing is. If it's just a scratch, she'll poultice and bandage it herself; but given circumstances she expects to use her second Heal miracle on him. Her attention mostly taken up by her inspection, she pays little mind to the others' conversation.
Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

Maggie patches up the second soldier with a needed Heal miracle, and now has two very grateful men at her side which, albeit recovering from injuries, will undoubtedly defend her from harm.

As the Chosen and the array of guards proceed through the wrecked square they are, probably not to anyone's surprise, ambushed at halfway. First a single figure is spotted in the receding fog ahead, clad in dark robes with an obscuring hood. As the stranger draws closer Maggie and Violet both recognize the emblem painted on the chest; a red flaming orb. The final confirmation is when the person threw back the hood to be revealed as a human woman with blonde hair and unremarkable features.


"You'll come no further, mortals!" she exclaims with a winning grin. "There is no need to disturb our Lord when I am more than capable of dealing with you myself."

"Arianis...!" Violet steps up. "You'll regret showing your face again." Her threat doesn't seem to give Arianis pause, however. She remains wickedly smug.

Meric looks at his compatriot with questions in his eyes but instead turns his attention to the woman in front of them. "Sacking the Outskirts and turning the villagers into Undead... Whoever you and your master are, you will pay a steep price for what you've done!"

Arianis laughs and proceeds to mock the elf. "Oh no! Woe is me, for justice has come upon me! If only there was some way to reduce the weight of my sins... Oh wait!" She doesn't even try to pull a convincing act. She seems far too amused but she does manage to confuse the party, if only briefly, with her next words. "What if I told you... that the villagers are actually... alive and well? Not only not walking corpses, but not even corpses at all? Would that grant me some mercy?"

"Cut the act!" Violet suddenly draws an arrow and aims at Arianis. "What have you done to them? Speak, before I kill you where you stand!"

"Why don't you ask them yourself?" the woman replies.

At that moment other shapes start coming from behind the houses at the visible end of the street. Human shapes, but there is something wrong about them even at distance. As they come closer you realize they are not behaving normal. Their movements are too unnatural, the expression on their faces too blank. And there's more of them coming from the other two streets, but not from directly behind you. Within a short minute you realize that judging by the numbers this must be about half the people that lived in this village.


"Every sentient being is capable of magic," said the archmage, "Even some animals though in their case it is part of their nature. What I am saying is that if you were a wizard I would be able to feel that about you. You would be like a hot stone among a shore of merely warm ones. But yes," he smiles, "Most everything I learned about you so far is odd to say the least. You must lead quite an exciting life at Violet's side. Are you two traveling together? You do seem young to be in the Resistance."

He takes another sip of his drink, looking more content as soon as the exotic liquid touched his lips. Dina knows why - she can feel a pleasant warmth sparking up inside herself, making her feel better by the second. It serves to entice her to drink more.

Maggie says nothing for the moment, letting Violet and Meric speak for her - as indeed they do. Instead, she gradually moves closer, hoping to get within miracle range of Arianis. At the first sign of spellcasting, she wants to drop Silence Magic on her, hopefully forestalling whatever it is she's about to do.

The mention and entrance of the villagers does successfully distract the priestess, however, and she focuses her attention on them, instead, trying to figure out what's been done to them.

Henvei v. R. Daltzen

Master of Cards

"Hard to love that which you have never seen, nor will never venture to see." Henvei responds, in what he suspects to be a deeply sage tone. "It is not as if traveling is the strangest talk to come of home, anyway. What does the chemist say of his first concoction? What does the inscriptor say of his first rune? You are the journeyfolk, and that is still Folk. Unusual, but not unheard of."

Henvei clears his throat, having descended into a mutter only half belonging to Ricard. "Aside the point. You pursue a goal, and that is enough. It is close, yes?"

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"Quite so, yes." Dina answered the archmage's question while stirring the content of her glass. She questioned its effect on her. The archmage was used to the drink but Dina did not dare take another sip. "I am sorry, but I have to cut this short. There is still a lot I need to do today. Thank you for your hospitality." The girl set her glass down and got out of her chair.
Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

The villagers are normal in appearance yet they stare absent-minded ahead. It is like they are puppets on strings controlled by someone else. The soldiers look warily around, made uncomfortable. Some of them can probably recognize familiar faces or even have family members staring at them behind those empty eyes.

Neither Violet nor Meric have anything smart to say at the moment, but Laurolf seems to have had enough. "Alright then," says the dwarf, "'Nuff of them tricks! If it's a fight ye want, it's a fight ye'll get!"

But Violet looks at him appalled. "Laurolf, no! We can't harm the villagers! It's that woman, she's done something to them. Some kind of spell, surely..."

A'kal was not eager to cut down innocent civilians either. "If there is a chance that these people can be saved, we must try."

Arianis laughed. "Shortsighted fools! You are blind to His light, but not for long! Open your eyes... Open them and see the flame of my Lord that already burns within these souls! At them, my servants!"

At the woman's order the villagers start closing in from all sides in three groups. Moments later, just when a very tough decision would have to be made, they suddenly began writhing and producing sounds as if some invisible torturer was working on them. Before anyone could react, the villagers literally combusted in flames from various holes in their bodies that spontaneously opened. One by one, this was the fate of them all.

And then they ran towards the Chosen and the Watch, screaming and burning through the fog. All the while the woman behind it all laughed maniacally.


"Oh?" Soreas seemed surprised. "I mean, of course." Then his gaze fell on her glass and he quickly said: "But you've not finished your auria! I can't believe you don't like it. Surely you can spare the time to drink up."


"I... Thank you, Henvei. Believe it or not, your opinion means much to me." Ricard smiled and led on through the forest.

Eventually the two Folk travelers arrive to their destination, successfully not getting lost. "Heartwood!" Ricard exclaims, but there is very little left to back up his victorious yelp. The several pillars of stone and ruined remains of a structure have become nearly completely overgrown. However even after some time spent searching, it is clear that the actual entrance has ceased to exist a long time ago. Ricard states so himself, but adds: "Not to worry, Henvei. I'm on it."

Before Henvei can get an answer out of him though, the young Folk begins channeling a spell like ripples through the ground. It is clear to Henvei that Ricard is using Fissure, a spell of the Earth elemental magic meant to split open the ground on a scale that depends on the power and desires of the wizard. However just being able to use it at all tells Henvei that the young Folk is at least an apprentice in this particular school of magic.

Within seconds the tremors open a rift down into the darkness of the earth and Ricard stops channeling. "That should do it. Hopefully this hole will lead right into one Heartwood's hallways!" He already looks as excited as if he just crawled out of that hole with all the treasure in the world on him.

Maggie gasps in horror as the villagers are set aflame from within. For several moments, it's all she can do to stare, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, at the scene before her, unable to fully take it in. Then the poor villagers charge forth. With a direct threat to her friends and allies now presenting itself, the priestess's jaw snaps shut and she also moves - to the nearest bunch of friendlies between her and the burning villagers (Meric's group, I would guess). As soon as she is able, she casts her Great Divine Shield miracle on the the three people likely to face the flames first (and herself, incidentally), crying "Maker shield you!" Her robes swirl around her as she immediately spins to face the front closest to Arianis, intending to race up to it and do likewise there. It's not much, but it's what she can do - and maybe there's something that can be done up there to stop this madness at its source. "Violet! Take out the source and perhaps the flames will stop!" She gestures desperately towards Arianis.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"I never drank it before and I already feel it effecting me. I need my head clear. Thank you for it, but I don't think I should drink any more." Dina smiled politely at him.
Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

Maggie's timely miracle completely safeguards Meric and those in his immediate vicinity and they are able to quickly kill the first several attackers. More are already pushing up against them but under Meric's leadership the chances for success on this front are high.

On the opposite side, Violet's group seems to be doing even better. The elf's arrows and those fired by her archers felled several enemies before they were forced to engage the rest in melee. However as soon as that happened, one friendly life was extinguished by the flames. Nothing indicated that Violet registered Maggie's call, for she was still focused on firing arrows into the melee. Captain Andrés commanded more units from the formation to reinforce each front and himself joined the fray by Violet's side.

The situation on the last remaining front, the one facing the woman that brought this upon them, was by far much worse. A few City Watch soldiers were killed due to the initial shock that reduced their effectiveness in battle. Some found it hard enough to kill the people they once knew, and harder still when they were suddenly on fire and running towards them. Even with Laurolf valiantly extinguishing a flaming foe with each swing of his great axe and the Undead construct that automatically defended itself with ease, the outcome was doubtful. Laurolf could be overwhelmed at any moment, and without specific orders the powerful construct was merely engaging targets within its reach that threatened it. Battojutsu fought well on his end; without him the soldiers on the left flank would likely be gone by now.

On top of all that, Arianis did not idle. Her hands were up in the air, enveloped in flames as a sure sign of a fireball spell in brew. She would likely be targeting the group that was already in serious trouble. Maggie had a sound plan but it was clear that the wicked woman would manage at least a single fireball before she could intervene.


Looking just a tiny bit offended, the archmage shrugs and lets the matter be. "I can assure you that it would only affect you in the best of ways, but suit yourself. I was merely offering to add an unique experience to your life." He stands up from his chair and crosses his arms behind his back. "I wish you good luck on your travels. Give my regards to Violet when you see her. I doubt I'll be able to slip away from Guild matters to do it myself. And if I learn more on the topic that gravely interests you, I will certainly relay the information. Farewell, Dina."

Soreas Arenov smiles faintly, but his eyes intently follow the girl as she says her goodbyes and leaves his office.

Henvei v. R. Daltzen

Master of Cards

Thoughts of home fill Henvei's head,. Yet, some sand still lingered, and clouded any stereotypes he might have harbored for Ricards and the earthen art. He settles instead for a quiet nod, appreciating progress and Folkish magics in equal measure.

The cave is old, and Henvei had never cared for ruin. He takes a few steps forward, gazes disdainfully into the darkness. "Excellent. But hope is a temperamental thing, yes?" The smell of ancient secrets hits the wizard's nose, and he recoils back into the fresh air. "There is much mystery in these halls, that much is certain. The smell is dead, but that does not mean death at all. And these places have a tendency for surprises, yes?" Henvei's fingers dance about as he conjures up a wisp, holding it in front of himself in a lazy attempt to piece the darkness below. But the sickly blue lights reveal wounded stone and little more.

"Nevertheless, nothing to be gained from sitting here and pondering. You will lead, yes."

Time...not enough time! Maggie makes a rushed decision, praying it's the right one. As she runs past the party's necromancer on her way to the front lines, she saves up enough breath to call out to him, "Vittorio! Can you send your creation to distract her? Even for a moment, would help!" Then she is past, throwing herself into the melee midway between Laurolf and Battojutsu. "Maker shield us," she cries, willing that beautiful golden light to encircle the soldiers around her.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

Back at the temple Dina managed to borrow some equipment and was crushing the herbs she collected so she could restock on potions. She did this so many times she needn't think about it and the action was happening as if on it's own. While she was doing so the girl decided to try for a contact with the spectrals. If she could get some information about the world outside this fog it would be helpful. She was also planing to try for a plantlife contact as well. There was more they knew about the Taint for sure.

For now, the spectrals were the first she wanted to hear from. Her hands working the greens, yellows and the exotic combinations of wild flowers she reached with her mind for the ancient helpers of her ancestors.

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

Horrified but resolute in the fact of the magically malformed villagers, Valtieri shrinks behind his de-facto bodyguard and plots the next move. The enemy, the real enemy, seems distracted enough...

Valtieri orders his contstruct - forward, kill, pointing it at Arianis and trying to retreat back to one of the larger, safer groups of allies.

He's not a man cut out for battlefields, uncertain, and contemplating raising more bodies to stem the oncoming tide. Valtieri watches his monstrosity at work, following the lead of more battle-hardened companions and trying to calm his stomach in the face of this... this butchery.
Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

Arianis' fireball impacts with an impressive explosion, but against a shield of brilliant golden light that appears out of thin air called upon by the priestess. The soldiers behind it are completely protected but the enemies on the other side are not. They are blown to smoldering pieces across the ground. Moments later, as the smoke clears to restore line of sight, the smug is gone from the mage's face for through the dust moves Valtieri's 10ft tall, armored golem. The construct sets forth deliberately, paving the way directly towards Arianis and carelessly trampling enemies in its path. Behind him the soldiers look back thankfully to Maggie, realizing well that she just saved their lives.

Except for Battojutsu who seems to be playing hero surrounded with foes, this front just got alot more secure. On other two sides the defenders are steadily defeating the burning enemies, though not without occasional losses.

Faced with a threat of incomparable magnitude Arianis sends the two remaining minions she had at her side against the approaching golem, buying the split seconds needed to fire off another spell. She joins both of her hands together and wills a much greater flame to sprout.


Attempting to contact the Spectral Council proves as much of a challenge as before. No matter how hard she tries, all Dina gets is static in her mind. There is something in the way that she cannot overcome.

But, at least her potion-making goes according to plan; she soon ends up with several vials of useful magical drinks.


Young Ricard grins at Henvei as he casts another spell. In mere moments his skin turns darker, greyish, and hard-looking as if it were made of flexible stone. Henvei easily recognizes the Stone Armor spell for he'd seen it many times back at the College. "Then the treasure is first come, first served!" the Folk shouts and jumps into the hole, cleverly sliding along the least steep side and plunging into the darkness.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

Dina stores the potions and whats left of the herbs in her pouch and neatly puts away the equipment she used after washing them. The girl can't help but feel very isolated and helpless. I should have known that wouldn't work. And knowing what usually happens I am more likely to have Ghosty appear than come in contact with Nature. she thought with a deep and prolonged sigh. After a few moments she does attempt to contact Nature to see if that goes through. Getting her thoughts in line she goes into an almost meditational state of pure focus.

Maggie pales as the burning enemies are obliterated by Arianis' fireball. "Thank You, Maker," she whispers. Her relief is short-lived when she realizes that the mage will have time for at least one more spell before the golem can reach her. Given the strength of the last one - and the fact that this new one seems as though it will be even worse - the priestess decides she can't allow this one through either. Staring intently at Arianis, Maggie waits just long enough to determine who will be the next targets before throwing her last greater shield around them.

Maggie is watching Arianis' eyes to try to determine where the next spell is going. I'm assuming the last one is quite gone, given the big boom. (

;) ) Casting Silence might be the better long-term strategy, but Maggie just can't bring herself to sacrifice any of the soldiers to make it happen.
Occurs to me that the next target may well be the golem coming at her, but even if it is, I don't think that will change Maggie's plan.

Henvei v. R. Daltzen

Master of Cards

"Then the game begins."

The Hispen vanishes into the dark, and Henvei is quickly after him, although he prefers the elegance of Levitate to any flashy sliding.
Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

The priestess' caution is well placed, but it soon becomes apparent that no intervention from her is necessary for the mage is focusing entirely on the golem that threatens to end her life. The flaming orb of fire she casts looks to be twice the size of her last one and it hits the Undead head on as it tramples over the last two villagers in the way. Seconds later, the golem emerges from the fire and smoke visibly singed, still hellbent to carry out the instructions given by its master.

"Impossible!" Arianis exclaims and then quickly turns around to flee.

But Violet's arrow is quicker, hitting the woman in the back and causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. She does not get to rise. Having caught up to her, the golem slams down with both huge hands and muffles the woman's last scream. Having completed its task, it stands still. "Not this time, bitch." Violet says.

Elsewhere the last remaining villagers are being put down and soon enough peace is restored to the village. Captain Andrés walks up to the center and speaks so that everyone can hear him. "Nine. We lost nine good men. Maker show their souls peace." Despite the victory, no one shouts.

"I mourn your losses, Captain." says A'kal. "They died with honor." Meric and Laurolf just lower their heads in respect. Battojutsu walks up to the middle where everyone seemed to be gathering, his armor blackened and bloody. He looked like he just fought his way out of hell but had nothing to say.

"It is a sour victory, to have defeated our enemy but saved neither the village nor the villagers." Meric finally speaks.

The captain looks around. "It is too early to tell, and too early to grieve. There were alot more people living in this village, as well as the outlying ones. This fog seems to be slowly lifting. My men and I will spread out and look for survivors throughout the Outskirts."

"Best not be forgettin' that the real enemy is still out there somewhere, hm!" Laurolf joins in. "We've to use our momentum to hunt them down now."

Meric nods. "True. Chosen - prepare to move out. And best of luck to you, Captain."


In her state of high focus Dina reaches out with her thoughts like living vines seeking contact - and sure enough, finds it. Not just one but many, which is to be expected as the town itself is far from devoid of plant life. Other feelers brush hers in the mental void, but only to shrink back from her touch.

"It is her!"
one tiny voice says, scared.

"In the dark she finds us." another joins in, relying the same emotion.

"We must keep afar. Our waters are not the same."

"Her life comes from the tainted spring." another concludes, and there is something very foreboding in the way it says it.

Immediately there is a cascade of different, high pitched voices sharing that one thought and passing it around.



"We feel. Yes."

"The unsingable!"

"Harmful waters..."

Dina's practice with her powers of Nature has made her more attuned to its children, and she realizes she is able to identify some of these voices even from afar. She recognizes alder, pine, juniper, and spruce.


The two Folk find themselves reasonably deep underground, some ten to fifteen meters below the surface to be exact. The hole through which they descended shines white with daylight, but the light does not reach even halfway through so if it weren't for Henvei's wisp of fire they would be in complete darkness. Then Ricard takes something out of his pack and strikes a spark, and suddenly he's got a lit torch that gives off about the same illumination like Henvei's spell, but will last much longer.

"Us poorer Folk without fancy fire and air magicks must travel prepared." he says, grinning. "Now, let's see where we got ourselves." He then takes a few steps away from Henvei in order to reveal more of their surroundings but even going as far as a dozen feet there is still nothing around them but the total and absolute dark outside the reach of their lights. The young Folk stops, seemingly uncomfortable with going too far from his companion. "The sounds carries well and there are no walls nearby. We must be in a large room. Look." he points down and crouches to inspect the only surface available to them. The floor seems to be made out of large, worn and cracked stone tiles overgrown with moss here and there.

Most people would probably not feel comfortable at all in a place like this, with the dark pressing from all sides and the unknown lurking beyond, in a large chamber where something could come at them at any time, but both Folk seem relatively at peace. At least the eerie silence suggests that nothing... active is in the room with them, but given the manner of their entrance if there is anything remotely alive down here it has most likely been alerted.
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