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Completed Chapter V: Out of Sight

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Sanya, Dina

"Frightened? No, no..." said the elf. Her eyes were a deep grey, signaling that she was at least a couple centuries old, betraying her youthlike exterior. "The Godess foretold of your coming, you who bear the mark. You have come as promised! I am exhilarated." She spoke very quickly, true to her last statement, and seemed to be very eagerly eyeing Dina all over. She didn't seem to be able to rest on just one spot of her.

Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

The captain seems at least somewhat relaxed. "Right. Can't rightly argue with that, there... Well. As long as you keep it under control." he turns to leave and comes back just in time to pass by the soldier and Maggie as she was finishing her speech. "Oi!" he shouts at him.

"C-captain!" the soldier mutters, already retreating. However Maggie can see from his posture and facial expression that her words worked at least as well as a miracle would. His lips shape a silent thanks as he disappears back into formation.

"Not be bothering the priestess! Off with you." the captain orders, but there is no real rebuke in his tone. Soon after Violet gives the order and the company starts marching out, with the Chosen party at its head and Valtieri's construct in between the two groups (as preferred by captain Andrés).

It is not a long way to the Outskirts. The mostly straight dirt road takes them there in about ten minutes of regular walking. Though the mist had withdrawn, it left behind what seemed to be quite ordinary, walkable and somewhat see-through fog. It still made the world look dreary and eerie, but it was a welcome change from the impenetrable white wall. Unfortunately the first signs they encountered in their search for survivors were not promising. Both on their left and right were the charred remains of structures razed to the ground.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

Dina rapidly blinked a few times before speaking again. This was not the reaction she expected and was quite puzzled by it. "If you would escort me, I would love to hear all about it. I came here searching for information on the mark you see ." She suggested and smiled warmly but being in a hurry she motioned with her arms, rushing the woman along in Sanya's direction.
Sanya, Dina"Some of the others, they've stopped hoping. They say they didn't, but I know they did. But I didn't." the shadow elf continues as her speech turns into rant and she is unable to contain her excitement. "And now my patience pays off. The dark herald is finally among us." she whispers now. "You will lead us into Dark."

If she has not until now, at this point Dina definitely feels a wrong vibe emanating from the woman. More than one thing is wrong about her. That's why she is probably glad to hear Sanya's voice as he stands by her side. "Back off, mage. I know not what nonsense you speak of, but you've mistaken this girl for someone else. We've other business to attend to here."

In response, the woman recoils and takes a few steps back. "The dark will come." she says plainly, then turns and hurriedly walks away through the hallway she had arrived from.

"Dina?" the man asks. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

"No... this..." Violet steps ahead of the group, visibly shaken. "This is the edge of the village. It... it's gone." she sounds as if she doesn't believe it herself.

The guards speak amongst themselves as well, and their voices are clearly audible in the dead silence. A sight like this, though not entirely unexpected, is less than motivating. Judging by the ruins there were a couple small houses on either side of the road here.

"I'm sorry, Violet." Meric had come up behind her. "But we'll fix this mess. For now, everyone stay on their guard. There's no telling what could come at us from the fog."

Laurolf readied his great axe in silence.

Maggie smiles at the soldier as he returns to formation. It is her duty, but also one of her great joys, to restore faith wherever she sees it failing. Perhaps it's a good thing that that's what's uppermost in her mind as the fog thins enough for them to see the destroyed buildings. "Don't lose hope, Violet. All will yet be made well. Those lost here, are now safe with the Maker; and we will see to it that no more are lost." At Meric's words, she nods resolutely and readies her staff.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

Dina turned to face Sanya with her hands on her hips. What that woman was saying was indeed not what she was hoping for but she felt any peace of information on this matter was important and she was very much interested in hearing what she had to say. Maybe there could have been something she could have used in the waterfall of crazy she expected from the woman as soon as she heared the words "the dark herald" come out of her mouth. That did shock her but her mind took a sharp turn for the land of curiosity. Now, Dina felt that she lost her chance. "I was gathering information and you had no right to drive her away when I was the one who invited her to walk with me. She was talking crazy, but there could have been something in there that I could use... Your intervention was inappropriate and your worry misplaced. Please, do not do something like this again. It is not your place to." She scolded Sanya looking like an angry mother lecturing a child who broke her favourite vase while playing with a basketball indoors... Where it was forbidden. Her tone made it clear that she wanted to talk about it no farther than this and she took her place by Sanya's side again, ready to continue on.
The man was taken aback by Dina's harsh response but almost immediately regained his composure. "Silly girl. That is not the way to go about any business, especially about what bothers you. But fine! Next time I'll stay out of your way." he said, frowning, and hurried up the staircase without looking back to see if she was following.

Dina lost approval (-3) with Sanya, total -13

They stopped at the third floor and went down the left hallway in a wide arc around to the opposite side of the tower. There Sanya abruptly stopped in front of a set of dark wooden doors, as if almost walking past them. "You can wait here if you like, princess." he said and slightly bowed, all in a painfully sarcastic way, then knocked on the wood and simultaneously entered.

"Yes. You are both right." Violet nodded. "We need to keep our heads clear, even in the face of loss such as this." She signaled the captain behind and everyone resumed the march.

Maggie earned approval (+2) with Violet, total 25

A short time later, the two groups arrive at what was presumably the center of the Outskirts. A large square only somewhat smaller than a town square would be, but less refined; instead of cobble the ground was trampled earth. Everywhere in the blurry vicinity there were signs of destruction. All of the buildings facing the square were destroyed without exception - though some were standing, they were charred as if by a great fire. Debris littered the ground. Violet's face turned grim, but it was more in anger than sorrow this time. Similar expressions could be seen among the troops ranging from disbelief, sadness, and wrath.

"This looks like the aftermath of a battle." Laurolf remarked, scanning the area.

"A one-sided battle." Meric replied, and then asked no one in particular: "And if so, where are the bodies?"

Unless they were hidden in the ashes of the buildings or underneath the stacks of destroyed material, there were no remains of any creatures to be seen. This could mean several things, and none of them pleasant. This thought was reflected on the faces of all gathered as they reflexively looked around.

"Commander!" captain Andrés joined the Chosen at the front of the column. "I... I've no words for this. It is as we feared -"

"Save your words. Use swords." Violet cut him off. And then, as if on cue, ghostly shapes began emerging from the fog ahead, arriving from across the square. There were over a dozen. For now.

It was A'kal who first shouted: "Undead! Defend yourselves!"

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

Dina did not offer a reply to Sanya's provocation. She did think about what he said but the main thing in her mind was the time that was running out. There was no time to play games so Dina acted accordingly. Without a word she followed Sanya through the door.
Through the door was a large, expensive-looking office adorned with a various array of trinkets that looked like they were from around the kingdom and beyond. There were bookshelves on the sides lined up with colorful covers. A great chandelier hung above from where it illuminated the chamber. But the centerpiece of the furniture was an almost unbelievable table of dark wood whose legs were made into four dragons breathing fire upwards; the flames of which intertwined across the surface, and the spaces in between were filled up with glass. Behind the table sat a human wearing a fancy wizard robe, black with silver trims and a pattern of mystical symbols covering certain areas. His hair was short and entirely white, but the face under it did not look as old as one would expect. Perhaps eighty? The mature period of human lives had the widest range and was thus the most difficult to reliably tell. Thus the man could have been anywhere from sixty to a very well preserved hundred.

"I was expecting you." he said, rising to stand and revealing himself to be very tall. His voice was regal and somewhat gravelly, but what would attract more attention in a few moments was his northern accent; the sharp 'r' firstmost. "Sanya Sarkov. The Seventh Sword of the Kossar. Ever since I heard you were in Dunn I had been hoping for a chance to meet. The Guild is honored to have one such as yourself within its walls. I am Soreas Arenov, Archmage to the Mages Guild of Dunn."

Sanya, who didn't look like someone who could ever sound regal, at least attempted to answer the archmage in kind. "I am the honored one. Thank you for the audience on such a short notice. Though I must admit I did not request to see the archmage in person over something like this, but they sent me here anyway."

"The staff at the reception was acting on my request." said Arenov. "Such is the procedure I deemed necessary in case someone shows up with... vital information." The archmage seemed hesitant for a few moments, then looked over both Sanya and Dina. "But before I say anything else, I would like to get acquainted with the young lady." He kept his blue eyes fixed on Dina as he said it.

Sanya looked at her as well, expectantly.

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

"Shelter behind the construct!" Valtieri shouts, directing his dread guardian to the front of the column with a muttered command and a wave of his staff. "Let us see if they intend to hurl anything at us, and then..." He uses the end of his staff to shove a fragment of fencepost, causing it to split. "Then I'll hurl that back at them. Can anyone take a rooftop for a better view, or to cover our flanks?"

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"Dina Ailsa. It is a great privilege and pleasure to meet you." Dina spoke and bowed much like a dancer would have. She had one foot behind the other, her back straight and head only slightly inclined forward, her knees allowed the motion downward and back. "If you would honor me with a few moments of your time I would talk to you after Sanya finds his answers." She added and summoned the most charming smile that lit her face up.
"She's with the elven commander." Sanya clarifies, seeing the archmage raise a brow in confusion.

"Of the Resistance? Violet Robbins?"

Sanya nods.

Immediately a smile lights up the archmage's face. "I've nothing to hide from anyone who calls themselves a friend of Violet. Back to my original thought..." The shadow of fear and doubt creeps up over his face at the notion. "Dark are the times. Have been since Ilhirel took the throne, but I do not think she caused this. Indeed, I fear the source originated from right here, the very tower we are in. I fear there is a traitor in our midst. Or more than one. They are behind the fog and the attacks, and I suspect they might even have had something to do with disabling our portal. This is why the receptionists sent you directly to me. I asked to speak with any who might help personally. The list of people I can trust is short."

Sanya frowned. "Then the robed man I encountered in the graveyard yesterday..."

"One of us. A fallen wizard. Or so it would seem, provided that we captured the right person."

Sanya's eyes widened. "Captured?!"

Arenov nodded. "Indeed. Our prime suspect is being held in the dungeon of the tower. Do you think you'd recognize him?"

"I..." Sanya faltered. "Afraid not. It was dark, and from across the crypt. His face was obscured. But I'd still like to meet him, if possible."

"Certainly. I shall accompany you. But before we go..." the archmage looks at Dina again and speaks to her: "And you, Dina? Are you here for the same purpose, or perhaps on behalf of Violet herself? Speak freely."

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"On a more personal type of matter, I'm afraid." Dina said driving her fingers through her black hair. She went silent for a moment. "I have questions concerning the nature of the mark covering my arm. I can wait until we meet this person you speak of." He did ask her to speak freely, did he not?

Maggie glances at the captain. "Have we any archers that can watch from above? Violet, maybe you can lead them? I may be needed here below." The priestess turns back to face the soldiers and raises her voice. "Fear not! Together we shall prevail, for He is with us!" She raises her hand high above her head as she casts her Light miracle upon it, illuminating the battlefield with the divine radiance.
Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

Valtieri's skeletal construct moves up in front of everyone else, and for a change no one complains about it being here anymore. Interesting. Captain Andrés calls up two dozen men from the formation and they quickly take up positions using the nearest barricades to form a defensive line.

"Good call, Valtieri." says Meric to the necromancer and then speaks to Andrés. "Captain, make sure our flanks are protected! Just because they're not swooping down on us from all sides yet doesn't mean they won't in the near future." The captain nods and gets to work.

"I'll take the left flank." Violet moves away from the main group to the left, occupying a makeshift barricade with several guards.

Standing near Maggie, A'kal remarks: "The rooftops appear to be too damaged. Those that are standing, that is. It's not safe. Say, priestess... can we expect some tangible help from the Maker or are you just here to boost morale?"

"I can't believe I'm goin' to say this, but maybe having that blasted Henvei with us on this one wouldn' be that bad." says Laurolf to no one in particular, but loud enough to be heard by everyone. "The dead are almost upon us, and I think I see more in the fog beyond!"

The clash between dead and living was about to commence in the fog-ridden main square of the village.

Sanya, Dina

"As you wish." the archmage replies with a shrug. "It's just that I've learned from experience never to trust things to play out exactly the way they are supposed to. Because you never know which direction they may take, it is unwise to delay anything that is important enough to be done on the spot. But if you are certain, let us proceed." Having imparted his wisdom, the archmage leads Sanya and Dina outside and back to the main staircase, then down. They eventually pass by the ground floor and still continue their descent until the air becomes stale and heavy, and rough stone walls replace the fine layers of decorated wood. It is pretty evident that they have now reached the dungeons in the very base of the tower.

There are not many cells and most are proven to be empty as the three of them pass by. There was one guard at the entrance and one more posted at the final cell, inside which was a figure clad in dark robes, huddled against the far wall with its face hidden from sight. "Nothing to report, Archmage Arenov. He's been like this since your last visit." says the guard with a salute.

Soreas dismisses him and turns to Sanya with an inquisitive look. "Well?"

Sanya takes a few long moments to study the prisoner in the weak torchlight before finally answering. "It could be him. I can't be completely certain, of course, but he does look like him." Then he speaks directly to the prisoner: "You there, necromancer scum! Your brethren are dead. Not only have we cleared both you and your pests from the crypt, but with the fog retreating a company of guards was sent to the Outskirts this morning. Have you anything to say to that?"

In response there is laughter. Slow at first, then building up into a maniacal parody of a laughter as if the robed man was privy to the best joke in the world. "Fools." he says, breaking out of it but still chuckling. "You think you've won? You're nothing. You don't even know what you're dealing with."

"What are you talking about?" Sanya asked.

"Like... Like lambs to the slaughter." The prisoner continued. "Those sent to the Outskirts will die a horrible and painful death, and given time not even this tower will save you from what is to come. We will all die. All of us. Uldred made sure of that, didn't he..."

That was when Soreas intervened. "What did you say? Uldred? So you are from the guild." To Sanya and Dina he offered a brief explanation. "Uldred is a mage from the guild as well, but he was always a problematic one. Always dabbling in dangerous practices, pushing the boundaries of what should and shouldn't be done... If he is responsible for this then we must find him at once."

The imprisoned mage laughed again. "Not a chance. That's right, he's left the city. More likely he'll find you. Then you'll see for yourself what he's done, as I have..."

"What has he done?" Soreas asked slowly. "What has Uldred done?"


At about the same time, the scholar Henvei was trudging through the dense pine woods of Darkvale north of Dunn, accompanied by a fellow folk Ricard Hisper in search of a forgotten place called Heartwood. The two had been walking for close to half an hour now since they left the town through the Riverfront district. Young Ricard led the way, naturally.

"How are you holding up, Henvei?" the Folk asked without stopping. "I swear it didn't look this far on the map, but I am fairly certain we didn't miss it. Probably. Shouldn't be much farther."

The grey skies above, muddy earth below and the lifelessly green trees made for very poor scenery. One could almost taste the bleakness in the air, carried forth by a relentless wind that just started blowing. It made it feel even colder than it actually was, and it was only October!

Maggie smiles at A'kal's question. "Raised morale is often more help than is immediately apparent, you know. But yes...through me, if nothing else, the Maker will indeed aid us. Though my talents are more of the defensive and healing sort - so I'd best stay back here, for now, and stay mobile to aid the wounded. If you see any enemy spellcasters, do let me know - them I might be able to do something about, at least temporarily."

Henvei v. R. Daltzen

Master of Cards

Henvei paused for breath, and for thought.

"I am closer to home the further I walk from last night's bed," he mused, before straightening up, answering his companion without weariness. "Fine, yes. Rather, I have walked roads far worse." The Folk grimaced at the thought of sand. "But I have always found the end of those places. Here, I am unsure. I trust this path is familiar, yes?" In truth, Henvei doubted they were lost. But Folk tend to wander, and who was Henvei to talk, having wandered into the Academy in the first place?
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Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

The first Undead group hits the line of the defenders. The Light miracle emanating from Maggie's hand illuminates the most important part of the battlefield: The area currently occupied by the defenders. It does little to reveal the thickening fog beyond but makes the center of the square brighter and clearer. This in turn allows the defenders to fight more effectively and also boosts their morale.

Between Violet and her archers, Meric and A'kal leading the swordsmen, and Valtieri's construct, about half of the first wave is cleared up quickly and without friendly casualties. The rest won't last nearly as long, and the second approaching group is noticeably smaller so the outcome of the skirmish looks promising.

Sanya, Dina

Meanwhile, Archmage Soreas Arenov takes Sanya and Dina back to his office upstairs. The expression of concern and fear hadn't left his face all the way from the dungeon. "We must act before it is too late." he says, sitting down in his chair.

Sanya looks even more upset than him. "There's no choice. I have to give chase and warn them."

"Yes." Soreas nods. "It will be no small task to find them in the fog, and in time at that, but they are not prepared for what's out there. Without warning, they will surely perish." Then he looks at Dina. "And the girl? Does she have a place to go?"


Ricard pauses as well, showing off his sharp teeth in a revealing smile. "Did I mention I have never actually traveled outside the Wastes?" he asks, in a tone that makes it sound like he is bragging. "I found the road to Dunn fascinating, though I imagine most would describe my journey as dull. But it was all new to me. Is that wrong, Henvei? To go thus against tradition? I don't believe many at home would understand my newly found love for the road." So many things about the Folk were a constant reminder of his young age.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"Thank you for your concern, but there is no need for it." Dina said still slightly in a daze. "I would talk to you on the matter I mentioned earlier and return to the Maker's temple afterwards." She offered a slight smile. It seemed to her that the Archmage was acting quite fatherly towards her. Even after hearing such troubling news he thought about her. Dina must look very young and vulnerable to him.
Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

Just as expected, the second group of Undead is being made short work of, and thanks in no small part to Valtieri's construct. The last stragglers are almost taken care of but two guards are brought to Maggie for help; one has suffered a nasty cut on his arm where the enemy blade somehow managed to get through his armor, while the other was stabbed near the shoulder - a critical wound as the priestess well knows, potentially deadly if the artery was damaged. She'd have to check herself to be sure.

Meanwhile Meric walks up to Valtieri and sounds uneasy as he asks: "Your assessment on the situation, Valtieri? My senses tell me it can't be this easy."

Sanya, Dina

"Then it is done." says the Kossar, bowing slightly to the archmage. "I leave immediately. Take care, Dina." he says coldly and quickly spins around to leave the room.

Dina is now alone with Soreas who beckons her to take a seat in one of the two elegant chairs meant for visitors. "Do mind the table, please. The glass is obsidian." he says with a smile.

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"Maker guide you!" Dina wished for Sanya as he was leaving. She turned and took the seat with a smile to show Soreas's plea was taken into account. "This" , she said rolling up her sleeve all the way to her shoulder, "is what I want to talk to you about.". With her arm resting lightly on the table she searched the archmage's expression. The web of purple was standing out in her pale skin and seemed to glow slightly. After a short mental battle she turned her palm upward and attempted to grow a small crystal within it. Better to show and tell in that order, right? She prayed for the crystal to turn out as she pictured it and not scratch the table.
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The archmage's features twist and warp in astonishment. His eyes become glued to Dina's arm as he watches in awe at the network of pulsing purple lines that cover almost the entire area between the hand and elbow on the underside. A few are even threatening to spill on the upper side and ultimately form a link with themselves back on the other side. Before Soreas can speak, however, the glow increases in intensity because of Dina's focus. And sure enough, the dark power comes forth; it happens almost effortlessly but not exactly how Dina wills it to. Suddenly there is a flash of purple lightning as an incredible spark forms up on the palm of her hand and jumps upwards much like real lightning would - hitting the ornamental chandelier suspended above.

But what happens next is even more unreal. One of the twelve candle holders breaks off - a fragile thing, seemingly made of glass with tiny bits of metal - and plummets down onto the table. But it doesn't hit the table (much to Soreas' relief) because Dina's arm is in the way, still flowing with Taint. Instead, the part drops on her hand where it instantly breaks into tiny pieces the size of gravel in a small but spectacular flash of a dark purple explosion. The pieces scatter harmlessly across the table and the floor, and her palm is completely unharmed. Finally, the glow begins to fade as she is no longer actively trying to use her power.

The archmage stares in disbelief. When he recovers, the first thing he says is: "The chandelier... it is also obsidian."

Dina Ailsa Tenárus

Lost Child of Asgard

"I am so very sorry. I cannot control it." Dina spoke, her voice trembled for a split second. This was not what she wanted to do at all. "Any thoughts?" she asked sounding very uncertain. Dina feared that the archmage wouldn't help her because of this. "I contracted it at the temple of the angel from a crystal cluster which I cut my arm on. There seems to be an ancient will linked to it, the Taint." the girl added trying to remember more details. She was obviously startled by the way the power acted and did not think carefully about her choice of words.
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Glad that the casualties were so low this round, Maggie smiles to the first soldier brought to her. "A moment, if you would - your comrade's need appears to be greater right now." Without further ado, the young priestess turns to the second soldier and begins her evaluation. Unless it turns out much more trivial than she thinks, she will immediately cast her Heal miracle on his injured shoulder. Overhearing Meric, and knowing she can cast but three healing miracles today, she decides to cast only the one miracle on the shoulder injury regardless of whether that fully heals it, assuming that any remaining damage can be dealt with for the moment with more mundane treatment (i.e., bandages). Then she turns back to the first soldier, ready to deal with his wound as soon as time permits.

Vittorio Valtieri

The Gentleman Necromancer

Valtieri shrugs. "I'm no battlefield commander or tactician, Meric." Mr King? Sir King? "If it was me, however, this would have been a distraction while the bulk of my force hit a better target or prepared to flank.... There is someone on the rooftops, isn't there? A runner at our back?" He says, looking over his shoulder.

Valtieri is beginning to share Meric's unease.
Meric, A'kal, Violet, Valtieri, Laurolf, Battojutsu, Maggie

The last of the Undead are finally dispatched (with the exception of Valtieri's golem which stands undamaged save for a few scratches on the plating) but the tension remains in the air, in some ways thicker than the fog.

Maggie's assessment turns out correct; the second soldier's wound is deep but it did not damage the artery. Her healing miracle takes care of it though the man will have to additionally bandaged. One of his mates sees to this so that Maggie can focus on the other guard.

"I was asking for your... professional opinion." Meric says to Valtieri. "I do not lack tactical experience, but I've never fought Undead in such large numbers. It is difficult to anticipate what they might do."

Captain Andrés intervenes. "I've sent a couple scouts to try and secure higher ground but neither are the few standing parts of the roofs stable, nor is this fog leaving much room for useful vision. I'm afraid we don't have much choice - we must deal with the situation the only way we can. Directly."

Slowly but surely, the guards are being regrouped and a decision is made to press on forward. "Am I imagining things," Laurolf asks, "Or be this fog recedin'?" Taking note of it, visibility seems to have increased somewhat since you arrived to the village.


"Temple of the angel?" Soreas asks in wonder. "I know not from whence you came, but angels are considered a myth. I cannot help with that. I can, however, help with this." he points at her arm. "Or actually I can tell you what I know, though it may not be very helpful now that I think about it..." He seems to drift away for a few moments, lost in thought.

"I have heard of this will you speak of, this presence. Taint. More than that - I have seen its manifestation, the crystals, as proof. Few in Asgard would, however. It is an old, very old thing, Dina. Older than this kingdom, I would imagine, but twisted and powerful. No good thing ever came from stories of the Taint, much as the name implies."
He smiles weakly in an attempt to pass the jest. "I'm afraid I do not know the true nature or origin of it but it is a dark and twisted being. I cannot believe it to be a spirit for it defies too many laws and concepts of interaction between this plane and the Shadow Realm, but it is definitely something abstract yet tangible... Almost like living power, but corrupted... It has a mind of its own, that much is certain. But alas, I have never faced a case such as yours, where someone was... tainted by the Taint. I can only guess at your condition and where it leads. The cut spread, I imagine by looking at your arm. That bodes ill. I doubt anything good will happen once it covers you whole. Sadly, I can think of no remedy. I will try to research it, you have my word, but... I am sorry." The archmage looks at Dina in a way one might look at a dying person.
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