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  • location

    outside the woods


    mixed feelings





    Halloween was one of Winston's favorite holidays. Mostly because there's a lot of sweet treats you can get! He could be peeling candy wrappers and eating candy right now if it hadn't been for someone's idea to spend the night in the forest for Halloween and to scare each other with ghost and horror stories. Sure there's the stories and the sweet treats that are bound to be brought along with them, which is great because Winston likes both. But why camp out there the whole night, the whole night in a dark forest on Halloween night of all nights? Don't get Winston wrong, sitting next to a warm campfire on this chilly, autumn Halloween sounded nice but they could just douse the fire and head back and curl up in a warm bed rather than spending the night out here. But nope, someone suggested camping there the whole night. And unlike some, Winston was dressed in a comfy, oversized sweater (and quite frankly the sleeves went over his hands). But anyways, there was definitely some mixed feeling about this. And, Winston is here with Ripley by his side as he’s following everyone else to the woods.

    But still, he wouldn’t be able to leave if he wanted to. He wouldn’t be able to stand up and walk off into the dark and leave the sanctity of the lit area of the woods that the campfire would illuminate the area they are going to be in. And even then, Winston should not be wandering out in the dark by himself in the first place. But the question is… is everyone going to share a story? Ahhh, Winston didn’t have a story in mind to tell! Maybe it’ll get late enough for everyone to turn in for the night before it’s his turn or he’ll have to come up with something on the spot. Well, it’s fine. Everything’s fine. Surely someone here has a super long story to tell. An hour long story!

    The boy began to pick at the sleeves of his sweater before switching to fidgeting with the handle of Ripley’s leash. He hadn’t bothered to put on a Halloween costume this year, maybe next year though. What would he be anyways? Eh, that could wait until next year. For now, it is… spooky campfire stories time. Maybe he’ll come up with a really good ghost story before they get to the campsite. But for now, his mind is blank about it.

    The air was nice and crisp, a typical autumn night. Not too cold, at least to him. It was really nice. He continued to fidget with the handle of the leash even when they were getting close to the woods. The woods were dark, and quite frankly the moon was not bright enough to illuminate the woods enough. Would have been so much better if they did this some other time but nope. Winston wasn’t going to complain, though. Everything will be fine once everyone sits around a lit, warm campfire.

    But he definitely wasn’t going to be one of the first ones to set foot in the woods. Where were they even going to set up camp anyways?

    So.... who is going first?

    code by g o l d i e l o x x

Bashi Ravern
"Alright. Let's go losers," Bashi says, grabbing his flashlight in one hand and his boyfriend's hand in the other, stepping past the treeline onto the path that should lead them to the campsite. He follows the conveniently placed markers, leading the whole group deeper into the woods. On his back is his backpack, a large hiking bag he usually uses for school. Like most of the others he's in costume, wearing ripped leggings, a sweater, a pair of fashion combat boots, and a silly headband with cat ears. He's ignoring the fact that Grayson is wearing the same headband.

He looks behind him to see the group trailing behind, Avery obviously looking for any escape and Luca being stupid. He looks back ahead to avoid tripping, looking at Tae and giving a small smile, happy to be out here with him.

When they all finally arrive at the campsite, it's putting tents up and camp chairs and Grayson's ridiculously bougie shit. They pull out blankets and start the campfire, illuminating the campgrounds. After pitching the tent he's sharing with Avery and Tae, Bashi sees someone has started roasting marshmallows. He sits down in front of a log, waiting for everyone to be done setting up. He sees Miyu and waves to her.

'How are you feeling about camping now that we've set up?" he asks her through various hand motions.


OUTFIT: Clicky

LOCATION: Bonfire.

MENTIONS: Winnie, Euntae, Bashi.

-ferret- -ferret- + fairyfawn fairyfawn roxybirdie roxybirdie

TL;DR yearn!
It was selfish, he knew this.
Honey is known to melt sore throats, Chamomile tea keeps sleepless nights company, and peppermint can dull the pinch of a tension headache. But Grayson had been felled not by a compromised immune system, not by a hacking cough that choked lungs blue or morphed his bed into a casket, but by a different sickness entirely.

It’s complicated.

Vomiting up two pallid words, fourteen letters, and a complete lack of solace for anyone. Was that truly the best he could offer? In spite of never believing the paranormal, the haunting Gray felt was very much real. Messages of ice-cream dates, strolls through the park, rollerskating— no doubt with plenty of hand-holding! The ghostly, no, demonic tormenting was almost enough to request an exorcism.

Fairy-tale love failed to mention the vice of Aphrodite's teeth was unforgiving, cherry-red, and defiant in letting go. It liked to trawl thoughts across Grayson’s weighted conscience for days, weaving ambiguous paths without answer. When affronted with the blinding light of a 4am laptop, wrapped in a blanket and staring at: ‘Am I Gay Quiz’, it raises one question in particular.

How does someone mature and refined answer, have you ever looked at a person of the same sex and felt attracted to them?

It’s simple.

Get scared and slam the laptop shut.

Every step closer to resolution, Grayson could almost feel his father’s eyes branding condemnation. Tradition prohibits aspersion, and the phantom pain of his mother’s bony elbow jabbing at ribs to approach inheritance-laden women was not so easily forgotten. He was not created for unwritten law, the same as Italian leather oxfords and Egyptian cotton shirts were not created for clingy twigs and soft grass. Fear of scuffing the patent black shoes brought hesitation to enter the woods, yet after somebody’s— he knew who spoke, but feared to glance over and grow entangled in the appeal of Bashi’s outfit— heartened rally of, “let's go losers,” it appeared they’d all be tailing along anyway.

Truly charming. His lip gave an instinctual pull of disgust at woodland pressing underfoot, the siren call of his room a lingering reminder of long-lost sanctuary. Wandering paths as young delinquents was not Grayson’s idea of fun, not that anything Halloween-related was ever a bringer of joy. A cat-ear headband was nothing short of ridiculous when coupled with the gloomy unenthused eyes, and at the comical thought of a matching tail, there’d be no doubt an irritable flick to its movement. Finding the holiday to be a corny, fatuous waste, his costume radiated as much effort as he was willing to make: the bare minimum.

Faint smoke stung at the tender lining of lungs, trivial when bathing in the warmth of the fire. An orbit of trees provided mild protection from autumn wind, yet to great ire, did not save the gloomy male from obnoxious behaviour that encircled the bonfire.

Namely, the banes of his existence.

Seated nearby, it was impossible to ignore the hauntings turned reality. Delicate smiles and affectionate hands passed between strands of hair, a difficult pill to swallow. It untwined a ball of coarse thread in Grayson’s chest, ribbon-like and soon to be a taut garrotte around his throat.

There was danger in fire, Icarus and his cautionary tale of moderation spoke of this, yet deadly fascination was not borne without reason. Euntae hosted a temperament of gunpowder, their unlikely contact was strangely complementary, but horribly volatile. Perhaps it was too ambitious of Grayson to want to grow close with the sun, and he should instead forsake warmth for someone safe and tepid.

But like all mortals, ethereal quality was not easily forgotten, and it is difficult not to careen towards warmth and light.

In the fond care of Euntae, shadows cast brought attention to the high carve of a cheekbone, a nebula of cedar freckles, lotus skin and wild hair that, while tousled and untamed, provoked no itch to tidy. Unlike the pampered Bashi, Grayson had never cared much for nature, and perhaps it is there, in fresh soil of karma— he’d dare say, jealousy?— annoyance took root and grew suffocating between the crevices of his chest.

It was selfish, he knew this. Selfish to harbour a sting for hands he’d never get to hold, a traitorous feeling he couldn’t scrub and cleanse. Their presence tugged at the lyre tendons of his body to grow closer, enjoy the warmth of Euntae and the nature of Bashi in carefree excess, yet a heavy stone heart of family expectation kept him anchored.

And thus, delivered Grayson another dose of sickness. The cosy pair, a silent mockery to what he couldn’t have, was making him feel ill.

Wrapper noises sliced complacent waters of acrid admiration, drawing cinereal eyes to the obnoxious little sweet-tooth at his side.


Winston with a Kit-Kat.

Where the fuck did that come from.

Like an instrument snapped out of motion, the interruption became the victim of an annoyed narrow.

a surly side-eye escalated to making a comment. “Do you eat anything else?” It was a trivial issue, the nourishment of a Kit Kat on Halloween, but Grayson had to find distraction elsewhere. Anywhere.

“Actually, could I read the nutrition information label?”

Halloween was a dentists greatest fear, sugary-hard shells of lollipops and sickly sweet caramels lodged between teeth, yet Grayson found his tongue coated only in acid.
code by valen t.









Today is his birthday. His 21st birthday. And Fennekin is heading out to the woods for s'mores and stories. And while heading out into the forest tonight wasn’t his idea, Fennekin wondered if they were doing this to celebrate Fennie’s birthday. That’s good because Fennie loves ghosts and spooky stories. He wasn’t going to ask if this was his birthday party, though. He is simply going to roll with it. Plus, Fennekin had not bothered with dressing up for Halloween, he didn't really have anything in mind costume wise. Granted, he could've been a ghost but still. He chose warm clothes over costumes. Hmmm what's going to happen next year on his birthday?

Fennie adjusted his coke bottle glasses as he fidgeted with the straps of his backpack. He wouldn't mind being the first one to tell the first scary story. Granted, he might end up rambling and dragging the story out but it's okay. Let the birthday boy go first. And granted he had a lot of scary stories, he might just settle for one… or two. Depends on how late it is. But the point is that Fennie wouldn't mind going first.

No, he's not scared! He is never scared of being out at night. He has a flashlight! Fennie moved his flashlight around, the light illuminating the woods. Ah, he couldn't wait to get to the campsite and sit down and sip on the hot chocolate he brought with him in a travel mug. And the s'mores too. Delicious. Hey now, hot chocolate is one of the best drinks to sip on when it’s a chilly night like this one.

When he got to the campsite, Fennie helped himself to sitting down comfortably. It is hot chocolate time. He then pulled out his travel mug, backpack resting comfortably on the ground, and he started to sip on it. Hot chocolate and s'mores, a lovely combination truly. But it did occur to Fennie as he was snacking on a s'more that nobody was speaking up about the ghost stories! Well, they came out here to sit around a campfire and share stories after all.

Maybe he was just ready to share and hear the stories, but it's time for the stories! Fennie took a swig of hot chocolate before looking at the campfire, before his eyes flicked to look at the others.

Well then, if nobody else is going to pipe up and volunteer to be the first storyteller, then he will!

"I don't mind telling the first story." Fennekin finally piped up, taking a quick glance. Yes yes, let him go first in telling a story. Another sweeping glance at the others. Are they ready for a spooky story? Fennie couldn't wait to share the lovely, hopefully scary, story he had in mind for this.

-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

INVENTORY: backpack , travel mug , pajamas , orange and black hair ties , one bag of cappucino hard candies
code by g o l d i e l o x x

  • location

    spooky woods





    fairyfawn fairyfawn (millie)


    Luca was feeling pretty good about his costume. See? All you had to do was keep it lowkey, then, when you get dragged into the forest to go camping, you'll be nice and warm. A nice dress shirt, a dashing waistcoat and a long, thick cape were all he needed... as well as a little bit of makeup... and some pants. Pants were important when it came to any outfit.

    Out of the string quartet, as he liked to call it, he was the living, breathing radiator. He was always inexplicably warm, on a cold winter night, he was the best cuddle buddy you could ask for. In the summer, however, not so much.

    Luca barely noticed when Millie stopped, marching on ahead of her and over the threshold of the forest. He finally paused as he realized how isolated he was, spinning around to look at Millie behind him. He frowned.
    "What?" He asked, his cape swishing behind him as he moved. He was so damn majestic.
    "Did you see a bear?! I don't do bears. Are there even bears here?" He asked, though was mostly talking to himself. How the heck was he meant to know where bears were? He wasn't American, nor was he an expert on bears.
    "Well, either way, I'm hungry... a hunger only s'mores can satisfy," He announced, turning and continuing into the woods like the determined man he was... when food was involved, anyway.

    code by g o l d i e l o x x








Grayson Gao Gao


Winston settled himself down in a chair, bending down to set his backpack down, only to unzip it and pull out a black cat plushie and a bag of candy. Delicious candy. Hmmm what should he eat first? Candy or S'mores? Oh, decisions decisions. The cat plush went in his lap to stay and after a little bit of thought, Winston settled on eating candy first. Roasting marshmallows and creating some s'mores can wait for now. For now it is chocolate candy time!

Winnie opened the bag and pulled out a Kit-Kat bar to snack on. He vaguely heard someone mention that they were willing to be the one to tell the first scary story of the night, though Winston was fixated on the Kit-Kat bar and opening the wrapper. He leaned back and tore open the wrapper, ready to eat.

But then someone interrupted him! Someone asked if he ate anything else! He turned his head. Grayson. Oh, classic Grayson.

Why, yes he does eat things besides candy! But it is Halloween time and Halloween means eating lots of candy. Is it wrong to eat candy? Especially on Halloween? "Yes, Grayson, I eat many things besides candy." He responded, hard emphasis on Grayson's name. So mean of Grayson to assume that the only thing Winnie ever eats is candy. He then bit down on said candy to take a bite, gaze fixated on the other male.

"Actually, could I read the nutrition information label?"

Hmmm, should Winston give Grayson the wrapper that contained the nutrition information? Winnie's lips thinned out in thought, wondering if Grayson should have the wrapper. "You might take my candy away if I give you the nutrition label." Winston said finally, deciding to not give Grayson what he wanted. No, Grayson cannot look at the label. But then Winnie started to hesitate. Hmmm, would Grayson snatch away the candy? Or maybe he won't.

Winston took the rest of the candy out of the wrapper, pausing for a moment before extending the wrapper out to Grayson. "Take it." Okay so maybe Grayson can take a look at it.

----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
WINSTON'S INVENTORY: backpack , medicine case , red hair ties , a fuck ton of candy , phone , cat plush , pajamas , portable phone charger
MEDICINE CASE: four epipens, alprazolam
code by g o l d i e l o x x

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