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Fandom Butterflies in His Stomach (Harry Potter RP)

Connor Palmieri


Finally, September 1st had arrived. It was time for another fresh new year at Hogwarts. In July, young 11 year old Connor had been honored to have received his letter to Hogwarts. The pure blooded boy had gone to Diagon Alley with his family in August to get fitted for his robes, to get his school books/supplies, and of course, to get his wand. His wand was an 11 inch maple wood with a Phoenix feather core. His parents were both pure blooded wizards, having been Gryffindors at Hogwarts in their youth where they met and fell in love. His father was seeker on the Gryffindor team back in the day, Aidan Palmieri, and his mother Kayla was a chaser. After graduating, the two had married a few years after, eventually settling down in a wizarding community in the UK and having a beautiful baby boy who they named Connor.

Connor was the pride and joy of both Aidan and Kayla’s life. The boy’s cute looks always seemed to get him out of trouble growing up, which was good for him since he was a mischievous little rabble rouser. Connor always seemed to be getting into trouble, but his parents couldn’t stay mad at him with that cute face. Besides, he was their only child, so that made it even harder to stay angry with the young boy. But today, they couldn’t be more proud as they were sending their boy off to Hogwarts for the very first time.

The Palmieri family had arrived at King’s Cross Station, crossing through to the wizarding world through the wall of bricks to get to the magical Platform 9 3/4. Connor dragged along his little cart with his luggage, looking dapper in his new Hogwarts robes and gray little tie. His robes were blank as he was a first year and had not yet been sorted into a house yet. But he couldn’t wait to be sorted. He hoped nothing more than to be sorted into the house that his parents were in- Gryffindor.
“Just know Con-Man, mummy and daddy will always love you, no matter WHAT house you are sorted into,” his mother Kayla reminded him with a soft grin.

Connor rolled his eyes and smiled, sighing.
“Yes, I know mum, but I’m gonna be a Gryffindor. I have to be!” the dark brown haired 11 year old boy asserted. “Con, you don’t HAVE to be in Gryffindor. You could be a Slytherin for all I care. You’ll always be my son,” said Aidan with a proud grin. “And you’ll always be my little Palm Tree,” said his mother lovingly, causing Connor to blush and grumble at his mother using the nickname “Palm Tree.” “Alright mum, cut it out!” Connor said softly through his teeth, embarrassed, causing his mother to only laugh at her son.

Soon, the train had arrived with a great big puff of white smoke in a plume from its funnel as it hissed to a halt. The train sounded its horn and the conductor shouted “All aboard! Train to Hogwarts!” Connor’s eyes widened as an eager grin came to his face.
“There it is!” he said, pointing excitedly to the train. He then turned to his parents and gave them both two big hugs good bye, his mother planting a soft kiss on the top of his forehead. “Goodbye mum! Goodbye dad! I’ll see you when I’m a Gryffindor!” he said, smiling and waving as he looked back at them. He then turned around and dragged his luggage behind him and onto the train.

Once he had boarded the train, the boy looked for a free spot to sit. He eventually found himself an empty compartment and set down his luggage on the seat in front of him, sitting down and kicking his feet back up like he owned the place.
“Ahhh! Hogwarts, here I come! And Gryffindor seeker, you will be mine!” he said to himself with a little grin as he sat on the train all by himself. At least for now. Outside he saw many young witches and wizards saying goodbye to family and loved ones as well as hello to new and old friends.
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Albert Oliverson

It was now finally September 1st,Albert Oliverson had finally was old enough to go to Hogwarts. He was a bit nervous but more excited then anything,his older brother who had already graduated Hogwarts,Kyle was a amazing wizard and Albert had looked up to him so he would try his best to make his brother proud. Both Albert’s parents,Melissa Oliverson and Lucas Oliverson was scared for their son as he had always been a clumsy one,but they were also proud of him.

Albert had always been Lucas’s favorite kid while Kyle is Melissa’s favorite kid. The two still love their children equally but they always have a favorite between the two.

As the Oliverson family got to the King Cross’s train station and onto platform 9 3/4. Albert had seen a lot of gray title robes and some other robes with house titles on them,he wondered what house he would get. He wanted to be a Hufflepuff like his parents but he is also fine with any other house.

Lucas kissed his son head as he quickly looked over him like a worried parent ’You be careful now,ok Bert? We know how clumsy you can get. Mellisa lightly hitted her husbands shoulder as she laughed,smiling. ’Oh you worry to much Luc,he will be fine. Albert sighed as his parents play fight,a bit embarrassed of their childish selves.

As Albert heard the train whistle and seeing the white smoke,he quickly hugged his parents as he waved to them. ’Bye mom! Bye dad!’. Albert chirped happily before he got onto the train.

After seeing that half of the seats were full,the dark haired male frowned a bit. He walked around till he saw a boy who looked like the same age as him and walked over to him. He stayed silent for a few moments before speaking up in a cheerful tone. [COLOR=]’Is it alright if I sit beside you?.. there’s no others seats open.’[/COLOR]

Connor Palmieri

Suddenly, Connor’s peace and quiet was disturbed. He opened one eye and raised his eyebrow as a young boy in blank, unmarked Hogwarts robes peaked his head into the compartment. Connor then opened both of his eyes as he looked back at the boy silently. The kid had asked if he could sit with Connor, since all the other seats were full. Connor sat there awkwardly for about a few seconds before finally speaking and addressing the boy.

“Hmm…. I mean alright….” said Connor, not too enthusiastically and a bit hesitantly. “I guess I could make room for ya,” he shrugged, taking his feet off of the seat across from him and reaching over to take his luggage off of the seat across and to put it next to him. “There ya go kid,” he said with a grin. Ironic considering they were both the same age- 11.
[COLOR=Albert Oliverson[/COLOR]

The dark haired smiled brightly as he looked at him,nodding as he waited for him to move his stuff before sitting down,placing his stuff down beside him. He placed his pen into a side pocket of his luggage before looking back at the other.

’I’m not a kid! We are literally almost the same age! But anyways,are you ready to start Hogwarts? I’m Albert by the way! Albert Oliverson!’ the boy chirped as he made a toothy grin to the other.

Connor Palmieri

Connor widened his eyes, looking stunned as if this was some sort of revelation. He said nothing as he just looked at Oliver as if he had three heads. He just shrugged, moving on to introducing himself. “You wasted no time with introductions eh? Well, since you said so, I’m Connor. Connor Palmieri,” he replied. “I guess I’m ready. I just really hope I get sorted into Gryffindor,” he said. The boy’s stomach then growled with hunger, causing Con to widen his eyes a bit. “Say, you wouldn’t happen to have anything to eat, would ya?” he asked.
Albert Oliverson

Albert stared at him with bright eyes. ’Wow! You have such a cool name!. Albert smiled as he turned his head a bit and giggled as the others stomach growled before he nodded. He grabbed his bag and took out a small granola bar,handing it to him. ’Its not the best,but I hope it helps..’

Connor Palmieri


“You think so? Cool?…” asked Connor. “No one’s ever said that about my name before…” he remarked softly. He then looked at the boy pulled a granola bar out of his bag. Connor smiled and took it from him. “Hey thanks mate. You’re alright,” he said as he unwrapped the bar and chomped down.
Albert OliversonIMG_0799.jpeg
Albert was a bit confused on what he meant then he nodded,a slight embarrassed,crooked smile came upon him. ’Oh- you’re are welcome! I’m glad to help’. The dark hair laughed a bit as he soon watched a few other students talk to each other,wondering what they could be talking about.

Connor Palmieri


Connor then sat in silence, eating his granola bar and looking out the window. Was he supposed to continue talking to this kid? Maybe, but Connor didn’t know what to talk about. He wasn’t really one to start conversation. Soon the train began to move and the long journey to Hogwarts began. In Connor’s head were thoughts of being sorted into Gryffindor and in his mind, making his parents truly proud. In the other compartments, students began to talk about which house they hoped to be sorted into.
Albert Oliverson

Albert tapped his foot a bit as he felt the train start and going. He glanced over at the boy beside him and smiled slightly before looking back at the other kids. He heard a few of them talk to each other about if they would be in the same class or in the same house as a few of them were 1st years. Albert sighed as he began to hug his knees,already missing his family.

Connor Palmieri


As Connor munched on his granola bar, he briefly looked over at the kid across from him and locked eyes as Oliver gave him a small smile. Connor just shrugged and sheepishly returned the favor. The silence was killing him though as he heard kids around them beginning to talk about their excitement for Hogwarts.

“Hey, Oliver was it? What’s with you? You look a bit sad,” said Connor with a bit of an empathetic frown. Unfortunately he’d accidentally gotten the boy’s name wrong, but his heart was in the right place. “Aren’t ya excited for Hogwarts? Don’t you wanna be sorted into a certain house?” he asked. “I’m hoping I’m sorted into Gryffindor, just like my mum and dad!” Connor said with a grin.
Albert Oliverson

Albert had zoned out a bit as he heard his name and looked back at Connor,blinking a bit as to try to figure out what he said then shook his head.

’Oh- I’m all good,just a bit nervous and everything.. I don’t wanna get clumsy and mess something up,but that’s so cool! I wanna get into Hufflepuff like my parents but I’m fine with any other houses.. also,it’s Albert,sorry for the mix up..’. Albert nodded a bit as he fixed his name error with a giggle.

Connor Palmieri


“My bad mate, sorry,” apologized Connor for getting Albert’s name wrong.“No need to apologize for me messing up your name either,” chuckled Con. “Hufflepuff, eh? Well, maybe we will have classes together. I bet you’ll be a Hufflepuff and I’ll be a Gryffindor!” he asserted with a grin.
Albert Oliverson

‘No no,it’s all good! Don’t feel bad,I spoke my name to fast so you mixed it up,it’s alright’. Albert giggled as he smiled then nodded,thinking a bit about the idea of the two sharing classes. ’Yea! I hope so,but even if we don’t get into the houses we want,we probably will still have the same classes together!’

Connor Palmieri


Connor nodded and smiled. “Yea! I’m sure we will,” said the first year. “I just really hope I’m Gryffindor. I don’t know what I’ll do if I’m not,” he said. “Say, are you into Quidditch? I’m hoping to try out for seeker on Gryffindor this year,” he said, pretty much convinced he was being sorted into Gryffindor.
Albert Oliverson]

’Actually,I haven’t thought about that yet. I might join it but I would need some help on how to do it..’. Albert laughed a bit,a bit embarrassed as he thought of what could happen if he joined the Quidditch team,could he possibly mess it up?. He shook his head as he looked back up at Connor.

Connor Palmieri

Connor snorted and smirked, “Well I have. I’m gonna be Gryffindor’s greatest seeker mate!” he claimed proudly and boldly. “I bet you’d be pretty good at it- maybe as a keeper…” said Con, eyeing the boy up and down, scanning his body.
Albert Oliverson

Albert narrowed his eyes as he scoffed a bit,looking away from the other as he ticked his tongue. ’Oh shush it! I bet I can become a seeker and top you off!’.

Connor Palmieri


Connor giggled, “Huh, you think so?” he asked with a playful grin. “Ya ever play Quidditch before Albert?” he asked his new buddy, crossing his arms and sitting back, smirking.
Albert Oliverson

’I used to play with my older brother Kyle whenever he was home for summer vacation whenever he went to Hogwarts,but then our times got cutted as he went to work somewhere with one of his friends..’
. The dark haired boy frowned a bit as he kissed his brother then shook it off,looking at the other. ’Do you have any siblings Con?’

Connor Palmieri

Connor nodded as Albert explained his brief Quidditch background. Connor personally grew up playing it as a kid growing up in the wizarding world as a pure blood. He listened as Albert spoke, pausing as he heard the boy call him “Con.”

“Con? Using nicknames already?” asked Connor, giggling a bit and grinning. Only his friends back at home and parents called him “Con.” It was nice to already be on a nickname basis with this boy. Maybe he’d be a good friend all of his seven years at Hogwarts and beyond. Little did he know, maybe a little bit more….

“That’s cool though. And no- no siblings. Just me, I’m an only child,” Connor explained.“I like it that way though. I get all the attention from my mum and dad,” he said with a smile.
Albert Oliverson

Albert’s eyes shone a bit as he listened to as how Connor was an only child. ’Wow.. that’s so cool,I sometimes wish I was an only child but I’m glad for my brother Ky,but still. That’s so cool!’.

The boy smiled as he blinked a bit before his cheeks slightly flustered a bit as he just then realized that he had used a nickname for the other besides his real name,he quickly looked away as he mumbled quietly.

’Oh-.. I didn’t even realized I used a nickname on you,I forget others names so easily so I try to think of a nickname and keep it at that.. but if you don’t want me to call you it,I don’t mind trying to remember your actual name.’.

Connor Palmieri

Connor nodded and smiled a little bit as Albert seemed to think being an only child was so cool. He then watched as the other blushed slightly at the fact that he had unknowingly used a nickname with Connor so early into knowing him. It was almost cute to see the boy get so flustered….

“No no uhh- I- I like it. My friends back home call me that,” he said with a sheepish smile. “You can keep using it with me, Al,” said Con, blushing a bit as he used his own nickname for Albert with the boy. “Sorry- there I go using one,” said Connor, a little bit embarrassed with himself.
Albert Oliverson

Albert giggled a bit as he smiled. ’Its fine! You can use the nickname as well.. I never got called Al before other besides Ky and sometimes my parents.’

The dark hair looked at him as he snickered a bit as he saw the other get flustered. ’Aw.. ur blushing Con!’. Albert giggled once again as he grinned,happy of what he saw.

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