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Fantasy Broken Balance

Valadir is pleased to see Gathrea's reaction to his actions. Hopefully that reminds him of his place.

Flying towards a second wyvern, he plans to take it down similarly to the first one. Slowly so it can suffer and repent from existing. He saw and felt how both of those insolent reptiles spat something on him. He didn't feel anything in particular. Only that he's a bit wet. He also seen one of them burst into flames. Probably the human. Hopefully that was painful. The more suffering they get before dying, the better.

Valadir tackled one of the wyverns and killed it by dismemberment, very similarly to the first one. Again having the time of his life while performing the sequence.

Then he went for the third one. When he pinned it to the ground, he's heard Crystal calling for aid. He turned his head to see her. He sees her laying on her own blood. His usual self is starting to resurface. A part of him feels worried for her. That maybe he'll lose her.

In his brief distraction, he was bitten in his paw. Valadir responded by roasting the wyvern's head away.

The dragon then shook like a wet dog to get at least some of the spit away and walked towards Crystal.

"You don't look right" He told her when he saw her. His worry and idea of losing her are increasing the longer he stares at her. She's bleeding a lot and her usual tails are cut. He can't see the one responsible anywhere. His face is mirroring his feelings. What's worse is that he can't think of a way of helping her. He's no mage, and if he tried to cauterize her wounds with his breath he'd probably kill her. It pisses him off that there's nothing he can do to help her after everything she's done for him.

The only thing he can think of is having someone else come over. Stating at the others, he yelled for help. Better to not leave her alone.


Starfall got hit while mid air. She's too fast for him to dodge. Maybe his sis would have been able to. He thinks she's really fast.

Due to the hit, he started to fall into the ground. He shook his wings violently in order to regain altitude but to no avail. Seeing how the ground was nearing, he braced for impact.

The impact hurt, yet he doesn't feel like anything is broken. He still has control over his limbs.

After his quick inspection, he could see his new foe coming. Thus, he's making the effort of getting up as quickly as he can.

"I really don't want to hurt you! Don't make me!" He yelled at her. He gets the feeling she'll not quit. If his acute ears told him anything earlier is that she's getting forced into this.

His plan is to pin her. Immobilize her on the ground and get that gem out, as he was previously told. Thus, he's thinking it's impossible for that to happen without hurting her.


Blade felt a moment of relief on his mind when he cut the kitsune's extensions. Said relief was really short lived as he was sent another pair of attacks on his mind. Now it feels like he has a massive headache. This is taking long and a great deal of energy and concentration. Better to end it soon before he slips.

The dragon began to cut the tendrils that are on his mind, given how powerful the attack is he reckons it'd take a bit. He also sent a big tendril towards his opponent.

The white dragon was focused enough in his main opponent that he wasn't aware of the undead coming until they were starting to put their hands on Ashley and on his right paw. He felt a bit of pain from it but no damage to his scales.

Blade raised his free left paw and aimed his palm towards their weak enemies. From it, a scatter of ice shards emerged at high speed (think a shotgun shot) towards their foes.


Celestina backed away a bit when she saw the net getting thrown, flinching a bit. It surrounded her. It has weights on the edges which make it particularly troublesome.

Then, her comrade in arms got in front of her and charged against their enemies. She's dumbfounded at what she's witnessing. He's... fearlessly tossing himself against the enemy, taking several hits yet he isn't slowing down. Like he doesn't care for his own life. A part of her is surprised. Some of her comrades have been like that and she gets where that feeling comes from, for sometimes she's done the same. Yet, she won't ever shake the feeling about seeing them as somewhat insane.

She took advantage of the distraction she was being provided and used her breath to burn away the net and take it off as it turned to ash.

When she successfully freed herself, it was her comrade's turn to get netted. Which in her opinion means it's her turn to provide cover.

"Burn the net!" She yelled at him as she pressed foward. She went ahead and buried the lance she stole into the trapper she had previously identified as their leader. The one dishing out the orders earlier.

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