• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~


Bitter and Sweet, do not eat.
Roleplay Type(s)

Professor Blanchard's Laboratory

A special invitation has been sent out to several randomly selected individuals. To pay a visit to Professor Blanchard's laboratory and assist with research. The prize for the assistance being a sample of the research's product. Those who'd entered the laboratory found themselves looking at something of a zoologists study. The large room was brightly lit, with windows and hanging candelabras. It had quite a few glowing mechanisms that could have fallen under the brand of "Magitech". Bookcases lined one of the walls, as well. But most notable of all were the cages. One or two dangled and swung from the ceiling, with their captives looking restless. The room was filled with a cacophony of bestial noises and the whir of the magical technology. Some of the cages were stacked beside a desk. None of the creatures looked ill, or entirely dangerous. It was clear that they'd been well maintained. Despite the cages there was no pungent smell that often comes with keeping caged beasts.
Instead there seemed to be an almost medical smell to the place. A few of the walls were plastered with posters that seemed to be drawings of dissected creatures and their biology. A man stood off in the back, seeming distracted and busy with his nose in a book. After a moment he finally realized that he had company. He looked up from his book, blue eyes widening in surprise. It took a moment for him to gather himself. Eventually snapping the book closed and placing it on one of the desks near him. Before making his way towards the group of Volunteer Research Assistants.

"Hello, hello! Thank you! Thank you!" His words came out a little rushed. He seemed to stumble on them as he spoke; as if he wasn't used to doing a lot of talking. "I am Professor Blanchard. I've been given this laboratory to conduct the study of magical beasts, and their abilities to coexist with us. As pets, or work livestock. Or perhaps even in some cases for defense and offense purposes. I've designed a few machines to use. To utilize and optimize the creatures' abilities. As well I've captured a few with this special design." He pulled a small sphere from his coat pocket, looking somewhat proud. It was a small ornate looking sphere. With golden filigree surrounding it, and a large dot in the middle of it. It looked as though it might be a container, with seams that cut the sphere in half, sealed by the glowing dot. His spectacles were pushed up as he drew a breath in to continue. "I call these Buddy Balls."
He paused for a dramatic effect, though he seemed a little let down when he didn't receive quite the reaction he'd hoped for. Yes well. These spheres are crafted with mana infusion techniques. They're able to contain mana, which you'll find mot magical creatures, or "Buddies"; consist of." He paused again, looking over the small crowd. He seemed to realize he was prattling on. He motioned to a few balls on a desk nearby. There also seemed to be a few smaller candy-like things in piles. "Take ten balls, and two of the bait pieces." He motioned to the candy like substance. "I suppose the bait will make more sense once I explain what it is I want you to do. Forgive me, I tend to be a bit scatterbrained." He gave a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. Then moved towards a door. He motioned for everyone to follow him. Once he knew everyone was paying attention and ready to follow him, he turned the knob on the door three times. A slow fading glow began, and once it had reached a certain brightness; he turned the knob again. This time the whole way, until a solid "Click" was heard. He looked over his shoulder once more with a welcoming smile, before opening the door to reveal what appeared to be a field laboratory on the other side. Which didn't make too much sense, since the laboratory itself had been surrounded by other buildings in a small city. He stepped through with no hesitation, and he could clearly be seen walking into the grassy field. He waved for them to follow him.

♫ Safari Zone ♫


Once everyone had stepped through the door, the professor began to speak again, walking as he did; towards one of the machines that was set up pit in a field of grass. He started pressing a few buttons, eliciting a humming noise from the machines as he did.

"This is a Pocket Dimension. I use it exclusively for allowing the creatures I've captured to roam freely, while remaining under my study. What I want you all to do today, is to use these machines that I've developed. I want to test them and see if we can truly harness the abilities of these adorable little monsters. " He pointed to a map that was laid out on a table, with a few books holding it down.
"Here's a map of the Dimension. There are five zones not counting the center where You'll find different climates in each zone. And each zone is home to specific types of "Buddies". I want you all to go out to these different zones. And using these Buddy Balls, and Bait, you'll try to capture them. If you can successfully capture them, you'll bring them back here so we can test a few things out on them with these machines. For example." He pointed to one of the machines that almost looked like some sort of incubator. "Should you capture multiple buddies, I would like the chance to test out this machine. I believe it will be capable of merging the mana of the creatures, to create a more powerful "Buddy" If you will. " Then he pointed to another machine, that looked to be some sort of helmet like device. "These can be used to train them and expand their potential. I would like to test this as well as test the results via some friendly games and challenges, once everyone has acquired a buddy." As his words drew to a finish, he started moving around to finish checking on the Machines. He called over his shoulders absently. "To use the spheres, press the glowing button and throw it at the creature. I would suggest trying to get the drop on them, or have a tactic with the bait. Some of them are a little feisty. I'll be looking forward to what you bring back. Once everyone has caught a buddy we will conduct the games and events."

For those who began their treks, they found the pocket realm to be quite expansive. There was a path that wound away and around the center area. It seemed to have several spots that split off and lead to some of the different zones. The first zone to the west seemed to be an almost beach like area. To the east there was a mesa, canyon zone. Northwest was a blistering volcanic area. And to the Northwest was an icy winter setting. Then south of everything, appeared to be a grassy area with some trees and shrubs.

Ooc/TLDR Welcome to the April 2024 Isekai Hell Community Event!

Introduction to the Event:

- Test out our new Buddy system.
- Participate in various activities in four different zones.

Starting Point:
- All participants begin in the center zone.

1. Traveling: Move to a different zone.
2. Searching for a Buddy: Look for a buddy in your current zone.
3. Catching a Buddy: Attempt to catch a buddy using the provided items.
4. Using a machine to Train/Breed/Merge: Use a turn to speak with the Prof. and use his machines.

Participation Rules:
- Each post represents one action turn. That means 1 action per turn.
- The only "Actions" that count as actions are the listed actions. I.E. Searching for a buddy, trying to catch said buddy, throwing bait.
- Avoid consecutive posts without allowing someone else to post in between.
- Roleplaying and character interaction are encouraged and do not count as action turns.
- Please list your resources; I.E. Balls, bait, the Pokemon you've caught/have.

Random Events
- Sometimes, depending on what's going on and how quickly things are running; and how many people are in the area I may invoke small events. I.E. Swarms/stampedes and such.

Resources Provided:
- Each character receives 10 balls and 1 bait. Returning to the Field lab will automatically refill your resources.

Dice Roll Mechanism:
- Use a D10 to determine the creature encountered.
- After posting, edit the post and use the "Throw Dice" button.
- Enter "10" in the faces box and "1" in the number of dice box, then save the post.
- If the Buddy is not to your liking, you may run away. For one turn cost.


The area seems barren of any flora. There's Brimstone and Basalt to walk on, but there's also large flowing rivers of lava. It would be wise to be cautious. It's incredibly hot.

1: Flee
2: Shadow
3-5: Metal
6-10: Fire

The area appears to be a canyon, mesa area. A lot of red dirt and high plateaus. Some shrubs. Not a lot of trees. Seems fairly hot here.

1: Flee
2: Metal
3-5: Shadow
6-10: Earth

This area is a calm and quiet beach. The wind carries in the waves wish a gentle whoosh, and the water laps at the sand.

1: Flee
2: Light
3-5: Wind
6-10: Water

This area is very cold. There's snow all over and icicles dangling with the light filtering down through them to cast shapes on the snow.

1: Flee
2: Light
3-5: Lighning
6-10: Ice

This area is carpeted in green grass, with rolling hills and sparse trees.

1: Flee
2: Light
3-5: Lightning
6-10: Wind

Catching the Buddy:
- Once the buddy has appeared, you may take a turn to attempt to catch it.
- Roll a D10 to determine the outcome:
- 8, 9, 10: Successfully catch the buddy.
- 1: The buddy flees
- 2-7: Attempt fails and consumes one ball.

Aid Options:
- Using aid consumes a turn.
- Bait:
- Prevents the buddy from fleeing.
- Catching rate drops to 10 only.
- Rock:
- Antagonizes the buddy.
- New catching rates:
- 6-10: Successfully catch the buddy.
- 1-5: The buddy flees.

Training with the Professor
Talk to the Professor and request training. All creatures begin with F's in all their stats.

Roll 2d10

First d10
  • 1-2 Strength
  • 3-4 Precision
  • 5-6 Intelligence
  • 7-8 Vitality
  • 9-10 Speed

Second d10
  • 10 +2 to stat
  • 8-9 +1 to stat
  • 1-7 Nothing

  • Use a turn to return to the Lab. Then use another turn to request the merging of your two buddies.
  • Mention which one you want to be the host, and which one you want to be the secondary. Then I will respond with the Prof. and your newly merged buddy.
  • Once Merged, you can only merge/breed them with other creatures that have been bred/merged.
  • Merged buddies have the elements of both the parent entities










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Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Moonberry Moonberry

Squink wasn't expecting at all what she was planning to do today, but seemed to get a convenient interesting little invite to some random strange place owned by a stranger she knew absolutely nothing about for the sake of testing strange, weird things. Clearly nothing out of the ordinary could come of such an invitation, she went along on her merry way to see what strange adventure might be awaiting for her until she found herself in some Professor's laboratory being told about this neat new thing. Curiously looking at the spherical capturing devices, Squink was quite interested to know about how such things worked as she soon enough found herself being offered access to 10 balls and 2 pieces of bait.

"Wow, does this stuff really work, is this like catching pets and making them into friends? That's so cool... n-not that I'm doubting it doesn't, j-just... it's neat" Squink answered sheepishly as she took it into her possession, eventually looking over the map that was shown to her and the others who had come to try and catch stuff with balls for some reason. A little overtaken by how surprisingly big the map appeared to be, her face tentacles nervously quivered a little as she fumbled with one of the balls in her hand having become a little silenced at the sight. It was a lot more than she was expecting.

"W-we have to go somewhere here and try to catch things? M-maybe that doesn't sound too hard, I'm sure it wouldn't be... too dangerous, I hope" Squink mumbled quietly, unsure what kind of creatures lived in the pocket dimension that the Professor would so simply refer to 'buddies' like they'd be your best friend from the get-go. Why does she need a technological capturing device for something with such a friendly name? It felt a little like it was screaming red flags, but maybe they were dangerous creatures and it was just a testament of how strong the balls were.
"W-well, hopefully whatever I find isn't too problematic or scary, or is quite nice... I guess I should choose where to go, maybe somewhere nice or pretty, maybe I should try go somewhere I haven't gone before... " Squink hummed in thought as she looked over the map, quietly talking to herself as she contemplated where to head to. Hesitating a little as she looked at the volcanic area on the map, that seemed a bit much to go to immediately, but perhaps that was some thrillseeker's dream. Visiting the frosty location might have been nice, if only she had brought a nice coat, being overly cold for the day didn't sound like an overly fun experience and there was always another time for a snow day.

"The rest of the places on this map seem fun, the fields seem safe and quaint but maybe I should be more adventurous. A trip to the beach does sound delightful, but perhaps I should save that to wind down the day after I've caught one of these buddies perhaps. Maybe there'd be some cute little friends there... " she contemplated as she eyed the Mesa area.
"I haven't gone to a place like that before, I wonder what sorts of creatures I'd find there anyway. I suppose that is where I'll be off to!" Squink grinned delightfully as she set off towards the Mesa Zone with a little spring in her step, wondering what sort of creatures the Professor expected them to capture. Hopefully there were some really pretty or cute ones around, unsure how difficult they would be to catch with said balls.

"Buddy-balls, it's you and me~! You are my only safety, buddy-balls~!" the ilithid cheerfully chimed and sung to herself on her way, hoping that today would be a delightfully successful adventure.

Travel to Mesa Zone.​
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Adelhein - [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus]
Saber Alter - [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman]

Novama Novama Moonberry Moonberry

Adelhein was slightly surprised with how an invitation letter had managed to make a way into his hands as he was freshly new to this world. But he supposed that it was only natural for someone who carried a name such as his to be easily found in this place. Inside professor Blanchard’s laboratory, the young magus listened to his explanation with palpable curiosity, his crimson eyes locked onto the professor’s. With his explanation about the Buddy Balls, spheres that could contain mana, his eyes narrowed. In the background, his mind raced with further applications these devices could have, but, for now, kept himself in the main task: go and try to capture these creatures named ‘buddies’. Taking ten of the Buddy Balls and two pieces of bait, he would follow the professor to the next area.

His black shoes would sink against the earthy, grassy field. His eyes would dart, looking at the horizon, marvelling at the sight of this Pocket Dimension, which for a magus such as Adelhein was not a new concept. Still, to see how expansive it was, certainly the professor either had some insane amount of mana coursing through his systems, managed to figure out how to harvest mana from nature and/or had a powerful Mystic Code to enhance his own abilities, making this possible. This man held importance in the youth’s eyes and could end up being a very useful tool for his own ambitions. With all being said and done, Adelhein would nod and start his own trek, motioning Saber to follow him. They moved towards the Volcanic Zone, which seemed barren of any flora. There was Brimstone and Basalt to walk on, but there were also large flowing rivers of lava. Turning towards his stalwart companion, a small smile appeared on Adelhein’s lips. “Well now, let’s see which of these ‘buddies’ we end up finding, shall we?”

Saber Alter surveyed her surroundings, observing the molten rock and flowing lava that characterized this volcanic zone. While the heat did not bother her due to her enhanced physiology, she could sense the potential danger it posed to her Master. Her eyes scanned methodically, alert for any signs of movement beyond the flowing magma.

As her Master spoke, she turned to face Adelhein. "This realm holds mysteries that may prove useful," she replied in her gravelly tone. "We shall capture specimens for study as requested. But know that I will tolerate no harm coming to you."

Her hand rested casually on the hilt of Excalibur Morgan, ready to draw at a moment's notice should any threat emerge. For now, she waited and watched, relying on her heightened senses to detect signs of life amid the burning landscape. Her orders were to capture, not to destroy - but any being that showed ill intent towards her Master would face her fierce wrath. Her enhanced physique and deadly skills were devoted first and foremost to Adelhein's protection.

1 - Moved to the Volcanic Zone
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INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry
LOCATION: Center Zone - > Mesa Zone

  • from earth to wind he/she hopes for earth

    After the professor had explained how things worked, Griffin couldn’t help but think that something about these ‘buddy balls’ sounded familiar. The system reminded him of something that he felt was on the tip of his tongue, yet he couldn’t remember where. Which would likely bug the construct in the long run. Seemed regardless, he made sure he had everything. One piece of bait, as well as 10 buddy balls. Maybe he should wait until it became urgent. In the case he doesn’t find one of these magical beasts, or it fails its purpose after making sure he has anything Griffin left. He took off at a sprint towards the Mesa Zone. Perhaps these were elemental based like most creatures? If they were, he was really hoping for something earth-like. He also wondered just how dangerous these things were. Were they dangerous? Or were they truly completely harmless? He didn’t know. However, it felt like it didn’t take too long for him to arrive in the Mesa Zone.

    Travel to the Mesa Zone

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Designer (7).png
Kuro was excited more than anything to get her hands on a "buddy" before anyone else could. She had read the invitation, and unlike her other friends who seemed wholly uninterested in what was essentially a glorified animal catching expedition, she responded immediately and headed straight for this elusive professor's lab. It's only natural that a Lord has a companion that's just as magnificent and amazing as themself. How could I not take this opportunity? She had imagined herself with a glorious looking "buddy" who she could show off to other Noble's at parties and gala's, would a small Buddy who could fit comfortably on her shoulder be best? Or would it say more about her principals as a Lord to have a ginormous Buddy that took up space where ever she brought it?

Once Professor Blanchard was finally finished with his explanation and she had followed him with the others to the field research lab, she couldn't decide right away on what terrain to trek through first. Fire and brimstone didn't seem like a very attractive destination, and the and zwith its looming canyon's seemed rife with things that'd get dirty with sand and dust. I should choose a location that's cool...cooler...cold! The Tundra! It's perfect!

A Buddy made out of perfectly sculpted ice would be wonderful to show off! Kuro didn't know how she hadn't thought of that place first. Without a second thought, she made a beeline for it, a Buddy Ball already in hand and a confident smile on her face.

MENTIONS: Novama Novama , Moonberry Moonberry
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Jack Hayfield

Jack was happy to get an invitation to be a part of research, however when he arrived he was more than uncomfortable. Even with the overall clean demeanor of the laboratory, Jack’s eyes wavered over the captured creatures, trying to ignore the noises they made as the professor introduced himself. His ear twitches anxiously as the professor mentions the beasts as work livestock.

Well, it was better than them being food, right?

Jack silently took the balls provided, taking a sniff of the bait before putting it in his cross-body satchel. He listened carefully, looking over the map while the illithid nervously spoke. Jack gave her a quizzical look, he assumed it was a she on the account of…Erm. Probably rude to ask. He doesn’t want to be seen dotting down something about a stranger in his notebook, so he waits until the others have left to their pocket dimensions before writing down something.

Looking at the map again, he decides on the fields. Familiarity and all that. He had thought about the ice zone, but his fur was more fluffy than it was insulated.

Actions: Travel to the Fields
Mentions: Novama Novama Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Moonberry Moonberry DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Wandering along to the Mesa zone, Squink was truly surprised to see it was more grand and expansive than she was expecting. Were pocket dimensions always this 'not pocket-sized'? This quite frankly felt way bigger than a pocket, and she was pretty sure that these monsters could not fit in pockets. But, supposedly at least the capturing devices provided would help turn them into little, convenient pocket monsters that are in no way related to anything else outside of the Isekai Hell universe. Humming quaintly to herself, she realised she had one more piece of bait that she believed she was supposed to have, panicking a little just in case it would get her in trouble or there wasn't enough left for anyone else.
"U-uh, d-do I... take this back, w-what if this attracts some dangerous predator having too much?" Squink nervously asked herself as she was questioning to take it back but not wanting to get caught in trouble or punished, thinking also that it might attract unsavory attention if she were to just drop it or leave it somewhere. Hopefully wanting to dispose if it before anyone noticed, she wondered what kind of food the buddies even liked. Surely buddies that lived in different places liked different food, what kind of food was appealing to all sorts of things?

"M-maybe just a little try... n-nobody's around. For... science, right" Squink softly mumbled as she gently nibbled one of the bait pieces hesitantly, before relaxing.
"A-actually, it's not entirely that bad. It's quite sweet, this is nice" Squink smiled joyfully, a cheerful expression on her face as her tentacles quivered gently in excitement as she simply ate the extra bait piece. Realising she wasn't here to be captivated by animal food and that said bait was for the wild creatures, she blushed a little and tried to get herself back on track.

"R-right! Creatures, buddies, they should be around here right? I-I just have to get lucky and hope I find one... I wonder what I'm even looking for" Squink mumbled to herself quietly as she slowly wandered around, trying to look for any slight sign of movement or anything that looked alive.
"Are they like, normal animals, or s-some weird experiments out of a lab? T-they're not... horrible grotesque monsters right? Are they really good at hiding? M-maybe I should've asked more questions before coming out here- ah!" Squink contemplated to herself, becoming more fidgety and fumbling around with one of the balls in her hand as she noticed something nearby and panicked. It was a lot more humanoid than she was expecting.

"U-uh-oh, ball thing!" Squink instantly panicked at the first sight of something, throwing the ball with barely any attempted aim whatsoever and completely missing really badly when she tried to throw it at Griffin whom she wasn't expecting to also be present in the Mesa zone. Nervously realising her mistake as it seemed kind of lucky she didn't just try hit some stranger with a high-tech device, she also realised she never even pressed the button to make it capture in the first place. If Griffin even was one of the buddies she was supposed to be catching, she was nowhere near getting it anyway. Sighing disappointedly, she held her head in shame.

"S-sorry, I thought you were some sort of magical wild animal. I don't have a clue what I'm actually supposed to be looking for, y-you were the first thing I saw and I freaked out a little... " Squink awkwardly mumbled as she looked down at the ground, before elsewhere.
"I-I'm Squink, I don't really do stuff like this often... j-just so you know, I'm not a buddy either... w-well I can be like a friend one, I'm just not one that we're supposed to be catching... " she said as she looked to the ball she had missed and not even activated, awkwardly walking over and picking it up unsure if it still worked or if throwing it broke it.

"Have you seen any yet? I don't know if we're looking for small creatures or really big monsters, if they're not so obvious I'm not sure why there's so much space for them to hide in... " she commented, looking around for any potential buddies as she walked slowly a little just to talk to him, but keep an eye out for anything.

Search for a Buddy (in the Mesa Zone).
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Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
Location: Volcanic Zone

Without waste time, with Saber Alter at his side, Adelhein began to search for the buddies, walking through the scorched and burning land. While the heat was certainly getting to him, because of the heavy magecraft coat he was wearing, it didn’t stop him from attempting his search.

1 - Search for a Buddy (in the Volcanic Zone)

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Novama Novama

Such an invite finding its way to the Kitsune waa unexpected, he hadn’t recalled running into anyone of such status before. He couldn’t help but feel skeptical considering the fact that the name on said mail was unknown to him yet here he was at the front doors to the institute.

Professor Blanchard seemed like a nice enough person, just someone dedicated to his research. More importantly, his research seemed really interesting. Kota had always shared an interest in magical beasts, and now he’d get to discover and interact with a diverse group of them during this experiment. The kitsune's tails would swoosh side to side with excitement at the thought of the experience.

Kota would follow the professor's instructions, grabbing the buddy balls and heading outside with them to the designated area. The vastness and diversity of the testing area was peculiar, so many different climates within one zone was an anomaly for sure.

The test group would be tasked with capturing said beasts and bringing them back for further studying. Seemed straightforward enough, Kota thought to himself. Now the question was, which zone should he visit? He grew up in the snowy cold so he wanted to actually stay away from that area, the beach sounded like a good place to start. Finding some creatures while watching the waves crash would be fun.


1.Head toward Beach zone



Truth be told, Glacier considered leaving right then and there, as this whole prospect unsettled him. From how they were described, these "buddies" didn't seem too far off from himself. Powerful animals with a certain elemental nature? Aforementioned animals being magical creatures mostly consisting of mana? Who was to say he wasn't one of them himself? Who was to say that he couldn't be caught & trapped in one of these balls against his will? What-

Glacier abruptly shook his head with vigor; he needed to calm & slow down, like... like a freezing lake, yes. He wasn't one of these so-called buddies; he was Glacier, he was a sapient creature, and he was a part-construct one at that.

Yet, even assuming he was different... would it still be right for him to capture & command these creatures? Glacier may have had his minions, but they were purely magical, purely his; they weren't... true creatures, right? Again, Glacier snapped himself out of the existential crises, this time by stomping a paw into the ground. "I... need to stop..." He muttered to himself.

Glacier patiently listened as Professor Blanchard finished his explanation, and the other varied people around him began to set off, looking catch their own buddies. Glacier gave the imitation of a sigh, gathering the "buddy balls" & bait into the bag fastened around himself; at least the bait wouldn't affect him, considering he couldn't eat anything in the first place.

"Well, the ice is my nature... and so too shall it be my destination." Glacier resolved, heading to the zone of ice.

Action: Travelling to the Ice Zone
Calliope-Bara-Gary-April 2024.jpg
Calliope Dar'Maoro
Buddy Balls x10​
Bait x1​


This new, what had he called it? Pocket Dimension? It was quite fascinating and she had so many questions, but it seemed there was a limited amount of time that she would be allowed to explore this realm and capture it's inhabitants. But like so many things, she began to get nervous when considering all the possibilities laid out before her. Where should she go first? Was there a strategy she should employ? She looked around, curious if any of the others that had come along knew what they were doing and wanted to partner up.

Actions: Wait for a partner. :3

I posted today, Novama Novama , where's my points you old elf bastard, I know you've got them! >:3
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Designer (7).png

As Kuro trekked over to the frozen Tundra, she noticed a smaller fox like creature that had also headed the same way. Sleek design...made completely of ice...it's perfect! She immediately went to go and get her buddy ball in an effort to throw and capture it. She wasn't quite sure how it worked exactly, but she had a small suspicion that just tossing it toward the ice fox would be more than enough. Oh but why waste a Buddy Ball...it's RIGHT there. I can just catch it myself! And so she immediately ran and wrapped her hands around the small ice fox and picked it up.

"HA! I've caught one already! Am I great or what?" As she looked closer at the ice fox however, she realized something. "Hey wait a minute...Glacier? Is that you? I thought you were a rare cool Ice Buddy!" She promptly put him down. "Well I suppose you are an Ice Buddy...just not the right kind. Nice to see you again! Sorry about the whole 'picking you up and mistaking you for a cool ice creature' thing. Won't happen again, I promise!"

Voider Voider

As Lauren entered the pocket dimension she was quick to admire the environment around her, the gentle breeze prompting her to lower her hood of her coat to better enjoy the soothing cool it brought to her. The zoologist who had invited her here had wasted no time in telling her about the experiment he was running, nor was she going to let such a golden opportunity pass her by. She recalled some of the experiments she helped run on Pandora's Prism in her past life - of other modern civilizations that had developed a wide variety of videogames. While finding them was only occasional, most of them had something in common. Games where you collect critters and use them to battle other critters and tamers alike, train your pets to become stronger and faster, or delve into caverns and take down some of the most powerful creatures to see the light of day. While her world never really developed a videogame that fell into that genre, she could recall the various times she saw others in the various different realities playing their version of the game genre or watching people play them... Albeit the memories were a little hazy when it came to specific details. This entire pocket dimension gave her second hand nostalgia for the thrill of searching for critters, though she was uncertain where she could start looking.

As Lauren looked at her surroundings she looked at the various biomes throughout the dimension, pondering over which way she should go. The Fields biome would be straight forward to find something to capture, though she had a feeling that most of the other attendants would try searching there. The Beach could be interesting if the sand didn't cause the ball bearings making up the joints in her feet to lock up, and she really didn't feel like getting frostbite while exploring the Tundra... That left the Mesa biome and the Volcanic biome. The thought of a fire type critter helping her cook meals during her travels greatly appealed to her, and she had her doubts that such a creature would live anywhere that didn't have extreme heat. And so, she began her trek towards the lava fields in search for what she so greatly desired. Perhaps if she caught a fire type critter, she could use its heat to try and find an ice type afterward.

Action: Travel to the Volcanic Zone



Interactions: Kuro ( Lolory Lolory )

As Glacier trekked to the ice zone, he encountered one of the others also making their way there. Upon getting closer, he began to recognize her; she was one of the people who also helped at the Valerian manor! Glacier was about too approach and greet her, when Kuro instead began running towards him. "Hm?-" Was all he managed to get out before being picked up.

Upon Kuro's realization, Glacier spoke up. "Er, yes... it is me." Regaining his bearings after being set down, he ignored his inner, nagging thoughts on being called a buddy, and instead gave an awkward smile. "It is a pleasure to see you once again as well, Kuro... no apology necessary, as I cannot blame you... for thinking me a 'buddy'."

Deciding to change the subject from that matter, Glacier nodded his head towards their seemingly shared destination. "I take it... that you are travelling to the ice zone as well? Perhaps we could find these buddies together... if you'd like." Glacier offered; maybe catching the buddies with another person would... lessen his current existential crises brought about by this whole thing.
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

  • from earth to wind he/she hopes for earth
    “It’s okay Miss!

    He tried to reassure Squink. Although he’s seen weirder, he was at least prepared for a violent monster. Such was the work of someone affiliated with the adventurers' guild. He was unaware of how prepared others were. Not that he was the judging sort, he was aware he might appear odd….looking mostly human with Eagle and Lion attributes. As she introduced herself, he replied.

    “nice to meet you Squink. I’m Griffin and no, I have not seen any yet.”

    He answered with his yellow eyes gazing around the nearby area.

    Search for buddy in the Mesa Zone



"The scent of virginity is in the air... god how I have missed moral ambiguity"

Izuru stood out from the teleporter that had taken the group to the pocket dimension in which the creatures called Buddies awaited him. An avid gamer in his previous life. Creature collectors had been a favorite genre of his. A lack of video games had been a bummer especially since he couldn't really remember much else from his former life. Stepping out onto the grass and looking over the wide range of biomes to enter. Izuru wondered where he should head first. Picking a starter was always important since it dictated how difficult things would be going forward. Picking something that had early game viability was paramount. Now he hadn't come armed with his usual cane. Instead he'd gotten this leek which would suit this place a lot better.

His eventual choice was to hit up the fields. Catching a couple of easy things then grinding them into materials to foster the development of a stronger Buddy seemed like the best option. Izuru wasn't sure about the amount of Buddies he'd need to catch but he was never one to hesitate just because something seemed difficult. One might wonder how Izuru could be so cruel to these creatures as to so readily plan their butchering. Izuru was less interested in complex moral quandaries and far more into this creature collector experience.

1: Head towards the Fields

Designer (7).png
"Sure, that sounds fun! Though I totally call dibs on the first one we find. Unless it's lame, then uh...you can capture it! I need one that will scream opulence and majestic! An Ice Buddy that would be the perfect creature next to a Lord. You know what I mean?" She explained to him. The Tundra was empty and quiet so far, there wasn't much to see besides a few icicles and frozen over trees. At least the icicles that hung above were pretty to look at.

Kuro decided to start looking by scanning the area with her eyes. The bland white and blue color of the ice around them could help disguise any potential Buddy's that were camouflaged and hiding.

A rock and a tree there...a small hill of snow over there... So far nothing was really sticking out to here. She couldn't even see any tracks in the snow that would give away an animals location. These Snow Buddies were good at hiding.

Voider Voider
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Squink came upon Griffin and began to talk, a small creature had begun to waddle around near a pile of rocks. In fact it almost seemed to blend in to the rocks. It was a small, three foot tall creature. That looked a though it consisted of mud and rocks, with strangely adorable eyes. It tilted it's almost dino like head towards her and let out a small mewling "Rah" at her. Blinking a few times before it began to charge at her with its head lowered.

(Use the next post to describe Squink throwing either a bait or a rock or a ball. Then roll the dice to see if you caught it.)

Femboy Femboy



Mentions: ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Kuro ( Lolory Lolory )

Glacier gave a nod of his head. "I see... very well, then." He could understand wanting a "perfect creature", even if it felt a bit odd.

So, Glacier scoured the area alongside Kuro, keeping an eye out for any buddies. His ears also swiveled as his eyes did, ready to catch any notable sound.

As Glacier did so, he also took in the scenery of the ice zone. The place felt pleasant; the snow, the ice, the cold & calm nature of it... this is the kind of home he'd choose to live in, were it not in some different dimension.

Action: Search for a buddy in the ice zone
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Squink was being charged, another creature of like kind joined in the rush. It ran in from behind the large boulder, making more of a fuss than the first one had. "Rah Rah Rah !"

(Use the next turn to throw a ball or bait or rock, then roll the dice to see if Griffin catches the buddy. (Or run if you guys want)
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Kuro tredged through the cold to find her loyal companion she would start to notice that the air nearby was a little staticky. A small buzzing sound, floating around making her kitten ears twitch. A Zap on the ground in front of her and Glacier. Looking up would reveal that a few thundercloud looking creatures had started to float nearby. And they were starting a buzz.

(Use the next post to throw a ball or bait or a rock. Or run away. Then roll the dice again to see if you caught it.)

Lolory Lolory
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


The air around Glacier and Lolory was crisp and vibrating with energy. Right in front of them the floating thunder clouds zapped the ground. They didn't appear to be directly attacking, but they were certainly not exactly safe.

(Use the next turn to throw a ball or bait or stone. Or run. And make sure to throw the dice to see if you catch it.)
Voider Voider
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Interaction: II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

While trying to find one of the creatures to capture them, Adelhein would catch something at the corner of his eye through the flowing magma. However, whatever it was, it had been simply too quick for him to try and throw one of the magical spheres at it. He had only be able to see a quick glimpse of its eyes, before it disappeared from sight. The young magus clicked his tongue in disappointment at the missed chance, knowing that nothing could be done about it. Were both him and Saber just too menacing to these little creatures? That could very well be the case.

As he continued to strode upon the volcanic region, searching for another specimen to capture, he began using his own magecraft [Affinity Metal F] to create a metallic armor which covered his foot up to his thigh, making it easier from him to withstand the scorching temperature of that location. Eventually, he would come upon another humanoid at the distance. Squeezing his eyes, the young magus would approach the figure, not being that much cautious as he knew his Servant would protect him if their intentions were hostile.

He would stop a few steps from the figure, seeing it was a female with silver hair. His eyes narrowed for a moment, seeing that she also possessed metallic limbs, taking note of it. Still, he knew better to stare at them for too long. His crimson eyes would soon lock towards her eyes, his expression amicable. “I didn’t expect anyone else would come this way. Are you also participating in the professor’s experiment?” The teen would ask her, tilting his head sideways with palpable curiosity. “I am Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer.” He began introducing himself, his voice carrying pride as he spoke of the El-Melloi family name. His gloved hand would then motion towards the towering figure at his side. “And this here is my Servant, Saber. Might I know your name?” He asked the female, giving her a small smile.

Saber Alter remained watchful as her Master engaged the figure in the distance. Her keen eyes carefully studied the silver-haired woman, noting her enhanced physique that so closely mirrored her own. When approached, Saber Alter stepped forwards slightly to position herself protectively at Adelhein's side.

Though she showed no overt hostility, her hand still rested near Excalibur Morgan's hilt, ready to draw at the first sign of a threat. She said nothing, leaving the exchange of introductions to her Master while she observed their interaction for any warning signs. Her eyes and senses remained sharply focused, gauging the nature of this encounter.

The woman's metallic limbs suggested she too possessed power beyond a normal human. Saber Alter would tolerate no danger to Adelhein, and her instincts told her this place held more mysteries than first appeared. For now, caution was key - but violence would swiftly follow should it become necessary to defend her Master. Her unwavering protectiveness and battle-readiness formed an intimidating presence at Adelhein's back, a silent warning to the stranger not to test her resolve.

As introductions were made, Saber Alter awaited the woman's response, analyzing her every word and movement for clues about her true nature and intent. Much remained unclear in this strange realm, and Saber Alter trusted no one but her Master until proven otherwise.

Death? He assumed he died somehow and this is his new hellscape. Annellanus Gilgramfried is a human, born and raised to slaughter monsters, is now forced to mingle with them? "Fuck." The intoxicating smell of fresh air besieged his soul. Holding ten fucking balls between his two cradling arms “What the fuck.” This was an invasion of everything who and what he is. Last thing he remembered was trailing down looted caravans in some sort of quest to kill bandits in a cave? Now he was here holding a plethora of colors no human eye was supposed to process at the same time. It was a vibrant and high spirited land, it assaulted his eyes with agony. He took one look at professor Blanchard and was convinced he was some sort of serial killer.

Everything in here was some sort of witchcraft. Behind all the trickery and illusions of making this laboratory look friendly he saw through it all. The monster slayer suspected demonic runes behind walls and evil symbols etched into vials. He even tried to scout for signs of actual demons but failed miserably. Annellanus was no witch hunter but he knew what to look out for and there was nothing to be found but a gleeful group. He hated their smiles. The need to punch their teeth in was building up but he remained calm.

Strolling away without questioning anything. This was his hell for killing monsters without a higher purpose than self-righteousness. The trained warrior knew where to go and didn't need a map to see the correct direction. Sea breeze whiffs along the air and the lingers towards. If he's in hell then he might as well enjoy it. If he knew one thing, if a man as smart as Professor Blanchard can make his own pocket dimension then it was 100% he cloned hot chicks chilling at the beach.

Action: Move to the beach
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INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • and the results are…
    “Careful Squink!”

    He said with a laugh, though that was because this kinda looked funny, but he wasn’t exactly fooled. He was sure, despite these things looking gosh darn adorable, they could possibly still be a hazard. Regardless, he silently prayed to Delilah, the Goddess of luck, for this to turn out well. Even if it might be futile in the end, one can only hope for the best. He helped the Buddy Ball up by hitting the button with his thumb and tossing it towards the adorable rock monster, silently hoping he would catch it. If not, he wasn’t one to give up quickly and nor was he the kind of person to abandon someone no matter.

    Attempt to catch Buddy


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