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A New Breed of Pet

Hazel lept for the toy sliding and batting it. Distraction worked after batting it she chased it once more as if it was trying to get away from her.
Seaton laughed, watching her play around with the toy. He opened the manual to see if he could figure out where she ate. Like if she was table trained.
It mentioned she should be able to be taught to eat like a human though she preferred to eat with her hands at her current age. It advised not to give her anything hot as she will burn herself eating it like a child.
It was defiantly going to be a while before she would be able to eat. He'll make sure to try and prepare things a bit later. He was not sure how to go about feeding her during lunch time hours.
She reached under the table to get the toy. Her tail was twitching wildly. Any reserve she had left with the thrill of a toy.
Lady Kat ran up and batted the toy out from under the table and started to run as fast as she could chasing it across the room again.
Lady would move out of Hazel's way often to avoid getting trampled. The cat couldn't really fight the size of the 'kitten'.
Hazel wore out pretty easy though and laid in the floor panting her hair and clothing a wild mess. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes closed. She had been playing for a couple of solid minutes.
Seaton had fun watching the girl run around like a mad cat with Lady, who was now cleaning herself. He checked on the steak and they were still going to take a while.
Haven panted for a while catching her breath. she went in search of Lady cats water bowl on all fours this time.
"Hmm... I wounder if I should teach her to be more human... or more cat like.. I don't know... I wish they gave me more instruction." He said a bit stressed on what to do.
Sea smiled a bit before checking on the steaks. He pulled one out, it was still a bit chilled from being frozen, but for the most part it was done enough it wouldn't hurt any cat or human. He cut it up into pieces and put it on a plate. He then made a clicking sound with his tongue, "Lady, come here girl." He knew Hazel would come too only because of the food. He then scooped a bit of the food into the cat food bowel then put the plate on the floor. "Here Hazel."
He was a bit surprised she ate with her hand instead of just flat out with her mouth.

Lady was at her own food dish, eating some of the steak that was given to her, purring happily at the treat.
Seaton took a paper towel from the rack and started to wash her fingers and face a bit. "Your going to be like taking care of a child more then a cat."
"I guess she really is going to sleep as much as a cat.... I should by child door locks tomorrow so she can't leave the house." Seaton said thinking out loud before pulling his steak out. "Need to figure out how to set up her lunch..."
The purring cat in the box was to content to worry about anything but her bed. With all the numbers in the book and papers she came with surely he could find any resource he needed.

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