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A New Breed of Pet

"You are just so cuute..." Seaton said happily, he felt like he was in lala land and cloud nine.
"Sea mastr," she said she had a very limited vocabulary. She turned her attention to him and continued to purr her ears flicking.
She darted out of the box four legs at first then two to try and hop in his lap she made it halfway. her torso on his lap but her legs didn't quite make it. She kicked her legs trying to get into his lap better
Seaton laughed and picked her up. Her sudden dart made Lady dart as well, but she went into hiding. Helping Hazel into his lap, he pet the top of her head, "I can't belive I was the one who won." He said.
Hazel purred and closed her eyes unlike human hair hers was thick and soft like a cats even though it was messy. Her ears flicked a bit and cheeks flushed as she was happy. She snuggled against him she was warm and soft also like a cat.
Sea wou;d find the ears soft and cool and very delicate like a cats and any extended rubbing would turn Hazel into a purring mess of goo.
Seaton smiled as he pet her slowly. He was not sure, but she was cute. He did hope he could properly yake care of her.
Seaton woundered how his friend's would think. She was cute. He hoped he didn't get more then we bargained for.
She slept comfortably in the book it would explain she slept like a cat many naps a day. She was really just like a cat with vocal and human forms.
Seaton smiled and kept brushing her hair slowly with his nails. He turned on the TV next to watch, thinking on what to eat.
"I guess I should try and get a burger.. or something. Don't think she will eat the bread." Seaton said softly before picking her up and putting her down on the floor.
She stood up and pouted big eyes she was begging like a cat. "Hungry master Sae," she said she was so demanding but then again she really didn't understand having to wait.
She looked up sadly at him as if an empty tummy was the worst thing in the world She hugged his leg and rubbed her cheek against him both begging and appologizing feeling a bit scolded.
There was a long pause while he watched her. It was cute as hell. He per her head before shaking her off a bit to go find what there was to eat about the kitchen.
He tried not to kick her while he moved about. He found some of the frozen steaks, so he took out a pan and threw two into it. He then leaned down to find the lid, slapping it on top of the pan to help defrost the steaks. "There."
"Hmm..." Seaton looked around a bit before seeing one of Lady Kat's toys and tossing it to see if Hazel would follow.

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