New profile posts

I want to make a Level 5 Creativity idea but i'm only at Level 3 Creativity :')
My self-criticism and outrageous expectations for myself.
So all that's keeping you from getting there is to learn to accept your current limits and strive for greater heights without expecting to already there XD
Yeah, gotta get through my main story arc in order to level up lol
Nearly got my computer hacked into by a company claiming to be PayPal, but luckily I managed to stop and report them before they were able to do any damage. 😮‍💨
damn that's scary glad u caught it in time before any damaged
I was actually trying to help my mom out with something, because she was the one who had gotten an email about a purchase that was made, and as we were talking to the guy, I was the one to notice that it didn't seem right that I had to download this thing called anydesk just to get a transaction reversed. And hoo boy, did my mum rip into them when I told her that it was a scam. Because the next thing I knew as I was trying to delete the thing off my computer, the person on the other end started to try and close me out of trying to uninstall the server so I had to hard reset my laptop just for good measure.
How's it going in the saw trap?
The saw guy said I should lend you a hand (didn't realize he meant it literally, I'm one hand short now I hope that helps)
I used it to open a door, now it want's a pound of flesh
Now that's just plain rude and excessive if you ask me
on a indefinite break, much is going on in my life currently. so sorry for the ones that have been inconvenienced by the wait.. I hope to return soon to make it up to all of you.
I'm so sorry for anyone waiting on a reply from me, the past week has been VERY hectic and I've been under the weather. I shall get to replies this week!

Just discovered my babies go through a magical girl transformation as soon as I lay on the couch with a fluffy blanket. Katara (left) turns into a limp pile of limbs (say that three times fast!) and Sokka (right) unleashed his inner goat. That guy's gonna give me concussion one day.
babies! ^33^
Only 7-8 weeks old and Sokka already has bigger paws than our 2-year old cat. I'm starting to think we adopted a tiger 🫠
Okay so I might be inactive here for an unspecified amount of time. I'm going to be more focused on college most of the time, so if anyone wants my Discord or Black Dahlia, feel free to ask. When it releases, I'll also be on Luneris as well.

I've been thinking about heaven.

To be more precise, I'm a Catholic Christian, and in one of my dreams, I was in heaven.
Me and my nuclear family had passed on. We had forgotten our deaths, and basked in the rays of God.

If I had to describe the feeling; hmm- do you know that feeling that you had as a child, when there was something amazing about to happen, and you couldn't wait- like at a amusement park?
That was the feeling.

I wonder, why did this dream occur? I can still vividly remember the feelings, so was God trying to tell me something? Am I straying from his kingdom?

I can't stop thinking about it. It's tantalizing, every day I'm reminded of the happiness and joy I felt.

There are those who deny the existence of such a place. I pity them.

But, to be frank, I'm scared.

I'm scared that I won't be accepted. That all the unspeakable things I've done behind closed doors is too much to forgive. I try to follow in the way, but I am faltering.

I think about it, hell.

I think about how many people have gone there, and what they feel.
I think about if I have a seat ready there, with my name on it.
I think and think, but every day there's a silent shudder in my heart, and I pray that I do not be sent there.

Quietly and alone in my room. I pray and pray and pray. I pray that I may be forgiven by his grace.

He sees us, you know? Every single thing that you do, he observes with infinite knowledge of what you are doing, even thinking.
He knows every single sin you commit; he's even watching me type, and you read.

I'm so scared of hell.

Thank you.
Sorry I haven't been active today, it's the anniversary of the passing of someone close to me. I'll be back tomorrow <3
loving this new season of rings of power. #simpforsauron lol
hello stolas do u know now u had a rival ?
You LOVE it but do you want to write it?? I am having so much trouble finding people to scratch my Haladriel itch with!
Hey, you mind if I jump into your inbox at some point on here?
I don't mind at all! Can I do the same? Decorate your profiles with some memes or something funny?
You can absolutely message me memes and send the odd meme on my profile, but I would prefer if I still had room to post haha