New profile posts

this might be a stupid question but,
can you delete & then repost old checks? My last one lost traction quite a bit & I legitimately cannot remember to bump it at all. All the rps fell through anyways, so I’m not losing or making anyone lose anything.
I’ll change it a bit I guess if I have to but overall, I want the same thing in a new post but don’t know if that’s against the rules.
You can start a new check if you want, and even make it just the same if nothing's changed. ^33^ (Though if nothing's changed, I'm not sure why starting a new thread would help?) You don't need to delete the old one unless it bothers you -- it'll gradually fall back through the pages as other threads are posted or replied to. Just don't bump within 24 hours of any of your other bumps (including starting new threads).
Idk. It’s been like a month (I think) & I had a Bunch of replies & none of them went anywhere. So now I’m stuck. And also unsure if bumping actually does anything, it probably does but I’m not good at it. But thanks for the help. I just wanna rp again 💔
Hi there, thank you for being my first follow! I appreciate it :)
😃 Hiya! You're welcome man!
And welcome to this humble site 🤗

What fandoms are you currently into, if I might ask that?
Sure thing! I'm not too involved in fandom stuff specifically but I thoroughly enjoy One Piece (though I'm not caught up entirely yet), Elden Ring and its world (I ended up buying both art books), Dragonball, and I've been getting into some Dimension 20 over the past couple years (amongst other Dropout shows). There's probably more stuff but I can't think of it off the top of my head. I used to read really heavily but fell off as I got older and now I'm trying to get back into books a lot more, so if you have any recommendations (any genre!) I'd love to hear them.
What about yourself?
Aww, is that Raven and Beast Boy? :3
Ofc- I'll always comment on anything with Raven in it! ^^
Are you for RaveXBeastboy or RavenxRobin? Or! Do you lean another Raven pairing?
Mostly RavenxRobin, but I do think RavenxBB is super cute ^^
I go on another trip next week but I won't be gone for as long! I'll be gone from the 19th-23rd! So if My responses are slow in that time just know I am not ghosting!!
Wait… WAIT…WAIT…..

Thorkell is Thorfinn’s great uncle?!! What.. what.. what
Berserk’s pretty messed up but I think that’s why I like it. If you every need horror/ psychological recommendations I’m you guy. I have a long ass list 🙏😭
Kaiju Cat
Kaiju Cat
Homer Simpson Swimming GIF

Man I hope Black Clover gets a new season they really amped it up with the spade kingdom invasion.

Dante and Zenon.. Vanica.. brutal
Says there’ll be a new season I think. But idk.

You know what I want to have a new season? The lost canvas. I love that anime so much and it’s such a shame it go dropped two seasons in, especially since the manga was so good
Apologies for the long disappearance, my headache didn't get any better, and I tested positive for COVID so I've been resting more often lately. I'm feeling much better now and can RP more now!
Sora No Kami
Sora No Kami
I will be RPing less over the weekends however, so if I am gone for a period of time, that is why.
Glad you're feeling better now! Hope you get over it soon. COVID's awful.
what do you rp?
Hii, I'm right now rp'ing in a group rp named Isekai Hell! Or if you knew that, specifically a strange sentient critter, who balances the horrible exoticism of being treated like an animal when its as good as a person, the fact it can only continue its life upon the killing of another creature through the consumption of their blood due to the blood pressure it requires, and the ideas of how something so foreign to societies might think about some things most view as normal!

Its fun, a bit systemized like say DnD or such, though a bit much when upon first glance. So I'm always willing to help folk who wanna get started on making a character, and getting to participate. Mostly here on RPnation, though there is the discord server where people talk most of the time.